Photo editing program with pencil effect. Make art from photos online

Often, users want to learn how to make a drawing from a photo so that they can later print the photo and store it as a drawing. Let's look at the most effective ways.

First, let's look at several popular services with which you can quickly create a drawing effect on a photo without installing additional software on your computer.

Photo Phunia service

On this site, users can take advantage of an automatic effect that transforms an ordinary picture into a drawing. You can also select the background texture of the source file: colored, white or “special”.

To get started, select the file on your PC. To do this, click on the Browse button on the website.

Then determine the color scheme of the image (black and white or color).

Click on the texture shape you want to output and click on the "Create" button to begin the file conversion process.

In a few seconds, a direct link to download the image from the site will be generated.

Croper service

The next popular site for creating a drawing from an ordinary picture is Croper. This online photo editor allows you to apply additional effects to your photos.

With its help, you can create a unique image without losing quality.

One of the most popular features of this site is the pencil drawing feature.

The file is converted by creating darker tones of the image, then strokes are gradually applied to the layers of the image, which, in turn, make a sketch from the image.

The editor interface is very simple. Upload the file to the site by clicking on the appropriate button.

The picture will open in a new window on the site. After that, find the main menu tabs - they are located at the top of the site. Click in turn on “Operations” - “Effects” - “Pencil”.

At the top of the page, select the stroke length settings and tilt level.

Then click on the Apply button to start the image conversion process.

This will take no more than one minute. If necessary, you can adjust the contrast of the final drawing.

The result of Croper's work is shown in the figure below.

Creating a drawing in Adobe Photoshop

Using Photoshop, you can also create a pencil drawing from an ordinary picture.

Using the built-in functions of the program, you can achieve better display of all strokes and the final picture will look natural.

The effect of the drawing will be very clearly visible if you print it on a printer. For greater effect, you can use white or craft paper.

All the steps below were performed in Photoshop CS6. The functions used are available in earlier and all new versions of the application.

We will use a regular scanned photo; We recommend not using small pictures when working in Photoshop, because after applying the “picture” effect, some of the pixels may be blurred, which will degrade the quality of the final small image.

First we need to copy the original image.

To do this, open the image in the program, wait for the toolbar to load and press the F7 button. Then click on the Ctrl - J button combination. This way you will create a duplicate layer.

To do this, click on the Image item (main menu of the program). Click on “Correction” – “Inversion”. Also, to apply desaturation to a layer, just press the Ctrl and I keys simultaneously.

As a result of decolorization, we will get a negative image, and not its black and white version. All light areas of the photo will become dark, and all dark areas will become light.

In the layers panel, the resulting negative will be displayed as a second copy of the original layer. Next, let's change the layer's display mode. Click on layer 2 and in the “Mode” line open the drop-down list. Click on "Background Lightening".

After changing the mode, the project canvas will become completely or partially white. On the main menu bar, click “Filter” - “Blur”.

From the list provided, select “Gaussian Blur.” In the window that opens, adjust the slider to create the blur level.

The higher the value of this indicator, the lighter the picture becomes, taking on the outline of a drawn one.

Important! Don't go overboard with the blur filter, otherwise the photo may become too light and the pencil effect will be lost. The optimal blur value is 12.5 – 13 pixels.

This decolorization method allows you to achieve maximum clarity of the strokes of the picture, pixels are not lost, and the resolution of the picture is maintained. As you can see, the picture has acquired the outline of a pencil, but has not become too light.

Go to the layers window and select the very first layer, as shown in the image below. Then move the pointer to the layer name and wait for the context menu to appear. In it, click on the “Merge Visible Layers” item. Hold down the Alt button and use the pointer to select all three layers that you want to merge.

Select the topmost layer (layer 1). You need to change its display mode to “Multiplication”. This allows you to darken each line of the sketch, giving the sketch more naturalness.

The lines should not be too dark. If this happens, adjust the Opacity parameter to 50%. It is necessary that the color of a “simple” pencil be preserved.

You can finish the job here. As a result, we get a black and white sketch of the original photograph. If you want to add some color to your sketch, create a copy of the background layer by pressing Ctrl - J.

Now we only need to change the display color parameters of the duplicated layer. Select the “Color” mode and in the Transparency line set the value to 65%, as shown in the figure above.

The final result of converting the image to a thumbnail will look like this:

Creating a drawing from an ordinary photograph in Photoshop will take you no more than 10 minutes, even if you are not an advanced user.

FotoSketcher is a free graphic editor with which you can turn a photo into a drawing using a large number of effects. The program turns images into drawings made with pencil or paints in different styles. Instead of a regular photograph, you will receive a painting painted by the artist's hand.

With FotoSketcher, you can discover the artist in you by turning photo images into paintings. Photos taken in FotoSketcher will be noticeably different from photos taken with a camera; if you try, you can create a real work of art in this wonderful program.

The name of the FotoSketcher program in Russian can be translated as photo sketch (sketch or outline). As a result of modification, a photograph (image) becomes a drawing or painting.

In FotoSketcher you can create images not only in the form of drawings made in different techniques, but in the photo editor you can improve original photographs: add or reduce brightness, increase contrast, color saturation, change the size, crop the image, sign the picture, add watermarks, send for printing etc.

You can download FotoSketcher from the official website of the developer. The program runs on the Windows operating system; the application has a Russian interface language.

FotoSketcher download

FotoSketcher program interface

After launch, the main FotoSketcher window will open. At the top of the program window there are two panels: a menu bar and a button panel. The program is controlled from the menu bar.

Using the buttons, you can access the most popular functions of the program. Almost any graphic editor has similar functions: open an image, save an image, copy to the clipboard, paste, undo an action, crop, resize, add text, send to print, etc.

By default, in the main window of the program to demonstrate its capabilities, the initial image is open on the right side of the window, and the processed drawing, made in the form of a hand-drawn picture, is on the left side of the window. You can practice with this image, or add an image from your computer to the editor.

The program can be controlled not only with the mouse, but also with the help of “hot keys”. Click on the “Edit” menu item. In the context menu that opens, you will see which commands correspond to the keyboard keys.

Creating a drawing in FotoSketcher

Select the starting image, open it in the program, and then click on the “Picture Options...” button. This will open a new Drawing Options window. Here you can load settings (if settings have been saved previously), save settings, or reset settings to default.

First you need to choose a drawing style. A large number of different effects are available in the FotoSketcher program:

  • 6 pencil sketch effects;
  • 2 ink pen sketch effects;
  • 10 painting effects (watercolor, oil);
  • 7 stylized effects (cartoon, mosaic);
  • 3 other effects;
  • 1 option without effects (frame, texture, text).

In the “Drawing style” setting, you need to select one of the presented styles: drawing made in pencil, ink, painting, cartoon, mosaic, etc.

When you move the mouse cursor over a certain style, you will see that a fragment of the image made in this style is displayed next to it. This makes it easier to choose the right option.

After selecting a style, a fragment of the drawing will be displayed in the Drawing Options window. This fragment can be enlarged, showing the full size of the image, reduced to fit the window. This small picture can be moved with the mouse in order to see different areas of the future picture.

Now you can modify the image in accordance with the selected style: adjust the color intensity, contrast level, etc. Each style has its own settings. The Brush Guide button lets you change the size of the brush you'll use to create your drawing.

Apply various filters to give the image the desired look. Experiment to create a painting made in a certain style based on your ideas. Try to create a simple drawing first, and then, after you acquire the necessary skills, you can move on to creating more complex images.

After selecting the settings, click on the “Draw!” button. The project will take some time to process, so please wait until it is completed.

After processing is completed, the image is stored on the computer. If the result obtained is noticeably different from what was planned, then you can try to create several options before settling on a more suitable design.

This image shows that this is no longer a photograph, but a watercolor painting. The author of these lines studied at an art school as a child, so I tried to make the drawing look like it was made with watercolors (I liked watercolors best).

In a similar way, you can get creative by turning photos into paintings written in different styles.

In the final version, the image can be framed and a caption can be added to the picture. Try, create, create portraits, landscapes, etc. In order for you to get good pictures, you need independent experience in working in the program.

Conclusions of the article

The free program FotoSketcher is a graphic editor for image processing. With the help of FotoSketcher, ordinary images are turned into paintings painted by the artist's hand. The program has a wide selection of effects for turning a photo into a drawing made in different styles of painting and graphics.

If you're looking for an app that turns photos into something that looks like a drawing or picture, then you've come to the right place. Drawing photos are in vogue these days.

As soon as you go to Instagram or other social networks, the news feed is simply teeming with photographs that look like they were painted.

What is the name of the application where the photo is like a drawing?

This application was released quite recently, namely at the beginning of June this summer. As soon as it appeared, the program that makes a drawing from a photo immediately rose to the top.

This application is called Prisma and so far, at the moment you can only find a version for devices from Apple. A version should also appear on Android any day now.

The essence of the program is very simple:

  1. take a photograph;
  2. select it in the application;
  3. apply different effects and choose the best one.

This is done literally in a matter of seconds. You don’t have to spend a lot of time setting up anything; you simply chose the best one and published it on your favorite Instagram.

When you write something like this in the search, I think that you want to use the Prisma application directly in the Instagram program itself.

Unfortunately, this is not possible, since the prism is a completely separate product that does such wonderful things with photographs.

It is possible, of course, that in the future Facebook (which owns Instagram) will buy this application and then be able to use these effects along with standard filters.

In the meantime, all that remains is to add Prisma to the folder with the rest of the photo processing programs that we love to use for social networks.

Where to download Prism - a photo processing program

If you use a device that is an iPhone, iPad or iPod with at least iOS 8.0 installed, then you can safely go to the App Store and download it here:

In the case of Android devices, it is not yet clear which version you can use it from, but you can follow the release on the Facebook page.

Good day everyone!

Probably almost every user has seen “strange” photographs of people online, as if it were a picture drawn by an artist. This picture has a name - art (example on the left with Nikulin). And, by the way, you can do it quite quickly using special online services.

I think the article will also be useful to all those users who want to make an unusual avatar for social networks (VK, Odnoklassniki, etc.), various forums, applications (for example, Skype, Viber, etc.), and simply surprise their friends and relatives.

And so, let's get down to business - creating art.

Note: to make art, you can use various graphic editors (for example, Photoshop). In this article I will not dwell on classic editors (because by the time you install the editor, configure it, and understand how to do it, using the service on the Internet you will already make dozens of different cool pictures ☺) ...

Choosing a service with the best photo effects

One of the best Russian-language online services for adding various effects to photos. For example, a color photograph can be redone:

  • into a black and white drawing, as if it had been drawn: with a brush, pencil, etc.;
  • in color drawing: there can also be a variety of options;
  • into a cool and funny picture. For example, your photo will be placed in a frame that is drawn by a child, an artist, etc. (examples of options are shown below).

Using the service is extremely simple:

  1. First choose the effect you like;
  2. upload your photo;
  3. and after a few seconds - look at your cool art. An example is shown below: Isn’t it really well drawn?!

How the photo has changed: it was - it became (from left to right)

Another extremely interesting site, which is an online photo editor. Here you can upload a photo and quickly process it, including creating an interesting drawing (art) from it. What makes this service captivating is that it has quite a lot of the most unusual photo processing options: you can, for example, place your photo on the chest of Messi or Ronaldo, put your photo in a frame, give it a magical style, or make yourself a famous actor.

An example of processing is shown in the screenshot below: in my opinion it looks very realistic ☺.

Another interesting art //

A site with a huge number of different photo effects: here you can put your photo in a frame, make the photo a painted picture, place it next to some celebrity, etc.

Using the service is also simple: upload a photo, select an effect, see the result (in general, three simple steps).

Below are several examples of how the service works. Very good?!

Several pieces of art: in the gallery, with Putin, an old drawing.

Note: If the service will not process your photo, convert it to another format. For example, I was faced with the fact that the service did not want to accept and process the GIF format, having saved the image as JPG (you can use Paint for this, which is available in all versions of Windows)- everything began to work normally!


A very good Russian-language service with a large collection of photo effects that can be applied to any uploaded photo. What captivates: the choice is simply huge! The photograph can be taken in black and white, drawn with a brush or pencil, placed in a frame, with a celebrity, in a TV show, etc.

Let me note that once you upload your photo, you can immediately try it in a variety of effects (without uploading it a hundred times). Comfortable!

Processing examples are shown below.

A few more interesting effects for the photo: pencil drawing, pendant, gift card (from left to right).

By the way, you might be interested in an article on how to make a photo collage- . If anyone doesn’t know, collage is when several photos are combined into one big one. It turns out very beautiful and informative, you can immediately find out how the holiday went (for example).

For now I say goodbye. Good luck to all!

Additions are welcome...

11 votes

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Handmade drawing. About 15 years ago, no one would have thought of such a phrase, but now - please. Modern technology has reached such a level that anyone can get their portrait in any artistic style they want in just a few seconds.

Today I will do a short review of services that allow you to take a photo like a pencil drawing online. A huge number of techniques: animation, stylization, collaging, insertion. More than 3,000 effects: impressionism, Van Gogh style, automatic retouching, watercolor drawings, pastel, oil paint, chalk.

The result will not take long to arrive. You will learn the best ways to edit photos.

Benefits for the webmaster

It may seem strange to many to have such an article on a blog about website creation. Very in vain. Well, firstly, a picture processed by a similar method can be used as a design element: a header, background, or even a thumbnail of an article or a picture in the body of a publication.

However, I must tell you right away that if you like one of the techniques and want to process all the photos this way and post them on your blog, then the idea will be wonderful. However, do not forget about copyright.

Don't think that after this she will belong to you. No matter how much manipulation you do with a picture, it belongs to the photographer or artist who created it.

Read the article about. Although search engines define such content as unique.

So, if you take a photo from a free source, process it in a photo editor, and post it on your blog, then Yandex and Google will think that you are doing a great job and using your unique materials. At the same time, you are not afraid of any persecution. Everyone is happy and satisfied. These steps will take you no more than a couple of minutes.

But that's not all the benefits. Developers are people too. We all have friends and sometimes they celebrate birthdays, weddings, new years and so on. The portrait can be printed in large format and framed. You will spend several times less money than if you ordered a drawing from an artist. In any case, the result will exceed all expectations.

Well, now I think everything is clear. Let's move on to the review of services.

Services overview

To write this article, I analyzed many resources. Most of them turned out to be inconvenient. Somewhere the loading is constantly lagging or the result is below average. I left only three resources on the list. Moreover, I will say right away that I recognize only one as truly worthwhile.

I won’t waste any more of your time and will proceed with a detailed review.


Website quite nice and completely free. Here you will find over 1,400 options for your photography.

If you want to turn a picture into a drawing, then go straight to the section of the same name and look at the options. For example, the third one, pencil drawing. Click on it.

Uploading the file. By the way, you don’t have to upload the same photo every time. It will be saved on the server and you will have quick access to it until you leave the portal.

You need to crop the picture so that it fits into the collage.

Ready. I got this result.

As you can see, they basically offer to insert your portrait into some beautiful picture or make a collage. This is, of course, great. There are a lot of interesting examples here, the result is almost always pleasing. But this is not exactly what we would like.

If you just insert your photo and get exactly the same one, but in a different style, then this resource will not suit you. Nevertheless, let's try another option: a pencil drawing on the same page.

As promised, you have quick access to the last downloaded one.

It's hard not to agree that the picture is cool. No logos, watermarks, etc. The service is completely free.

But I’ll tell you right away, there are better ones. This is what we will talk about now.

Portal can really be funny. I've already come here twice and every time I can't help but laugh and smile contentedly. This resource is awesome. More than 600 frames, effects and filters. In addition, fast automatic retouching of portraits, creation of GIF animation based on your photo and quick correction.

Go to “Drawings and Paintings” or “Selected Drawing Effects”. I advise you to try both categories, as there is a huge selection of pencil drawings.

Here you will be offered sketches for pencil or ballpoint pen, pastels, oil paints, Van Gogh drawing effect, impressionism and much more. Try it and enjoy.

Upload photos from your computer and have quick access to them for a while at the bottom of the panel.

This is the result I got. The only downside is the link at the bottom of the photo.

I was immediately interested in cartoons. It's really fun! You load a photo from the disk and on the right side you begin to change your emotions.

In my opinion it is realistic and funny.

You can remove the cartoon effect and send it to friends on social networks instead of emoticons.

I would also call face retouching a useful feature. You simply insert a photo and wait for processing to complete.

If you go to effects, you can replace the background, add color effects or lighting, and also stylize the picture.

In my opinion, this is the best resource on the Internet, but you also have another way to turn a photo into a pencil portrait.


The good thing about the service is that you won’t have any additional logos added. The portal is free. But nevertheless, it has a lot of flaws. For example, for a couple of days now I can’t go to the main page, some effects don’t work, categories don’t open. In general, the site still needs work.

It is likely that these are temporary difficulties and by the time you want to create your portrait the situation will change. However, I will leave you with a direct link to pencil drawing creation page . I had no problems with this filter.

Upload a photo from your computer.

Trim it.

This is the result I got. Can be downloaded.

Photoshop in three steps

In fact, drawing with a pencil is not such a difficult task even for Photoshop. Watch this video. Here we show you how to create your masterpiece in just three minutes. By the way, the video is very cool. I can’t help but note the author’s work.

Online services are, of course, simple and fast, but they limit you. It’s good to sit for a couple of minutes and laugh at the funny results, but thanks to them you won’t get far.

Working in Photoshop yourself is much more interesting. Projects turn out much better. You see what you are doing. You can adjust it based on the specifics of a particular photo and you will probably move on. Photoshop won't keep you busy for just a couple of minutes. You will want to work with him, develop, improve your skills.

See how easy and simple it is or. And all this will not go to waste. Download the free course " Profession web designer in 10 days " This introductory course could be your first step towards a profitable hobby.

Well, if you are more interested in creating beautiful pictures, but you don’t know anything about Photoshop, then I can recommend “ Photoshop from scratch " Thanks to this course, you will learn everything about this program within a few days. You will understand how to work in it, what functions it has and what you are really capable of.

Open up to change. If you have a passion for design, don't limit yourself with excuses. Start a new life in which you will do what you love. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and VKontakte group , and learn more about working on the Internet.