Hermione Granger hairstyle. About the younger sister and... teeth

Many of us think we know almost all the facts about Hermione Granger: she is a young, talented, well-read sorceress, best friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (and - as an adult - the latter's wife). Hermione often helped out her friends and tried to keep them from acting rashly. Interesting Facts about Hermione: she memorized all the books of spells even before entering Hogwarts and sometimes irritated her fellow students with her “know-it-all” attitude, and some people disliked the girl because she comes from a Muggle family.

And yet, despite seven books read and eight films watched, we bet there are interesting facts about Hermione Granger that have passed you by. Let's talk about this!

Excellent student, workaholic, talented sorceress: facts about Hermione Granger

"Sour" surname

Fun fact: Hermione didn't always go by Granger. There was a time when JK Rowling wanted to name the heroine differently. The writer came up with a whole list of last names that she was supposed to give to Harry's classmates. How do you like this option: “Hermione Puckle.” Not very loud, right? So Rowling decided so - that the surname has a slightly “sour” connotation, especially since “tow” means “pickle” in Scots. This is how Hermione Granger was born - nice fact!

In honor of the Greek god

Some may have wondered where this came from. unusual name? And here's the second fact about Hermione Granger: her name is a feminine derivative of the name Hermes. Reminder: This is a character. Greek mythology, god of trade, who was known for his resourcefulness and quickness (aided by magical sandals). He was a kind of intermediary between the world of Olympus and mere mortals. Likewise, Hermione is the link between wizards and Muggles. And, of course, she could be cunning and resourceful if circumstances required it.

Rowling's alter ego

Sometimes authors describe in their books some of their acquaintances, their habits and hobbies, and sometimes they offer the reader a literary version of themselves. So Rowling couldn’t resist the temptation, because Hermione is her copy, which, of course, has undergone some changes. But Joan, like Hermione, was a crammer, not always self-confident.

About the younger sister and... teeth

Did you know this fact about Hermione Granger: she was not meant to be only child in family. Rowling originally planned for the heroine to have a younger sister. When Harry and Ron meet their future girlfriend, she says: “No one in my family has anything to do with magic.” Then the writer hoped that she would introduce Hermione’s sister into the story (otherwise Granger would have said: “My parents have nothing to do with magic”). But Rowling couldn't find a way to introduce this sister to readers, and then it was too late.

In the books, Hermione is described as a girl with large front teeth. That's probably why, when she accidentally enlarged her teeth with a spell, Ron was indignant, and Professor Snape said that he didn't see any difference. The director of the first part (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), Chris Columbus, tried to give Emma Watson fake teeth, but it was very inconvenient, and the idea was abandoned. IN last scene Hermione's fake teeth can be seen in the film, but their size is reduced to a minimum compared to the original ones.

She could be Ravenclaw

Before entering Hogwarts, Hermione performed several simple spells, but for some reason did not fall under the decree on reasonable restrictions on magic among minors. It turns out that children under the age of 11, who do not yet have a magic wand and have little control over their abilities, are exempt from punishment.

We know that newcomers were distributed among faculties by a special Hat; we owe it to the famous trio “Harry-Ron-Hermione”. But before sending Granger to Gryffindor, the Hat thought for four minutes: the girl’s sharp mind allowed her to get into Ravenclaw (in English - Ravenclaw). However, Hermione's courage prevailed, and she became a Gryffindor student. Later, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, one of the students wonders why Hermione wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw.

Secret desire and great fear

Another interesting fact about Hermione Granger, revealed by JK Rowling. He touches the mirror of Erised. We know what Harry saw in this mirror of his deepest desires - himself and his parents. And Ron imagined that he was the Gryffindor Quidditch captain and was holding the cup in his hands. It turns out that if Hermione had looked into Erised in the summer of 1997, she would have seen herself, Ron and Harry alive in the mirror, and Voldemort dead.

As for the boggart, which showed the deepest fears of the characters, in the book “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” Hermione met a boggart who had the face of Professor McGonagall (and the mentor was very dissatisfied with Hermione’s knowledge). This means that the perfectionist Greenger was insecure and always afraid of failure.

Sent my parents to Australia

This fact about Hermione Granger is most likely known to fans of the series: she erased her parents' memories of herself in order to protect them from Voldemort and the Death Eaters and force them to move to Australia. But did you know that when the mess with the Dark Lord was over, Hermione restored the memories of her father and mother? Rowling herself stated this.

Highly qualified sorceress

As we remember, Ron, Hermione and Harry left Hogwarts, refusing last year training - they went to look for horcruxes. Thus, they failed the final magic test. But Hermione could not remain a dropout, and after the Second Wizarding War she returned to Hogwarts and passed the test - the only one of the three. This is what it means to be an excellent student!

Having thus received the necessary qualifications, Hermione could choose a magical profession to her liking. She went to work at the Ministry of Magic - in the department of regulation and control magical creatures. She then achieved a high position in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and used her power to correct ancient laws of inequality purebred wizards and those who are born Muggles. It’s interesting that Emma Watson also fights – for women’s rights.

Translated an ancient book and invented spells

There are "non-franchise" books in the Harry Potter series, including The Tales of Beedle the Bard. The first edition of the book (written in ancient runes) was bequeathed by Dumbledore to Hermione. She read the book and translated it into English language. The translation was published some time after Hermione graduated from Hogwarts and contained Dumbledore's explanations (Professor McGonagall gave them to her student).

It is a well-known fact: Hermione Granger is a talented witch who knows a lot about magic. She also came up with several spells herself! For example, a spell that points to a sneak, or one that makes a wand act like a compass and point north.

She ended up in... frogs!

Thanks to all his achievements, including translating books, fighting for the rights magical creatures and inventing spells, Hermione was immortalized. How? She ended up on a card from chocolate frogs. We don't know how many Muggle-borns were given the honor of appearing on these cards, but the fact that Hermione Granger deserved it is undeniable.

So, do you want to look like the ultimate know-it-all Hermione Granger? Harry Potter's highly moral and lovable friend at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and magical arts- your favorite character from JK Rowling's books? Then follow the steps below to assemble your “magic” costume.

Difficulty: easy.

You will need:
- a wig (or, if you are the happy owner of long, voluminous, red hair, for example - styling with medium curls with a parting in the middle);
- judge's robe;
- Styrofoam;
- aluminium foil;
- book;
- "Magic wand;
- "gold chain;
- small hourglass;
- brown paper;
- carton boxes;

1. Choose a hair style. Little Hermione had the hairstyle described above, while the adult had long, flowing sandy blonde hair.

2. Find a robe in the style of a judge - from any suit. Standard attire for first-year witches at Hogwarts includes a pure black robe, and - if the weather is cold - a striped scarf (auburn and muted burgundy stripes for Gryffindor) and similar-colored gloves. You can also add a classic wizard hat to your costume - if desired. The hat takes an hour to make from cardboard and suitable fabric. In cold weather, a loose black cloak with silver clasps is also worn on top. Scarf, raincoat, gloves, hat - all this is optional.
For older Hermione, we choose a pleated (or just with a couple of pleats in front and back) dark-colored skirt (or blue checkered) just below the knee, a white (or just light) blouse with long sleeve, and a dark, fine-knit sleeveless vest (or a long-sleeved knitted sweater). Obligatory tie in Gryffindor colors found on sale at men's stores it won't be difficult.

3. Carry with you old bag for books, preferably leather. Remember, Hermione loves nothing more than studying, so books, notebooks and pens are a must in her bag. But you shouldn’t stuff your bag with real books - it will turn out too heavy, so find something almost weightless (perhaps cardboard boxes) in the shape of books or rectangular pieces of foam. Also choose a large one and thin book, and put it in the bag on top - to cover the rest of the contents; make a cover for it from dark brown paper and write it in a beautiful handwriting (or print out the inscription), something like “Potions”, “History of Magic” or “Divination”.
Or find 1 large book, make the cover the same way, and carry it with you everywhere (instead of a bag). "Transfiguration" is an appropriate name for it.

4. Magic wand. Something in the style of the Harry Potter films can now be found on the RuNet, but these sticks are too expensive (~ 800 rubles each). Therefore, it is better to make the wand yourself. Since in first-year students you can often see simple sticks, take a regular cylindrical wooden stick (not difficult to find in hardware stores for pennies), sharpen it at the end using sandpaper and cover it with stain or dark-colored varnish.

The wand is ready. You can also attach a handle using a handle from a wooden jump rope or any suitable spare part for this purpose.

5. Find a small hourglass and hang it on a “golden” chain around your neck. This will be the time-traveling artifact that Hermione used in Prisoner of Azkaban to get to all her classes.

6. Don’t forget to sew a silver emblem on the “judge’s” robe - if desired. Aluminum foil mounted on cardboard is perfect for these purposes. On the badge, write (or glue letters from paper) GAVNE (Civil Association for the Restoration of Elven Independence) - this is from the fourth book, where Hermione joined the fight against the exploitation and slavery of house elves. On English abbreviation sounds about as “original.”

Please remember that acceptable clothing for Hermione is not limited to the official Hogwarts uniform. These can be jeans (dark blue or dark brown) with various variations light sweaters, or, if you have time and budget, for example, a dress from the Winter Ball.

In this article you will learn:

Hermione Granger- a key character in J. Rowling's Harry Potter books. After the release of the Potter films, in which actress Emma Watson played the role of Hermione, hundreds of thousands of viewers truly fell in love with her.

Emma Watson as Hermione

Before the events of the books

Little is known about Hermione's parents. It is clear that both the girl’s mother and father were Muggles, that is, they did not have magical abilities(magicians from the families of such people were called “Muggle-borns,” but sometimes they used the curse word “Mudbloods”). Mr and Mrs Granger were dentists. They accepted their daughter's quirks and were very proud of her.

When Hermione discovered her talent for magic, she was delighted because she was finally able to find an explanation for the oddities in her life. Having carefully prepared for admission (namely, having acquired everything necessary, learned the first lessons and even tried out simple spells) in 1991, the girl went to Hogwarts, enrolling in the Gryffindor faculty.

First course. Hermione, Ron and Harry

First course

In her studies, Hermione fully corresponded to her character - she constantly studied everything assigned, followed the rules and strived to become the best.

Ron Weasley and, who became friends with the heroine, initially considered her a bore. This resulted in an incident with the troll - when Ron, in a fit of anger, complained to Harry about the girl’s stubbornness and she ran away in tears to the women’s toilet. There she was found by a troll who had escaped from the dungeon. Hermione was saved from a tragic fate by the same Harry and Ron (from that moment on, the trio became inseparable).

At the end of the course, Hermione helped her friends get into the dungeon and defeat the first incarnation of Voldemort. At the traditional end-of-year count, Hermione's intelligence, courage and calmness earned Gryffindor an extra 50 points.

Second course

In Chamber of Secrets, Hermione continued to study hard and help Harry and Ron. When strange events began to occur at school, and petrified students and animals were found in the corridors, three friends decided to solve this mystery.

As part of a plan to extract information from Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin and arch-enemy of Harry Potter, Hermione created a polyjuice potion (with the help of it, Harry and Ron took on the appearance of Draco's friends). The girl herself turned into a cat person due to an error in the ingredients.

After healing, Hermione began to search for information about the Hogwarts monster. She managed to find out that the monster turning students into stone was a basilisk living in the pipes of the school. This information never reached Granger's friends; the monster attacked her and turned her to stone.

Subsequently, it was the inscription “pipe” on the paper in the hand of the petrified girl that led Harry to think about the Chamber of Secrets. After the basilisk was defeated, the girl and the other victims were brought back to life.

Third year

In the third year of study at Hogwarts, electives appeared and the hardworking Hermione chose all the subjects from the list, and therefore received from Professor McGonagall a device that allows her to go back in time (Time Turner). Thus, the girl had time for all subjects.

Hermione is the first to guess the secret of the new teacher - Professor Lupin. The new teacher was a werewolf, and the heroine noticed this by comparing some facts. She did not reveal the man's secret because she sympathized with him.

Hermione and her Flywheel helped Harry Potter go back in time and save his uncle from Dementors, entities that hunted magical criminals. The friends also managed to save the magical animal hippogriff (he was supposed to be executed because of Draco’s hostility).

Fourth year in college

This year was marked by two serious events for Hermione: the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament. At the first, the girl, seeing how unfairly magicians treated house elves, decided to create an organization to protect these creatures (G.A.V.N.E.), and actively carried out propaganda work all year. At the Tournament, in which Harry Potter also took part, Hermione played the role of one of the hostages in the second test. The heroine also actively helped her friend deal with tasks.

On the personal front, Hermione had a quarrel with Ron, who was unrequitedly in love with the girl. Having quarreled with a friend, the heroine reciprocated the feelings of another participant in the Tournament and the star of the Bulgarian Quidditch team - Viktor Krum, with whom she went to the ball (at the same time, Hermione's friends noted that she was very beautiful).

Hermione and Viktor Krum

Fifth year

In the fifth book, the girl initiated the creation of the student society "Dumbledore's Squad", in which students independently taught Defense against dark arts. At the same time, Hermione became the head of the entire faculty. The heroine actively studied protective magic and created her full-fledged Patronus (a spell of protection against dementors) in the form of an otter.

In the final part, Dumbledore's Army went to the Ministry of Magic to obtain a prophecy about Harry's fate. There, the students encountered Voldemort's minions and fought them. In the book, Hermione was hit by a stunning spell and did not participate in the battle, but in the film the girl fought along with everyone else.

Sixth year

In the sixth book, Harry Potter found a potions book in Hogwarts, in the margins of which an unknown owner had left valuable advice. Using them, Harry became the top of his class in this subject. Hermione, not accepting this approach to learning, became jealous and angry, and she again quarreled with Ron, for whom she began to feel sympathy.

By the end of the book, Dumbledore died, and Voldemort built up an army. The storms over Hogwarts began to thicken. These tragic events, forced the heroine to make a strong-willed decision to complete her studies.

Seventh year

In the seventh book, three friends left school and went in search of Horcruxes - objects that contained parts of Voldemort's soul. During long and dangerous adventures, the trio found horcruxes and destroyed them, hiding from their enemies.

At the end of the entire cycle, there was final battle for Hogwarts, during which Hermione destroyed one of the Horcruxes. Also, the girl defended the school and students, fighting the allies of Voldemort, who was eventually defeated.

After the events of the books

After destruction dark forces, Hermione graduated from Hogwarts and passed her final exam a year later. After this, the girl began working in the Ministry of Magic, first in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and then in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (where she became deputy head of the Department).

The heroine married Ron Weasley, with whom she gave birth to two children (Rose and Hugo). Subsequently, she became son's godmother Harry - James Potter.

Magic force

Hermione's lack of outstanding magical abilities was compensated by her desire to learn, flexibility of thinking and level of development. The girl was constantly discovering something new for herself, looking for useful information. Combined with amazing observation, this helped the heroes many times.

Hermione's abilities included the ability to start a fire and a penchant for solving any logical or magical riddles. Hermione's short stature and figure helped her in battles - enemies simply did not hit the girl. In addition, the heroine’s hair is enchanted - it never gets in her way, and no one can grab it in a fight.


Hermione came from a wealthy background, but not rich family. Her parents had sufficient funds to provide for their daughter's reasonable requests. Among the girl's property, one could note a pet - a cat named Crookshanks (Hermione bought him in her third year of study) and a book that Dumbledore bequeathed to the girl. This book, “Tales of Beedle the Bard,” helped the heroes understand the mystery of the Deathly Hallows.

  • Hermione's mother's name is Jean (since it is the middle name of the girl herself).
  • The girl had 2 sticks - from grapevine with a dragon's heartstring and a walnut with the same core (Hermione owned the second wand temporarily, having taken it from Bellatrix Lestrange).
  • Hermione artificially changed the memory of her parents and their surnames in order to protect them from Voldemort. Later, the girl returned her memory to her family.
  • The sorceress's patronus is the otter.

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Both jokingly and seriously?

Always carry several books with you?
Hermione is rarely seen without one or two big books in hand. Try taking something from non-fiction, such as the history of your school or city. As fiction try classics or realistic fiction, Hermione would read the most realistic books (but Harry Potter is fine too
. You can take an old-fashioned book bag, which can be tan or light brown in color. When wearing it, do you sling it over your shoulder?
Get straight A's for completing homework, prepare for tests a week in advance, complete extra tasks and complete projects on time?
Hermione studies whenever she has the opportunity. When the teacher asks a question, put your hand up as far as possible and try to be called on. Will doing this with every question show the teacher that you are paying attention and expect good grades?
Be a know-it-all?
Just when people speak with incorrect grammar or get the wrong answer, always correct them?
Wear minimal makeup?
Hermione doesn't overuse makeup. She might wear a little blush and nude eye shadow, but nothing too over the top?
Do you wear comfortable clothes that also look neat and presentable?
Be kind to everyone, no matter what they are social status, clothing preferences or appearance?
Hang out with both boys and girls and try to make friends?
Don't let bullies bully you?
Just keep your chin up, stand straight and walk through as if nothing happened. Would Hermione ignore them?
Be very attentive when listening to the teacher and ignore children who talk to you during class if they are not supposed to?
Reassure them with a meaningful "t - s - s - s" and keep your eyes on the teacher. Turn around a little so you don't look at them?
Never leave your friends in trouble?
Always stand up for them and help them in their work. But never just give them the right answers, Hermione never does that?
Make business cards?
Only if you want, you can make several business cards, indicating the Hermione Granger Help Club on them. Just put your name in there and not Hermione's? Banana?

You probably think that you know Hermione Granger from Harry Potter 100%? I'm willing to bet...

1. Full name Hermione?

2. At what age did Hermione go to Hogwarts?

3. Hermione's date of birth?

4. What color are Hermione's eyes?

5. What color is Hermione's hair?

6. Is Granger's blood pure?

7. Hermione's wand?

8. Boggart in third year?

9. Patronus Granger?

10. Hermione's favorite subjects?

11. Which house did the Sorting Hat want to assign Hermione to?

12. Best friends Granger?

13. Where did Hermione and her parents go on holiday in the summer? summer holidays? (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, beginning)

14. Who did Hermione go to the Yule Ball with?

15. What did Hermione name the organization for the liberation of house elves? (initials)

16. What did Hermione do after Hogwarts?

17. What did Hermione argue with Ron about before the Christmas holidays? (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

18. Who accompanied Hermione in Operation Seven Potters? (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)

19. What did they fly on?

How old is Hermione now?

Emma Watson (English: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson) is a British actress born on April 15, 1990 in Paris, France. She played the role of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films.

How to be like Hermione Granger. Steps

    Curl your hair so that it looks a little messy and sticks out like Hermione's. In the film, Hermione's hair is wavy or curled, but in the book it is curly and spiky. If your hair is naturally curly, that's good. If not, use a hair curler or one of the methods below:

    • After the shower, lightly dry your hair and divide it into several sections. Twist each section into a bun and go to bed. In the morning your hair will be beautiful and wavy.
    • Divide wet hair into several sections (the thicker the hair, the more sections) and braid the hair. Go to bed with them or wait half a day. Then unbraid and enjoy your wavy hair.
    • You can also use curlers.
    • If you are not naturally dark, you can dye your hair darker. dark shade and buy brown ones contact lenses to achieve greater similarity.
    • IN last movie Hermione's hair is braided. One braid at the back will be enough.
  1. Match her wardrobe. Hermione doesn't care much about fashion. She cares more about books than her own appearance. However, this does not mean that it looks untidy. Choose something simple, modest and neat.

    • School uniform: sweater with V-neck, white blouse with tie in Gryffindor colors, pleated skirt, stockings or tights, black shoes, a black cape and a wizard's robe. The first two years the uniform is gray, and the subsequent years – black. You can also knit yourself a red and gold striped scarf and hat.
    • Casual clothing: Since Hogwarts is quite chilly, Hermione prefers warm clothes. She wears a warm coat, sweaters, knitted and knitted dresses, jeans, corduroy, cotton or cargo pants, and a good pair of sneakers. You may also notice that in the film, Emma Watson opts for cute, classic sweaters, sweatshirts, and cotton pants.
    • Clothes for going out: on holidays, Hermione straightens her hair and curls the ends. Make your hair as voluminous as possible. Hermione also wears dresses to special events. She wears a purple-blue dress at the fourth-year prom in the book, but in the film it is pinkish.
    • Sleepwear: Wear a long nightgown with a robe light shades and a pair of slippers. Or you can choose a top with pants, also combined with slippers and a robe.
  2. Wear as little or no makeup as possible. Hermione doesn't put much importance on her appearance, it's her characteristic feature. However, it won't hurt to apply some foundation, lip balm, mascara and eye shadow in natural shades. Hermione's eyebrows are always neat and beautifully shaped.

    Carry a couple of books you're reading (or haven't yet returned to the library) in your satchel bag. You can also make themed covers and put them on your books. For example, “The History of Quidditch”, “Fantastic Animals and Where to Find Them” or “The Tales of Beedle the Bard”.

    Make something like a magic wand. Hermione's wand (before it was stolen) was made of vine with dragon hair inside. The color is a little dark. You can make your own magic wand using a twig, glue or colored pencils.

    Consider getting a cat. A large fluffy cat with a square face, similar to Hermione's cat Crookshanks, is best suited. This is a red Persian cat. This breed is quite expensive, look for a cat of similar appearance.

    Accessories! You can wear a badge, a large woolen hat or a gold chain with a uniform hourglass(like a time flywheel).

  • If you don't know anything, go to the library. You can also re-read the Harry Potter books for new inspiration.
  • If you don't have special hair styling products, take a shower before bed and braid your wet hair. In the morning you will have the same curly hair like Hermione's.
  • If you want to dress like Hermione but don't have much money. Look for clothes at thrift stores or in stores during seasonal sales.
  • Look for information on the Internet. Enter in the search bar " appearance Hermione Granger” or something similar and view pictures and photos upon request.
  • If you don't know how to knit yet, sign up for special courses or ask someone to teach you. You can also find training courses online.

Hermione Granger: character history

A Muggle-born sorceress, a know-it-all and simply an ambitious person, Hermione Granger manages to diligently learn the basics of magic at Hogwarts and participate in incredible adventures. The girl skillfully manages time, is fair, values ​​friendship, for which she has earned the respect of her classmates and the love of readers of a fairy tale written by JK Rowling.

Hermione Jean Granger is one of the main characters in the Harry Potter series of novels, along with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.
Hermione has brown eyes and brown hair. Her appearance in the book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is described as follows: “a girl with thick brown hair... Her front teeth were a little longer than necessary.” However, in the book “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” the Dantisimus spell cast by Malfoy at Harry ricocheted at Hermione, causing Hermione’s front teeth to grow almost to her chin. In the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey gave Hermione a mirror and told her to watch it until her teeth returned to their previous size. Hermione waited a little longer than necessary, and her teeth became neat and even. She has a cat Crookshanks (in other translations - Crookshanks), which she bought with money received for her birthday from her parents. It was Crookshanks who first recognized the rat as Ron Peter Pettigrew. At first, Ron hated the cat because he wanted to eat Scabbers (Pettigrew), but later they made up. When Sirius gave Ron an owl (a dwarf owl, as it turned out in the fourth book) Sychik, thus compensating him for the loss of his pet, he brought it to the cat’s face to make sure that everything was okay with the bird.

Hermione loves to study and devotes a lot of time to it. Sometimes she is too arrogant and overly proud of her academic success. She is ambitious, in class she always tries to answer first and stand out with her knowledge, for which many, not without reason, consider her a know-it-all. In the eyes of others, with her fanatical desire for order and discipline, she looks overly correct and boring, and for this they often laugh at her. He speaks somewhat edifyingly and verbosely, without, however, losing logic (which is especially noticeable in the first books). He writes letters the same way: in long sentences with many commas. Her written work always turns out to be longer than expected. However, the first impression of her turns out to be incorrect: indeed, compliance with formal rules and academic success mean a lot to her, but we can say with all confidence that she has much more significant values ​​and ideals. She values ​​justice highly.

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione admits that the Sorting Hat asked her to choose the Ravenclaw house, the house where the smartest students study.

Hermione regularly helps Harry and Ron with their studies, explains the material to them, lets them read her notes and even (very reluctantly) allows them to copy homework. They often admit that without Hermione it would be much more difficult for them to study, and her help is very important to them.

In the first books, Hermione's powers of observation are striking. For example, she is the only one who notices what Fluffy is standing on, while Harry and Ron do not take their eyes off the three scary heads of the monster. One glance at the luggage of the teacher sleeping in the compartment is enough for her to see Professor Lupin's mark. Also, of all the students, she was the only one who guessed that Professor Lupine was a werewolf. While everyone's attention is focused on the Goblet of Fire, which suddenly decided to throw out the name of the fourth Champion, Hermione peers at Harry. The expression on his friend's face leaves no doubt: the choice of the Cup for Harry is a complete surprise. Until the end of the first round of the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione remained perhaps the only Hogwarts student who did not accuse Potter of deception.

Hermione is a brave and courageous girl who is always ready to help her friends. However, one of her weak points is her inability to act in non-standard situation when you need to make a quick decision. Over the years, this trait of hers also changes. We can say that Hermione's tenacious powers of observation are gradually complemented by the ability to quickly navigate the environment. If you give her at least a minute to think calmly, she will find best solution. This was especially evident in her behavior in the book “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.” When Harry, Ron and Hermione steal Slytherin's locket in disguise, she is the only one who thinks of creating a copy of the locket so that Dolores Umbridge does not notice the loss; when Hermione literally at the last second transgresses herself and Harry from Bathilda Bagshot's house, escaping the clutches of Voldemort; when the guys left Xenophilius Lovegood, who had betrayed them to the Death Eaters, Hermione ingeniously solves several problems at once: hides Ron under the invisibility cloak (thus protecting the Weasley family from investigation), erases Mr. Lovegood’s memory of their visit and for a short moment shows Harry Potter to his pursuers, saving thereby saving the Lovegood father and daughter from reprisal by the Death Eaters for a “false call.” Just as quickly, under Bellatrix’s torture in the Malfoy mansion, she comes up with a coherent story about the fake Gryffindor sword. J. K. Rowling admitted that Hermione is a lot like her. Hermione's patronus is an otter, which is Rowling's favorite animal. Hermione's middle name, Jean (appears in the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" during the reading of Albus Dumbledore's will) - female version named "John", just like Joan, Rowling's first name.

Hermione's parents are Muggles (dentists by profession) and she is, accordingly, a Muggle-born sorceress.

Smart and straightforward Hermione Granger from "Harry Potter", daring Sam from "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", sincere Ila from "Noah" - Emma Watson's roles are so different, but they have one thing in common - everything she says, everything she lives in frame, goes from the heart to its viewer.

Films starring Emma Watson regularly occupy leading positions in the ratings. Although it's hard to believe that before playing Hermione, Emma Watson had no professional acting experience. But after the words “You got the role,” her life changed dramatically. The first film where Emma Watson starred was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The brilliant role of the “cramming” Hermione allows us to talk about her as one of the most promising actresses of our time.

“Harry Potter” not only opened the list of films starring Emma Watson, but also brought her the love of viewers all over the world. By the way, in 2009 Emma was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most highly paid actress decades. Every film in which Emma Watson has starred has since become a leader at the box office and brought her well-deserved awards. Thus, the Harry Potter saga added several titles of “best actress” at various film festivals.

But, contrary to the expectations of many critics, Hermione did not restrict her to a one-woman role. But Emma Watson and the films with her participation have just begun to grow and develop. The actress is invited to play leading roles in such films as “Ballet Shoes”, “The Adventures of Despereaux”, “7 Days and Nights with Marilyn”, “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, “Noah”, etc. And, as we can see, with every With the new film we see a new Emma Watson.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)

Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

Ballet Shoes (2007)

The Adventures of Despereaux (2008)

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)

7 days and nights with Marilyn (2011

)It's good to be a wallflower (2012)

Elite Society (2013)

End of the World 2013: Apocalypse Hollywood Style (2013)

What is Hermione Granger's name?

British actress, fashion model. She is known for her role as Hermione Granger in seven feature-length films about the young wizard Harry Potter.

Video Interesting facts about Hermione Granger ϟ Emma Watson

How to become Hermione Granger when you have guests. About the younger sister and... teeth

Did you know this fact about Hermione Granger: she was not supposed to be an only child. Rowling originally planned for the heroine to have a younger sister. When Harry and Ron meet their future girlfriend, she says: “No one in my family has anything to do with magic.” Then the writer hoped that she would introduce Hermione’s sister into the story (otherwise Granger would have said: “My parents have nothing to do with magic”). But Rowling couldn't find a way to introduce this sister to readers, and then it was too late.

In the books, Hermione is described as a girl with large front teeth. That's probably why, when she accidentally enlarged her teeth with a spell, Ron was indignant, and Professor Snape said that he didn't see any difference. The director of the first part (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), Chris Columbus, tried to give Emma Watson fake teeth, but it was very inconvenient, and the idea was abandoned. In the last scene of the film, Hermione's fake teeth can be seen, but their size is reduced to a minimum compared to the original ones.

Always carry several books with you. Hermione is rarely seen without one or two large books in her hands. Try taking something from non-fiction, such as the history of your school or city. For fiction, try classics or realistic fantasy, Hermione would read the most realistic books (but Harry Potter is fine too). You can take an old-fashioned book bag, which can be tan or light brown in color. When wearing it, throw it over your shoulder.

Get straight A's on your homework, study for tests in advance, complete extra assignments, and complete projects on time.

Hermione studies whenever she has the opportunity. When the teacher asks a question, stick your hand up as far as possible (even if that means standing up) and try to get called on. Doing this with every question will show the teacher that you are paying attention and expect good grades. Do you want the teacher to say, “Anyone else other than (your name)?” Hermione would be very happy if the teacher said that. Be a know-it-all.

If people speak with incorrect grammar or get the wrong answer, always correct them. You can make it nice by saying, "(Person's name), Albert Einstein didn't create the light bulb, Thomas Edison did, just thought I'd correct your source so you don't get confused." Don't overdo it, although people may start to think you're annoying. If you see a spelling mistake or inaccuracy in a test or book, go tell your teacher. If your teacher said something wrong, go to him/her and tell him what was said wrong. Always provide the teacher with more information about the subject and speak in a confident voice that shows you know it by heart. Always start speaking with the words: “Do you know.” Your teachers will be impressed. If you believe school lunches are unhealthy for students, speak up and try to include fresher, more sustainable options. You can do this by walking into the lunch line and saying, "You know, I'd like to talk to you after lunch if you have time." And see what they say. Or, if you are interested in helping fight genocide, start a club. Hermione created the Society for the Promotion of Elven Welfare to protect the rights of elves. Don't be afraid to speak up. Always think of ways to make your school or place the best it can be.

Wear minimal (or no) makeup. Hermione doesn't overuse makeup. She can apply a little blush and nude eye shadow, but nothing too over the top. In the movies, Hermione kind of has to wear makeup. If Hermione were a real living being, she probably wouldn't wear makeup. You can wear little or no makeup.

Wear comfortable clothes that also look neat and presentable. In the movie Deathly Hallows, Hermione wore white shirt with a collar under a striped black and blue long sleeve shirt. On top she wore a dark blue sweater, unbuttoned at the neck. This type of clothing shows that you are familiar with the rules and dress code.

Be kind to everyone, regardless of their social status, clothing preferences or appearance. Hang out with both boys and girls and try to make friends. IN " Philosopher's Stone" she greeted Ron with a simple "And, you?" (Ron introduced himself) "It's a pleasure." Watch the video below to find out. If you want a new student to know that you are smart and dexterous, then go up to him after class and say with a smile: “Hi (his name), I’m (your first and last name), and I can help you with your work if will be needed. I'm ready to help you choose the right way to be trained to work in any field of activity.” And extend your hand for a handshake. This student can count on you.

Don't let bullies bully you. Just keep your chin up, stand straight and walk through as if nothing happened. Hermione would have ignored them. To really annoy them if they do this often, say, “You used bad grammar when you said “shoes,” and your posture might be a little suited for, say, yoga. I can help you with this." Step back a little: “And you have something on your nose, I just want to tell you not to walk around like a fool. Have a good day" And walk away. Let them try to figure out what you said, since it is more likely to confuse and surprise them.

Always ask for more tasks or Additional tasks, if you have already done your homework. As Hermione once said, it's always good to have extra points just in case. If you're done great job Start your homework earlier than others. If you always feel like there isn't enough homework, go to your teacher and ask for more homework. If he doesn't have anything, ask him if he could start sooner new project. Your teacher will be shocked.

Be very attentive when listening to the teacher, and ignore children who talk to you during class if they are not supposed to. Reassure them with a meaningful “shhhh” and keep your eyes on the teacher. Turn around a little so you don't look at them. After the lesson, go up to them and say in a stern voice: “You shouldn’t create problems during important lesson

to talk about video games!” and walk away looking arrogant. Don't worry so much about your hair and clothes. Throw something on yourself, brush your teeth and go! Although, you should at least look presentable. Hermione cares more about her brains than her looks. She once said so. Hermione is described as having thick brown hair. Try this: Don't dry your hair after showering; instead, let them air dry on their own. They will be easily flowing and elastic. If you have Thick hair

, try to be careful with this step. Never leave your friends in trouble.

Always stand up for them and help them in their work. But never just give them the right answers, Hermione never does that! Help them as a teacher would, and then, even if the student doesn't thank you, say (in a loud, stern voice), "Please!" and smile a little to show you're joking. They'll understand what's going on. If you want, you can make some business cards with the Hermione Granger Help Club on them. Just put your name in there, not Hermione's. You can put your phone number or email address on them and tell people to contact you for help with homework. You can also create a club and give out cards to people to join it. Hermione would do that. You can also make nameplates for the club you start, like Hermione did when she created the Elf Humane Society club.