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Doctor Gera Gandelman

Doctor Herman Gendelman owns the most innovative methods for treating heart and vascular diseases, combined with extensive invaluable experience, helping him achieve excellent results in each operation.

Doctor Gera is a very busy person, one of the most sought-after cardiologists in Israel, based on this, every request to him is considered primarily by a team of coordinators who faithfully manage each of your requests.

Leave your contact information via our website or by email and Dr. Gendelman’s medical team will take care of your request within three hours after receiving it.

For an immediate response from a Russian-speaking doctor, call +972-73-265-1099, we are open from 8-00 to 20-00. Friday is a short day, Saturday is a day off.

As a team with more than 30 years of experience, we are committed to giving you:

  • The best prices
  • Support and administration all the way.
  • Short terms of diagnosis and treatment.

He works in Israel, combining work at the Kaplan public clinic in the city of Rehovot and personal practice. Doctor Gera is a leading expert in the field of invasive cardiology at the Kaplan polyclinic at the Clalit Health Work, who also practices in the Ashdod branch of the Assuta Medical Center. He has performed many operations to open blood vessels and save people from the terrible consequences of vascular lesions. We are all very lucky that in Lately At the invitation of the Health and Living Healthy programs, he systematically comes to Moscow and advises ordinary viewers from the audience within the framework of television projects.

German Shaevich grew up in a family of doctors, but at first he did not plan to continue the dynasty. In his youth, Herman Gandelman was more fascinated by physics and radio transmitting devices. But in last moment Medicine still won. German Shaevich chose the Kemerovo Medical Institute and under no circumstances regretted his choice of becoming a doctor.

In Israel, he is doctor Hera Gandelman, a leading expert in the field of invasive cardiology at the Kaplan clinic at the Clalit Health Work, who also practices in Ashdod medical center Assuta. In Russia, he is German Shaevich, perhaps the most striking co-host of the famous Elena Malysheva in the current and popular television project Live healthy! on Channel One.

In 1984, he graduated from the Kemerovo medical school, after which he completed an internship in Novokuznetsk, returned to work at the 3rd city clinic in Kemerovo, and two years later entered graduate school in Tashkent. And from there he left for Israel. Since 1997 he has been working at the Kaplan Clinic in Israel.

Heart Disease Treatment, Leading Heart Expert

Assistant Head of the Cardiology Department of the Kaplan Polyclinic

In Russia, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality (57% of cases). Around the world, heart attacks and strokes are killing more lives than AIDS, cancer and tuberculosis combined. Those who have been struck have all their hope in doctors like Herman Gandelman.

German Shaevich grew up in a family of doctors, but at first he did not plan to continue the dynasty. In his youth, Herman Gandelman was more fascinated by physics and radio transmitting devices. But at the last moment, medicine still won. German Shaevich chose the Kemerovo Medical Institute and under no circumstances regretted it.

Life has turned out in such a way that German Shaevich now works in Israel, at the Kaplan clinic in the city of Rehovot. He also conducts outpatient clinics. When answering questions about his work, German Shaevich quite often shrugs his shoulders and smiles embarrassedly, despite the fact that he has many operations to open blood vessels and save people from the terrible consequences of vascular lesions. We are all very lucky that recently, at the invitation of the Health and Living Healthy programs, he systematically comes to Moscow and advises ordinary viewers from the audience within the framework of television projects.

In the mornings on Channel One transmission in progress"Live healthy!". In addition to the main presenter Elena Malysheva, pediatrician and immunologist Andrei Prodeus, neurologist Dmitry Shubin and cardiologist German Gandelman appear on the screen. In this article we will tell you more about the Israeli cardiologist Herman Gandelman.

Before starting to work on television with Elena Malysheva, Gandelman studied with her at Kemerovo medical university. Also in student years they were good friends. Fate brought them together again in America, where Malysheva invited Gandelman to work with her.

Herman Gandelman biography. German Shaevich was born in 1962 in the city of Chernivtsi. He spent his childhood in Siberia. Later, Gandelman’s family moved to the city of Kemerovo, where he graduated from school and entered Kemerovo Medical University. Moreover, initially the future cardiologist wanted to study in a technical direction, but was late for entrance exams because of the volleyball competition. Later, German Shaevich went to Novokuznetsk for an internship. He completed his postgraduate studies in cardiology at Tashkent University. Then Gandelman worked for a long time in Israel at the Kaplan Medical Center. Then he went to America for an internship where he studied invasive cardiology in detail. Upon returning to Russia, the doctor had to prove his professionalism again. That is, he passed exams for a doctor’s license and completed residency.

Herman Gandelman family. In Israel, German Shaevich got married. In his marriage, he had two sons. However, after some time, the cardiologist divorced his wife. His sons are now 21 and 17 years old. They have not yet decided whether they will connect their lives with medicine, like their father. Herman Gandelman's mother loves her job so much that even at her advanced age she still works as a nurse in a nursing home.

Dr. German Gandelman is familiar to most Russians from the TV program “Live Healthy,” which the specialist helps host Elena Malysheva. Not only ordinary people, but also experts listen to his competent opinion international level. The doctor has reached great success in interventional cardiology, known for masterly surgical techniques for correcting pathologies of the heart muscle.


German Shaevich Gandelman, whose biography contains a lot interesting facts, born in Chernivtsi. He spent his childhood in Novokuznetsk, where his family moved from Ukraine. Since my mother worked as a nurse, medicine became the goal that German Shaevich strove for from an early age. After graduating from school, he entered Kemerovo Medical University, where he later completed an internship. After receiving his diploma, he worked at Clinical Hospital No. 3 in Kemerovo. Then he completed postgraduate studies in Tashkent with a specialization in Cardiology. Currently he has been living in Israel for over 25 years. After moving to this country, he worked as a family doctor and then returned to cardiology practice.

Job profile

Dr. German Shaevich Gandelman performs cardiac surgery, catheterization, and probing. Performs:

  • Stenting, expansion of areas of coronary vessels.
  • Surgical treatment of arrhythmias.
  • Implantation of heart valves in a minimally invasive way.

The doctor is fluent in the techniques of diagnostic coronary angiography and ventriculography. He is engaged in conservative therapy of heart failure, taking on the correction of pathologies of the “diabetic heart”. Dr. Gandelman German works at the Israeli Kaplan Clinic. You can get an appointment with him at the Assuta private hospital, where the specialist runs his own practice. He is a sensitive, kind, tactful person who supports his patients not only with high-quality treatment, but also with warmth, kind words. In his practice, there are thousands of complex surgical interventions to open and dilate blood vessels, to save people from serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Appointments with a doctor are ongoing. If you would like to attend a consultation, find out more from our specialists and make an appointment today. We immediately respond to received messages, immediately contact their sender, find out the details of the request, the health status of the sick person, clarify what treatment was carried out and when the last diagnosis was completed. This helps us formulate more complete answers to your questions. Read reviews from Russian patients about the quality of service in Israel and treatment under the supervision of German Shaevich. This information will help you make an informed decision:3

Mikhail Ignatievich, 53 years old

"We had stenting done in Israel, at the Assuta clinic. My wife first suffered a heart attack, after which we were told that the vessels were practically impassable. The operation was performed by Dr. Gandelman German, we made an appointment with him. We heard a lot good reviews, and the specialist himself inspires confidence. At the same time, we decided to undergo further examination in Israel. As a result, three stents were placed and recovery was performed at the Dead Sea. We were allowed to do this. I'm surprised how much better my wife feels. The shortness of breath disappeared, the severe pain in the heart almost disappeared. If she used to sit at home, now we walk together in the evenings. I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctor! They often tell me that the same operation could have been done here. Perhaps, but that's not the main thing. The main thing is the result we got. And I’m more than pleased with it.”

02.10.2011 05:42

In Israel, he is Dr. Gera Gandelman, a leading specialist in the field of invasive cardiology at the Kaplan Hospital of the Clalit Health Service, who also practices at the Assuta Medical Center in Ashdod. In Russia, he is German Shaevich... perhaps the brightest co-host of the famous Elena Malysheva in the fashionable and popular television project “Live Healthy!” on Channel One. How did an ordinary, in the recent past, Israeli “rofe mishpachah” become a star on the Russian television screen?

Well, what kind of “star” am I to you? - Dr. Gandelman waves it off embarrassedly. - However, recently, on the streets and in in public places really became recognizable. Mainly, of course, by the public mature age. They ask you to sign and take a photo as a souvenir - not without that! Recently, at the airport, a young guy came up for an autograph - it turned out that his mother was a passionate fan of our program, so he saw me and decided to surprise her.

- But how did you end up in the role of a TV presenter, and even in Russia?

Let's start with the fact that we have known Elena Vasilyevna Malysheva for a very long time, from our student days at the Kemerovo Medical Institute. We studied in the same group, I must say - a very friendly group! Of course, after graduation and, especially, my departure abroad, contacts were lost, except for a few phone calls that we exchanged on some common dates that were significant for us...

But then one day, while studying professionally in the USA, I received a message from Malysheva, through very distant acquaintances with her. It turned out that Elena Vasilievna also happened to be in New York at the same time and was actively looking for me there! In general, we met quite by chance, overseas,... seventeen years after parting. And immediately both felt as if they had never parted!

...By the way, I had the same feelings when meeting with Elena Malysheva’s twin brother, Alexei Vasilyevich Shabunin, who also studied in our group, and now holds the position of chief physician of the First City Hospital of Moscow, a very famous and prestigious clinic.

- The rest of the doctors on the TV project “Live Healthy!” - also your classmates?

No! Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin, a very popular and in demand chiropractor in Moscow, also graduated from our Kemerovo MedIn, but in other years, two or three courses later than us. True, during our institute years we met with him as part of the university team in... volleyball.

- Given your height and his, this is not surprising! And another participant in the program, Doctor Prodeus?..

Andrey Petrovich specializes in the field of pediatric immunology. He is a professor, doctor of medical sciences. A Moscow graduate who managed to go through a good European school of medicine: first in a German clinic, and then worked at Harvard for five years - this is an infrequent and very significant factor for the Russian medical level.

A historical meeting with Malysheva, in your case - not on the Elbe, but on the Hudson, which is also not bad, led to the fact that upon completion of the New York specialization you were invited to Moscow to participate in the filming legendary program“Health”... But a guest of a program is one thing, but a permanent host of a new project is a completely different matter...

It’s better to ask Elena Vasilievna herself how this happened. If you remember, the program was started by completely different people. At some stage, the idea was born to conduct a series of programs united by the common theme of cardiovascular pathologies. Malysheva called me and asked me to come. At first I refused - there was simply too much work here in the Israeli clinic! And I had a very vague idea of ​​the purpose of the trip. However, Malysheva insisted, finally saying key phrase: "Hera, I really need you!"

...You see, our relationship back in our student years was like this... She and I are very close friends. And when my friends tell me that they need me... So, I did, as they say in Hebrew, “an eight somersault in the air” and flew to Moscow. There it turned out that we're talking about about participating in a series of medical programs as a guest expert. We didn’t have time to write everything down on one visit, so we had to fly in specially for another day.

It probably turned out great, because Elena Vasilyevna invited me to become a permanent co-host of the program. By that time, I had already received a lot of positive feedback about my participation in the filming. As it turned out, people watch this program and, in general, it is very popular.

- And you were attracted by the idea...

- ...Until recently, I also worked as a family doctor. On the program you actually do the same thing, just in a somewhat fake environment. You see, I really had the opportunity to convince of useful, often the most important things in life, not a dozen or a hundred patients who come to the office where we are sitting now, but millions, tens of millions (!!!) of people in different countries.

- How often do you fly to Moscow for filming?

It depends on my Israeli schedule, on average - twice a month, each arrival - one or two, maximum - three days!

- How many programs do they manage to record in one shooting day?

When and how... Again, on average, three to five programs.

The topics are always different; sometimes, not so much medical as household. And the questions, I personally saw, are addressed to you not only from the field of cardiology, where you are a genuine expert. Isn’t it scary to take such an exam in front of an audience of millions?

Don't forget I for a long time practiced in Israel as a family therapist. In principle, even after repatriation in 1989, I, who arrived here after graduating from graduate school, could choose between a direct career as a cardiologist and the option of starting all over again! Imagine, I chose the second option. Therefore, my general preparation is unlikely to cause any criticism.

In addition, I carefully prepare for each program. Conducting an appointment or giving a consultation from the screen means placing your own reputation on the most accurate and visible scales. If you say something stupid, everyone will know!.. But that’s not so bad! It’s much worse that out of every five million viewers who hear you say something stupid, at least a million will rush to do it. Therefore, you need to be precise in your recommendations on camera. This is not a show, this is responsibility!

The fact that you are a practicing doctor and not a showman also matters in another way: how relaxed do you feel under the gun of television cameras?

At first, I won’t lie, it wasn’t very comfortable. On the other hand, if you look closely at what is happening in the frame, it shows real life doctor: patients with questions, colleagues nearby... I quite quickly got rid of the fear of cameras and spotlights and felt myself in a traditional everyday working atmosphere. The only difference is that instead of routine “tintours” (coronary bypass surgery - Author’s note), I deal with a wide range of medical issues, very interesting and remarkable.

- You yourself watch the program “Live Healthy!” at home. , when do you return from Russia after filming?

No! (Smiles!)… I don’t like watching myself on TV!

Then I will be happy to tell you that in “ZhZ!” you look simply wonderful! And the program itself, light and dynamic, looks great, in unison with its name!

Thank you!

In principle, I watched a lot of episodes, and I don’t remember any of them that were unsuccessful or boring. However, one episode of the program still stands out, can you guess what I mean?..

I think I can guess!..

Our readers are unlikely to understand me if in this conversation I do not touch on the topic of “that one”, which became a hit on You Tube - it was watched by almost five million viewers...

Let me start by saying that the idea of ​​covering this topic in the program “Live Healthy!” was based on two aspects. First, take a look at cultural traditions and customs that came to us from ancient times and try to understand what rational grains remained in modern medicine from bygone civilizations. Secondly, this is a serious preventive topic that helps to avoid many common diseases, including cancer. Elena Vasilyevna knows many Moscow rabbis and even invited one of them to the studio...

The resonance that followed after the story aired simply shocked us. First of all, the number of anti-Semitic statements in online discussions...

- There was another reaction - parodies in all kinds of comedy television shows...

No comments!

A practicing Israeli doctor advises the Russian public... How acceptable is this in the context of the difference between our “medicines”, meaning the difference not even in the levels themselves, but in views, diagnostic approaches and treatment methods?

At first we had some discussions on this topic. However, in the end we came to a consensus, which was Elena Malysheva’s idea: to tell Russians about popular medical topics precisely from positions based on stable generally accepted medical doctrine.

By the way, people from former USSR in Israel sometimes they don’t even imagine what a medical paradise they live in!

- Compared to Russia?

Compared to many countries in the world! Due to the fact that our country is small, and the level of medicine here is very high, highly qualified care for every citizen of Israel is more accessible than anywhere else!

- Perhaps... only this availability sometimes stretches for many months of difficult waiting in queues...

Patients and their doctors have different approaches to a particular medical problem. The patient thinks that he should undergo the examination immediately and in a day or two, but the doctor claims that he can wait, because, in fact, there is no rush. As a rule, doctors can and should be trusted!

Almost all your time you are immersed in medicine, and in your spare time you fly to the Russian capital to... host a TV program about health! It seems that no other topics interest you!

I really have a “deficit” of truly free time that could be devoted to various hobbies. Previously, when I had enough time, I devoted it to my hobby of photography; I inherited this hobby from my father. Last time, when I managed to “have a blast” with a camera, it was during my vacation, three years ago...

I like to listen to music, mainly classic rock compositions: Pink Floyd, The Beatles... I love the famous Russian Nautilus.

You treat people, plus you are engaged in active preventive work, guiding them from the screen to the true path to healthy image life. What about personal example? Admit it, do you smoke?..

I smoked when I was a Russian graduate student, but when I started practicing medicine, I quit once and for all! However, I would not call my lifestyle healthy and correct. Unfortunately, there is absolutely not enough time to play sports (and without it, it’s stupid to talk about health!). And there’s only about five hours a day left for sleep, no more. I almost consistently fail to reach the 6-8 hour norm.

- And if you live without sports, but don’t drink, don’t smoke, eat right and regularly...

- ...All this is great, but without sports, with just sitting at the computer and TV, it won’t be enough for your health!

- Do you indulge in fast food?

Once upon a time, in America, there was a thing... Nowadays I don’t allow myself or my family!

- Is your family big?

I live with the woman I love, and I have two children from my first marriage, boys 19 and 15 years old! My sister Renata also works as a doctor in Israel...

Unfortunately, dad is no longer with us. But my mother, Polina Mikhailovna, continues to work as a nurse today, at 73 years old!

Probably, unlike you, mom doesn’t miss a single episode of “Live Healthy!” and proudly talks about his son to his colleagues. What Jewish mother wouldn’t be proud of such a son!

Proud, maybe even proud! But he doesn’t overpraise me much. In our family, it is customary to take a calm attitude towards the achievements of children and parents! Have you achieved anything? Well done! Stay humble and move on!

Interviewed by Dmitry Aizin

“You can’t cure it on TV. We do not set such a task,” say pediatrician and immunologist Andrei Prodeus, neurologist Dmitry Shubin and cardiologist German Gandelman. And yet, they agreed to become co-hosts of Elena Malysheva in the program “Live Healthy!” on Channel One...

When Elena Malysheva called for the program “Live Healthy!” Andrei Prodeus, they had known each other for many years: since Professor Prodeus was a reviewer of Malysheva’s doctoral dissertation. It’s interesting that when Andrei Petrovich came to the program, he weighed 108 kilograms.

“I wore size 56, had a double chin, varicose veins, shortness of breath and back pain. I understood that it was time to lose weight, but I needed an incentive, some kind of drive,” says Prodeus. Malysheva invited him to participate in the “Drop the Excess” project, and the drive appeared. “I followed the principles that we preach on the screen. First, to lose weight, you need to eat. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. Secondly, the volume of food consumed at one time should be no more than 250 milliliters. Third, water is more important than food. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day, says the doctor. “We exclude buns, pasta, alcohol, packaged juices, carbonated sweet water, and potatoes from the diet during the diet.” In four months, Prodeus lost 20 kilograms. Of course, playing sports helped.

Here everyone can have their own preferences, Andrei Petrovich has been playing golf for 12 years. Once every two months he goes to Europe or Turkey for a few days. Medicine for Prodeus is a childhood dream. While still at school, he attended the “Young Medic” club and decided to become a pediatrician. “I get satisfaction from treating children. They are so sincere and trusting that helping them is much more pleasant than helping adults.” Possibly to choose future profession his father, a pediatric surgeon, pushed him. Although Andrei Prodeus’ family is all doctors. He met his first wife Olga at the institute; she is also a pediatrician. The marriage broke up six years later. Andrei Petrovich lived with his second wife Anna, a pediatric immunologist, for almost 10 years, five of them in America, working at the most famous in the world, Harvard Medical School.

“They even gave us a residence permit. But we returned to Russia. There are bases and clinics here that need to be developed,” he recalls. - Anna and I lived and worked together. They didn't leave each other almost 24 hours a day. When they started dragging work home, it became unbearable. We had to decide: either we live together or we work. Since we are both ambitious people, we chose working together" Now Andrey Petrovich is not only a practitioner pediatrician, he also heads the Department of Pediatrics at the Russian National Medical University and heads the Moscow Center for Immunology and Allergology. The son from his first marriage, Anton, did not continue the dynasty; he graduated from the Faculty of Economics. Now he is 24 years old, works in his specialty. And 14-year-old Artem, the son from his second marriage, has not yet decided what he wants to become.

“Artem’s standards are too high: both parents are professors, so if he decides to connect his life with medicine, it won’t be easy for him.”

“By acquaintance” was included in the program “Live Healthy!” and Herman Gandelman. He studied with Elena Malysheva at the Kemerovo Medical Institute. He was the pride of the faculty, the winner of the All-Union student Olympiads in biology, chemistry and physics. But the country could lose Dr. Gandelman! He chose his future profession literally two weeks before the start of the exams. I was going to enter the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, but due to volleyball competitions, which I was seriously interested in, I didn’t have time to attend. entrance tests. “I didn’t dream of being a doctor, although I grew up in an environment medical workers. My mother is a nurse, she still works in a nursing home, despite the fact that she is well over seventy.

Medical is the only normal institute in Kemerovo. That's why I chose it. We had a very friendly group, we all communicate to this day,” says Gandelman. After Kemerovo, she studied at graduate school at Tashkent University, and then worked in Israel, in the cardiology department at the Kaplan Medical Center. “I actually had to study all over again; Russian diplomas are not recognized there. I took the medical license exam again and completed my residency.” Herman Gandelman - interventional cardiologist. Through tiny punctures, it opens heart vessels clogged with atherosclerosis, preventing people from dying from myocardial infarction. The sons of German Shaevich, 21-year-old Guy and 17-year-old Daniel, have not yet decided on a profession.

“Guy is currently serving on active duty in Israel. He is still in a state of flux: first he entered university, thought he wanted to become an engineer, then he joined the army, and put off deciding what he should do in life until demobilization. Younger son I haven’t made any serious statements yet.”

Dmitry Shubin also graduated from Kemerovo medical school. He became a neurologist, and when perestroika began and doctors in Russia stopped paying altogether, he left to work as a doctor in Europe. Interestingly, initially he also did not intend to connect his life with medicine. He lived in Novokuznetsk, studied at a sports school for seven years, and showed good results. And I studied well in the main subjects. But when the question arose of choosing a future profession, it turned out that hometown You can study either to become a teacher or to become a metallurgist.

“It was all not for me. Doctor is a clear profession, so I went to Kemerovo - the nearest Big City. The parents were very happy. They almost danced a jig when they found out that I had made such a decision. They have nothing to do with medicine, dad is a geologist, mom is a technologist clothing production" Dmitry even managed to play on the university volleyball team, in which Gandelman also played. “German Shaevich and Elena Vasilyevna studied several years older, so I met them much later, already in Moscow,” says Shubin. “We met Dr. Malysheva simply: my former patients referred her to me for treatment. When she arrived, she honestly said that she did not consider manual therapy a serious specialty, and asked to prove that we really influence some functions.

They proved, convinced, conducted comparative ultrasound studies and cured Dr. Malysheva. And after that they just remained friends. Participate in the program “Live Healthy!” I agreed immediately. I understood that this was an opportunity that should not be missed. Talking to millions of patients is just as important as talking to a doctor one-on-one in an office.”

As for children, Dmitry Shubin has four. Eldest daughter Daria (from her first, student marriage) is 30 years old. She's a dentist. “I also have a granddaughter, Alexandra, she is three years old,” Dmitry proudly reports. In his second marriage, which has lasted for 12 years, Shubin has a son, Ivan, and daughters, Varvara and Antonina. His wife Oksana is a teacher by training, so Dmitry completely trusts her in matters of raising children.

And he doesn’t have much time for household chores.

Elena Malysheva is the only woman in this male medical team: “We have an excellent and friendly team. We do not consider ourselves broadcast stars, we are just doctors who want and can help those in trouble. And this is a lot."