Pureblood wizards Harry Potter. Other spells classified as dark magic

General information [ | ]

Description [ | ]

In the world of Harry Potter, people's magical abilities are a gift, a specific spiritual ability of a person's personality [ ] . Any wizard is a person first of all; it’s just that, unlike Muggles, he was born with the gift of magic.

These abilities are given at birth; they cannot be learned if they are not there. They are usually inherited, but not always. Sometimes both parents of wizards give birth to a squib child, that is, a person completely devoid of magical power, but usually the child becomes a wizard if one of his parents is one. Sometimes wizards are born to Muggles. This problem has given rise to the issue of so-called "blood purity": some wizards argue that "Muggle-born" wizards are "second-class" citizens and cannot claim a place in the wizarding community. There is no objective evidence of this; in fact, many Muggle-borns mentioned on the pages of the series achieved more in magic than their peers with “pure” blood. Many of those who “fight for the purity of blood” and call themselves “pure-blooded magicians” are in fact half-breeds, perhaps in the second or third generation. Most shining example this - myself main villain series, Lord Voldemort, son of a Muggle.

To create magic, a person must configure his psyche in a special way, bring it to a certain state. The use of a magic wand is necessary for concentration, as well as indicating the target of the spell. Experienced wizards continue to use it, apparently out of habit, although some experienced and very powerful magicians do not seem to need it. In the seventh book, Dumbledore tells Harry that "there is nothing a wizard cannot do without a wand that he can do with one."

Young wizards, learning to cast spells, must learn to correctly pronounce the name of the spell, and also make a very specific gesture with a magic wand. If the name is pronounced incorrectly, with the wrong intonation, emphasis or pronunciation, or if the gesture is inaccurate, absolutely terrible things can happen. Starting from the fact that the spell is not fully executed, ending with the fact that the caster of the spell or his classmate suffers.

With constant training you can achieve clarity and precision in creating magic. This is exactly what the members of Dumbledore's Army did in the Room of Requirement.

As wizards gain experience, they can move on to nonverbal spells. In this case, the spell is cast mentally, and only the gesture is performed with the magic wand.

Upon achieving a certain experience and theoretical knowledge, it is possible to create new spells. For example, Severus Snape is known as the author of a powerful combat spell "Sectumsempra" as well as some others.

Categories of magic [ | ]

There is a concept among wizards blood purity. Depending on the number of ancestors who were wizards, characters are divided into several categories:

  • “pure-blooded wizards” are wizards who have only wizards in their pedigree;
  • “half-breeds” - sons/daughters of a wizard and a Muggle (or Muggle-born wizard);
  • Muggleborns are wizards born into a Muggle family;

There are also squibs - people born into families of wizards who do not have magical powers, and demihumans - characters whose ancestors had intelligent magical creatures - for example, giants or goblins.

The essence of the idea of ​​“purity of blood” is that a certain group of pure-blooded wizards are prejudiced against half-bloods and especially Muggle-born wizards: they consider them “second-class” people. Such beliefs are essentially no different from the racism and prejudices of class societies. This prejudice may manifest itself in various forms: reluctance to allow Muggle-born wizards into educational establishments for magicians; the opinion that Muggle-born wizards have much lower magical abilities than purebloods. This is refuted by the facts - there is no correlation between the purity of a wizard's blood and magical abilities; on the one hand, Muggle-born Hermione Granger and Lily Evans demonstrated excellent abilities for magic, and on the other, purebloods Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom did not do very well in most subjects during their training.

Extreme supporters of the idea of ​​the chosenness of pure-blooded wizards are the Death Eaters, led by Lord Voldemort (despite the fact that he himself is a half-breed). In 1997-1998, when the Ministry of Magic was under the control of Voldemort, non-pureblood wizards were persecuted (it was officially announced that they were stealing magical power from purebloods).

All three main characters belong to different categories: Ron Weasley is a pureblood, Hermione Granger is a Muggle-born, Harry Potter is a half-blood.

"True" pureblood wizards should not have Muggles in their bloodline. To questions from fans about the criteria for pureblood, JK Rowling replied that a pureblood wizard must have all his grandparents to be wizards, but there are also stricter views, according to which several generations more wizards are needed. She also added that truly purebred families in this moment does not exist: those who consider themselves such simply crossed out Muggles and Squibs from their genealogies.

Moreover, some of the most fanatical supporters of the idea of ​​​​the chosenness of purebloods, oddly enough, are not purebloods themselves. The most striking example is Lord Voldemort, the son of the purebred sorceress Merope Gloom and the Muggle Tom Riddle Sr.

In the Harry Potter books, several pureblood families play important role. This is Longbottom and the Weasleys. From the narrative it becomes clear that many purebred births have now ceased. For example, the Crouch family. Bartemius Crouch Sr. had only child Bartemius Crouch Jr., who was subjected to the Dementor's Kiss for his crimes, which sucked the soul out of the unfortunate man. Another example is the Black family. The last of the noble family - Sirius and Regulus Black - died without leaving any offspring. Many fanatics of the idea of ​​pureblood, due to the fact that there were quite a few purebred wizards left, were forced to marry their relatives, as a result of which genetic degeneration began in these families (Ron Weasley: “if we [wizards] had not married Muggles, We would have died out long ago." It is known that marriages between relatives took place in the Black family (for example, Molly was a distant relative of Arthur Weasley, their common relative was Phineas Nigellus Black), and it can also be assumed with high probability that in the families of pureblood fanatics the Malfoys and Lestranges. Sirius Black once tells Harry Potter that almost all noble purebred wizards are related to each other (the same was the case in the noble families of the European aristocracy). In the Gloom family, due to marriages between relatives, degeneration was especially pronounced: Voldemort's uncle Morfin Gloom was ugly, cruel, abnormal and spoke only the snake language. In the Black family, everyone is quite smart and beautiful, but many members of the family suffer from pathological cruelty and unbridled character - for example, Bellatrix Lestrange (nee Black). The family considered themselves the direct heirs of the Peverells - the legendary creators of the Deathly Hallows, but in fact, many magical families, including the Potters, are related to the now extinct Peverell family.

"Pureblood Traitor" or "Blood Traitor" is an insulting name for those pureblood wizards who treat Muggles and Muggle-born wizards well. This was the name of the Weasley family, Sirius Black, Andromeda Tonks, Merope Gloom and Albus Dumbledore. Many pureblood families - like the Blacks, for example - cross out “traitors” from their pedigree, along with Muggles and Squibs.

Half-breeds [ | ]

Half-breeds- children from the marriage of a wizard (sorceress) and a Muggle, or children from the marriage of two wizards, but among their grandparents (and, according to stricter views, among more distant ancestors) there must be at least one Muggle. Now in the world of wizards, according to Rowling, most of all are half-breeds (50% of Hogwarts students are half-breeds). Pureblood fanatics consider half-bloods to be second-rate wizards, but still better than Muggle-borns. Many significant characters, including fighters for the purity of blood, are half-bloods: Harry Potter (the son of the purebred wizard James Potter and the Muggle-born sorceress Lily Evans); Voldemort (son of the Muggle Tom Riddle Sr. and the purebred sorceress Merope Gloom); Severus Snape (son of Muggle Tobias Snape and purebred sorceress Eileen Prince), etc.

Muggleborns [ | ]

Muggleborns- these are those witches and wizards who are born in families muggles- people who do not have magical abilities, and the parents of Muggles also do not have magical abilities. Causes of birth in ordinary families wizards are not revealed in the Harry Potter books, but in her recent interview, Rowling stated that such people have witches or wizards in their family. Sometimes several wizard children are born in Muggle families - for example, in the family of Dennis and Colin Creevey, sometimes not (Lily and Petunia Evans).

Fanatical supporters of blood purity treat Muggle-borns with special contempt, they despise them even more than Muggles and insultingly call them “mudbloods” (which is similar to racism and other types of discrimination in real world). However, it is considered a proven fact that Muggle origin has no effect on magical abilities. Several significant Muggle-borns in the novels - Hermione Granger and Lily Evans - demonstrated brilliant magical abilities despite their Muggle origins.

The extremely offensive nickname for Muggle-born wizards - "mudblood" - is used only by supporters of the chosenness of pure-blooded wizards, and it is considered derogatory.

Demi-humans [ | ]

Demi-humans- some wizards were born from the connection between wizards and sentient beings magical creatures. It is known that Rubeus Hagrid and Olympia Maximus are half giants, Filius Flitwick has goblins among his ancestors, Fleur Delacour is one-quarter Veela, and it also seemed to Harry that Gregory Goyle is a descendant of trolls. The term "demi-human" is sometimes used to refer to werewolves and humanoid creatures such as centaurs. Dolores Umbridge had a special hatred for demihumans.

Squibs [ | ]

Argus Filch

Squib- a person whose at least one parent is a wizard, but who himself does not have magical abilities. Squibs are born quite rarely: two are reliably known from the text of the novels - Arabella Figg, the Dursleys' neighbor on Privet Drive and Argus Filch, the Hogwarts caretaker. Presumably, this included Merope Gloom, the mother of Voldemort (a controversial example: Dumbledore believed that her magical abilities did not manifest themselves due to poor living conditions). Squibs know about the existence of the magical world or even perform some functions in it, but due to the lack of magical abilities they cannot lead a full life in it. Perhaps Filch's lack of magical abilities is the reason for his poorly concealed hatred towards Hogwarts students. Also this concept erroneously applied to Albus Dumbledore's sister Ariana.

Despite the lack of magical abilities, Squibs differ from Muggles in that they can see things hidden from Muggles by special spells (that is, they are not Muggles by nature). For example, Argus Filch successfully works at Hogwarts, which for Muggles looks like the ruins of an ancient castle. Squibs cannot see dementors (as J. K. Rowling explained on her website, Figg did not actually see the dementors that attacked Harry, but she had enough knowledge to correctly identify the feelings caused by them), and the reaction of representatives of the Ministry of Magic Arabella Figg's statement in court shows that the abilities of Squibs are not fully understood.

Magic abilities[ | ]

A list of special abilities that a wizard or witch can have in the world of Harry Potter.

Animagus [ | ]

Animagus- the art of transforming into an animal. A wizard who can transform himself (his body) into an animal - Animagus.

The ability to transform into an animal is not innate, but develops as you study this type of magic. Transformation does not require the use of a magic wand. The skill is complex and dangerous. Due to the difficulty of studying it, there were only seven official Animagus in the twentieth century. In the books, only one of them is mentioned - Minerva McGonagall, and four unofficial ones - James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and journalist Rita Skeeter.

The type of animal that an animagus can transform into is called animagus form. Each animagus can only have one animagus form. Apparently it is determined personal qualities wizard during the period of learning animagus.

The animagus form bears the same physical defects as the wizard's original body. For example, if a wizard has a scar on his body, it will also be present on his animagus form. The same applies to glasses - in animagus form, the glasses appear as distinctive markings around the eyes. The animagus' clothing is lost during the transformation, and is restored after he returns to human body. It is unknown where the clothing is located during the existence of the animagus in the animal's body. It often (but not always) happens that the same wizard’s animagus form and Patronus coincide (that is, they are the same animal), in which case these animals have the same appearance, the same special features.

As a rule, an animagus transformation is done for a while, after which the wizard returns to his human form. A second, more difficult option is also possible, when the wizard transforms his body for an indefinite period. Then the reverse transformation will be complicated by the animal body.

There is a spell with which it is possible to turn back into a human with the help of other persons. Sometimes this transformation is carried out against the will of the animagus himself. The spell is safe for normal animals. When this spell is in effect, a blue-white flash is visible, the animagus in the form of an animal hovers in the air, falls to the ground; a second flash, then the reverse transformation occurs, as if in slow motion.

Every animagus is required to register with the Ministry of Magic. Registration is required due to the dangers associated with casting the transformation spell. His name, animagus form and special features must be entered into a special register in order for him to be recognized. The register is publicly available. The punishment for evading registration is unknown, but it can be assumed that it is severe (Rita Skeeter stopped writing articles for a year so that Hermione would not give her away).

In the Harry Potter books, only two changelings are mentioned: Nymphadora Tonks and her son Teddy Lupine.

The abilities of a metamorph, like any other magician, greatly depend on his psychological state. With severe or prolonged depression, magical abilities are weakened or even disappear completely.

Parselmouth [ | ]

Parselmouth- a person who can speak with snakes in the snake language (English: parseltongue - parsultank or serpentargo). Those around do not understand the conversation between the parselmouth and the snake, since they only hear a hiss; it seems to the parselmouth himself that he is speaking to the snake in ordinary language. The gift, probably innate and extremely rare, is usually inherited or along with magical power(Harry Potter gained this ability after being attacked by Voldemort, and all the other Parselmouths mentioned in the books were descendants of Salazar Slytherin). Typically associated with the Dark Arts ( Dark arts), but it is known that some good wizards also possessed this gift. The most famous parselmouth was Salazar Slytherin, which is why the symbol of his house “Slytherin” is a snake.

Magicians mentioned in the books who have Legilimency: Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Voldemort.

Voldemort was excellent at legilimency - in almost all cases, he immediately recognizes during conversations if someone is lying to him. Albus Dumbledore also mastered this skill perfectly, we learn about this from the context of the book.

Occlumency [ | ]

Occlumency- A counter-skill to Legilimency, its user can collect (hide) emotions or prevent Legilimency from detecting thoughts or memories that contradict words or actions. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Snape, Dumbledore and McGonagall are all known to be highly skilled in Legilimency and Occlumency.

Types of movement in space[ | ]

Transgression [ | ]

Transgression (in other translations “apparation”) - a way to move the wizard to long distance in a matter of seconds. In the original, the ability is called Apparition / Disapparition, that is, “appearance” and “disappearance”; the word “transgress” was introduced by translators - according to one version, by analogy with the novel “Monday Begins on Saturday” by the Strugatsky brothers.

To move, the wizard needs to clearly imagine the place of arrival (“targeting”), concentrate on the desire to get there (“perseverance”) and without fuss, calmly spin around in place (“slowness”), mentally feeling the way into nothingness and transporting to the planned point. These actions are called Rule of three“n” Transgression is a complex magical action and in order to use it, you must pass an exam and obtain permission. The transgression exam can only be taken by persons who have reached the age of seventeen (at age 17, a wizard is considered an adult). Hogwarts usually organizes every year for sixth-year students paid courses transgressions, which are led by a special instructor from the Ministry of Magic. For the 1996-1997 school year it was Wilkie Doublecrest. The cost of training is 12 Galleons.

The most common mistake made by beginners is the so-called “split,” when one or another part of the body remains at the starting point. For example, in the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", Ron Weasley's hand was almost torn off during transgression. This happens when there is insufficient concentration. It is eliminated by using a certain spell, when used, a cloud of purple smoke appears. Some wizards prefer not to get involved with transgression at all precisely because of its “surprises.” In addition, during transgression a piece of flesh may break out. In this case, healing spells and potions are useful.

Although the magic wand is not used directly in the transgression procedure, its presence is necessary, at least for inexperienced wizards, for successful transgression.

There is also the so-called “paired transgression”, when one wizard transfers not only himself, but also another person (in in rare cases- several people). For such “baggage,” transgression skills are not necessary; you just need to hold on very tightly to the “guide.”

Rules of good manners instruct wizards not to transgress directly into the house of other wizards, but to appear somewhere nearby and walk the last few meters. Also, some houses, like those at Hogwarts, may have enchantments placed on them that prohibit transgression into the house.

As stated in the books, it is impossible to transgress within Hogwarts due to the enchantment placed on the castle. Only house elves could transgress at Hogwarts, as they use special elven magic.

It is interesting that in not a single book or in a single film does not a single animagus use transgression, even at critical moments; it is likely that the abilities of animagus and transgression are mutually exclusive. Harry Potter learned to transgress perfectly after, contrary to fans' expectations, he did not become an animagus and Rowling stated in an interview that he would never become an animagus, but would prove himself in something else.

Portals [ | ]

Portal- a specially enchanted object that transports magicians from one place to another at a certain time.

To create a portal, use the Portus spell. The wizard must point the wand at the object and say “Portus!” The portal flashes blue light for a moment.

The creation and use of portals is under the supervision of the Ministry. Portals are handled by the Portal Directorate of the Department of Magical Transport. Illegal creation of portals is punishable.

Portals are more often used to transport wizards en masse without arousing suspicion among Muggles. In Book IV we see portals used as transport during the Quidditch World Cup. Hundreds of portals have been installed in England to transport groups of people into the stadium. To create portals, wizards most often use inconspicuous objects of no interest to Muggles.

It is a rare man who is able to resist the magic of a Veela, especially if she wants, just for fun, to win his heart. But an angry Veela looks completely different. Her face stretches into a sharp-beaked, angry bird's head, and scaly wings grow from her shoulders. In addition, in this state, a veela can throw a handful of magical fire at the offender.

Veela hair can be used as a "stuffing" for wands (this alone shows how magically powerful Veelas are), but Master Ollivander says that wands with Veela hair inside are very temperamental.

Unbreakable Vow[ | ]

Unbreakable Vow- an oath secured through enchantment, which cannot be broken: the violator will face inevitable death.

In the book "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", Severus Snape's oath to Narcissa Malfoy took place as follows: Snape and Narcissa knelt face to face and held hands (right for right). Bellatrix Lestrange, who was present, touched her clasped hands with her wand. Bellatrix asked: “Do you swear...?”; Snape answered: “I swear.” With each oath, a tongue of flame burst out of the stick and, intertwining with the previous ones, wrapped around the hands “... like a red-hot wire,<…>like a rope, like a fiery snake.”

Dark Arts[ | ]

Dark Arts - these are spells and magical practices that can cause harm to other people and are used, as a rule, with evil intentions. Wizards who use the Dark Arts are called dark mages. The greatest power of them was achieved by Lord Voldemort.

Dark magic in the world of wizards usually refers to those spells that can cause significant harm to a person or force him to carry out certain actions against his own will. Spells that can paralyze, stun, or disarm a person are not considered dark magic by the wizarding community. For dark magic great importance has how the wizard who casts the spell feels. So, for example, Harry Potter used the Cruciatus spell against Bellatrix Lestrange, but it turned out to be very ineffective in its execution - since, according to Bellatrix herself, you need to want to cause pain and experience pleasure from the suffering of another person, and only then the spell can act in full force. Practicing dark magic can disfigure the soul and body, as happened with Voldemort.

Unforgivable spells[ | ]

It is unknown exactly how many types of spells are classified as dark magic. The most famous are the three Unforgivable Curses, which are considered the worst in the wizarding community, and their mere use on a person is enough to be sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. However, sometimes even the use of these spells can be legal - for example, the use of the Unforgivable Curses was allowed to the Aurors during the first war with Voldemort.

Unforgivable curses

  • - death spell.
  • - pain spell.
  • - a spell that suppresses a person’s will and makes him completely controllable.

Other spells classified as dark magic

The Black Mark is described numerous times in the book, but the actual spell that causes it is only described in the fourth book (first cast by Barty Crouch Jr.).

Black Mark [ | ]

Black Mark- Lord Voldemort's magical mark. All Death Eaters have such a sign on the inside of the forearm of their left hand, it serves both to recognize each other (the Dark Lord puts this mark personally) and for communication between the Eaters and Voldemort himself. When you touch the Black Mark on the hand of one of them with a magic wand, everyone else feels a burning sensation in a similar place, this serves as a sign.

A black mark can also be created in the air, it will hang there for a long time like a cloud of smoke a certain form. During the years of Voldemort's first arrival, the Eaters hung such marks over the houses of murdered wizards. Therefore, in the world of magicians, the Mark causes almost the same horror as Voldemort himself. This explains the panic that gripped fans at the Quidditch World Cup Final in 1994, when the Dark Mark appeared in the sky after the match, and the haste with which Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts after seeing the Mark above the castle's astronomy tower.

The black mark looks like a skull with a snake crawling out of its mouth. Perhaps this symbolizes Voldemort's connection with Salazar Slytherin, since the basilisk is very in a similar way crawled out of the mouth of the statue of the founder of the Slytherin house in the Chamber of Secrets.

The inactive mark is located as a pale mark on the inside of the left forearm; when active, it is dark black. After activation, it fades away within a few hours and becomes pale again.

The eaters left Black mark as a signature after the “work” done. The mark is called by the spell "", the same mark appears as on the hands of the Eaters.

Infernal [ | ]

Infernals- bodies of the dead revived using a spell (or spells). Obviously, it makes no difference who these people were during their lifetime: magicians or Muggles. Infernals act at the behest of the wizard who created them. Something like a zombie. They cannot be killed, many spells have almost no effect on them (for example, the spell “,” which inflicts deep wounds, is extremely dangerous for living people, but is completely ineffective in the fight against corpses, insensitive to pain and blood loss). However, like all creatures of darkness, infernals are afraid of light and heat, and they can also be fought with fire.

Portraits [ | ]

Many paintings in the world of Harry Potter live their own lives and take a particularly active part in public life. Not only do the people depicted on them have their own character, they can talk among themselves and with living people, their inhabitants, no matter whether they ever had prototypes or not, can move to neighboring paintings if they hang enough close on the wall. In this way, the inhabitants of the Hogwarts portraits can travel throughout the castle.

A person who once really existed and has several portraits of himself can instantly transform into any of them, no matter where this portrait is located.

A portrait of each Hogwarts headmaster appears in the headmaster's office upon his death.

Magic portraits of real people preserve the memory and character of their prototypes. exactly the same portrait, but from the Black ancestral home (... and this is 1961-1968, the Fat Lady was already in office.

The Fat Lady's best friend is the witch Violetta, whose portrait hangs on the first floor. Violetta brings the Fat Lady all the gossip of the castle, because the Lady herself cannot leave her post for a long time. The friends happily discuss the latest news and sometimes have a drink or two.

Other [ | ]

  • Sir Cadogan- a short knight in medieval armor trying to mount a pony. His portrait hangs on the eighth floor landing at Hogwarts. The runt is full of courage, despite his blatant clumsiness. He is ready to challenge anyone he suspects of disrespecting himself to a duel. But he instantly responds to the call for help, with the same fervor with which he challenged him to a duel a minute ago... The fat man clad in armor gives himself even more comic relief with his pathetic manner of speech and an abundance of exclamations. Sir Cadogan helped Harry, Ron and Hermione find the Divination Room. At the end there was a dialogue between Sir and Ron: Sir Cadogan: “If you need a noble heart and muscles of steel, call Sir Cadogan!”//Ron: “Yeah, we’ll call you, if we need a swamp plague and an abnormal psycho.”
  • Violet- a portrait of a puny, pointed-nosed witch, hanging on the first floor of Hogwarts, in a room adjacent to the Great Hall. But, like most of the inhabitants of the castle paintings, she loves to visit other portraits. For example, she often drops by to see the Fat Lady, with whom she likes to gossip and shake bones with mutual friends. A plump lady in the service, she cannot leave her post for a long time, so Violetta usually brings her news.
  • Walburga Black(Black is also maiden name Walburgs: she and her husband are both great-grandchildren of Phineas Nigellus) - mother of Sirius and Regulus Black, wife of Orion Black, sister of Alphard Black, who helped Sirius with money when he ran away from home. The character of Mrs. Black can be judged by her portrait, which hangs in the hallway of the house on the square. Grimmauld, 12. Every time loud noises are heard in the hallway, the portrait wakes up, the velvet curtains covering the portrait are pulled apart and “before the astonished public” appears in full height an old woman drawn so skillfully that it seems as if she is alive. Outraged to the core by the “rabble” that has found shelter under the roof of her family nest, she immediately begins to scream, scream as if she is being tortured, scream until she foams at the mouth, rolling her eyes and raising her clawed hands as if trying to scratch the faces of those in the hallway people: “Scoundrels! Trash! The spawn of vice and filth! Half-breeds, mutants, freaks! Go away! How dare you desecrate the house of my ancestors?” The appearance of her son does not reassure her either: “You-s-s-s! A defiler of our kind, a reptile, a traitor, a disgrace to my flesh!...” You can silence her only by closing the curtain.
  • . In: The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles (Vol. 7), Irwin, W. and Bassham, G. eds.. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Highfield, R., 2003. The science of Harry Potter: How magic really works. Penguin.

The race is our God, who unites the generations of the dead, the living and the unborn. We live in the Rod and act through the Rod, it cannot be otherwise, otherwise we are rootless and fatherless. The clan consists of thousands of generations of great-grandfathers, fathers, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. All of them - blood from blood, flesh from flesh - are descendants of the Native Gods. In their Souls and Bodies they bear the signs of our Light Ancestors. The Soul of man is primary, for the Soul is real essence of a person, the Soul is the person himself.

The Orthodox Pokon and the Vedas teach that just as fire is unknowable without water, so the Soul is nothing without the Body. The Body and Soul of a person are an inseparable essence in reality, their combination creates life. A person’s body tells about his Soul, about his Ancestors and about his Gods. We have forgotten how to read a person by the signs of his Body, and it is a complete reflection internal state- Souls. A weak Soul is a sick Body, a worthless Spirit is rotten flesh.

There is law and order in everything that exists. Pokon Roda teaches us that a falcon pairs with a falcon, a wolf with a she-wolf, and people - in their families. Those kinds are many, for our God is one and many. Foreign clans live according to their own customs, and we cannot destroy other customs, and foreigners will suffer death and damnation for the destruction of the Russian Orthodoxy, Vedic Orthodoxy. Have we heard somewhere about the Gods? different nations who are glorified in the same Faith? Have we heard that Thor has Athena as his wife, and Zeus has Makosha as his wife? You have not heard and will not hear, for this is ignorance and nonsense!

Each clan has its own understanding of the Gods, that is why the Ancestors are different, and that is why the descendants are not similar to each other.

The Slavic clans belong to the Race, which consists of four main clans: brown-eyed, blue-eyed, gray-eyed and green-eyed. In addition, they differ in body structure, blood types and hair color. The hair of the Slavs is dark brown (chestnut), light brown and blond. The most common blood groups are I (+) and II (+), which are characterized by low intensity of oxidative processes. The average height of the Slavs and other descendants of the Aryans is 172–174 centimeters, round heads predominate over long heads, straight noses with a characteristic pit that separates the forehead and the bridge of the nose. Different variants combinations of these characteristics create the characteristics of each specific Slavic family. The Slavs are united by the common Pokon of Veda and Faith, but at the same time they have their own tribal characteristics. For Perun and Perkunas are not alone. Perun is the Slavic perception of God, Perkunas is the Baltic. Our perception of the Gods is not the same, because we ourselves are not the same! It’s like in the Rainbow: the colors are different, but in themselves they lose their peculiarity, and only in unity are they a Rainbow.

Slavs - Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Serbs, Czechs, Croats, Slovaks, Slovenes and others - in terms of physique do not differ from the previous population of Venice historical eras, starting from the time of the Trypillian culture. The same identity is visible in the culture of the Slavs, which has clear parallels in the culture of the first European cultivators, the Trypillians. We, Slavs, are the only indigenous people Rus, descendants of the Tripoli community, which formed the basis of the Aryan culture as a whole.

Guardian laws of family purity is the Goddess Makosha, she is Perunov’s wife. This Mother Goddess became the intercessor of the Russian warrior. Her name means "Mother of Kosha". She takes care of the man heroic strength. As the most perfect embodiment of a woman-mother, Makosha ennobles the feelings of our warriors. Raising boys to become husbands, she teaches them law of blood purity. A warrior or a man faces many temptations, especially in our time of blurring state and clan boundaries and the loss of the covenants of our ancestors. Witches (knowing mothers) who know Makosha warn warriors against sexual relations with women of other people's clans. Our blood is holy and is only ours; giving it away and spoiling it by mixing it is a crime against the Ancestors. The Karba Vedanya clearly say: “Blood is holy. And our blood says that we are all Rusyns. The Slavic Clans must hold on so as not to lose Pokon.”

Adhering to the precepts of the Goddess Mokosh, we will achieve high level national and state development, because according to the qualities of childbirth we can give structure to our social organism. The closeness of spiritual characteristics and the identity of ideological ideas make it impossible to split the Family and strengthen national unity.

The Testaments of the Mother Goddess are aimed at improving the Slavic family. Preserving blood purity impossible without giving up alcohol, tobacco and other artificial stimulants. They destroy the image of the spirit and body of our clan, influence the breed, give rise to unhealthy, sickly offspring with physical and mental defects, unable to produce either varna or clan consciousness.

Our tribal (physical characteristics) feature serves as the basis for establishing friendly relations with all Aryan peoples, because all European clans, despite clear differences, have common roots and constitute a single Race. The most important thing for us is the renewal of the ideological unity of the Slavic peoples: Rusyns-Ukrainians, Russians, Litvins-Belarusians, Lekhits-Poles, Bulgarians, Slovenes, Serbs, Croats, Chekhs, Slovaks, Lusatians, Macedonians and Bosniaks. This is how we will recreate our Rainbow - Great Slavia, Slavic Skupa! There will be a place in it only for friendship and peace, brotherhood and mutual understanding, and everyone who decides to get rich at the expense of other Slavs will be cursed by our Gods and the entire Family.

Granger speaks French, speaks fluent Italian and reads German well. She has a double degree in Transfiguration and Charms, a prestigious job in a private magic laboratory, a personal nutritionist and fitness trainer, but in the presence of Draco Malfoy she feels dirty, like unsorted garbage.

Malfoy is pale-skinned, like the eternal snows of the Alps: Hermione cannot take her eyes off the visible veins on his unmanly thin wrists and feels like her heart is driving not blood, but impurity through her body.

The post-war magical world welcomed and generously rewarded its heroine, but by the age of twenty-five, Granger knows one thing for sure: no amount of galleons in her account will make her a pureblood.

Draco looks at her condescendingly and a little surprised: for the next ministerial reception she wore a dark green dress and a massive silver choker necklace.
“This is so un-Gryffindor,” Malfoy whispers mockingly, leaning slightly towards her with an on-duty smile, “Are you doing this for me?”
He's so close that Hermione can feel his breath on her neck, smell the champagne he's been drinking all evening.
“Fuck you,” the answering smile comes easily.

It’s probably an illness – that’s exactly what Harry tells her, nervously pacing the living room.
- Hermione, who is he? – this question has been asked dozens of times this evening, but Granger has nothing to say to her best friend.
- The fact that you are silent makes me think the worst. You wouldn't hide your relationship with a Muggle or a Squib, so...

“It seems that with age, Harry has learned to draw logical conclusions,” the Gryffindor thinks abstractly.

So this is one of the former Eaters, right? – the green of Potter’s eyes almost fluoresces from the guess that struck him.
“Harry,” Hermione makes herself more comfortable on the sofa and hugs the pillow, “I would say it if I had something to say.” We don't have a relationship. We're not a couple. He is from a noble family. Besides... - she looks away, - he is married.
“You practically described the Slytherin ferret,” the Man-Who-Won chuckles.

“But no, the logic still doesn’t work out,” Hermione mentally rolls her eyes and laughs it off out loud: “Don’t talk nonsense. Malfoy wouldn't stoop to me."

You wouldn’t stoop to him,” Harry is more serious than ever. – You’ll tell me sooner or later?
- If something happens - yes, - in Once again Granger lies and watches best friend disappears in a sheaf of green sparks in the fireplace.

It's already eight o'clock, and today is Tuesday - Hermione knows that if she hurries, she will still have time to get ready for her weekly missed date or, to be more realistic, to receive and provide a regular dose of fucking. But she suddenly realizes that she cannot get up from the sofa, and for some reason her cheeks are wet from tears.

She doesn't love him, of course. And this is not a disease or an addiction, no matter what Harry might think. And Hermione sits all evening, hypnotizing her fireplace; not that she hoped for anything, but still.

The fire burns with an even flame until the morning.

It's spring in London, and flared skirts are in fashion. Granger delivers a presentation on another successful project and receives a standing ovation from investors: the development of dual animagus is currently one of the highest priority areas in magical world.

The applause of her colleagues rings pleasantly in her ears, and the May sun warms up like summer when Hermione runs into Foyles to buy the latest Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar without looking. Already at the checkout, she notices the covers of both magazines and freezes, clutching the credit card in her hand.

Have you changed your mind about taking it? – a young saleswoman with frightened blue eyes politely asks.
- No, everything is okay. Sorry,” Hermione smiles wryly and hands over the treasured banknote.

A rare coincidence: a special issue of Vogue is dedicated to men's fashion, Bazaar – social life, but from both covers, Draco Malfoy’s icy blue eyes are looking at Hermione. In a Dior tuxedo he looks like a Disney prince, in an Alexander McQueen suit he looks like a movie star. He confidently embraces his wife and princess, and Astoria in evening gowns is in no way inferior to the top 10 highest paid supermodels.

Granger leaves the store and notes that it has suddenly become dark outside. The good mood disappears and she decides to go straight home and order a double topping pizza. James, her nutritionist, and Jacqueline, her personal trainer, will be terrified, but that will be tomorrow. And Hermione dials the delivery number as she approaches her cottage in Belsize.

On the pages of Muggle gossip columns, the Malfoys look as natural as Hollywood stars on the red carpet. Granger knows that several years ago Draco began to actively do business with some Muggle corporations, and Astoria became involved in charity work; It seems that Hermione has even noticed their photographs from some official dinners and awards in magazines before, but she turns out to be completely unprepared to see them today.

Lady Astoria Malfoy in an interview talks about the activities of her foundation and a happy family life with an ideal husband and a wonderful son; Draco echoes her and in all the photographs looks at his wife with more love than Prince Phillip looks at Sleeping Beauty after she awakens from a witch's sleep.

IN modern world people began to forget what romance is - the Verdana 11 font in black and white is merciless and inexorable. – Men treat women with disrespect, like a piece of meat, soulless flesh for pleasure. This is inhumane. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I kiss my wife when I return home in the evenings, and I never tire of repeating every morning how much I love her.

On the next spread, Draco is wearing dark gray Armani Jeans, a sky blue Hugo Boss shirt, black Saint Laurent boots, and Astoria is wearing a fitted dress with floral print Stella McCartney and beige pumps Jimmy Choo.
Hermione burns the magazine with a wandless spell and takes a slice of her favorite Margarita from the box.

“I wonder,” she thinks, lazily licking her fingers greasy from cheese and tomato paste, “how does cheating with a Mudblood fit into his gentlemanly picture of the world?”

She has not been able to find the answer to this question for six months.

They meet in an apartment in Kensington, and even the fact that this is one of the most expensive areas of London, like panoramic windows and balconies with wrought iron bars, does not change anything: this is a completely Muggle zone. Malfoy comes here either because of his Muggle partners or to meet her, and Granger thinks that the life of the Slytherin prince is clearly divided into two parts. Alas, there was no place for her in Draco's first, official life.

The bedroom is stuffy and dimly lit, they lie sprawled across the tossed-up bed, and contrary to usual, this time neither of them is in a hurry to pack up and apparate back into their lives.
- Why haven't you come for the last two weeks?
“Malfoy, don’t break the pattern,” Hermione chuckles. – You and I usually don’t talk, and I see no reason to change this rule now.
“Actually, we’re talking,” Draco props his head on his hand and looks straight at the Gryffindor. – Just on selected topics.
- About contraceptive potions, security spells for your apartment, and a potential sex schedule. I don’t remember that I ever signed up to report to you,” Granger turns over on his side, facing Malfoy, and smiles ironically back at him. – Let’s better continue to remain silent.
Draco closes his eyes, shrugs, and a faint smile lines his thin lips.

He breaks the silence only once, when a few hours later he adjusts the cufflinks on his cuffs:
- I wish things were different.

And Hermione doesn't dare open her eyes until she hears the pop of his apparation.

Two weeks later, English Glamor will write that the Malfoy family is expecting the birth of their second son. Granger finds out about this over a morning cup of coffee with his colleagues and finds the strength to laugh at the property's embarrassment due to the Americano spilled right on the magazine.

Hermione is twenty-five, and, having lived for fourteen years in the magical world, she knows one thing for sure: the purity of Draco Malfoy’s blood is not enough for both of them.

Majority NORMAL people understand that they need to maintain their bodily cleanliness (wash their hands, wear clean clothes, etc.).

Also, many people know that it is necessary to maintain cleanliness not only on the physical, but also on the mental level (level of thoughts). Those. try not to think about negativity, problems, failures, etc.

But very few people understand that not only physical and mental cleanliness is important. Blood purity is also very important.

Many people don't know what it is.

Let's briefly look at this issue.

There are many peoples living on our planet. And these peoples are NOT EQUAL among themselves. Not equal by ANY criterion (skin color, blood type, level of intelligence, ideas about good and evil, etc.)

Even representatives of the same people are not equal to each other. And even more so, representatives of different nations.

For example, blacks, throughout the history of their development, could not learn to use the wheel and did not invent their own writing. All that they now (or previously) had and have in Africa is the technology of white people.

Each person does not live on his own, he is part of his people. Each person has characteristics (physical and spiritual) that his ancestors had.

When sexual relations occur between representatives of different nations (or, even worse, between representatives different races), then BLOOD POLLUTION occurs in born children.

“Half-breeds” are born, something “middle” between both parents. This is a real crime against one’s own people.

I'll explain why this is important. For example, we all know that the Germans produce RELIABLE and QUALITY cars.

It would seem, why don’t we (Russians) produce the same cars?

This is impossible due to the fact that we have different genetics. And in our genetics lies a tendency towards sloppiness. And this very carelessness does not allow us to make quality things. But we (Russians) have other useful qualities. For example, we fight well. The last 500 years of our history have been continuous wars.

Now crowds of refugees have poured into Germany (all sorts of blacks, Syrians, Afghans and other persons of unknown nationalities).

These peoples stand, in evolutionary terms, much lower than the Germans. They carry out robberies, rapes, etc. things that are “normal” for them. But this is not the most dangerous thing. The most dangerous thing is that children will be born with “dirty blood.”

Ask yourself one simple question - will these half-breeds be able to maintain the same culture and civilization? Will they be able to make the same quality cars?

Of course not! If they knew how to do this, they would create all this in their homeland!

Those. blood contamination (on a large scale) is fraught with the destruction of the PEOPLE, and as a consequence, the destruction of the economy and culture. Those. In the future, Germany will turn into Asia or Africa. IN best case scenario, they will have the same mess as in Russia.

I tried my best to explain the essence and importance of the issue of “blood purity.” But Adolf Hitler (the outstanding expert on racial issues of all times and peoples) can do this best.

Watch an important video outlining Hitler's thoughts on the race (and Jewish) issue.

Duration 11 minutes

- these are the Heavenly Laws about the purity of the Family and Blood. The Laws of RITA, according to which all Slavic and Aryan peoples lived since ancient times, were learned in the modern world only in mid-19th century. Nowadays the Greek name Telegony is used to denote the Laws of RITA. In medicine it is called the phenomenon of the first male. For people whose heads are not clogged with so-called “universal human values” and “human rights,” telegony is the figurative and only parameter for the transmission of heredity from generation to generation.
The phenomenon of telegony was again discovered in the 19th century in England by Charles Darwin's friend Lord Morton, who, influenced by his friend's idea, also decided to study biology. He crossed a purebred English mare with a zebra stallion. There were no offspring, but then, after some time, when he crossed her with an English stallion, the mare gave birth to an “English” foal, with obvious traces of stripes on the rump, like a zebra. Lord Marton called this phenomenon Telegony. This phenomenon also applies to people.
Until the 1960s, scientists different countries Many studies have been conducted that have found that the telegony effect extends to people. Moreover, it turned out that they are inherited not only external signs first sexual partnership, but, in certain cases, also its diseases, venereal, mental, blood diseases, etc.
This phenomenon is constantly encountered and is well known not only by scientists, but also by those who keep and breed purebred pigeons. If a sisar “tramples” a purebred dove, they immediately kill her, because later, even with the most “elite marriage”, she will only have “chigrachi”, i.e. unclean chicks.
Any dog ​​breeder knows that if he does not take care of his purebred bitch and she takes the mongrel for a walk for the first time, then she will never get purebred dogs from this bitch. Such a bitch is considered spoiled.
Having classified publications on telegony, those who benefited from it did not take into account one thing, that in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, and in any religious teaching of the world, be it the Torah, the Bible, the Koran, etc., there is also a mention of the phenomenon of telegony, except perhaps the word telegony in Sacred texts not used.
This is what the Slavic-Aryan Vedas say:

“Do not allow Foreigners to your daughters, for they will seduce your daughters, and corrupt their Pure Souls, and destroy the Blood of the Great Race, for the first man leaves the Images of the Spirit and Blood from the daughter... Foreign images of the Blood from the children of Humans drive out the Light Spirit, and confusion Blood leads to death..., and this Rod, degenerating, dies without having healthy offspring. Because there won't be one inner strength, which kills all illnesses..."