Open a dance school for children. How to open a dance school

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


IN Lately, the popularity of dance classes began to actively revive. Taking classes at a dance school is a rising trend, especially among young people. Opening a dance studio is now a promising direction in business. This material shows the most optimal procedure for opening such a school from scratch. Recommendations are given for solving basic organizational issues. The formula for calculating your potential profit is given.

Organizing a dance school from scratch: list of required documents

When starting any business, there are some legal documents that need to be completed. Opening a dance school is no exception.

In order to understand what documents you will need to open and fully operate such a school, you need answers to the following questions:

  • How many people will appear in the documents as the founders of the school?
  • Will graduates be awarded certification certificates?
  • Where will the necessary premises be rented?

If you are the only founder of the school and do not plan to issue any graduation documents, then the easiest way will be with taxation under the UTII system.

Registering an LLC is somewhat more difficult, but you will have to do it if:

  1. The founders of a dance school are two or more people.
  2. It is planned to issue certification certificates to graduates. This involves obtaining a license to issue such documents.

In both cases, the organizational and legal form in the form of an LLC is required.
More may be required permits from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES for the right to use the rented premises for the intended purposes. To avoid this, it is recommended to rent premises from organizations that already have such permits. And these are: fitness centers, cultural centers, children's and youth centers, etc.

Dance school for adults or children: choosing the target audience

The next important question is defining your target audience. You need to understand as accurately as possible who your potential customers are. To do this, you need to study the existing market of similar offers in your city.

You should find out the following:

  • How many similar schools already operate in your locality? This shows the approximate level of competition.
  • Is there sufficient demand for their services? Including among the adult population.
  • What dance styles are the most popular?
  • Approximate price level for subscriptions.

Having received the necessary information, compare it with your goals and capabilities. If your capabilities allow and there is demand, organize classes for both adults and children. Children need to be divided into certain age groups (younger, middle, older) of 15-20 people. Create a class schedule based on the wishes and capabilities of your future cadets. As a rule, it is more convenient for adults to study during the day or late in the evening, and for children, depending on how busy they are in educational institutions.

What kind of premises is needed for a dance school?

As you know, people are greeted by their clothes. And the room in which you will offer your potential cadets to study is precisely that very “clothing”. After visiting the school, the future dancer should have only positive impressions.

Therefore, when choosing a room, pay attention to the following:

  1. The basis is a dance hall, which should be quite spacious, preferably at least 90 square meters. m.
  2. The hall should be bright and equipped with a good exhaust hood.
  3. It is mandatory to have two locker rooms: men's and women's.
  4. The presence of showers is very welcome.
  5. The teaching staff must have their own administrative premises.

If all of the above conditions are met, it will be possible to organize a full-fledged dance school.

Where is the best place to open a dance school: deciding on the location

Often the location where the school will be located will be a determining factor in your potential student's decision. The location of the school should be easily accessible; it should be easy to get to, including by public transport. There should be a parking space near it.

It is advisable that there are no dance studios of your competitors nearby . When choosing a school location, you need to take into account the size and density of your locality. It is not at all necessary that it be in the city center. Here, as a rule, the cost of renting premises is higher, and their choice is smaller.

How to design a dance school: sample design project

When developing a design project for a dance school, you need to take into account the dance styles that will be taught there. The design of the dance hall helps to create a certain psychological mood among the students. This mood should correspond to the type of dance. The easiest way to create harmony between the dance and the mood of the students is by decorating the walls in a certain color palette.

It has long been noted that yellow and orange colors give a feeling of fun and ease. Green and beige colors– more neutral, gives a feeling of confidence, normalizes blood pressure. Touches of red will help add passion and spice. Pink color sets you up for a romantic wave.

Therefore, for certain dance styles, it is advisable to take into account the following recommendations for the color design of the walls:

  • Yellow and orange with elements of red – Latin, hip-hop, breakdancing and similar rhythmic styles
  • Green, beige – classic and folk dances, belly dance, ballroom dancing etc.

Oriental dances require special treatment . Various color combinations and decorative elements associated with the oriental landscape and their beautiful fairy-tale works are acceptable here.

To paint walls, you need to use thick, breathable paint that is not washed off with water. It is possible to use vinyl wallpaper. One of the walls should be mirrored. The mirror should start at a height of no more than 70 centimeters from the floor. Width - at least 180 cm. But if more, then better. Gaps and installation angles between the component mirrors should be invisible. This will ensure a correct, undistorted reflection. Another wall can be evenly covered with a plain curtain, not much different in color from the other walls. She will create an imitation of a stage in a dance hall.

Particular attention should be paid to the floor covering . Non-slip matte parquet is considered the ideal surface for dancing. You can use high-density laminate or special stage linoleum. In any case, the floor covering must be dense, wear-resistant and even.

To create a hall lighting system, ordinary halogen lamps are suitable. Spot light elements along the perimeter of the mirror will add a special mood and provide a useful light flux to the side of the dancers. Directional light elements can be useful. Depending on your wishes, their direction and color can usually be changed. Interesting solution will be - in addition to them, place several elements of mirror film on the ceiling.

All the efforts and expenses associated with the correct interesting design of the dance hall will certainly pay off many times over.

Equipment needed for a dance school

A dance studio, for the possibility of full-fledged classes, must be equipped necessary equipment and related elements.

In addition to the mirror wall and lighting equipment already mentioned above, you must have:

  1. High quality ballet barre.
  2. Music system with high-quality sound.
  3. Equipment for heating and cooling the hall.

At least one wall must be equipped with a ballet barre. This is a special handrail with a diameter of 50 mm, attached at a certain height to the wall. It is usually made from wood or duralumin pipe covered with veneer. It is usually used for stretching, as well as for choreography and ballet classes.

The music system must be multifunctional. This means that it can play audio from different media files and different music discs.
Cooling of a dance hall is usually done by properly installed split systems. Heating must be carried out centralized system heating.

Depending on the specifics of certain dance styles, the hall is equipped with other elements in the form of ribbons, poles, etc.

Recruitment for a dance school

A well-selected teaching staff is the basis and main core of your dance studio. It is from these people that the level of training of your students will depend, and, consequently, the further image of your school. And these are ratings, and prizes won at various festivals, and good memory grateful graduates.

It's good if you move in this field. Then it will be easier for you to find real professionals in the field of dance teaching. These should be people not only with a high level of dance skill, but also with the ability to pass this skill on to their students. He must be able to capture the attention of students and captivate them with the art of dance. . Therefore, your team of teachers should select candidates who combine the skill of a dancer and the ability to teach.

How to attract clients to a dance school: advertising and business marketing

No matter how famous the teachers at a new dance school are, it will not be possible to attract a sufficient number of clients without advertising and a set of marketing actions. Although such names in themselves are already an advertisement for the school.

The following can be recommended as the main directions for advertising:

  • Internet advertising . Nowadays this is the most effective action. You should advertise your school on Yandex, Google, a special resource 2GIS, and on various social networks (VKontakte, Instagram, etc.)
  • Banner on the building where the school is located. It should attract the views of people passing and driving by.
  • Advertising on local music radio channels .

The range of marketing activities for this business can be quite wide. Here it is important to take into account the specifics and direction of the studio’s activities; it is necessary to determine the immediate plans and the desired perspective in its activities.

The most effective marketing actions to attract customers can be:

  1. Carrying out various promotions to purchase your passes at a reduced price. For example - the first two months of classes for 50% of the full cost.
  2. Encouraging your students in case they bring you other clients. For example, bring a friend and get a free month of classes.
  3. Demonstration performances at local city festivals. This is advertising and marketing at the same time.

As a rule, after you start working, you gradually understand what else you can do to attract your target audience. Your students themselves will tell you this.

How much does it cost to open a dance school from scratch: a ready-made business plan to help

Your business plan should take into account all possible expenses and potential income from operating the school. Due to the current unstable financial situation, some digital values when calculating, we will replace it with Latin letters. The cost of opening a school is the sum of all initial investments.

They need to include:

  • Expenses for the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment.
  • Expenses for designer renovation of the studio.
  • The cost of an advertising and information sign on the building in which the school is located.

Let's denote this amount by the letter Y.

The monthly expenses include:

  1. Monthly rent (denoted as w).
  2. Salaries for teaching staff (denoted by g).
  3. Advertising expenses (r).

Another one interesting story a business built from scratch on sheer enthusiasm. The heroine of today's business magazine materialIQR several years ago and achieved some success by opening a business with virtually no initial capital. Today we will talk about how to open a dance studio and how much you can earn.

Why I decided to open a dance school

Dance class

My name is Maria, I'm 30 years old. In the story that I will tell about my attempt to open a business, it happens in Moscow in 2011. My dance business lasted 2 years.

I was born into a family of choreographers, so my dance genes woke up earlier than any human reflexes. Until I was 3 years old, my mother worked with me, shaping my stretching and elongated feet, then I was sent to ballet studio, and from the age of 12 I independently chose the dance directions that I had a passion for.

In the early nineties there was practically nothing to choose from: folk, ballroom dancing and rap, which was just coming into fashion. Choreographers staged performances, licking them from foreign videos. At that time, the dream of having my own dance school stuck in my head, where I could teach a special dance that lived in my imagination, so, attending not only classes, but also all kinds of seminars, I absorbed everything like a sponge.

My experience in dance

By the time I came of age, having gained a lot of experience, I began working as a choreographer in a small town. Things were going well, I liked the work, my team constantly participated in city competitions and won prizes, but, unfortunately, my work was not appreciated.

Deep down in my heart, I understood that in a more developed city this occupation would be in more demand, but to break into mainland there was no possibility.

And when I had a family and children, I had to leave the dance sphere altogether - at that moment I had already said goodbye forever to choreography, to the stage, and to my dreams. But at one fine moment, life turned its back on me, and I had to remember my dance certificate and go to the casting - there was an opportunity to get a vacant position as a Go-Go dancer. It was scary to go into this business at the age of 25, and even after giving birth, because the clubs took younger competitors, but since there were no options, I took a risk.

How I decided to open my own business

After dancing for a couple of months in a nightclub, weighing all the pros and cons of this profession, finding out everything about it from the inside, I set off to conquer the capital. A serious argument in favor of this decision was the fact that earnings for night dancing were much higher than the salary for the main day job. In the capital, things were not so sweet, because, despite the abundance of clubs, the competition among dancers was high, but I still found my niche. Next, I decided to take a couple of classes on Go-Go dancing for the purpose of self-development, after all, this is Moscow, and there are many opportunities to improve your skills here. But, oddly enough, the level of skill of the teachers was not high for the capital; it was at that moment that my dreams of my own dance school came to life again. So to speak, a second wind opened up, because I really understood that as a dancer I was at a high professional level.

But to bring the idea to life, both funds and connections were needed, so I began to storm various studios, classes, find out who works what, and make the necessary contacts. As a result, on the advice of many choreographers, it was decided to unofficially recruit a group, rent a hall and earn money by teaching people the art of dance.

Dance studio business plan

How to open a dance studio

Studio promotion - how I looked for clients for my services

On social networks, I posted announcements about my classes, looked for people interested and, at the same time, a place to conduct lessons. Renting the hall was not difficult, since no one asks questions whether you are an entrepreneur or a private owner, the only condition is not to damage the property, and so - pay and dance until you drop.

How much does it cost to rent a hall?

At that time, renting a dance hall in Moscow for an hour cost an average of 500 rubles. Naturally, I wasn’t eager to go to the center, but the option near the Moscow Ring Road was not considered. My very first hall was located in Medvedkovo, within walking distance from the metro, which is important for the capital; its rent cost 400 rubles per hour. Just imagine what scope this has for earning money at minimal cost: a normal lesson lasts 1.5 hours (I paid for two at once, so that we could calmly work out and solve organizational issues), the hall is equipped with mirrors, the necessary equipment and musical equipment.

Profit and profitability of a dance school

At first, I charged 350 rubles per lesson from everyone who came to class. 7 people came to the first one, so for the first lesson held in Moscow, I earned a little more than one and a half thousand rubles in net profit. The girls brought their friends to the next lesson, asked for an increase in the number of lessons per week, and a month later I already had 4 groups of 10 people. With each of the groups we worked in the direction they liked: somewhere it was strip plastic, somewhere it was an incendiary club disco, someone asked for belly dancing, and in one group the girls were exclusively interested in stretching.

Sometimes the composition changed (people get sick, go on vacation, are lazy), but empty seats there was practically none, since those who dropped out were always replaced by new comers. Thus, in a couple of months I began to earn an income of 50,000 rubles, and this was while working 8-10 hours a week. Of course, for Moscow this is not a lot of money, but I had a huge incentive to develop in my dance field, plus there were material goals that warmed my soul and forced me to move forward. I set myself a specific goal - which, according to my calculations, should have happened in a year (I’ll make a reservation right away that the purchase of housing was planned far outside the capital, but the apartment at that time cost a little more than a million rubles).

Why did I leave the business?

Of course, I have more than once thought about the need to legalize my activities: open an individual entrepreneur, pay taxes, rent a hall for a long period, but my income has not yet reached such a level as to become a real businesswoman, so I continued to look for halls in other areas, create a schedule that is both convenient and financially beneficial.

After about six months of studying the dance business, my day was so packed that sometimes I held classes until late at night. Usually there were 6 classes a day with short breaks. In addition to group classes, individual classes began to be held, which in monetary terms were valued much higher than usual. During individual lessons, girls were asked to learn variants of private dances to perform in front of their other half, there was also great amount orders for staging wedding dances.

After a couple of months, I realized that I could no longer cope with such a volume of work alone - after all, I had classes in several Moscow districts: Medvedkovo, Altufyevo, Prazhskaya, and then Tula. Therefore, I decided to look for an assistant to conduct choreographic classes. Behind nominal fee offered to teach lessons to her own student, entrusting her with teaching stretching classes to beginners. By the way, this girl still teaches classes to this day, although she already collaborates with clubs, preparing dancers for them.

But let's get back to my story. My business, although not entirely legal, lasted 2 years. Perhaps it would still bring me an excellent income, but my plans for life changed, I moved from Moscow to the north, took care of my family and raising children.

But I didn’t leave empty-handed: with the income from my dance business I bought and renovated an apartment. So, having achieved my goal, I left, leaving this activity young and energetic.

Real figures on income and expenses of a dance school

For those who are interested in this field of activity, I want to give real numbers so that you can evaluate the pros and cons.


  1. Hall rental - 500 rubles per hour.
  2. Cost of 1 rug - 600 rubles (if the hall doesn’t have them, which is extremely rare, but if you buy them, it will last for a long time).
  3. Damage to property - from 500 to 15,000 (the rug was torn, the mirror was broken, the equipment was broken - I never had such cases).
  4. Payment to assistant choreographer - 100 rubles from each student in the lesson.


  1. Cost of one lesson - 500 rubles for 1.5 hours.
  2. Individual lesson - 1500 rubles for an hour and a half.
  3. Staging wedding dance - 2500 per lesson (usually 2-3 lessons are required). Middle group- 10 people. One group has 2-3 classes per week. 6-7 lessons per day.

Profitability of a dance studio

The net profit for one lesson is about 4,000 rubles, respectively, for a day with 6 lessons - 24,000 rubles. When working 5 days a week, 5 lessons a day (we subtract travel expenses and unforeseen expenses), the net profit is 80,000-100,000 rubles.

This calculation is given for one choreographer; if you hire an assistant, the number of groups will increase by at least 2, and when deducting the assistant’s payment, you will get a net profit per week of about 130,000 thousand.

If you are inspired by my story and want to follow in my footsteps, I want to warn you that this is not easy work. There will be almost no energy or time left for personal life, as well as for any other matters, so it is extremely difficult to hold out for a long time in this mode. Here you need to have excellent health and nerves of steel. Don’t be afraid to seem intrusive, pester everyone with questions of interest, don’t pay attention to what they think about you, go clearly towards your goal, bring it to life, believe in your strength - and you will certainly succeed.

Despite the sufficient number of dance studios in Russian cities, entry for new players is still open. This business can turn out to be very profitable due to the growing interest of young people (and not only) in dancing. They actively move their body vigorously office workers, lawyers, managers, government. employees, students and so on.

There is no doubt that more and more people want to learn dancing today. According to Yandex search query statistics, the phrase: “dance school in Moscow” is searched monthly by about 6,800 people, in St. Petersburg - 5,900 people:

People have an interest, and this can be seen from requests in other major cities RF. The presence of a dance studio on the Internet (website) is an important point that an entrepreneur should take into account. With the help of a well-designed website, you can attract a significant audience of clients to your dance studio.

Business registration

Licensing this activity is not subject to. The organizational and legal form of a dance studio can be either an individual entrepreneurship (individual) or a limited liability company (legal entity). If a business is opened by one person, then an individual entrepreneur will be the most suitable option (minimum documents). When organizing a dance studio by several persons (partners), it would be preferable to register a legal entity. When filling out an application for registration, you can indicate OKVED 93.04 - “Physical training and recreational activities.”

As a taxation system, the most suitable option would be the simplified taxation system - a simplified taxation system: 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.


The premises for opening a dance studio must be at least 100 square meters. m. The cost of renting such areas in the regions starts from 500 rubles. per sq. m. For a room of one hundred square meters you will have to pay at least 50 thousand rubles monthly. Most often, rent costs well over 100 thousand rubles.

Where will the studio be located: in a residential area or in the city center - special significance does not have. It might be even better in a residential area. The rental price here is much lower, and there may be more available space. People will come to a good dance school from the other end of the city. The main thing is the availability of convenient access roads and parking.

Particular attention should be paid interior design studios. Mirrors are the main accessory of a dance studio. They should be installed across the entire wall so that the dancers can see themselves in full height. The floors in the dance studio should not be slippery, so as not to harm the health of visitors. The best flooring for a dance floor is considered to be linoleum or natural wood.

Professional teachers are the key to success

The popularity and glory of the dance studio, in to a greater extent, depends on the professionalism of teachers. Finding a good teacher, a true professional in his field, is not easy.

Forming a good team is the main difficulty of this business. Finding workers can take 3 months or more.

Reviews of the work of teachers from one of the dance clubs Ufa - this is what you need to strive for:

A portrait of an ideal dance club teacher: a cheerful and energetic person who not only knows how to dance, but also does it beautifully. It is advisable that the teacher knows several dance directions at once, so that unprofitable directions can always be replaced with profitable ones.

Teachers' salaries can be either a percentage of the cost of teaching a group (from 20 to 50%) or fixed for each lesson ($30 - 40).

"Assortment of dances"

A dance club should offer as many modern, fashionable dances. Here, as in a gift shop, the assortment is important.

The most popular dance styles taught in dance studios are: “ break dance", "go-go", "light fitness", " street dance» (« Hip Hop", "House", "Tecktonik"), Eastern dance, strip plastic, wedding dances. In addition, you can earn money from individual lessons, body shaping, etc.

Classes in special groups may be of additional interest to clients:

  • dancing for adults (from 16 years old),
  • dancing for children and teenagers (from 5 to 16 years old),
  • classes for expectant mothers (yoga for pregnant women),
  • staging wedding dances,
  • choreographic studio,
  • dance classes for parents and babies (from 3 months to 1.5 years).

How much do dance studios earn?

average price a subscription for 4 classes in the regions is 800 rubles. A monthly subscription to all types of dance can be purchased for an average of 1,500 rubles. In Moscow, prices are slightly higher. In fact, the profitability of a dance studio begins with the purchase of 80-100 monthly subscriptions. The average workload of well-promoted clubs involves monthly classes of at least 15 groups of 20 people, which in monetary terms means monthly revenue of 450,000 rubles.

How to develop a dance studio?

The most effective advertising channel for promoting a dance studio is women's magazines. Here it is important not to miscalculate the age of the target audience and the subject of the magazine. The best category is girls aged 17 to 25 years old, precisely at this age they are more interested in dancing.

Your own website cannot be discounted either. It will take at least 2 thousand dollars to create and promote a good website, but the costs are justified. Today, many products and services are found through a search engine.

Promotions and discounts can have a good effect on growing your customer base. For example, you can give a free lesson to anyone who brings a friend to the dance studio. Refer 8 friends - that's a month of free classes. In addition, those who have doubts (those who are not ready to buy a subscription right away) can be offered the first 30-minute lesson for free.

Today there are various dance shows, which are shown on television, few people are left indifferent. Human psychology is such that many viewers involuntarily imagine themselves in the place of the heroes of the programs, which means that people have a desire to learn to dance. Lessons may be required for both adults and children, since dancing has a beneficial effect on health - it forms correct posture and a beautiful gait.

Now it has become fashionable to exercise your own body through sports. However, not everyone is ready to go to Gym, and a dance studio is an excellent alternative that allows you to improve not only your figure, but also your mood. Dancing for many people becomes a pleasant hobby that maintains physical fitness and brings a lot of positive emotions, therefore the demand for professionals who can teach the science of movements is constantly growing. This is why many aspiring businessmen are thinking about opening a dance school. We will discuss the main stages of implementing such a project, as well as the business plan for a dance studio.

How to open a dance school?

First, you need to analyze potential competitors, study and think about the main nuances regarding opening a dance school. One of the main steps will be choosing a priority direction. Who will your dance studio be aimed at? Only for adults? Children? Before starting an activity, it is important to correctly determine the target audience, since this aspect will subsequently affect many organizational issues - choice of premises, renovation, personnel selection, etc. Of course, it is not at all necessary to narrowly choose any one style, since this can significantly reduce the number of clients.

Important: Usually dance classes are opened by those people who belong to the world of plastic, music and movement, who know how and love to dance. Often the organizer himself becomes a teacher, which is a huge plus, since it allows him to assess the situation from the inside and make timely adjustments to the activities. If you have not previously had anything to do with dancing, then keep in mind that it may be difficult to find teachers.

Business registration

In the conditions of modern Russian reality, no business is possible without completing the appropriate documentation, that is, your business must be registered. To do this, you should choose a legal form. Some businessmen prefer to become individual entrepreneurs (IP), while others may choose a limited liability company (LLC). The latter option is often irreplaceable if you are organizing a business with someone - for example, there are two or more founders.

Important: At the stage of thinking about whether an LLC or an individual entrepreneur is closer to you, it doesn’t hurt to think about possible debts. Unfortunately, no one is immune from failure, so the risks should be assessed in advance - in other words, it is better to lay out the straw in advance. Individual entrepreneurs they are responsible for debt obligations with their property, that is, you can quite easily “dance” an apartment or dacha if the circumstances are unfavorable and luck insidiously turns away from you. No one will deprive the founders of an LLC of their living space, since a legal entity (in the absence of property) risks only its authorized capital, its minimum amount today is 10 thousand rubles.

Having decided on the form, you can prepare papers for registration - the list will vary depending on what you prefer. Also at this stage it is necessary to open a bank account and select the appropriate OKVED codes using the classifier. Typically, in the case of a dance school, the following are suitable:

  • 93.29.2 – Activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools;
  • 85.41.2 – Education in the field of culture.

The business registration process also includes choosing a tax regime. Typically, businessmen who open dance classes opt for the simplified taxation system (STS). Here are the options:

  • STS “Income” – tax payment is 6% of income;
  • STS “Income minus Expenses” - the tax rate is 15% of the amount of income reduced by the amount of expenses.

If for some reason “simplified” does not suit you, you can think about common system taxation. However, it is worth considering that in this situation you will have to pay value added tax, although today there are many legal ways to reduce VAT. Choreographic activities currently do not require obtaining a special license, which will certainly brighten up the life of an entrepreneur - extra paperwork has never made anyone happy.

Important: if you rent premises in a business or fitness center, then most likely no additional documents will be required. Otherwise, you will need a number of other papers: permission from the fire department, SES, etc.

Search for premises

If you want to create a dance studio from scratch, the first thing you need to do is find a suitable location. Where can I get a room? There are options here: rent, buy or even build. It is clear that the acquisition of space or the construction of a building requires significant start-up capital, and not all beginners have it. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at the simplest and most budget option – renting. What should you pay attention to? We can highlight the main aspects that are important to consider when choosing a room for a dance school:

  • Large area - the dance class where the classes will be held must be spacious and bright. The optimal area is usually 80-100 square meters. m. Meters are the last thing to save on when creating a studio, because dancing implies lightness and freedom, and oppressive walls and low ceilings will not contribute to this in any way.
  • Air circulation - it is best if the room is equipped with an air conditioning system; you should also remember about good ventilation. No one wants to learn to dance in a stuffy hall with a T-shirt sticking to their body, so it is important to create the most comfortable atmosphere for visitors, which is impossible without an influx of fresh air.
  • Availability of comfortable changing rooms - people who come to dance with you need somewhere to change clothes and leave their things. This means that you will need two changing rooms of 15-20 square meters each. m. (men's and women's). It would be good if there was a passage directly from there to the bathroom with showers.
  • A corner for the administrator and a relaxation room - if clients arrived earlier and the locker rooms are still occupied, then they can be invited to read a magazine or watch TV in a specially designated room (about 20 sq. m.). As a rule, there is also an administrator’s desk there, who will answer questions from visitors and deal with organizational issues.

Thus, to open a dance studio, you will need to rent a rather large area - at least 160 square meters. Such premises should be looked for in a variety of fitness centers or cultural centers. Of course, you can find an ordinary building that satisfies all needs, but most often this option is characterized by expensive repairs - since it will be necessary to significantly remodel the premises (dedicate changing rooms, showers, etc.).

So, if everything is clear with the requirements for footage and composition, then the question remains - which area to prefer? City center or outskirts? It is believed that dance studios located in the center are more popular and prestigious, but the rent can scare you because of its size. If you prefer dormitory area, then the rent will be significantly lower, and most likely there will be no competition there. But... it’s not a fact that the number of students will suit you - after all, not everyone will want to go to remote places, even for dancing.

Equipment purchase

When the premises have been successfully found, the thought arises - how to equip it? It will be great if you make at least some cosmetic repairs, which will be aimed at creating an individual style for your dance studio. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  • Classroom flooring. Are you thinking of getting away with little blood and just pouring concrete on the floor? Leave this thought, as this is unacceptable due to the fact that the concrete floor is very cold. High-quality parquet is best suited, and you should not skimp on it, since poor coating can cause injuries.
  • Lighting. The peak of activity at a dance school usually occurs in the evening - this is logical and understandable, since most students work during the day. The intensity of natural light at this time is not enough, even with a large number of windows. Therefore, it is worth taking care of artificial lighting in the studio, and it is advisable to choose sources that provide the softest and most diffused light to avoid the formation of many shadows.
  • Mirrors in the dance hall. It is intuitively clear that dancing involves the presence of mirrors, this is a certain traditional element, which you can’t do without. In this case, you can be guided by the option “the more, the better.” As a rule, all vertical planes are made mirrored so that students can observe themselves and evaluate whether they are good at repeating the movements of the teacher. And then, there is another interesting nuance here - seeing themselves dancing, people receive aesthetic pleasure, which helps to retain customers.
  • Dance machines. Usually wooden ones are mounted, because although metal ones look more solid and beautiful, classes with them can be uncomfortable for students - if the temperature in the hall is low, then the machines will become cold and it will be unpleasant to touch them.
  • Speaker systems and sound amplifier for playing music. There is no need to be petty here, since many dancing people are also music lovers, so wheezing and droning music can make them simply run away to another school. It is also possible to purchase a projector with which you can show clients interesting dance recordings.

This is a certain minimum, but you are unlikely to get by with it, since it all depends on the chosen direction and composition of the classes. For example, if you plan to conduct pole dance lessons, then, of course, you will need the poles themselves. Some dance school owners also offer yoga classes, which require mats and sometimes special hammocks.

Don't forget about furniture and other equipment. For example:

  • Lockers, benches and mirrors for changing rooms;
  • Plumbing equipment for showers and toilets;
  • A set of furniture for the relaxation room - sofas, chairs, tables;
  • Desk and chair for administrator;
  • Office equipment for the administrator - telephone, computer, printer, etc.

From the list it is clear that setting up a studio will cost a pretty penny, although at first glance not much equipment is required - a good floor, mirrors and machines. This set cannot be compared to bakery equipment. But many new businessmen who dream of opening a dance school are afraid of lack of money. However, you should not become discouraged, because this issue can be resolved if you try to get a grant for your business.

Recruiting staff

Often many people don’t even go to a specific dance school, but rather to a specific teacher. Therefore, the staff (namely teachers) play a role in the success of the dance business main role. Most often, studios focus on several areas, for example ballroom dancing, oriental dancing, Latin, etc. This means that you will have to invite several choreographers and coaches (from four people) to work.

Important: when you are looking for a good teacher, finding great is not enough dancing man, since the employee must also be able to teach others. Not everyone can explain and show the sequence of movements - this requires patience and talent. Most clients want individual approach, which is quite understandable, since people pay money for which they want to get something - good mood, fit figure, dancing skills, etc. Therefore, a professional teacher usually focuses on both the group as a whole and each individual, trying to take into account his needs.

You can’t do without additional staff:

  • Administrator - he answers calls, communicates with clients, draws up and coordinates a schedule, accepts payments, etc. If the school runs from morning to evening, you will have to hire two administrators (working in shifts).
  • Cleaner – Dance studios, under the right circumstances, have busy work schedules, so cleaning should be regular, preferably after each class, which means you will need at least one cleaner.
  • Accountant - there is no point in hiring such a specialist, since it is quite possible to get by with the services of a person working remotely or visiting.

Important: when recruiting personnel, do not be too trusting - of course, now all potential employees undergo a standard procedure of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job, but many entrepreneurs perceive this as a formality. You shouldn’t treat the survey this way - it’s best to check the data carefully, since it may turn out that you were misled and instead of a super-professional choreographer, whose idol is Mikhail Baryshnikov, you will get a teacher who has not even completed his studies.

Dance studio advertisement

In order for the business to be profitable, it is necessary to attract students, therefore, you will need high-quality advertising for the dance studio. You can do it yourself or turn to specialists. It is important to come up with a memorable name for the dance school - often the organizers, who are dancers themselves, use their own name. For example, in Moscow the “Evgeniy Papunaishvili Dance School” is very famous. It seems like a simple name, but in this case the name speaks for itself.

Thinking through a marketing strategy should be approached responsibly, since it is directly related to future success and income. Let's consider the main directions for conducting an advertising campaign:

  • Creating your own website and groups on social networks. There is information about dance styles and teachers, photographs taken during classes, as well as photographs of the studio interior. Social networks today allow you to advertise your business practically for free or for little money, and the effect is not long in coming, because nowadays people most often use the Internet to search for information.
  • Mass advertising through television and radio. Effective way make a statement, but also expensive. A plus is the opportunity to shoot a promotional video showing dancing in your studio. Such things usually attract more words, since it is better to see once than to read or hear a million.
  • Targeted advertising in organizations, universities, kindergartens and schools. Not everyone can decide to go learn to dance in splendid isolation; some find it easier when there is company. This means that you need to take advantage of this psychological moment - invite, for example, students, offering them a discount. Or employees of any large company, forming a special group for them, where only “our own” people will dance.
  • Leaflets, banners, banners, advertising placed on public transport. There are a lot of options, and all of them will bring results if they catch the eye of a large number of people. According to marketers, advertising on buses and trolleybuses is very effective, since, for example, people standing at a bus stop automatically store information in their memory.
  • Holding open days, reporting concerts, etc. When engaging in any activity, you want to see the results of your labors in the end. Therefore, your students will be pleased to put their knowledge into practice, that is, to speak in front of the public, showing their skills. This moment It’s also good because such events allow you not only to retain and delight regular customers, but also to attract new ones - who wouldn’t want to try to learn dancing, seeing how great it is with friends or relatives.
  • Discount system and subscriptions - you can offer people a choice: pay for each lesson separately or purchase a subscription. The point is that the longer the term, the more profitable the final cost of the lesson for the student. And everyone loves discounts... Your advantage in this case will be the appearance of regular customers.
  • Free first lesson. A wonderful move that attracts visitors like a magnet. But here everything depends on the quality of your work - it is important to be able to interest a person so that he wants to learn dancing in your studio.

There is another unusual point - if you think about it, many people go to dance schools in the hope of establishing a personal life. Usually there is a shortage of men in studios, but you can try to purposefully attract them. How? Conclude an agreement with any organization where mainly representatives of the stronger half of humanity work. Within its framework, the company's employees will be given a free opportunity to study, and the company, which wants, for example, to unite the team, will pay. By encouraging men to take up dancing, we can emphasize that this makes them more attractive in women’s eyes. Here you can remember a fragment famous song group "BI-2":

Where can I find such courage?

To enroll in a dance school.

And gain your favor

Speaking in the language of movements...

You can also hold dance parties where people can get to know each other and dance casually with each other. American singer James Brown said that “every problem in the world can be solved by dancing,” and in the life of every ordinary person there are now so many difficulties that dancing is often an outlet, an opportunity to plunge into another world created by music and movements. Therefore, just teaching people is not enough; we need to give them a chance to realize their skills.

Dance studio business plan

Any business venture is impossible without preliminary calculations, as they allow you to understand whether you have the necessary investments and whether the business will be profitable? Drawing up a business plan for a dance school involves analyzing possible income and expenses.


The initial costs of opening a dance school include:

  • Business registration (LLC) – 15,000 rubles;
  • Rent of premises for 1 month (180 sq. m. for 600 rubles) – 108,000 rubles;
  • Cosmetic repairs – 100,000 rubles;
  • Equipment and furniture – 400,000 rubles;
  • Advertising campaign – 100,000 rubles;
  • Other expenses – 50,000 rubles.

The total initial investment will be approximately 773,000 rubles. In addition, monthly expenses are also necessary, the lion's share of which will be wage personnel and rent:

In addition to the costs indicated above, at the end of each quarter it is necessary to make tax payments on the profits received. Since you provide services, it is more profitable to choose the tax regime of the simplified tax system “Income” or UTII.


Let's analyze the sources and amount of possible income. To do this, you need to decide how much group and individual lessons will cost - usually the price of one lesson in a group ranges from 250-400 rubles, one-on-one lessons with a dance teacher cost from 800 rubles. The optimal group size is 10-12 people. For your activity to be profitable, you need to try to ensure that at least 5 groups visit the studio per day.

You can also offer services such as staging a wedding dance. As a rule, many future spouses want to impress their wedding guests. beautiful dance, so you are unlikely to experience a shortage of clients. The average price for a course of classes, the result of which will be one learned dance, is 10,000 rubles. If your dance school begins to generate good income, then in the future you can think about opening wedding salon, since these types of businesses may overlap. For example, for dancing you need beautiful outfits, which can be sold in the salon, notifying school students about it.

If you are planning to hold dance parties, then they can bring good income, since traditionally a monetary contribution is taken from each visitor. Thus, the estimated income for 1 month will be:

  • Group classes (price 300 rubles, 5 groups of 10 people, 30 days) – 450,000 rubles;
  • Individual lessons (90 lessons for 800 rubles) – 72,000 rubles;
  • Dance evenings (2 times a month) – 20,000 rubles.
  • Staging a wedding dance (2 couples) – 20,000 rubles.

Thus, the monthly income is from 562,000 rubles. Income tax: 562,000 * 0.06 = 33,720 rubles. Profit for 1 month: 562,000 – 374,000 – 33,720 = 154,280 rubles. If we talk about payback, then, taking into account the initial costs, it will occur in about six months.

Important: You can also expand your business by bringing students custom accessories, shoes and outfits that they need for dancing.

What dances are the most popular today?

Any businessman who opens a dance studio expects that his brainchild will flourish, but for this it is important to analyze what areas in the world of dance are in demand today? What do people want to learn? We can highlight the following most popular types dances:

  • Sports ballroom dancing. They have always been relevant, but especially now - this is due to the fact that on television last years Many programs have appeared that dismantle ballroom dancing. And stunning outfits and unique movements leave no one indifferent. Ballroom dancing is divided into two programs: European (slow and Viennese waltzes, tango, quickstep, slow foxtrot) and Latin American (jive, samba, paso doble, rumba and cha-cha-cha). As a rule, it is Latin that is popular in dance schools Oh.
  • Oriental dances (belly dance) are interesting in their flavor, they immerse you in the culture of other countries. The good thing is that they can be practiced at any age and it is always beneficial for health, posture and coordination of movements. Oriental dances are easy to learn and do not require a partner. And what beautiful costumes...
  • Street dancing (street dance) - the name of the style is very eloquent; it was born on city streets, squares and busy alleys. Today, street dance is popular with young people due to its looseness and the ability to express oneself through movements that do not have a strict sequence - since everyone is the master own body and is free to dance from the heart, and not according to the choreographer’s algorithm. IN street dancing there are elements of breakdancing, hip-hop, RnB, disco and many others.
  • Pole dance (pole dance) is a mixture of elements of sports acrobatics and erotic dance. Many people confuse this direction with striptease, but there is no need to undress in pole dancing. On the contrary, unusual costumes are their constant attribute. Due to the deceptive ease of movement, it seems that pole acrobatics is accessible to everyone, but this is not the case - such dances require endurance, flexibility, coordination and good stretching.
  • Strip plastic surgery is, as a rule, preferred by young girls who want to liberate themselves, gain self-confidence and become relaxed. Those who want to gain not only dance skills, but also beautiful figure, light gait and gracefulness that attracts attention.
  • Club dances are a kind of eclecticism based on such dance styles like RnB, hip-hop, jazz-funk, house, go-go, etc. Thanks to the variety of directions, club dancing Suitable for both beginners and experienced dancers.

Sports ballroom dancing
Strip of plastic

The list can be continued endlessly, because many trainers develop original styles and teach them. Zumba, twerk, salsa, contemporary and dancehall are also very popular. When opening a dance studio, it is not enough to focus only on the demand of the population, because you also need to find a teacher who can make the dreams of students come true.

Dancing is good for health, promotes slimness and well-being, and finally, it’s just pleasant and interesting activity, so their popularity is growing every day. But to show off an intricate step at a party or at a disco requires not only desire and courage, but also certain skills, and therefore classes in dance classes, schools and studios are very popular. And if you feel like you're ready to start a hot new business, it's time to learn how to open a dance school and make it profitable.

What are we dancing?

First of all, you need to decide what exactly beginner dancers will be taught at your school, that is, decide on the dance direction. It is not at all necessary to choose one thing: the same school can teach classical ballroom dancing, salsa, which is popular today, and oriental dancing. The choice depends on several factors:

  • demand: what exactly your target audience needs, what dances are now in fashion;
  • competition: what is already offered to students existing schools your city;
  • opportunities: what kind of good teachers do you already have in mind?
  • your personal preferences.

Now there's another one popular destination, which in terms of mass participation can compete with the most popular dance genres - “Dancing for Everyone”. This is a program that allows those who do not know how to dance at all to learn how to move so as not to feel like a black sheep at parties and clubs. Each dance school usually offers its own unique program “for everyone,” which includes basic elements the most popular modern trends. It is this direction, with proper popularization and advertising, that attracts dance schools most students: after all, they can see and feel the result after a few weeks. And many of them continue to attend school after completing such training (as a rule, it lasts no more than 2-3 months), having chosen one of the directions for themselves.

Choosing a room for a dance school

Finding a hall where you can teach dance skills is not so easy, since there are certain requirements for the premises, and quite strict ones:

  • its size must be at least 80 square meters;
  • the classroom must be equipped with a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • for dance classes in the hall you need large - the entire wall - mirrors and ballet bars;
  • adjacent premises are required: men's and women's locker rooms, each with an area of ​​15 sq.m. each;
  • showers are needed in locker rooms;
  • one more room - the foyer, where the reception desk will be located;
  • a rest room with upholstered furniture, its size must be at least 20 square meters. meters.

Similar premises can be found in fitness centers, and you can also look for a suitable room in cultural centers.

A more complex and expensive option is to equip such a hall yourself: purchase a room of suitable size and remodel it according to your needs. But you need to keep in mind that the costs in this case will be considerable: if there has been no dancing in the room before, most likely you will have to change the flooring and equip the hall with mirrors. Together with cosmetic repairs to the remaining premises and possible redevelopment, all this can turn out to be an expensive project.

Choosing a location for a dance school

Not only the technical parameters and interior of the dance school premises are important, but also its location. Moreover, a successful dance studio can be located both in the city center and on its outskirts - in a greasy area; each of them will have its own clients, since both solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages.

School in the city center

Like any enterprise in the center, such a school will be considered more prestigious, and therefore higher prices can be set here. There will be no need to spend a lot on advertising: a bright sign and advertisements on neighboring streets will suffice, and it will be convenient for employees of nearby offices to go to classes immediately after work.

But this arrangement also has its disadvantages. The first and main one is high rent, which will “eat up” a considerable part of the high cost of education. If the city is quite large, then traffic jams may regularly form on the approaches to the center, which will inevitably lead to students or even teachers being late. In addition, those who do not live in the center will most likely prefer a dance studio closer to home.

School in a residential area

If you decide to open a dance studio away from the center, you can count on relatively low rent. Another undoubted plus is that among the visitors there will be more housewives who will prefer to study not in the “busy” evening time, but during the day, when the halls are often empty. Due to this, the hall's traffic will increase. Competition here will not be high - in such areas there are usually few dance schools, but, of course, before choosing a premises, you should make sure that there are no similar establishments nearby.

The disadvantages of this location include a small number of students, especially at first: dance halls on the outskirts are rarely crowded; lower cost of classes than in the center and the need to invest in advertising and conduct various promotions to attract clients.


However, if you have excellent teachers - experienced and knowledgeable, the location of the school and advertising will not be decisive. People come to such a teacher again and again, his classes are recommended to friends, so good teachers dance is the golden fund of your school.

To keep the hall open, you need 4–6 teachers who will work according to schedule. You will also need two cashier administrators working in shifts: they will have to communicate with visitors, answer calls, and sell subscriptions. To maintain order in the premises, you need to hire a cleaner.

We calculate income and expenses

Like any other business, you need to start organizing a dance school with a detailed business plan. One lesson in a dance studio can cost from 250 to 500 rubles (we are talking about groups). Those who need individual lessons with teachers, as a rule, pay more - 700–1000 rubles per hour.

As a rule, each group consists of 10–15 people. The most popular time is in the evening, from 17:00 to 22 or even 23:00. However, morning groups can also be popular, which housewives and people with flexible work schedules are happy to attend. Individual lessons are usually scheduled for the morning.

For a dance studio to pay off and generate income, at least 5 groups need to work there per day.

The costs of opening a dance school-studio may be as follows:

  • Rent - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the city and the location of the school. If the rent for premises exceeds this amount, there is a risk that the school may become unprofitable.
  • Costs for employee salaries will be about 120,000 per month. Administrators and cleaners usually have fixed salaries. Dance teachers typically receive a percentage of memberships sold.
  • Equipment costs (mirrors, machines, flooring) – 80–100 thousand rubles. If you take a room that is already equipped for a dance hall, these costs can be avoided.
  • Investments in advertising are about 30 thousand.

Thus, the income of a dance studio can be 100–150 thousand rubles per month, so the funds spent on organizing the business will return quite quickly.

Enterprise registration

To start a dance school, it is enough to register as a When choosing a taxation system, preference should be given to or (if such an opportunity exists). No licenses are required to teach choreography.

If you do not rent a ready-made dance hall with all the necessary permits, but organize and repair your own, you will need to obtain special permits to open a school in it from the city administration, the Fire Department and the SES.

Advertising and promotion

Whether or not to invest in advertising your establishment is a question to which every entrepreneur seeks the answer himself. At first, of course, you will have to do this. Of course, they will bring some of their “own” students after them. But it is necessary to notify the residents of the surrounding area about the opening of the studio; here advertisements and distribution of leaflets in crowded places will be used.

Large-scale advertising on radio or television is needed, perhaps, only if you are offering something exclusive, something that has not yet been seen in the city, and you expect that people from any area will come to you for the “new product.”

You definitely need a dance school website or at least your own pages on city portals: now, increasingly, the question of where to go to study, including dancing, is asked to search engines. And it will be very helpful if information about your studio appears in the top lines of the search.

Another interesting way to draw attention to the project are dance evenings, where students can express themselves and show new skills, and just have fun. Those around you will definitely have a desire to “learn the same way,” and the studio will have new students.

Organizing a dance school is more troublesome than expensive. So for a person who understands dance styles and knows how to work with creative people, this can be an excellent opportunity to organize a profitable business with minimal investment.