What year is it now according to the Old Church Slavonic calendar? Slavic animal calendar - horoscope by year and month of birth

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Summer 7527 has arrived on the Russian Calendar.(this happened at 18 o'clock September 21, 2018“year” according to Christian calculation)

Few people know that modern “year calculation” was introduced in Rus' quite recently - in 1700.

This act was committed by Peter I, or rather the one whom. It was by Peter's decree that in the summer of 7208, according to the then current calendar, Russia abolished its native Calendar and switched to the current calendar, starting the countdown from 1700.

What is known about this?

Any calculation has a starting point from some SIGNIFICANT EVENT. For example, now 2018 YEAR (GOD - God) from the Nativity of Christ. Of course, our calendar, marked by Peter, also had a starting point.

The countdown began from the summer (year) called “STAR TEMPLE”, in which our ancestors won the Great Victory over Arimia, the land of the Dragon (present-day China), completed a long and bloody war, that is, CREATE THE WORLD. Obviously, the event was so important and significant that for 7208 years, until the reign of Peter I, Rus' lived under the sign of the Calendar, which begins its countdown from the CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER OF THE STAR TEMPLE, along which, at the time of this publication, it is walking 7527 summer.

It was possible to level this point of reference, make it abstract, and then erase it from human memory and official “history” by replacing the image of the word PEACE. Each of us knows that in the Russian language there are words that are homonyms, identical in spelling, but different in meaning. Our linguistics stubbornly ignores the explanation of the reasons for this strangeness - the origin of twin words having different concepts. In fact, the secret is simple. Our original Initial Letter consisted of 49 letters. Among the initial letters that fell under the “reduction” and are now missing was the letter “i” (with a dot). The sound of the letters “and” “i” was almost the same, but the IMAGE of the letters was different. So the letter “I” had (and has now!) the image of UNION, UNITY, CONNECTION, . And the Letter “i” with a dot had the image of a “divine, universal ray” descending from the depths of the Universe to people. Accordingly, the word written as world- meant an alliance, an agreement, a STATE WITHOUT WAR. And the word is written as world– had the image of the universal World, the UNIVERSE. We know a common slogan in Soviet times that includes both words with different meanings: “Peace to the world!”, that is to the world universal - World without war

After the illegal seizure of power in Rus' by the pro-Western Romanov dynasty, a smooth but systematic destruction of our past began. Including chronology. First, the letter “i” in the word PEACE was replaced by the letter “i”, and “the creation of the world” gradually became associated with the creation of the Universe, and not with the establishment of peace after the war.

At the same time, on the frescoes and engravings that depicted the defeated Dragon by the Knight-Arius, the Dragon (the symbol of China-Arimia) was replaced by an abstract Serpent, and the Knight-Arius received the name George (which in Greek still means a tiller). Should we remind? that the tiller who cultivates the land is an Aryan, an Aryan? Nevertheless, St. George has remained the patron saint of farmers in most modern cultures.

Substitution of three important components of the image Great Victory– the words PEACE (without war) on the Universe, DRAGON (Chinese) on the rootless Serpent, and the name of the Russian Knight on the Greek George gradually turned a significant EVENT of the countdown of our chronology into an abstraction, “fantasy”, deprived of value in human memory. This allowed Peter on the 7208th summer to painlessly and without resistance replace our ancient calendar to European.

Everyone knows that on December 24, that is, 8 days before January 1, the entire Catholic world celebrates Christmas, the birth of the baby Jesus.

According to the Jewish rite Jewish boy must be circumcised strictly on the 8th day of birth. It is at this moment that he becomes involved in the agreement between the Jews and God Yahweh (Jehovah) and is included in the ranks of “God’s chosen people.” This means that the biblical character born on December 24th, the Jewish boy Jesus, is circumcised on the 8th day of birth, that is, January 1st.

Under Peter I, communication between the nobility was conducted primarily in Dutch and German languages, and the word God (Year), in these languages, means the word “God”.
It turns out that Peter I forced everyone to congratulate each other on the circumcision of the new Jewish god.

This joke of the “reformer” king has taken root in Russia so much that now people, without hesitation, congratulate others and themselves on the circumcision of an unknown Jewish boy, while installing Christmas trees at home - a tree that has long symbolized the path to the afterlife.

Today only Old Believers and some Internet users who are interested in the real Great Past of Rus'-Russia know about the celebration of the New Year.

However, the overwhelming mass of people who have lost their genetic memory and the original meaning of this expression continue to congratulate each other on the advent of the New Circumcised God, but not on the New Year, as it should be in Rus'.

5508 years of the worthy Past of the Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian peoples dissolved in the new Petrine History, in which we are given the most last place among all the peoples of the world.

Obviously, many are not interested in people in Russia knowing about their native calendar. Through the celebration of the New Year's circumcision of the Lord imposed on us, they are trying to circumcise our memory and conscience, so that we become like “Ivans who do not remember kinship.” The enemy has always acted not only with weapons, but also with words, by substituting concepts, replacing symbols and images, and therefore by destroying them, trying to cut off our memory, our connection with our ancestors, and our past, for as Peter Stolypin said “A people without national identity is the manure on which other nations grow”. What else does a parasite need?

Our ancient system measuring time intervals was simple, publicly accessible and visual, as it was based on well-known astronomical phenomena. In ancient times, the Slavs had several calendar forms of reckoning, but only a few have survived to this day... In ancient times, the Creation of the World was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples. Thus we have " new system countdown."

This very peace treaty, between the Great Race (ancient Slavs) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese) was concluded on the day of the Autumn Equinox, or on the 1st day of the First month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cold). Then she won the victory Great Race, which was depicted in the form of an image - the White Knight on a horse strikes the Dragon with a spear.

U different nations who lived in Europe were different systems counting days. This great variety of calendar systems sometimes introduced great confusion into the definition of “large trading days"...therefore, in 45 BC. e. By decree of Emperor Julius Caesar, a “new” calendar system was introduced, which was required to be observed throughout the entire Roman Empire.

WITH serious problems Christian missionaries who went to “enlighten” the pagans of Europe collided...
Even if they introduced someone to new faith, then immediately faced problems of misunderstanding when to celebrate holidays or at what time to fast...
A different calendar system did not allow Christian missionaries to correctly determine which date of the local calendar corresponded Julian calendar, because local calendars were more difficult for Christians to understand, and besides, comparable dates were constantly “floating”.

Only one way out was found. Prohibit old calendar and introduce a new one - Julian.

The same picture was observed during the baptism of Rus'... The people did not accept the introduced Julian calendar. Because the people did not understand why a foreign calendar was needed on Russian soil, with numbered months in Latin, of which there were three more, and besides, it did not begin on the Day of the Autumn Equinox, but at the beginning of spring.
But Christians found a way out of this situation: they came up with Slavic names for the Julian calendar - and the months, instead of numbers in Latin, received Slavic names: Berezen, Kviten, Traven, Cherven, Lipen, Serpen, Veresen, Zhovten, Listopad, Gruden, Sichen, Lyuty.

Only in this form did Christians manage to impose an alien calendar on the Slavic peoples. In others Slavic countries the same reconstruction of the Julian calendar was done, and the months received their Slavic names...

Our calendar - or, as we say, Kolyada Dar - was banned by Peter the Great. In Summer 7208 (1699) he issued a decree abolishing all the old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands, and introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, while he moved the beginning of the calendar (New Year) from the Day of the Autumn Equinox (among the Slavs-Old Believers ) and September 1 (for Christians) on January 1, and designated the starting date - 1700:
“Since in Russia they count the New Year in different ways, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. And as a sign of good beginnings and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in business and in the family. In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults should not commit drunkenness and massacres - there are enough other days for that.”

The start date of the new calendar was not chosen by Peter the Great by chance. On December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. According to the Bible, on the eighth day the baby Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish rite, that is, on January 1, the Christian church celebrated the Circumcision of the Lord.

This date was chosen by Peter the Great... by his decree he ordered all his subjects to celebrate the beginning of the new calendar and congratulate each other on the New Year.

The Slavic year began at the point of the autumnal equinox (in modern September), which was easily determined on the horizon by periodically observing the place of rising or setting of Yarila the Sun. Points of autumn and spring equinox on the horizon coincide and lie strictly between the points of the summer and winter solstice. Therefore, having once determined the winter and summer solstice and the point between them, and then placing the corresponding three landmarks on the horizon (mounds, dolmens, etc.), you can quite accurately record the new year, as well as the rotation of the day into decrease and increase.

The modern calendar has been complicated to serve political interests. So, now the New Year begins on a day that is unremarkable from the point of view of an observer of celestial phenomena.
New days used to begin at the moment of setting of the Yarila-Sun on the day of the equinox - very simply and clearly. Now the day begins at night, when everyone is sleeping. But even if you weren’t sleeping, you still can’t record the beginning of a new day, since there’s nothing to observe in the sky at that moment.

Values ​​in the Old Slavic calendar

The ancient Slavic calendar is based on the hexadecimal number system and divides long periods of time into Circles of Life, each with 144 Summers (years), and Summer into three seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring. In modern chronology, historical counting is carried out in centuries (periods of 100 years), and there are four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter).

The path through the starry sky of Yarila the Sun Slavic peoples called the Svarozh circle. The Svarog circle itself was divided into 16 parts, and they were called mansions, or palaces (constellations), which in turn were divided into 9 “halls” each. Thus, the Svarog circle consisted of 144 parts, and each part corresponded to its own unique heavenly rune.

The word Svarga in ancient times meant all inhabited territories - the Universes of our Reality. In the ancient Slavic Vedas it is said about them: “Great Trees of the Worlds, which receive Light Power from the waters of the Heavenly Iriy.” God Svarog - God of fire, blacksmithing, family hearth. The ancient Slavs considered him a heavenly blacksmith and a great warrior. Tradition says that he, who controls the entire world order of our Universe in the Manifest World (the World of Reveal), gave people the first plow and blacksmith's tongs, and taught how to smelt copper and iron. The very name of God is associated with the Sanskrit “svar” - to sparkle, shine, radiate, burn. God Svarog, our ancestors believed, is the father of many Light gods and goddesses, who were collectively called Svarozhich.
The same months, depending on the climate of the places in which different tribes lived, received different names.

The years were counted from the “creation of the world” (5508 BC). For many centuries, the beginning of the year was considered March 1, but in 1492, in accordance with the definition of the Council of Nicaea, the beginning of the year was officially moved to September 1 and was celebrated this way for more than two hundred years. However, a few months after Muscovites celebrated their next New Year on September 1, 7208, they had to repeat the celebration. This happened because on December 19, 7208, a personal decree of Peter I on the reform of the calendar in Russia was signed and promulgated, according to which a new beginning of the year was introduced - from January 1, and new era- Christian chronology (from the “Nativity of Christ”).

The flow of the “River of Time” for our ancestors is the rotation of the rings of the Daarian Circle of Chislobog anti-salt: rotation 16 hours in a day, rotation 9 days in a week, rotation 9 months in Summer (year), rotation 16 years through 9 elements (“halls”) in Circle of Life, rotation of a series of years through 16 palaces (constellations) of the Svarog Circle.

One Summer contains 9 months, a month - 41 or 40 days (depending on whether it is odd or even), a day - 16 hours, an hour - 144 parts, a part - 1296 shares, a share - 72 moments, an instant - 760 moments, a moment - 160 whitefish, whitefish - 14,000 centigs. Thus, ) 0.000000003305 seconds. Such precision is unattainable even with the most advanced modern chronometers. Why the ancient Slavs needed it, we, their descendants, can only guess.

A week includes 9 days (Monday, Tuesday, three-day, Thursday, Friday, sixth, seventh, eighth, week). All months begin on strictly defined days of the week. For example, if the first month of a given Summer begins on Tuesday, then all other odd-numbered months in this Summer will begin on Tuesday, and even months on the seventh. Therefore, the calendar that we now carry in our pocket and which contains 12 different month tablets, previously included only two tablets: one for odd months, the other for even months.
The ancient Slavic calendar, just like the Scandinavian or Celtic one, had a Runic display form, that is, initially the names of months, numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written in Runes.

For those who don’t know: A Rune is not a letter or a syllable... A Rune is a secret Image. The names of the months were originally designated by Runes, and later the entry by Initial Letter was added with a brief disclosure of the semantic meaning.

The first month was indicated by one Rune, and the remaining eight months were indicated by the combination of two Runes, with the second Rune indicating the part of the solar cycle known to us as Summer.
In the ancient Slovenian letter, when writing the name of the month, the letter “Ъ” was put at the end - er, which sounded like O-short. In addition, each month carried its own meaning, determining people’s lives.

9 months of the ancient Slavs are:
Ramhat - month of the divine beginning (41 days),
Ilet - month of new gifts (40 days),
Beylet is the month of white light and peace of the world (41 days),
Gaylet - month of blizzards and cold (40 days),
Daylet - the month of the awakening of nature (41 days),
Elet - month of sowing and naming (40 days),
Veylet - month of winds (41 days),
Heylet - the month of receiving the gifts of nature (40 days),
Taylet is the month of completion (41 days).

All these names are associated with certain cycles of human life on Earth. This system goes back to the times when white people lived on the northern continent, which they called Daaria (Hyperborea, Arctida, Arctogea).

Therefore, this system is called the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog.

Circles of Years (16) pass through Natural Elements (9), thus full circle passage is called the Circle of Life.

But not only Summer, they were considered Circles of 16 years, complete walkthrough Yarila the Sun in the Heavens among the stars also contained the number 16.
These equal parts are called the Heavenly Palaces of the Svarog Circle. Each Hall has its own Patron, God or Goddess.
On the second circle of the Daari circular, from the outer edge, the Runes of Time and their structural display are shown.
That is, we have a Daily Circle, in which there are 16 hours, 4 hours for each time of day...

4 hours for Evening, 4 hours for Night, 4 hours for Morning and 4 hours for Day. Each hour has its own name, devil image and Runic writing.
Each of the 16 hours also had its own name:
1st hour - Lunch (start of a new day) - 19.30 - 21.00 ( winter time, respectively 20.30 - 22.00 - summer time; below only winter time is indicated).
2 - Evening (appearance of star dew in Heaven) - 21.00 - 22.30.
3 — Draw (odd time of three Moon) - 22.30 - 24.00.
4 - Polich ( full path Moon) - 24.00 - 1.30.
5 - Morning (starry consolation of dew) - 1.30 - 3.00.
6 - Zaura (starlight, dawn) - 3.00 - 4.30.
7 – Zaurnice (end of starlight) – 4.30 – 6.00.
8 - Nastya (morning dawn) - 6.00 - 7.30.
9 – Svaor (Sunrise) – 7.30 – 9.00.
10 - Morning (calming the dew) - 9.00 - 10.30.
11 - Morning (the path of collecting calm dew) - 10.30 - 12.00.
12 - Obestina (mass, joint meeting) - 12.00 - 13.30.
13 - Lunch, or have lunch (meal), 13.30 - 15.00.
14 - Podani (rest after the meal) - 15.00 - 16.30.
15 - Utdaini (time of completion of actions) - 16.30 - 18.00.
16 - Poudani (completed day) - 18.00 - 19.30.

In the next Circle the Runes of the 16 Heavenly Halls are depicted; their outline has a certain connection with the location of the stars in the Firmament and with the Natural elements... Therefore, very often these Runes were placed on amulets. Not only on those worn by people... but also on amulets protecting livestock and poultry. In addition, these amulets can be found on dishes and other household utensils...

The next circle is called the Circle of the Elements, it identifies the 9 Elements through which life passes. Each Element is given its own name and its own Rune of Order. The beginning was made from the First Element...

Each Summer was in one way or another connected with the Circle of Elements, therefore, knowing the elemental characteristics, people were aware of what to expect from a particular Summer.
Next came the Weekly Circle. It was used to determine not only serial number day of the week, but also which of the Gods this day patronizes, and also which of the Nine Lands of the Yarila-Sun system gives its power...

In the very center, in the Circle, which is the structural designation of a person. 9 points pointed to 9 main energy centers (chakras) of a person, through which he receives various streams of life force... to 9 types of human consciousness, to 9 different feelings that are given to a person... and much more...

At first glance, the above measures of time are difficult to remember and inconvenient, and modern system measures are more orderly and clear. But in fact, the current system is archaic, less accurate and contains the imprints of many, again, political alterations.

The date of the beginning of summer strictly coincided with the Autumn Equinox, so the dates of the Gregorian calendar also come out, but it corresponded much more accurately to the astronomical calendar and was easier to use.

Yarilo - the Sun - moves along the Svarog circle and passes through 16 heavenly palaces (analogous to the eastern zodiac circle), in which the Suns, Stars and star clusters are collected. Each palace, in turn, is divided into 9 halls, in each hall there are 9 tables, on both sides of the tables there are benches - 72 on one side and 72 on the other side. Women sit on one side and men on the other.

It is from the Svarozh circle that the souls of people come to earth at the moment of birth.
For amulet, the Slavs wore the sign of the palace of their birth, as well as the patron god of the day of the week and year of birth, resulting in a pantheon of patron gods, as well as according to the amulets (and the hierarchy of their location) knowledgeable person could accurately tell the birthday of the person wearing the amulets.

In Slavic astrology, it is believed that there are 27 planets in the solar system, some of them existed previously and are now destroyed: debris remains in the form of an asteroid belt. These are echoes of the battles of the gods, or, as the modern generation would call them, Star Wars. Some of the distant Earths, taken into account by Slavic astrology, have not yet been discovered by modern astronomical science, or (due to their remoteness) are not considered planets solar system. How right the Slavic astronomical atlas is can only be shown by the development of astronomy and cosmonautics.

Calendar changes

IN " Dark times“The week was shortened to seven days thanks to the followers of the lunar cult. The number of months in a year increased, and their names changed, as some ancient rulers wanted to perpetuate their name by inventing new months and giving them their name. First, the names of the first nine months were changed and a tenth was added. December means "tenth month" in Latin. The ninth month was called November, the eighth - October, the seventh - September.

Then, at the whim of ambitious and vain rulers, they added two more months in the middle of the year (July - Latin Julius - in honor of Julius Caesar; August - Latin Augustus - in honor of Emperor Augustus). And December became the twelfth in order, although it continued (and continues) to mean “tenth” in the sense of its Latin root. The same applies to the words “September”, “October” and “November”, which, contrary to the meaning of their roots, became the designations of the corresponding ninth, tenth and eleventh months.

Due to the increase in the number of months, a leapfrog occurred in their duration. It has decreased (just like in famous cartoon about sheepskin tailoring: is seven possible? - maybe seven!). Since there were no more days in the year than there are (365 or 366), the months became 31, 30, 28 or 29 days. Due to these changes, months and years began to begin on different days of the week. The order of ancient chronology has collapsed.

Then the beginning of the day was moved to midnight, thereby combining with the beginning of the holiday of Satanists and devil worshipers, for whom the “real” day should really begin with the Sabbath.

The number of hours in a day was increased to 24, changing the duration of an hour and thereby losing the concept of a part, a beat, a moment, an instant, a moment. And to top it all off, these short periods of time began to be measured in the Sumerian sexagesimal number system. An hour is divided into 60 minutes, and a minute into 60 seconds. Much later, the second began to be divided into parts already in the decimal number system - into milliseconds, microseconds, etc.

Many elements of the ancient Slavic calendar (Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog) have survived to this day in the form of sayings and customs, the origins of which have already been forgotten. For example, the Great Trine, that is, the commemoration of the deceased, takes place a week and a month later, that is, on the ninth and fortieth day. The seventh day of the week is commemorated, for on this day Dazhdbog was crucified in the Caucasus Mountains.

In ancient times, a girl got married only after 16 years, or 144 months, which is one Circle of the Daarian Circle; before this period she carried the message, learned the Message, and after that she stopped telling the message and became a bride.

The mother carried the child in her womb for seven months (in ancient time reckoning) and then fed him with breast milk for forty forty (months). And after forty forty, or four years and four months, after the birth of the first child, a woman began a period of life improvement, as a result of which she becomes a knowledgeable mother (or witch).
369 weeks after the birth of a person, his era began spiritual training, for at the age of nine the first Great Communion took place ancient wisdom gods and ancestors.
At 108 months, or at 12 years, a person came of age, and he underwent the rites of coming of age and naming, and after another 108 months, he, accepting spiritual consecration by the Sacred Fire, was supposed to know true meaning the existence of one’s Clan and the true meaning of the clan name.

At the age of 33, each of our ancestors had a time of spiritual improvement. And at 369 months, or 41 years, the era of spiritual insight began.

Names of months from Slavic folk calendars(names from the Book of Veles in brackets):

January: other rus. - prosinets, stuzhaylo, ukr. - section, Belor. - jelly, (studic).

February: other russian. - snowfall, cut, low water, lute, bokogray, Ukrainian. - Lyuty, Belor. and pol. - fierce, (ladich).

March: other russian. - dry, protalnik, drip, zimobor, berezozol, belor. - juicer, (lyutich)

April: other russian. - berezozol, snowgon, pollen, aquarius, caddisfly, belorus. - Krasovik, (Beloyar).

May: other russian. - herbal, herbalist, yarets, (lado).
June: other russian - kresen, isokgrasshopper, cherven, grain-growing, multi-colored, skopid, ukr. and Belarusian - worm, (bathed).

July: other russian. - cherven, sufferer, haymaker, lipets, thunderstorm, roaster, serpen, belor. and pol. - lipen, lit. - Liepas, (senich).

August: other russian. - stubble, sickle, thicket, hospitable, glow, pickle, (granary).

September: other rus. - Veresen, Khmuren, Howler, Zorevik, Belor. and Ukrainian - spring, deciduous, golden-flower, (broom).

October: other russian. - winter, leaf fall, breast, mud, yellow, Ukrainian. - Zhovten, Belor. - castrychnik, (zernich).

November: other rus. - breast, leafy, semi-winter, Ukrainian. and Belarusian - leaf fall, (ovsenich).

December: other russian. - jelly, cold, cold, gloomy (prosich).

The most stable names: January - jelly, February - snow, March - winter, April - berezozol, May - grass, June - cresen, July - cherven, August - serpen, September - spring, October - yellow, November - chest, December - frown.

According to the latest calendar adopted by the ancient Rus, the date is approaching September 21-22 and the onset of Summer 7527 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (2018-2019 of modern chronology). This is the 7th summer in the Circle of Slavic Years space age Wolf under the auspices of God Veles. Name - Yellow Fox. Element - Sun. Color – Gold.

The New Year falls on the Autumn Equinox. This is usually associated with the fact that the entire harvest was harvested, the bins were filled, and the New Summer began with complete prosperity. In addition, it was customary to take the most important events on the New Year.

Yellow Fox– Summer is favorable for the restoration of Justice. This is also a suitable Summer for the reunification and expansion of the territory of the Russian State, which will occur non-violently, but through voluntary accession. In the Summer of the Yellow Fox, the path traveled is reviewed and the dawn of productive forces begins. People born this Summer strive for both Spiritual harmony and Creative harmony. These people love children very much, they value harmony family life and provide proper upbringing children.

Let's take a short excursion.

Slavic-Aryan Calendar

Our chronology is not connected either with the Sun, or with the Earths, or
with the Moons, nor with the Stars, but is connected with the Laws of the One Creator.
For the Suns, Stars, Earths and Moons speed up and slow down their
move, and the Laws of the One Creator are UNSHAKEABLE, and their observance
is observed by Chislobog, who is the guardian of the Rivers of Time.

Firstly, the Slavs counted the years from the Creation of the world in the Star Temple (this is what the abbreviation SMZH means). At the same time, according to various sources, “the creation of the world” cannot be taken literally, it is only a designation of a cycle. Secondly, the New Year begins among the Slavs (as mentioned above) in September. That is, now is the time to give forecasts for the New Summer, 7527 from SMZH. In fact, now we will present you a unique Slavic “horoscope” for the year 7527, and compiled not according to the usual zodiac, as many Slavic sites sin, but according to the Svarog circle.

Origin of the word "calendar"
We are told that the word calendar comes from the Latin "calendarium", which translated from Latin literally means the following: "record of loans", "debt book". The point is that in Ancient Rome debtors paid debts or interest in the first days of the month, i.e. on the days of the Kalends (from the Latin “calendae” or “kalendae”, also “calends” - the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans). But the Greeks did not have calends. Therefore, the Romans ironically said about inveterate defaulters that they would repay the debt in Greek calendars, that is, it is not known when. This expression has become popular in many languages ​​of the world.

If we go back to Latin language, then it turns out that “debt” in Latin is “debitum”, “book” is “libellus”, “liber libri”. "Note" ‒ "nota", "litterae". Note in the sense of "notebook" - "album", "tabella". "Loan" would be "faeneror". And some people translate the first part of “calendarium” as “to proclaim,” but they cannot translate “ndarium” (or at least “darium”). It is clear that calendarium has nothing to do with courts and debts. So maybe this word was borrowed from us?

The name of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar is "Kalyady Dar", which literally means the gift of Kolyada. Those. the word "calendar" comes not from the "debt book" of the Romans, but from the fusion of Kalyada Dar. Another name for the Calendar is Krugol t Chisloboga.

Now ancient Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog(DKCH) is used only by the Orthodox Slavs (not to be confused with Christians) Old Believers-Inglings and the Irish Order of Druids. DKCH has its roots in the times when our Ancestors lived on the northern continent, which they called Daaria(Hyperborea, Arctida, Arctogea). The calendar has a Runic display form, i.e. the names of the Forties (months), numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written in Runes ( secret Images to transmit a large amount of information). The first Fortieth Anniversary was designated by one Rune, and the rest were designated by the combination of two Runes, with the second Rune indicating part of the cycle of rotation of our Earth around our Yarily. This cycle is called Summer("year" in place Years appeared under Peter I, and the image “year” (from “godin”) denotes the “structural” period of time in the DKCh (from the 1st to the 144th year)). From the word " Summer"In our language, the concepts have been preserved: chronicle, chronicler, chronology, how old are you, etc.

The calendar is based on the oldest 16-digit number system. 16 years form Circular flight, which passes through 9 elements, creating Circle of Life at 144 years old. And despite its unusualness, for modern perception, this calendar system, the most accurate and convenient of all existing on this moment calendars. Over the past few tens of thousands of years, our calendar has not “run away” or “lagged behind” by a single day, because it is based on the model of the Universe and on the axial centralization and galactic orientation of the Earth.

Our Midgard-Earth is moving around Yarily, rotating around its axis, and the axis slowly moves along a circular cone. Wherein North Pole describes in space an ellipse, which is the base of this cone. The axis of this cone is perpendicular to the plane of the earth's orbit, and the angle between the axis and the generatrix of the cone is approximately 23°. This movement of the axis of rotation along a circular cone is scientifically called precession, and our Ancestors called Days of Svarog. And as a result of this, a complete (visually observed from the Earth) revolution of the starry sky, all 16 Halls (constellations) occurs in 25,920 years. At the moment, astronomers consider the length of precession to be 25,729 years (Platonov's year). Astrologers believe that the precession cycle is 25,920 years and one astrological era is equal to 1/12 of the cycle and is 2,160 years. Previously, before the cataclysm, there was no precession, the axis angle was approximately 30° and the axis strictly pointed towards the center of our galaxy:

« ...In the center of Svarga, the Hall of Fire is revealed - Stozhary (Svetozhary) - the Forge of Svarog itself, the Source of all That Is. This is the top of the World Tree, the Mer-mountain, the place of contact between our world and the Superworld, in which the Most High Race itself exists. In Stozhary, the Goy Roda - the East of the World - pierces the World Egg of our Universe, initiating the Svarga Rotation. These Stozhars are the essence of the North Star, which is now called the Polar Star, and our Ancestors called it Sedava, the Syad Star. Sedava revealed the star images of Svarog and Lada in human form - the Constellations now called Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Svarog and Lada walk with salt at the Tree of the Worlds, which is entwined with its Guardian - Veles in the guise of the Fire Serpent (Dragon constellation). Nearby you can also see a constellation, which some call the Ursa, others - the Cow, and still others - the Deer. These guards of Iria are Veles and Dazhbog. In the very center of Stozhar Svarozhikh there is an image of a fiery Ladle (Ursa Minor). This Bucket was thrown into the sky by Veles, and then by the Roof...»

Yarilo-Sun enters the Hall of the "Fire Ladle", which has the name Zimun. The Hall is a system of luminaries (Suns and Stars) moving in their orbits around the center of the Hall, where an object is located that astronomers call a neutron star, which was discovered in 2004. In astronomy it is called 1RXS J141256.0+792204.

On the coat of arms Belovodya you can see the location of Yarila in the Hall of Zimun. Yarila is depicted as Stars of England, surrounded by sixteen Halls, along which Yarila throughout Svarog Circle(for an earthly observer) within one Leta moves from Hall to Hall in the opposite direction from the normal annual cycle: Hall of the Maiden, Boar, Pike, Swans,Snake, Crow, Bear, Busla, Wolf, Fox, Tura, Elk, Finist, Horse, Eagle, Race:

Hall Dates Amulet
1 Hall of the Maiden 18 Taylet ‒ 1 Ramkhat Rice
2 Hall of the Boar 1 Ramhat ‒ 22 Ramhat Rice
3 Hall of the Pike 22 Ramkhat ‒ 4 Aylet Rice
4 Hall of the Swan 4 Aylet ‒ 25 Aylet Rice
5 Hall of the Serpent 25 Aylet ‒ 7 Beylet Rice
6 Hall of the Raven 7 Beylet ‒ 29 Beylet Rice
7 Hall of the Bear 29 Beylet ‒ 12 Geylet Rice
8 Hall of Busla 12 Geylet ‒ 37 Geylet Rice
9 Hall of the Wolf 37 Geylet ‒ 22 Daylet Rice
10 Hall of the Fox 22 Daylet ‒ 4 Elet Rice
11 Hall of Tours 4 Elet ‒ 26 Elet Rice
12 Hall of the Elk 26 Elet ‒ 9 Veylet Rice
13 Finist's Hall 9 Veylet ‒ 31 Veylet Rice
14 Hall of the Horse 31 Veylet ‒ 13 Heylet Rice
15 Hall of the Eagle 13 Heylet ‒ 35 Heylet Rice
16 Hall of Race 35 Heylet ‒ 18 Taylet Rice

When Yarilo-Sun passes a certain Hall, the connection of its Light with the Light of the Hall gives influence on the destinies and character of people, and gives Power, which is perceived by the Sacred Trees that grow on Midgard-Earth.

Each Summer has 9 Sorokovnikov(months) and contains three natural seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring. Those. for each natural season there are three Sorokovniks.
Simple Summer = 365 24 hours, in which all odd Fortieths contain 41 days, and even ones - 40 days. (5x41=205)+(4x40=160)=365.
Sacred Summer
= 369 24 hours in which all Sorokovniki are kept for 41 days. (9x41)=369.
Incomplete Fortieth
= 40 24 hours.
Full Fortieth = 41 Day.

Instead of modern months, “in the old days they were considered forties: the first forty, the other forty, etc.”, “That nine forties, that four ninety are one”, “Forties or forties. 40th day" - excerpts from V. Dahl's dictionary

All Forties (months) began on strictly defined days of the week. For example, if the first Fortieth of the year begins on Tuesday, then all other odd Fortieths will begin on Tuesday, and even ones - on the week. Therefore, the calendar that we carry with us today and which contains 12 different month tablets, previously contained only two tablets: one for odd months, the other for even months:

Day of the week Odd (full) Sorokovnik Even (incomplete) Sorokovnik
Monday 1 10 19 28 37 5 14 23 32
2 Tuesday 2 11 20 29 38 6 15 24 33
3 Triteinik 3 12 21 30 39 7 16 25 34
4 Chetverik 4 13 22 31 40 8 17 26 35
5 Friday 5 14 23 32 41 9 18 27 36
6 Six 6 15 24 33 1 10 19 28 37
7 Week 7 16 25 34 2 11 20 29 38
8 Octopus 8 17 26 35 3 12 21 30 39
9 A week 9 18 27 36 4 13 22 31 40

This was very convenient, all odd months of Simple Summer began on one day of the week, and all even months on another. And since the Sacred Summer consists of 41 weeks, the next Circle of Life began on the same day of the week as the Sacred Summer. Thus, each Circle of Life, i.e. a cycle of 144 years began on Monday.

Names of Sorokovniki

1 Ramkhat Fortieth Anniversary of the Divine Beginning
2 Aylet 40th Anniversary of New Gifts
3 Beylet 40th Anniversary of White Light and Peace of Peace
4 Gaylet Fortieth Blizzard and Cold
5 Daylet 40th Anniversary of Nature's Awakening
6 Elet The 40th anniversary of Sowing and Naming
7 Valet Fortieth of the Winds
8 Heylet 40th Anniversary of Receiving the Gifts of Nature
9 Taylet 40th Anniversary of Completion

The names of the months were not only in Runik deep meaning, but also in Bukvitsa. In their totality, the Images of the Initial Letters, with which the names of the Sorokovniki began, also carried a special meaning. To at least somehow understand it, you just need to remember the names of the Initial letters in the Old Slovenian writing and what they mean: R - Retsi, - to instruct, to inform; A - Az, - man, people; B - Gods; G ‒ Verb, ‒ to speak; D - Good; E - This, - indicating form; V ‒ Vedi, ‒ Vedas, wisdom, knowledge; X - Storage, - preservation; T - Firmly, - completion, final form. By combining these Images of drop caps, we get the following text: The Gods instructed man, speaking kindly, to maintain this Wisdom firmly.
A week = 9 24 hours, which carried a numerical form and were called:

Name of the day Day Patron Etymology
1 Monday labor Day Earth Khorsa (Mercury) AFTER THE WEEK
2 Tuesday labor Day Earth Ourea (Mars) Second
3 Treteinik day of rest Land of Perun (Jupiter) Third
4 Chetverik labor Day Land of Varuna (Uranus) Fourth
5 Friday labor Day Land of Indra (Chiron) Fifth
6 Six day of rest Earth of Stribog (Saturn) Sixth
7 Week day of rest, fasting Terrestrial Dei (asteroid belt) Seventh
8 Octopus labor Day Land of Dawn-Mertzany (Venus) AXIS MIND
9 A week guests day Yarilo-Sun NO BUSINESS

Explanation of the picture: on the outside are the days of the week (not indicated) and their patrons. There are three moons behind the corners of the triangle: Lelya, Fatta and Month. In the center of the triangle is the symbol of Midgard-Earth. The day of the week on which you were born is lucky for you.

The nine-day week was remembered not so long ago; we can be convinced by reading the tales of the Siberian storyteller Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov:

Well, Gavrilo, during that week
Let's take them to the capital;
We'll sell it to the boyars there,
We'll split the money evenly.
(The Little Humpbacked Horse)

The eighth period has already passed
and the week has come.
(Stone bowl)

And so for those born during the period:

This summer will be the summer of creativity. Even those of you who usually do not connect your life with something “artistic” will discover a new talent, acquire a new hobby, or simply begin to embody something good in life. And all this would be wonderful, but everything has a downside. You will “soften” a little, become more emotional and unpredictable, and people who are used to seeing you differently will be unhappy with this, and you yourself will begin to feel dissatisfied with yourself. In your personal life, everything is still twofold: new sides of your personality will help you win new friends and even love, but they can alienate old acquaintances (true friends will always remain with you). One thing is certain - those who do good will be happy.

Summer will be extreme - in every sense. This is not to say that difficulties await you, and you are not used to them. Rather, difficulties and conflicts can arise at any time and in any place, including completely out of nowhere. On the one hand, you will eventually overcome them and solve them (yes, you will have the strength to do this). On the other hand, during this process you can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation. Remember that sometimes you can simply bypass the undercurrent rather than swim through it as you like. Perhaps by opening this path, you will learn a lot of new things about yourself and the world. Moreover, if you don't hang your nose, you will even get a taste for solving problems, and this can already change your life itself.

This good time for artists and musicians looking for new inspiration. And also those of you who just want to get started with creativity. Summer will allow you to think, reflect, develop spiritually, and feel love (both for your neighbor and universally). It will bring harmony, joy, gifts and prophetic dreams. But do not relax too much, otherwise in your worldly joy you may not notice the real gifts and signs of the gods. But no matter how good the new summer may be for you, this does not mean that you can do nothing. You will need to fulfill your responsibilities (personal, work, family), although there will be no desire. Don't forget this summer that there are other people around you.

This summer will be the summer of illusions. The period of life continues during which it is better not to make any “sudden movements”. But if last summer the danger could come from outside, now you yourself will be drawn to adventures, illogical actions and strange people. This is not to say that this is bad and will bring problems. More like disappointment. You may be disappointed in someone or something, and someone may be disappointed in you. And, unfortunately, you will remain in the dark, not understanding the reasons for what is happening and not drawing a conclusion from what happened. We advise you to keep your promises this summer, both to yourself and to others.

The Ravens are entering their second successful summer in a row. Everything that was started in the previous one will continue successfully or give long-awaited results. Will be especially successful Scientific research(including those that are sometimes called pseudoscientific) and spiritual practices. The main thing is to look at the world soberly and logically, and its patterns will be revealed to you. But the enthusiasm will begin to end this summer, get ready for it. Old things will no longer captivate you as much as before, but you will need to finish them (otherwise they will not bear fruit). Moreover, your rationalism and scientific approach can play cruel joke in personal and family matters. Allow yourself and others emotions and forgive weaknesses.

This summer will become a kind of “winter” for you. If earlier you did a lot, worked and received satisfaction and benefits from it, now it is time to go to the den and quietly spend the winter. It’s better not to start anything new, get involved in any projects, change something or someone. Because there is a danger that it won’t work out. But you got used to it last summer that everything worked out. And this can really hurt you. We just have to wait it out this summer. It will not bring difficulties; you can only create them yourself. Let everything take its course.

The new summer favors knowledge workers and simply erudite people. Your knowledge will be useful to you and others. You will find a lot interesting interlocutors, including like-minded people. And this summer they will not only listen to you, they will listen to you. Use this time to start major scientific and business projects, make useful contacts, receive various benefits and, perhaps, meet your destiny (in every sense). This summer, you can take risks, make decisions intuitively and radically change your point of view on something or someone - this will only benefit you.

This summer is the summer of adventure. It would seem successful. Yes, it, like the past, will favor new, even daring, undertakings, the implementation of ideas, and non-standard approaches to solving problems. You will learn a lot of new things, gain unprecedented skills and abilities and open up far horizons. But all this will happen not according to your personal desire, but by itself, sometimes dragging you into the cycle of events. You might have some fun with this. Or maybe this will interfere with introducing at least some element of regularity into life, including personal life. You simply cannot be sure what adventure will await you tomorrow.

Summer for the Fox will, one way or another, be connected with the Wolf. Firstly, the entire forecast for the Wolf’s palace can be applied to the Fox’s palace, this happens for border palaces. Secondly, the influence of the Wolf’s palace itself on you will increase. You will begin to acquire characteristics characteristic of the Wolf. In addition, in your personal life you may encounter your personal Wolf. In general, this summer Foxes can meet true (exactly like in fairy tales) love. And if it already exists (and it’s real), then turn it into that fairy-tale one. This summer will also favor creativity, which, frankly speaking, Foxes are doing better anyway.

If last summer it was necessary to take “the bull by the horns,” then this year it is worth “keeping your nose to the wind.” Your leadership skills and perseverance will come in handy again. But now the time has come not to do your own thing, but to do what is expected of you. Follow the moods of others, news, trends in the world. Take the best from someone else and do it with enthusiasm, as you would do your own. This will bear fruit if you do not make a mistake in your choice and do not replace other people’s achievements with your own. Remember - help others, lead them, and then they will carry you on their shoulders to new heights.

Last summer was a summer of action, but this year you can dream. Yes, you may not like it, but summer does not favor hectic activity, but rather spiritual, creative, and sometimes esoteric activity. You will have interesting thoughts, desires, maybe even new dreams. Don’t drive them away, they will appear for a reason. Perhaps this summer there will be a radical change in your life, and not in the world of Reveal, but in your worldview as a whole. We recommend you relax this summer, find interesting hobby, go to nature.

This summer you will catch the "air wave". It will be easy and simple for you to work, create, simply live - within the framework of an already established existence. Everything will be fine until you want to “turn aside” and try something new. This can create the danger of losing that very wave. Therefore, we do not recommend changing anything in your life, including your personal life, this summer. On the contrary, try to improve and consolidate what exists - in work, business, friendship, love. This will be a great success. And if you get others on “your wavelength,” together you can achieve even more impressive success.

The new summer for you is a summer of freedom and space. What you've been waiting for. The time has come to do what you want, not to hide your desires, fantasies and inner world. You will be understood and appreciated, and if someone turns away, then so be it - it’s only for the better. A very successful summer for people who make money from their originality (for example, actors, comedians) and travelers. It promises new experiences, acquaintances and connections. In addition, this summer it is possible to develop magical abilities and gain insights. But try not to piss other people off and not torment them with your behavior - many of them will be useful to you.

This summer you will be soaring in the clouds even higher than usual. And this will have both a light and a dark side. The bright side includes new ideas and good intentions, a willingness to defend one’s position. To the dark - that ideas will not be realized alone, and you will repel other people with your arrogant behavior; and your positions may turn out to be incorrect. You will sometimes be too irritable, angry with others, including loved ones; you will blame everyone for not fitting into your picture of the world. Overcome your ego and life will become much easier.

The new summer will immediately take fast pace, and the best news for you is that you will enter it successfully. To do this, you will need quick reaction, a tenacious mind and ease of rise - and all this will be available. Various intellectual tasks will constantly arise before you, and solving them will help you achieve new heights in all areas of life. Inventions, discoveries, and interesting finds are possible. You just need to act, don’t stop, move forward.

This summer will “bring to the fore” everything that was previously hushed up, hidden, and to which people turned a blind eye. First of all, this concerns personal life - this summer you will have to either forget all the old grievances and start over, or forget for real. It’s similar in other areas - you will have to either solve problems or run very far away from them. Unfortunately, it’s simply not possible to endure it any longer. We recommend that you work first on yourself, on your shortcomings. Then try to understand those around you and take their place. If nothing helps, get creative, this will not only give vent to your emotions, but may also help you in the future.

This alternation was primarily associated with the phases of the Moon, the periodicity of which is 29.5 days. Thus, the first 4 months of the Runic calendar (14+15+16+14=59) corresponded to the 2nd full lunar months (29.5+29.5=59). And the further system of alternating months connected lunar phases with the solar calendar. Those. the year of the Runic calendar contained 360 days.

But since the Runic also contained the 25th empty rune, sometimes called the rune of Odin, it also found its application in the calendar. At the end of every third year, an additional 25 month was inserted, in which there was an alternation of days, first 14, then 15, and then 16 days. This 25th month helped to even out the cyclicality of the solar year, just as they do now with the help of a leap year.

In the south of Europe, on the territory of modern Italy, lived the Rasens,

(in particular,".

Tyrrhenus, founder of the Etruscan state

Tirren, Greek - son of the Lydian king Atis, founder of the Etruscan state in Italy.

According to Herodotus, during the reign of Atis, famine began in Libya. At first, the Lydians bravely endured hardship: they invented games with a ball and dice and played them every other day from morning to evening in order to forget about food. Thanks to such a diet (fasting every second day), they reduced food consumption by half. But when this diet stretched for 18 years and there was no end in sight, the king solved the problem in a more radical way. He divided the population into two parts and decided by lot which half would remain in their homeland and which would move out to seek food for themselves in other lands. He appointed his son Tirren as the leader of the settlers. The emigrants concentrated in Smyrna, built ships and sailed west. They finally settled only in Central Italy, and Tyrrhenus founded the city of Agilla there (the Etruscan Cisra, which then became known as Caere, and is now called Cerveteri). After the name of their first king, the settlers began to call themselves Tyrrhenians.

Unlike Herodotus, Strabo claims that Tyrrhenus gave his name only to the new place of settlement, and the Tyrrhenians derived their name from the name of the country. The difference is not so great, but in any case it is known that from time immemorial the Greeks called them Tyrrhenians or Tyrsenians, and the Romans, their closest neighbors, Etruscans or Tusci. Both forms of their name are preserved in the name of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Italian region of Tuscany. (By the way, when in 1801 Napoleon artificially formed a dependent kingdom on the territory of Tuscany, he gave it ancient name Etruria; however, unlike ancient Etruria, this kingdom lasted only seven years and soon began to be called Tuscany again.)

Although Herodotus is called the "father of history" and Strabo the "father of geography", their stories about Tyrrhenian should be considered legend. (Moreover, the Tyrrhenians or Etruscans themselves called themselves “Rhaets” or “Rasenni.”) If their stories are to be believed, the Etruscans should be considered Lydian colonists in Italy. Many modern researchers agree with them in principle, others see the Etruscans as newcomers from beyond the Alps, and still others consider them the original inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula. All these points of view were expressed already in ancient times. It’s better not to sort them out, otherwise we will become hopelessly bogged down in the question of the origin of the Etruscans - the most confusing knot of the extremely complex “Etruscan problem”. It cannot be denied that tombs similar to Etruscan ones were discovered in Asia Minor, and that an inscription was found on the island of Lemnos, the writing of which (and perhaps the language) is similar to Etruscan, but the fact is that the Etruscan language has not yet been deciphered , despite the abundance of factual material. Anyway, Bossert, the best antiquities expert in the area globe, states: “Despite all efforts, the presence of the Etruscans in Asia Minor has not been proven with certainty: neither archaeologically, nor historically, nor linguistically.”

Of course, new finds may bring any surprise in the future, but for now Tirren can calmly stay in the company mythical heroes- just like Hellenus, Dardanus, Aeneas, Romulus, or the forefather of the Czechs Czech, or the founder of Kyiv Kiy.

Friends, I welcome you to the final article of the outgoing year 2016. Just a little more and we will turn the last page of the thinner calendar and celebrate the New Year 2017. The passing year was different..., for everyone..., but let's pay tribute to it only for the fact that we exist..., here and now... and this is already happiness!

Today we’ll talk a little about calendars, the New Year and... congratulate each other. 🙂

Calendars in our lives

All their lives people keep calendars: solar, sidereal, lunar; throughout the history of mankind there have been many of them, from the most ancient Mayan calendars and Ancient Egypt until as the youngest.

So now the whole world lives according to a single one, recognized by most countries (only Ethiopia and Thailand have not yet switched to it) - Gregorian calendar, which replaced the Julian (Byzantine) one. The transition occurred gradually throughout the world, starting in 1582, and was completed in 1928. Our country switched to the Gregorian calendar during the October Revolution.

In general, Russia, before the famous decree of Peter 1, lived according to its own calendar, different from Europe, and celebrated the New Year according to the lunar calendar in March, then in September. Then, all at once, in September 1699, by decree of the emperor, January 1, 1700 came, and since then we have been celebrating the New Year on January 1 together with the entire planet.

And even earlier, in pagan pre-Christian times, Rus' used a totem yearbook as a calendar - a Slavic horoscope of animals, consisting of a cycle of 16 years. It reflected the close unity of man with nature. You can look and determine your totem by the year of your birth.

The change from one year-summer to another took place on the day of the vernal equinox - March 21. Later, with the adoption of Christianity, the calendar and many customs disappeared from the lives of our ancestors.

There is also a similar one, one of the oldest Zoroastrian calendars, associated with the rhythms of nature, with the position of the Sun in the sign of Aries, its cycle is 32 years. Zoroastrianism is an ancient, almost extinct religion widespread in Indochina, and there each year has its own animal, insect or bird.

2017 is the year of the Red Fire Rooster according to the Chinese calendar.

However, not so long ago, from the beginning of the 80s of the 20th century, for some reason the ancient eastern lunar calendar - Chinese, Japanese - with its 12-year cycle entered our lives, and simply burst into life. The symbols of the eastern calendar set us in the mood for the new year, determining our annual horoscopes, bringing vanity and turmoil into life, festive hype and the desire to do everything to please the advancing beast.

Why on earth are we celebrating in Once again the onset of the New Year on the night of January 1, while understanding that the year according to the eastern lunar calendar will change only in February, but at the same time we still celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster. Inconsistency in everything...

Why did the Eastern Chinese lunar calendar, which had absolutely nothing to do with us, become dear to us? Yes, it’s simple: they didn’t keep their calendar-equivalent and now it doesn’t matter which idol to worship, as long as it’s comical, fun, playful, more mystical and “durist”!!! 😛

2017 is the year of the Crouching Fox according to the ancient Slavic calendar

Let's welcome 2017 like a year Crouching Fox. Yes, yes, exactly, to replace the year 2016 - (which I wrote about exactly a year ago), according to our ancient forgotten Slavic calendar-yearbook, the Fox is already creeping! Well, you must agree, what difference does it make to us which beast comes, the Slavic calendar of pagan times is still closer to us.

What does the new year 2017 (or year 7525) have in store for us? Slavic chronology) - the year of the Crouching Fox?

What are the predictions of astrologers in this regard. The character of the animal is used to judge what the year might be like. We know about the character of the fox from fairy tales: cunning, dexterous, resourceful, arrogant and at the same time smart, savvy, so it will confuse its tracks - go find it. And everyone knows who the first beauty in the forest is in a chic fiery red fluffy appearance! But this fox, what is a fox like? What do we know about him? That’s it, I haven’t heard either good or bad... A peaceful, modest animal...

In general, the coming 2017 is expected to match the character of the animal: unpredictable and full of positive changes. A destructive element coupled with a creative, fiery one, bringing changes, smooth bends and unexpected changes - rapid jumps.

The year of the Crouching Fox, as a rule, is always generous, brings wealth both material and spiritual, serious acquisitions, growth in all plans: awakening of wisdom, expansion of consciousness, strengthening of families, the birth of new children and very often fair rewards for past merits to those who worthy of it.

Those bloggers who have worked hard, but so far unsuccessfully, will reap the fruits of their labors in the coming year.

And if the year of the Fire Rooster is eastern calendar are prophesied to be in financially prosperous for those who wake up early, even before dawn, with the first roosters and begin to work vigorously, while those who like to sleep are asked to rest for now.

And the Crouching Fox carries approximately the same tendencies. Whoever is more cunning, resourceful, and inventive will please the owner of the year and will be at the top! It is important to take the Crouching Fox seriously; he will not tolerate the sloppiness that is so characteristic of many people. For economic people, the year will be successful, generous, materially prosperous. Everyone who deserves it will be generously rewarded according to their deserts with gold and silver, happiness and love - each with what he especially lacks.

And for our country, the year promises to be calm, positive in general, fateful, inevitably with drastic changes. Maybe there is some analogy with 1917? Although there are no prerequisites... I would like to believe that the changes will be the best, we deserve it!

How to celebrate the Year of the Crouching Fox

You can celebrate the New Year (New Summer) as always, as our ancestors celebrated it: at the festive table, with family and friends, with gifts, songs, round dances, and you can... in a country house, in a country house, in... a forest, closer to the Crouching Fox...

This is the opinion of Maksad Isaev, https://www.zarabotokvseti.net/ blogger-reader from Sweden, who left a call for everyone in my comments:

Everyone needs to celebrate this New Year on the street, that is, anywhere, but not indoors. You can meet with champagne and go straight home to the table, the main thing is to meet in the air, on the balcony. Of course, this is not important, but, as the stars say, such a meeting will be more beneficial!

I think, most likely, Maksad voiced the opinion of Swedish astrologers? Maksad, maybe you yourself are interested in this mysterious sphere of knowledge? And those who didn’t have time to go out to celebrate the New Year 2017 can do so 21 March, that’s when the year of the Crouching Fox will come.

So everyone is free to choose for themselves which horoscope to follow and whether to follow it at all. After all, the Orthodox Church does not at all approve of such a connection and adherence to alien traditions and beliefs.

And what the year 2017 will be like is largely up to us to decide. After all, it has long been known that everything from above is given and sent to us for something, in the name of something, sometimes for testing, for good, or as a way to make us think... And often it is in our power to do right choice: accept it, change it according to your own strength, bypassing or discarding it as unnecessary, superfluous, not used.

I wish you, my dear readers, strength and inspiration for new personal creations, faith in yourself and in your strength. Cultivate the best aspirations in yourself, become at least one step higher in your development, change your consciousness, discard harmful prejudices, love life and enjoy every day!

Let's dream, make the most incredibly fantastic wishes - the Universe is generous, and they will definitely come true! Even if they don’t come true, at least let’s dream! Let's believe in miracles - they definitely exist, I'm telling you that!)

Thank you for being with me all year and now with “My Solar Circle”. I found it interesting and far from boring with you!

Warmth to your home, love and health! See you again in the New Year 2017!

I wish both you and myself
Only joy in the New Year!
We will live smiling at fate,
Overtaking her on the move.

Forget everything that was bad!
Unfold the white sheet of January...
The New Year is on its way!
Your luck is somewhere nearby!

New Year 2019 is approaching, the year according to the Slavic calendar is New Year 7527. The Soaring Eagle is recognized as the totem of the year. The symbol of the year according to the eastern calendar is the Earth Boar (for the Japanese) or the Yellow (Golden) Earth Pig (for the Chinese). Yellow Fox according to the Kolyada-Dar or Slavic-Aryan calendar. There are also other calendars, Mayan, Zoroastrian... There are so many totem symbols!

Whichever animal is closest to you, worship it! Everything is to your taste! The year according to the Chinese calendar begins on February 5, the new Summer among the Slavs began on March 21, if it goes back to ancient times, or on September 21, when the Slavs celebrated it in last time before the transition to the Julian calendar, that is, until 1492.

Why did they begin to listen to the Chinese calendar and celebrate the New Year in eastern traditions, have you thought about it? It is difficult to name the reason, most likely due to the fact that they did not preserve their original Russian Slavic calendar, they lost traditions, but they want mystery and fun... Meanwhile, the ancient Slavic calendar-yearbook (chronology) is much older than the Eastern one. It is more than seven and a half thousand years old.

The ancient Slavs called the year “summer”. They worshiped their pagan gods, endowing everyone with magical powers, observing and linking all this with living nature. Their whole life was inextricably linked with nature and faith in their gods, from whom they sought protection and mercy.

The Slavs' New Year fell on March 20-21 - Day of spring equinox. Since 1492, the peoples of Rus' began to celebrate it in September. Peter I, by his law, immediately jumped from September 7208 to January 1, 1700, introduced a new calendar according to the Julian calendar. Thus, our nation has become at least 5508 years younger. And now we celebrate the New Year with the whole world according to the Gregorian calendar in modern chronology from.

The cycle in the Old Slavonic calendar is not 12 years, like the Eastern one, but 16 years. Each totem is endowed with the character of its own animal.

The Soaring Eagle is recognized as the totem of summer 7527 or 2019. By the way, the outgoing year 2018 is passing under the totem of the Curled Hedgehog. 2017 was Crouching Fox.

Forecast for New Year 2019 (summer7527 Soaring Eagle)according to the Old Slavonic calendar

The soaring eagle is the king among birds, a representative of the air element. The bird represents courage, pride and freedom. Soaring under the clouds and vigilantly peering into the distance from a height of flight is the lifestyle of a predatory hunter. Noble and merciless, brave and fearless, even in the face of mortal danger, he will not miss his sacrifice. Those who are guilty will be seriously punished, that’s why the king!

Those born in the year of the Soaring Eagle value freedom, know their worth and make far-reaching plans. They highly respect their social circle. Aristocratic. Representatives of the totem will always come to the aid of loved ones. For a soaring eagle, there are rarely any obstacles to achieving its goal. They often make excellent pioneers, scientists, artists, military men, and surgeons.

What will 2019 be like for Russia?

What the year is supposed to be like. What can I say here? The eagle is a proud and predatory bird, you can’t call it peace-loving, it won’t let go of its own and will defend itself until its last breath. The personification of flight and rapidly falling down after the victim - this is how fickle the year promises to be. Periods of spiritual soaring will alternate with victims, unpredictable cataclysms, global disputes, sanctions and showdowns.

IN state emblem In Russia, the Eagle is not only a symbol of power, imperial greatness, domination, but also pride, courage, inspiration, and spiritual uplift. There is no reason to hope for any special changes, but in order not to lose sight of the bird, we will all have to work hard, maybe two or even three times more than before.

Today, our country has a greater chance than ever to soar above the world in its renewal, demonstrating true greatness and dignity. It all depends on the people themselves, their wisdom and desire.

Health in 2019 (Soaring Eagle totem)

The eagle is the longest-lived bird among birds and has enviable health. A lover of mountain spaces is alien to hustle and bustle, stress; he is for clean air, ecology, peace and quiet. So this year everyone should avoid stress, unnecessary worries, and avoid quarrels, conflicts and explosions. This will keep you healthy. Remember that work is important, but you shouldn’t forget about rest.

2019 is a year of spiritual growth

For everyone who has the goal of soaring high in thoughts and actions, success is guaranteed. People striving for personal changes in life this year will seem to gain wings and get what they want romantic relationship, career take-off, solving financial problems and making your wildest dreams come true. The main thing, as everyone knows: desire and desire for the goal. And the totem of the year will take care of the most worthy from the height of its flight and will fully reward them for their diligence.

In the coming year, active recreation, travel and tourism, and sports are encouraged, which will promote spiritual growth and improve health. And of course that's all free time We spend it in the family, with children, with parents, diversifying our vacation, strengthening family ties.

In general, 2019 does not promise to be calm and does not promise drastic changes. The soaring eagle will be favorable to all who move forward. It's time to make your wildest dreams come true, even if it takes a lot of effort.

About what awaits each of us in next year, depending on the year and month of birth, we’ll talk soon. Don't miss out and visit the site often.

And I’ll end where I started. Today, the entire world, with the exception of Thailand, Ethiopia, Iran and Pakistan, lives according to the Gregorian calendar. To brighten the holiday, to make it more fun and interesting, since the late 70s of the last century in our country, as elsewhere in the world, they began to promote the symbols of the ancient Chinese calendar.

Absolutely not knowing any of the traditions of this country, without particularly going into the essence of what was happening, we happily accepted this theory and are faithful to it every year. Or maybe it's time to wake up? People, Slavs, let's revive our original Russian traditions and celebrate our holidays the way our distant ancestors celebrated.

Read horoscope predictions for 2019 by year of birth.

May all your wishes come true and may the Year of the Soaring Eagle be happy!

P.S: The article has gained unprecedented popularity on the Internet, as evidenced by reposts on Social Networks and increased traffic to the site. The author himself is only trying to understand all the intricacies of the Slavic calendar without having any knowledge. Those who do not want to take what is written on faith, those who are looking for the original source, study the Slavic and Aryan Vedas. To begin with, you can read Viktor Apollonovich Smirnov “Legends of Vedic Rus'”