Drawing with paints for the preparatory group early spring. Drawing in the senior group on the topic: Early spring using monotype technique

Irina Zaikina

Summary of OOD on drawing in senior group "Our aquarium»

Target: teach children to create an image of a fish, convey its shape in a drawing,

body parts.


Reinforce techniques drawing different materials : wax crayons and

watercolor"in the wet";

Carefully paint over the image without going beyond the outline;

Improve fine motor skills hands and visual-motor


Develop imagination, attention, memory, thinking, coherent speech;

Develop interest in the world around you;

Develop the ability to evaluate drawings;

Cultivate accuracy and the ability to find non-standard solutions

creative tasks.

Preliminary work:

Watching fish in aquarium(show different aquarium

fish, pay attention to the structural features of the body);

Conversation about fish (where river, lake, aquarium fish) ;

Remember fairy tales in which fish are mentioned.

Outdoor game “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two”

Decoration of fish figures cut out of colored paper.

Materials and equipment:

For the teacher: illustrations with images of fish, magnetic board, tray

with silhouettes of fish, a magnetic fishing rod, recording calm music for

escort drawing.

For children: album sheets in the form aquariums different shapes , watercolor,

brushes, jars of water, rags, wax crayons.

OOD progress:

1. Organizational moment

Children are on the carpet in a circle. Psycho-gymnastics "Good mood".

Educator: - Guys, what are you in the mood? Let's send each other

our smiles are a breath from the palm of your hand (round) and our mood will become even more

2. Introductory conversation

Today I have prepared a lot of riddles and proverbs for you, and here is the first one.

them. Guess what we will talk about today? He lives in Vodice,

There is no beak, but it pecks.

For parents and children

All clothes made from coins (Fish)

What kind of fish do you know? (Children answer)

Where do the fish live?

3. Didactic game "Catch a Fish"

Children catch cardboard fish with a magnetic fishing rod and complete tasks.

written on the back (riddles and fairy tales):

With silver scales,

Not a roach. What a great!

And smoked is a thing!

Did you guess it? This - (Bream)

We went fishing

Everyone caught fish together.

No matter how you paint your story,

But I was only caught (crucian carp)

Is it winter or autumn?

In the depths of the native river

We wear vests proudly,

Like dashing sailors. (Perches.)

Not a river. But they live here

Various fish.

The house is glass. Light. Cosiness.

And there is food - crumbs. (aquarium)

My fish is silent all the time

Doesn't sing, doesn't growl, doesn't purr.

I don’t understand why, that’s the problem.

Maybe water got into her mouth? Why?

Goes hunting

She's like going to work.

Roach and crucian carp,

Don't ask for mercy!

She is the owner of the pond.

Who is this? Guess what! (pike)

Prickly, but not a hedgehog.

Who is this?. (ruff) At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,

A mustachioed log lies (som)

Now, now, I caught a bream in the river

Pike-pike-pike, I'm dragging the pike

Hehehe, fish swim in the river

What fish is named after a person? (CARP)


Guys, do you want to be a fish for a little while? Then around you

turn around and turn into a fish...

The fish were splashing in the lake,

in clean, warm water,

then they will shrink, unclench,

then they will bury themselves in the sand. /children perform movements in accordance with the text/

4. Conversation about aquariums

What have people come up with so that you can keep fish at home?

- Aquariums are different: big and small, round and square,

rectangular. One grandfather also had aquarium. Listen

poem - "Beautiful fish"

I already know that:

Not for cats

And not for your own food.

Grandfather breeds fish.

Separates them -

For beauty!

He sowed fish like seedlings,

Didn't water (grew up in water).

And only with a glance, only with a glance

Beauty touched them.

Why did grandfather breed fish?

For beauty.

Would you like to have a beautiful aquarium?

Who will live in your beautiful aquarium?

Beautiful aquarium fish.

5. Practical part - I have different aquariums, and you choose the one that suits you

I'll like it the most.

Children take and carry theirs aquariums for tables.

The teacher pays attention to the means drawing: wax crayons -

to depict pebbles, algae and fish, watercolor – for the image

water in aquarium.

Children make drawings first with crayons, then watercolor, previously

moisten the sheet with water. Music is playing.

Let's see what you got. Did you like it paint


What else did you like today?

If you liked the lesson, then you can take the sun, and if not, then

cloud. (There are silhouettes of suns and clouds on the tray).

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to continue to introduce children to non-traditional techniques drawing; develop interest in artistic creativity. Tasks: Form.

Drawing “Apple tree with golden apples”. Integration educational areas: « Speech development", "Social communicative development", "Cognitive.

Program content: Practice finger painting. Develop spatial perception creative imagination, observation.

Summary of educational activities for speech development and drawing “Thank you for the world” (senior group) Goal: Objectives: 1) To consolidate children's knowledge about the Great Patriotic War (heroes, memorial signs, about Victory Day) 2) To teach how to make.

Topic: “Painted fabrics.” Program content: Introduce new technology in batik drawing. Teach children to draw patterns according to design.

Summary of educational activities "Aquarium" (second junior group) Abstract educational activities theme “Aquarium” second junior group (3-4 years old) Topic: Aquarium Purpose: to expand children’s knowledge about animals.

Target: to generate interest in art activities through non-traditional methods.

  • Expand educational and research activities.
  • Develop fine motor skills, sense of color, composition.
  • Promote development fine arts children, emotional responsiveness, encourage self-expression.
  • Foster a love of nature and careful attitude To her.
  • Continue to generate interest in drawing.

Material and technical resources:

Panel: drawn outlines of seven houses, trees without foliage near the houses; paper road (35 cm x 2 m), letter envelope.

On table No. 1: pieces of foam plastic, wet wipes. For the game "Magic Reels": a box containing the reels. The box is closed. There are empty spools on the cover. The spools in the box and on the lid are connected to each other by threads different colors 50 cm long. The color of the thread should not be visible from the outside of the spool.

On table No. 2 (near the panel): cotton swabs, foam sponges, paints for depicting clouds, rain, paper napkins for magic lumps, wet wipes - for each child.

Audio recordings.

Preliminary work: conversation about autumn, drawing autumn landscapes, reading poems about autumn.

Progress of educational activities

The children stand in a semicircle.

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello!" each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.


Wind chimes sound.

Children, what are these sounds? (Children's answers.)

If children find it difficult to determine a natural phenomenon by sound, then the teacher asks a riddle:

Running around, whistling.

He rushes about and prowls.

Where will he run?

The leaf is trembling.

Where it will rush -

The tree bends. (Wind.)

That's right, children, it's the wind.

Look what the wind brought us. (teacher shows letter)

Want to know what it says? (Children's answers.)

The teacher opens the letter.

You know, our friends have colors in their magical land trouble happened. A mischievous breeze flew there. He really liked to fly quickly, blowing clouds from the sky and leaves from trees. He got so carried away with his game that he made a complete mess. He was afraid of what he had done and asked us to help him clean up the mess. Shall we help him? (Children's answers.)

How can we get to the magical land of colors? (Children's answers.)

Do we know the way there? (Children's answers.)

What if we don’t know what to do? (Children's answers.)

Who can I ask? Who can help you here? (Children's answers.)

I will help you!

The teacher approaches the road, which lies towards the wall where the panel is located. This road will lead us to the country where colors live. But to get there, we need to pave the road with colored stones. (Draws the children’s attention to table No. 1.)

To find out who will paint and with what paint, I suggest you play the game “Magic Coils”.

Take one spool each in your hands and pull out the thread. What color it is, this is the paint you will use.

Guys, look at your strings, if you put them side by side in a certain sequence, what will happen? (Children's answers.)

Name the sequence of colors of the rainbow. (Children's answers.)

After each child finds their color, the teacher suggests going to the path and finding a plate of paint of the same color next to it.

Now that everyone has paints, we can begin to pave the road with colored stones. Any image can be printed using any object, for example, foam. We take foam plastic, dip it in paint and make a print. So, until the entire road is paved with stones. Prints must be clear.

Children work to music.

Guys, we have reached the magical land of colors.

Now, in order to find yourself in it, I suggest you do a little magic.

Top, top, clap, clap,

Turn around yourself

You will find yourself in a magical land.

Magic music sounds.

The teacher opens the panel.

This is the land of colors. (Children look at the panel.).

What did the wind do? (There are no leaves on the trees, the houses are destroyed.)

Where will we start working? (Children's answers.).

The first thing we will do is restore the houses.

We have paints. What can we use to draw a house?

Let everyone choose a house to build.

Let's take it cotton swab, dip its tip in paint and draw the outline of the house and the window. The children get to work. The teacher helps.

We have restored the houses, what is still wrong? (There are no leaves on the trees and bushes.)

How can you depict foliage? (Children's answers.)

I suggest you take a napkin, tear off a small piece from it, crumple it, roll it into a ball, dip the piece in glue and stick it to the panel where the tree crowns are drawn.

The music is playing and the children are doing their work.

Look at the sky, there is not a cloud there, and the trees need moisture.

The teacher suggests depicting clouds using foam sponges , and draw raindrops with your finger.

To the music, the children get to work.

So the rain came. Trees and bushes came to life. The only thing missing is grass. Let's draw it with our finger too.

Children work to music.

Educator. Look, is everything all right in the land of colors now? Do you think the painters will be happy with our work? (Children's answers.)

Well, it’s time for us to return to the group,

And part with the fairy tale.

Top, top, clap, clap,

Turn around yourself

Find yourself in our group.

Magic music sounds.

Did you guys enjoy today's journey? (Children's answers.)

Who did we help today? (Children's answers.)

Who asked us for help? (Children's answers.)

How did you help? (Children's answers.)

Why were we able to help? (Children's answers.)

What did you like most? (Children's answers.)

Prepared by: O. N. Ponomareva, teacher at MBDOU No. 12

Goal: Education of patriotic feelings.

Software tasks:


1. Create in children a mood of empathy for the past events of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Expand children’s ideas and knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, Victory Day; encourage respect for the heroism of our compatriots.

3. Strengthen speech, musical and productive activity on patriotic material; actively participate in dialogue with the teacher.


1. Develop artistic and creative abilities.

2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop the ability to obtain a clear outline of drawn objects.

3. Develop compositional skills, spatial concepts: highlight the main and secondary in the drawing.


1. To cultivate respect for the memory of victorious soldiers, love for the Motherland; traditions of continuity of generations.

2. Educate creativity to perform the work, accuracy.

Preliminary work:

Getting to know the events of the Great Patriotic War through reading books and looking at illustrations.

Equipment and materials: photographs of the war years, orders of a front-line soldier, a letter from the front, a photograph of the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier", songs of the war years, album sheets, brushes, paints.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to sit in a circle in a darkened room and light a candle.

A trembling candle is burning.
Don't blow on the flame rashly.
And you, magic light,
What could he tell us about?

Educator: Look at the burning candle and tell me what feelings it evokes. What does a flame look like?

In what other situations could you look at a flame and think about something distant and mysterious, important and deep? (In a temple where candles are burning; on a hike by the fire; with a grandmother in the village, when she lights the stove.)

But there is a fire that evokes special feelings and special memories in people. It's fire on the grave Unknown Soldier.

The candle goes out. Go to the stand where there are photographs depicting the tomb of the unknown soldier.

How many of you have ever been near such a fire? With whom? On what occasion? (Children's answers are listened to.)

Why is the grave called the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? (Children express their guesses.)

There are many such graves on our land. These graves contain the remains of soldiers who died on the battlefield during the last great war. She was called the Great Patriotic War. It was a war against the fascists who wanted to take over our country, bombed our cities, burned villages and killed people. Many soldiers died in battle in that war. Not all of the dead could be identified, and not all of them had documents. The ashes of one of these soldiers are buried near the Kremlin wall in Moscow. Therefore on tombstone it is written: " Your name unknown."

What does the second part of the inscription mean: “Your feat is immortal”? (Children express their guesses.)

This inscription means that people will always remember: the soldiers buried here died defending the Motherland, their relatives and friends, their children and grandchildren.

Children, why do you think there is a fire burning at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? (Children's versions are listened to.)

Or maybe fire is lit on graves because it is supposed to remind eternal life Are souls like candles in a church? Or so that it warms the souls of those who are alive and longing for their relatives who died during the war?

But the main thing is that the fire on a soldier’s grave awakens memories in people and does not allow them to forget those who died in the name of the Fatherland.

Tula residents have a custom of coming to the Eternal Flame on their wedding day. After all, this happy event can take place today thanks to the fact that many years ago someone gave his life in battle.

It burns in winter and summer, day and night. And that is why it is called eternal.

To our sweet and proud one,
To our happy homeland
To our dear, peaceful land,
The fascist scoundrel has attacked!
He desecrated everything dear
Where is the sneaky foot?
The Fritz-scoundrel stepped
There is ashes, death and poverty.

Name of this scary person Adolf Gitler. Look at the photos. He and his army attacked our country. All people rose to defend their Motherland. Many soldiers died on the battlefield. But victory remained with those who defended their homeland from the invaders.

And now we will play the game “Signal flags”

Yellow flag - stomp our feet.
Green flag - clap your hands.
Blue flag - we freeze in place.
Red flag - shout “Hurray!”

The whole world knows the day of May 9, 1945. Our country has been moving towards this day for 5 years. But what years those were. On this day, the whole country will honor War veterans and those who did not live to see this bright day.

Educator: Let's draw Eternal flame.

Children move to work stations where everything is prepared for painting with paints.

Educator: Go to your seats, sit down. And so that our hands and fingers work well, let's do a warm-up for them.

Warm up.

Everything was quiet around, Fingers clenched into fists.

And suddenly - fireworks! Firework! Unclench your fingers.

Rockets burst into flames in the sky. Spread your fingers like a fan.

Both here and here! Squeeze and fan out your fingers again.

Educator: Before starting work, let's once again remember the image of a burning candle flame: what it looked like, how it trembled, how things changed inside it color transitions. Close your eyes and imagine the Eternal Flame on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Then the children get to work. Upon completion of the work, the drawings are placed at the exhibition.

The older the child gets, the more demands are placed on him. So, for example, children junior groups kindergarten There is no need to prepare for school, but in preparatory groups children purposefully develop skills that will be useful to them later. And this is in any institution. The lesson is aimed at preparing the child for school lessons. Its main goal is to test imagination and the level of moral readiness for a change of environment.

Main topics of classes

Of course, children draw in kindergartens, and quite a lot. But about once a week there is a special lesson. goes on a specific topic. The most basic of them are:

  • spring;
  • winter;
  • summer;
  • autumn;
  • space;
  • animals;
  • nature;
  • transport.

Sometimes something completely special happens, Unconventional drawing(preparatory group) involves the use not of paints, but of any other material suitable for depicting thoughts.

What kind of technique

This approach allows the child to develop comprehensively. That is, he himself chooses which material to use to bring his idea to life. For example, children often take colored cardboard from which they make appliques, which also apply if they are decorated with paintings. Sometimes children choose oil crayons or wax crayons. They are convenient for drawing, and most importantly, they do not stain your hands or clothes. Although a drawing lesson in a preparatory group is planned by teachers, it is usually completely controlled by the children themselves. It is they who decide how and with what their drawings will be made.

Theme: winter

In December, January and February, teachers usually set just such a topic for classes. Children decide what exactly they want to create on paper. A drawing lesson in a preparatory group on the theme “Winter” usually includes an image of the following elements:

  • snowflakes;
  • or nature;
  • New Year's houses and decor;
  • outdoor games;
  • favorite winter games.

What are the kids depicting? Usually these are activities based on the imagination: everyone decides for themselves what is more interesting and closer to them. For example, many people draw sleds or skis, their family on the street, New Year Houses, winter nature. Children love creative freedom! In the preparatory group, children usually already know exactly how to draw this or that element. For example, that a Christmas tree can be depicted with several triangles, and a house consists of other shapes that are familiar to them.

The teacher's task

If a child does not know how to depict one or another element, then the leader should tell him, show him, and help him. This is his main task. In addition, the teacher should talk about what figures will help in drawing, what they are called, where they can be seen. All this knowledge will be useful to children at school later. Moreover, some educational establishments They don’t even accept poorly prepared children into school.

Parents' task

Drawing classes in the kindergarten preparatory group help the child develop. The task of parents is to support all the endeavors of their children, to tell them exactly what knowledge they will need in the future, why it is important, why it is necessary. And, of course, draw at home with him. Classes in kindergarten are not enough; you should also pay attention to home exercises.

Theme: space

This is one of the most important topics for drawing in kindergarten. Why? Because space exploration is so interesting! What do kids usually draw:

  • rockets;
  • planets;
  • stars;
  • asteroids;
  • comets;
  • aliens;
  • space cars.

And this is far from the limit of fantasy. It is noteworthy that a drawing lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “Space” is accompanied by a story from the teacher about what space is, what is in it, who the astronauts are, what they do, why it is important and necessary. These are not just fine arts lessons, these are entire interesting mini-lectures that influence the development of children, their thinking, their worldview.

Theme: spring

This theme is very similar to winter, although it naturally has its own characteristics and nuances. Firstly, a drawing lesson in the preparatory group on the theme “Spring” includes several subtopics. Secondly, educators need additional training various materials for exercise. What subtopics are usually used:

  • what is spring?
  • spring in the forest;
  • city ​​spring;
  • March 8;
  • Easter.

What materials are usually prepared by educators:

  • why winter is leaving;
  • what is drops;
  • how green leaves and grass appear;
  • what kind of holiday is “March 8th”, why is it celebrated, how are mothers, grandmothers and sisters congratulated;
  • and everything connected with it.

All this knowledge will certainly be useful to children in the future. In addition, at school they often ask questions about the world around us, natural processes, how and what works in nature. Kids who know this already from kindergarten perceive it much easier. new information, feel more confident in a new environment, adapt faster.

Why preparation is important

When children come to school, they experience some stress at first, because the situation changes, the requirements for them are different, the form of presentation educational material completely different, new people around. But you have to get used to everything! Therefore, it is important already in the preparatory group to begin teaching children what may be useful to them in primary school. And prepare them for change. It is noteworthy that it is drawing classes that help children perceive new information more easily and quickly. Child psychologists have proven that information presented in a pleasant and kind environment is well absorbed. Drawing helps comprehensive development: kids not only do something with their hands, but also listen, remember, and put into practice the acquired knowledge. It is very important that parents support children's interest in fine arts, gave them new knowledge and topics for exercise. In no case should these be orders to be executed, but rather recommendations and advice. Children do not like and do not accept what is imposed on them, but they like it when attention is paid to their interests. Parents and educators should encourage children's endeavors and skills to stimulate them further development. At the same time, errors also need to be pointed out, but in a soft and correct form.

Lesson notes on visual arts

in the preparatory group

Drawing according to the theme:"Spring on the street"

Target – develop the ability to conceive the content of your drawing and bring the idea to completion.

Lesson objectives:


  • Teach children to paint a picture of early spring;
  • Learn to use different art materials in drawing;
  • Enrich children's speech with emotionally charged vocabulary.


  • Develop the ability to use a palette to prepare the desired shade of color, sample paint;
  • Develop the ability to dilute watercolor paints water to obtain light tones;
  • Develop emotional responsiveness to the spring awakening of nature.


Equipment: reproductions of paintings about spring, album sheets, watercolor paints, colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, palette, brushes, cups of water, napkins.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: our land is beautiful in all seasons, and each time is beautiful in its own way. But there is a time in nature when nature awakens from winter sleep and everything lives in anticipation of warmth and sun. When do you think this happens?

Children: this happens in the spring.

Educator: indeed, in the spring. What an affectionate and gentle word - spring! Spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity and activity! This feeling covers all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write paintings. Now I will read poems about spring, and you close your eyes and imagine what I will read about...

The snow is still white in the fields,
And in the spring the waters are noisy -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run and shine and say -
They say all over:
“Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead."(F. Tyutchev)

Driven by spring rays,
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

They fled through muddy streams.

To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile

Through a dream they greet the morning of the year.(A. Pushkin)

Educator: Have you seen spring? What mood did the poets convey?

Children: The poets conveyed a joyful, cheerful mood.

Educator: You and I have read many poems about spring, and all of them are joyful. Why do you think?

Children: Winter is ending, the cold and frost are leaving. Spring is coming. The sun is shining brighter. Thawed patches and the first snowdrops appear. Birds return from the south and sing their merry songs.

Educator: Spring comes with its own palette of colors. What colors are on it? The teacher draws the children's attention to the exhibition of reproductions of paintings about spring and gives them the opportunity to examine them.

Children: Early spring – clean blue sky, in thawed patches there is gray or black earth, green grass; melted snow, blue streams. Against this background, slender birch trees stand out with their whiteness, from which blue shadows fall, the sun shines so brightly.

Physical education lesson “We will become trees”

We will become trees (they walk in place)

Strong, big.

Legs are roots (feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist)

Let's space them wider

To hold the tree (fist to fist)

They didn't let me fall

From the depths of the underground (bent over, palms cupped)

They got water

Our body is a strong trunk. (Bend over, palms down the body from top to bottom)

He sways a little.

And with your top (hands like a hut)

It touches the sky.

Our hands are branches, (open palms, spread fingers)

The crown is formed. (Close fingers)

Together they are not afraid (shakes their heads)

If the winds blow. (They swing their arms over their heads)

Educator: And now I invite you to draw your own picture of spring. Think about what kind of story you want to draw and what you will use to draw it with.

Children are offered paper, watercolors, wax crayons, colored pencils, and felt-tip pens. Children begin to draw, the teacher reminds them that the drawing must be placed on the entire sheet of paper. Clarify the rules for mixing paints, features of use wax crayons. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of works is organized.

Children are asked to talk about their drawing.