Draw the missing element for each figure. Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers (Mikhailova Z.A.)

MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Smile”

Pedagogical project"Introduction to the profession of hairdresser"

Semenov 2017


Project name

Children's age

Project type

Cognitive and creative

Project participants

Teachers, children, parents

Project duration



IN average preschool age special meaning for a full

development of the child’s personality acquires further familiarization with the world

adults and objects created by labor. Familiarization with

professions ensures the child’s continued entry into

modern world, introduces it to its values, directs it towards development

cognitive and gender interests of boys and girls average

preschool age. In-Depth Study professions promotes

development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work.

Right choice professions defines life success everyone


Theme developed project selected taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, age

features average preschool age and the amount of information,

which they can learn.


    Children's lack of knowledge about the profession of hairdresser

    The reluctance of some children to take care of their appearance, in particular, their hairstyle.


Objective of the project:

    Expand knowledge and understanding about their parents' professions(place of work, the significance of their work, pride and respect for the work of their parents).

    To introduce children to the profession of “hairdresser”, to cultivate neatness, the desire to take care of their hair and the reflection of knowledge and impressions in plot-game, artistic and productive activities.

To achieve this goal, the following are defined tasks:

    Ensure the child’s activity in the complex process of his development as a person.

    Develop figurative and spatial thinking, encourage children to creativity and independence.

    Arouse interest in the world around you.

    Develop communication skills;

    Activate attention, memory, enrich vocabulary, develop speech.

    To instill an interest in the profession of hairdresser.

    To instill in children a desire to take care of their appearance.

    Draw parents' attention to appearance, children's hairstyle.

The novelty of the project is as follows:

Nowadays, the profession of a hairdresser has acquired a new meaning and has become a worthy choice for many. And this is not surprising, because this profession is remarkable in that we are strongly associated with such concepts as “beauty”, “elegance”, “good mood”. Using an integrated approach in the project allows you to expand and deepen children’s knowledge on this topic in joint activities not only within the framework of organized educational activities, but also during routine moments, as well as involving parents in close cooperation.

Expected results:

Increasing the level of knowledge about the professions of their parents, in particular about the profession of hairdresser.

Replenishment of vocabulary on the topic, and active use in speech.

Formation of knowledge and ideas about the profession, tools of the hairdresser, his place of work, equipment, and the creative component of his profession.

Active inclusion of parents in pedagogical process Preschool educational institution, strengthening interest in cooperation with kindergarten.

Formation of skills creatively independently, develop the plot of the game, distribute roles. Form proper relationships between children in the team.

Project development prospects:

Expanding the project, adding new topics, forms of work;

Participation of the project in the competition educational projects“In the world of professions”;

Presentation of the project in kindergarten.


Selection of methodological, cognitive and fiction, visually methodological material:

1 Program from birth to school. Sample general education program preschool education/ Under. Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.- M: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, 2014

2.Customize methodological literature.

3. Select illustrative and visual didactic material.

4.Develop notes of activities according to the project plan.

5.Create a spatial-subject development environment.

6.Develop a project implementation plan.

Working with parents to interact within the project:

    Design of visual information

    Consultation “Child’s appearance”; "Getting to know the professions of mom and dad"

    Participation in the design and equipment of the corner « Salon » .

    Making attributes for the role-playing game "B" « hairdresser »

    Participation in the “My Hairstyle” master class.


    Design of the exhibition of children's works "Young Hairdresser".

    OOD with children on speech development “Introduction to the profession of hairdresser.”

    Entertainment "Beautiful Girls".


The level of knowledge about the professions of their parents has increased, in particular about the profession of hairdresser.

Children began to use new words in speech: vocabulary on the topic

They began to take care of their appearance, in particular, their hairstyle.

We transferred the acquired knowledge into a role-playing game.

Parents accepted Active participation in the production of attributes for the role-playing game, for the entertainment “Beauty Girls”.

Forward planning middle group

Educational area

Form of work

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic

Social and communicative



OOD "Introduction to the profession of hairdresser"

Solving riddles, reading poems about the profession of hairdresser

Drawing OOD "Decorate your comb".

Children's competition"Young Hairdresser"

Entertainment “Funny Hairdresser”

Plot- role-playing game"Salon".

Hairstyle presentation.

Holiday "Beautiful Girls"

Child Game “What does the object tell about itself?”

Child Game “What do you need for work?”

Game "Paper Hair Salon".

Didactic game"Hairstyle"

Child Game « Professions» .

View the presentation « Profession: hairdresser» .

Watching a cartoon about a hairdresser.

Conversation with children “About appearance and hairstyle”

Meeting with interesting people“We invite a hairdresser to visit us”

Physical education “The most dexteroushairdresser» .

MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Smile”


Abstract musical leisure V middle group

Completed by: teacher Kudryavtseva I.F.

Semenov 2017

Program content: Development of children's musicality,

ability to perceive music emotionally; development of figurative

thinking, fantasy, imagination; development of dance skills

movements, development of the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in

in accordance with the diverse nature of music, the ability to convey

character in the plasticity of movements. Strengthen children's understanding of

profession hairdresser.

Visual material: chest, illustrations depicting people with

hairstyles, no hairstyles, hairdresser's tools, wigs for everyone

Musical director:

Hello guys.

Someone is in a hurry to visit us,

But he’s embarrassed to enter.

Let us guess the riddle...

He will appear immediately.

Scissors, shampoo, comb -

He does everyone's hair,

She cuts both adults and children's hair.

Guess it quickly!

The music director pauses, giving the children the opportunity to answer.



A hairdresser enters the hall (with a chest with a double bottom)

Hairdresser: Hi all! And this is me,

I’m in a hurry to visit you, friends.

And I brought my chest

Unusual, he is my friend!

I can't live without him...

I carry tools in it.

He opens the chest, there is a comb, scissors, a hair dryer, hair spray and dye, curlers, wigs. Makes riddles about tools:

Puzzles: 1. Experienced tool -

Not big, not small.

He has a lot of worries:

He cuts and shears (scissors)

2. Comb all the shaggy ones,

Braid curls into braids,

Do fashionable hairstyle

Helps us... (comb)

3. Guess who's blowing the wind

And does he cast magic over his head?

Rinsing thick foam from hair,

All people dry them... (with a hairdryer)

Musical director:

We know the tools

We know what they are needed for.

Hairdresser: And now we’ll play, what tools are needed for, we’ll find out...

A game: "What do we need?"

The hairdresser shows pictures: Shaggy child - children take a comb; wet hair– hair dryer, etc.

Hairdresser: Everyone needs my profession!

She is very unusual.

I am for every head

I'll choose a hairstyle

I'll cut the boys' hair

I will braid the girls' hair.

A game: “Get your hair done.”

Musical director:

Now it’s clear to all of us here -

Everyone needs a hairdresser!

So that we can be beautiful

And they walked neatly

We had fun, danced,

Never lose heart!

A dance is performed to the song “Good Mood” performed by vocal group"Wizards of the Court" .

Musical director:

Thank you for coming to us...

And they spent the holiday with us.

Hairdresser:(Gathers his tools in a chest, imperceptibly turns it with the other bottom, there are chocolates for children.)

I'm also very, very happy

Why did I come to you in kindergarten!

I'll show you my chest... (wants to open it)

Musical director:

Yes, we saw him!

Hairdresser:(waves finger)

My chest is not simple...

For good kids

There are gifts inside! (opens and distributes chocolates).

You guys are all to me

Come get a haircut.

Well, my friends, it’s time...

Clients are already waiting for me!

Hairdresser: (leaves) Bye everyone!

Musical director:

Well, it’s time for us (the children leave).

MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Smile”

"Introduction to the profession of hairdresser"


organized educational activities to familiarize yourself with the outside world

Completed by: teacher Kudryavtseva I.F.

Semenov 2017

Program content: continue to expand ideas about adult work; develop interest in different professions; introduce the profession of hairdresser(purpose, names of tools and their functions, special clothing); form the importance of adult work; create a desire to be hardworking; develop respect for the work of different people professions; expand lexicon.

Preliminary work : did. a game "To whom what", looking at illustrations "People of differentprofessions »

Vocabulary work : Name hairdressing salons tools and workwear hairdresser.

Material: workwear for different people professions, tools hairdresser and doctor, Lisa doll, illustrations of a doctor and hairdresser.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Today we have a joyful event, guests have come to us (greetings).But that is not all. We will have one more guest, but who it is is still a surprise. Let's warm up a little and play a game "Say the word"

He treats people, drives cars, builds houses, sews clothes, sells food, cooks food, cuts people’s hair...

2. (Bring in a doll with disheveled hair). We have a Lisa doll living in our group. Look at her carefully and tell her what is wrong with her. Who can help her? Maybe a doctor? Or a shoemaker (children answer that the doll needshairdresser ) .And now here’s my surprise. I invited you to visit us hairdresser(acquaintance ) .

Hairdresser talks about his work. The teacher asks what he works in hairdresser, really in such elegant clothes. The hairdresser says that he has special clothing and invites children to choose the right one from several types of special clothing. A game "Pick up clothes". Children choose workwear hairdresser dresses her and tells her what the robe and peignoir are for. Children repeat a new word in chorus "peignoir".

3. The teacher asks to show hairdresser's tools, A hairdresser tells a story about how his friend, a doctor, was visiting him and that they mixed up their instruments. Children are invited to place the tools on different tables (on one there is an illustration hairdresser, on another doctor). A game "To whom what".Hairdresser checks whether the children have chosen the right tools for hairdresser and talks about his instruments.

4. Physical exercise:

We are a little tired, we learned a lot about professions now.

The driver drives the car, our house is being built by a builder

Hairdresser gives us a haircut and doesn’t get tired at all

The shoemaker repairs boots, the baker bakes pies.

A tailor sews our clothes, a ballerina stands on one leg.

5. Hairdresser cuts the bangs of one of the children and comments on his work, the children watch. 6. Summary.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Smile”

"Plot-role-playing game hair salon"


game situations

Completed by: teacher Kudryavtseva I.F.

Semenov 2017

1. Develop interest and respect for hairdresser profession

2. Familiarity with the rules of conduct in hairdresser.

3. Develop the ability, together with the teacher, to develop the plot of the game, agree on the topic, distribute roles.

4. Contribute to the establishment of role interaction in the game and the ability to role relationships. Form the right relationships in the team.

Game-situation : "Beautiful haircut" . Methodology.

Educator: (the teacher takes a comb and runs it through his hair)

My hair is poorly combed today, I need to get a new hairstyle. - - I'll go to hairdresser. (Approaches a child playinghairdresser ) .

Marina you hairdresser?

Please do my hair.

I want my hair to be beautifully combed, can I wash it with shampoo? (washes)

Will you paint it?

Dye my hair to make it darker.

They suit me dark hair. (Pretty). Now let's dry our hair.

All hair is dry.

Master, comb my hair please.

Thank you. (I'll look in the mirror)

Anyone else who wants to get their hair done, come here and there is a good hairdresser working here.

Olya, will your daughter do her hair?

Lisa, come get a haircut.

Role-playing game : “We brought new shampoos” .

The teacher takes the shampoo and says that hairdresser They brought new shampoos that make your hair soft. Children one by one approach the teacher playing the role hairdresser, He "washes" their hair with new shampoos. Children bring their dolls to get their hair cut. The teacher shows how he works with scissors, with a comb, how he washes his clients’ hair, and styles their hair.

Role-playing game : "Dog Haircut" .

The teacher brings a toy dog ​​with a bow and says that dogs also go to hairdresser. Educator – hairdresser puts the dog on a chair and gives it a haircut. Then he invites children with their pets. Each child reports hairdresser what hairstyle you can do. The teacher asks the owners to talk kindly to their animals so that they are not afraid to get their hair cut.

« Salon » .

Game actions :

1. Putting it on

2. Combing

3. Haircut

4. Shake your hair

5. Washing your hair

6. Drying with a towel

7. Blow dry

8. Hair coloring

9. Varnish

10. Cologne with perfume

11. Curl your hair with curlers

12. Braid your hair

13. Part your hair

14. Dry your hair

15. Coffee while waiting

16. View logs

Items and accessories for playing hairdresser

Didactic game "Young hairdresser".

Game "Paper Barber Shop"

Didactic game "Professions"

Exhibition of children's works "Young Hairdresser"

Didactic game "Hairstyle"

Plot-role-playing Barber game

Physical entertainment« The most dexterous hairdresser".

Exercise scissors

Outdoor game "In an even circle"

Hairdresser's assistants

View the presentation “Profession of hairdresser”

Guessing riddles about tools hairdresser .

1. Two ends, two rings

In the middle of the carnations(scissors)

2. In this small object

A warm wind settled in(hairdryer)

3. I walk - I wander not through forests, but through mustaches and hair

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears(comb)

4. Scissors, shampoo, comb,

I do everyone's hair

I cut both adults and children's hair.

Guess me quickly!

5. If the guys have become

suddenly looking like a lion -

unkempt, shaggy,

like a head with a mane;

can the kids have hair?

comb, shorten;

Well, to all the brave boys

and cut them with a clipper!

Forget all about fear -

will cut your hair... (hairdresser).

Poems about the profession of hairdresser

I WANT TO BE A HAIRDRESSER!.. A series of poems for children


The teeth of the peg on the COMB,
It looks like thin stripes.
We draw them from top to bottom -
There will be a surprise for mommy
We draw them carefully -
Mommy will be pleased!


If you are rumpled, disheveled -
You're a slob, nothing less:
There is an iron for clothes,
He is Odyozhka's best friend.

If the HAIRSTYLE is not in order -
I need a completely different friend:
The comb will comb the locks.
– Don’t walk like Brownie!


The cat is crooked today,
Sad, as if lonely.
- What's happened? You don't sing.
– A hedgehog combed my fur.
The teeth were very sharp -
Not a comb, but needles.
Hedgehog, as a master, is obviously bad -
I’d rather tolerate fleas...
Or I'll comb them myself.
I have claws - I myself have a mustache!

Natalie SAMONIY,


Who understands hairstyles?
And he knows a lot about haircuts,
What kind of master is the kindest of all -
This is mom the barber

This means hairdresser.
If he cuts his hair, no one cries:
Each HAIRCUT is like a miracle...
I'll only get my hair cut at my mom's!

Natalie SAMONIY,

Meeting interesting people

“We invite a hairdresser to visit us”

Drawing OOD "Decorate your comb" .

Hairstyle presentation

It is not that difficult to successfully master the profession of a hairdresser. But to achieve is enough great success Not everyone is usually successful in this area.


First of all, this requires special theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which can be acquired by signing up for professional education to hairdressing school from scratch. Before enrolling in training, it is important to obtain the following necessary information:

  1. How long will it take to study at hairdressing school?
  2. What type of diploma is usually issued to graduates;
  3. School-assigned vocational class;
  4. Is it possible to issue an appropriate work license?


The profession of a hairdresser is perfect for creative people striving for new achievements. To quickly achieve success in your chosen professional field, you need to have a special character. Only hardworking, patient, resilient, and creative people can work successfully here.

It would also be nice to have a well-developed visual memory, the ability to quickly find a way out of a situation in the circumstances that arise, have operational thinking, and be friendly.

In the past, the craft of a hairdresser did not bring fabulous income. IN modern world everything is completely different. Good master He is extremely in demand and receives a decent payment for his work.

It is noteworthy: hairdressing salon workers will never be left without work - at all times, people have strived to look neat, stylish, and well-groomed. Currently, the number of beauty salons and hairdressers is constantly growing.

Hairdressing schools will teach the basics future profession. But only great experience will allow you to become a real virtuoso of your craft. When acquiring the profession of a hairdresser, you must be responsible for your work. After all, people go to the salon not only for a new hairstyle, they come in the hope of somehow changing their lives.

After successfully completing hairdressing school, it is important to get into a high-traffic salon. Active work in such a salon for two to three years will allow you to acquire vital experience.

Without regular practice, any acquired professional skills will disappear without a trace over time. Close observation of work experienced craftsmen will help you quickly learn from experience and delve deeply into all the intricacies of hairdressing training.

One of the primary tasks of a novice hairdresser is to positively establish himself as a master. In this extremely important matter highest value have:

  • Appearance, neatness. After all, people come to a hairdresser for beauty, so first of all they pay attention to the appearance of the hairdresser;
  • Knowledge of human psychology, ability to communicate correctly. Required individual approach to each client, the ability to listen, hear, understand. In the process of human communication, the client creates a personal impression of the master. It must be good;
  • Creative approach to work;
  • Professional equipment and special tools must be of high quality.

The profession of hairdresser is quite ancient and in demand. Give necessary knowledge will be able experienced teachers in hairdressing schools. The most accessible specialty is a general hairdresser. Such a master can work in a men's or women's room.

He is also well acquainted with the composition of chemical dyes and the characteristics of their effect on the human body. He knows how to dye, cut hair, do perm, work with a hair dryer and machine quite well. But evening, complex hairstyles are not included in this list of services.

A highly qualified specialist who creates model, evening, wedding hairstyles, youth haircuts, special coloring, all types of perms, is a hairdresser-stylist or master technologist.


Hairdresser-stylist- a master who does hairstyles or haircuts, and also selects a style that is most suitable for a particular client. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

Just a few years ago, a hairdresser was only required to be able to do haircuts or styling. But times have changed, that's why today exists new profession- This is a hairdresser-stylist. Such a master knows how to do hairstyles, but he also helps the client choose an individual style, talks about the rules of hair care and performs medical procedures.

A representative of the profession must know the basics of chemistry, as well as be able to work with equipment (hair dryers, curling irons, etc.) and cosmetics (paints, masks, etc.). This specialist must know well not only his duties, but also understand psychology. The master must be able to find an approach to each of his customers, accurately determining his mood and desires.

Features of the profession

The master must not only be able to cut or style hair, no! He must know everything about fashion trends of one season or another, because his responsibilities include:

  • help with choosing optimal length hair and hairstyles;
  • assisting the client in choosing hair shade and dyeing technique;
  • choosing a hairstyle that suits the occasion (holiday, anniversary, corporate event, etc.);
  • ability to create stage hairstyles;
  • choosing the type of styling to suit your hair characteristics;
  • performing haircuts, all types of hair curling (curlers, chemical and electric), coloring, straightening curls;
  • increasing the volume and quality of hair with the help of wigs and extensions;
  • knowledge modern technologies hair straightening and treatment;
  • providing consultations to clients;
  • hair care treatments;
  • attending conferences and participating in various competitions;
  • keeping the workplace clean.

Also, the specialist must be able to develop hairstyle options, adapting them to the customer’s makeup and outfit. Note that if a person suffers from dermatological diseases, joint diseases or allergic reactions, then he will not be able to work as a hairdresser-stylist.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • The specialist may not receive higher education, because to work in this field it is enough to complete a training course.
  • You can become a hair stylist at any age.
  • High wage and tips left by grateful clients.
  • You can officially get a job or work for yourself by opening a salon or acquiring a solid client base.
  • You can combine the profession of a hairdresser-stylist with work, or other professions that are close to the beauty industry.
  • Higher salary compared to a regular hairdresser, makeup artist or...
  • The prospect of working with famous people(movie stars, pop singers and others).


  1. Demanding clients.
  2. You need to work for a long time to get better and gain experience.
  3. You need to constantly learn and stay up to date with the latest fashion news, studying both domestic and foreign magazines, blogs and video lessons.
  4. Most often, income depends on the number of clients with whom the master worked during the day or month.
  5. Capricious clients can make even the most angry calm person, and this specialist encounters them every day.
  6. Not all clients wash their hair and observe personal hygiene rules.
  7. Competition is very high, so problems with employment may arise.

The main disadvantage of the profession is that the risk of developing occupational diseases is high. The master is forced to work standing for 10 or more hours a day, which causes the development of spinal diseases, as well as varicose veins and constant swelling.

Important personal qualities

An impeccable appearance is one of the main requirements that is put forward to specialists who work in the field of beauty. The hair stylist must have pretty haircut and well-groomed hands.

  1. Kindness and endurance.
  2. Excellent health.
  3. Artistic taste and creativity.
  4. Communication skills.
  5. Responsibility and courtesy.
  6. Neatness.
  7. Accuracy.
  8. Pedantry.

Every day, a hairdresser-stylist encounters capricious and not always polite clients, so he must be very calm, reasonable and careful.

Training to become a hairdresser-stylist

Graduates of grades 9-11 who do not have medical contraindications can enroll in training courses. The training course is divided into 2 parts:

  • 30% of the time - theory;
  • 70% of study time is practice.

Typically the course lasts from 4 months to 2.5 years, and after completing the program the student will receive a diploma or certificate. As a rule, the duration of training depends on the student’s age and professional knowledge.

Training center "Europe", Moscow

You need to study from 1 to 4 months, and the course will be of interest to professional hairdressers who want to improve their skills. The course program consists of more than 8 topics, as well as theoretical and numerous practical sessions.

Where can a hair stylist work?

Masters work in beauty salons or work with private clients, renting premises and equipping mini-salons in them. After completing their training, these specialists most often remain to work where they previously completed their internship.


The monthly salary consists of the amount that the master receives for working in the salon and fees, because these specialists, in addition to their main work, are engaged in private practice.

Salary as of 03/07/2019

Russia 30000—150000 ₽

Moscow 30000—180000 ₽


The career growth of a specialist depends on his experience and knowledge, because if a master regularly attends master classes and improves his skills, then his work will be valued very highly. In the future, a hair stylist can gain fame, work with famous people, become an expert in the beauty industry and open his own fashion salon.

Professional skills

  1. Ability to use hairdressing equipment and tools.
  2. Ability to apply cosmetical tools and coloring compounds.
  3. Knowledge of fashion trends in the beauty industry.

Famous representatives of the profession

  1. Sergey Zverev.
  2. Chris McMillan.
  3. Adir Abergel.


When a friend of mine decided to study to become a hairdresser, I was categorical: “How is it possible? To touch dirty heads, there must be a minimum threshold of disgust. I couldn’t!” But as they say, never say never. Literally six months later, the company I worked for at that time went bankrupt. And, after the final liquidation, I ended up on the labor exchange. I was immediately offered to retrain and take hairdressing courses for free. To be honest, I approached this idea without much initiative. It is necessary, it is necessary.

I honestly attended theoretical classes and, when the time came for practice, my friend agreed with the owner of one of the beauty salons. I honestly admitted to her that I was not eager to work and I only needed a mark on the visit sheet. She assured me that I would just come to see the work of the salon from the inside. But on the very first day, there was a blockage in the hairdresser. Clients just came in droves, the masters didn’t even have time to sweep their hair off the floor before he sat down in their chair. new person. The administrator, who is also the director of the salon, took a risky step and I was ordered to take the tools and stand behind the chair.

First client

"What? How? I can’t do anything!? — thoughts swarmed in my head, but I still found the strength to invite the client into the hairdressing chair. I still remember how the scissors beat small fractions into my hands, how ridiculous and crooked I separated the partings and, how epic, at the end of the haircut, I dropped the hairdryer on the floor. I don’t know if I really cut my hair well or if she didn’t want to offend me, but my first client left happy.

The most difficult thing for a novice hairdresser is to get up at the chair and start working. At this moment, it’s easier to agree to a parachute jump than to invite a client for a haircut. It is on this very first client that all further work of a hairdressing beginner depends. If you come across an adequate, understanding person and everything goes well, young master Believe in yourself and start creating. If you are unlucky and happen to run into a scandalous and demanding person, then you can say goodbye to your career altogether. I saw with my own eyes how some craftsmen lost their nerves, they packed up their things and left work for nowhere.

At these moments, the support of other masters is necessary, because each of them has found himself in a similar place at least once. There is not a single hairdresser who has not had unsuccessful haircuts and who has not come across dissatisfied clients. No one immediately stood at the chair with golden scissors instead of hands, so at first it’s worth slowing down your ardor a little, no need to try to work quickly. Attentiveness to each pull, accuracy in the cut will not allow you to make ridiculous mistakes, even though the haircut will last a little longer than other hairdressers, but the end result will be decent and high-quality work.

Professional growth of a hairdresser

After completing the courses, you can improve your skills almost immediately - numerous seminars, proprietary courses and practices are held at hairdressing schools. Of course, all this is not free. For example, an original course consisting of one-week lessons with a famous stylist evening hairstyles costs 100-120 thousand rubles.

Some employers meet halfway and offer to pay half the cost of the courses. I was lucky enough to get into a salon where they offered to undergo full training on famous French hair cosmetics absolutely free. Of course, daily trips to the other end of the city and a whole month without work stressed me a little, but the result was worth it.

In just four weeks, sign up for work book changed from a generalist hairdresser to an expert colorist, and in addition to the huge knowledge base in my head, I gained confidence in myself and my work. Clients feel confident professionals and love to be served by professionals, so every seemingly insignificant seminar will add another plus to you in the form of a certificate on the wall.

By the way, I have happened to be in salons where the owners are trying to improve their level with the help of fake certificates and diplomas simply printed on a color printer. Therefore, if you see your master has a whole wall of diplomas, then do not rush to delude yourself, perhaps all this is just dust in the eyes.

Features of work

I was always stressed out by these standardized 8-hour workdays in the office. You can’t go away on urgent matters, or stay late in the morning and not sleep during breaks. Salon management, administrators and other professionals are quite loyal to the work schedule. I would even call working as a hairdresser freelance. On relatively calm days, all the masters do is eat, watch movies and sleep.

Over the years of working in the hairdressing field, I have developed great patience with others. You don’t choose a client, you may not like him, just because of his energy, but you will have to devote at least half an hour to him. Moreover, it is necessary to make sure that he does not even guess about it. Smiles, a calm, soft voice and high-quality work can turn even the most picky and grumpy client into a grateful and happy person.

Once you become a hairdresser, you will never be without work. Even in the most difficult times of war, barbers stood in a special place of honor and could always earn their piece of bread. Having received very little work experience, you can get a job in any city in as soon as possible. In 10 years, I moved from city to city 4 times, and in each place I found a job in less than a week. The conditions and salaries are approximately the same everywhere, so when choosing a place, I was guided by convenience. My last two jobs were only 100 meters from my home.

No matter how positive this profession may seem, it has a significant disadvantage. Employers rarely agree to show a “white” salary; basically, all craftsmen are brought to the “minimum wage”.

If this job comes creative person, then he will definitely become a professional. The main thing is to love your business, develop and value your clients.


The profession of hairdresser has been known since ancient times. Couldn't do without him high society In all countries. Wigs, exquisite hairstyles, mustaches and sideburns are the domain of hairdressers, or as they used to be called barbers.

Like other crafts, hair care was the result of human need, the desire to look better, and, of course, aesthetics. The concept of beauty has changed over the centuries.

What is growing on our heads today is only a small part of those voluminous hair, which our ancestors wore like fur. This was necessary for protection from the cold and sun, but nowadays such protection is no longer necessary, because a person can protect himself differently.

The development of hairdressing is closely related to the development of cities.
Egyptian sculptures and paintings indicate that hair care was also known in Ancient Egypt. Characteristic feature were hairstyles in the shape of a trapezoid.

In Rome, as in Greece, the work of hairdressers was performed by slaves.

Demand for the profession of hairdresser

Everyone needs a hairdresser these days. Which makes the profession of a hairdresser even more attractive.

Today, movie and show business stars have a huge influence on the formation of fashion. Many people want to be like their idols and copy their hairstyles.

The presence of hairdressers in every yard can provide work close to home. At the same time, the work will be profitable and prestigious.

Description of the profession hairdresser

A hairdresser must be versatile, be able to work with women's hair, men's hair. At first glance it seems that this simple work, but the master must be familiar with such sciences as chemistry, physics, ethics.

In addition to theoretical knowledge about face types, hair structure and cutting techniques, you need to gain enough experience. Only an experienced one can satisfy the most demanding client

The hairdresser has great responsibility for the further well-being and image of the client. After all, the hairdresser will not be able to correct his mistake. 2-3 months of hair growth will do it for him. And, of course, the client will no longer come to such a hairdressing salon.

Typically, hairdressers work in shifts. This is due to tension and fatigue during the day. Still, you have to stand all day and keep your arms suspended.

Often, a hairdresser is also a psychologist for his clients. Some women come to beauty salons just for the sake of communication and Have a good mood. And a hairdresser can provide all this.

Do not forget that some people, in difficult times for them, decide to desperate step– a complete change of image. By changing themselves, they hope to change undesirable circumstances. Having caught the client’s mood and chosen the most attractive image, the master hairdresser is able to realize all the client’s innermost dreams.

Choosing a profession is a very responsible task. We hope that the article about the profession of hairdresser will help you decide on this difficult matter. Finally understand why they chose this particular profession and not some other.

And then in the future the world will see new hairdressers who will sincerely love their profession. They will develop in it. And be sure to create something new in the field of hairdressing. This article will also help you prepare an essay, essay or presentation about the profession.

Requirements for the profession of hairdresser

The hairdresser belongs to the category creative professions. A qualified specialist certainly has such individual characteristics:

  • high physical endurance,
  • good mobility and flexibility fingers,
  • aesthetic taste, tact, knowing the rules of communication with clients,
  • appropriate education, minimal work experience.

In addition to excellent knowledge of the use and properties of hair styling products, dyes and other preparations, the hairdresser needs to be aware of modern fashion trends in hairstyles. It is important to have an innate sense of style in order to choose the right type of haircut and styling for salon clients. If you approach your work creatively and responsibly, you can achieve real success in your career growth.

Profession hairdresser - wages

Hairdressers are among those specialists who are mainly chosen based on reviews. Therefore, only professionals in this field will be able to not only work, but also earn money.

The salary varies from 15,000 rubles for a beginner to 90,000 rubles for an experienced hair stylist. Famous schools of masters and victories in professional skills competitions are valued.

Pros and cons of being a hairdresser

The main advantages of the profession are wages depending on regular clients, frequent seminars, knowledge fashion trend, participation in competitions.

The disadvantages are many diseases that can affect the spine, cervical spine, legs, but also the high cost of consumables and equipment.

This article will also help you prepare an essay, report or presentation about the profession.