What is the name of the little girl from Little Big. Actress and model Anna Castellanos was able to defeat the fate that life in lockdown had in store for her

Mind games - the famous astrophysicist has calculated the formula for the perfect penalty for those who want to win the World Cup. The formula is based on goals scored from the 70s of the last century to the present day. To hit the goal, it turned out to be unimportant which foot you kick, what time you wake up, or what you have for breakfast.

It is important to take more than three steps towards the ball, to be blond or bald - it is blondes who score in 84% of cases when taking a penalty at championships, bald people hit the goal 71 times out of 100, and brunettes - the least of all, 69 times.

For Hawking, football is just statistics. After all, one of the world's most famous scientists is not just chained to a chair because of terrible disease— he communicates with the outside world using a special computer that imitates speech. However, he assures that this does not prevent him from living and working fully.

Despite her illness, she was able not only to make her life fulfilling, but also to become an example for those for whom fate had prepared the lives of others. People like her are called small. It turned out that to defeat fate little man All you need is a great love for life and great desire live the way you want.

The page of model and actress Anna Castellanos on the Internet contains more than six thousand photographs. She doesn't hide from the world or feel ashamed of herself like most people her size. Peter met with cloudy skies and rain. Anna promised to arrive at Nevsky at exactly 11 and appeared minute by minute. We immediately switched to "you". Anya is open and simple. One meter 28 centimeters of complete self-confidence.

Anya warned: we won’t expect any tears or drama from her. She will be exactly as she is: sincere and cheerful.

“How I live, my lifestyle is already great hope and faith in little people. I am against the format of such programs, where everyone sits crying,” says Anna Castellanos.

Castellanos is not creative pseudonym, and the surname that Anya inherited from her Spanish father along with her temperament. But science still doesn’t know why Anya’s arms and legs stopped growing at some point. They are still trying to treat children diagnosed with achondroplasia using the Ilizarov apparatus, mercilessly pumping them with painkillers.

Anya’s mother flatly refused such treatment. She just said every day: “You are my best and most beautiful!” And Anya couldn’t help but believe it. She turned her peculiarity into a highlight. He comes up with incredible images and costumes, performs at parties, appears in music videos and even in big movies. Probably, this fairy tale helps her not to pay attention to the annoying glances of passers-by - to simply be one of us.

On the way to meet a friend, Anya humorously talks about how inconvenient it is sometimes to be small. We catch someone's wedding. Anya immediately rejoices at someone else’s happiness. And just recently, half of St. Petersburg knew for sure that Anya plus Pavel equals love. And she knows exactly why he fell in love. But happiness turned out to be fragile. And the creative nature and the jealous person did not get along.

It’s as if my best friend Igor specially dyed his hair the color of Anya’s tattoos. She makes a wish and tries to tell fortunes from the book.

Although after trying to work on television, Anya was never called, she was not particularly upset. But you can’t live on disability benefits - about seven thousand. She quit the school, where Anya was adored, but the teachers hated her and ordered her to wear black. Now here is a creative administrator in a tattoo parlor, coming up with exciting tattoos.

In a famous store youth clothing, where Anya likes to dress, it was forbidden to take pictures. Regular women's clothing, even dear, is not to her taste. I want to be stylish and cool. Giulietta Masina, Charlie Chaplin, Liza Minnelli. Anya’s image is something between the appearance of her idols and her personal inventions. This spring she walked the runway for the first time as if in a fashion show.

In a new children's fairy tale, Anya has just played an owl. On the way to Lenfilm he stops by to get his makeup done. As soon as Anya arrived at the party to mark the end of filming, the group decided to give her a surprise - a dance that everyone performs together in the film.

“You should be happy that you can see something beautiful! Even in small things... It could be an unusual puddle with a reflection of the sky... If you understand that this inspires you, then you are happy!” - says Anna.

As we said goodbye, we asked Anya to draw the first thing that came to mind—an image of herself. We were expecting a heart and a flower, but the cartoon was truly surprising.

“You can’t be afraid to be funny! It is forbidden! That means that’s it, you’ll be closed off within yourself and have a lot of complexes! A person who has no complexes, is not afraid to be funny, is not afraid to make faces in front of the mirror, is not afraid to go out in character. It’s beautiful and delicious!” - says Anna.

We spent only nine hours with Anya in her hectic life. And they flew away from St. Petersburg, where the sun came out in the evening, almost at midnight. But it seems that meeting this little woman with with a huge heart and an incredible passion for living and loving, left us much more than just a funny drawing as a keepsake.


Almost nothing is known about Anna Kasterova, except that beautiful girl works on the TV channel “Russia 2” and she comes not from the Russian capital, but from Zelenograd. She is the host of the Vesti.ru program. Friday” and one of the leaders in Internet queries among TV presenters. Anna has already received the status of a sex symbol of the Russia 2 channel.

However, fans of her broadcasts did find some very meager information about Anna. And they published it on Kasterova’s unofficial website.

But it is known that the girl began her journalistic career at the age of 22 on the TNT channel. There she was immediately assigned to the position of editor of the once popular program “Moscow: instructions for use.” Anna worked together with the presenter Vladimir Tishko more than a year. After this, Kasterova was noticed by other TV channels. The talented journalist agreed to one of the tempting offers, namely from the Rossiya 2 TV channel. From that time until now, the girl devotes her everyday life to the second button on Russian remote controls.

TV career

In this weekly newsletter exciting program Anna Kasterova talks about the most interesting and important events that occur in Russia and abroad. The focus is on news from the world of science, the Internet and technology.

Anna tells about the bright, memorable and most unexpected events weeks. The program touches on the lives of celebrities and ordinary people, shows shocking and funny footage that has become the most discussed on blogs, as well as piquant reports.

The program attracted attention not only unusual appearance, style and manner of conducting Vesti.ru. Friday”, but also with fascinating, unique author’s reports. Anna Kasterova, as a rule, sets the mood on the last working day and shares her good mood with the audience.

Anna Kasterova also took part in the first real talk show about football. Despite this women's theme for a conversation, the TV presenter skillfully keeps the conversation going. In the program, without cuts, discounts on status and merit, they talk about the successes and failures of athletes, track every movement of football players on the field and the money in their bank accounts.

“Persona” program: Anna Kasterova

The presenters, including Anna Kasterova, arrange a kind of interrogation with passion for the illustrious guests. Moreover, topics are touched upon that are not usually discussed: football players and their spouses, clubs and their owners, the regime of an athlete and their non-sports recreation.

Personal life of Anna Kasterova

At the end of 2011, fans concluded that Anna Kasterova was having an affair with a colleague, former presenter of the Muz-TV and MTV channels Timur Solovyov. Viewers had at their disposal a number of photographs that confirm service relations between journalists: the couple appears in cinemas, clubs, cafes together.

At the same time, the girl herself prefers not to talk about the place of Timur Solovyov in her heart, tries to keep her personal life away from the press and declares that “she has not yet met the same one.”

On the screen, Anna seems like a curvaceous young lady, but in reality she is Thumbelina, say Anna Kasterova’s acquaintances.

“I can wake up at night, get out of bed, but not like a sleepwalker, at night at 4-5 in the morning I can go to the refrigerator and eat candy,” says the TV presenter.

“I really love McDonald’s, I really like fatty foods and cheeses, so it’s difficult for me, I have to limit myself somehow in order to keep myself in shape,” says Anna.

Anna at home and at work

Anna does fitness almost every day before work. And her home scales are specially adjusted three kilograms forward. In the morning she eats fruit, and after nine in the evening the road to the refrigerator is closed.

At the gym Anna prefers strength exercises and skillfully spin around the punching bag (since she has a friend - a boxer).

“Beauty comes from within, if you treat people kindly and have love in your soul, then this affects everything: your face, facial expressions and even your gait. And, of course, we must not forget about fitness,” says Anna.

Anna herself is already a long-time fan of sports. She admits that until the age of 13 she was raised on her grandmother’s pies and looked like a barrel. Years of training were able to get my figure in order. And her fit figure, says Anna, helped her successfully pass the casting for the Vesti.ru program. Friday". However, Anna sometimes just kicks herself into the gym. And after training she feels like she has a second wind.

Anna receives at least 40 “Hello” messages on social networks per day. How are you". Naturally, the girl cannot answer everyone because of her busy schedule. And he doesn’t see the point in such banal questions. However, the girl complains, the most persistent fans begin to think that she is pretentious and “star-struck” since she does not answer, and they begin to do nasty things to her. However, the experience of communicating with negative people Anna's is minimal. Apart from inadequate fans, she only remembers her training at a driving school.

“I had an instructor, a disgusting guy. He told me this thing: “no matter how hard you try, you can’t drive a car,” I was so upset. But he actually warned me in this way,” emphasizes Anna Kasterova. But Schumacher did not die in Anna; her friends taught her to drive a car. And now the presenter is navigating the expanses of Moscow, and very confidently, in her own BMW. True, sometimes the presenter does not follow the rules traffic. However, she admits that she does not pose a threat to the lives of herself and other drivers and pedestrians.

Anna loves to go shopping in search of good clothes. True, the choice of outfits is complicated by the formats of the programs in which the girl appears. Vesti.ru requires strict attire. Turtleneck and jacket, skirts above the knees, because beautiful legs need to be shown.

“Girl makeup artists don’t like to work with me, as they can work with my squint, hairy moles, crooked jaw,” laughs Anna, “the operators just have to set the right light and in the end it turns out not bad.”

Anna does not forget about old friends. It’s true that Anna Kasterova’s fame also affected them. The girl noticed that old acquaintances and friends were already communicating with her in an emphatically strict manner.

The first conversation took place between St. Petersburg actress, model, designer and performance artist Anna Castellanos and writer Linor Goralik. According to Castellanos, the diagnosis of achondroplasia, which made Anna a “little person,” not only did not destroy her life, but became her main “win,” a sign of uniqueness. Anna told writer Linor Goralik about why she is not offered offensive roles, what parents of a “small” child should do, why you can’t live within four walls, and how to choose your clothes.

: Yes. And also school teacher, animator, performance artist, participant in live installations at art exhibitions.

L.G.: How did your acting career begin?

A.K.: I was just walking down the street, and they noticed me. Lenfilm always needs little people, and there are very few of them.

L.G.: Why?

A.K.: Little ones don’t like to live “outside”.

L.G.: Have you ever explained to people why you are ready to live public life? Why did you choose the life of a person who is visible?

A.K.: People often ask me: “How did you do it?”

L.G.: And how?

A.K.: Fortune. I caught it and use it, but I use it to show the same little ones that we can be happy. For this reason, I grab interviews, the reports that are filmed about me on television. Not in order to lie about how happy I am, but in order to convey to the little ones sitting within four walls: “We can live differently.”

L.G.: Is this a direct mission?

A.K.: Yes. I take advantage of the luck that has befallen me to convey to mass consciousness, and to other small ones, that we, firstly, exist, and secondly, we can live normally if we want.

L.G.: How do other little ones perceive you?

A.K.: It’s not easy here. Some little ones undergo surgery to increase their height - and then pretend that all this no longer concerns them. Even if you only added 15 centimeters. When I tell such people that I am against operations and in favor of accepting oneself, I am an enemy. Plus, they like to say that they went through a “special school of life,” but we, those who remained small, did not. Some stupid conversation.

L.G.: And how do other little ones feel about the fact that you have chosen a public lifestyle?

A.K.: There are those who envy. There are those for whom my lifestyle prevents them from appearing as unhappy people in a hopeless situation and constantly asking for help. There are those who ask for advice on how to get out of the swamp, but want to do nothing. They think that I’m just babbling on stage and there’s no help from me. What can you do to help those who don’t want to move? I personally call these people “the humanitarian generation.” They want to get humanitarian aid- that's all.

L.G.: Does it happen that you, as an actress, are offered offensive roles related to your height?

A.K.: No. By the way, I’m often surprised when I say that I play normal roles. Many people think that acting is humiliating for a little one: they will force the gnomes to act.

L.G.: Lenfilm “discovered” you in 2006. What was life like before that?

A.K.: Children's camps, counselor. With various sick children, not only disabled ones. A pioneer camp is rented, children rest without their parents. Volunteers and counselors work there, and seminars are held for them: there was a whole program like this in St. Petersburg. Then everything fell apart, half of the “strollers” are no longer alive. And I moved on to another life.

L.G.: People rarely develop such harmonious relationships With own body, how are you. I look at your tattoos, makeup, clothes, the way you pose for photographers, the way you act as an actress. What have you done to become more comfortable with your body?

A.K.: I generally live in harmony with the world. And I’ve been experimenting with my appearance for a long time, since I was fifteen, and now, it seems, I’ve finally found myself. There is restraint and no vulgarity. And tattoos, I think, decorate me and complement my uniqueness, making me even more unique. Many people tell me: “You’re unlucky, you’re so small.” But I was lucky. Others remake themselves: they pump up their lips, sew in silicone... But I don’t need to remake myself, I already exist.

L.G.: And between this appearance and fifteen years, what were the stages?

A.K.: For example, I was a rapper. Cap, wide jeans, T-shirts, All Saints and all that. Then there was a calmer stage. Then my hair started to turn yellow—I call it “yellow, like a drunkard’s.” It happened by chance: I wanted white ones, but I have very dark ones and it didn’t work out.

L.G.: And then?

A.K.: There was a period - short hair, a la the 60s. There were hairstyles like Edita Piekha. At that time I was generally interested in the 60s and bought clothes at second-hand stores. From crimple, for example. Then I started sewing something, started wearing heels - in a word, I adapted to the Soviet fashion of the 60s. It was easy: what for normal women a blouse is a dress for me.

L.G.: How do you choose clothes?

A.K.: I have a nose for things. And in Lately Tapered trousers became fashionable, and I even stopped hemming them. I buy trousers from children's Zara - they fit just right on the hips and just gather around the leg at the bottom. No need to redo it.

L.G.: What if you redo it not for the sake of convenience, but for the sake of creativity?

A.K.: Oh, it’s constant. Today a friend tried on my striped dress, which I made from a long T-shirt in size L, sewing guipure along the edge of the T-shirt - I need to hide my knees.

L.G.: What should a designer who creates clothes for little ones know?

A.K.: Visually, of course, things should add growth. There should be no trousers that are tight in the butt and hips: they interfere with blood circulation, your legs begin to fail, and your back hurts. What else? Three-quarter sleeves lengthen the arm.

L.G.: What about the underwear?

A.K.: I’m against thongs, I’ll tell you right away. And against foam rubber bras. It's somehow unfair. But bras must have underwires: because of osteochondrosis, this is important for us. And remember that our arms are short. Difficult to reach the clasp on the back.

L.G.: By the way, how do you manage cabinets?

A.K.: Yes, okay. How do I manage in the elevator? I take off my shoe and press the button with it. I somehow manage everywhere. I'm used to it. When I was about twelve years old, we had an old, tall intercom. I was coming out of the entrance before going to school and setting up a pebble. When I arrived, there was no stone, the wipers were removing it. I waited for people with kind faces, came up and said: “Could you help me open it?” And I put on a good face myself, so that they wouldn’t think that I was a fraud or something else. It's easier now.

L.G.: Your apartment is probably arranged in a way that suits your convenience. What is convenient?

A.K.: Yes, everything is the same as everyone else’s, only the switches are lower. I used to turn on the light with a mop.

L.G.: What is most difficult for you?

A.K.: My back hurts. But this is generally a feature of people like me. And that’s how I generally cope. I have small men who struggle with hemming sleeves and such things. I tell them: “Why? I folded it and that was it. Well, why are you wasting your life and time on this? This is your natural body, wear it.”

L.G.: You sometimes wear incredibly extravagant things. What's the craziest thing you own?

A.K.: I had a Pierrot outfit with a transparent white corset. I'm everything that counts underwear, I wear it for performances, but I combine it with normal clothes: I think it’s beautiful and appropriate in the appropriate situation - in a club, for example.

So, the corset came with pageboy shorts, a black patch on the chest, white fishnet tights and white make-up. I came up with this myself.

L.G.: Was it for some role?

A.K.: Animator. I am often invited to simply attend parties and decorate parties in my own way. In the next few days I will be working as a dancer at a house music party. I don't like this music. I have to dance there for four hours, I don’t even know how, it’s very difficult for me. The organizers say: “Well, come up with something, you can do it.” I thought for a very long time and decided that I would be a bride with Mexican scary makeup, like the idols. I hope it doesn't leak in four hours. And so, of course, such events are not really my thing.

L.G.: What’s yours?

A.K.: Everything related to the circus, for example. Soon they will be filming about me documentary“Thumbelina”, it will be filmed in the circus arena. All the characters from “Thumbelina” will live in this circus: the Mole, the Rat, the Toad. And I am a heroine, and such people live around me.

L.G.: And they are all big?

A.K.: Yes, of course.

L.G.: Many people without disabilities do not know how to talk to little ones correctly. They are embarrassed, afraid to say the wrong thing, don’t understand how to sit, or anything else. What is the right thing to do and what is the wrong thing to do? For example, I came up to you and didn’t know whether it was appropriate to offer my hand: what if it would be awkward for you to shake it. Squat down, or what?..

A.K.: On the contrary, this confuses us. Some elements of politeness, say, helping you get into a vehicle, are simply humanly normal. And there is no need to curtsy in conversation. This won’t bother me, I’ll smile and say, “Well, get up, why,” but those with complexes, on the contrary, are even more depressed. I constantly look up to a person. And what?

L.G.: What can be done to make little ones less complex?

A.K.: This is a question of psychology. You know, in the USSR, disabled people sat in factories and were “invisible”; it was a terrible environment, and the children in it grew up terrible. And even now little people have two main “normal” jobs: pharmacist and nurse, and then through connections. Less often - network marketing. Sometimes an accountant. And I chose to work at school as a teacher on duty.

L.G.. Ordinary?

A.K.: In an ordinary public school. Since 2006. I have two lives: night and day. Do you know why the director took me? To bring up goodness in children. There should be no boundary between the disabled and the healthy. There should be no boarding schools. Here is the answer to the question of what to do.

L.G.: How do students perceive you?

A.K.: I came on the first day and said: “Hello, children, I will work with you, we will be friends.” That's all.

L.G.: What classes are these?

A.K.: From the third to the eleventh. I am in their authority because they know about my second life and respect me. At school I’m so closed off and dressed differently. And they told me: “Oh, we saw you in the video!”

L.G.: What should I say to parents who have a child diagnosed with achondroplasia?

A.K.: When I was born, my mother was in shock for the first days. And the professor told her: “Such a girl studied with me at medical school, we were proud of her.” Mom now tells me: “Anya, after that I began to meet little children on the street. It was as if I hadn’t seen them before.” They scared my mother and tried to persuade me to give up on me. But she held on. And she was so proud of me, every success, every step. Then I went to kindergarten and delighted her with my exhibitions - I drew well. Then some cool kids started inviting me to my birthday. It was cool for me and interesting for them. She let me go. I kicked balls with the boys in the yard, fought - all this is important to go through. What's small, what's big. What should a parent do? We need to help the child live a normal life. In an ordinary yard, in an ordinary kindergarten, in a regular school.

Name: Anna Kasterova

Age: 34 years

Height: 170

Activity: Russian journalist, TV presenter

Anna Kasterova: biography

Anna Romanovna Kasterova is a TV presenter of the Russia-2 channel, co-host of the Central Television program on the NTV channel, editor of the TNT program Moscow: Instructions for Use. The wife of the center forward of the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Russian national team, world champion, hockey player.

Anna was born in September 1984 in Zelenograd, near Moscow. That, in fact, is all that the girl reports about herself. Although the girl’s army of thousands of fans is ready to do a lot to learn about the beauty’s life. Since the late 2000s, Anna’s popularity rating has been growing, as evidenced by a considerable number of queries in the Runet search engine. The biography of Anna Kasterova, as well as the details of Anna’s private life, are of interest to at least 16 thousand users per month. Which is not surprising - the girl is called the “sex symbol of the Russia 2 TV channel.”

Anna herself sparingly reports that she received a diploma higher education, graduating from the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Kasterova’s specialty is Psychology.

A television

Bright appearance, ability to act casually in the frame and maintain a conversation on any topic helped Anna Kasterova get on television. The girl first appeared on screen at the age of 22. In 2006, Anna was offered to edit and host the program “Moscow: Instructions for Use,” which was broadcast on TNT.

But all-Russian popularity came to Anna Kasterova after her appearance on the Russia 2 channel. The journalist was invited here as a presenter information program Vesti.ru. Friday". Anna covered events in the country and abroad. The TV presenter paid attention to news from the world of science, various technologies and the Internet.

Ability to talk about things in an entertaining way serious things produces issues of Vesti.ru. Friday" rating and attractive. Kasterova adds fascination to her reporting by boldly showing shocking footage and highlighting interesting details of her life. famous people. Spicy reports, light style and manner of broadcasting, pleasant communication help viewers get a boost of positive mood for the weekend.

As for the title “sex symbol” assigned to the girl, Anna Kasterova comments this news laughing, noting that it would be better to give the title to the smartest one. After all, a journalist builds a career on television using other qualities than, for example, she did.

Anya says that she does not want to act in candid photo shoots, although recently such proposals have been coming with enviable regularity. It would be unpleasant for the girl if Anna was seen naked on the covers of magazines by her grandparents or teenage girls, for whom the presenter wants to be a worthy example.

The ability to maintain a conversation and ask a media person a question that interests many, made Anna Kasterova a regular guest on the Headbutt talk show. The journalist does not make discounts or concessions to athletes and does not pay attention to social status, so the conversation turns out to be extremely frank, and therefore interesting and poignant. The dialogue is reminiscent of “interrogation with passion” - Anya without hesitation asks the football star about everything: about his personal life, bank accounts, real estate, about vacations and relationships with his significant other.

In the fall of 2012, fans of Anna Kasterova saw their favorite on NTV. The girl was chosen as the new face of the 3-hour Central Television program, which she hosted together with Vadim Tekmenev. By the time Anna appeared on the air, the Central Television program had already received high viewer ratings and recognition from the Television Journalists Club for two years. The political component of the television show was shifted towards entertaining reports about the lives of show business, sports and cinema stars.

The very first episode with Anna Kasterova received a public outcry - journalists managed to interview the president. For three months, Kasterova and Tekmenev divided the air of the program: Vadim hosted a part called “CT. The main thing,” Anna covered the information of the two subsequent blocks – “CT. Revelations" and "CT. Evening."

In 2013, the girl signed a new contract with the Russia-2 channel, where she became the face of the program “ Big sport”, and a year later - the TV presenter of the reality show “I am a policeman”.

Personal life

The personal life of Anna Kasterova is a burning topic that interests the girl’s many thousands of fans. In 2011, fans suspected that there was a relationship between the beauty and the presenter of Muz-TV and MTV. romantic relationship. Fans were prompted to do this by photos that appeared in the media and social media. They show the couple in an informal setting, in clubs and cinema. But Anna and Timur did not comment on the presence or absence of a relationship.

Clarity on the issue of interest appeared in 2015. The media started talking about the fact that Anna Kasterova was not only dating the famous hockey player Evgeni Malkin, but even received a marriage proposal from him. Journalists noted that Anya responded to the athlete and eligible bachelor consent.

The couple was first noticed at the Pittsburgh Penguins matches, which took place in Minsk. To meet her lover, the girl specially came from Moscow. After each competition, Anna greeted Evgeniy with hugs and kisses, which was captured by some media reporters. After the tournament, both young men returned to their place of work - Kasterova to Moscow television, Malkin went to training bases in the USA.

IN free time Anna Kasterova, like many girls, loves shopping and enjoys visiting fashionable metropolitan boutiques in search of beautiful clothes. The girl also loves to drive and drives her own BMW quite well.

Anna Kasterova now

In May 2016, Anna Kasterova confronted the public with a fact - the TV presenter, childbirth should take place in the near future. The girl took the decisive step 9 months earlier. Changes began on television: the sports and entertainment channel “Russia 2” began the process of merging with NTV-Plus. The holding was called Match-TV. A new broadcast network was created, old programs were closed, and the concept of the channel was developed.

And Anna Kasterova decided to move to America. Evgeni Malkin expected such an act from his companion. According to the forward, his girlfriend should belong entirely to the family, and not disappear at work. Being the wife of a world-famous hockey player is a big responsibility for a girl.

After a couple in the USA. The newlyweds postponed their wedding until later. Despite the excitement around the birth of the hockey player's first child, the couple refrained from showing Nikita to the public. Only at the beginning of 2017 online " Instagram“Photos of the baby began to appear on Anna Kasterova’s account. The mother herself quickly got into shape after giving birth and began to look even slimmer than before pregnancy: with a height of 170 cm, the girl’s weight did not exceed 62 kg.

Now the girl is completely immersed in family troubles and her husband’s affairs. In August, the couple attended a football match between CSKA and Spartak.


  • 2010-2012 – “Vesti.ru” and “Vesti.ru. Friday"
  • 2012 – “PROtourism”
  • 2011-2012 – Football show “Header”
  • 2012 – “GT Academy”
  • 2012 – “Central Television”
  • 2013-2015 – “Big Sport”
  • 2014-2015 – “I am a policeman”