Divov biography. Awards and prizes

When starting to study a writer’s work, pay attention to the works that are at the top of this rating. Feel free to click on the up and down arrows if you think that a certain work should be higher or lower in the list. As a result of common efforts, including based on your ratings, we will receive the most adequate rating of Oleg Divov’s books.

    “At first they called him Canada Kid,” Uncle says. Because he’s small and comes from the north. I don’t know why he got away from there, I won’t lie. I didn't tell you myself. Maybe he hit the wrong guy. Yes, probably. He was like that when he was young. Shooter. If you haven't fired once before lunch, consider it... I spent the day in vain. Here you go. He arrived, which means he introduced himself to the local public, as was customary then, and hired himself as a tour driver for the Irish...”... Further

  • “The elevators did not work, and we had to climb out of the engine room using the emergency stairs. Hayworth stood on the landing, breathing heavily. Just that week he would have made his way up effortlessly. But now it was a completely different Hayworth. I had a terrible headache. - Dear, how are you? I'm going to wheelhouse, wait in ten minutes. Heavy footsteps were heard from below and the stairs vibrated. “Kat, where are you, answer me, it’s Victor...”... Further

  • Is there science fiction criticism in Russia? A long-standing issue viewed from a tribal perspective. The essay was published in the collection “Harmful Profession.” M.: Eksmo, 2008. ... Next

  • An interview with A. Remnev, who not only had the impudence to call Arkady Natanovich Strugatsky, ask the master a few questions, but also record the conversation on a tape recorder! Published in the collection “Harmful Profession.” M.: Eksmo, 2008. ... Next

  • Discussion about Andrei Alekseev’s “White Square” - a novel “signifying a transition to a new quality, from fierce infantile hatred to sad adult understanding”, a novel devoid of “characteristic cyberpunk drive and recklessness” (after all, its main motive is “a soul-corroding bitterness for what is possible, but lost”)... Divov talks about the relationship between society and man, about the interaction and competition of various trends in science fiction, about cyberpunk and much more.... Further

  • This sport is called "hard slalom". Both victory and defeat on the track can result in serious injury or even death for the skier. Instant reaction, high professionalism - what else is needed to reach the finish line, become the first and stay alive? It turns out that something more. Dreams foreshadowed the hero's choice, risk and gain. It seems to be a common thing. He could not even imagine the fine line he would have to walk. Life and death, love and hate, heroism and murder will lie on her side. And this edge is the steel edge of a mountain ski. All it takes is one wrong move and you are a completely different person...... Further

  • And such guys work in this very DRSU. They took it and invented a machine gun! The story was published in the collection “Harmful Profession.” M.: Eksmo, 2008.

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  • At the Research Institute of Applied Biotechnology, work is in full swing to create a variety of amazing animals that should help humans. One of the employees of this institute developed a series of giant fighting cats K-10. But the authorities rejected this batch of animals as unsuccessful and decided to send her “for meat.” But one of the samples, the tricolor cat Katka, showed that scientists managed to achieve something...... Further

  • Not much has changed since Gogol’s “The Inspector General”... The unscheduled inspection horrified Sikorsky, because his design bureau is not engaged in constructing helicopters... And what this mysterious design bureau actually does is very difficult to explain to an inspector from Moscow... ... More

  • This book is about humble heroes who don't give up because they don't know how. They drown, fall from the sky, disappear in the snow, burn at work. The end would have come for them long ago, but these people (and not only people) are typical characters of Oleg Divov. Not at all like superheroes, they are very In a hopeless situation, a sudden solution and unexpected tools will be found. The robot has a shovel. The astronaut has pliers and a screwdriver. The general has a garbage can with food for the bear. And also a megaphone for oral control of an aircraft from a submarine. If a maniac is following a stripper, a motorcycle spark plug will help out. The weapon of the humanitarian technologist is kind word and a pistol. And space surveyors are nowhere without Katsman. And the brave little loader is his own tool...... Further

  • We present to your attention the latest author's edition of the novel, which the writer considers final. ...He used to drive out devils - now he casts out demons. Discharged from the landing force due to disability, Captain Preacher returned to duty as an army chaplain. And one day fate... Next

  • Psychotronic weapons. Who hasn't heard of this in our time? It’s just that everyone treats him differently. Some chuckle, considering it a fiction, someone’s sick delirium. Others are afraid. And still others begin to realize that they are already under the influence of ominous rays. Hero in the new science-fiction thriller “Heart of Steel,” Tim Kostenko at first doesn’t really believe in the existence of psychotronics, but gradually realizes that he is faced with a monstrous force. A group of people calling themselves the Project set out to subjugate the whole world to themselves using zombies. And only Tim is able to stop them. He declares war on the Project. The book contains profanity.... Further

  • We present to your attention the latest author's edition of the novel, which the writer considers final. ...There is no more crime and poverty in this country. Its capital is the safest city in the world. Here they don’t throw cigarette butts past the trash can, wash the sidewalks with soap, and deliver drunks home delivery service. The Moscow air is impeccably clean, everyone has a job, a dollar is worth sixty kopecks. In just five to seven years, the Slavic Union built an “economic miracle”, achieving real prosperity. Ask anyone here if they are happy and the answer will be “yes!” They will answer honestly. And all that was needed for happiness was to figure out who exactly was preventing us from living like human beings. Who is the true enemy of the people...... Further

  • So that you don't get blown up by a mine and get killed in general. He doesn't like breaking down doors with a sledgehammer and gets angry when people throw grenades into the refrigerator. No, he's not James Bond. Just a consultant on stupid issues. If you need a war and you don’t know how it’s done, Misha will organize everything. When disaster suddenly strikes, he will not hesitate to risk his life to defend the interests of his country. The homeland will not say “thank you” to him. But in vain.... Further

  • If you thought that a man without pants is very funny, then believe me, a man without pants and with a two-handed sword is not funny at all. If they thought that the Indians were simple guys, but they turned out to have such political intrigues that the devil would break his leg, this is not the problem of the Indians. This is your problem, because you are in captivity and tomorrow you will be impaled. But the local king, your old friend from university, is somehow in no hurry to help. Galactic dead end, backward civilization, savage morals? That's not so bad. The interests of several states collided at Sattang, which means there will be knee-deep blood. And Della Berg will have a lot to think about. Firstly, was it worth returning to reconnaissance; secondly, which situation is worse - mortally dangerous or idiotic; thirdly, why does she so desperately want her former chief inquisitor Augustus McKinby to come and put everyone in their place. In the meantime, we’ll find out whether androids dream of electric sheep and how real Scots answer the question: “What’s under your kilt?”... Further

  • Psychotronics LLC is an LLC that cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen. And they take on any orders. And they work until the last client. In general, contact Psychotronics LLC, they work according to their calling! The story was published in the collection “Harmful Profession.” M.: Eksmo, 2008. ... Next

  • The mad king banned all activities of any doctors and healers. Now, when his heir is dying, knight Egbert, secretly from the monarch, goes to the most famous healer, Dinneran, to ask for help. ... Further

  • We present to your attention the latest author's edition of the novel, which the writer considers final. The combat ships froze in orbit. The military astronauts of the victorious Earth are waiting for their fate to be decided. At first they were considered heroes, then their home planet cursed them, like ruthless killers. Coming out of the crucible of interplanetary war, they had no idea that the most severe tests were yet to come. They're tired of shooting, but that's the only thing they know how to do well. Sooner or later the command “For battle!” will ring again...... Further

  • “Weapons of Retribution” is a very funny, sometimes simply mocking, and sometimes tragic story from army life. Nothing like this has ever been published before: these are the memoirs of a sergeant who served in a unique unit. Welcome to the Big Power Brigade that pushes everything is in its path and shoots so hard that the earth shakes. The author assures: if you were in the Soviet Army, then after reading “Weapons of Retribution”, you will once again be convinced that you did not serve in vain, and those who did not serve will once again be glad that the army did without him. But he promises both of them several hours of healthy laughter interspersed with light sadness.... Further

  • Spy games end badly - knee-deep in blood. A brilliant combination of terrestrial intelligence will turn into a threat to all of humanity. The trap set for the enemy will be caught by its creators. And the most dangerous scoundrels in the world suddenly interfere in the personal life of Inquisitor Augustus McKinby. This happens if the game started long before you were born and you are in it by accident. Since the game is supposed to end in war, now that's your problem too. The tracks lead to the most closed state of the galaxy, which earthlings call Shanghai, and its inhabitants call the Celestial Empire. The young emperor, the Chinese mafia, three competing intelligence services, the Eldorado military junta, a totalitarian sect and just bandits are an incomplete list of those involved in the mysterious bustle on Shanghai territory. And for some reason they are all interested in Della Berg. And the game, let us remind you, must end in war.... Further

  • In the village of Krasnaya Syt, lost in the forests, electricity disappeared. This means that the villagers have lost contact with the outside world... But what happened? - Nikanor, a local Russophile who claims that even the Atlanteans were, in fact, Russian, is sure that a war has begun with omnipresent enemies of our vast homeland...... Further

  • The future means new opportunities for everyone. In the galactic cesspool you cannot see where the bureaucrat ends and the pirate begins. Generals on the star frontier steal entire planets, burn evidence with fire atomic explosion, and people are sold into slavery along with ships and crews. Just don’t think that they are trying for themselves; this is all at the request of relatives and friends - after all, corporations really love cheap resources and free labor... And the fight against piracy is carried out by the most inveterate state thieves. Inquisitor Augustus McKinby is not interested in such matters, there is federal security for that. But August knows: any day now his assistant Della Berg will get into the dirt. One person died, another went missing - and traces of both were lost where simple people don't bother. Della won’t be able to stop: it’s a family matter. She will have to fly to a place where there is no order or law. Or maybe even further, where the danger index is “zero” and the ships are flattened into pancakes. A Russian counterintelligence agent and a Siberian cyborg will go with Della. A good company if you need to “find and neutralize.”... Further

  • This is a tough, bloody, bitter and very lyrical text. Conceived as " true story about vampires,” the novel eventually became anything but “vampire.” No, there are vampires there. They live, suffer, love, hate, rejoice, kill, die... But what is much more interesting is what's going on around them. What happens to people. And with not quite people. Instead of a sword - an ax. Instead of magic - a strong word. It will be painful and scary for everyone. And to make the story more convincing, the author pitted “village” and “urban” prose against each other, mixed genres, created horror and fog. And when in the end all the riddles are solved, this is no longer very important, because, first of all, “The Night Watcher” is a novel about choosing a path.... Further

  • It’s so easy to reminisce in the cozy chair of the interstellar airliner on the Tanira – Everest flight. Only memories can be dangerous. Della Berg's past, girls with big problems and a small pistol, follows on her heels along with an experienced assassin. The task for the coming days is clear: to save the key witness and survive herself. But what next? A tactical intelligence captain, a holder of two orders, discharged from the army in disgrace without the right to wear a uniform or awards, miraculously surviving, hiding under the guise of a modest policeman, and then finding himself as an assistant to an inquisitor, all this is Della Berg. Her ex-husband- the prince, her current boss is the duke, but Della’s job is to follow the trail of the criminal alone, and if she herself becomes a target, no star princes will have time to rescue her. This has already happened. It will continue to do so. Nevertheless, the investigation must be completed.... Further

  • Moscow is not populated by Russians, but there is still a chance! And NATO will help... The story was published in the collection “Harmful Profession.” M.: Eksmo, 2008.

  • A mysterious customer is looking for burglars who can break into a smart home with a multi-level security system. Neither the Chinese nor the African-Americans want to take on this matter... only three Russians - Dima, Armen and Schwarzenegger - dare to take on this risky undertaking. But Why did you even need to penetrate a smart phone that contains nothing valuable?... Further

  • Mysterious bloodthirsty creatures are terrorizing Moscow. The most modern types of weapons are ineffective in the fight against them. And then people remember the long-forgotten fighting qualities of their old comrades - dogs. The book contains profanity. ... Further

  • “... Few people have seen these texts. Until today, they were familiar only to readers of specialized magazines and thematic collections of science fiction. The texts are very different. Stories about cheerful sewer men and intelligent burglars, Russian folk paranoia and our space. Some experiments on the verge of fiction and journalism. Moreover, a strange story in my favorite style of “industrial drama”... And yet there is a unifying moment that made it possible to without embarrassment put all this heterogeneity under one cover. Before you, if I may say so, is Oleg Divov’s “creative report” for the period 2001–2003, when the author began to achieve something in medium and small forms. And then, they say, I was silent for almost three years. Nope. Naturally, everything is published here in the author’s edition, without any censorship restrictions or amendments, under the original titles. Now let's try to read it all. Sincerely yours - Oleg Divov" The collection includes the following stories and short stories: K-10 Paranoid Nikanor The era of great temptations The law of crowbar for a closed circuit A harmful profession Mice and cats Our gestalt shines in the fog A world without heroes Harmful advice to a young fighter... Further

  • This book is about humble heroes who don't give up because they don't know how. They drown, fall from the sky, disappear in the snow, burn at work. The end would have come for them long ago, but these people (and not only people) are typical characters of Oleg Divov. Not at all like superheroes, they are very In a hopeless situation, a sudden solution and unexpected tools will be found. The robot has a shovel. The astronaut has pliers and a screwdriver. The general has a garbage can with food for the bear. And also a megaphone for oral control of an aircraft from a submarine. If a maniac is following a stripper, a motorcycle spark plug will help out. The weapons of a humanitarian technologist are a kind word and a pistol. And space surveyors are nowhere without Katsman. And the brave little loader is his own tool...... Further

  • The author's reasoning about the isolation of science fiction from mainstream literature and indications that in fantastic literature There are many trends that are characteristic of the mainstream. The essay was published in the collection “Harmful Profession.” M.: Eksmo, 2008. ... Next

  • Former Soviet special forces major Ivan Dolvich moved from the USSR to America and brought with him a “full balalaika” of musical ideas to Brighton Beach. And when his nephew Igor moved in with him, they created the group “Big Mistake!”, which became super-popular and also super-banned in the USA... ... Continue

  • Near future. A global energy crisis is approaching... The ISS Liberty is sent into space to meet with a mysterious representative of alien intelligence - the Iron Maiden. What does she want to tell earthlings and why? ... Further

  • Mammoths are almost like people, only big and hairy. Two hundred years ago, the Russians found these amazing animals, declared them the property of the empire, saved them from extinction, and then the whole country, no matter what happened, preserved them as best it could. Chukotka livestock breeders and Russian zoologists valued their lives above their own. Mammoth is a symbol of Russia and its national character. At the very edge of our land - where it is cold, hungry, dark and sometimes scary - mammoths build roads, erect houses, transport goods and save those in trouble. The fates of the baby mammoth Katka and the boy Umka were predetermined long before their birth. But everything went awry, and now the director of the Zvezda Chukotka nursery has two problems - where to place the brilliant four-legged animal and how to bring his talented son to reason. Times are changing, and the future of the “workhorses of the Far North” is in question. Everyone must make difficult choices. Even a mammoth.... Further

  • ...The concepts discussed below are quite controversial, and in some places even delicate. The author has no right to impose his point of view on the reader. Therefore, he recommends: depending on personal preferences, you can regard this text as both documentary and art. Moreover, the author refuses in advance any debate regarding the truth of the events he describes. Tired of it.... Further

  • Everything turned out to be ridiculous and scary. Chain brutal murders and terrorist attacks could lead Inquisitor McKinby to the leaders of the conspiracy. But there is no conspiracy as such, only a fight for power. Instead of a revolution there will be a coup. Instead of the Federation - controlled chaos. Instead of the New World - Civil War. As Della Berg promised, you have been scammed. All at once. The lives of millions and the fate of billions of people are at stake. If you are ready to answer for them, organize your own conspiracy. Invite the fugitive Eldoradian dictator and his sworn enemy; star princes and generals; dissidents and counterintelligence; unsuccessful religious leaders who were taken away from the hands of a totalitarian sect and sold to a new owner. Good company. On hand are real Indians, a brilliant programmer and a retired Satanist. Become state criminals. There is no other way. Conscience doesn't allow it. It is difficult to understand who are friends and who are enemies. It's hard to know who the next target is. And somewhere a Russian saboteur is wandering: he seems to be for our people, only he has problems in his family and is in a bad mood.... Further

  • We present to your attention the latest author's edition of the novel, which the writer considers final. On the mountains of weapons left over from civilization, only the young and strong survived. In this new world everyone is equal. Everyone paid in full for admission here with their memory. People who have lost their past, who have forgotten the existence of relatives and friends, are overcome by a thirst for causeless aggression. But the one who wants to remember more than others must be the most merciless killer and simply must shoot first. This is the law of survival in this world - the Law of the Frontier.... Further

  • The world is huge and difficult. Dozens of inhabited planets, four humanoid races, a central government and private colonies, black spots on the Galaxy map and entire dissident states. But people remain people, even if they own personal spaceships and wear chip implants: they still love and hate, discover new lands and cultivate old ones, trade and fight, create works of art and commit crimes. Sometimes they kill. Sometimes different people are trying to kill Della Berg, so the young beautiful woman's health insurance lists gunshot wounds. Della has a complicated past that she prefers not to talk about. She always carries a weapon at work, and her boss is very peculiar person. His profession is inquisitor.... Further

  • When brothers meet after a lifetime of separation, they don't necessarily throw themselves into each other's arms. When intelligence agencies fight among themselves, they do not always act in the interests of their states. When everyone wants the same person, this does not mean that the one who wins will win. who will find it first. Scary secret weapon Russians, which was considered destroyed, was shot and hit the whole city. An alien ship landed on the roof of a Moscow house. The veteran of the secret project took out a combat psychotronic cannon from the basement and began firing at the security officers who had come to arrest him. And the British secret agent was simply punched in the face on the outskirts of Tverskaya... And safe world XXI century hangs one step before war. We even know where to look for the solution. But according to the terms of the game, only two people can get it. The book contains profanity.... Further

  • If you sit on the river bank for a long time, one day you will see the corpse of your enemy. If you stand on a conveyor belt for a long time, assembling cars, sooner or later you will see the corpses of your friends floating past. In a wonderful new world, where everyone is for himself and a place in the sun can only be achieved dishonor, four young people must choose their path. Lies, betrayal, snitching, meanness - there is no other road to success. Try it, you won't regret it. But if friendship and conscience are more important than a career, you will find another way out. And when a social explosion occurs in a prosperous city in the middle of a prosperous country, you will easily choose the right side. Everything was clear from the very beginning, you just didn’t understand it before. And at the moment of mortal risk, I finally noticed: the objects in the rearview mirror are closer than they seem.... Further

  • One wants to be President. The other wants to be left alone. One is over fifty. The other one is just over fifteen. One walked towards his goal all his life. The other miraculously survived. What do they have in common? Nanobots that don't exist. What's different about them? One is a slave to his own whims. The other is ready to die for his freedom. Helicopters will decide who is right.... Further

  • No one will tell you more and more frankly about the Moscow metro than the one who drives the trains. The hero of this documentary book transported millions of people. He took out the “bodies” from under the carriages. Got out of many emergency situations. He was punished for wishing passengers happy ways. He knows all the problems that await you underground and will explain how to avoid them. He will describe clearly and in detail daily life subway driver. You will learn things about the metro that you never knew existed. In return he will ask for one favor. When going underground, remain human. You may not believe it now, but it depends on your humanity how fast the metro trains go. Read it and believe it.... Further

  • Bite the cable with your teeth and leave school without the Internet. And when you grow up and become wiser, stand as a wall against trouble, protect people from themselves, stop them. It’s scary and painful, but only robots are happy, everything is always fine with them. And you are no longer a robot. Whatever you do: tiny helicopters or real cars - you are not a cog in the system, but a living person. Advanced microtechnology and a simple assembly line are no different when their owners are obsessed with the lust for power. But you can fix everything if you want. The main thing is to remember: we must fight idiocy, if only so that our children do not grow up to be idiots. And objects in the rearview mirror are closer than they seem.... Further

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  • ...You can achieve much more with battle magic and a big pistol than with battle magic alone! Especially if you are only a quarter elf, and three quarters Russian. The war of annihilation going on in Irrain will spill out any day now. parallel world in our. Don't you know how elves behave in occupied territory. And the orcs know this well. Our local Russian orcs. They're scared. And for some reason you too.... Further

  • A parody story about how skillfully and variedly a certain Katya uses a vibrating mop. The story was published in the collection “Harmful Profession.” M.: Eksmo, 2008. ... Next

  • “Weapons of Retribution” is a very funny, sometimes simply mocking, and sometimes tragic story from army life. Nothing like this has ever been published before: these are the memoirs of a sergeant who served in a unique unit. Welcome to the Big Power Brigade that pushes everything is in its path and shoots so hard that the earth shakes. The author assures: if you were in the Soviet Army, then after reading “Weapons of Retribution”, you will once again be convinced that you did not serve in vain. And those who did not serve will once again be glad that the army managed without him. But he promises both of them several hours of healthy laughter interspersed with light sadness.... Further

  • If you are interested in how to become a writer, be sure to read this “purely “kitchen-professional” text, reflecting a personal view on some points that are significant for the work of a writer”... But most importantly, remember: original life experience and your point of view - that's what makes the author irreproducible!... Further

  • Eurocon is a traditional conference of science fiction professionals and fans throughout Europe. In 2008, this prestigious forum will be held in Russia for the first time. Thirteen of the most popular Russian science fiction writers accepted the offer to participate in a project dedicated to this unique event. First, each of them wrote a story on a topic beloved by readers - “Kill the Alien.” After which he created a rebuke to one of the xenophobic texts, trying with all tolerance to “Save the Alien.” As a result of the creative competition of the authors, a two-volume book appeared, one of the books of which we bring to your attention.... Further

  • No one obscene word. Not a single murder. None sex scene. Only swearing, violence and love. This is Oleg Divov’s new story, which the author calls “a down-to-earth space opera.” Her characters, Billy and Ivan, are pure natural disasters. They are armed and their cars can fly into space. Having fallen from the sky onto a quiet American town, these two will turn everything upside down and put everyone on edge. Not on purpose. They will simply be asked for help. And all because of Billy, who has one magical crap. The police chief will regret his request, the city will suffer material damage, and the Earth's military space forces will get their nuts. Beat the Aliens, save the Galaxy!... Further

  • In the most hopeless situation he will get you a hundredweight of TNT, one and a half kilos of plastic explosives and three canisters of rubber glue. He will find tanks and force them to shoot where you want. He would borrow a dozen special forces soldiers from his friends for half a day and a pistol, just in case. Will follow up so that you don’t get blown up by a mine and get killed in general. He doesn't like breaking down doors with a sledgehammer and gets angry when people throw grenades into the refrigerator. No, he's not James Bond. Just a consultant on stupid issues. If you need a war and you don’t know how it’s done, Misha will organize everything. When disaster suddenly strikes, he will not hesitate to risk his life to defend the interests of his country. The homeland will not say “thank you” to him. But in vain.... Further

  • One wants to be President. The other wants to be left alone. One is over fifty. The other one is just over fifteen. One walked towards his goal all his life. The other miraculously survived. What do they have in common? Nanobots that don't exist. What's different about them? One is a slave their whims. The other is ready to die for his freedom. Helicopters will decide who is right.... Further

  • Filming any cult film or cycles themselves become epics. The epic filming of “Back to the Future” is analyzed by a famous science fiction writer. The essay was published in the collection “Harmful Profession.” M.: Eksmo, 2008. ... Next

  • He knows the value of gold, but he puts friendship above everything, and above all, duty to the Motherland. He believes in the Lord, but is afraid of the old gods. Speaks several languages ​​and fights with any weapon. He has a quirky sense of humor and is very kind. Caring, alive, in some way very vulnerable person. A brave man named Ilya Urmanin. He lives in a world where only the free are called “people.” This is the world of Ancient Rus'. A new book Oleg Divov - the experience of deep immersion into this bright and complex world. It took a special hero to tell about it in simple and honest words. In fact, Ilya Urmanin has been known to you since childhood, but you have never seen him like this. Now the prince will let Ilya out of the cellar - and then the hero will show himself. He will be faced with undertakings that have never happened before, and no one knows how he will win. Find out how it really happened. You will not regret. Or you will regret it, but it will be too late.... Further

  • “Other Actions” – almost none fantastic story about how an attempt to imitate a full life on the Internet leads to real deaths...

  • Why are talking bears not at all welcome in Moscow? Who are the bombers and where do they fly? Why is the Soviet wunderwaffle rushing along the Autobahn to Paris? How to kick the god of war out computer game? Who will repel an alien invasion if it disguises itself as a women's taxi? What do the Germans say about the relationship between the Russian Tsar and Hitler? And why is Black Lukich so scary if he’s just urban legend? The answers are in new science fiction stories by Oleg Divov. Funny, kind, sad, “about love”, “about war” and even “about politics”, they will not leave anyone indifferent. This has been verified. Enjoy your reading. And if you meet Black Lukich, call Black Orderly. Also checked.... Further

  • Vampire Day is a holiday for those who see all the colors of the world, hear all the sounds, and know all the secrets. The chosen ones are given enormous power and unlimited power. A select few have access to refined pleasures that an ordinary person cannot imagine. Become the chosen one, try it yourself. And then die, the sooner the better. Better for you. Vampire Day is a work shift for those who follow the bloody trail. No romance: instead of a sword - an ax, instead of magic - a strong word, and also fear, fear at every step. And a question that is painfully difficult to answer: why is all this? How much easier it is to give up. How much easier it is to go with the flow and believe that everything is fine. And when the world collapses, others will survive, not like you - young and strong. They will survive and will re-search for the meaning of life. And, it seems, they will find it in friendship and love. Otherwise, why all this?... Further

  • They started killing and won't stop. They need to quickly eliminate those of their own who are no longer needed, and all strangers who stand in the way. Federal security barely has time to count the bodies, and no one understands what the main stake is in this deadly game. Happiness for all? Don't be ridiculous, says Della Berg, you've been duped. The question is - why? Yes, life in a liberal utopia is not easy. Great opportunities, but strict limits. No one will starve, but few will achieve real success. And you were definitely not promised ordinary human happiness. But for the humiliated and desperate, for everyone who has been pushed overboard by society, there is a way out. You just need to understand that your world has reached a dead end and you can’t live like this any longer. In a wonderful and fair New World, the last will become first, and everyone else will be equal. Is this worth killing and dying for?... Further

  • “The girl walks along the sidewalk, serenely smiling at her thoughts. I can’t say she’s a beauty, but she’s such a beauty – you can’t take your eyes off her. The rearview camera spots her when it's too late, really late. If she doesn't stop, in twenty seconds her pretty face will be hit under a sheaf of fragments, but I can’t do anything. I can't get out of the car. All I can do is stick my hand out the window and shoot at the girl’s feet. Perhaps this is the solution..."... Further

  • Mammoths are almost like people, only big and hairy. Two hundred years ago, the Russians found these amazing animals, declared them the property of the empire, saved them from extinction, and then the whole country, no matter what happened, preserved them as best it could. Chukotka livestock breeders and Russian zoologists valued their lives above their own. The mammoth is a symbol of Russia and its national character. At the very edge of our land - where it is cold, hungry, dark and sometimes scary - mammoths build roads, erect houses, transport goods and save those in trouble. The fates of the baby mammoth Katka and the boy Umka were predetermined long before their birth. But everything went awry, and now the director of the Zvezda Chukotka nursery has two problems - where to place the brilliant four-legged animal and how to bring his talented son to reason. Times are changing, and the future of the “workhorses of the Far North” is in question. Everyone must make difficult choices. Even a mammoth.... Further

  • ...You can achieve much more with battle magic and a big pistol than with battle magic alone! Especially if you are only a quarter elf, and three quarters Russian. The war of destruction going on in Irrain will spill out from the parallel world into ours any day now. Don't you know how elves behave in occupied territory. And the orcs know this well. Our local Russian orcs. They're scared. And for some reason you too.... Further

  • We present to your attention the latest author's edition of the novel, which the writer considers final. ...He used to drive out devils - now he casts out demons. Discharged from the landing force due to disability, Captain Preacher returned to duty as an army chaplain. And one day fate threw him onto a planet where crocodiles fly across the sky, and the elixir of immortality flows under his feet. And not the slightest chance of getting out alive. A military base lost in the jungle, awaiting its inevitable end, is truly a God-forsaken place. The previous priest here simply went crazy. So is it time to pray?..... Further

  • The near future, when Moscow is populated not by Russians, but... But read it and find out! The story was published in the collection “Harmful Profession.” M.: Eksmo, 2008.

  • The old spaceship was racing across the expanses of space - it was pursued by a hellish amoeba. And although there were not many chances to escape, the crew did not lose their fighting spirit and recalled stories about the latrine, null-shishig and other mysterious creatures... ... Continue

  • “Peter Tizenhausen, a young nobleman from a small estate, was a fool. Even as a child, he was overcome by all sorts of ideas: he would start to turn a hole to the center of the earth and collapse the summer outhouse; then he will undertake to study the spontaneous generation of mice in dirty laundry and see too many interesting things; then he wonders why people don’t fly, and then hobbles with his leg in splints. When Peter finally grew up and became concerned with simpler questions, namely, why girls have boobs, and how wine makes noise in his head, the parents of young Tiesenhausen noticeably perked up..."... Further

  • "Your Excellency! Our countries have long and fruitfully cooperated in the field of non-proliferation of strategic weapons, predatory colonialism and racial segregation. On this occasion, allow me to express my gratitude to the entire Russian people and to you in their person..." ... Continue

  • Again, everything is wrong with Divov. While normal science fiction writers write about how the Earth ran out of oil (water, food, conscience, underline as appropriate), this one is writing the story of a world where... money has run out. And people live wonderfully there. Only one peasant bought a cannon from the towns for a bucket of moonshine. You never know, it might come in handy. Who would have known that for clay pigeon shooting... Oleg Divov's new stories look very different. Airplanes are taught to fly here. Explore the nature of Time. They chase after old friends in order to “neutralize” them. Comrade Stalin is losing the battle with fools. And ordinary workers drink vodka with nanoparticles in the back room of the secret Nanotech plant... One book contains the entire spectrum of science fiction, from “space science fiction” to sharp satire and even a political joke. But in fact, these are stories about people who, although they insist that they “work for money,” live for something more. As usual with Divov.... Further

  • A unique collection of Russian science fiction! Henry Lyon Oldie, Marina and Sergey Dyachenko, Andrey Valentinov, Oleg Divov, Vladimir Vasiliev and many other authors will open the reader's doors to other, ghostly worlds... ...More

  • For thousands of years, society has been squeezing into its front ranks those whom it characterized as “peculiar people.” But does society need these heroes in such numbers? Oleg Divov reflects on this in his article. ... Further

  • The combat ships froze in orbit. The military astronauts of the victorious Earth are waiting for their fate to be decided. At first they were considered heroes, then their home planet cursed them as ruthless killers. Coming out of the crucible of interplanetary war, they had no idea that the most severe tests still to come. They're tired of shooting, but that's the only thing they know how to do well. Sooner or later the command “For battle!” will ring again...... Further

  • The long-awaited collection of the best science fiction stories of 2017! Recognized masters and bright writers of the new generation will reveal to you new amazing worlds and will help you take a different look at your usual everyday life. These bright, topical, fascinating stories delight a variety of genres: from urban fantasy and cyberpunk to chrono-opera and alternative history, from mysticism to space opera, from phantasmagoria to post-apocalypse! And of course, the best gift will become new story Sergei Lukyanenko! “You can kindle passion in people without any magic. But success requires crazy love. It is she who will lead to the appearance of the Absolute Wizard..." Everyone's favorite fairy tale, version... of Zebulun!... Further

  • The Time of Light disfigured the Earth, turned flowering fields into Zander, cities into volcanoes, and mountains into seas. The roads disappeared... All roads: asphalt, and dirt, and iron, and magnetic, and even many paths... For several months, people, left to their own devices, survived as best they could, but then the first trade caravans appeared, which soon began to be called armored ones. After all, they were protected from any troubles, bad roads, evil people and no less evil animals. And the caravans gave hope... In the Mesozoic era, the Earth was visited by an alien ship, which accidentally left a robot in a remote area of ​​the Rocky Mountains. According to the program, the robot is aimed at collecting samples weighing from one hundred and forty-five to one hundred and seventy-five pounds... A young and ambitious British mathematician gets a job at a provincial American institute that has a dubious reputation among scientists. The Englishman's goal is to become the right hand of the director of the Clark Institute, whom he considers the new Einstein... Sergei Lukyanenko, Vadim Panov, Oleg Divov, Vasily Golovachev and other superstars of domestic and foreign science fiction in a collection of action-packed novels and short stories!... Further

  • In the world of the near future, the traditional family has been completely abandoned. Society has been preparing for this for a long time, information attacks on traditional values ​​were carried out from different sides - here there is a shift in priorities towards career, success, star status and the ideology of hedonism, juvenile justice and childfree, same-sex families... And then it happened. What's next? What will a familyless humanity look like?.. Oleg Divov, Vadim Panov, Dmitry Yemets, Leo Kaganov, Pavel Kornev and others in a traditional collection about the future that awaits us all!... Further

  • “The war did not touch the Rau family with cold hands for the time being: the elders were too valuable for the country to drive them to the front with a rifle, and the younger ones were too young. The offensive proceeded swiftly and beautifully, victory seemed close and sweet, the people rejoiced, and those who simpler, they did not hesitate in their simplicity to congratulate Rau when another Russian city fell: friends, get ready, any day now the Fuhrer will liberate Moscow for you. Let's get even for yours then. And for all of our people in general..."... Further

  • “Detective Sergeant Vic Reinhart arrived at the scene to a quick analysis: the pavement was covered with a thick layer of broken glass, the house opposite was covered in bullet pockmarks, the criminal was completely in a sieve, the special forces were placing their men in ambulances, the forensic expert was wandering sadly from one white silhouette to another. That guy had a Ruger Mini with a thirty-round magazine, and this bastard shot - I mean, not a rifle, but this bastard - as quickly as from a machine gun ... "... Further

What's behind the door? (collection)

Author: Yulia Ostapenko, Sergey Gerasimov, Irina SerebrovaSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Science Fiction Fantasy

Fans of Russian science fiction!

Before you is the TENTH ANNIVERSARY issue of the popular almanac “Fantastika”, which has been published with constant success for FIVE YEARS!

Five years and ten collections later, I turn to you again with a short introduction.

Then, at the beginning of 2000, the possibility of such a format had to be proven. Nowadays it would never even occur to anyone to doubt the reader’s interest in the short form - novellas and short stories.

And the platforms on which you can speak have become incomparably larger: science fiction is published not only by “If” and “Reality”, but also by “glossy” magazines, genre and thematic anthologies are regularly published, and the number of online competitions has gone beyond all conceivable limits.

What place does the almanac “Fantastika” occupy in this celebration of life?

What is he?

This is not a final collection like American anthologies.” Best of the year”, which he does not pretend to do.

This is not a thematic anthology ( last year gave us several very interesting examples of such - “Man is a cat to man” and “Perpendicular world”, for example).

So what is it? This is probably just a look at modern Russian science fiction from a specific person - the compiler of the collection. Like any view of an ordinary person, it cannot be completely objective and error-free. There is only one judge here - the reader. Let's hope that he will vote “yes” for the tenth time.

Good fiction to you!

Yours sincerely

The best crew of Solnechnaya

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Action science fiction Space fiction Science fiction

The combat ships froze in orbit.

The military astronauts of the victorious Earth are waiting for their fate to be decided.

At first they were considered heroes, then their home planet cursed them as ruthless killers.

Coming out of the crucible of interplanetary war, they had no idea that the most severe tests were yet to come.

They're tired of shooting, but that's the only thing they know how to do well.

Sooner or later the command “For battle!” will ring again...

The young and strong will survive

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Post-apocalyptic Fighting fiction

In this new world everyone is equal.

But the one who wants to remember more than others must be the most merciless killer and simply must shoot first.

This is the law of survival in this world - the Law of the Frontier.


Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Alternative history Social Science Fiction

People sometimes fight over this book.

Fierce debate has been going on for seven years: what is “Culling” - a bright dystopia or a terrible utopia?

Is it comfortable to live in Russia, where “good with fists” has won?

In Russia, where no one is hungry anymore, no one is humiliated, street crime has been reduced to zero, the oligarchs are in prison, the ruble is worth more than the dollar.

But what will you say if one day culling knocks on your door?..

This rather simple text from 1999 is generally recognized as the most scary novel Oleg Divov.

After the January 2001 coup, the “Government of People's Trust” came to power in Russia, which, with the full support of the residents of the state and the Social Security Agency, was able to build a prosperous economic community - the “Slavic Union” in 7 years.

Order in the country is restored by sheriffs - culls from the ASB, who have the right to punish without trial all “outcasts” of society.

What did Russia become under the new regime by 2007?

Night Watcher

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Science Fiction Fantasy

This is a tough, bloody, bitter and very lyrical text.

Intended to be a “true story about vampires,” the novel ended up being anything but “vampire.”

No, there are vampires there.

They live, suffer, love, hate, rejoice, kill, die...

But what is much more interesting is what is happening around them.

What happens to people.

And with not quite people.

Instead of a sword - an ax.

Instead of magic - a strong word.

It will be painful and scary for everyone.

And to make the story more convincing, the author pitted “village” and “urban” prose against each other, mixed genres, created horror and fog.

And when in the end all the riddles are solved, this is no longer very important, because, first of all, “The Night Watcher” is a novel about choosing a path.


Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Fantasy

He knows the value of gold, but he puts friendship above everything, and above all, duty to the Motherland.

He believes in the Lord, but is afraid of the old gods.

Speaks several languages ​​and fights with any weapon.

He has a quirky sense of humor and is very kind.

A caring, lively, and in some ways very vulnerable person.

A brave man named Ilya Urmanin.

He lives in a world where only the free are called “people.”

This is the world of Ancient Russia. Oleg Divov’s new book is an experience of deep immersion into this bright and complex world.

It took a special hero to tell about it in simple and honest words.

In fact, Ilya Urmanin has been known to you since childhood, but you have never seen him like this.

Now the prince will let Ilya out of the cellar - and then the hero will show himself.

He will be faced with undertakings that have never happened before, and no one knows how he will win. Find out how everything really happened.

You won’t regret it. Or you will regret it, but it will be too late.


Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Action fantasy

Previously, he drove out devils - now he casts out demons.

Discharged from the landing force due to disability, Captain Preacher returned to duty as an army chaplain.

And one day fate threw him onto a planet where crocodiles fly across the sky, and the elixir of immortality flows under his feet.

And not the slightest chance of getting out alive.

A military base lost in the jungle, awaiting its inevitable end, is truly a God-forsaken place.

The previous priest here simply went crazy.

So is it time to pray?..

Dream interpretation

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Action Science Fiction

This sport is called "hard slalom".

Both victory and defeat on the track can result in serious injury or even death for the skier.

Instant reaction, high professionalism - what else is needed to reach the finish line, become the first and stay alive?

It turns out there's something else.

Dreams foreshadowed the hero's choice, risk and gain.

It seemed like a common thing. He couldn’t even imagine what a fine line he would have to walk.

Life and death, love and hate, heroism and murder will lie on her side.

And this edge is the steel edge of a mountain ski.

All it takes is one wrong move and you are a completely different person...

Billy's got some shit

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Humor Science Fiction

Not a single obscene word. Not a single murder. Not a single sex scene.

Only swearing, violence and love.

This is Oleg Divov’s new story, which the author calls a down-to-earth space opera.

Her characters, Billy and Ivan, are pure natural disasters.

They are armed, and their cars can fly into space.

Having fallen from the sky onto a quiet American town, these two will turn everything upside down and put everyone on edge.

Not on purpose. They will simply be asked for help.

And all because of Billy, who has one magical crap.

The police chief will regret his request, the city will suffer material damage, and the Earth's military space forces will get their nuts.

Beat the Aliens, save the Galaxy!

How I was psychic

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Fantasy

...The concepts discussed below are quite controversial, and in some places even delicate.

K-10 (collection)

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Action fantasy

There's a big cat hiding here!

Very big.

Civilian version of the combat model.

And under this cover live cheerful sewer men and intelligent burglars, Russian folk paranoids and ordinary space engineers- the heroes of the stories included in this collection. What can a cat do in war?

How to use propyra correctly?

Why a sledgehammer in space?

Why do African Americans respect Zyama Stillborn?

Divov knows how to make you laugh, but sometimes he poses questions in such a way that there is no time for jokes.

Perhaps “K-10” is exactly the book that will explain to you why this author is for last years collected a complete collection of professional awards.

Consultant on stupid issues

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Classic prose

In the most desperate situation, he will get you a centner of TNT, one and a half kilos of plastic explosives and three cans of rubber glue.

He will find tanks and force them to shoot where you want.

He would borrow a dozen special forces soldiers from his friends for half a day and a pistol, just in case.

He'll make sure you don't get blown up by a mine or get killed in general. He doesn't like to break down doors with a sledgehammer and gets angry when people throw grenades into the refrigerator. No, he's not James Bond.

Just a consultant on stupid issues.

If you need a war and you don’t know how it’s done, Misha will organize everything. When trouble suddenly happens, he won’t hesitate to risk his life defending the interests of his country. His homeland won’t say “thank you” to him.

Objects in the rearview mirror

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Classic prose

If you sit on the river bank for a long time, one day you will see the corpse of your enemy.

If you stand on a conveyor belt for a long time, assembling cars, sooner or later you will see the corpses of your friends floating past.

In a brave new world, where everyone is for himself and a place in the sun can only be gained through dishonor, four young people will have to choose their own path.

Lies, betrayal, snitching, meanness - there is no other road to success.

Try it, you won't regret it.

But if friendship and conscience are more important than a career, you will find another way out.

And when a social explosion occurs in a prosperous city in the middle of a prosperous country, you will easily choose the right side.

Everything was clear from the very beginning, you just didn’t understand it before.

And at the moment of mortal risk, I finally noticed: the objects in the rearview mirror are closer than they seem.

Wunderwaffle. Collection

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Action fantasy

Why are talking bears not at all welcome in Moscow?

Who are the bombers and where do they fly?

Why is the Soviet wunderwaffle rushing along the Autobahn to Paris?

How to kick the god of war out of a computer game?

Who will repel an alien invasion if it disguises itself as a women's taxi?

What do the Germans say about the relationship between the Russian Tsar and Hitler?

And why is Black Lukich scary if he is just an urban legend? The answers are in the new science fiction stories of Oleg Divov.

Funny, kind, sad, “about love”, “about war” and even “about politics”, they will not leave anyone indifferent.

This has been verified.

Enjoy your reading. And if you meet Black Lukich, call the Black Orderly.

Imperium. Anthology for the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov

Author: Andrey Marchenko, Dmitry Kostyukevich, Yuliana LebedinskayaSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Fantasy

An empire does not end in one moment, immediately becoming history - after all, it exists not only in space, but also in time.

And sometimes in several times and spaces simultaneously...

Who knows whether the fate of a power is predetermined or can it be rewritten?

And isn’t it through the efforts of Kremlin craftsmen that the residence of the emperors itself protects its august inhabitants - in addition to the Life Guards and the secret police?

And how will the fate of the entire Earth change if, in the midst of a world war that could destroy three European empires, the Russian sovereign and the German Kaiser agree to resolve the matter with a fair knightly duel? All this and much more - on the pages of the anthology "Imperium", which includes works of popular science fiction writers such as OLEG DIVOV and ROMAN ZLOTNIKOV, famous scientists and publicists.

Every reader will find a story to their liking in this collection...

The most different variants unpredictable, but possible development of events with strict adherence to the historical surroundings. “The book allows you to vividly imagine the key moments of History, when other fateful rules come into play, and not the everyday ones to which we are accustomed.”

Liberal Apocalypse

Author: Alexey Eroshin, Andrey Skorobogatov, Timur AlievSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Social Science Fiction

What do so-called “liberal” values ​​bring to the world?

Scrupulous observance of human rights, unprecedented development of technology, market economy or, after all, the horrors of globalization, loss of national identity, corporate law instead of laws, the spiritless world of “clean money”, substitution traditional concepts artificial constructions that only seem viable?

The Interaction of Civilizations Foundation continues the conventional series of social dystopias begun by the collections “Antiterror-2020” and “Ruthless Tolerance.”

In a new project, popular Russian science fiction writers and promising young authors ponder the question: what will happen if not only tolerance taken to the point of absurdity wins, but also militant liberalism, whose adherents in the fight for human rights and freedoms are ready to sacrifice absolutely everything, not excluding themselves rights and freedoms?

Frontier Law

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Action fantasy

On the mountains of weapons left over from civilization, only the young and strong survived.

In this new world everyone is equal.

Everyone paid in full for admission here with their memory.

People who have lost their past, who have forgotten the existence of relatives and friends, are overcome by a thirst for causeless aggression.

But the one who wants to remember more must be the most merciless killer and simply must shoot first.

This is the law of survival in this world - the Law of the Frontier.

After the Apocalypse

Author: Veronica Batkhen, Kirill Benediktov, Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Post-apocalyptic Fighting fiction Humor Social Science Fiction

How to survive after a global catastrophe?

On land scorched by the fire of nuclear war, sunken, covered with a crust of ice?

How to survive yourself, save your family and friends, raise civilization from the ashes?

What survival strategies should you use?

Leading Russian science fiction writers Oleg Divov, Vyacheslav Rybakov, Kirill Benediktov, Leonid Kaganov and many others reflect on this on the pages of the anthology “After the Apocalypse”.

Day of the Vampire (collection)

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Horror and Mystery Combat Fantasy Social Science Fiction

Vampire Day is a holiday for those who see all the colors of the world, hear all the sounds, and know all the secrets.

The chosen ones are given enormous power and unlimited power.

A select few have access to refined pleasures that an ordinary person cannot imagine.

Become the chosen one, try it yourself. And then die, the sooner the better.

Better for you. The Day of the Vampire is the work shift of those who follow the bloody trail.

No romance: instead of a sword - an ax, instead of magic - a strong word, and also fear, fear at every step.

And a question that is painfully difficult to answer: why is all this?

How much easier it is to give up.

How much easier it is to go with the flow and believe that everything is fine.

And when the world collapses, others will survive, not like you - young and strong. They will survive and will again seek the meaning of life.

And, it seems, they will find it in friendship and love. Otherwise, what is all this for?

Phantom World: A Collection of Fiction

Author: Oleg Divov, Leonid Kaganov, Svyatoslav LoginovSeries: Out of seriesGenres: Cyberpunk Action Fiction Social Detective Science Fiction Fantasy

A unique collection of Russian science fiction!

Henry Lyon Oldie, Marina and Sergei Dyachenko, Andrey Valentinov, Oleg Divov, Vladimir Vasiliev and many other authors will open doors to the reader into other, ghostly worlds... Yurka agrees to work as a model, not realizing that they want to make him a hero for battles in other worlds ...The princess of the elves herself appeared to Maltouch to offer her love... An old man at the bird market sells an unusual product - real elves...

Russian science fiction 2010

Author: Lyudmila Belash, Alexander Belash, Artyom BeloglazovSeries: Anthology #2010Genres: Action fantasy

Leading Russian-language science fiction writers again invite you to an amusing trip to other worlds.

An ancient race of intelligent arthropods living in the depths of the ocean is challenging human hegemony on planet Earth...

As a result of student scientific experiments, the line between parallel realities Russian Empire and USSR...

Hordes of mechanical monsters and ancient magicians, armed with witchcraft staves and artifacts, converge in a crushing battle...

The stories included in this anthology, written by both venerable winners of numerous literary awards and talented debutants, present the reader with a full-scale picture of the most modern Russian science fiction.

Russian Empire 2.0

Author: Oleg Divov, Olga Eliseeva, Eduard GevorkyanSeries: Anthology #2016Genres: Alternate History Action Fiction Social Science Fiction

In Russia mid-21st century, the monarchy was restored, but not through some kind of revolutionary coup, but through gradual development political system and the expression of the will of the people at the Zemsky Sobor.

The Empire is a stronghold of traditional values, Russian culture and faith. At the same time, the Russian Empire 2.0 is a place of accelerated development of science and technology, in which the state invests heavily.

The power has a powerful industry of its own, developed information Technology, renewed science cities, underwater cities on the Russian Arctic shelf, colonies on Mars.

Powerful armed forces protect the Russian Empire from outside invasion.

And such an invasion is inevitable... Oleg Divov, Roman Zlotnikov, Eduard Gevorkyan, Dalia Truskinovskaya and other best science fiction writers in Russia created an image of a better future for our country, a world in which we would like to live...

KF, OR “SPACE WILL BE OURS!” (Anthology 2008)

Author: Anton Pervushin, Arkady Strugatsky, Boris StrugatskySeries: Space fictionGenres: Space fiction Science fiction

For many years, domestic science fiction writers dreamed of man's conquest of space.

In the anthology “The Best Space Science Fiction, or Space Will Be Ours!” presented best works recognized Russian-speaking authors of different generations: from classic story the Strugatsky brothers “Paratroopers” to the new story by Sergei Lukyanenko “Monster Boy”, previously unpublished in book editions.

After all, the penetration of humanity into the depths of the Universe will bring earthlings not only access to unlimited resources, but also the wealth of a new culture, the sprouts of which are already making their way today in the books of those who dream of conquering space for the benefit of all humanity.

Lady doesn't move-2

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Profession Inquisitor #2Genres: Social Science Fiction

It’s so easy to reminisce in the cozy chair of the interstellar airliner on the Tanira-Everest flight.

Only memories can be dangerous.

Della Berg's past, a girl with big problems and a small gun, follows her along with an experienced assassin.

The task for the coming days is clear: to save the key witness and survive herself.

A tactical intelligence captain, a holder of two orders, discharged from the army in disgrace without the right to wear a uniform or awards, miraculously surviving, hiding under the guise of a modest policeman, and then finding himself as an assistant to an inquisitor, all this is Della Berg.

Her ex-husband is a prince, her current boss is a duke, but Della's job is to follow the trail of a criminal alone, and if she herself becomes a target, no star princes will have time to rescue her.

This has already happened.

It will continue to do so.

Nevertheless, the investigation must be completed.

Lady with a dog

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Profession Inquisitor #3Genres: Detective Science Fiction

The future is new opportunities for everyone.

In the galactic cesspool you cannot see where the bureaucrat ends and the pirate begins.

Generals on the star frontier steal entire planets, burn evidence with the fire of an atomic explosion, and sell people into slavery along with ships and crews.

Just don’t think that they are trying for themselves; this is all at the request of relatives and friends - after all, corporations really love cheap resources and free labor...

And the fight against piracy is dealt with by the most inveterate state thieves. Inquisitor Augustus McKinby is not interested in such matters; that’s what federal security is for.

But August knows: any day now his assistant Della Berg will get into the dirt.

One person died, another went missing - and the traces of both were lost where ordinary people do not poke their noses.

Della won’t be able to stop: it’s a family matter.

She will have to fly to a place where there is no order or law.

A good company if you need to “find and neutralize.”

Real Indians

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Profession Inquisitor #4Genres: Action Fantasy Detective Science Fiction

If you thought that a man without pants is very funny, then believe me, a man without pants and with a two-handed sword is not funny at all.

If they thought that the Indians were simple guys, but they turned out to have such political intrigues that the devil would break his leg, this is not the problem of the Indians.

This is your problem, because you are in captivity and tomorrow you will be impaled.

But the local king, your old friend from university, is somehow in no hurry to help.

Galactic dead end, backward civilization, savage morals?

That's not so bad.

The interests of several states collided at Sattang, which means there will be knee-deep blood.

And Della Berg will have a lot to think about.

Firstly, was it worth returning to reconnaissance; secondly, which situation is worse - mortally dangerous or idiotic; thirdly, why does she so desperately want her former chief inquisitor Augustus McKinby to come and put everyone in their place.

In the meantime, we’ll find out whether androids dream of electric sheep and how real Scots answer the question: “What’s under your kilt?”

Great Dragon

Author: Oleg DivovSeries: Profession Inquisitor #5Genres: Detective Science Fiction

Spy games end badly - knee-deep in blood.

A brilliant combination of terrestrial intelligence will turn into a threat to all of humanity.

The trap set for the enemy will be caught by its creators.

And the most dangerous scoundrels in the world suddenly interfere in the personal life of Inquisitor Augustus McKinby.

This happens if the game started long before you were born and you are in it by accident.

Since the game should end in war, now this is your problem too. The tracks lead to the most closed state of the galaxy, which earthlings call Shanghai, and its inhabitants - the Celestial Empire.

Divov, Oleg Igorevich

Oleg Divov

Divov at the 12th International Fair of Intellectual Literature, Non-Fiction 2010
Date of Birth:

USSR → Russia



Years of creativity:


Works on the website Lib.ru

Oleg Igorevich Divov(on father's side - Sklyarenko, October 3 ( 19681003 ) , Moscow, USSR) - writer, one of the most famous Russian authors working in the genre of science fiction. Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the Union of Writers of Russia and the Council for Science Fiction and Adventure Literature at the Russian Writers' Union.


Born in Moscow on October 3, 1968 in a family of hereditary art restorers at the Tretyakov Gallery. A professional writer, he has been publishing as a journalist since the age of 14. Since 1990 - copywriter (advertising of all types, concepts, turnkey campaigns).

Served in the Soviet Army (1987-1989, high-power self-propelled artillery, sergeant). In 1991, for academic debts (16 failed exams and tests) and failure to attend classes, he was expelled from the 3rd year of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (international department, TV). In 1992-1994, he participated in the filming of the intellectual television games “Brain Ring” and “Own Game” (memories of this period subsequently formed part of the material in the novel “The Young and the Strong Will Survive” (“The Law of the Frontier”)). In the summer of 1995, he quit “on his own” for the fifth time, and since then has not officially worked anywhere. First major artistic text(fantasy thriller "Dog Master") published in 1997.

Divov is on the editorial board of the magazine “If” and the jury of the Kir Bulychev Memorial Prize. Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the Union of Writers of Russia and the Council for Science Fiction and Adventure Literature at the Russian Writers' Union.

Together with his wife, writer Svetlana Prokopchik, he hosted LiveJournal beauty_n_beast , but on December 3, 2008 this magazine was renamed LJ divov , and Svetlana Prokopchik started a separate magazine prokopchick . In the Divov magazine he sometimes publishes excerpts from future works. In particular, “Billy’s got a crap” was partially published in LiveJournal, and “Weapons of Retribution” consists almost entirely of posts to the mentioned magazine.



Divov is one of the most “titled” authors of Russian science fiction, total number his awards are about thirty. The only novel Divova, who was never included in any nominations - “Best crew of Solnechnaya”, according to the author himself - “because there is too much swearing there.”

Prize Year of award Nomination Work
Star Bridge 2000 Best novel. 3rd place Culling
Filigree 2001 Big Filigree Dream interpretation
Star Bridge 2001 Best novel. 2nd place (“Silver Caduceus”) Dream interpretation
Wanderer 2002 Large form Saboteur
RosCon 2002 Tale, story. 3rd place (“Bronze ROSCON”) Traitor
Sigma-F 2002 Middle form, stories Traitor
Belyaev Prize 2003 Special Jury Award
Sigma-F 2003 Small form, stories and story cycles Paranoid Nikanor
Interpresscon 2003 Small form (story) Paranoid Nikanor
Interpresscon 2003 Middle form (story)
Filigree 2003 Small Filigree (story) Paranoid Nikanor
RosCon 2003 Scrap law for a closed circuit
RosCon 2004 Tale, story. 1st place (“Golden ROSCON”) K-10
Filigree 2004 Small Filigree (story) The era of great temptations
Star Bridge 2004 Best novel. 1st place (“Golden Caduceus”) Night Watcher
RosCon 2005 Tale, story. 2nd place (“Silver ROSCON”) The raccoon jumped
RosCon 2005 Novel. 1st place (“Golden ROSCON”) Night Watcher
RosCon 2006 Tale, story. 1st place (“Golden ROSCON”) Billy's got some shit
Sigma-F 2006 Memorial Prize named after. Kira Bulycheva Billy's got some shit
RosCon 2006 Science fiction studies. 3rd place (“Bronze ROSCON”) In clear text
Interpresscon 2006 Middle form (story) Billy's got some shit
Sigma-F 2006 Middle form, stories Billy's Got Shit (2005)
Portal 2007 Medium form Brave (2006)
Filigree 2008 Small Filigree (story) Standing on the Moscow River



  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Writers by alphabet
  • Born on October 3
  • Born in 1968
  • Born in Moscow
  • Studied at Moscow State University
  • Writers of Russia of the 20th century
  • Writers Russia XXI century
  • Russian writers of the 20th century
  • Winners of the Wanderer Prize
  • Winners of the Star Bridge Award
  • Portal Prize Winners
  • Laureates of the Alexander Belyaev Prize
  • Science fiction writers of Russia

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