Dragon Age: Origins "Holiday gifts and giveaways (off DLC)." Dragon age: origins: how to win friends - game tactics and tips from the masters

Origin unexpectedly rolled out a new gift game to the delight of the public. This time, Origin decided that this time it will not be another logical casual game from the PopCap Games studio, creators of the magnificent Plants vs. Zombies. The gift was Dragon Age: Origins from the Canadian studio BioWare. This is a role-playing game, in other words, RPG. The main character, as in most computer games, has to save humanity. He is the last member of a mysterious organization that has been defending this fantasy world from the attacks of evil for centuries. The game has quite an interesting gameplay, in which there is not only the opportunity to increase the level of your hero to the maximum or cut down all the evil adversaries in the world, but also interaction with game characters, relationships with the protagonist’s companions. And also, a non-linear plot and a huge game world and the creation of your own, unique character to suit your taste.

Download Dragon Age: Origins using the Origin client. You can view the game on the Origin store website. Dragon Age: Origins is available for free until October 14, 2014. It is worth considering that only the standard edition of the game is available for free download.

Celebrated throughout Ferelden, Satinalia is always accompanied by wild feasts and uncontrollable fun. On this joyful day, it is customary to give gifts to friends and family, as well as to play them, while trying not to become a victim of a clever prank yourself. So that your faithful associates and companions do not remain offended or bored, you can give them gifts or make fun of them with the help of items from the Holiday Gift Set and the Holiday Surprise Set. Holiday gifts and surprises provide the player with the opportunity to explore the depth of the relationship system with companions in Dragon Age: Origins, earning them hatred or adoration. Sets of holiday gifts and surprises can be purchased individually or in a combo set that includes both gifts and surprises for drawings.Additional. Information: Holiday gifts and surprises can only be used in the original Dragon Age: Origins game, and are available to the following characters:

* Alistair

* Leliana

* Morrigan

Present. When you give a gift it gives +50 to the turnip and the gift becomes usable from your inventory.

Alistair - Gray Guardian Puppet Alistair can play with this doll and toy horse.

Wynn - Amulet of Memories Wynn can summon memories.

Morrigan - Alistair doll Morrie can have fun insulting Alistair doll. Voodoo People! Alistair receives a temporary dexterity penalty

Sheila - Rock Pet Sheila can show us the simple joys of owning a rock pet. We also give him a name

Oghren - Chin Flask Oghren can give free rein to his love of drinking. Strength Bonus

Leliana - Thick Lute Leliana can play this lute

Dog - Stick throw this stick and the dog will bring it back

Sten - Qunari Funeral Prayers Sten can recite a traditional Qunari prayer

Zevran - Rare Antivan brandy Zevran can become more polite if he drinks brandy and gets a bonus to agility

Loghain - King Meric Loghain did not take the shield

Stupid gifts are a piece of coal -5 to turnips and a rotten onion -10 to turnips. 50 pieces of each.

Practical jokes. They give -50:

Alistair - The complete genealogy of the kings of Ferelden the gift will disappear

Winn - The cat lady's stick remains in inventory and you can summon a cat

Morrigan - Song of Light - full version the gift will disappear

Sheila - The indestructible dove lands on Sheila's shoulder instead of a crystal. Plus Sheila is being chased by crows!

Ogren - Fragrant Soap stands rubbing his face with his hands. Anyone can use it in the end

Lelilana - Disgusting boots we get into our inventory boots

Dog - Protective cone around the head cone. Instead of a collar

Stan - Butterfly Sword we get a sword with the power of a rainbow! It also attracts moths. Not only Stan can wear it.

Zevran - The chastity belt cannot be removed, but there is a key so we can give Zev freedom... and so you can constantly put it on and take it off

Loghain - Didn't take Loghain's Orlesian mask

Apology gifts are sugar cake +5 and thoughtful gift +10. 50 pieces of each.

Html you can find and download Dragon Age: Origins - Holiday gifts and giveaways (off DLC) for Dragon Age: Origins.

From my personal experience, I am convinced that you can gain attention and time and attract even the most popular people in America to cooperation, if only you show genuine interest in them.

Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

So, have you decided to take a trip to Ferelden? "Gray Guardians" is the oldest company in this market, and we are glad to offer you our services! We have several more applications from all over the country, so we'll pick up other excursionists along the way. I am sure you will like the company we have selected! They are, of course, different people, but that’s okay - the training included in your package will help you become a real team. How exactly? Now you'll find out.

  • Assembling a group
  • Alistair: penultimate Guardian
  • Morrigan: witchcraft beauty
  • Dog: the most faithful companion
  • Leliana: Enlightened Assassin
  • Sten: Qunari don't give up!
  • Zevran: death is funny
  • Oghren: child of the mountains
  • Loghain: An Unexpected Ally

Assembling a group

To maximize your squad's effectiveness, gather all your companions as quickly as possible. This way you can start managing their development earlier as you move up in levels. Your first companions will be warriors Alistair(specialization - weapons and shield) and sorceress Morrigan. On the road to Lothering he will find you dog, and in the town itself the robber bard will join Leliana and another warrior - Stan(prefers two-handed weapons). After this, I advise you to head to Redcliffe - the first part of this task can be completed without encountering particularly strong enemies. Next you will have to take a break (we'll talk about the reasons for this later) and clear the tower of the Circle of Mages - this is a more difficult task, but a sorceress will join you Wynn. Elf killer Zevrana you can be accepted into the squad by freeing Redcliffe from the undead or completing any of the main missions. Finally, the gnome warrior Ogren(also prefers two-handed weapons) you will find, of course, in Orzammar. In fact, clearing dwarf dungeons is more difficult than reaching an agreement with the elves, but here you can cheat: having replenished your ranks with this fighter, go to Brecilian and only then return to the abandoned dwarf tags.

Of course, companions may not only join the squad, but also want to leave it if your relationship is very bad or you have committed an act contrary to their beliefs. But achieving 25, 50, 75 and 90 relationship points inspires your companions, which will lead to an increase in one of the basic characteristics by one. For Morrigan it is magic, for Wynn it is willpower, for Alistair and Ogren it is physique, for Sten and Loghain it is strength, for Leliana it is cunning, and for Zevran it is dexterity.

Three ways to improve relationships

You can win the respect of your comrades in arms through conversations, gifts, and completing special tasks. You will almost always have to start the conversation: if someone overcame shyness and turned himself in, most often things will go badly. Either some kind of misfortune has happened, or you are doing something that your companion does not like at all. In the second case, the skill of persuasion helps - your character needs to develop it first. If there is an option with such a mark in the dialogue, most often it should be selected. The result will depend on the skill level and complexity of the situation.

“A sad rural cemetery,” you say? What's in the Vault is a collection of Easter eggs. Gary Gygax, depicted, was also honored.
reteller of the AD&D system, traces of which can be seen and
in Dragon Age.

On a note: You can only start many important conversations at camp - check there often.

Often in dialogues you are asked to express the same idea in different words. You will achieve the best results by speaking in the same style as your interlocutor. Talk to Winn seriously, talk to Stan directly and without equivocation; Trying to joke with them like you did with Zevran will lead to a deterioration in the relationship. You may not notice this - the result of the dialogue will be, say, +2 - but instead of +6 if you choose the right tone.

If you run out of topics to talk about, please your companions with gifts - items that, from a gaming point of view, are almost always useless. The effect is calculated as follows. Basic value - 5; it decreases by one for each gift previously given to this character, but never falls below 1. If the souvenir falls into his area of ​​interest, then another 5 is added. For special plot gifts (they can only be given to those for whom they are important) - an increase 10. However, if the relationship with a companion has fallen below zero, then buying his trust will not be so easy - the effect drops by half.

On a note: Please note that the effect of all gifts drops by -1 for each gift given.

Well, if the first two methods brought success, then one day friends will make some small request. For example: “I recently left a family ruby ​​in the compost heap, very expensive, can you help me find it?” But that is another story.

Alistair: penultimate guard

Alistair is honest, kind and simple-minded. He is a loyal friend and is ready to follow you - although, it would seem, as a more experienced Guardian, he should have taken command. Alas, leadership is a burden for him, although logically it should be in his blood. He is the illegitimate son of the previous king, Maric, but together with his tutor, Earl Eamon, he did everything to ensure that this remained a secret. Alistair is nothing like Macbeth, and the words “A King to Come!” they only scare him, so don't expect gratitude if you help him climb onto that stupid seat called a throne.

Of course, a visit to Redcliffe, where he spent his childhood, will be especially important here. Having cleared the castle of the undead, you will be faced with the problem of what to do with the possessed Connor. The correct (and in fact the easiest) solution is to go to the Circle of Mages for help, and then defeat the demon in the Shadow. In this case, Alistair will be grateful to you for saving his teacher’s family (+7). Killing Connor or his mother will cause the relationship to deteriorate greatly (-10). Be sure to look in Earl's office Alistair's mother's necklace.

Gifts for Alistair
Present Where to look
Alistair's Mother's Amulet Eamon's office
Duncan's Shield Guardian Warehouse, Trade District
White Runestone Circle Tower, 3rd floor
Stone figurine of a warrior Asylum
Stone dragon figurine Redcliffe Castle, top floor
Small carved figurine Lothering
Onyx demon figurine East Brecilian
Black Rune Stone Taig Educan

After talking with your brother in the order before visiting Denerim, you can find out that his sister lives there, next to Wade’s store Goldanna. Alas, she will not be happy with her brother. If you try to console Alistair, who is upset by the meeting, he will thank you later. If you explain about the harshness of life, he will draw conclusions: he will become tougher and more pragmatic. On the one hand, a less pleasant companion. On the other hand, if you plan to make him a king, then naivety and spontaneity are not the best traits for a ruler. In addition, the “new” Alistair will agree to marry Queen Anora if you decide to pardon her father, although he will leave the party. So this option has its advantages.

Thanks to Flemeth's magic, Alistair suddenly learned to fly. But how to wave a shield?

Alistair knows that the gray guards had a base in Denerim. However, you can find the secret entrance only by freeing another brother in the order, Riordan, from prison. Be sure to check it out - a lot of equipment for sale goes missing there, and most importantly - it has been preserved Duncan's shield, not taken by him at Ostagar. As you probably understood from the conversations, this would be the best gift for Alistair. Moreover, in the hands of your companion it turns into, perhaps, the best shield in the game, with which you are not ashamed to go into the last battle.

The main test of your friendship is the decisions regarding the Loghain case and the vacant throne. Alistair will leave the squad if you decide to spare the renegade regent, and Anora will refuse to marry the one who killed her father. And having become the queen alone, she will try to get rid of her rival and order his execution if you do not intercede. The best option is for you to deal with Loghain and then arrange a royal wedding. However, if you, madam, are not a dwarf or an elf and, moreover, of noble birth, then you yourself may well turn out to be a good queen! Well, if you, good sir, are a nobleman, then you can easily rule together with Anora, relieving Alistair of the difficult burden of the crown (and leaving him to get even with the saboteur ruler).

Morrigan: witchcraft beauty

The sorceress Morrigan is sarcastic, cold and calculating. The other members of the squad will not win her sympathy - their conversations will be, at best, sparring, if not squabbles. However, you can try to melt the ice with which she fences herself off. After all, deep down she is the same girl who once risked her life to get a beautiful golden mirror! Except her mother is a witch Flemeth— I didn’t appreciate the impulse and broke the mirror I had obtained. Don't miss your chance - Garin (a gnome jeweler, not an engineer) sells exactly the same thing in Orzammar. In addition, the witch will be pleased with some jewelry.

Morrigan's Gifts
Present Where to look
Black Grimoire Circle Tower, Irving's chambers
Grimoire of Flemeth Flemeth's Hut
Golden mirror Orzammar, Garin's store
Gold rope necklace Lothering
Golden amulet Orzammar, Garin's store
Gold Demon Pendant Room with an urn containing Andraste's ashes
Medallion Shelter, shop
Silver brooch Dalish camp, shop
Silver chain Circle Tower, 2nd floor
Silver medallion Elven ruins, upper level

The only copy of the Frozen Dragon sculpture is exhibited in the Frosty Mountains. Tourists should take into account that it Very often thaws, getting into a bad mood.

On a note: Some gifts not included in the lists above seem to be in the characters' area of ​​interest, but in fact do not arouse their enthusiasm. So, a thief can steal a tiara from Lady Hybren in the Trade Quarter of Denerim. It would seem like a decoration! But Morrigan probably thinks it doesn't suit her.

In the Circle Tower in the office of the senior sorcerer Irving, grab the mysterious Black Grimoire. The sorceress will be very happy at first, but at the next stop at the camp she will report that Flemeth lived for many centuries thanks to the fact that she inhabited the bodies of her daughters. Morrigan does not love her mother enough to become another victim, and will ask you to kill the old witch.

You will have to go to Flemeth's hut without Morrigan - otherwise you will not find anyone there. You have two ways to complete the task. If you want, just take it grimoire of Flemeth, letting its owner go in peace, and deceive your companion by saying that the job is done (note that Wynn will not approve of this). If you don't want to, get ready for a serious fight. Maybe you thought your witch was a cool werewolf? One way or another, Morrigan, having received her mother’s notes, will be happy, and you can also offer her a fashionable raincoat + 20% to ice magic, among other things.

How to go after a dragon?

They brought in more recruits, right? Eh, young and green... Well, listen. Our greatest strength is the magicians with “ Cone of cold" And " Force field" Not only will you hit the beast first, but you’ll also freeze it for a couple of seconds, allowing him to be hacked to his heart’s content. The second is trickier: if you put a worm in the “jar”, ​​the squad will be able to use poultices or lyrium. But they win battles differently: when the scoundrel gets pretty angry, cover the comrade who came under attack. The eye sees, but the tooth is numb, the tail does not thrash, the fire does not burn: the enemy will continue to beat the invulnerable victim for a good half a minute. By the way, at this time you can treat your friend.

When going to fight a dragon, you cannot do without a healer. Before starting to heal, he will even have about five seconds and be able to throw a couple of lightning bolts. But the most important thing is that he must help the squad." Mass cleansing": magicians can drink lyrium, but what about warriors? That's it. If there are no other magicians, they will come in handy " Acceleration" And " Ice weapon" You can’t really kill lizards with fire, so those who have fiery runes applied should replace them.

If you decide to fight Flemeth, set up a couple of traps before the conversation. Yes and
the rune of paralysis will help you gain a few seconds

It’s a good idea to take an archer with you: most often the dragon won’t chase him. Just let them aim better, the creatures have strong scales. For weapon fighters, swords or axes are best. The heaviest armor is needed, the beast hits very hard. The best thing is made from dragon scales, they protect from fire, but where can you find them? It is true that they say that in Denerim there is a master Wade knows how to do things like that. If you put on some glitter with fire protection, that’s also useful. But all sorts of balms... well, them. If only you could keep track of where the bastard is pointing his tail - and then, that means, find a bottle, but lift your head - and at this time you will be so smacked that you will stutter until lunch! It's good if it's your own.

When the brat arrives, run away from each other so that he doesn’t kill everyone with one spit. And don't skimp on potions. If the reptile takes away half of your health, then warriors can get by with a large poultice, and magicians and robbers can get by with a regular poultice. But if there isn’t even a quarter left, then it’s better for the fighters to take the strongest one, but for the rest, even a big one is enough - they didn’t come out healthy.

Well, did you get it? Okay, go, the dragon is around the corner. Don't be afraid, it's still wooden.

You are not expected to have any problems with Morrigan until the very end of the game. But on the eve of the final battle, it turns out that she has a special personal offer for you. However, it is quite possible to convey it, for example, to Alistair - this thought will not cause a protest from him, although their relationship with the sorceress cannot be called excellent. The offer looks profitable for everyone, but for some reason it seems that there is a catch somewhere...

On a note: there is one great option for especially lovers: agree to the proposal, but don't take her to the squad after that. She, of course, will be offended, but you will get a normal, not a demonic heir.

However, keep in mind: if you refuse, the sorceress will leave the party, and she would be very useful in the battle with the archdemon. If you agree, she will leave without saying goodbye immediately after the battle, and the search for her will have to be postponed until the next part of the game...

Dog: the most faithful companion

Who taught you to launch Force lightning, Darth Wynn?

The dog never argues with your decisions, is always in a good mood, and your relationship with him is 100% perfect, so it’s simply impossible to improve it. You will not confuse the gifts intended for him with anything: it seems that the Blight has caused a food crisis in Ferelden. Otherwise, why can only a few bones with pieces of meat be found throughout the country?

But the mabari will bring some gifts himself, if you ask if there is anything interesting around. Some of them can only be obtained in this way - for example, torn silk pants or a skein of yarn (I don’t know where he found it on the Deep Roads, but Wynne just promised to knit something warm for Wall if he found the material). But sometimes he brings something that you yourself missed in this location. He often finds equipment, and very good ones at that. In general, even if the dog is not included in your main squad, it’s a good idea to take him for a walk after you’ve already cleared the territory of the enemy - the dog really needs to run around.

Gifts for a dog
Present Where to look
Lamb bone Redcliffe Castle, ground floor
Big bone Hideout, in the store
Ox bone Western Brecilian
Beef bone Ostagar, Circle Tower
Cake Finds it himself
Tangled ball of yarn Finds it himself
Veal bone Elfinage

Leliana: Enlightened Assassin

When you first meet her, you may think that Leliana is a very unusual character: a robber nun. However, everything is even more confusing: she is also a bard spy. Despite all this, she is a kind and sympathetic girl.

Barrage fire, as well as storm, blizzard and earthquake

Her past is a separate story, which she will not tell everyone. Surprisingly, he won’t tell his friends either. To receive the task later " Leliana's Past", you should talk to her before that when your relationship reaches +25 (however, if this has already happened, you can always say nasty things to the girl). Ask how she got to the monastery, and you will find out that Leliana used to be a bard in Orlais. When you become friends, talk about how bards in Orlais are supposed to be spies, and you will learn about the difference between bards and minstrels. True, you won’t have to cast the net a third time: at the next stop at the camp, she will talk to you herself and admit that she has hidden something. She was indeed engaged in espionage, but Marjolaine, her mentor, set her up, which is why she had to flee to neighboring Ferelden.

Well, Marjoline will take the next step. The next random encounter will be with a weak squad of killers, whose leader, in order to save life, will tell you where to look for the customer. And Leliana, following Alistair, will ask for five minutes in Denerim for a social visit. The Orlesian is a serious opponent (and a couple of magicians and warriors will unexpectedly come to her aid), but you can solve the matter without a fight if you convince her that Leliana has left her past behind. One way or another, don’t forget to look into the side room: the chest contains not dresses for the Orlesian fashion show, but much more practical things. Including excellent " Bow Marjolaine"from the dragon's thorn.

On a note: if in the next conversation you tell Leliana that in fact she loves the hectic life of special agents and in vain hides this from herself, then her character will change. Like Alistair, she will get rid of idealism, become less “correct” and more practical. So, the thought of desecrating Andraste’s ashes will no longer cause any objections to her. Really, why would you need this?

Gifts for Leliana
Present Where to look
Grace of Andraste Redcliffe Village; West Brecilian; Elfinage
Adorable naked Orzammar, Dusty City
Amulet of the Church Circle Tower, 2nd floor
Bronze symbol of Andraste Lothering, church
Golden symbol of Andraste Orzammar, Legnar's shop
Silver Sword of Mercy Merchant Old Tegrin
Steel symbol of Andraste Denerim, home of Genitivi
Etched silver symbol Taig Ortan

On a note: Even if the character has not yet told you a story from which you understand that some gift is valuable to him, the effect of the gift will not decrease.

As you can see, most of the gifts for Leliana are related to religion. However " Grace of Andraste"- this is not a boring treatise or some kind of amulet, but a flower. Of course, any girl will be pleased to receive flowers as a gift, but Leliana will especially like these. Their smell reminds me of home - my mother used these petals to rearrange the things stacked in the closets. She’s probably not the only one: it’s clearly time to include the flower in the Red Book, because over the many months of your journey through protected areas you will find only three of these. And you will probably pick it, putting a rare plant on the brink of complete destruction!

This is interesting: Leliana's appearance is copied from the model's appearance Alexandra Stein(Alexandra "Alleykatze" Stein), and Morrigan - with Victoria Johnson(Victoria Johnson).

Nice dog, let me scratch you behind the ear!

It turns out that Leliana named her animal Shmooples.

But I don’t know how Leliana will carry another gift with her. At the entrance to the Diamond Halls of Orzammar stands an unlucky merchant of nagas - not the ones that Riki-Tiki-Tavi fought, but these pigmoles. It seems that he is a rare bungler, since the not-so-nimble animals managed to run away, and he is ready to pay a reward for the fugitives. They are easy to find in the nooks and crannies of the Commons, and you can catch them with your bare hands. If Leliana goes to work with you, then after talking with her, you will understand: here it is, her girlish happiness on legs: these animals such sweethearts...

When you arrive in Dusty Town, a neighborhood of the poor, spend a couple of minutes talking with the dwarf loafer who stands on the mini-forum of this area. Since the main professions here are beggar and bandit, he will be happy to catch a well-fed grunt for you - even five silver coins will pass for wealth to him. Unfortunately, you won’t see happy Leliana walking with her pet on a leash.

Sten: Qunari don't give up!

Stan calls himself an “evil giant” and, let’s be honest, he’s much better suited for a sword fight than some kindly dwarf. He has a brave heart and a noble soul - but you better not be the one whose hearts he decided to break with all his heart. Some of his comrades did not have time to quickly and convincingly explain where his sword had gone - and what did it lead to? The Wall means that he was put in a cage for murder, and now, instead of a quiet business trip to collect information about the Blight, he has to fight this Blight.

Stan, bend down, I'm throwing lightning!

It was hot!

This is interesting: in fact, Stan is not a name, but a title. But it is hardly coincidental that it coincides with the Swedish and Danish words for “stone.”

Yes, about the sword. When you gain Stan's respect, he will ask you to help him find the lost weapon - otherwise the way home is closed to him. Let's be honest: although a two-handed weapon is much bigger than a needle, Ferelden is not a haystack! But the main thing is to believe in success. Although from the battle Lake Kalenhad A lot of time has passed, some guy is still robbing perfectly preserved corpses. He will send you to Farina, a "used equipment" dealer at the market in the Frosty Mountains, and he Dvina to the village of Redcliffe. This is the dwarf whom you almost kicked out to fight during the “night of the living dead”. This time he will not be any more pleased with your visit, but you can convince him to part with the souvenir voluntarily and for free. By the way, like Duncan’s shield, the sword will turn from a gift into a weapon that is quite suitable for use until the appearance of Orzammar analogues made of red steel.

Gifts for Wall
Present Where to look
Sword Wall Redcliffe Village
Still life in a silver frame Redcliffe Castle
Soaked portrait Circle Tower, 2nd floor
Portrait of a girl with geese Frosty Mountains, Farin
Portrait of a Rebel Queen Merchant Old Tegrin
Totem Caridina Crossroads

Stan is determined and despises magic. Child-possessed? Find and destroy. Wasting time calling wizards from the Circle is stupid (-10). We were going to fight the creatures of darkness - so there was no point in running through the mountains in search of mythical urns. With developed persuasion skills, you can persuade the Qunari that you need Eamon’s support, and there is no other hope of curing him. But if the attempt is unsuccessful, then it will be possible to force him to remain in the detachment only by force.

This is a bug: Due to the wrong script, you can easily raise Stan's respect to the maximum. Ask him why he came to Ferelden, then choose any answer. Then ask why the Qunari are worried about the Pestilence. To the counter question, answer that it is your duty as a gray guard to fight the Blight, and ask if he has found the answer to the question. Now you have the option again: “Why is the Qunari worried about the Blight?” Each such cycle increases Stan's respect.

Wynn: Sorceress on the Warpath

If your character is a wizard, then you will meet Winn in the prologue. The rest will be able to exchange a few words in Ostagar, but she will join your squad in the Circle Tower, which will have to be cleared of blood mages and those possessed by demons. She is an excellent support mage, heals and strengthens the rest of the squad, but also knows several attack spells. Wynn is reasonable, calm, self-confident and ready to protect what is dear to her, even at the cost of her life.

If you want to win the fight with Cotrien, try saying "Storm" and "Blizzard" to her unit before entering the room - they will take effect once the battle begins. “Now that’s what I call aggressive negotiations!”

You will see this soon after the meeting: if you agree with the exhausted templar and decide to kill all the magicians in the tower, you will have to go through the corpse of the sorceress. Better promise to save everyone - train, you won’t do anything like this yet. An attempt to desecrate the urn with Andraste’s ashes will also cause categorical disagreement: if Wynn is part of the squad, she will attack you, otherwise she will leave after the first stop in the camp. She also doesn't like blood mages. But he loves books, but since the book trade in Ferelden is poorly developed (as you will see, some gnomes are even forced to steal literature), you will often have to fight to get them.

To get a special task from a sorceress, talk about her needing rest. Next time she will feel better, but after the first collision on the roads she will fall unconscious. And when stopping at the camp, he admits that Remarque was inspired to write the novel “Life on Borrow.” Wynn is alive only thanks to a certain spirit that supports her existence - alas, gradually weakening. And in the next skirmish, she will save everyone thanks to the “Vessel of the Spirit” - an ability that restores her mana and health, and at the same time stuns enemies who approach carelessly. True, there are also unpleasant consequences that will help you get rid of Amulet of Aneirin. You will receive it by completing a special task.

After making friends with Winn, you can find out that she blames herself for the death of her first student. Almost certainly death - but what if a miracle happened? The Dalish elves he wanted to reach would be happy to confirm that they knew only one Aneirin - a famous healer. You can find him in East Brecilian, next to the hermit's hole. The conversation will literally remove a stone from the sorceress’s soul. Let us hope that the spirit in the Shadow also feels better.

Winn Gifts
Present Where to look
Wine Lake Calenhad, Lothering
Gerrins of Ferelden Redcliffe Castle
Exquisite Scroll
The search for a true prophet Orzammar, Hall of Chroniclers
Rose of Orlais Circle Tower, 2nd floor
Secrets of Dragon Blood Destroyed Temple

Zevran: death is funny

Somehow this sylvan is both frozen and on fire.

Elf Zevran is a hired killer, and his next victim is you. True, his frivolity and self-confidence backfired this time: he chose insufficiently skilled assistants. The ambush is planned well, but area spells will help you deal with the archers hidden on the flanks. Realizing that the contract could not be fulfilled, this insolent person will find nothing better than to ask to join your squad - they say, now the former owners will still be hunting for the loser... Leliana will approve this plan, Winn doesn’t care, but here’s the opinion of the rest of you satellites will deteriorate by 3-5 points. Meanwhile, Zevran will be useful: high agility allows him to evade melee attacks even from strong fighters, and stealth will serve as a “fire spotter” for magicians.

As you understand, he cannot be classified as a moralist. The proposal to slaughter all the elves or destroy the Anvil of the Void will cause him to protest, but he can be convinced that this is necessary. He can leave your squad when his friend Taliesin calls, who continues to hunt you, but friendly relations will keep Zevran from betraying him again.

The elf's taste will be ingots of precious metals and two pairs of objects reminiscent of the past - Dalish gloves And antivan boots(both of them turn into good equipment). You can find the gloves in Western Brecilian, in a chest at the site of an abandoned camp behind the Rhymer Oak. The boots are in the Vault, in a chest in the shop there.

This is interesting: one of the prototypes of Zevran is called Puss-in-Boots from “Shrek 2”: he is also a killer sent by the king, and the elf’s gift boots in this case are also not accidental. The original game is said to have a similar accent.

Gifts for Zevran
Present Where to look
Antivan leather boots Shelter, shop
Dalish Gloves Western Brecilian
Small gold bar Circle Tower, 3rd floor
Small silver bar Church of Refuge
Medium gold bar Earl of Denerim's estate
Medium Silver Bar Anvil of the Void

Oghren: child of the mountains

Ogren’s manners are straightforward, like a two-handed sword, and the word “gallantry” does not describe him at all, but he is not short of courage. He is a berserker fighter who will be useful to you not only in the Deep Roads. He has his own reason for joining the detachment: if for you the search for the Perfect Branca is a way to achieve the crown for your protege, then for him it is to return his wife and clear his reputation. After all, two years ago Branka went to look for the secret of making golems and took with her all the members of her house - except for her husband. These two years turned out to be a difficult test, including for Ogren’s liver. And now, if you want to please this bearded man, offer him a bottle of something stronger.

He said “I won’t be back”, and this abyss swallowed him up without a trace

Getting to the places where Branka now lives is not easy, and meeting her will not go at all as Ogren dreamed. As a result, you will have to once again choose one of the sides in a fundamental conflict. And although your companion understands that his wife has committed terrible crimes, her death if you support Karidin will greatly upset the gnome. You can partially make amends: when Karidin asks what you want as a reward for your help, find out if Ogren wants something - the main result of the mission will not change, but you will gain well-deserved respect.

When Ogren becomes your friend, he will ask for your help in a delicate matter: to help restore relations with his former passion. Felsy. To do this, go to the inn near Lake Kalenhad and help Ogren in a conversation with a quick-tongued gnome. It depends on you whether your friend will look like a hero or a drunkard loser in her eyes. You won't let good old Ogren down, will you? True, not every landman will understand that things have gone well, but rest assured - two brave warriors can easily talk one girl out.

This is interesting: The developers' special sympathy for Ogren was manifested in the creation of a unique hairstyle. Apart from him, only Morrigan received such an honor.

Gifts for Oghren
Present Where to look
"White cut" Elven Ruins, Ground Floor
"Blonde in the Sun" Circle Tower, Templar Rooms
"Golden Braid" Lothering
Jug of the king of the backyard Orzammar, Legnar's shop
Mead from a Hasindian bag Destroyed Temple
"Garbolt's Rural Reserve" Can the Dog find it?

Loghain: An Unexpected Ally

Could you have imagined after the Battle of Ostagar that the former hero of the Battle of Dane would go with you to the last battle? So Alistair couldn’t: you will have to choose who you want to see in your squad. Loghain has learned the same weapon style and shield as Alistair, but will it be a worthy replacement? Most likely not: a templar who has matured under your strict guidance will certainly be more useful in the last battle, at least because of his class, than the knight Loghain. But what if you want to show mercy to the fallen?

The acquaintance will be short-lived, and the former regent will not have any special assignments. Really, what can you wish for: your daughter is settled in, you don’t have a headache about the state, the environment is simple and pleasant, there are no court scoundrels like Howe there. Of course, there may be problems with mutual trust, but in the coming battle you will have to fight shoulder to shoulder - so it is worth improving the relationship.

Gifts for Loghain
Present Where to look
Ancient map of the Empire Denerim, "Wonders of Thedas"
Botanical map of Tedes Redcliffe Castle
Anderfels Map Denerim, Gorim's store
Map of occupied Ferelden Redcliffe Castle, 2nd floor
Map of modern Ferelden Elfinage

Well, are you happy with your companions? I'm sure the trip will also be memorable. The last souvenir shots next to the defeated archdemon, the ceremonial banquet is coming soon - with this I leave you. I'm sure we'll meet again in Ferelden!

Dragon Age: Origins - FAQ: Companions

The game Dragon Age: Origins is party role-playing game. This means that other characters and companions will travel with you past your hero. These characters will be located in the Hero's camp and you can always take them with you. Often they are not inferior in strength to the Hero, and some are even superior. The game has such an indicator as the reputation of a companion. What does it mean? If your reputation is high, your companion character will receive a bonus to any attribute. Opportunities for receiving quests from companions and romantic relationships will also open up. If your reputation with your companion is low, then he will treat you with contempt, and if the reputation indicator reaches a critical point, the companion may leave the Hero.
So how can we prevent this from happening? Very simple. Give your companions due attention. Complete their quests, give gifts. Each companion requires a “special” approach. In addition, your codex will often contain useful information that will help you win the gratitude of your companion.
There are a total of 10 different companions in Dragon Age: Origins that you can enlist to help you. Brief information on each of them will be published in this topic.

1. Alistair

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Templar
Location: After arriving at the Ostagar fortress, Duncan will personally advise you to find Alistair. It is located near the magicians' tent. We find him and talk. After this, Alistair is your companion.
Note: Alistair cannot be kicked out before the quest "Gathering of the Lands". Moreover, he will not leave your Hero even if his attitude towards you drops to -100.
Personal quest: Alistair's personal quest is related to his sister Goldanna. To take on the quest, you need to ask Alistair when he turns to the Hero, saying that he has something to tell. Goldanna is located in Denerim, in a house near Master Wade's forge. In order to enter her house you will need Alistair himself. We go into the house and listen to the dialogue between Alistair and Goldanna.

Important: During this easy quest you will have the opportunity toughen up Alistair. This moment can seriously affect his future behavior. To toughen up Alistair, after a conversation takes place between him and Goldanna, tell him that “Everyone cares only about himself.”
If you toughen up Alistair and leave Loghain alive at the meeting of the lands, Alistair will leave the Hero's party and express a desire to marry Anora and become the heir to the throne. The toughening also affects the ending of the Hero-girl, who had an affair with Alistair. If Alistair did not give the throne to Anora, but himself expressed a desire to become king, then only a Hero-girl of noble birth (backstory for the Couslands) could persuade him to marry, thus becoming a queen. If you toughen up Alistair, he will marry your heroine of any origin.
Romantic relationship: A romantic relationship with Alistair is only possible for a female Hero. To start a romantic relationship, simply ask Alistair about his life as a templar. Express your admiration for him. If his gratitude level increases, then when meeting in the camp, Alistair will give your Heroine a flower. This will be a sign of the beginning of a romantic relationship.
Present: Special gifts for Alistair are his mother's amulet and Duncan's shield. Amulin is in Earl Redcliffe's desk. The shield can be obtained from the Gray Wardens' secret warehouse. Riordan will tell you about him if you bring him his documents. Also, Alistair will not be averse to receiving rune stones and various figurines from you.
Moment of crisis: Alistair will leave the Hero only if you spare Loghain at the Land Meeting.

2. Morrigan

Class: Mage
Specialization: Werewolf
Location: The first time you meet a young sorceress is in the Korcari Wilds. After completing the story quest "Tower of Isshala", the Hero will be able to enlist her support.
Personal quest: As soon as you get to the tower of magicians, Morrigan will ask the Hero to find a dark grimoire in this tower. After you give her the book, talk to her again. She will ask you to kill her mother Flemeth and bring back the old witch's book.
Romantic relationship: A romance with Morrigan is only available to a male Hero. To start a romance, just raise her attitude towards you high enough.
Present: A special gift for dear Morrigan could be a mirror, similar to the one her mother broke when Morrigan was still very young. The mirror can be purchased from a merchant in the Orzamar Fortress. Morrigan also loves jewelry.
Moment of crisis: Morrigan will not leave you without your team, no matter how angry she is with you. However, she can still be kicked out.

3. Leliana

Class: Robber
Specialization: Bard
Location: You will meet Leliana in a tavern in Lothering. After Loghain's soldiers begin to pester the hero in the tavern, Leliana will intercede on your behalf. After that, she will become your companion.
Personal quest: The personal quest will be related to Leliana Marjoline's boss. First, ask Leliana about the reason for her appearance in Lothering. During questioning, she admits that she used to be a bard and worked for bandits. After this, when traveling quickly between locations with Leliana, the Hero will be attacked by a squad of assassins. Having defeated their commander-in-chief, he will tell you that he was hired by Marjoline to kill Leliana.
Romantic relationship: A romantic relationship with Leliana is available to both the male and female Hero. To start the novel as a Female Hero, you need to raise Leliana's approval level to +50. The male hero will have a slightly more difficult time. There are only two moments available here when you can start a romance.

  • Talk to Leliana about her life in the monastery and express your admiration for her beauty. Say that all the novices in the monastery pale in comparison with her
  • After completing the quest with Marjolaine, talk to Leliana at the camp. Ask her how she feels after what happened. Next, say that you understand what she is talking about. And then say that people change over time. If at the end of the dialogue Leliana noticed that you look like Marjoline, then this will be the beginning of your romantic relationship.
Important: During Leliana's personal quest, you will have the opportunity toughen up Leliana. This will not particularly affect the game, but will only give you the opportunity to persuade Leliana into a love triangle with Isabella, who is located in the Pearl (Denerim) brothel. A quadrangle is also possible if you persuade Zevran. Also, if the ashes of Andraste are desecrated, Leliana will not leave the Hero if you toughened her up.
If you decide to toughen up Leliana, then after completing her personal quest, talk to her in the camp and tell her that Marjolaine is right in many ways. Killing others is part of Leliana's character.
Present: Special gifts for Leliana are “Andraste flowers”. Also, when talking with the naga catcher in Orzamar, Leliana will ask the Hero to buy her a naga. Leliana will be grateful to you if you give her various symbols/amulets of Andraste and other church items.
Moment of crisis: Leliana will leave the Hero's group if during the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes" the Hero desecrated Andraste's ashes. If at the time of desecration the urn with Leliana’s ashes was not nearby, then she will still find out about it in the hero’s camp. But with the proper skill and a high level of gratitude, she can be persuaded to stay. If you toughened up Leliana during her personal quest, then she will not abandon the Hero even if he desecrates the urn in front of her eyes.

4. Stan

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: Stan is locked in a cage in the city of Lothering. Talk to him and offer to free him. Next, head to the church and persuade/force the Reverend Mother to let him go.
Note: If you leave Lothering, the village will soon be destroyed by the Darkness. Thus, you will lose the opportunity to get Stan as a companion.
Personal quest: Stan's personal Qunari quest is related to his sword, called the Sword of Beresaad. To receive the quest, ask the silent Qunari about his life. Raise his attitude high enough and he will tell you about his sword and ask you to return it.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Stan won't mind if you give him various totems. Stan also knows a lot about painting. That's why give him paintings more often.
Moment of crisis: Stan will try to seize leadership of the Hero's squad if you take him to the village of "Refuge" during the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes". Just defeat him alone, suppressing his rebellion. If Stan treats you warmly enough, you can persuade him not to attack.

5. Zevran

Class: Robber
Specialization: Murderer
Location: There is no need to look for Zevran, he will find you himself.) As you progress through the story, Loghain will hire him to kill you. At a random meeting on the world map, Zevran will ambush the Hero. After defeating the elf, decide what to do with him. Kill, or take as companions.
Personal quest: Zevran does not have a personal quest. But if you have enlisted his support, then after receiving the quest “Save the Queen”, in Denerim, while quickly traveling around the city, you will be attacked by his friend Talsen. Defeat him and decide what to do next for Zevran.
Romantic relationship: To start a romantic relationship, simply chat with the elf. If you raise his gratitude level a little, he himself will invite the Hero... to go into the tent with him.) If you want romance, then refuse him. At the same time, Zevran will report that he will now be even more persistent. And when the mark of his gratitude reaches 75, Zevran confesses his love to you.

Present: Special gifts for Zevran are Dalish gloves, which can be found in a chest in the Bressilian forest, as well as Antian boots. The boots can be found in the village of Vault.
Moment of crisis: When you are attacked by Taliesen in the Denerim quarters, Zevran may leave the Hero and join the assassin if his attitude towards you is very negative. If Zevran treats you warmly, he will help you deal with Taliesen. After this, you will have to decide what to do with the elf, drive him away, or continue traveling with him.

6. Wynn

Class: Mage
Specialization: Spiritual healer
Location: Wynn can be found in the Mage Circle Tower. Agree to help her deal with Uldred and go to the end of the tower. After this, Winn will become your full-fledged companion.
Personal quest: Wynn's personal quest is related to her student. First, ask Wynn about her past. As soon as her approval rating exceeds 24, when quickly traveling around the map, you will be attacked twice by the creatures of darkness. The first time, Winn will lose consciousness, but will quickly come to his senses. After this event, ask her at the camp. She will tell you about a certain spirit and her former teaching, whom she offended. She will ask you to find her student and offer him condolences. Aneirin, that is the name of Wynn's student, is located in the eastern part of the Bressilian forest, not far from the mad hermit.
Note: With the second attack of the Spawn of Darkness, Wynn will unlock a new ability, Spirit Vessel.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Winn loves wine, various scrolls and magical books.
Moment of crisis: Wynn will attack you if in the circle tower you agree with the templar Kalen and decide to exterminate all the magicians. Wynn will also betray you if during the quest “Urn of Sacred Ashes” the hero desecrates the urn. If you became a blood mage and admitted this to Wynn, then she will leave you (if Wynn took the blood mage specialization, she will not leave the Hero).

7. Oghren

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Berserker
Location: During the story quest "Perfect" you will be sent to explore the deep paths in search of the perfect Branka. When you enter the trails, Ogren will greet you and offer his help.
Note: You won't be able to talk to Oghren until you complete the quest "Perfect".
Personal quest: As soon as Ogren begins to trust you, he will ask you to find his former girlfriend Felsi, who lives in the Spoiled Princess tavern on Lake Calenhad. When talking to Felsi, Ogren will ask you to help him gain the favor of the gnome. And here you can either help Ogren by telling him that he is a great and strong warrior, or make fun of him. Ultimately, Felsi and Ogren will either make up or vice versa. Ogren’s further disposition towards you will depend on this.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: What do gnomes love most? That's right, el. So if you treat him with a glass of ale/beer, he will be only too happy.
Moment of crisis: If your relationship with Ogren drops to -100, the dwarf will decide to leave you. In this case, you can either persuade him to stay, or defeat him in a fair fight, or let him go.

8. Dog

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: There are two ways to enlist the support of a quadruple dog. When playing as a noble person, you will have a dog initially. If you choose a different story, you will have to complete the quest of the huntsman from the Ostagar fortress. Bring him a special flower from the wilds of Korkari. After this, when moving from Flemeth's hut to Lothering, the dog will come running to you.
Personal quest: Dig a hole in China) Just kidding. Bobik has no personal quest.
Romantic relationship: Impossible. Your relationship with Bobby is always +100.
Present: The dog can be given a special bone that increases its abilities.
Moment of crisis: Man's best friend does not know what betrayal is.) The dog's attitude towards you will always be +100.

9. Loghain mac Tir

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Knight
Location: Loghain will join you during the quest "Gathering of the Lands". During this quest you can either kill him or pardon him.
Note: Having pardoned Loghain, Alistair will leave you.
Personal quest: No.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Loghain will be grateful if you give him various topographic maps. You can also give Loghain gold/silver bars.
Moment of crisis: Loghain can be killed at a land meeting. He himself will never leave the company of the hero, no matter how angry he is with you.

10. Sheila

Notes: Companion Sheila is available only after installing the DLC - "Stone Prisoner". Sheila also has various unique abilities that are unavailable to anyone else. Sheila has no equipment. The only thing that can be done is to insert special crystals into the golem. The first type of crystals affects the damage dealt, the second type affects armor.

Class: Warrior
Specialization: No
Location: Go to merchant Felix. His convoy will be marked on the map of the empire. Next, buy a golem control rod from him. After this, go to the village of Khonlit marked on the map. There you will have to kill the hordes of the Spawn of Darkness. Sheila will stand in the center of the village. But she will be motionless. To bring her to her senses, explore the basements of the village. There you will meet the same Spawn of Darkness, as well as a resident who will agree to help you revive the golem (by telling the right words for revival) if you save his daughter.

Personal quest: Sheila's personal quest "Memory of the Stone". It becomes available during the quest "Perfect". At the end of this quest you will meet Karidin. Mighty golem. If Sheila is in your company, she herself will ask him about the place of her birth/creation. He will tell her about the ruins of Kadash, located on the deep paths.
If you didn’t take the golem with you, then just talk to her in the camp after completing the quest “Perfect”. Agree to help her find the place where she was created. Go to Orzamar and go down to the deep paths in any of the Thags. After Sheila appears, she will speak to the Hero and the mark of Teiga Kadash will appear on the map. Go there and explore the ruins. there you will meet the Spawn of Darkness. At the end you will have a fight with the mighty Ogre. Deal with him. Next, Sheila will begin to read the notes on the stone saw. That's it, the quest is over.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Sheila loves gems.
Moment of crisis: If you took Branca's side and went against Karidian during the quest "Perfect", Sheila will try to stop you.

Present in Dragon Age: Origins serve as an excellent tool for establishing, improving and strengthening relationships with companions. A good relationship- this is a guarantee to keep your companion in the squad and get a frank conversation from him. Conversations not only help you get to know your companions better, but also provide an opportunity if the main character’s class allows this and the companion has the necessary knowledge. Having achieved a trusting relationship, you can count on closer, more loving relationships. Gifts should be given taking into account the character and interests of the companion in the main camp, switching between companions directly from the inventory using the arrows and dragging the icons, which will save time on forming a squad and changing locations. Find gifts can be sold from merchants, as well as in the process of completing tasks. A positive reaction to a gift significantly increases. By giving all the gifts, you can achieve a significant improvement in relationships and trust. If the level of relationship has reached the maximum level, there is no need to give gifts. It would be wiser to save them in case of a sudden deterioration in relations, so that there is always the opportunity to quickly return everything to its place.

Gifts change approval from +1 to +10 according to the following rules:

  • Base bonus: +5.
  • If your companion likes the gift: +5.
  • For each previously given gift: -1.
  • If negative at the time of delivery: half the bonus value.
  • Minimum bonus: +1.

Companion Gift Locations in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Gifts for Alistair:
    • Small carved figurine- a box on the road at the exit from Lothering, where Bodan Feddik is first encountered.
    • Onyx demon figurine- at the tombstone in East Brecilian.
    • Cup of Dedication- Ostagar, behind the site where the initiation into the Gray Wardens took place (add-on “Return to Ostagar”).
    • White Runestone- possessed from the hall with the pacified tower of the Circle of Magi on the third floor.
    • Black Rune Stone- chest, the first large crossroads hall in the taiga of the Edukan house.
    • Stone dragon figurine- chest, southernmost room on the top floor of Redcliffe Castle.
    • Stone figurine of a warrior- a pile of dragon waste, the fourth hall from the entrance to the sectarian caves behind the village of Shelter.
    • Alistair's Mother's Amulet- table, central room from the main entrance to Redcliffe Castle.
    • Duncan's Shield- a secret vault of the Gray Wardens inside a trading warehouse behind the Curiosities of Thedas store in Denerim. Riordan tells how to get inside in Earl Eamon's room before, if you show him the Gray Warden documents found during the liberation of Queen Anora from the estate of Earl Denerim.
  • Gifts for Stan:
    • Portrait of a girl with geese
    • Still life in a silver frame- chest, storage on the top floor of Redcliffe Castle (the manager has the key, who attacks while clearing the castle from the undead in the next room from the central hall with Tegan and Isolde on the lower floor).
    • Totem- chest, central part of Caridin's Crossing in the Deep Roads.
    • Stan's sword- chest, Dwin's house in Redcliffe after starting Stan's personal mission.
    • Wet Portrait- burnt corpse, second floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Portrait of a Rebel Queen
  • Gifts for Zevran:
    • Small silver bar- chest, church in the village of Shelter.
    • Medium Silver Bar- chest, room with Caridin in the Anvil of the Void location.
    • Antivan leather boots
    • Small gold bar- the body of an enchanted templar, third floor of the tower of the Circle of Mages.
    • Dalish Deerskin Gloves- Western Brecilian, after fighting a large shadow in an abandoned camp behind the Great Oak.
    • Medium gold bar- a bunch of treasures, a room before going down to the basement in the estate of Earl Denerim in the inner part.
  • Gifts for Oghren:
    • Garbolg Rural Reserve- give a command to the dog on the stairs when you first enter Lothering.
    • Golden braid. 4:90 PE- a box to the left of the stone bridge, from the side of the church, in Lothering.
    • El- Barlin, Dane's Hideout Tavern in Lothering. Lloyd's Tavern in Redcliffe.
    • Wilhelm's special beer- barrel, distillery in Wilhelm’s cellar in the village of Honnlit (addition “Stone Captive”).
    • Blonde in the sun, vintage- chest, first room from the entrance on the fourth floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Jug of the king of the backyard
    • White cut- sarcophagus, lower level of the ruins, in the side room from the hall in East Brecilian.
    • Mead from a Hasindian bag- dusty scrolls, the second western rooms of the sectarians in the destroyed temple behind the village of Refuge.
  • Gifts for Wynne:
    • Wine- innkeeper from the Spoiled Princess tavern on the shores of Lake Calenhad.
    • The search for a true prophet- chest, Guardian rooms in the Diamond Halls of Orzammar.
    • Gerrins from Ferelden. Genealogy- bookshelf, in the first room from the entrance to the top floor of Redcliffe Castle.
    • Secrets of Dragon Blood- bookshelves, the first western room at the entrance to the ruined temple behind the village of Refuge.
    • Exquisite Scroll- sarcophagus, lower level of the ruins, where the spirit boy calls his mother.
    • Rose of Orlais- a pile of books, second floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Tattered notebook- does the dog find it?
  • Gifts for Leliana:
    • Steel symbol of Andraste- chest, Genitivi's brother's house in Denerim.
    • Nag- an idle dwarf from the Dusty City in Orzammar after talking with the naga beater Wrangler Bemor in the city's common halls. During the first conversation with the beater, Leliana should be in the party.
    • Grace of Andraste- West Brecilian, left path from the entrance to the location.
    • Bronze symbol of Andraste- locked box, left wing of Lothering Church.
    • Golden symbol of Andraste- Legnar, Orzammar Commons.
    • Blue satin shoes, Silver Sword of Mercy- Old Tegrin, random encounter on the global map, location “Calm Path”.
    • Amulet of the Church- the corpse of a soldier, a room with an overturned statue on the second floor of the tower of the Circle of Mages.
    • Etched silver symbol- Ruk from the Ortan teig.
  • Gifts for Morrigan:
    • Silver brooch- Varathorn, Dalish elf camp in the Brecilian Forest.
    • Gold rope necklace- Barlin. Dane's Hideout Tavern in Lothering. Bodan Feddik in the main camp.
    • Silver medallion- dragon treasure, upper level of elven ruins in East Brecilian.
    • Medallion- chest, village shop in the village of Uzhisheche.
    • Gold Demon Pendant- unlucky adventurer, testing room in front of the urn with Andraste's ashes.
    • Golden mirror, Golden amulet
    • Silver chain- dressing table, second floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Black Grimoire- chest, room of the First Sorcerer Irving on the second floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Grimoire of Flemeth- chest in Flemeth's hut, after studying the Black Grimoire and completing .
  • Gifts for Sheila (Shale):
    • Magnificent Topaz- Farin, pass in the Frosty Mountains.
    • Magnificent malachite- quartermaster from the Circle of Mages on Lake Calenhad.
    • Magnificent sapphire- Legnar, Orzammar Commons.
    • Magnificent ruby- the ogre leader at the exit from the taiga of the house of Kadash (the “Stone Captive” add-on), or Alarith’s Shop in the elf age of Denerim.
    • Magnificent emerald- Figor, Figor's Merchandise store in the Commons of Orzammar.
    • Magnificent amethyst- Alimar, Alimar's Market shop in the Dusty City of Orzammar.
    • Magnificent Jade- Honnlit, Wilhelm's Cellar, dusty ghost.
    • Magnificent diamond- Garin, Orzammar Commons.
    • Magnificent Garnet
  • Gifts for the Mabari War Dog:
    • Beef bone- room with dragons on the fourth floor of the Circle of Mages tower.
    • Ox bone- Western Brecilian, in the stones next to the ancient tombstone.
    • Lamb bone- chest, dog enclosures on the lower floor of Redcliffe Castle.
    • Veal bone- chest, slums in the elfinage, entrance from the backyard.
    • Found Pie- Outskirts of the Brecilian forest, give the command to the dog to the left of Elora, near the pens with the galls.
    • Tangled ball of yarn- Western Brecilian, standing under a fallen tree in front of a waterfall, give the command to the dog.
  • Gifts for Loghain Mac Tir:
    • Ancient map of the Empire- subdued from the Curiosities of Thedas store in the Denerim Trade Quarter.
    • Map of modern Ferelden- Alarit's shop in the elfinage after the battle with the slave trader Caladrius.
    • Anderfels Map- a secret vault of the Gray Wardens inside a trading warehouse behind the Curiosities of Thedas store in Denerim. Riordan tells how to get inside in Earl Eamon’s room before the Assembly of Lands, if you show him the Gray Warden documents found during the liberation of Queen Anora from the estate of Earl Denerim.
    • Map of occupied Ferelden- chest, top floor of Redcliffe Castle before the performance in Denerim on