World Dance Day. When is Dance Day and how is it celebrated?

Movement is life, so dance! This motto perfectly reflects the essence of one of the types of art that can unite people of different ages, nationality and religion. Dance Day 2019 is truly an event on a planetary scale; it is celebrated by residents of many countries. Therefore, this day is not only professional dancers, but also all those who love to dance.

Why is the holiday celebrated on April 29?

On this day, the famous French choreographer Jean-Jacques Noverre was born, who lived and worked in mid-18th century century. He freed the dancers from bulky, uncomfortable clothing, which greatly restricted their movements and did not allow them to do much. His merits in the development of basic principles classical ballet, the Frenchman wrote many treatises on this topic. It’s curious that before Noverra’s innovations dance direction always existed in conjunction with opera and complemented the performance of singers. Noverre was the first to make ballet an independent performance with its own plot, drama and characters. It is not surprising that when UNESCO approved International Dance Day in 1982 official holiday, the date of its celebration was chosen to be the birthday of the famous choreographer and founder modern ballet.

A reason to start dancing

If you have never practiced this type of art or for some reason abandoned it, on the eve of this date you should, if not start dancing, then at least think about it. Decide on your direction and start choosing a school or club. In any city (no matter how large or small) there is such an establishment. There are plenty of genres - everyone will find something to their liking. Ballroom dancing, breakdancing, modern, tango, hip-hop, bachata, flamenco - the choice is endless.

International Dance Day: holiday scenario

It is celebrated in many parts of the world, including in our country, in various formats. IN major cities Thematic performances, concerts, and competitions are held. Dance studios organize open lessons, invite everyone to try themselves in various directions. Flash mobs, parties and other themed events are held. They accept Active participation not only those who chose Terpsichore’s craft as their profession and dedicated their lives to it, but also amateurs - both young and old.

Do you want to celebrate International Dance Day 2019 and are wondering how to do it? Organize a dance procession with the participation of professional dancers... Or get together with a group and invite a dancer to give you a master class. Choose the genre you would like to master and start learning right on April 29th. You can also arrange a flash mob, which is popular nowadays, by entrusting its staging. All this action is definitely worth capturing as a memory, so everything that happens will not be superfluous at all. In our catalog there are many professionals who perform reportage photography.

Whatever format you choose to celebrate this day, the main thing is to come with good mood and dance!

If you want to know what date Dance Day is and everything about this holiday, read this article.

Before we talk about when the dance day is, we must first remember the great man, theorist choreographic art Jean - Georges Novera. After all, it is thanks to the complete dedication of our lives to the development of dance and ballet that we have the opportunity to celebrate such a wonderful modern holiday- International Dance Day, which is celebrated on April 29.

Who is Jean-Georges Noverre?

In fact, this is a most unique person, who, back in the eighteenth century, was able to see the perspective of such art as choreography and ballet, understanding its relevance and modernity at all times.

He believed that dance would never go out of fashion, that as long as people exist, they will always be able to express those feelings that cannot be expressed in words through beautiful and graceful body movements.

Jean-Georges was born on April 29, 1727 (died October 19, 1810) in France. WITH youth became one of the best students of choreographer L. Dupre, and subsequently led an entire ballet troupe in one of famous theater that time "Drudy Lane" in London (England).

Nover saw and felt dance in everything: in rain, wind, in battle and in love, but mainly specialized in heroic ballet, also in play ballet and tragedy ballet.

Nover outlined all his knowledge and achievements in his work “Letters on Dance and Ballets.” the main idea, the work is that in the union of a choreographer, composer and artist it is possible to achieve an amazing transmission of the meaning of the work through dance and pantomime. This book was published in 1759, but today it is considered a bestseller in the theory of choreographic art.

When is Dance Day and how is it celebrated?

In 1982, by decision of UNESCO, the birthday of Jean-Georges Novera, April 29, became International Dance Day. From this day on, he is called throughout the world a great reformer and the “father of modern ballet.”

All over the world dancers and choreographers, choreographers and masters folk dance celebrate your professional holiday. Television in many countries broadcasts programs about great dancers, choreographers and choreographers, their life stories, contributions to the development of ballet and great achievements.

For this holiday, theatrical and ballet companies productions are being prepared greatest playwright and composers of the world to show all humanity the divine grace of ballet.

But behind all this there is backbreaking work every day and a huge amount of work, because the art of ballet has always been and remains a privilege only for the talented, most patient and persistent dancers. Maybe this is why there are not many real dance masters in the world.

Celebrate this birthday
IN dance rhythm necessary.
Dance - your inspiration
And peace of mind.

May your health not fail you
Music turns the heart on,
And in beautiful movements
Your talent shines clearly.

We sincerely congratulate the choreographer,
On your birthday we wish you good health,
Kindness, warmth, more patience,
And, of course, a sea of ​​inspiration!

So that the students love very much,
They did everything beautifully, accurately,
The dances delighted and captivated
You were both respected and appreciated!

So that joy rages in the heart,
And helped create masterpieces,
And at competitions, everyone won prizes,
The choreographer was heartily admired!

Congratulations to a great teacher, an extremely talented choreographer and just a person who is passionate about his profession. I wish you creative inspiration, always finding many ideas and opportunities for their implementation. Let your talent light up new stars on stage and great love in the hearts of connoisseurs. Happy birthday!

Grace and elegance
And the feeling of beauty -
Bravo to you, applause to you!
Flight, heights!

And on your birthday, joyful
We wish you bright days.
To bathe in sweet dreams,
In the love of loved ones!

Let you want to dance
From a series of victories.
You don't know loneliness -
Happy for long years!

Let life pass to the rhythm of dance,
Dispersing blood through the veins,
And inspiration finds
And let love warm you.

Successful, unusual ideas,
Talented students
Decent and excellent heights,
And only clear clouds!

You are our teacher, our mentor,
They revealed the secret of the dance to us.
Where you need it quickly, and where you need it smoothly,
What does classical mean and what does ballet mean?

We congratulate you on your birthday,
You are a choreographer from the heart.
We wish that an angel protects you,
Cherished dreams came true.

You always stay
Full of enthusiasm and inspiration.
Admire your work
May success await you ahead.

Happy birthday teacher,
Choreographer from God!
Let's wish you to be stronger
And, of course, everyone is slimmer.

There is a lot of happiness in personal life,
Always look great
New creative ideas
And talented children!

Years fly by, days pass,
And your birthday comes again,
And I want to wish so much,
That I just don't know where to start.
I will express my thoughts in simple words:
Let the ease of movement remain with you,
Elegance, plasticity and everything else,
What makes you, without a doubt, yourself,
All that - yes, yes! - gives you charisma.
After all, you are a choreographer, and this is for life!

How graceful you are in movement,
You are a choreographer - just great!
So accept congratulations
On your birthday from us.

We wish you: always dance,
With passion, inspiration, feeling.
And get younger and rejoice
From the power of supreme art.

Let it inspire you.
Let every step be true.
Let the students read it.
Good luck. Health. All the best to you.

Happy birthday to you,
I wish you bright productions,
Let the achievements of the wards
It will be a meaningful gift for you.

You are an incredible choreographer.
I wish you recognition in your case,
Always let the wings of inspiration
A glorious calling is given to you.

May everything come true for you,
Adversity will be forgotten.
And let happiness knock on your door forever.

Talents of discovery,
Happy events.
And in the dance of love and kindness, the centuries spin.

International Dance Day is a celebration dedicated to the wonderful art form, perfect occasion spin in a whirlwind of a waltz, remember talented dancers and choreographers. Dance Day 2017 is celebrated on April 29, Saturday.

history of the holiday

International Dance Day was established in 1982 by the Dance Committee of the International Theater Institute of UNESCO. The date on which this event should take place was proposed by the outstanding Soviet dancer, choreographer, and ballet theorist P.A. Gusev. Thanks to him, the date when this holiday is celebrated is dedicated to the birthday of the famous reformer dance art Jean-Georges Noverre - April 29, 1727.

The name of this dancer, choreographer and ballet theorist is associated with the birth of modern ballet. Thanks to him:

  • ballet has become an independent species art, not an addition to the opera;
  • dance performances began to be based on thoughtful dramaturgy with logical development actions and characteristics of the actors.

As noted

According to the initiators of the creation of Dance Day, it should help unite all types of dances and overcome cultural and political barriers. On this day, it is customary to send congratulations to leading choreographers and dancers.

In turn, according to established tradition, every year a delegate is selected from representatives of the world of ballet and dance, whose task is to address all people of the world with a Message that draws attention to the art of dance, its ability to express the most reverent feelings in the language of plastic arts, overcome misunderstandings, and reach hearts

The most famous dancers and choreographers who delivered the Message dedicated to International Day dance:

1984 Yuri Grigorovich, outstanding Soviet, Russian artist ballet teacher and choreographer
1991 Merce Cunningham, American choreographer who created his own style modern dance. His choreography is distinguished by the unnatural plasticity of the dancers, as if rewriting the laws of human coordination
1996 Maya Plisetskaya, the greatest Soviet, Russian ballerina, who served as a prima ballerina for more than 40 years Bolshoi Theater USSR
1997 Maurice Bejart, one of the most important choreographers of the 20th century
1998 Kazuo Ono, Japanese choreographer and dancer, one of the creators of Japanese modern dance - butoh
year 2001 William Forsyth, American choreographer and dancer, developer of dance improvisation techniques
2002 Katherine Dunham, one of the first African-American dancers, actress, choreographer, teacher
2006 Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia, while studying in Prague, the future king studied, including classical dances
2007 Sasha Waltz, dancer and choreographer from Germany
2011 Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Belgian dancer and choreographer, recognized as a major figure in modern dance
year 2013 Lin Huai-Ming, Taiwanese dancer and choreographer, considered Asia's most important choreographer
year 2014 Murad Merzouki, French choreographer who combined hip-hop and acrobatics in his work
2015 Israel Galvan, Spanish dancer and choreographer

Various events are held all over the world on Dance Day, and in Russia, in addition, the “Soul of Dance” award is awarded - the only professional ballet prize established by the magazine “Ballet” and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in 1994. It has several nominations:

  • "Star"
  • "Rising star";
  • "Folk Dance Star";
  • "Mage";
  • "The Magician of Dance";
  • "Master of Dance";
  • "Teacher";
  • "Knight of the Dance";
  • "Press Leader"

The prize is awarded to outstanding choreographers and dancers, as well as conductors, artists, composers, teachers and journalists who reveal the magic of dance and sanctify achievements in this field. IN different years its laureates were Maya Plisetskaya, Yuri Grigorovich, Vladimir Vasiliev, Rodion Shchedrin, Ulyana Lopatkina, Gennady Rozhdestvensky and many others. In 2016, for the first time in the history of the prize, a gala concert of the prize winners was held in Paris, the homeland of the great choreographer Noverre. This event took place on April 29 - his birthday and International Dance Day.