How much does an illustrator earn? Profession illustrator

As a rule, any job or hobby brings much more pleasure if it is good source income. In this article we will look at the main methods of earning money for those interested in vector graphics.

1. Work as a freelancer.

« Freelancer(English freelancer - free spearman, free shooter; in figurative meaning- free artist) - a person who performs work without concluding a long-term contract with an employer, hired only to perform a certain list of works (freelance worker).” Source

That is, you work from home. You place your portfolio on the sites listed above or on your website (then you simply add a link to freelancing sites in your profile). And you look at the orders placed on freelance sites. Select one or more orders. Leave your request that you can complete this order for a certain amount. The customer reviews the applicants, selects and cooperates with one of them.

The average salary of a freelancer in illustrator is $1000 per month.

To work as a freelancer, you must be organized, understand that your income is not stable, and your working hours are not standardized. You don’t have a social package or vacation pay, and you communicate directly, without a manager, with the customer (this sometimes makes you very angry).

But, there are also advantages. You don’t go to work, you choose your own customer, your income depends only on yourself, and you can go on vacation at any time.

3. Participation in the print competition for bags. The winner receives a prize.

4. Earnings from the service Printdirect

You can register on the Moscow service Printdirect. It allows you to quickly and conveniently online create and order various products with your own design. Printdirect also allows everyone, absolutely free and in a matter of minutes, to create their own online store (virtual storefront) entirely on the technical and software base of Printdirect, design it in their own style, sell the created products in it and make money from it. As a result, Printdirect is not only a way to make money as an illustrator, but also a constantly growing source of original products.
There is a similar one Ukrainian project There is a slight difference - Shared Designs. That is, it is not necessary to create your own store. All you need to do is add designs to Sharing and receive royalties from the sale of goods with your design.

5. Analogues of and Printdirect abroad.

A professional illustrator creates drawings for books and various magazines. The specialist draws cartoon characters and creates commercials. The labor market is especially in demand for universal designers who process drawings and finalize complex images.

How much does an illustrator get paid? different countries peace?

How much do they pay in the Russian Federation?

Average salary of an illustrator in Russian Federation amounts to modest 23,500 rubles(approximately 405 US dollars). Professionals are paid best in St. Petersburg.

Capital of Culture It has great amount museums where the work of masters is valued.

The salary structure for workers in this profile is as follows:

  • Sverdlovsk region – 18,700 rubles. / $322;
  • Samara territory – 19,100 RUB / 329 USD;
  • Moscow region - 19560 ₱ / 337 USD;
  • Krasnodar region – 22,000 rub / 379 $;
  • Leningrad region– 50,000 rubles / 862 bucks.

The lion's share of employers offer specialists earnings in the range 15 -16.2 thousandRUB monthly.

Among similar specialties, the remuneration looks like this:

  • artist jewelry– 65,000 rub /1120 bucks;
  • concept master – 60,000 rub. / 1034 USD;
  • 3D artist – ₱50,000 / $862;
  • ceramist – 30,000 rub / 517 USD;
  • miniaturist – 29,900 rubles / $515;
  • costume specialist – 25,000 RUB / 431 USD;
  • portrait painter - ₱20,000 / $345;
  • designer – 20,000 rubles / 344 USD;
  • designer – 19,850 rub / 342 $.

To have a clear idea of ​​the remuneration of specialists, consider some examples of open vacancies in the country:

  • organization "Time of Prestige" (Moscow) specializes in developing creative black and white drawings. The theme is done with specialized ink. The average value of 1 drawing is 70-100 rubles. The price for series 1 reaches 3.5-5 thousand RUB. On average, an illustrator earns 40 thousand ₱ / 689 bucks per month;
  • company "STORM and KO" (Tolyatti) develops exhibition drawings. The master here receives from 11.1 to 12 thousand RUB monthly. Applicants must have at least 3 years of work experience. Knowledge of graphic editors is a mandatory requirement;
  • Texmark company (Ivanovo). A professional illustrator has a stable income here from ₱17,000 / $293. Also, after the implementation of the project, bonuses are provided.

The value of specialists in a stock studio

Organization of work in stock studios is carried out by a senior manager. Illustrators here have a salary of 18 bucks per page.

The specialist’s income structure is as follows:

  • author's rate of 20 -25 USD for 1 original work;
  • personal bonus – the maximum level reaches $28;
  • bonus for adding variety to work – 3-5% of fixed rate;
  • original project– 20 bucks;
  • similar -10 USD;
  • Simless pattern – 3 dollars.

Strong stocker in the organization of this type amounts to 1100 USD. To obtain this amount, 30 originals and backgrounds are created.

Price list of performers in Ukraine

How much does an illustrator’s work cost in Ukraine? The final income of a specialist depends on his professional qualities. On average, a specialist earns a modest salary in the country. 6500 hryvnia(about $240).

In terms of regions, the picture looks like this:

  • Kharkov – 7000 UAH / 259 dollars;
  • Dnepropetrovsk – 7,250 UAH. / 268 bucks;
  • Kyiv - 7500 hryvnia / 277 USD.

Capital employers offer illustrators remuneration in the range 6100-12100 hryvnia per month. Freelance work for specialists is also popular in the country. The salary is here experienced craftsmen reaches 200 $ monthly.

Price list of performers in Kazakhstan

Most of vacancies for illustrators in Kazakhstan are concentrated in megacities (Karaganda, Astana, Almaty, etc.). To have a good income, a master must work in special editors.

The gradation of the employee’s tariff is as follows:

  • minimum wage – 67,000 tenge/199 dollars;
  • average -124,000 tenge / 368 bucks;
  • maximum level – 189,000 tenge / 563 USD

Reward in Belarus

The creative profession of illustrator is valued in Belarus. Cartoonists can find some good stuff workplace in studios or web portals. Good earnings are concentrated in remote work.

The salary structure is as follows:

  • minimum indicator -315 BYN / 160 USD;
  • middle line -573 BYN / 292 $;
  • maximum limit – 900 BYN / 459 USD

Labor tariffs in the USA

Illustrators and custom designers interface earn in the USA on average $89,106. The hourly rate of a specialist is in the range 41,63 -90,43 USD.

An illustrator is a person who creates meaningful images for the design of books, magazines and other printed publications.

Illustrator is a person who creates meaningful images for the design of books, magazines and other printed publications. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and world artistic culture (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).


Specialists in this field must be excellent artistic taste, know everything about the product for which they create illustrations. Each picture should reflect the essence of an article in a magazine or the plot of a book, complementing the overall meaning.

It is important to constantly study, learn about new trends and know the works of masters, choosing a convenient and understandable genre illustrations:

  • poster, retro and fashion trends;
  • decorative illustrations and drawings for fiction;
  • illustrations for comics;
  • caricatures (satirical illustration);
  • fantastic, sports or conceptual.

A specialist must not only be able to draw well, but also have the entrepreneurial spirit that he needs to find customers and advertise his work.

Specifics of the profession

A person who creates images and makes the events described in a book or magazine real is an illustrator. It helps the reader's imagination make the plot real, so talented artists will never be without work.

Such specialists must not only draw well, but also meet the following criteria:

  • work in different genres of painting;
  • well-developed imagination;
  • the ability to create thematic images that will complement the content, merging with it into a single whole;
  • ability to create several different images for one publication, among which the customer will choose the appropriate one.

For work, a specialist can use a computer, Graphics tablet And special programs. And sketches are created using pencils and ordinary watercolors. The type of drawing and the materials used to create it depend on the format of the publication and the customer’s requirements.

In any case, the illustrator must be able to work with all available means, which gives him access to highly paid orders.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Solid payment for work done.
  • Opportunity to show creative talent.
  • You can always find work in any region of the country or abroad.
  • Possibility of remote work.


  • High responsibility.
  • It may be difficult to find a job, which is especially true for young professionals.
  • The need to adapt to the requirements of customers and editors.
  • Each project takes a long time to complete.
  • You need to work with an eye on the requirements, which can cause despondency in a creative person.

Personal qualities

Experienced illustrators must have excellent taste and a desire to study the publications for which they prepare illustrations. The following personal qualities are also important:

  • responsibility and perseverance;
  • non-conflict and the ability to realize one’s mistakes;
  • desire to gain new knowledge;
  • creativity;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • perseverance, because you need to spend a lot of time studying materials and creating illustrations.

The specialist rarely meets with the customer, so he must draw images that will tell about his talent without words. The first thing a representative of the profession should do is create his own portfolio.

Training to become an illustrator

Without higher education It is difficult to find a job in the creative field, but if a person is really talented, then he can take a crash course. For admission you will need to pass the following exams:

  • literature and Russian language;
  • story;
  • creative competition. It could be painting or composition, but the type of competition directly depends on the requirements of a particular university.

During the training, students will gain skills in working with computer programs and graphic editors, master different techniques painting and theory (art history, painting and others). They will also learn how to create a portfolio and look for customers!

Specialty code: 54.05.03.

School of Design and Computer Graphics at RSU named after. A.N. Kosygina

The training lasts 9 months, and students must attend classes lasting 4 hours, 3 times a week. You can also visit extracurricular activities, and at the end of the training each student receives a state diploma. sample and your first order!

School of Illustration and Painting Bratec Lis School

At this school, students will be able to gain knowledge and try their hand at practical work, and will also attend master classes and interesting lectures. Some classes and lectures are free, and the training will be interesting to people who have already mastered this creative specialty and want to improve their skills.

Place of work

Representative of this creative profession will be able to find work in publishing houses that produce a variety of literary works, editorial offices and agencies that produce booklets, leaflets, magazines, etc.

Payment for work

Salary as of 03/18/2019

Russia 20000—90000 ₽

Moscow 45000—90000 ₽

An illustrator can work in a publishing house and receive a fixed salary wages. If a specialist wants to work freely, selecting interesting orders for different topics, then he looks for customers on his own, receiving fees for his work.

The average fee for 1 work is 5-10 thousand rubles, which depends on the number and complexity of illustrations, timing, region and experience of the specialist.


A specialist can get the position of department head, creative director, or create his own agency or school. Also, a specialist can always work as a teacher at a school or on courses, conduct master classes or online lessons.

Professional skills

A representative of the profession must be able to work with graphic editors (Corel Painter X3, SketchBook Pro and others). It is also important to be able to draw with a brush, pencils and know everything about artistic styles.

Famous representatives of the profession

  1. Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin.
  2. Jim Kay (illustrations for the Harry Potter series of books).
  3. Nick Butterworth.

From the author: Hello friends! I probably dedicate today’s article to all creative people who are inclined to choose the profession of illustrator. I'll tell you how to become a master of your craft and where to start. If you are wondering how to become an illustrator, then this article will be useful to you.

What is the profession of an illustrator?

Illustrator is creative person, creating images for written texts and stories for magazines and books, as well as for Internet resources. Of course, these illustrations should not just dryly convey the meaning of the text, but visualize the ideas, emotions and thoughts of the author. This is the essence of the illustrator’s profession - to clearly, succinctly and concisely express the intention of the author of the text in the image. The most in demand are broad-based illustrators who can create beautiful pictures, design, process photographs, find and refine images.

What are the responsibilities of an illustrator?

To the main job responsibilities illustrator can be classified as:

creating illustrations and collages;

retouching and processing of photographs and images;

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font development;

color correction;

working with raster and vector images.

Additional functions of an illustrator may include creating characters and drawing frames for cartoons, developing corporate identity and other tasks.

What every illustrator should know?

The essence of an illustrator’s work is development finished works and sketches for customers. Before you start learning the craft of an illustrator, pay attention to the following drawing techniques:

Graphic illustration. Creating a drawing using the graphic technique in black or with a simple pencil. When creating an illustration, strokes and spots are used. The main requirement of graphics: the presence of lines of the same color.

Technical illustration. These are drawings that accompany all engineering documentation.

Botanical illustration. Such pictures are images of the objects being described and are usually used in textbooks for schools and universities.

Illustrations made special techniques. Such illustrations include embroidery, modeling, origami, appliqué, etc.

It is advisable for the illustrator to master all of the above techniques, because customers can present absolutely different requirements to work. The basic requirements for an illustrator also include:

ability to draw in such graphic editors like CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop;

knowledge of various programs, for example, Power Point;

ability to take photographs, make collages, process photographs, apply effects, etc.

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It is advisable, of course, to develop your own, okay recognizable style. Some publishing houses want to have their own identity and hire illustrators with a “zest” for long-term cooperation.

Pros and cons of the profession of illustrator

If you are determined and are already planning to take an illustrator course, then before doing this, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the disadvantages and advantages of the profession. You may think that I am starting from the wrong place, but I am doing this consciously. Yes, first I want to list the disadvantages of working as an illustrator, so that you can immediately understand whether you are ready to follow your calling, no matter what.

So, if your goal is fame and easy money, then I advise you to choose a different profession. In most cases, the customer pays for the final product and no one cares how many hours you spent on the work.

Also, sometimes you come across clients who really like to make amendments and changes. Plus financial instability. Today you don’t know what job to grab, and tomorrow there’s a lull. You shouldn't become an illustrator if you don't know how to adapt to a project, a client, a situation, and can't stand criticism.

This profession, alas, assumes the first place for the client, so you have to “dance to his tune.” Forget about things like vacation and sick leave, because it's all planned around your work schedule. Well, in the end, in addition to drawing, you will regularly have to engage in self-promotion, participate in competitions, and update websites.

As for the advantages, they are much smaller, but if being an illustrator is your calling, they will significantly outweigh the disadvantages.

The illustrator profession has no language barriers or geographical boundaries. You can work for any country and anywhere in the world.

This profession will not allow you to get bored, because each next project will not be similar to the previous one. With each task you will improve and learn a lot of new things. useful information. You will do what you love and still get paid!

But the most important advantage of being an illustrator is the realization that you turn boring letters into beautiful pictures. Believe me, it’s very nice to see your work on websites, in magazines and books!

Where can I learn to be an illustrator?

In order to become an illustrator, you need to learn drawing techniques. You can obtain the necessary skills and knowledge by enrolling in art school or after graduating from art school. Since this type of training requires quite a lot of time and financial investment, most people wonder how to become an illustrator without education.

And here computer courses, video tutorials and distance learning to the illustrator. With their help you can get everything necessary knowledge, without leaving home.

How to get a job as an illustrator?

The profession of an illustrator is quite in demand. Even if there are no vacancies in leading companies, you will always have the opportunity to look for customers on the Internet. The specialty of illustrator-artist may be in demand in the following areas of business:

It will be enough for you to simply find a job in one of these organizations. To do this, you should periodically review vacancies on the Internet, freelance forums and channels, and design sites.

If the illustrator profession attracts you, but you are not sure that you can find a job easily, don’t worry, there are plenty of part-time jobs on the Internet, the main thing is to create a high-quality portfolio for yourself. Don't expect instant recognition, just enjoy your work and the world will smile on you!

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An illustrator is an artist who creates drawings for texts in books, newspapers, magazines and others. printed publications. The image should be filled with emotions and meaning, and clearly convey the idea laid down by the author of the text. This is the main task of the illustrator - to briefly and succinctly convey the essence of what is written through a drawing.

A competent specialist knows how to create pictures, process photographs, and create sketches. To do this you need to have many techniques:

  • Graphic illustration. The essence of the technique is to use simple elements to create a drawing. The main working tool is a black pencil.
  • Botanical illustration is the art of creating images of plants. Specialists in this profile are in demand in the editorial offices of scientific journals, botanical publications, and when writing school textbooks.
  • Technical illustration - a detailed image of an object with maximum detail. Used in technical literature, engineering documentation.

A professional illustrator knows all of the above techniques. Such a specialist is in demand on the labor market and can qualify for a decent salary.

Illustrators are required in many companies whose activities are related to printed products:

  • advertising agencies;
  • web studios;
  • the field of printing services;
  • press.

Responsibilities of the Illustrator

The work of a specialist is not standardized. Today, many professionals are looking for clients via the Internet, so the work is associated with deadlines and clear deadlines.

Let us note the main responsibilities of the illustrator:

  • creation of illustrations, pictures, images;
  • color correction, sketch processing;
  • working with vector graphics.

Drawing is the main occupation of the illustrator profession. That is why a person must have artistic taste, be diligent and patient. In addition, the profession “loves” creative people with wild imagination.

The following requirements are put forward for the illustrator:

  • have a good understanding of image editors: Splashup, Adobe Photoshop, GNU Image Manipulation Program, Sumo Paint;
  • artistic taste.

Some companies promote Additional requirements, for example, the ability to draw by hand, work with photographs, special effects

Do not miss:

How to become an illustrator

If you have liked drawing since childhood, you are creative and creative person- you can safely start looking for small orders. Freelance exchanges are full of tasks for illustrators different levels professionalism. You shouldn’t count on a high salary at first, but over time, having filled your portfolio with work, you can increase the price.

You can master the profession of illustrator and gain additional knowledge in one of art schools or take short-term online courses.

Regarding stable work in the state large company, here things are somewhat more complicated. Such vacancies do not appear very often, and competition for positions is quite high. The decisive factor in choosing a candidate is the portfolio.

After the first interview, you will receive a technical assignment, which most likely requires you to create an illustration for some description. You need to understand that similar tasks will be distributed to all applicants. The likelihood of employment largely depends on the quality and speed of work completion.