Personal life of Andrey Gubin. Andrey Gubin - biography, information, personal life

The name Rufina is a name of Roman origin and comes from the family name Rufus. Over time, the name began to be used as a personal name, which is typical of many Roman generic names. The names Albinus, Claudius, Sabinus, Aemilius and many others underwent the same transformation. Linguists say that the name Rufina means "red-haired". This is precisely the meaning that the ancient Romans attached to it.

The meaning of the name Rufina for a girl

Little Rufina is a very active and curious girl. She adores active games and she definitely needs company to hang out. The girl can hardly bear loneliness. It is not easy to raise her, because Rufina must be convinced of everything from her own experience. No matter how much or what her parents tell her, until Rufina convinces herself, she will not understand. In this case, the main task of parents becomes to make the experience as painless as possible.

Curiosity helps Rufina a lot in her studies, but her restlessness only gets in the way. It is quite difficult for a girl to sit in one place for a long time, which is a feature of all active children. It would be ideal if Rufina starts playing sports. This will simultaneously improve your health and release pent-up energy.

The health of the owner of the name can be called strong. Even just like that, Rufina has excellent vitality, and if she does go in for sports, it will make her even higher. She rarely gets sick, although she suffers from illness quite seriously. True, these are rather Rufina’s personal feelings, because she so rarely encounters this.

Short name Rufina

Rufa, Rufi, Ruth, Fina.

Diminutive pet names

Rufinka, Rufinochka, Rufinushka, Rufinonka, Rufinchik, Finochka, Finushka, Finonka, Finchik.

Rufina name in English

IN English language Rufina's name is spelled Rufus, which is pronounced Rufus.

Name Rufina for international passport- RUFINA.

Translation of the name Rufina into other languages

in Belarusian - Rufina
in Spanish - Rufina
in Italian - Rufina
in Polish - Rufus
in Portuguese - Rufina
in Ukrainian - Rufina
in French - Rufine
in Czech - Rufus

Church name Rufina remains unchanged - Rufina.

Characteristics of the name Rufina

Adult Rufina is distinguished by her emotionality, which is combined with a strong-willed character. You can't really name her calm person, because she is always in a hurry somewhere and strives for something. Rufina cannot sit idle, and willpower helps her achieve her goals. This makes the owner of the name quite successful. Rufina has few friends, because her respect must first be earned. She communicates closely only with those who have gone through many trials with her and have been tested by time. Rufina can be overly harsh with others, but not with her friends. She treats them very carefully.

Rufina is an excellent worker, although she only knows how to create the appearance of work. If her salary depends on the result, then there will be a result. But it is worth noting that the size wages has a significant influence on Rufina. If she is small, then Rufina’s motivation is correspondingly the same. She is not one of those who is ready to work hard just like that. But with proper encouragement, Rufina is an excellent employee. This feature of Rufina often leads to the fact that she starts doing business on her own, because it is in this case that she receives the maximum positive effect.

Family life with Rufina cannot be called simple. She is overly demanding of her husband, which can lead to complete collapse of the marriage. At the same time, she herself cannot be called an ideal housewife. This imbalance in relationships creates the ground for constant conflicts. She should be more patient with her husband, otherwise she will have to live alone.

The mystery of the name Rufinus

You can call it Rufina's secret inner world. Even with her closest friends, she rarely shares what she really thinks and worries about. She doesn't like to reveal her soul so widely. If Rufina shares information that is so personal to her with you, then it’s worth a lot.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Sheep.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Figs.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Sapphire.

Names: origin and forms

Rufina- (from Latin) golden yellow, red.

Spoken: Rufima.
Derivatives: Rufinka, Rufa, Fina, Fima.

Directory of Russian names

Redhead(from Greek).

“Mercury”: pulsating, one in the morning, another in the evening. Starting abruptly, tireless and... always unsatisfied to the end. Lives at a pace, with a constant craving for what is not there. Desires can cross the line. With men he behaves like this: if I want, no one can resist. At the same time, I am strict with myself and never consider that mistakes are anyone’s fault, just not me.

The mystery of the name

Rufina- red, red-haired, golden (Latin).
The feminine form of the name Rufin (colloquial Rufim), comes from Latin name Rufinus. Same root with the names Rose, Rusana, Rosita.
The name is rare, but sometimes girls are called this in cities.
Zodiac name: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: violet.
Talisman stone: sapphire.
Auspicious plant: fig, violet.
Patron name: sheep.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Diminutive forms: Rufinka, Rufa, Fina.
Main features: emotionality, impulsiveness.



To Rufina - do not drive out the cattle in the morning; if you kick him out, you'll get into trouble.


Rufinka is a very restless, whiny girl. It's very difficult to get used to kindergarten, eats poorly, is capricious, somewhat withdrawn at school. Dreamy, emotional.

As an adult, she seems calmer and more tolerant of bullies who used to offend her to the point of tears.

Rufina easily adapts to any living conditions, but dreams of a calm, prosperous, comfortable life. To do this, she wants to be noticed, dresses brightly, extravagantly, and strives to communicate with men. Rufina is fast, agile, pulsating, sometimes cheerful and feeling great, sometimes immersed in sadness and everything hurts. She also reacts impulsively to everything. But communication with her is very pleasant. She knows how to listen with interest, treats every person with respect, and does not hide her joy when she is praised.

Rufina is good at languages, she can become an excellent translator and work in the diplomatic field. She can become a flight attendant, be in trade, in the service sector. Rufina - most talented actress, singer.

Rufina is strict with herself and never transfers her mistakes to others. Ambitious enough, but not so much as to interfere with the aspirations of other people, she is very tactful and delicate.

Rufina is not particularly beautiful, but she has charm, a desire to attract attention, and can be eccentric under the influence of the moment.

Rufina dreams of being loved, but more often she marries a wealthy man. At the same time, she does not value her wealth in any way, with her husband, if he is far from ideal, she conflicts, and does not particularly take care of the housework. She values ​​her work much more than family comfort. “Winter” Rufina is calmer, loves her home and strives to decorate it.

Rufina is prudent both in business and in family life. She’s jealous, she’s not happy about it herself. She strives to save the family, is objective, understands that she is not always right, and tries to rebuild herself.


Rufina Dmitrievna Nifontova (1931-1994) is a talented Russian actress.

Her heroines attract the viewer with lyricism, sincerity of feelings, spirituality, and at the same time courage and firmness in life's trials.

R.D. Nifontova was born into a working-class family. Since childhood, she loved theater and took part in amateur performances, and after graduating from school she decided to devote herself to acting, but an attempt to enter Theater school them. B.V. Shchukin ended in failure.

On the advice of friends, she submitted documents to the All-Union state institute cinematography and was accepted into the acting workshop of O.I. Pyzhova and B.V. Bibikova. After graduating from the institute (1955), she began working at the Film Actor Studio Theatre, and in 1958 she joined the Maly Theater troupe.

Nifontova’s first film role was Nastya in “Volnitsa” by G.L. Roshal, for which she received a prize for performing the best female role at the IX International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary (1956). This was followed by: Katya in the film trilogy “Walking Through Torment” (1957-1959), Alexandra Kollontai in “The First Visitor” (1966), Varvara Mikhailovna in “Dachniki” (1967) and other roles. “She knew how to seek out, look out for everything in life that could someday be useful to her as an actress,” actress O.I. wrote about Nifontova. Pyzhova. In 1966, Nifontova was awarded the title People's Artist RSFSR, and in 1978 - USSR.

For many years, Rufina Nifontova was the leading actress of the Maly Theater.

Published from kind permission project "OCULUS" - astropsychology.

Rare and unusual female name considered almost forgotten. reveals the persistent, impetuous and insatiable character of its owner. This is a woman living for a purpose, for the sake of others.

As a child, Rufa grows up as a restless girl. In kindergarten, and then at school, he is known as a restless child who cannot be educated. Can not for a long time sit still, bold and bold. Prefers friendship with boys.

The girl dreams of a beautiful and prosperous life, but does not even realize that in reality this is not so important for her. It easily adapts to various, even the most extreme conditions.

The character of the young lady is quick-tempered and emotional, but with a sufficient amount of condescension. He quickly learns independence and tries not to burden anyone with his problems. Rather, on the contrary, he will take someone else’s grief on his shoulders and do his best to help overcome it.

Another dominant meaning of the name Rufina for a girl is revealed in the unsurpassed leadership qualities of the young person. She is a leader from God. However, in order for a woman to feel complete, she must have some kind of global goal or a person for whom she will perform feats.

This young lady is capable of making a great sacrifice not for the sake of good or high goal, but only because she “can afford” it. Give up your favorite toy, give up love, for the sake of other people's happiness.

Very sensitive to flattery. Communication with Rufina is easy and pleasant; she will patiently listen to her opponent. Treats family and friends with respect, does not seek to command them or impose his point of view.

The interpretation of the name provides for subtle intuition, the girl instinctively feels a catch and will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situation. The young lady's sharp mind allows her to avoid stupid and senseless actions.

A woman is quite strict with herself; she blames only herself for her own mistakes, without shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of other people. Great importance She devotes her life to friendship; the young girl has few close friends, but they are reliable and trusted people, each of whom she values.

He is reputed to be a loyal and reliable friend. Betrayal does not forgive anyone. She is delicate in communication and tries not to intentionally hurt anyone with her words. She gets very worried when she inadvertently hurt the feelings of her interlocutor.

The name Rufina is of Latin origin, derived from the Roman cognomen "rufus", meaning "red", "golden yellow". There is an interpretation of the name as “red-haired”, “reddish”. Also, the name Rufina is the feminine form of the male name Rufin, which in turn is derived from the name Rufus.

A derivative was also formed from the original male name male name Rufinian, and over time the name Rufus became a diminutive address for Rufina. Rufina was also affectionately called Rufa, Fina, Finya. The name Rufina has variations in pronunciation. So Rufin, Ryufina, Ryufin, Ruf - these are all variants of Rufina.

Character of the name Rufina

Rufina's character is quite complex and ambiguous. She is an active, charming woman, but she may seem reserved and cautious at first glance. She is very emotional and extremely sensitive, which is why she seems so cold.

But although it looks so unattractive from the outside, it does not stop her from being generous and altruistic towards others. Over time, she will learn emotional plasticity, will be able to hide her pain and be cheerful when she feels bad or sad.

Rufina cares deeply about her family, takes her respective responsibilities seriously, and puts family interests above her own needs. If the owner of this name is the eldest among the children, then she will become an indispensable assistant to her parents.

However, parents should great interest also treat the daughter’s personal needs, otherwise she may assume the role of a “victim” who is obliged to neglect her own interests for the sake of family ones. Everything needs moderation, don’t forget about it.

And sometimes Rufina needs to explain this very thoroughly; her altruistic outlook on life can cross out her personal life.

The girl is very careful in love. This, of course, does not mean that the young lady reacts coldly to the advances of young people. The tactics of behavior with men are more like friendly relations. What is important to a girl is not the external picture, but the inner fullness of a person.

Thanks to her extraordinary appearance and unusual name, Rufina has quite a few fans. She is selective in sex, casual relationships are not for her - the quality of intimacy is no small importance for the young lady. She is faithful to her chosen one, and expects the same attitude from him.


Rufina chooses her husband very carefully - he must have a car, an apartment or own business. This does not mean at all that the girl is looking for a profitable match at the expense of her own feelings. It’s just that this criterion is given great importance when meeting a young man.

A woman knows how to receive guests with special scope and sophistication, spending fabulous sums on feasts. She pays great attention to home decoration, trying to give the home individuality and special charm. He is not careful, caring primarily about his own comfort.

Living with Rufina under the same roof is akin to a test. Conflicts with mother-in-law. She can be excessively and groundlessly jealous - getting along with her is quite difficult.

Business and career

The woman works diligently, carefully completing the task assigned to her. She loves to lead and has bright aesthetic abilities, which means that a young lady can easily realize herself in almost all types of art.

She has no difficulty in commercial activities; a woman can work as a designer, fashion designer, draftsman, or hairdresser. She values ​​beauty and harmony, and with sufficient financial investment from her husband, she can become the owner of an elite spa salon.

Rufina is an emotional woman who takes everything to heart. Her impressionability is amazing; any failure of any person affects her very strongly. She knows how to get along with all people and can find a common language with them.

Such a woman is lazy, but she tries to overcome this disadvantage with all her might. Rufina is a responsible worker who is valued by her employees and colleagues. She will never let you down and will finish the job she starts.

Rufina is constantly at war with the shortcomings of those around her, and also at war with her own weaknesses. She is soft and kind. Such a woman is able to forgive any insult.

  • Talisman stone – sapphire, carnelian, lapis lazuli;
  • Name day - September 15;
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name – Virgo;
  • Patron planet - Mercury;
  • Favorable colors: purple, green, gray, yellow, gold, mint.
  • Totem animal – sheep;
  • Favorable plants are violets, pansies, and figs.

Numerology of the name Rufin

Those with the name number 6 are calm and sane. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name more expensive than immediate benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path.

Sixes are no different leadership qualities, however, they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Rufina

R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
U- active imagination, generous empathetic person, philanthropist. Strives to rise to the highest level spiritual level. At the same time, a reminder to the owner not to make utopian plans and to remember that not every truth can be announced at every crossroads: in life there is something unpronounceable!
F- the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, at first glance chaotic, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of the view is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions.
AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A- a symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Translated from Latin - “red”. This is the type of woman leader who would gladly lead everyone: friends, work colleagues, husband, children and just casual acquaintances.

Fortunately, life does not always give her such an opportunity. Rufina is prudent both in business and in what concerns her privacy. This is the type business women, and they tend to do well in commerce.

Rufina gets married very cautiously, she does not believe that with a sweetheart and in a hut there is heaven, and she prefers that her future husband has a good apartment and a prestigious profession.

Having achieved material well-being, she does not become greedy and easily spends money. She takes friendship very seriously; she has few close friends, but she values ​​them very much.

Rufina herself true friend, she does not forgive betrayals, and in this case she is uncompromising. Rufina loves her home very much and that's it free time spends on decorating it.

She receives guests on a grand scale, spending a lot of money on it. These are women with enormous potential, they can achieve great success. Winter Rufins are very open and easy to communicate with, regardless of their place in society.

They are delicate and cannot tell a person to his face that he is dishonest, even if they feel this dishonesty themselves. Having inadvertently offended someone, they punish themselves for a long time.

The impact of a name on business

Rufina's business should be strictly limited to her professional activity, namely the field of design and arts. This connoisseur of beauty and harmony must come to terms with the fact that she will have to cede primacy in stock speculation to stockbrokers.

Psychology of the name

Name forms

  • Full name: Rufina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Rufa, Rufochka, Rufinochka, Ruf, Fina, Finya, Finochka, Rufinka, Rufka, Rufika.
  • Declension of the name - Rufinu - Rufina.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Rufina.

Archbishop Alexy (in the world Rufin Ivanovich Rzhanitsyn; ca. 1812, the village of Arkhangelskoye (or the village of Kubenitsa), Kadnikovsky district, Vologda province - 9
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    Aulus Triarius Rufinus (lat. Aulus Triarius Rufinus) - Roman politician and senator of the early 3rd century. His father was the consul of 185 Triarius Maternus
  • Lucius Cuspius Rufinus
    his grandfather was presumably the consul of 142 Lucius Cuspius Pactumaeus Rufinus. All that is known about Rufinus’s career is that in 197 he held the position of ordinary
  • Publius Cornelius Rufinus
    Luscin for violating the sumptuary laws: there were ten pounds of silver dishes in the house of Rufinus. The son of Rufinus was Publius Cornelius, who became the flamen of Jupiter
  • Echenique, Jose Rufino
    Jose Rufino Echenique (Spanish: José Rufino Echenique; November 16, 1808, Puno - June 16, 1887, Lima) - Peruvian military and political figure. One of many
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    Aquileia; died in 410. Rufinus was in strong enmity with Jerome, as a result of their dispute about the teachings of Origen. The Works of Rufinus (ed. Vallarzi, Verona, 1745;
  • Mark Antony Rufinus
    Mark Anthony Rufinus (lat. Marcus Antonius Rufinus) is a Roman politician of the first half of the 2nd century. Rufinus appears to have originated from Campanian
  • Aulus Junius Rufinus
    Aulus Junius Rufinus (lat. Aulus Iunius Rufinus) is a Roman politician of the first half of the 2nd century. His brother was the consul of 155 Marcus Junius Rufinus Sabinianus
  • Lucius Cuspius Pactumeus Rufinus
    Cuspius Pactumeius Rufinus (lat. Lucius Cuspius Pactumeius Rufinus) is a Roman politician of the first half of the 2nd century. Father of Rufinus, presumably
  • Marcus Junius Rufinus Sabinian
    Rufinus Sabinianus (lat. Marcus Iunius Rufinus Sabinianus) - Roman politician of the mid-2nd century. His brother was the consul of 153 Aulus Junius Rufinus
  • Titus Salvius Rufinus Minicius Opimianus
    Titus Salvius Rufinus Minicius Opimianus (lat. Titus Salvius Rufinus Minicius Opimianus) is a Roman politician of the early 2nd century. In 123 Opimian occupied
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    Justo Rufino Barrios Auyón (Spanish: Justo Rufino Barrios Auyón; July 19, 1835 (1835-07-19), Guatemala - April 2, 1885, El Salvador) - state and political
  • Flavius ​​Rufinus
    Rufin's estate. Perhaps, on his orders, the Byzantine army in that region did not resist. The Visigoths then went west. Rufinus' feud with the military
  • Publius Cornelius Rufinus (dictator 333 BC)
    Publius Cornelius Rufinus (lat. Publius Cornelius Rufinus) - ancient Roman politician, dictator in 333 BC. e. Ancestor of Lucius Cornelius Sulla
  • Vulcatius Rufinus
    Vulcatius Rufinus (lat. Vulcacius Rufinus) - statesman Roman Empire of the mid-4th century, consul of 347, member of the dynasty of Constantine. Occupied
