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Inexpensive and original gifts are ideal on February 23. A ration given to your defender on a holiday will produce strong impression. As well as the “Application to the Army” set, a damask in the shape of a tank, and a rocket decanter. If you wish, you can find a dozen useful things for your smartphone: a charging “box”, a case with a photo, a stand in the shape of a soldier. If a guy has a developed sense of humor, he will appreciate a pass to women's bath or an ID card for a security officer, a certificate for applying a tattoo in a salon, or a luminous attachment for a faucet. An interesting adventure will be a gift for the 23rd. A themed quest will give you the opportunity to feel like a superhero, paintball competitions are suitable for thrill-seekers, and snowmobile or ATV races are reserved for trained men. An adrenaline-filled weekend you won't forget!

Best ideas original gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day:

  • Things made with your own hands.
  • A themed set of sweets.
  • Souvenirs made in the form military equipment.
  • Unusual computer accessories.
  • Mugs, T-shirts, posters, magazines with photos of the recipient.
  • Cute trinkets.
  • Gift certificates.
  • Invitation to night club, for the premiere, master class.

Original gifts for February 23rd for your beloved man

Defender of the Fatherland Day is associated with the military, so on February 23 it is better to please your lover with army-themed gifts. They will remind you of military service jokes, will amuse you, and will create good mood. You can give a chocolate weapon, a clip of delicious cartridges, sweet canned food, stylized as a stew, a set of foot wraps, and a hat with earflaps. Do you want to impress a guy with a truly original gift? Sign him up for military training. Your loved one will try himself as a tank driver, submarine captain, or fighter pilot. What about the idea of ​​shooting with a sniper rifle, taking a self-defense course, mountain training? The skills of real special forces soldiers will be useful in life. One more an original gift On the 23rd there will be things that symbolize feelings. A real man must be a good lover!

. The young man cannot resist the temptation to play the game. Be ready to make your wildest fantasies come true.

Magnet “Important Frame”. It will be an inexpensive but pleasant gift for February 23rd. You can place both paired and individual photos on the refrigerator.

Tea “I’ll kiss you”. A symbolic gift for a loved one. Add that a surprise awaits the guy as dessert: a million sweet kisses.

Board game "Equivocals". A liberated partner needs special gifts. His best memories will be associated with the performance of erotic tasks.

Shared reindeer ride. The chosen one never dreamed of such a gift. A trip through a snowy field will remind you of a fairy tale about Snow Queen.

Flight to hot-air balloon . It is useless to compare it with a flight on a civil airline. The emotions of touching the clouds are indescribable.

The best ideas for an original gift for your husband on February 23

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, wives need to pay attention to gifts that they have never given. You don’t have to scold a man for frequent visits to the bathhouse, but surprise him with an annual subscription there. Still, visiting the steam room is an important ritual for the stronger sex. It’s easy to pick up gifts for your defenders, such as a belt made of genuine leather self made, designer passport cover, wicker bracelet. Handmade gifts contain special energy. A caring wife will knit a pair of cool mittens, a scarf, a warm sweater. If you still haven’t learned how to hold your knitting needles, order a personalized robe, a towel with embroidery, a pillow with a photo, or a blanket with sleeves. Professionals will realize any ideas. Set a task and get an original item.

. A case when you can hand them over without hesitation. For a frugal spouse, the supply will last for the whole year.

Mug "Knucklebones". The choice of gifts is limited by the theme of the holiday. This present fully corresponds to her. The stronger sex will love the unusual handle.

Cool kitchen apron. Husbands come to the kitchen to eat, not to cook. Let them cheer up their wives both on holidays and on weekdays.

TV remote control "Soccer ball". Worth a gift for a sports fan. A few buttons are enough to switch channels.

Piggy bank "Grenade". A suitable present for the 23rd. Allows you to save a small amount and make a planned purchase.

Alarm clock "Target". Looking for gifts for a man who finds it difficult to get out of bed? You won't find a more original one. The husband can turn off the bell signal by accurately hitting the target with a light beam.

Several ideas for an original gift for a friend on February 23

It is not customary to give expensive gifts to friends. The best gift option is an original souvenir with the symbols of the holiday. You can associate the surprise with your friend's hobbies. For a lover of outings, buy a chair-backpack, for a fisherman - a map of fishing exploits, for a collector of models - a radio-controlled tank. Among the original gifts will be: a personalized damask or whiskey glass, a drunken roulette, a wine decanter, a facial skin care set, and a foot hammock. Before handing over, take time to complete the design. Friends are less picky than girlfriends. However, everyone loves things packaged in beautiful boxes, wrapped in gift paper with themed stickers.

. You can give it to a young law enforcement officer, a graduate of a military university. The award weapon has to be earned.

Personalized credit card knife. Your friend will respond well to the gift. The compact, versatile tool is easy to carry in your wallet or bag pocket.

Umbrella "Gun". You'll like it at first sight. Comes with a shoulder strap for carrying useful accessory look like hunting rifle.

Personalized clothes hanger. Decorated with a wooden name plate. Friends will understand that you know a lot about original gifts.

Positive mirror Vous 3.0. Can be placed in the bathroom, hallway, workshop, garage. Lifted up thumb puts you in a positive mood.

Set of coasters for mugs “Records”. A universal gift for a representative of any profession. Retro style is always in fashion.

We select original gifts for colleagues on February 23

You communicate with male colleagues every day. On February 23, please everyone with a pleasant gift. The surprise can be linked to the theme of the holiday and the type of activity of the company. Original solution- logo laying on. The process will take no more than three days. The list of gifts for the defenders of the Fatherland will include: an anti-stress toy, a personalized teaspoon, Budenovka, an “Intelligence” diary, and a case with money. It is interesting to connect the work successes of colleagues and a creative gift. During the corporate event, present certificates or diplomas, award statuettes or memorial steles. The evening will be remembered for a long time.

Flash drive "Army badge". The case can be decorated with an engraving with a name. The logo, phone number, women's wishes look good.

Mouse "Ingot of Gold". An example of a nice and original office gift. The rectangular shape does not affect ease of use.

External battery "Patron". Gadgets need energy. To prevent your colleague from being left with a discharged smartphone or a disabled smartwatch, resolve the issue in advance.

Flask keychain. Give a gift to thirsty guys. A supply of 30 grams of alcohol will not affect performance, but will play a role on a cold winter day.

Thermal mug "Lens". The volume can be selected based on the needs of the person. A sip of hot coffee never hurt anyone.

Flip clock "Corsair". Don't upset your co-workers with trivial gifts. If you are buying a desk chronometer, choose an interesting model.

10. Radar detector.
11. Annual subscription to your favorite magazine.
12. Photo session for two. (debatable)
13. Laser paintball for the company.
14. Necessary things for a fisherman (the store will definitely tell you).
15. Collection of favorite films.
16. Ski tour
17. Evening role playing games(you are in costume: nurses, waitresses, etc.).
18. Tool box.
19. Tickets to the skating rink.
20. Bouquet of sweets.
21. Cover for rights in the style of “Decoupage”.
22. Your own poem in a frame.
23. Helicopter on the remote control.
24. Night tour of the rooftops for two.
25. Jolly jumper for two.
26. Gift certificate for Thai massage.
27. Archery master class.
28. Museum of retro cars for the company.
29. Going to a water park.
30. Motorcycle driving master class.
31. Skydiving
32. Scuba diving in the pool for two.
33. Windsurfing.
34. River rafting
35. Paragliding.
36. Master class on knife throwing.
37. Hot Air Balloon Flight
38. A set of glasses (shot glasses) with his photos and inscription.
39. Playing Mafia with friends.
40. Car table.
41. Darts.
42. E-book.
43. Making watches with the symbols of the birthday boy.
44. Exclusive skewers.
45. Wine set.
46. ​​Heated car massage cape.
47. Screwdriver.
48. Car vacuum cleaner.
49. Original leather belt.
50. Car wash.
51. Airbrush on a car.
52. Collection of your favorite music.
53. Wheels or rims for a car.
54. Certificate for car wash.
55. Decoration with a valuable inscription.
56. Original business card holder.
57. Certificate for attractions.
58. Air gun (pistol).
59. Scooter.
60. Gold cufflinks.
61. Game "Monopoly".
62. Leather briefcase.
63. Swiss watches.
64. Remote control car.
65. Something from army clothes
66. Collection knife.
67. Flask.
68. Romantic tour for two.
69. Football tickets
70. Collection of Swiss knives.
71. Briefs, with hand-made embroidery.
72. Helicopter flight.
73. Telescope.
74. Mountain bike.
75. Tie.
76. Leather-bound diary.
77. Computer chair.
78. Relaxing together all day.
79. Leather photo album in a simple style.
80. Smoking pipe.
81. Hookah.
82. A star named after him.
83. Portrait of a man.
84. Tie pin.
85. Rubber boat.
86. Computer gadgets.
87. Original piggy bank
88. Gift certificate from a sportswear store.
89. Tickets to the concert of your favorite band
90. Branded glasses.
91. Tattoo.
92. Custom-made handle, with a small folding seal at the top (with any inscription).
93. A token on a neck chain with your name.
94. Flash drive in stylish packaging.
95. Thermos.
96. Case for fishing accessories.
97. Going to a strip bar.
98. In an intimate store, gifts are jokes.
99. Incense, aroma candles for relaxation.
100. Handmade heart.

The holiday that all of Russia celebrates on February 23 is known to everyone from an early age - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

We congratulate the brave veterans who performed for us incredible feat, fathers and husbands who passed with honor and dignity military service, as well as friends or their loved ones - those who have yet to repay their debt to the Motherland.

No matter who we congratulate, we are all united by a common concern - what to give? Choosing a gift is always a difficult task. That is why we decided to help you a little and compile the top of the most popular and interesting gifts for the upcoming holiday. We hope it helps you, enjoy reading!

When choosing such a gift, be sure to take into account the interests and inclinations of the man. After all, not everyone wants to visit symphony concert or listen to a rock opera. You can also give the gift of ordinary fishing; almost every man will probably be happy to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, sit with a fishing rod, and enjoy the silence. This pleasure can last one day, or you can organize fishing for a whole week.

And if you can afford to organize a trip for your loved one, then it is better if it is “for two”. After all, this is a great opportunity to visit your favorite places, visit new ones and spend more time together!

9. Perfume

It is known that aroma is an individual matter. The strong half of humanity has long realized that a pleasant smell is the key to success not only in communicating with women, but also in business. A good perfume has always been considered a good gift, but it is very important to fulfill several conditions, because everyone’s tastes and perceptions are different. How not to make a mistake with your choice?

So, the perfume must be of a well-known brand, this will be a guarantee of quality, originality and durability of the smell. Next, it is important to take into account the recipient’s taste preferences; if you know them, then it is better not to take risks, but take the same ones or a flavor from the same group. The choice can also be helped by the character of the man for whom the fragrance is intended, but this can only serve as a hint for you. You can choose the most popular and fashionable scents. Sometimes fragrances will help give a gift to the most fastidious men.

8. For adults...

Not everyone can decide on such a surprise, but since you have made a decision, remember that this is a delicate matter. If you have not used anything like this before, then first choose something “easy” - the game “Flirt”, erotic cubes, candid photo shoot... You can buy fluffy handcuffs, sexy underwear, any erotic little things, or maybe a gift card to an erotic store, and then together you can choose something that both will like. This will revive your relationship, and maybe ignite new sparks in your relationship.

Pamper and surprise your loved ones! Plunge into the world of temptation together!

7. Drinks

Such a gift will always find use. Alcoholic drink Perfect as a friendly or office gift. Alcohol must be expensive and of high quality, and, of course, decorated accordingly.

Usually the stronger half is given strong drinks: whiskey, rum, cognac, vodka. If a young man prefers light drinks, you can present him with wine or liqueur. The wine can be supplemented with wine accessories: wine glasses, a corkscrew, if you decide to give champagne, then you can include a special “flute” glass in the set.

And, of course, alcohol must be beautifully presented. This could be a wooden box for wine, tubes for cognac, or in a gift basket or flower arrangement, you can order decor according to an individual sketch or make an original engraving with congratulations on the glass. And then your gift will be irresistible!

6. Gift for a hobby

Many men have hobbies, so to bring him joy on this holiday, there is nothing better than giving him a gift related to his hobby. But it's important to remember that it has to be a thing High Quality. If your chosen one is an avid fisherman, then give him a spinning rod, a chair, a thermos, a knife, for those who are interested in photography you can give a case, a set of spare batteries, tripods, for hunters - good binoculars, a tent, a case for a gun, a thermal belt. In general, any of these little things should make his hobby more comfortable. If your young man is interested in sports, then these could be elements of a sports uniform - a helmet, knee pads, etc. or sports nutrition and equipment. In general, the choice of gifts for enthusiastic people is very rich; the main thing is to know what your man is interested in. And he will definitely appreciate it!

5. Household appliances, electronics, toys

Despite the fact that your chosen one is quite an adult, many remain children at heart. Surprisingly, many people will be very happy to receive a radio-controlled car or helicopter as a gift. Not only do they play with enthusiasm, but a crowd of the same “adult children” gathers around them. Few people would buy such a toy for themselves, but receiving it as a gift is very nice and pleasant. After all, some models are exact copies real and will be appreciated by those who are interested in technology. And no one has canceled the spirit of competition - few can boast of the same gift on February 23rd.

You can give a phone, a camera, a coffee maker so that every morning begins with the aroma of delicious coffee; many men will appreciate an electric razor. Notice how the stronger sex loves the departments household appliances in supermarkets, so try to guess his wishes.

4. Car accessories

If your man is a car enthusiast, then choosing a gift will be easy! After all, watching how he carefully and tenderly looks after his car, sometimes you can’t help but wonder who he loves more? Therefore, when going to a car store to buy a gift, think about what is missing in the salon to make your chosen one even more pleasant and comfortable on the road. Come up with something interesting and useful at the same time.

The price range here is wide; you can purchase a gift for your beloved motorist from less than a thousand rubles to infinity.

For example, a moisture-absorbing mat would be a wonderful inexpensive gift; it absorbs moisture and dust well, it will help keep the interior clean and avoid corrosion of the underbody of the car. For men who spend a lot of time driving, a heated car mug that operates from a cigarette lighter will be relevant. The air in our cities is very far from perfect, so you can buy an air ionizer. It also works from the cigarette lighter and will make the air in the car cleaner, destroy allergens and bacteria.

If your budget allows, you can consider more expensive accessories. As a gift, you can purchase a defroster keychain, seat covers, a DVR, a car radio, and even a mini-wash.

By choosing one of these gifts, you will make your protector very happy, because this gift will not only be pleasant, but also useful.

3. Adventure, impression

Give your man a bright and unforgettable experience! Today it is very fashionable to give certificates for adventures or experiences, master classes. When choosing such a gift, it is important to remember that not everyone is an extreme sports enthusiast, so it will be better if your certificate leaves the right to choose. After all, everyone has their own ideas about adventures and stunning experiences.

Therefore, if you do not know your chosen one very well, be careful with your choice. And for those who want to tickle their nerves, we can offer parachute jumping, scuba diving, rock climbing, buggy or quad bike racing, sailing a yacht or an airplane. These extreme activities will give strong and new emotions. For lovers of extraordinary activities, we can offer various master classes: drumming, crossbow or bow shooting, pottery, horse riding and much more. What if after one lesson your young man Will real talent be discovered?

2. Gadgets or IT accessories

Almost all men love technology, and therefore all the accompanying “products”. Of course, you can give the latest smartphone or laptop, but this is a rather expensive gift and not everyone can afford it. But modern devices will surely delight your man. Unusual gadgets and devices can become an original gift, and here your taste and imagination will help you. So, your chosen one may like good headphones(to replace regular “stubs”), flash memory or an external drive, an unusual keyboard, a case for a smartphone, tablet or laptop, a cooling table-stand, a new paid application for his smartphone, licensed games, etc.

1. Accessories

This is one of the surest and safest options, even if you have to choose something to suit your taste and color. One of the most simple options will be a tie, but to choose it correctly you have to take a closer look at what shirts and suits your guy wears. Scarf, gloves, hat will be a great gift, but be sure to consider your man’s preferences. If he prefers sport style, he is unlikely to be pleased with a hat, even one made of the most expensive material. A belt made of high-quality leather with a discreet buckle will easily fit into any wardrobe. A wallet will be a useful and stylish gift, especially if it is combined with a briefcase or shoes. Cufflinks, of course, are not a thing for every day, but they are an element of style and prestige, so even if they are not used often, they will come in handy at especially special moments. And, of course, remember that in rainy weather your loved one will need a stylish and beautiful umbrella. There are a lot of cute little things that your protector will like and need.

And also, think over your gift in advance, then it will bring more joy and pleasure to your chosen one. Don't buy them on the run!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is approaching, and Khabarovsk residents are racking their brains over the question of what to give for February 23rd? Many people want to avoid typical gifts like a razor and socks, so the editors of HubInfo have selected gift ideas for strong men and their fighting friends. Don’t forget, many ladies should be congratulated on this date.

What to give for February 23?

February 23 is the day when Russians and residents of a number of other post-Soviet countries express gratitude to the defenders of the Motherland who have ever been called up for military service. On this day, girls, young women and women congratulate representatives of the stronger half of humanity, emphasizing their masculinity, responsibility and courage. Female military personnel, in turn, receive attention from friends and colleagues.

If we're talking about about gifts for men, then the one that the site released for the New Year will be extremely relevant. Representatives of the stronger sex themselves told what gifts they could please. By February 23, we have also prepared gift ideas for readers: all these things can be found on the shelves of Khabarovsk stores. You can choose something from our list, and perhaps you will get inspired and come up with something truly unique.


The selection of accessories is quite large. You can choose a funny tie, cap Soviet soldier– one of those sold in souvenir shops, a vest or camouflage T-shirt as an attribute of the completed military service. Perhaps you know better the taste of the person to whom the gift is intended, and you can choose cufflinks or a bow tie that are more relevant to him.

If the gift is chosen for a woman liable for military service, this idea can also be adapted: the uniform fits perfectly on many girls, and a tie is no longer an exclusively masculine item of clothing.


Of course, giving a mug is no less banal than giving socks. But you can choose a design that will make anyone smile. And if the choice falls in favor of a thermal mug or glass, the gift will be simply irreplaceable in the workplace, when hours can pass between brewing tea and the opportunity to drink it. Other products in household stores are also worth attention. Take a closer look, pizza scissors or an original laval lamp can become a desired gift for many.


We thoroughly examined the windows of souvenir shops and found several options that may interest you. Firstly, a serving person will be glad to have a statuette of a soldier of the appropriate branch of the army. Secondly, we came across a set of “real men” who, according to legend, must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. This kit has everything you need. Also, an interesting souvenir can be a figurine or figure symbolizing one of the hobbies of the defender or defender: a motorcycle, a sailing frigate and even a compass can be in keeping with the theme. If you are ready to spend only a symbolic amount on a small gift, pay attention to a matchbox with an unusual design.


And who said that sweets, coffee and other popular gifts can only be given to women? Many men love chocolate fewer girls, and to emphasize their severity, you can simply find 100% bitter. Moreover, not only sweets, but also more satisfying gifts can be edible.

First of all, we suggest finding a packed lunch. This gift will remind men and women who served in the past of their time spent in the army, and for lovers of hiking and camping it will be a real lifesaver. Attention! Active military personnel are unlikely to like such a gift - it’s better to choose something more “civilian”.

Traditional teas can be replaced with healthy infusions of Far Eastern herbs in original packaging. By brewing rose hips, sage and other herbs and berries, your protector will be able to better withstand the rest of the winter and avoid vitamin deficiency.


Sometimes even a defender needs to relax and feel like a carefree child. Games are best suited for this. Perhaps your partner has dreamed of a radio-controlled helicopter since childhood or is now thinking about purchasing a quadcopter. For simpler gifts, you can choose Tetris, which will complement the series of nostalgic items that we started in.

Don't forget about Board games. The path from a modest guy to the life of the party can be much shorter if you skillfully use desktops. Moreover, such a choice will decide the question not only of what to give, but also what to do on February 23rd.

We hope our selection of gifts for February 23 was useful to you. There are many on our website interesting materials, help Khabarovsk residents save time, for example, on.

Perhaps you are thinking about where to spend a festive evening. The section that is updated on the site weekly will help with this. For example, on our website there is a detailed review of establishments where comedians perform and where you can feel like a guest of a popular TV show. An equally interesting space is built on the principle of a real house: there is everything from the hallway to the bedroom and the kitchen, where you can prepare a meal yourself.

100 years have passed, and we still continue to celebrate this official Russian holiday every year - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Of course, over this century the name of the holiday has completely changed, but the essence itself remains the same. IN modern concept It’s not so important whether your young man really served in the army, it’s enough that he belongs to the stronger sex. On this basis, gifts are given to both schoolchildren and children from kindergarten.

On this holiday, every woman thinks about choosing a gift and very often her reserves of imagination become obsolete. There can be many reasons for this, because sometimes you have to come up with a gift not only for your husband, but also for your son, relatives and colleagues. It’s very easy to get confused in such a quantity, because you need to choose your own gift for everyone.

Gifts for February 23rd for men: gift options

Choosing the best gift for February 23rd can be a difficult task, so we advise women to listen to those standard types that may lead you to the perfect gift. When choosing it, you should take into account the man’s age, because if he is a schoolboy, then he probably will not be interested in receiving shower gel and a pair of socks as a gift. And when it comes to socks, it’s best to avoid such simple and unoriginal options.

The next aspect we ask you to pay attention to is the degree of your relationship. If this is a colleague, then giving him a razor or a movie ticket will not be very appropriate; there is a high probability of getting into an awkward situation. So, you cannot give your husband a gift in the form of an ordinary keychain. After all, this is the person with whom you connected your life, and he definitely deserves something more from you on this day.

Men's gifts for February 23 can be very relaxed; of course, such a gift should only be given to your beloved. Let's talk about more intimate and pleasant gifts, which include beautiful underwear. Yes, you may think that doing something like this would be dishonest, but rest assured, he will definitely like it.

Prepare a truly romantic dinner with candles and incense sticks all around you. The delicious food you prepare will only feed his appetite, and both of you will be pleased with such an unusual and pleasant gift for men on February 23rd.

10 gift ideas for February 23

Especially for you, dear ladies, we have prepared the top 10 gift ideas for February 23rd. Relying on this information, you can prepare, by choosing from the top 10 gifts for February 23, the perfect gift that your man will like. The main thing is that everything you do is prepared with love, know that men will really appreciate it.


Time passes, new technologies appear, but still the book does not lose its appeal. For many men, such a gift will be truly significant, especially if he likes to spend time reading in his free hours.

  • Science fiction - he loves fantastic stories, then books by the Strugatsky brothers would be an excellent purchase. Really, interesting stories, well written and recognized around the world. If he gravitates more towards foreign classics, then buy him collections of works by Ray Bradbury; his novel “Fahrenheit 451” is considered especially relevant.
  • Classics - here you need to know exactly what works your man has read, so as not to give him a book that he is already familiar with.
  • Detectives - here you also get big choice, after all, there are popular detective stories, both among ours and among foreign classics.


An experiment was conducted and most men agreed that alcohol is a universal gift for every holiday. And its versatility lies in the fact that it can be used on any occasion and for any celebration. Therefore, if you decide to give an alcoholic drink, then do it boldly, but at the same time read the rules that we have outlined.

  • Men's alcoholic drinks include wolf, whiskey and cognac. To make the gift truly a gift, it is best to buy these drinks in specialized stores. Opt for medium and high category, thereby you can emphasize the stateliness of your man.
  • If you know that your man prefers wine or even liqueurs, then, of course, you can make an exception. Choose his favorite drink, because the main thing is that he is satisfied.
  • Remember that if you decide to give a bottle of a good drink, then you need to package it accordingly. It is considered uncivil to give a gift in a bag, no matter whether it is plastic or cardboard. And also, you shouldn’t give just a bottle, if it is not in a special package, then you need to present it strictly in some kind of set, for example, it could be a fruit basket.

Men's gifts for February 23

Adventure Certificates

This type of gift is also very appropriate, just do not forget that you are buying it not for yourself, but for the man you love. Therefore, when choosing one, you should start only from the man’s preferences; perhaps he never wanted to jump with a parachute or ride in a convoy.

A man will not like that gift for February 23rd, where he will have to go through all the adventures alone. The best option would be a certificate for a large company, going to a themed room or playing paintball.

Clothes and accessories

Although many men don’t talk about it, they really enjoy receiving wardrobe items or stylish accessories as gifts. But there are some rules that you need to heed:

  1. Remember, although ties and socks are very relevant for men's wardrobe, you still shouldn’t buy them as a gift for a man on February 23rd. For men, this option will not be a holiday option; it is better to buy these items for him on ordinary days, and he will remain no less grateful to you.
  2. If you have chosen an accessory and it doesn’t matter what it is, a belt, a bag or a purse, remember, they must be made of genuine leather. This way, you can show importance and give your man a little more solidity.
  3. Gifts such as an umbrella, stylish glasses and neckerchiefs. You should not opt ​​only for black things; this color is most suitable for a man, but dark blue and brown will look no less beautiful.
  4. You can buy him a warm jumper or even a hat and scarf set yourself. But in this case, it is better to know its size for sure in order to be absolutely sure of the need for this gift.
  5. Razor - such a gift seems banal, but even here you can play on originality. Instead of newfangled razor models, we suggest you buy a real razor. Yes, such an activity can be very dangerous, but, as you know, the quality of shaving in this case increases several times.

Dinner for two

There is also that percentage of men who believe that dinner for two is an excellent addition to this holiday. A romantic dinner, what else can be said about it, because girls are probably familiar with all its components.

In principle, it is not so important where exactly you spend this evening; you can book a table in an expensive restaurant or have dinner at home. The only thing is, if you decide to have dinner at home, try to organize everything in a formal manner. Don't forget about beautiful service, tablecloths and delicious food, which, by the way, can be ordered in the same restaurant. And regarding appearance, then you should be in full dress, so that your man has no doubt that this is really a holiday.

Toys for adults

If we are talking about options, then perhaps it is not so surprising that in the top 10 best gifts We also included this category of gifts. Of course, there is no point in saying that this gift can only be given to your other half, and practice shows that in the first months of a relationship, such a gift will only cause embarrassment. Therefore, if you decide to give such a gift for the first time, then you should start with something more innocent. Great option will become playing cards at will or the game “Flirting”. As for handcuffs and beautiful sexy lingerie, this will also be appropriate. Leave more serious acquisitions for later, perhaps for the next celebration.

Experts advise not to get too carried away with stimulating aromas. As you know, men react differently to fragrances and the smell that seems exciting to you can cause allergies and irritation in them. This gift option will be appropriate only if you have already bought this scent several times and your partner really liked it.


Many people believe that men will not be happy with new cosmetics or perfume, but in reality this is not the case. The main thing is to choose the very aroma, which, of course, should exude luxury and solidity.

As for perfume, you should buy it only when you are really sure of your partner's taste. If you don’t know what he likes, then we don’t recommend relying on your taste; it’s better to give a gift certificate so that he can choose his own scent.

You can give him a cosmetic set, which will include shaving foam and shower gel. Yes, such a gift seems banal, but if it comes from some well-known brand company, then you definitely won’t go wrong. But it is best not to choose a set that contains deodorant; men on February 23rd are not always pleased to receive such gifts; they can take it personally.

The best gifts for February 23

Gift for his car

If you can’t choose a gift for a man on February 23, then make one for his car. Believe me, practice shows that such a gift will be received very well and, unlike women, the stronger sex will not be offended that the gift was not made for them. We consider the following to be a gift for a car:

  • Original or simple seat covers.
  • Flashlight and first aid kit.
  • Speakers and subwoofer.
  • Certificate for washing or tuning.
  • Thermos for the car.
  • A set of tools designed specifically for repairing his car.

Mobile gadget

Today you won’t surprise anyone new model phone, they change every month, and we don’t even keep up with all the trends. Therefore, if you are racking your brains over a gift for your loved one, then we recommend purchasing accessories for his mobile phone or purchasing a brand new gadget.

  • Headphones for your phone won't cost you as much as new phone. You should not choose a model that is too expensive, but remember that a price category that is too low will indicate their appropriate quality, which means they will quickly fail.
  • Phone cases - of course, not so much holiday gift, but it will always be relevant. This gift is especially suitable for those couples who have only been dating for a short time and cannot yet give expensive gifts. The case can be purchased not only for phones, but also for a tablet or laptop.
  • And if you have been married for a long time and your husband is tired of complaining about his old phone, then you can safely buy a new gadget. Yes, it will be very nice to receive such a gift, but before that, discuss your budget; it is best to make a gift from your own savings.

Gift based on interests

Now we are gradually approaching the most interesting and memorable part of this list. We want to firmly say that a gift prepared based on his interests is the most successful option.

  • If your man is a sports enthusiast, then the best option The gift will include sports equipment. Athletes who actively attend gym not averse to special food. You may not get it easily protein cocktail, but a whole set of meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. When choosing a gift related to sports, you must be sure that he will definitely like this type of gift. He shouldn't think that a gym membership is a hint that he's not quite toned.
  • Fans of hunting and fishing will be happy with a good, high-quality knife or a new tent. You can go even further and buy an inflatable boat, just remember that its price will be a little out of the budget of your usual gift for a man on February 23rd.
  • People of art and photographers will be pleased to receive equipment for their work.
  • For those with a sweet tooth: a gift of candy or another sweet gift for February 23rd.

The gift ideas for February 23 that you could find on this page are really relevant. Look, the gift is right for your man, what budget you have and what you are ready for, for the sake of gratitude and happy emotions of your man.