Short riddle about a pencil for children. The riddle about the pen is a good option for developing logic

They draw everything in the world:
Mom, dad and flowers
Children love them so much:
Same *********
Answer: pencils

It comes in blue and yellow:
Absolutely all colors,
He is ready to leave his autograph for you on paper.
Answer: pencil

This item always leaves a trace behind itself. The footprint comes in different colors, sometimes just gray. If it breaks, it is very easy to fix it.
Answer: pencil

I drew and painted: I’ve been tired for a long time,
And he can handle everything - I just sharpen him.
He starts dancing again to finish drawing everything.
Answer: pencil

He's good with the pen,
And it's clear why.
Both write, only with a pen
I won't erase it with an eraser.
What is this?
Answer: pencil

He is always in my pencil case, helps me write,
And now a change has come - I can draw with them.

People have known him since childhood,
Everyone loves to draw.
Very clever on paper
I'm always happy to leave a mark.
He loves sharp turns -
This is a nimble ********
Answer: pencil

If I suddenly write with a pen, I can’t remove the mistake,
If I start writing to them, I won’t see any mistakes,
Because very quickly the eraser can remove everything.
And answer me, guys, how can I write like that?
Answer: pencil

They are just aces in the drawings,
Without them you can't paint a masterpiece,
Even if they are just kids,
The answer is simple: *********
Answer: pencils

You have been familiar with this subject since early childhood, with the help of it you reflect your imagination or what you see around you. Guess what it could be?
Answer: pencil
I was terribly glad
I draw all day long
Mom and dad bought me
Set of colored **********
Answer: pencils

I've been friends with him for a long time,
I'll show everyone the drawings.
If it suddenly breaks -
No problem, I'll sharpen it.

Guess what, guys:
What do I want to wish for you?
School friend, always in the pencil case,
I can write easily with him,
I can use an eraser to write all the letters.
No problem, always remove it.
Answer: pencil

An interesting riddle: This is a black horse, but you can’t ride it, it rushes through the fields that are in the notebook. After this horse, a dark trail remains.
Answer: pencil

I have a magic wand. I can conjure a castle, a lake, a rocket. But all this will appear on paper, what kind of magic wand?

It is an inanimate object, but it has a heart. The heart is what helps people draw. Wherever you lead this heart, there will be a trace.
Answer: pencil

Other riddles:

Picture Pencil

Some interesting children's riddles

  • Riddles about Sunflower for children with answers

    There is a basket in the garden. It is not empty - it is full of seeds. But it’s not easy to reach him - His leg is growing tall! (Sunflower).

  • Riddles about the number 3 (three) for children with answers

    We learn a letter, we learn a number. What a miracle! Look! We see the letter “З, з” exactly, And we read the number... (three).

Smart Ivashka,
All my life in one shirt,
It will pass along the white field -
Every trace will understand him.

Black Ivashka,
Wooden shirt,
Where the nose leads,
He puts a note there.

He confessed to the knife: -
I'm without work!
Give me a whack, my friend.
So that I can work.

I have a magic wand, I have friends.
With this stick I can build
Tower, house and plane,
And a huge ship!

In a snowy field
On road,
My one-legged horse is rushing.
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

For me, brothers, the rubber band is a fierce enemy!
I can't get along with her in any way.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with it!
So I cursed the rubber band out loud...

Doesn't look human
But he has a heart
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He both draws and draws.
And this evening
He colored the album for me.

Tower, house and plane,
And a huge steamship -
With a magic wand
I will build everything!
This is the stick
I have it, friends!

Huddle in a narrow house
Multi-colored kids.
Just release it into the wild -
Where was the emptiness
There is beauty there now!

If you sharpen it,
You can draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this? ...

We love to poke our noses everywhere:
And draw and draw.
We color everything ourselves
Multi-colored noses.

Collecting a briefcase using this will be very exciting for you and your future first graders. Children will enjoy these school riddles during developmental classes in preparation for school.

In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is rushing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

If you sharpen it,
You can draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this?..

Black Ivashka –
Wooden shirt,
Where he leads his nose,
He puts a note there.

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench guides both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

Students are sitting behind her
There are textbooks on it,
Notebooks, pens, map-
Not just a table, but a (desk)

Talk to her more often
You will become four times smarter

Although not a hat, but with a brim,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talking to us
With a patient tongue.

In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page.

Who am I if I'm straight
My main trait?

magic wand
I have friends
With this stick
I can build
Tower, house and plane
And a huge ship!

He confessed to the knife:
- I'm without work.
Give me a whack, my friend.
So that I can work.

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.
Be able to write about them!

Its leaves are white and white,
They don't fall from branches.
I make mistakes on them
Among the stripes and cells.

For me, brothers, the rubber band is a fierce enemy!
I can't get along with her in any way.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with it!
So I cursed the rubber band out loud...

Huddle in a narrow house
Multi-colored kids.
Just let it go -
Where was the emptiness
There, look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job -
The pencil was in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Ten on the six
Smart circles sat down
And they count out loud
All you can hear is knock and knock!

Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page.

Multicolored sisters
Bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
He carries water with his beard.
And his sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly she sat down on the page.
Because of this mistress
I received one.

White hare in a black field
Jumped, ran, did loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare?...

The white pebble has melted
He left marks on the board.

Students write to them,
Answering at the board.

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.

I carry a new house in my hand,
The house door is locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

You are a colored pencil
Color all the drawings.
To correct them later,
It will be very useful...

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have...(Plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my backpack...

I'm ready for training starts,
I'll be sitting down soon...

I draw corners and squares
I'm in class...

And every schoolchild understands
What I really need...

Straight line, come on,
Draw it yourself!
It's complicated science!
Will come in handy here...

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(Pencil case)

Glue together a ship, a soldier,
Steam locomotive, car, sword.
And it will help you guys

How boring it is, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
Someone would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run on my own. (Knapsack)

In strict order -
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
Lined cells
So as not to run away
Your marks. (Cool magazine)

A pencil is an important stationery item for every schoolchild, but let's check whether children and schoolchildren can guess the riddles with the answer pencil. We provide a selection of children's riddles about a pencil.

Riddles about a pencil

In a snowy field, on the road,
My one-legged horse is rushing.
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

If you sharpen it -
You can draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this? … .

He confessed to the knife: -
I'm without work.
Give me a whack, my friend.
So that I can work.

Short riddles about a pencil

Who will color our album?
Well, of course, … .

I don't know the literacy
I’ve been writing all my life.

Lanky Timoshka
Runs along a narrow path.
His traces are your works.

Great riddles about the pencil

Doesn't look human
But he has a heart
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He writes when dictated,
He both draws and draws.
And this evening
He will color the album for me.

magic wand
I have friends
With this stick
I can build
Tower, house and plane,
And a huge ship!

For me, brothers, the rubber band is a fierce enemy!
I can't get along with her in any way.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with it!
So I cursed the rubber band out loud...

He is less and less away from work,
It has almost completely disappeared.
He has his own worries:
He draws a river, a forest,
And the dog and the cow,
Fashionista aunt in the update...
Who is he, our hard worker?
Wood … .
(T. Sukhanova)

Riddles about colored pencils

Huddle in a narrow house
Multi-colored kids.
Just release it into the wild -
Where there was emptiness.
Look, there’s already beauty there!

We love to poke our noses everywhere:
And draw and draw.
We color everything ourselves
Multi-colored noses.

We'll color the whole world
In blue, in red, in yellow.
On a green lawn
Pink bunnies are jumping.
How good are they?
For friends … .
(T. Lavrova)

I'm dancing on the nose
I carry different colors with me.
All the kids love me:
Both girls and boys!
(Yu. Chistyakov)

Pencil riddles for children

I have a magic wand, friends,
With this stick
I can build a tower, a house and an airplane, and
A huge ship.

Smart Ivashka,
Red shirt,
Where it passes, it touches,
The trace remains there.

Black Ivashka,
Wooden shirt,
Where your nose will pass -
He puts a note there.

Riddles with a pencil answer

They draw or draw with it.
The stylus dances across the leaf.
He is our great helper,
And it's called...
(N. Gubskaya)

He will paint a picture
Still life or landscape
Pointed, thin, long,
Wood … .
(A. Izmailov)

Draws clouds
Mom, dad - a sailor,
Cat, horse, carriage
My magical...
(N. Merkushova)

If you have your own or other riddles about a simple pencil or any pencils, please leave them in the comments.

Every child is taught from childhood to hold a pencil or pen in his hand. This is why drawing or scribbling your own letters becomes an integral part of development for a child. In order to combine business with pleasure, many parents ask their children riddles about a pen and a pencil so that they develop their memory, because children remember some answers to tasks.

Riddles about the pen

1. I will take a one-legged horse in my hand,

I'll draw whatever you want:

Mom, dad and myself.

These lines will remain and will not be trampled or wet.

2. Listen carefully

And guess what this thing is

Lies in a first-grader's pencil case

With a sharp nose, like a tick.

3. Blue, red and green

You can write and draw with her.

It's on the pages of your notebook

Likes to take a walk in class.

4. Holds a preschooler in his hand

This ink head

He writes the letters timidly,

Learns to write letters from a young age.

Every parent wants to make their child’s learning interesting and fun, but the child does not always calmly accept the guardian’s desire to make him developed and inquisitive. The riddle about the pen can become one of your child’s favorites if during the game you talk to him and ask leading questions. There is no need to worry if he cannot guess this or that riddle, because sometimes even an adult will not immediately understand the meaning of this or that poem.

Riddles about a pencil

1. He steps down - sharpen,

The nose will become sharp again,

Will draw whatever you ask:

Mountains, sun, forest and beach.

What is this? (Pencil)

2. The nose is sharp,

Black lead,

Drives along the sheet stubbornly,

He doesn’t skimp on drawings,

Only he is afraid of the eraser.

3. This piece of wood -

Ivashka in a shirt.

He runs across the album sheets,

Leaving a black mark here and there.

4. You sharpen it, sharpen it,

Make the tip sharp

When it melts, don’t scream,

Feel free to take a new one!

Take it in your palm, draw a picture,

It only takes a sock to wear off in seconds!

These riddles are intended for children from 4 to 7 years old, and a riddle about a pen can transform into a riddle about a pencil and vice versa, you just need to put in a little effort and add a pinch of imagination.

The child will have more fun learning through play, exploring the world and being happy. You can come up with a game in which the key point would be the riddle about the pen. You choose a ballpoint pen or a pen for your riddles - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that your baby is interested in playing with you.

Riddles about other school supplies

1. Better talk to her,

She's smarter than a computer

So many letters on all the pages,

So many words and so much meaning! (Book)

2. They live in a box

And like little children,

They huddle together timidly.

They paint with yellow, blue, red and all the colors of the rainbow.

Loved by both adults and kids. (Colour pencils)

3. This small chest

Keeps everything inside.

There is also a pen, an eraser, and a cap.

Without it, science can hardly bite through granite. (Pencil case)

The riddle about the pen is not the only one that can be asked by schoolchildren and preschoolers; there are a huge number of school supplies that can become the subject of a riddle in verse.

The influence of riddles on a child's development

From about the age of four, a child begins to be curious about everything that happens in the world, which is why it is so important to promote his knowledge. Parents do not need to do anything, the baby himself will be able to achieve certain successes, the only thing that can help him is puzzles and riddles that develop logical thinking. With the help of such simple rhymes, you can be sure that in the future your child will be able to solve more complex problems.

A riddle about a pen and other school supplies is a good training for children's thinking. Parents just need to remember that they need to develop their child in play in order to avoid whims.