Headstone for Muslim graves. Muslim monuments at the grave

The Muslim religion requires strict adherence to ancient traditions and rituals. Muslims respect religious laws and live in accordance with rules and prohibitions. Funeral and memorial rites of Muslims represent various sacraments that have been known and revered since ancient times. Unlike Christian ones, Muslim grave monuments do not contain photographs of the deceased and have a more modest design.

Technology for making Muslim monuments

Muslims who live in strict observance of rituals are also advised to observe modesty and ancient traditions when moving to another world. Monuments of departed people are made according to all the rules of Islam; they demonstrate restraint and dignity. The canonical stela of the product contains sketches and outlines of a mosque or minaret, and its upper part is similar to the dome of a Muslim shrine. According to tradition, all monuments face towards the holy city of Mecca. The shape of the stele can be made in the form of a column, a rectangular obelisk or a flat slab.

On photo of Muslim monuments on the grave you can consider all the main attributes and options for their implementation. The attitude towards death among Muslims differs from other religions, therefore words of grief and sadness for the deceased on the gravestone are not accepted. The deceased returns to Allah, this event awaits any true believer and because of such thoughts in Islam it is not customary to grieve excessively at the time of death. According to this, the front part of the monument is decorated with sayings of great thinkers and verses from the Koran, and is crowned with all the constant symbols in the form of a crescent and a star. The drawings on the stele stand out with special beauty and are applied in accordance with the gender of the deceased. Men's monuments are decorated with more strict patterns with a dominance of straight lines, while women's monuments are decorated with ornaments in the form of flowers.

Materials for making Muslim monuments

The materials used for making Muslim grave monuments are:

  • marble;
  • granite;
  • different types of stone;
  • bronze.

Varied Muslim granite gravestones made in different forms, but at the same time fully comply with the strict laws of Islam. As already described above, the burial place of a Muslim should look modest and at the same time dignified. Therefore, granite is most often preferred as a material for creating a monument, and in dark shades.

With the help of black granite, strict and majestic monuments are created that meet all the requirements of Islam. This material best reflects all the sayings and emphasizes the overall style. In addition, granite is reliable and has a long service life. Like any other monuments, Muslim varieties can also be made according to an individual sketch. The burial site can be improved with the help of a fence and a flower bed, doing it all in the same style. Decorative elements are decorated with Islamic symbols and help to describe Muslim rituals and enhance religious motives.

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According to the Muslim book of Prophecies, Muhammad spoke about how to designate the burial place of a real Muslim. When the soul of one of his faithful friends went to Allah, the Prophet buried the remains of the saint in the ground, and erected a large stone in that place. He further said, “By this stone I will know my brother’s grave.” Therefore, Muslim grave markers are a necessity stated in the scriptures.

But what should a monument be like for a Muslim in order to adequately honor the memory of the deceased and not violate religious precepts?

  • Form. According to Sharia, Muslim gravestones should not be luxurious. For this reason, in the Islamic cemetery you cannot find sculptures, memorial complexes or any extraordinary steles. Most of these are restrained, laconic forms. Nevertheless, as the Prophet Muhammad bequeathed, looking at the monument it should be immediately clear that a Muslim rests in this place. Since Russia is a multinational, multicultural country, in one cemetery there are tombstones of different faiths. To make them different, they order forms with a top in the form of a mosque or minaret dome.
  • Engravings. You can also decorate a Muslim monument made of granite with engravings. Fancy Arabic script, a traditional ornament or the iconic crescent sign will not only decorate even the simplest tombstone, but will also make it stand out among the monuments of followers of other religions.
  • Portrait. Strictly speaking, painting a portrait is condemned by Islam. In Muslim Scriptures, worshiping the grave of an ancestor is considered a sin, and the portrait on the monument supposedly promotes this. But local traditions leave their mark. It is therefore not surprising that the Muslim clergy in Russia usually turns a blind eye to commemorative portraits.
  • Inscriptions. In our country, memorial inscriptions are usually made in Russian. But if you wish, you can order engraving in both Russian and Arabic. As for epitaphs, it is customary to engrave suras from the Koran. Moreover, written either on behalf of Allah himself, or in the form of a prayer to him. Traditional Russian “We remember. We love you. We mourn” is inappropriate.

If you want to choose a design so that it looks decent on the grave of a loved one and does not contradict the religious principles of Islam, just call the phone number listed on the website. Our consultants will help you choose the appropriate shape and select engravings.

We offer you:

  • 30 year warranty;
  • Production time from 14 days;
  • Free storage in a warehouse;
  • A portrait or vase as a gift when ordering a monument from RUB 60,000;
  • Free visit of the manager when ordering;
  • Favorable prices in Moscow and the Moscow region without hidden fees;
  • Specialists with more than 10 years of experience in the industry;
  • We take care of all the worries: storage, delivery, installation, landscaping;

However, the construction of majestic monuments according to the Koran revealed to Muhammad is not prohibited. Sometimes you can see beautiful monuments and luxurious memorial complexes on the graves of devout Muslims. Ritual items and elements of structures usually have small dimensions. The Muslim monuments made by the company's craftsmen meet all the canons of Islam. We offer a wide range of standard monuments and accept orders for the production of unique products based on individual projects.

Features of Muslim grave monuments

The installation of a Muslim tombstone made in the shape of a round pillar or tetrahedron is considered traditional. Moreover, in most cases, the burial places of ordinary people, celebrities and politicians do not differ from each other. Thematic ornaments, fragments from the Koran, as well as images of mosques and crescents are usually applied to the slabs. Bright and expressive decor is not welcome. Figured Muslim monuments and original memorial complexes are much less common. The main features of custom-made unique ritual products are rigor, as well as loyalty to the traditions of this ancient Eastern culture.

Gravestones are also often made in the shape of mosques or crescent slabs. Delights for Muslim monuments usually contain religious symbols. Passages of Islamic scripture are often inscribed on the sides of ritual items. Images and sculptures in the form of people or animals are prohibited by faith. Monuments placed on the graves of men are often distinguished by characteristic geometric patterns. The main feature of women's Muslim monuments is the presence of floral decorative elements. Their number indicates the number of children of the untimely departed mother.

Manufacturing of Muslim monuments and tombstones from granite

One of the company's specializations is the production of Muslim monuments from granite. This natural stone is considered the most worthy material for creating ritual products. A reliable and durable gravestone memorial, if handled carefully, will preserve the memory of an untimely departed loved one for many years. A tombstone flawlessly executed in accordance with all Eastern traditions will be the last gift to the deceased.

Study our catalog and choose the most suitable monument or memorial complex in terms of price and design. We accept orders for the production and installation of original Muslim tombstones and other ritual accessories. During the production process, all the requirements and canons of Islam are taken into account. Experienced carvers and engravers create real works of art. You can evaluate the quality of our work in a special section of the portal. We offer the best terms of payment, delivery and installation in the capital and provide a three-year guarantee on all ritual products sold. Also within our competence is the improvement of burial sites. Taking into account the specifics of the company's activities, we find an individual approach to clients.

Muslim monuments on the grave. About the image of the deceased in combination with inscriptions in Arabic.

It is natural for every person to want to bury the deceased according to their traditions. Our cemeteries are as multinational as our country. Only by looking at the monuments can one understand who exactly lies here: an Orthodox Christian or a Muslim. Each faith has its own attitude towards death. If Orthodoxy is characterized by some colorful funerals, then for Muslims this is simply unacceptable. Islam is a strict and special religion, but it is interesting for its unusualness and ancient foundations.

Our cemeteries are as multinational as our country.

How do Muslims erect monuments?

The peculiarity of Islam in relation to death itself. It is enough to look at what kind of Muslim monuments there are on a grave in the photo to understand this attitude. For Muslims, death cannot be unexpected or sudden. For them, death is a mandatory and inevitable phenomenon for ascension to the Paradise of Allah. Therefore, the photo of Muslim monuments - tombstones does not contain any decorations. The maximum they can afford is to make the top of the monument in the form of a minaret or a mosque dome.

According to tradition, a monument to a Muslim’s grave should be as discreet as possible, without photographs. Initially, Islam strictly forbade the depiction of faces, and even today Sharia law is unforgiving. This is especially strict among the Tatars, since this nation is considered the most zealous in fulfilling the canons of Islam. Photos of Tatar grave monuments show exclusively monolithic tombstones, mostly made of dark marble or granite.

However, modern trends have made amendments and the mosque began to allow images of faces and even animals to be made at the request of relatives. The inscription on the monument remains obligatory. Usually this is an engraving of the word of the Prophet or excerpts from Muslim surahs in Arabic.

But according to other sources:

It is important to note that in order to mark a grave, it is not prohibited to write the name (of the deceased) on it. However, opinions on cutting out Quranic verses vary, ranging from makruh (undesirable) to haram (forbidden). Therefore, it is better not to carve (on the grave) verses of the Quran as a sign of respect for the Word of Allah.
It is permissible to mark graves with stones or sticks, as stated in the hadith narrated by Ibn Majah. In this hadith, Anas reported the following words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “I was able to recognize the grave of Ibn Mazun by the stone that marked it.”
Further, it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade covering graves with plaster, sitting on them or building anything over them.
In another version, he also forbade stepping on graves. In the version of An-Nisai, the Prophet forbade building anything over the graves, attaching anything to them, covering them with plaster and writing on them.
This indicates that it is forbidden to make any inscriptions on the graves. According to the opinions of Imams Ahmad and Al-Shafi'i, the Prophet's injunction not to write anything on graves should be understood to mean that such inscriptions are makruh (undesirable), no matter what is written there - the verses of the Koran or the name of the buried person. However, the scholars of the Shafi'i school add that if it is the grave of a famous scholar or righteous person, then even writing his name on it or marking it will be a meritorious deed.
Imam Malik believed that writing verses of the Qur'an on graves is haram, and writing the name and date of death is makrooh.
Scholars of the Hanafi school believed that writing something on a grave can only be done to indicate its location, and any other inscriptions on it are generally undesirable.
And Ibn Hazm even considered that writing the name of the deceased on a stone is not makrooh.
According to the above-mentioned hadith, writing verses of the Quran on graves is prohibited (haram), especially considering that these graves are level with the ground and people can step on them.

Where Muslims place the monument and which direction it should face is the most important point. The monument can only be installed in such a way that its front part faces only the east, towards Mecca itself. This is an unshakable tradition and the mosque is strict about this.

Sharia does not allow beautiful Muslim monuments to be placed on a grave, if we talk about tradition. Faith teaches that beauty, crypts, and various tombstones bring discord among the dead believers and prevent them from enjoying the prosperity given to them by Allah. Therefore, it is prescribed that all monuments should be austere and restrained in decoration. The mosque allows Muslim women to engrave a bouquet of flowers according to the number of children, and for men a crescent moon.


Dua for the deceased
Translation of the meaning: O Allah, Your servant and the son of Your servant needed Your mercy, and You do not need his torment! If he did good deeds, then add them to him, and if he did bad, then do not punish him!
Allahumma, "abdu-kya wa-bnu ama-ti-kya ichtaja ila rahmati-kya, wa Anta ganiyun "an "azabi-hi! In kyana muhsiyan, fa zid fi hasanati-hi, wa in kyana mu-si"an, fa tajawaz "an-hu!

Dua for the deceased
Translation of the meaning: O Allah, forgive him, and have mercy on him, and deliver him (from the torment and temptations of the grave.), and show him mercy, and give him a good welcome (that is, make his lot in Paradise good), and make a grave his spacious, and wash him with water, snow and hail, and cleanse him from sins, as You cleanse white clothes from dirt, and give him in return a house better than his house, and a family better than his family, and a wife better than his wife, and bring him into paradise and protect it from the torment of the grave and from the torment of fire!
Allahumma-gfir la-hu (la-ha), va-rham-hu (ha), wa "afi-hi (ha), wa-"fu "an-hu (ha), wa akrim nuzulya-hu (ha) , wa wassi "mudkhalya-hu (ha), wa-gsil-hu (ha) bi-l-ma" and, wa-s-salji wa-l-baradi, wa nakky-hi (ha) min al- hataya kya-ma nakkayta- s-sauba-l-abyada min ad-danasi, wa ab-dil-hu(ha) daran hairan min dari-hi(ha), wa ahlyan hairan min akhlihi(ha), wa zaud-jan hairan min zauji-hi(ha), wa adhyl-hu(ha)-l-jannata wa a"yz-hu(ha) min"azabi-l-kabri wa "azabi-n-nari! (Feminine endings are given in parentheses when praying for a deceased woman)

The multinationality of Russia in general and Moscow in particular is reflected in the ritual sphere. In addition to Protestant tombstones, modern workshops produce Muslim gravestones that are specific and unlike other designs.

Muslim monuments: photographs, epitaphs and symbolism

Muslims are a religious and pious community that regulates not only their actions, but also their thoughts in accordance with the most important scripture - the Koran. The canons described in this book decide to decorate the graves of the deceased in a special way, giving preference to rigor and modesty. However, there are practically no structural differences between tombstone structures for Muslims and ritual items for Orthodox believers.

Most often these are granite or marble steles, which can be decorated with carved and contrasting color bas-relief. Obelisks or columns are often made, but sculptural compositions are almost never installed as Muslim gravestones, as evidenced by numerous photographs of Muslim cemeteries.

If the base of the tombstone is made according to a simple and strict sketch, the craftsmen can offer a laconic and simple decoration in the traditional style of Islam. This can be a shape of the product, carved in the form of an arch, a dome or a sharp end, the top of which is the traditional Muslim crescent.

Despite the fact that in recent years there has been a kind of relaxation in Sharia rules and canons, the application of photographs of the deceased on any part of the monument is still prohibited. The same rule applies in principle to any images. The only pictures and inscriptions that can decorate a Muslim monument on a grave are not photos, but religious symbols or geometric designs and edging. However, for grave goods intended to be placed on the grave of a deceased woman, decoration in the form of carved flowers or floral designs is permitted.

As for epitaphs, when choosing their style, it is best to focus on the words of the Muslim Prophet or speeches from the suras of the Koran. It must be remembered that these should not be words of sorrow or love, since the Muslim faith has a different attitude towards death - it is approaching Allah, therefore it is wrong to grieve for a believer who has moved to another level of existence.

Traditions of decorating a Muslim grave

Islam is a fairly strict religion that does not imply any pomp or pretentiousness. This rule applies to absolutely all ritual Muslim aspects - funeral ceremonies, paraphernalia, purchasing and making monuments, designing a burial site in a cemetery, and even the last attire of the deceased.

Most often, graves in Muslim cemeteries look strict and laconic. There are no grave flower beds, no ritual fences, or other other attributes at the burial site. For the most part, compared with the traditional Christian ritual method of decorating a resting place, Muslim gravestones, both in photographic (visual) characteristics and in design parameters, are more reminiscent of European tombstones.

The granite workshop “40 Days” provides services for the production of Muslim monuments for graves of all sizes and options at low prices.