How to decorate a bag made of jeans. Sewing bags from old jeans with your own hands.

Keys, phone, documents, various little things. Where to put it to take it with you? A small shoulder bag will come to the rescue. How to sew a handbag from jeans, read and watch...

To make this handbag, I used denim skirt(looks great, but went out of fashion a long time ago). Dimensions of the finished bag: width - 12 cm, height - 14 cm, depth - 4.5 cm.

Cut out the two main parts of the bag

1. Take the zipper. We sew two strips to it along the length of the lock

2. Sew a strip to the lock on each side, approximately 20 cm long and the same width as the lock with sewn strips. To begin with, we attach small seams along the edges along the lock, but do not stitch it perpendicularly yet.

3.Now insert the ears for attaching the strap into the left holes and stitch

4. Now we will make a pocket with a flap. We cut out a flap from jeans and sew it with the same flap from lining fabric. Turn it inside out and stitch it with a contrasting stitch. Sew on the first part of the Velcro.

Every lady in her home probably has a pair or two of jeans that lie idle in the closet. And if the fabric on the jeans also comes in different shades, that’s just wonderful.

A bag made from old jeans will be original and interesting. As you know, the fabric on jeans can be different: it’s expensive denim, cheap gin, and so on. A DIY denim bag, such as a patchwork bag, will look better if you choose the same thickness for it, but different shades jeans.

Sewing a bag from old jeans is very simple: the main thing is to carefully prepare the material. Bags made from old jeans do not have to be sewn on a sewing machine. Our master classes, on the contrary, are designed for hand sewing. Such original and necessary handbags are sewn quickly.

Why do many people like bags made from jeans? Firstly, they are light and durable. Secondly, such a thing is indispensable if you go to the store, for a walk, to the beach, and so on. After all, you can sew such a bag in absolutely any size.

A simple and practical handbag - master class

You can sew such a clutch bag or backpack bag in a few hours. Before sewing a bag from jeans with your own hands, you need to put the jeans in order: wash them, if necessary, and hang them without twisting them to dry. You can make several handbags from one pair of jeans! For this model you will also need a narrow strap, an awl (or a thick needle), and a cord for the straps if it is a backpack.

To work you will need:

  1. Pants leg from old jeans.
  2. Buckle strap.
  3. An awl, or a thick needle.
  4. Threads, scissors.
  5. 130-140 cm of cord to match the color of the belt, if you decide to make a backpack bag.

How to sew a bag quickly and accurately? Take your time and don't cut off too much! If you settled on a clutch model, then estimate how tall it will be when folded, and thereby adjust the height of the trouser leg.

  • Cut off the pant leg with scissors (photo 2). It is better to cut 55-60 cm, no less.
  • We take the belt, apply it directly to the “top” of the folded bag, and near the “bottom” we cut off part of the belt with a buckle (at least 10 cm), (photo 3.9).
  • We sew the strap to the front of the bag, close to the “bottom”. Turn the pant leg inside out (photo 4).
  • We hand-sew the “bottom” along the trimmed edge (photo 5).
  • The corners need to be sewn as in photo 6. The longer your stitching in photo 6, the narrower the bottom of the bag. If this line is not done, the bag will turn out flat.
  • The strap on the bag must be able to be fastened, no matter how tall the clutch is. A handbag made of jeans unfolds to its maximum height; if the belt is too long, you can cut it off. We make holes in the belt (photo 7), and then sew the belt (photo 8). Here is your finished bag made from jeans with your own hands. If you decide to go with the backpack option, sew 2 pieces of cord on the back of the bag instead of straps. It would be ideal to take a long strap from an old bag.
  • A jeans handbag can be decorated with appliqué, labels, lace, beads, embroidery, and so on. Whatever your imagination dictates to you.

This is how the bottom strap is sewn on.

This original patchwork bag will look good if you take scraps from several jeans different color. You can add a couple of scraps of tartan fabric. The pattern of the bag and the master class are the simplest, the most difficult thing about this bag is making the top from fabric from old jeans. For the bag you will need 2 rectangles 42/40 cm from any thick fabric; we will sew pieces of jeans onto this material. Jeans is a dense fabric, so you can do without a sealant: padding polyester or non-woven fabric. Handles can be sewn from a jeans belt, or leather handles from an old bag.

To work you will need:

  1. 2 rectangles 42/40 cm from any thick fabric.
  2. 2 rectangles 42/40 cm made of lining fabric.
  3. Zipper for the entire width of the bag.
  4. 2 strips of denim 36/16 cm for the bottom.
  5. Old jeans.
  6. Threads to match
  7. Ruler, pencil.
  8. Adhesive fabric.
  9. Tailor's pins.

Take the lining and sew on the inner pocket.

We put the lining aside and will make the front part of the bag.

For clarity, draw a picture on paper. We label all the flaps so that we know what color they should be. There should also be a pattern on the main fabric - we will sew the flaps onto it. We carefully pin the flaps with tailor's pins.

Gradually pin all the flaps to the base.

Using a ruler and pencil, draw straight lines, 0.7-1 cm from the edge.

Sew the flaps with small stitches to the base. The photo shows the direction in which we attach the flaps to the base.

It can be a shame to throw away old jeans that have either gone out of fashion or lost a good one. appearance. Denim is a very durable fabric that holds its shape well. And if you ever wonder what you can do with jeans or denim shorts, don't rush to throw them away. Try to do a little handicraft and make yourself three bags: a leisure bag, an evening bag, and a bag for school or work. How to sew a bag from old jeans with your own hands, patterns and photos of all three models you will see below.

Leisure bag (beach)

To make it you will need regular old jeans, colored denim or other thick fabric with a pattern and cotton fabric for lining.

You need to cut out three parts from jeans:

  • rectangle 26cm * 45cm (bottom of the bag) - 1 pc.
  • strips 8cm * 120cm (handles) - 2 pcs.

From lining fabric:

  • rectangle 42cm * 45cm - 1 pc.

From colored denim:

  • rectangle 30cm * 45cm - 2 pcs.

We fold each of the denim fabric blanks for the bag handles with the right side inward and sew them on a machine. We sew one end side. Then turn it right side out, fold it so that the seam is in the middle of the handle and iron it. This is what the front side of the handles will look like.

We take colored fabric, attach the handles of the future bag to it and pin it with pins. Pay attention to the lower, unstitched end of the handles; it should protrude 1 centimeter beyond the edge of the colored fabric. On the sides, the handles are located 10 centimeters from the edge of the fabric. We measure 2 centimeters at the top and mark with colored chalk on the handles and on the colored fabric. We sew the handles to the bag part starting from the bottom. We reach the milk mark, unfold the machine foot across the handle and then unfold it again and continue the stitch down in the opposite direction. And so we sew on both handles.

We combine a rectangle of colored denim with handles from rectangles from old jeans, right sides facing each other. Let's sew. On the other side of the blue fabric we apply the second piece with handles in exactly the same way and sew it together too. Fold the piece in half with the front side facing inward. We sew the side seams of the future bag.

We fold the future denim bag bottom up as shown in the photo below. And we sew up the corners.

All that remains is to make the lining. We combine the rectangles of lining fabric and sew three sides. This leaves the fourth side unsewn and on one side we leave a hole of about 10 centimeters unsewn, through which we will then turn the bags inside out.

Through the unstitched side we insert the bag inside the lining, bend the handles inward so that they do not interfere with us and free the edge of the colored fabric (the same 2 centimeters we measured) in order to assemble it together with the lining. Turn the bag inside out through the hole left. Now it can be carefully sewn by hand. This is what it should look like when turned inside out.

We tuck the lining inside. In order for the seam connecting the bag with the lining to look neat, it must first be ironed and then sewn on a machine, retreating 0.5 centimeters from the edge.

The bag is ready! It's time to go for a walk!

Clutch made from old jeans

We will need:

  • 2 trouser legs from old jeans;
  • White paint for fabric;
  • large button;
  • small hair tie.

Let's start by cutting off the trouser leg, leaving ourselves 25 centimeters from it. Let's turn it inside out, stitch it and overlay it (optional) along the cut.

Let's turn the unstitched edge right side out so that we get something like an envelope.

Mark the middle of the bend. We will sew the elastic there, but for now we will pin it with a pin.

Using a needle and thread, sew the elastic on the wrong side of the flap of the future clutch. Mark the location for the button and sew it on. Iron the bag until it takes the shape of a clutch. Here the orn is, in principle, ready! But now it looks too simple. We need to decorate it. You can do this as you wish - with beads, beads, sequins, or like this - by painting it with fabric paint.

Bag for study (work)

For this bag you only need old jeans, double leather, thread, needles, a sewing machine and a little imagination.

First, we cut the trouser legs at the seams, start from the bottom of one trouser leg, move to the second at the top and go down along it again to the very bottom. Cut off both back pockets. We cut them as close to the edges as possible, but in no case touch the belt with loops into which the jeans belt is pulled. We will still need them.

Then we cut off one leg. Right under the pocket. Unfold the trouser leg and cut off a rectangle 46 centimeters long and 38 centimeters wide. This will be the flap of the bag. The hem of the jeans will be the visible edge of the flap. We cut off the second leg and, placing it hem up, cut a piece of fabric 46 centimeters by 33 centimeters. This will be the back of the bag.

Now we need three more pieces of fabric (cut them from any of the leftover jeans). The dimensions of two pieces are 33 centimeters by 6.5 centimeters (sides of the bag) and the third is 46 centimeters by 6.5 centimeters (bottom of the bag).

We rip off the loops from the belt. Be careful not to damage the belt or loops. We will sew them to the bag flap. Cut out a small pocket that usually peeks out of the front pockets of jeans. We will then sew it inside the bag and it will be suitable, for example, for keys.

We cut off the waistband from our old jeans, as close to the seam as possible. For now we put it aside.

This is where we finish “cutting out” the future bag from old jeans.

We pin the back pockets to the bag flap on both sides of the middle seam and at the same distance from it and from the edge of the flap. We sew them on a sewing machine with threads of a color that matches the threads of old jeans, right along the old stitch.

The belt loops can be positioned on the flap as you like.

The valve is ready. Let's start sewing the bag itself. But before that, all the details will need to be glued with double tape if the jeans are thin, and you want the bag to keep its shape well. To do this, cut out the doublet, using denim parts as a pattern. Then iron to join the duplerin to the main fabric.

First stitch the back and bottom pieces together, right sides together. Then we sew the bottom, front and sides together. Do not neglect pins and basting so that when stitching on a machine the parts do not slip. We sew a flap to the back, which will then fold forward and cover the bag. We use the waistband from old jeans as a belt. We sew one end of it to one side of the bag inside, the other to the other.

And the bag is ready! If you wish, you can sew a lining for it and insert it inside, as well as sew several additional pockets inside for small items. Then a bag made from old jeans, sewn by yourself, will not only be original, but also functional. And finally, look at the photos and videos, don’t be afraid to make patterns yourself and sew original bags.

Do you have old jeans that you can’t bear to throw away, but for some reason you can’t wear them anymore? Then you definitely need to learn how to make a useful and original accessory out of them. The bag we proposed is made from old jeans (master class in the article with step by step description) will replenish your wardrobe. It turns out to be interesting and, most importantly, completely unique.

What will we sew from?

Of everything! Everything you have in the house can come in handy. Let's start with the fact that jeans can be absolutely anything. If they have a lot of pockets, then that’s great, you can use them. Old shirts for lining, lace scraps, pieces of leather, beads, fringe, studs, etc. - all this will help you create an original item. At all, denim bags Old jeans can be completely different, and not only in color.

Firstly, the product can be one-piece or, like a patchwork quilt, sewn from many pieces of denim of different colors.

Secondly, size. You can sew whatever your heart desires: from a small clutch to a spacious beach bag. For example, like the one in the first photo. Agree, it’s difficult to understand that they were once jeans, and the lining material with floral print. This bag can be worn in two ways.

To summarize, we can say that first you need to choose a model, the size of the accessory, and only then proceed to selecting the material (from what is available) and cutting it.

The lightest bag made from old jeans

The option is incredibly simple to implement. All you need is two pairs of jeans, preferably dark and light contrasting colors, thread and sewing machine. Pants legs will be used. Cut strips of the same length and width from two types of material. The edges can be processed with a figured overlock or a small fringe 5 mm long can be made. Then connect them together in the style of wickerwork as shown in the figure. Next, connect the edges and sew on a machine; you can use any thread, for example, traditional reddish-brown or white threads for denim. Cut a piece of fabric for the bottom to the size you need and sew on the bottom. Fold the strips at the top - where the bag will open - inwards and carefully hem them. The next stage is the handle. A bag made from old jeans of this type can be with a long belt or with short arms. Depending on your wishes, take two strips of denim and stitch them on each side in two places.

Denim bucket bag

Another option on how to do it new thing with your own hands quickly and at no extra cost. For this you will need old jeans and decorative twisted rope. Jeans must be cut the way we are used to doing in order to get out of them summer shorts. Leave the length of the legs about 5-8 cm. Then open all the seams to the level of the fly. Cut out the bottom from the cut trouser legs. It can be round, approximately 15-20 cm in diameter, or rectangular - it all depends on what size your jeans are. The upper part of the future accessory must be carefully sewn to the bottom. And now the bag from old jeans is ready. There is no need to process the top, as it remains intact. Thread a rope through the holes for the belt and tighten slightly.

Leg clutch

With just one outdated pair of jeans, you can turn the legs into several bags. At the same time, there is not much work, and even a non-professional with basic knowledge of cutting and sewing can handle it. Additionally, to make this model you will need a long thin leather strap of any color. Try making a bag from old jeans. The pattern is elementary! Depending on how tall you need the clutch when folded, adjust the height of the trouser leg trim. Pay attention to the photo: on average, you need to cut along the knee line. Then turn the piece of fabric inside out and stitch along the bottom. We return to the front side. Start sewing the strap (the part with the buckle) from the front 10 cm above the bottom and bring it to the back, and then forward, i.e. you need to go around the clutch. Make holes in it using an awl. Additionally, such a bag can be decorated with whatever you like: metal rivets, appliqués made of fabric or leather, lace or fringe, which Lately extremely relevant. Modest in appearance, it is quite spacious in volume.

The next bag made from old jeans with your own hands (a pattern is basically not needed here, and how to cut the material is shown in the photo) is more complicated in terms of making, but not so difficult as to deny yourself the pleasure of making it. Advantage this option is that top part the item remains intact and you can easily use it as shorts.

What will you need?

First of all, you need old jeans, or rather their trouser legs - the part that is 20-25 cm above the knee. For lining, prepare a small piece of thick cotton fabric any color, in in this case black, but you can take something more cheerful, for example with a floral print. As a rule, such trimmings remain after dresses, blouses, etc. Of course, you need a sewing machine and thread, as well as a large button and decorative cord. Sewing bags from old jeans only seems like a difficult task, in fact it all depends on what you want to achieve in the end, how much complex model you choose initially. It makes sense to look at the one we offer below and start with it as an experiment.

Cutting the material

From the legs of the jeans we cut two identical pieces approximately 20-25 cm high, as shown in the figure. Then, using a blade, carefully rip them apart. inside. Now place both halves in front of you so that the remaining seams on them form one line. And sew them together. Cut out a fabric of a suitable size from thick cotton fabric. Depending on how long the handles are needed, cut out a edging from the remains of the trouser legs (it consists of two identical parts).

In general, sewing a bag from old jeans (the pattern for one of the options is given in the article a little higher) is quite simple, the main thing is to be patient.


Sew a piece around the perimeter of the bag to the base lining material. For the handle, sew two parts of the edging together and connect them with a smooth stitch on a typewriter into a circle. The main canvas of the bag is shaped like a rectangle. Using the dimensions of the smaller side, cut out 4 more equal parts from the leftovers, identical in width to the future handle. Sew them together to make identical strips and stitch them to the bag. Then carefully - first by hand, and then by machine - secure the handle.

A bag made from old jeans can have a zipper, but this will require a little more skill; we suggest sewing a large button or button to its front part, and a cord to the back to close the accessory with it.

Envelope from pockets for a child

Jeans are such a universal thing that even after using them for their intended purpose, you can do a lot more interesting crafts. Everything we presented above is in to a greater extent for adults and teenagers, but kids were left out. But such an item will be very useful for little fashionistas. Our proposal is a DIY mini bag made from old jeans; you don’t even need a pattern for it. All that is required are pockets. Children, as a rule, enjoy using such “things”. This pocket can easily fit a couple of candies, a cute pebble or seeds for the birds.

It’s good if there are a lot of them on jeans and they are voluminous and overlaid. Just carefully cut it out with an allowance of 5-6 cm on top for the “lid”, as shown in the picture. Make a slot in it for a button and thread it. Well, then it all depends on your imagination: you can sew various ribbons, leather laces and beads, butterflies and flowers for girls, boats and airplanes for boys.

We hope that now you will not have a question about how to sew a bag from old jeans and turn a boring old thing into something truly necessary, original and original.