Choreography teacher training. Pros and cons of the profession


Training takes place in the following specialties:Teacher-choreographer, choreographer-producer, director of a choreographic group, show ballet dancer.
Training 9 months.
Cost until March 1, 2019 11,000 per month, payment by trimesters. (SPECIAL LIMITED!)
We accept on the basis of higher, secondary specialized, secondary technical, non-core education through an interview. We also accept students from the above educational institutions.

Hurry! Places are limited! Distance learning is also available!

+7 903 527 4556

After 11 years, back in Moscow! Master classes from one of the most famous modern dance teachers Joe Alegado.

His performing, teaching and choreographic activities are known throughout the world.
Joe Alegado has worked as a visiting teacher in many government institutions in the USA, Spain, Austria, and Germany.
In 2018 it will be 35 years old teaching activities at one of the most prestigious contemporary dance festivals, Impuls Dance Festival in Vienna.

The First National Academy of Arts is a unique educational institution, which united under its leadership the most talented and experienced professionals - Russian and foreign choreographers and honored teachers of the highest level, who use in their work both modern foreign methods of teaching modern dance, and elements characteristic of the classical Russian school of dance

At the Duncan Dance Center, all conditions have been created so that choreographers can expand their theoretical knowledge, hone their technique and skills in practical disciplines, as well as discover new prospects for activity.

The goal of the Academy is highly qualified professional retraining of workers in the field of choreography.

On this moment The academy offers training in three academic programs, which are developed based on the rich experience of teachers, dancers, choreographers, and directors. Training includes theoretical knowledge and practical lessons at the chosen rate. All disciplines are focused on the modern needs of dancers, choreographers, directors of dance groups, and art directors.

Main features of studying at the academy:

  • Upon completion of training, a state diploma is issued to those students who have (or are still receiving) higher or secondary education. professional education. A certificate of the established form is issued to students with secondary education.
  • The training lasts only 9 months.
  • Graduates are provided with assistance in finding employment.
  • Creative atmosphere, which is present at school, active communication with colleagues and teachers provide an extremely strong incentive for professional growth.

In connection with the change in the Legislation of the Russian Federation from September 1, 2013 regarding additional education, the following courses are offered:

  1. With the receipt upon completion of a Certificate of the established form in one of the disciplines of your choice (jazz, club and Street dance(hip-hop, house, ragga, etc.), classical dance, oriental dance, flamenco, contemporary, children's teacher-choreographer, etc.):
    • 36 hours (Cost 20,000 rubles)
    • 72 hours (Costs 35,000 rubles)
    • 144 hours (Cost RUB 59,000)
    • 245 hours (Cost RUB 79,000)
  2. Upon completion of graduation, you will receive a standard Diploma in one of your chosen specialties (teacher - choreographer, choreographer, director of a choreographic group, show ballet dancer):
    • 350 hours s graduation work— staging or participating in a dance (Cost 99,000 rubles)
    • 504 hours with final work - Diploma defense (Cost 120,000 rubles)

We invite students with secondary specialized and higher education, different from choreographic.

About the theater-studio of modern choreography “Duncan”:

Dance theater-studio of modern choreography “Duncan” was founded in 1998. Behind long years, the studio of modern choreography has accumulated vast practical experience of working at leading venues, both within Russia and in foreign countries. IN creative staff teachers of the studio of modern choreography "Duncan", a unique team of specialists has been formed, teaching dance styles from hip-hop to classical dance. Many of Duncan's teachers are world-class dancers and are among the top twenty in their field.

Today the theater of modern choreography "Duncan" is:

  • One of the leading theaters of choreographic art in Moscow.
  • Regular participant many choreographic competitions, both for children and adults. (“Festival of modern dance among professionals”, “Retaliatory Strike”, festivals “Dance Klondike” and “Dance Driver”, etc.)
  • Three times laureate All-Russian competition“1000 best organizations and enterprises in Russia.”
  • Children's dance school-studio
  • Amateur theater dance and professional studio modern dance (about 20 independent dance groups working with Russian pop stars).

Veronica Guru, 30 years old

What did studying at the National Academy of Arts as a teacher-choreographer give me: new knowledge - YES, without a doubt. Different styles dance - that's for sure. Folk dance was like shock therapy for me. Let me explain a little, I am a contemporary, I dance contemporary, jazz, modern, and formerly hip-hop. Therefore, folk dance was a discovery for me)) but it turns out there is also improvisation in folk dance!!))
Also, wonderful teachers, masters of their craft, creative and talented people. Alina Venediktova is a treasure trove of knowledge and an endless stream of creativity. After graduation, I continue to go to her classes. And I often see my classmates there. Which is also a big plus. Because we had a wonderful group, and we continue to communicate, and often create together, do common productions. Thank you to the Academy, for extraordinary, talented, like-minded friends with whom I want to create and feed each other with different crazy ideas, make dreams come true. I remember this year with warmth, when I found myself there I had a feeling that I was exactly where I needed to be, here and now.
What’s more, the very responsive administration can always understand the student’s situation and take into account various nuances and force majeure. Very kind, sincere people.
And of course, a state diploma. sample. This is the first thing they asked me when applying for a job. I work in secondary school, teacher of additional education. Speaking Russian, I lead dance classes for children different ages.
If you need to urgently get a diploma, then this is the most short term which is in Moscow.
From experience I can say that for dance to become my profession of the year, it is very little, if there was a second year, I would be happy to continue my studies. But I’m already learning all the time, using other programs, at master classes, and in the process of work. You must be able to let go of the teacher, and go on a free swim, fill your own bumps))) To sum it up!!! I felt good and relaxed there.

Maria Egorova, 29 years old

Thank you so much for the knowledge and experience shared! Every hour spent in Duncan is valuable and dear to me. This is a time of discovery, development, and professional growth.

An amazing team of professional teachers and choreographers gathered here. Such different and bright, unique individuals, masters of their craft, devoted to the art of dance!

Andrey is a ballroom dancing teacher - clear, consistent, erudite. A professional who gives very specific and detailed explanations. A very consistently built, broad program.

Evgenia is a modern jazz teacher - bright, energetic, fast moving flow, strong lively movement. A professional who engages, infects, and makes you fall in love with dance.

Anika is a hip-hop teacher - charisma, fire and professionalism. As soon as Anika enters the hall, everything changes - it begins to live, move, glow. Even if she no longer had the strength, she knows how to turn on a super-powerful motor. And you are delighted, amazed and infected by the dance!

Alexey is a modern jazz teacher. Professional, subtle, bright, creative. This is a choreographer-artist! A special feeling, even a vision of music and dance patterns! Beauty, humor, lightness, and a live dance that is born before your eyes. This is a miracle!

Alina is a teacher of contemporary, classical, folk dance, composition, and course leader. Incomparable Alina! A man of amazing depth. A professional who fills movement with thought and gives birth to dance from inner meaning. Teaches you to feel yourself and each other, space and time, Word and Sound.
Opens up the universe of dance with all its stars and treasures. Well, he gives it specifically great amount dancer and choreographer's tools. Very attentive to everyone. Develops everyone. It forces you to overcome your boundaries and capabilities, to expand your limits. Professional growth is ensured regardless of level. Even if you have already become a pro, you still have to work and work, grow and develop!

Thanks to our dear organizers and administrators - Anna and Chin Gizu! They are our support and connection with reality))) Humane, sensitive and attentive. They create a warm homely atmosphere, you immediately feel like you are part of a big wonderful family!

And of course.... students! This is humor, laughter, sparkling fun, support and support, advice, help, sympathy, vibrant life and emotions. Each of those who were nearby was a real star and a man! Thank you guys. You were and are great!


Yulia Fionova, 28 years old

I would like to say a huge thank you to the Duncan school for the opportunity to become a choreographer in 9 months!!! Unfortunately, my studies have come to an end...But I hope that I will continue to be friends with this school and attend the areas I love. This school has wonderful teachers, true professionals who are passionate about their work! The classes are very well structured - 90 min. - This real time, in which they work with you (and even more!). Warm-up, learning ligaments, repetition, learning new movements, stretching, plus all this to the perfect music. Very consistent approach to classes, a lot of attention to safety in performing movements. You really get pleasure from classes, a boost of energy and Have a good mood for the whole day, and the result is visible after just a few classes. The highest level of teaching, individual approach to each student, demanding, so you need to give 100%. For me now DUNCAN is a family, an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. I'm surrounded here wonderful people, very positive and kind. It is very pleasant to be within the walls of this place! Here I was finally able to really open up, try myself in those dance styles in which I never imagined myself. Here I found really real friends who are passionate about a common cause - dance. Now I dance, which means I live...!!


Ekaterina Nikulnikova, 25 years

I have been studying at Duncan Academy since February 2015. I've been looking for a long time for a place where I could get additional education, but where you didn’t have to study for 3 years by correspondence, as many universities offer. It seems to me that this is an excellent opportunity not only to get a diploma after studying for 9 months, but also to practically try different directions dancing. And not only try, but actually learn how to apply them in choreography. It's about about such directions as classical dance, folk dance, jazz-modern, contemporary dance, street dance (hip-hop, jazz-funk, house, etc.), ballroom dancing, and also the art of choreographer, where they give very good theoretical base. Speaking about the teachers, I would like to emphasize their professionalism and ability to present the material. Even if you have never danced ballroom (like me), you can easily not only learn, but also choreograph dance routines. During the lessons, all techniques, tricks and techniques are thoroughly discussed. They will tell you how to teach a particular subject not only to adults, but also to children. Moreover, to study in such a group among such interesting and creative people- this is still great fun!

The goal of the program is to systematize students’ knowledge in the field of classical and modern choreography. This is a refresher course for people who use knowledge of classical dance in their work. And also for those who are still planning to use this knowledge in their future profession.

Most often, we acquire basic classical dance skills in childhood, when learning is less conscious, choreography lessons are held in game form. And when we turn to this information again as adults, something has already been forgotten, something has lost its value, and is outdated.

There is a need to remember something, to look at something differently. In the profession of a dancer, teacher or choreographer, it is not enough to engage exclusively in self-education from textbooks and videos. This method most often leads to a number of errors and inaccuracies, and in general rarely gives the expected result.

It is precisely in order to ask questions that interest you to a competent specialist, to achieve a new quality in your work, that our school of modern choreography was created and exists, ten months of training in the subject.

Stages of training

1. There are no age restrictions for applicants in our program.

The teacher always insists on doing educational elements amplitude and correct. Optimal age applicants are from 15 to 30 years old, although there are pleasant exceptions.

2. Our CORE program is not aimed at students from scratch. For students "from scratch" we have created a system of ADDITIONAL classes on weekends.

If you are already working: East Dance, flamenco, modern club or ballroom dance; and learning the basics of choreography bypassed you, it makes sense for you:

  • gain a basic initial level of knowledge with our teacher (in additional classes)
  • Gradually get yourself into proper physical shape
  • master the terminology necessary for classes

After which you are absolutely ready to try yourself in intensive group training in this subject.

3. Our program does not provide guaranteed employment for students based on the results of their studies, but it significantly HELPS to make new business contacts.

With us it is always EASIER to prepare for a casting, job interview, make right choice in the sea of ​​various dance groups and theaters in Moscow.

We will tell you how it is recommended to behave during any viewing (casting), how to show yourself with best side, in a short period of time have time to competently demonstrate your erudition, creativity, your talent, to interest a recruiter or agent.

4. Upon completion of the course, students have the right to receive a state certificate based on the results of defending their report.

From the outside life and work activity For these professionals, it seems like a series of never-ending holidays. However, on their way there are often pitfalls, which we will try to talk about today.

Society has always gravitated towards art and appreciated great artists and performers. The love of creativity still lives in every person and, although not everyone has the special gift of creating unique works on their own, everyone strives to touch the beautiful. Theaters, concerts, cinema are the creative embodiment of the entire people. One of these incarnations is dances, choreographed by a choreographer.

The compositions developed by the choreographer form part of ballet performances and concert numbers. They complement the performances of the artists and make them colorful, breathing life into the entire production. General impression viewer and the success of the program depends on the coordinated movements of the performers, which in turn depend solely on the professionalism of the choreographer.

Let us note that from the outside, the life and work of these professionals seems like a series of endless holidays. However, on their way there are often pitfalls, which we will try to talk about today.

Who is a choreographer?

– a creator, an artist who adopts the experience of generations and complements it with new elements. He devotes himself entirely to creating new unique choreographic numbers and bringing them to life on stage through dance performances.

At every stage of work, the choreographer interacts with all participants in the production. Together with composers and conductors, he works on the musical accompaniment of the dance, determining the musical mood and thinking through the images that correspond to it. To get a complete picture of the upcoming work, he gets acquainted with the literary basis, after which he thinks through the costumes and choreographic numbers, which the dancers rehearse under his strict guidance.

Concept choreography It has Ancient Greek origin(“choreia” - dance, “grapho” - describe) and implies the art of dance, an interconnected set of movements and poses that are consistent with each other and form a dance episode or a full-fledged dance through special allegories. It is on choreography that the life and work of choreographers focuses.

The formation of this profession lasted for centuries. Even before our era, dancing formed part of rites and rituals, and later they were classified as one of the art forms. Elementary movements to the beat of music or complex “Pas” allowed people to express their emotions and reflected National character. The dance customs of each nation were gradually transformed, supplemented, and improved - this necessitated the need for the profession of choreographer.

Ordinary peasants, naturally, had no time to learn new performances, and they got by quite well own skills which they demonstrated after a hard day of work in cheerful round dances. But for representatives of the nobility, choreography played a significant role. After all, not a single ball was complete without a graceful and well-coordinated performance of the waltz. In addition, people were invited to many receptions in the palaces. dancers entertaining the audience with their performances. Therefore, a person who knows how to come up with an original dance and is able to coordinate his charges was simply necessary.

We emphasize that the specialty “choreographer” has gained the greatest popularity and separation into a separate profession only in the last few decades. The main responsibilities of a choreographer today include:

  • Creation and discussion of composition.
  • Participation in castings to select dancers and distribute specific images, taking into account the skills and abilities of each of them.
  • Choice of scenery, costumes and music.
  • Attending rehearsals to train dancers and practice techniques.
  • Ensuring performances of members of their group in concert programs.
  • Teaching different types of dance.

What personal qualities should a choreographer have?

To become successful in the professional field, a choreographer undoubtedly needs talent. After all, it is he who determines his ability to see beauty and create unique choreographic compositions. At the same time, it is quite natural that one cannot achieve high results with talent and dancing skills alone. To become a well-known and sought-after specialist, a choreographer also needs a set of personal qualities, defining driving force his activities.

The profession requires the presence leadership qualities, which will allow you to lead the entire group. Since the scope of responsibilities includes not only the creation of a dance, but also its production, the choreographer must be able to organize the work of the dancers, determine the skills and characteristics of each of them. For a dance group, he is a teacher and director who, although he cannot be fully responsible for the entire performance, takes responsibility for the quality of the production and preparation for the event.

One of the determining factors of activity is professional knowledge. The choreographer is a polymath, well versed in both art history and other areas of life from which he draws his inspiration. He knows everything types of dances and their origin, which allows him to create not only new episodes, but also restore historical productions. In addition, he has excellent hearing and a sense of rhythm.

Constant presence in society and the need to find mutual language with costume designers, producers, musicians and other members of the production oblige the choreographer to be sociable and be able to make compromises.

He is engaged not only in creating new images, but also takes a direct part in the dance, so he must always monitor his physical form. Heavy workloads, long rehearsals and experiences require costs large quantity energy, which determines the presence of choreographers high level physical and psychological endurance.

Advantages of being a choreographer

The profession is widespread in the field show business. Talented and experienced choreographers are hired to work in dance shows, musicals, filming, theater, opera and others cultural projects. Therefore, they have many opportunities to realize their ideas. With a happy coincidence of circumstances, the result of painstaking work can be universal recognition and glory.

Note that as popularity grows, so does the demand for good specialists, which directly affects the level of his well-being. That's why wage at high degree employment can be very high.

Like other representatives creative professions , choreographers are most often not tied to specific place work. They can work in any place convenient for them: on outdoors or indoors – it doesn’t matter, the main thing is free flight of thoughts and a pleasant atmosphere. The field of activity also does not oblige them to stay within one country, so the choreographer has the opportunity to visit every corner of the world where the only way his expression will become a dance.

Another advantage is the fact that upon achieving certain results in the chosen profession, you can open private school dances and pass on their knowledge to the next generation, as well as take part in dance competitions and forever leave their mark on the history of choreography.

Disadvantages of being a choreographer

Despite all the romanticism, choreographer's activities is not without its shortcomings. The work involves heavy workloads and irregular work schedules, which exhausts the body and can cause various diseases and nervous breakdowns. Absolute involvement in the process, constant tours and rehearsals make it impossible to plan personal life and vacations. There are frequent cases of injuries while performing complex movements, and sometimes these injuries put an end to a future career.

A frightening factor for choreographers is the age limit. Since good physical shape and performance are extremely important for performances. appearance It can be very difficult to stay in the profession after 35 years. Upon reaching a certain age threshold dance directors we have to look for new ways to earn money and learn a new profession.

Moreover, in view mass distribution This type of activity, which has led to a reduction in demand and high competition, not everyone manages to make their way to the pinnacle of success. Large investments required at the beginning of the journey, when the profession has not yet begun to generate income, may never be justified, resulting in disappointment.

Where can you become a choreographer?

Mastering a profession often begins in childhood. Attending choreography classes at an art school is the first step on the path to your dream. Along with studying at a comprehensive school, the future choreographer devotes his time to Special attention dancing. Training based on 9 classes is provided art colleges, and after receiving the certificate, you can submit documents to a higher educational institution.

It should be noted that although early pre-vocational training gives undeniable advantages for admission and further work, availability of talent, great desire or participation in dance clubs will allow you to successfully enter a university and become a choreographer without prior preparation. Today, many dance studios are also represented in the field of choreographic education, but the training they provide is not enough to fully master the profession.

Choreographers are given professional education cultural institutions and pedagogical universities, which carefully select applicants. Therefore, it is very important for admission good preparation. Majority admissions committees pay special attention to classical dance, the technique of its performance and the musicality of the performer. During the audition, a candidate for a vacant position may also be asked to perform compositions from other dance styles.

Universities that provide choreographic education include:

  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen;
  • Omsk State University named after. F.M. Dostoevsky;
  • St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions;
  • Moscow state institute culture.

Image sources:,,,

Choreographer is engaged in staging group and individual dance numbers. It works not only with theater performances, but also with ice shows, music videos, ballet parts for adults and little dancers. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physical education and singing, music (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

They become choreographers talented people who have excellent musical and aesthetic taste, excellent physical training. Over the years of work, the dance director manages to travel to many countries, traveling with creative team where he works.

A professional dance director will always be in demand in theaters, children's and adult creative studios, and fitness clubs.

The main rule of choreographers is to maintain excellent physical shape, because without this it is simply impossible to work. Therefore, their life consists of training, activities, permanent business trips, and work takes away most time.

What is life like for a choreographer?

Practicing ballet dancers, rhythmic gymnasts, and figure skaters become choreographers. Dancers who, after retirement, do not want to radically change their lives, also go into this field. These are high-level professionals who can show in practice what a particular movement looks like; they work in different dance styles.

The choreographer reports to the head of the troupe, while working he interacts with makeup artists, lighting designers, and organizers, controlling the entire process of preparation for the performance. But these are not all his responsibilities; let’s learn more about the rest:

  • teaching students to dance, acting at the level required by a professional dancer;
  • improving students' technique;
  • collective and individual choreographic performances;
  • choice of costumes, makeup, hairstyles for dancers;
  • conducting rehearsals (group and individual);
  • creating a repertoire taking into account the requirements of the modern viewer;
  • cultural and educational activities;
  • development of aesthetic taste, musical ear, and emotionality in dancers.

A choreographer is a mentor, an assistant who is constantly with the dancers, improving their skills. It depends on the choreographer how unusual and beautiful the production will be. He forms a picture, then brings it to life with the help of actors and music, making the hearts of the audience flutter.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. Many travels.
  2. Creative and very extraordinary team.
  3. There is no connection to a specific country.
  4. Movement is life, but choreographers move constantly.
  5. A choreographer can go further by opening his own school, advertising brands, or working as a consultant for film studios.
  6. A profession that can't help but please people who are in love with dance.
  7. After retirement you can find more simple work in this field: consultant, jury member during competitions, etc.


  1. A dangerous profession, because there is a high risk of injury.
  2. Sore legs, calluses, cramps, sprains - these problems accompany the choreographer throughout his career.
  3. Conflicts with the troupe director and dancers, who are often lazy and perform poorly during rehearsals and concerts.
  4. Not all choreographers achieve success and high salaries.
  5. The work takes a lot of time.

Important personal qualities

The choreographer is very graceful and creative person who knows how to convey his emotions through dance. The director is distinguished by plasticity, flexibility, ease, but at the same time, his character should be dominated by the makings of a leader, the ability to persuade and even force when necessary. The choreographer is a mentor, so he must be able to find a common language with people of any age.

  1. Good health.
  2. Excellent physical fitness.
  3. Artistry.
  4. Demandingness.
  5. Artistic taste.
  6. Curiosity.
  7. Temperament.
  8. Excerpt.
  9. The ability to insist on one's own.

Choreographer training

Today, those people who decided to devote their lives to dance at the age of 15-20 can also become a choreographer. But such directors rarely work with professionals in the future; they may find Good work in fitness centers, children's institutions, modern dance schools, and will take part in amateur competitions.

A professional choreographer is a person who started dancing at the age of 5-8 years. At the age of 11-12 years, dancers enter schools or colleges, after which they apply to the choreography department (direction " Choreographic art"). During admission, it is very important to pass the creative exam perfectly, demonstrate flexibility, ear for music, but it’s better to forget about shyness and stiffness.

Please note that the choreographer must confirm his qualifications. If a director, educated at a university, does not know how to work with dancers, lacks a sense of rhythm or good technique, then he will never be given a vacancy. Supervisor dance group first he looks at how the director moves and works, and after approval he looks at the diplomas.

Training at this school lasts only 9 months; the program, developed by experienced dancers and choreographers, consists of both theoretical and practical knowledge. Students who complete the course will be issued state-issued diplomas or certificates, and school representatives can provide assistance in finding employment.

Professional choreographers and dancers who want to improve their skills and receive a document on secondary specialized education are invited to the courses. For 2 years, dancers and directors hone their skills, learn more about different types dance and get others useful knowledge. Classes, each lasting 6 hours, are held 3 times a week, the form of training is full-time.