What year is it now according to the Slavic calendar? Slavic chronology: history

Our ancestors celebrated Slavic New Year in accordance with traditions that have developed over centuries and passed on from generation to generation.

When was the Slavic New Year celebrated?

The tradition of celebrating New Year on January 1 was established by Peter I and dates back to 1699. Initially, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1 (in the new style, March 14).

Later, after the adoption of Christianity in Rus', this holiday began to be celebrated on the day that was established by the decision of the Council of Nicaea back in 325. The date of the Slavic New Year was September 1 (September 14, new style).

How did the ancient Slavs celebrate the New Year?

The beginning of the new year symbolized the beginning of a new period in life, and from this day it was possible to begin a new cycle of field work. Therefore, the Slavic New Year was celebrated cheerfully and widely.

The Slavs lit fires around which they danced in circles and turned to the ancestor gods. The housewives set a rich table, which was served with many dishes.

History and traditions of the Slavic New Year

The history and traditions of the holiday are as follows. The Slavic calendar was originally lunar; the word “month” itself indicates the connection of this period of time with lunar cycles.

At first, the New Year among the ancient Slavs fell on the 12th night of the great Yule Solstice). After the adoption of the Julian calendar, the New Year began to be celebrated on the first day of spring - March 1 (March 14 according to the new style).

After the adoption of Christianity, the Slavic New Year was not forgotten, but received a different name. In the church calendar, this is the day of the Venerable Martyr Evdokia, who took upon herself the image of Vesna (Vesenitsa).

And the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1 (if we move this date to 2019, it will correspond to September 14). This happened after a corresponding decision was made on September 1, 325 at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea. Scientists believe that before 1492 both New Years existed, but the New Year among the ancient Slavs was more often celebrated in March.

On September 1 (September 14, new style), many works in the field ended and “stays” began, that is, work in huts by fire. On this day, special rituals were held in the field (songs were sung, chants were read) so that the harvest would be next year born good.

The move to new homes and the “tonsure” of children who were 3-4 years old were also timed to coincide with this time. Bridesmaids and weddings were also held. People visited each other and exchanged gifts. All this was accompanied by songs, festivities and feasts.

In 1699, Peter I issued a decree according to which the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1. Then the one who came from Western Europe the custom of decorating houses with branches these days coniferous trees. And we began to install Christmas trees for Christmas only in the middle of the 19th century.

It remains to be said that the tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 dates back to before our era. On this day, the ancient Romans revered Janus, the god of choice, beginning and end (the first month of the year, January, was named after him).

Even in ancient times, people believed that at birth a person was endowed with certain character qualities. The Slavs made associations between animals and people. Based on observations, they compiled a horoscope, which was based on the date of birth of a person and his connection with the animal world. According to him, every person has his own totem animal. A horoscope helps you learn about strong and weaknesses character, predicts what the future will be like.

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      Horoscope by year

      The Slavs were deeply religious people. But along with faith in God, in their culture they retained faith in a Higher Power. Slavic orthodox calendar includes an exact listing of all Russian holiday dates Orthodox Church. Including the names of patron saints who protect people. In addition, a Slavic animal calendar was compiled according to the date of birth of a person, main feature which is considered the number of years in it.

      • The Slavs counted sixteen years in the calendar instead of the usual twelve. Our ancestors compiled a detailed calendar, from which a person can learn many interesting details about his character.

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        Dark dry

        Elk or, as the Slavs called it, dark dry. People were born under the sign of this animal in 1960, 1976, 1992 and 2008. This is a very strong animal, endowed with strong-willed qualities. People born in the year of the elk have leadership qualities. The Slavs believed that the Higher Powers protected them.

        This is a proud and confident person who never stops there. If he sets a goal for himself, he will never give up on it, no matter what obstacles stand in his way.

        For people around the moose, its behavior is often a mystery. They don't understand his aspirations and ambitions. Therefore, the dark plow is often lonely. It is not easy for him to find like-minded people who would support his lifestyle. Such a person should never question his capabilities. He can achieve a lot in life if he puts in enough effort.

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        Stinging Hornet

        People born in 1961, 1977, 1993, 2009 have the qualities of this restless insect. They are active and love to be constantly on the move. The hornet rarely thinks about moral values, he is only interested in final result, for the sake of which he is able to “go over his head.”

        His character is not easy, find him mutual language it can be hard. Hornets can communicate sarcastically with people and prove their point in a rude manner. Thanks to excellent memory, intelligence and strength leadership qualities, they make excellent leaders. The Hornet can successfully lead own business if he learns to respect his subordinates. In their personal lives, they are owners and will never give up what belongs to them. They jealously guard their property, but are not averse to getting someone else's if they have the opportunity.

        Lurking Lute

        Years of birth: 1962, 1978, 1994, 2010. It is enough to mentally imagine this animal to understand what qualities a person born under this sign is endowed with. This is a strong and graceful predator, able to cope with an enemy whose strength exceeds its own. A person has these traits in his character. He may be soft and compliant, but within him lies a strength that can manifest itself unexpectedly for those around him. Therefore, you should not provoke the fierce, this can result in unpleasant consequences for the provocateur.

        Lute is generous and kind, he protects his loved ones. But he will never allow people to manipulate him. In everyday life he is demanding, and it can be difficult to please him. He can forgive himself for small mistakes. People who surround him must always remember that Lute's appearance is deceptive. He can carefully control his emotions without showing them even to close people.

        Fire Veksha

        In the Slavic language, “veksha” is a squirrel. A small animal known for its agility. This sign, like the Dark Sokh, is endowed with the protection Higher powers. Years of birth: 1963, 1979, 1995, 2011. For people born under the auspices of Veksha, all life is a game. They are highly mobile, often cunning and cunning. Positive traits: a lively mind, thanks to which they quickly acquire new skills. People of this sign are able to quickly assess the situation and find the best way out of the situation.

        A person's mood can change dramatically. He cannot control him, so close people should know about this character trait. Fiery Veksha relies only on her own strength and does not expect outside help. They start a family early. They expect sincerity, care and reliability from their significant other.

        Pearl pike

        People born in 1964, 1980, 1996, 2012 belong to this totem animal. The patron of the totem is the dead ancestors. People of this sign are alien to hypocrisy. They openly express their thoughts, as they have unshakable confidence in their rightness. They are conservative by nature and have difficulty accepting innovations.

        Pike are self-sufficient; they are not used to waiting for outside help. Therefore, already in adolescence they start working and earn their first money. They meet their soulmate early, they firmly believe in the institution of marriage and the inviolability of marriage vows.

        Bearded Toad

        Years of birth: 1965, 1981, 1997, 2013. Toads are very wise, which allows them to build harmonious relationships with others. They clearly know what they want to achieve in life; doubts are unusual for them. Toads are very economical, it is important for them to have own house in which they will feel safe. They are very modest and do not like to brag. That’s why people are drawn to them, they enjoy communicating with them.

        In their personal lives, they value love and confidence in the future. They are always happy to welcome guests into their home. One of best qualities Toad - the ability to appreciate what they have in life. Such people do not chase a mirage and do not build castles in the air. They know how to enjoy little things.

        Wild Boar

        Wild Verp is a person whom nothing and no one can scare. He boldly confronts his enemies if he suspects them of malicious intentions. If Verp takes on something, he will definitely finish what he started. This person is a maximalist and a perfectionist by nature. But he cannot work constantly, since he needs to regularly restore his strength.

        Born in 1950, 1966, 1982, 1998, 2014, they strive for leadership. Verp does not commit rash acts. He is intelligent and far-sighted. Before making a decision, he weighs all the pros and cons and thinks about the consequences of his actions.

        White eagle owl

        A beautiful graceful bird that soars high above the ground. Years of birth: 1951, 1967, 1983, 1999, 2015. The owl is freedom-loving, he is not used to obeying others. The Slavs believed that people born under this totem have psychic abilities. But they do not appear immediately.

        They feel comfortable only in the circle of close friends. In an unfamiliar environment, they are withdrawn and silent. People consider them mysterious natures.

        Hissing already

        The sign belongs to people who were born in 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016. These people make excellent philosophers. Their outlook on life is unique; they often notice what is hidden from other people. They confidently move towards their goal. They like to work hard and often stay late at work. He may be defenseless, so there should be a person next to him who will take care of him.

        Sneaking Fox

        Years of birth: 1953, 1969, 1985, 2001, 2017. The fox is a cunning animal that quickly and deftly gets what it wants. These people have many adventures in their lives. They are full of enthusiasm and do not like to sit in one place for a long time. Foxes take their lives very seriously, despite their apparent frivolity. To fulfill their dreams, they are ready to put in a lot of effort and even make sacrifices.

        Don't provoke the Crouching Fox. He will always provide a worthy rebuff to the offender. And he will do this not openly, but on the sly. Foxes are never bored; a lot happens in their lives. interesting events, quickly replacing each other.

        Curled up hedgehog

        In the year of the Curled Hedgehog, people born in 1954, 1970, 1986, and 2002 were born. They are unpredictable and at the same time very reliable. Their friends can always ask for help. Hedgehogs are devoted to their soulmate. They will never deceive loved one.

        Hedgehogs don't like silence. Prefer to spend free time V fun company. At work they demonstrate high productivity. They notice even the smallest details and have a good memory.

        Soaring eagle

        Years of birth: 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003. Eagles always know exactly what they want to get from life. They are ambitious and self-confident. People born under the sign of this bird follow only their own rules. They believe that no one and nothing should limit their freedom.

        Friends and family are the most important thing to eagles. They will never refuse help and will not deceive their loved ones. In their personal lives, they are faithful to their loved ones. If an eagle falls in love, then it will sacredly cherish this feeling.

        Spinning Mizgir

        This is an unusual name for an animal that prefers to always be close to its family. Year of birth: 1956, 1972, 1988, 2004. Loneliness for these people is a terrible test. They are in dire need of warmth and support from relatives.

        The spinner Mizgir easily unites people into large groups and skillfully manages them. Powerful and sensitive, he achieves his goals by carefully planning his actions.

        Crowing rooster

        People born in 1957, 1973, 1989, 2005 are sharp and ambitious. They love to attract attention to their person. Often the rooster commits rash acts, which he later regrets. People born in the year of the rooster love their family very much. They try to spend as much time as possible with their children.

        Golden Horned Tour

        Years of birth: 1958, 1974, 1990, 2006. Tour’s character combines two opposites: good nature and uncontrollable outbursts of rage. When threatened, they show courage. If you make them angry, they will be very aggressive, so you need to communicate with them diplomatically. What belongs to this person, he always protects.

        Firemane horse

        A horse with a fiery mane is an unusually beautiful and strong animal. Years of birth: 1959, 1975, 1991, 2007. People born under this sign never hide the truth and express their thoughts directly. They spend little time at home, as they prefer to travel and study various types sports

        Human character by month

        On the Internet you can find tables and special diagrams that can be used to calculate what kind of animal a person is according to Slavic horoscope. But in the tables it is not always possible to read the full amount of necessary information. Below will be given Full description character of a person by month.

        Wolverine (10.01.-10.02.)

        It is important for a wolverine to be in a calm, secluded environment. People born under this sign do not like publicity. Home for them is a place where they feel absolute security. Wolverine is respected by her friends and enjoys well-deserved authority. He always acts fairly and knows how to admit his mistakes.

        Raven (10.02.-10.03.)

        The firebird is often found in folk tales and songs. But in the horoscope of the Slavs, the leading role is given to another bird - the raven. Raven will always give wise advice. He has a great understanding of people, thanks to his strong intuition. For a raven, the future is not a mystery; he can predict what events will happen in his life in the near future. At work, he could easily become a leader, but people have a hard time working with him. The reason for this: the raven’s excessive ambition, bordering on fanaticism.

        Ermine (10.03.-10.04.)

        There is a power in the ermine that cannot be ignored. This is a self-confident and active person. He is not used to wasting time on useless activities. He constantly makes plans in his head and develops methods to achieve them.

        The ermine is responsive. He helps people sincerely, and not for reasons of profit. He has own principles which he follows through life. This person always shares what he has with his loved ones. Their well-being comes first for him.

        Toad (10.04.-10.05.)

        Characteristic strengths personalities:

        • A mind that they put to good use at work. The bosses value Toads for this quality.
        • Positive. Thanks to the ability to find positive aspects in any situation, people born under the sign of the toad are always in an excellent mood.
        • Ambitiousness that helps you reach great heights.

        Grasshopper (10.05.-10.06.)

        Grasshoppers always emit light and charge those around them with their energy. They are frightened by changes, but they boldly go towards their Destiny and are not afraid to take risks. The grasshopper does not show his fear to others. He will share this feeling only with his family, who can understand and support him.

        Grasshoppers quickly find a common language with other people. It's a pleasure to talk with him. TO negative qualities sign Old Slavonic calendar refers to impermanence. These people can take on several things at the same time and not complete them.

        Hamster (10.06.-10.07.)

        The hard work of the representatives of this sign is truly admirable. If you set a goal for the Hamster, he will work towards it tirelessly. On certain period will forget about sleep, food and rest. But after hard work, he must regain his strength. Relaxation on the beach - best reward for these people.

        Ravlik (10.07.-10.08.)

        Ravlik is a very sensitive sign. People born under this sign are excellent conversationalists. They are always ready to listen to a person and support him in a difficult situation. Ravlik himself is not easy to understand. He is secretive by nature. If he feels bad, he prefers to retire and spend a short time in complete silence. He will reach great heights in his career. But with one condition: you need to make more efforts, and not build castles in the air.

        Ant (10.08.-10.09.)

        The ant is the most hardworking insect. A person born under this sign is not afraid of hard work. If you give him an order, he will carry it out quickly and efficiently. Because of this quality, the ant is highly valued and respected. The Slavs noted that due to the fact that these people spend too much time at work, they may have difficulties in the family. We must try to find a reasonable compromise in order to give our relatives enough attention.

        Khrushch (10.09.-10.10.)

        Khrushchev, like Ravlik, often has mood swings. This person is constantly in search of himself, trying to experience life from his own experience. Khrushchev will build successful career, if no one interferes with him. In relationships with the opposite sex, this sign is romantic and frivolous. It's hard for him to build own family.

        Beaver (10.10.-10.11.)

        Representatives of this sign always remain confident and calm. They create a comfortable environment around themselves that nothing can disturb. People around them think that beavers can cope with any problems, they are so collected and self-confident.

        Beavers love order not only in everyday life, but also in business. They easily find benefits for themselves in any business and do not adapt to others.

        Dog (10.11.-10.12.)

        The dog is a loyal animal, distinguished by fearlessness and strength. Those born under this sign stand out noticeably among those around them. He is true to his word and never cheats. Friendship is one of the main priorities in life for him. Next to him are time-tested friends. He does not tolerate betrayal and betrayal.

        The dog does not strive to career growth, but because of his qualities he often occupies high positions. People trust him and want to lead with him business relationship.

        Bear (10.12.-10.01.)

        The bear is very lazy. Because of this quality, he rarely succeeds. The bear is capable of organizing his own business, but he will need assistants, because he cannot handle the management himself, since his own pleasure always comes first for him, even to the detriment of work.

        He is kind by nature, a little clumsy. Always ready to laugh at himself, not afraid of criticism of his address. For his family, he is a strong support and protection. Him excellent compatibility with a person who can inspire the bear.

Correct chronology in Rus'.
Which one is it now? a year goes by in fact? We need to remember our history and follow our own path.

Currently, we use dating years from the birth of Christ and Gregorian calendar. Not forgotten either Julian calendar, so-called " old style" Every year in January we remember him when we celebrate the “old” New Year. Also means mass media carefully remind you of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other calendars. Of course, this broadens our horizons.

Let's expand our horizons. But to make our horizons even broader, let’s touch on ancient tradition chronology Slavic peoples— Daariysky Circle of Chislobog, according to which our Ancestors lived not so long ago. Nowadays, this calendar is used only by Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ingliism. Widespread use of our ancient calendar ceased a little over 300 years ago, when Tsar Peter 1, by his Decree, introduced a foreign calendar on the territory of Rus' and ordered to celebrate the onset of 1700 years from the birth of Jesus Christ on the night of January 1st.

Calendar reform stole (at least) 5,500 years of our history. And in Rus' at that time it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. It is generally accepted that this innovation of Peter 1 was progress for Russia, introducing it to the “ European culture" But it is not said at all that the emperor not only changed the calendar, he actually “stole” it, at a minimum (!). five and a half thousand years of ours true history. After all, the event from which the years were counted - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508 BC) did not mean the creation of the universe by the biblical god, but literally; signing of a peace treaty in the year of the Star Temple according to the Circle of Chislobog after the victory of the Power Great Race(V modern understanding- Russia) over the empire of the Great Dragon (in modern times - China). By the way, the symbolic image of a rider on a white horse slaying a dragon with a spear, known from Christian tradition like St. George the Victorious, in fact symbolizes just this victory. That is why this symbol has long been so widespread and revered in Rus' among the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

From what events was chronology based?
A natural question arises: from what event was the chronology until the Creation of the World in the Star Temple? The answer is obvious - from an earlier significant event. Moreover, years from different events could be counted in parallel. This is exactly how the ancient chronicles began with the mention of several time periods. For example, we give several dates of the current 2004 from RX: - Summer 7512 from the creation of the world in the star temple - Summer 13012 from the Great Cooling - Summer 44548 From the Creation of the Great Strength - Summer 106782 from the founding of Asgard Iri - Summer 111810 from the Great Resettlement from Daaria - Summer 142994 from period of the Three Moon - Summer 153370 from Assa Dei - Summer 185770 from the Time of Thule - Summer 604378 from the Time of the Three Suns, etc. Obviously, in the context of modern “official” chronology, these dates look simply fantastic, but for yourself thinking man interested in ancient history Cultural heritage peoples of the Earth, such “chasms of years” do not look so frightening. After all, not only in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but also in quite numerous written monuments that have reached us throughout the Earth, much longer periods of historical time are mentioned. Unbiased archaeological and paleo-astronomical research also points to these same facts. It will also be very interesting to remember that in pre-Petrine times in Rus', to denote numerical values, not numbers were used, as is now customary, but titular initial letters, i.e. Slavic letters with service symbols.

What did Cyril and Methodius “fix”?
And since the calendar is a written tradition (try orally leading and transmitting such a complex and dynamic array of information from generation to generation), it is obvious that before the time of Peter I, writing already existed in Rus' for at least (!) seven centuries. more than a thousand years. However, it is believed that writing was “invented” especially for us, “illiterates,” by two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who only added a few greek letters instead of diphthongs they do not understand. And, modestly speaking, the ever-increasing pompousness during the annual “Cyril and Methodius celebrations” and “birthdays” of “Slavic” writing is surprising. At present, since we use the modern calendar (from A.D.), it would be more correct to use it only for events of the last three hundred years. And more ancient events, for a clear understanding of their essence, must be dated in the chronology system that was used before 1700. Otherwise, a misinterpretation of our history, culture, traditions and customs is possible. It is sincerely regrettable that pre-Petrine events are dated in modern textbooks, for example, by the year Battle on the Ice on Lake Peipus they call the year 1242, and at that time in Rus' it was 6750. Or, for example, the year of baptism of Kyiv is considered to be 988 from the birth of Jesus Christ. But in Kyiv they celebrated the Summer of 6496 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.
Brothers and sisters, let's remember our past, look for it if evil minds They are hiding it from us on purpose.
The Slavs are a great race.

The day ends at sunset, and not at night like Christians. Therefore, the construction of the daily circle is different: the 16th hour (end of the day) is 19:00 Christian time. At the same time, the Slavs do not have such a concept “ zero time"(00:00), life does not stop, does not disappear, therefore there is no zero hour; let’s say: modern “0 hours 25 minutes” in the Slavic system would be written “24 hours 25 minutes”.

* 1 Slavic hour = 1,5 modern watches
* Instead of Latin words: minute and second, : part and beat.

A week

Nine Day Week– this is a very convenient system of work and rest so that a person does not overwork. The names of the days are a simple count: second, third, fourth, fifth... And also each day has its own Patron Earth (see).

Name Etymology Day Patron
1 Monday After a week labor Day Khorsa Land
2 Tuesday Second labor Day Ouray Land
3 Triteinik Third rest Land of Perun
4 Thursday Fourth labor Day Land of Varuna
5 Friday Fifth labor Day Land of Indra
6 Six Sixth labor Day Land of Stribog
7 Week Seventh rest, Land of Dei
8 Octopus Axis Mundi labor Day Land of Merzany
9 A week No Business rest Yarilo-Sun

Those. You should rest three days a week:
3 – rest;
7 – FAST (one-day, i.e. fasting day). “The seventh day was given to men, cattle and fish for rest, for bodily rest. Go to each other, take care of each other, you will be happy - sing to the Gods.”;
9 – NO BUSINESS, i.e. if days 3 and 7 are given for bodily rest, then the 9th should be not only bodily rest, but also Spiritual and Mental. “If anyone works on the ninth day, there will be no gain for him, either by lot or by talent.”. Those. only what is necessary: ​​prepare a meal for loved ones, a bathhouse for the cleanliness of Rod, etc., forget about other matters.


Months of 40 and 41 days, and in Holy Summer all months have 41 days. Those. the Slavic calendar is much simpler, only 2 tablets: even and odd months, and they begin on the same day of the Week during Summer. And the modern calendar is very inconvenient for counting: the year is divided into 12 months, they begin in different days, the number of days can be 31, 30, 29, 28, i.e. 12 completely different signs.

Odd months Day of the Week Even months
1 10 19 28 37 Monday 5 14 23 32
2 11 20 29 38 Tuesday 6 15 24 33
3 12 21 30 39 Triteinik 7 16 25 34
4 13 22 31 40 Thursday 8 17 26 35
5 14 23 32 41 Friday 9 18 27 36
6 15 24 33 Six 1 10 19 28 37
7 16 25 34 Week 2 11 20 29 38
8 17 26 35 Octopus 3 12 21 30 39
9 18 27 36 A week 4 13 22 31 40

The ancient Slavs worshiped pagan gods, endowing each of them with special qualities. Their life was very strongly connected with nature and all its manifestations. It is no coincidence that the Slavic calendar was based on many years of observations of changes in nature and the entire animal world. Each year passed under the sign of a certain totem animal with special qualities. According to beliefs, they influenced not only environment, but also per person.

All calculations ancient calendar continue to remain relevant in modern times. Knowing which animal is in 2019 according to the Slavic calendar, it will be possible to more carefully plan affairs and relationships for the coming period.

The characteristics of the patron sign correspond to the natural manifestations of one of the deities, their strength and influence on everything around them. The ancient horoscope was compiled according to a person’s birth dates and years in the hexadecimal number system.

The Svarog circle or summer (year) was divided into 16 palaces (months), each in turn divided into 9 halls. In one hall there were 9 tables, 72 benches for women and men, which accommodated 760 seats. Specific place in the Svarozh Circle was under the influence of the heavenly bodies, which exerted a special influence, illuminating them with radiant light.

Thus, every day and every year had its own patron - an animal totem, the character of which increases or decreases depending on the place of the Star, Sun, Earth or Moon, dominant during this period. As a result of the movement of heavenly bodies, patron symbols in certain years can influence people’s destinies in different ways.

According to the calculations of the Slavic calendar, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the strong and wise Soaring Eagle. It will be especially successful for people born in his year: 1939, 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003 and 2019. It will be he who will become the main totem for the entire coming summer - from the day spring equinox March 21-22 to March 15-16 next year. Next comes the period Between Time, which is not influenced by any totem.

Characteristics of the patron totem

The Soaring Eagle is the king of birds, with a strong, courageous character and enormous power will. It represents courage, vision and freedom. It is believed that only an eagle can soar high to the sun itself, so all the qualities of this are often attributed to it. heavenly body. However, it should be taken into account that the eagle is not only majestic and noble, but also an excellent hunter, mercilessly attacking its prey. Anyone who gets in his way is in mortal danger.

All the qualities that this strong, brave bird possesses have a huge impact on people born under his protection. They are good and faithful friends, ready to do anything for the sake of love. The character is slightly changeable, proud, and in some cases can be harsh. Such people cannot be manipulated, they do not give in to persuasion and especially do not like dictates from the outside. Their insight allows them to sometimes predict the future and avoid impending troubles.

In business they are usually focused and purposeful, often achieving career heights. They are distinguished by hard work and perseverance, and are ready to make considerable efforts to achieve what they want. There are no obstacles that can prevent them from achieving their goals. Among them are many pioneers and military men, surgeons and scientists. They are good-natured and friendly, which does not prevent them from showing their leadership qualities.

Forecast for 2019

Eagle- a wise and kind bird that is ready to help everyone in need. The patron gives additional strength and determination in any action to everyone born in their year, as well as to other signs. He will always come to the rescue or, without hesitation, punish for an offense. Those who were born under the auspices of other totems will experience many changes:

  • People born in 1912, 1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992 and 2008 are under the patronage of Dark Plow (Moose). They are distinguished by a strong and courageous character. They are inquisitive and constantly moving forward. An excellent alliance with the Eagle if their goals coincide. Dark Sokh rarely finds like-minded people, and only the Soaring Eagle can truly appreciate his courageous character. In the year of the Eagle, you can achieve a lot if you make an effort and overcome your doubts.
  • Stinging Hornet- active and curious people. They have excellent memory and intuition. They always readily take on any new business and are ready to go to any lengths to achieve success. All those who were born under the auspices of the Hornet (1929-1945-1961-1977-1993) in the year of the Eagle can count on promotion and good luck in all financial matters. However, it should be taken into account that the causticity and sharpness inherent in them from birth can become a hindrance.
  • Lurking Lute(Earth element) is the patron of people born in 1930-1946-1962-1978-1994. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by strength and fearlessness, while at the same time they have a soft and secretive character. They skillfully pretend and may not show their real character for a long time. If this happens, they are harsh and do not let anyone down. Distinctive feature character is their ability to quickly concentrate and stand up for themselves. In the year of the Eagle, success in business awaits them, provided that they are not overly demanding of others.
  • Fire Veksha (Squirrel)- crafty, always relying only on herself. People born in 1931-1947-1963-1979-1995 can instantly concentrate and find a way out of difficult situation. A weak point is mood swings, often leading to depression. In 2019, when Eagle is the patron, they can achieve a promotion if they make an effort and are more calm about failures.
  • Pearl Pike - patron saint of all people who were born in 1931-1947-1963-1979-1995. They rarely find themselves in awkward situations. They have a calm, balanced character, are always frank in communication and do not hide anything. One of the most conservative signs. In 2019, all Pikes will experience prosperity and stability. Singles can have a strong family.
  • Bearded Toad is the patron saint of naturally wise and neat people born in 1933-1949-1965-1981-1997. They are distinguished by thrift and accuracy. The most hospitable hosts who will welcome any guest. A distinctive character trait is the desire for stability, not the desire for change and love for one’s own comfort. They always know what they want from life, and in the year of the Eagle they can easily achieve it.
  • Wild (Boar) Boar- a totem for the fearless and smart people who were born in 1934-1950-1966-1982-1998. They are always ready to help and repel the enemy. If they are interested, we are ready to achieve it great success in business and career. Most suitable professions are: military affairs and medicine. In the year of the Eagle, they will be able to achieve stunning results if they set the goal correctly.
  • White Owl(air element, years: 1935-1951-1967-1983-1999). People of this sign prefer to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They make excellent journalists and writers, as well as those who prefer a flexible work schedule. The eagle owl is calm and reserved, and often has psychic abilities. With the help of a strong assistant and a loyal, reliable friend, they will be able to achieve good results. In the year of the Eagle, many surprises await them.
  • Hissing Snake knows and masters the mystery of world harmony. This is why people born in 1936-1952-1968-1984-2000 are different analytical warehouse mind. This year they will be successful in any endeavor if they do not relax and act according to the previously abandoned plan.
  • Sneaking Fox- people born 1937-1953-1969-1985-2001. In the year of the Eagle, he will be able to achieve his goal if he gives up his habit of weaving intrigues. The cunning and slyness inherent in this sign can cause harm.
  • Curled Hedgehog- a faithful and reliable friend. Under the auspices of the Eagle, he will be able to achieve success in love. Despite their noisy and fussy nature, people born in 1938-1954-1970-1986-2002 are very sensitive to any business they undertake and always complete it.
  • Spinning (Evil Spider) Mizgir. Born in 1940-1956-1972-1988-2004, do not like loneliness. In the year of the Soaring Eagle, they can achieve a promotion if they do not refuse help.
  • Crowing rooster patronizes people born in 1941-1957-1973-1989-2005. Their abrupt, fussy and hasty nature does not prevent them from occupying leadership positions and achieving career success. They love children and always consider main value your family. There will be a lot of them this year pleasant surprises. If they are not guided by emotions, but take good advice from a loved one, they will be able to implement their most daring plan.
  • Golden Horned Bull (Tour)- a sign of those who were lucky enough to be born in 1942-1958-1974-1990-2006. Kind and bright people, in which a romantic and a sharp, dangerous pragmatist coexist harmoniously. A reward awaits Tour in 2019 if he can compromise.
  • Firemane Horse patronized in 1943-1959-1975-1991-2007. Very brave, courageous and active people. They love to take the best from life. Among them are many travelers and athletes, brave rescuers and firefighters. Under the sign of the Eagle, they will be able to finally achieve the goal they have been pursuing for a long time.

In general, 2019 promises to be calm and does not promise any drastic changes. The soaring eagle will be favorable to all who move forward. It's time to make your wildest dreams come true, even if it takes a lot of effort.

Video about the Slavic horoscope