Family household rituals, traditions and modern processes. Rituals, traditions and customs of the Russian people

We often don’t think about what turns us from a group of people living together into a real unit of society. But here not last role customs that have developed over the years play out. In our article we will talk about what are family traditions, what is their meaning, and also give examples of habits that exist in families different countries and make your list.

Family traditions: what is it?

To define what a family tradition is, let’s first define what it means – “family”. According to the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary- is "based on marriage or consanguinity" small group, whose members are bound by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.” This means that in a full-fledged unit of society, relatives not only live under the same roof, but also love each other, take care of each member, and spend time together. If some activity or action is repeated repeatedly, passed from one generation to another, then it becomes a custom of this kind.

Family customs are not necessarily something grandiose and large-scale. Even modest weekly rituals that are established in one union or another can be considered a tradition. For example, cleaning on Saturdays, having breakfast together on Sunday mornings, or watching cartoons with the children on Fridays.

Moreover, the habit of wishing each other good morning, kissing when meeting or saying goodbye, calling that you have arrived safely at your destination can also be attributed to the norms accepted in this unit of society.

Types of family traditions

The list of what can be classified as family traditions can be endless. However, they can be conditionally divided into general ones, which are inherent in many people in different variations, and completely unique, specific rituals.

The first group includes such actions as:

Joint celebrations

In most homes in Russia on birthdays, New Year, Easter gathering at a richly set table big circle relatives and close friends to congratulate the birthday person or spend the outgoing year.

These days, it is customary to present gifts and souvenirs, write congratulations, sing songs and dance, make toasts followed by drinking alcohol, which of course does not benefit the nation.

Joint meeting of important events in life

For many people, it is customary to discuss daily or at least once a week in a small circle how the day went, what events happened, share their thoughts on this matter, give advice or simply empathize from the heart. Plans for the weekend and the near future are also discussed here. Such close, frank communication is very unifying and allows all members of the family to feel their importance and significance for the rest.

Traveling together

If circumstances permit, many spend their holidays together, if possible going to the sea or to another city. And there are those who prefer annual trips to the dacha in the summer, where outdoor recreation is combined with work responsibilities. Any such trip brings a lot of positivity to each participant, which strengthens the relationship between household members.

Photos for memory

I want to capture pleasant events on photo cards so that I can return to them at any time. memorable day. Photo shoots, which are now fashionable, can become a good tradition, especially in families with children. After all, every age of a baby has its own charms, and time flies so quickly that you won’t have time to come to your senses. In addition, long joint preparations usually take place for such an event, and the child will perceive the shooting itself as an adventure.

Joint attendance at various events

Cinema, theater, exhibitions, museums, festivals - it's all very interesting and educational. If everyone in the house is committed to developing their personality, then household members will never be bored with each other. So joint visits to cultural or entertainment events- This is a very good and useful custom.

The list of other common family traditions can be very long. After all, the smallest daily habits can also be included here, and that’s all religious ceremonies, national characteristics associated, for example, with marriage or initiation into religion. Russia is a multinational country, and each nation has its own historical customs.

Specific customs include those features that are unique to your social unit. For example, you like to eat only oatmeal for breakfast, or don’t go to bed until dawn on Friday.

In addition, there are those actions that developed on their own, and there are those that were specially introduced. In any case, this is exactly what is repeated in one house with some frequency.

The role of family traditions: what does it mean to observe them?

If we highlight the main positive theses, they will probably sound like this:

  • Traditions give a feeling of stability and inviolability of marriage for spouses.
  • Develop respect for elders.
  • They instill a desire for work and order.
  • They rally and unite relatives.
  • They allow you to feel like an integral part of something big, strong, what we call a social unit.

What are family traditions for children?

Compliance with established customs is especially important for children, because it gives a feeling of stability, and therefore safety. Children love when something is repeated many times; it is good for their psyche and makes the child calm and balanced. This is why doctors so strongly recommend following a daily routine.

The following traditions will be especially useful for children:

Reading bedtime stories and singing lullabies to babies

Evening reading not only develops the child’s imagination, but also puts him in a calm mood, appropriate before bed, and the mother’s voice always calms and lulls him to sleep.

Cooperative games

In the age of computers, televisions and an endless amount of entertainment, it is very easy to keep a child busy. However, the warmest memories from childhood will be those when the baby played with his parents. This could be board games or outdoor activities, the main thing is that everyone close to you takes part in the game.

Household duties

It is good when each member, even the smallest one, has some responsibilities around the house. This does not have to be a fixed labor duty. Activities can be changed and each time a new task can be offered. Invite your child to wipe the dust during one cleaning session, and the next time to use a vacuum cleaner. And even kids are happy to handle such an assignment as watering flowers.

Family meals

Kisses and hugs

Psychologists say that to feel happy you need at least eight hugs a day. And children need even more. So hug your kids on any occasion. And a goodnight kiss will be a wonderful end to the day for both the child and the parents.

Preparing for the New Year

For many adults, some of the most magical moments of childhood are new year holidays. You can create a fairy tale with your child, decorate a Christmas tree together with themed songs, make souvenirs as gifts for your family, write letters to Santa Claus. After all, the baby can do what many adults have forgotten how to do - believe in miracles.

All these and many other traditions will allow children to form right attitude to marriage as one of the main elements of your life. Already as adults, they will carry into their young unit of society exactly those foundations and principles that they learned from childhood.

Description of family traditions of different countries

Of course, every society has its own historically established customs. Let's talk in more detail about what is accepted in other states.

In Russia

Since ancient times, traditions have been honored and protected in Russia; they have been an important part of the life of both the common population and the nobles.

One of the main customs was good knowledge kind of family, all of their ancestors up to the tenth generation. In an aristocratic environment, family trees were necessarily compiled for each surname, which listed all the ancestors with first names, patronymics, last names and titles. Stories from the lives of our ancestors were passed on from mouth to mouth, and with the invention of the camera, photographs were passed on. Until now, many families carefully preserve old photo albums, gradually supplementing them with modern cards.

Respect for elders is one of the pillars of education in Rus'. In our country, unlike Western states, it is not customary to send parents to live out their lives in boarding houses and nursing homes. Children up to last day take care of their elderly. And after their death, it is customary to remember departed relatives on the day of death and birthday, and to care for their graves.

Another Russian feature that demonstrates respect for one’s family is the assignment of a patronymic to a child. This is a tribute, first of all, to my father. It was also often possible to come across a “family” name, that is, often found in this family, when a child is named after one of the relatives.

The transfer of heirlooms by inheritance was also widespread. Moreover, these are not necessarily jewelry that cost a fortune. These can be simple, but dear to the heart things - interior items, cutlery. Often wedding dress passed from mother to daughter.

Almost all of the above traditions have been preserved in our society to this day. But many, unfortunately, are practically lost. For example, professional dynasties, when a craft was deeply studied and its secrets were passed on from generation to generation.

A good trend has become a return to roots and age-old traditions. "Russian House of Genealogy" offers assistance in compiling family tree kind. They have more than five hundred genealogists working all over the world, who will certainly find any archival documents, where this or that surname is mentioned. Also, experts not only compile a pedigree, but also teach this difficult craft. A wide selection of designs will allow you not only to create a tree for yourself out of interest, but also to purchase a family tree book as an original and useful gift.

In Great Britain

This is a country that sacredly honors its customs, especially for aristocratic dynasties. Traditions are observed in everything: from the daily rituals of morning oatmeal and evening tea to the concept of how to raise children.

One of the peculiarities of the British is to instill in their children strict control over their emotions. Save face for a true gentleman today is as important as it was a couple of centuries ago.

In Italy

Italy is a very patriarchal state. Almost 90% of all enterprises there are related, that is, passed on from father to son. In addition, the surname in this state is not limited to a narrow circle of the closest relatives; all relatives are an important part of the large clan.

On holidays, the whole family must gather around a richly covered festive table, joke, laugh, share news.

To America

Despite the fact that Americans are mostly workaholics and very career-oriented, many social units have three or more children. An interesting tradition is to take your baby with you everywhere, even to parties and get-togethers with friends. It is believed that such early integration into society will help the child in adult life.

Historically, family traditions are an integral part of the life of any society in every state. They are like cement when building a house, they bind all relatives and allow them not to lose common interests. So follow existing customs and create new ones, then there will always be an atmosphere of love and friendship in your home.

You and I live in a country that bears the proud name of Russia. Russia in the historical understanding is the life and way of life of the population, relations with other countries, this is the joint residence of many peoples on one territory.

Over hundreds of years, the peoples of Russia have developed common customs, traditions, and a common Russian culture. And at the same time, each nation, like an island in the ocean, lives by its own traditions, national culture, lives by what distinguishes it from other nations. The development of culture contributed to the formation of national self-awareness of the people and a sense of unity. This is the strength of the Russian people, this is what makes Russians Russian. Family and household rituals are predetermined by the cycle of human life. They are divided into maternity, wedding, recruiting and funeral.

Maternity rite. A woman acquired special ritual significance during rituals. For a newborn, this ritual symbolized the beginning of his life’s journey. During the ritual, the newborn acquired the status of a human being, and the woman who gave birth acquired the status of a mother, which allowed her to move to another socio-age group - adult women - women, which prescribed her new type behavior. Maternity rites sought to protect the newborn from hostile mystical forces, and also assumed the well-being of the baby in life. A ritual bath of the newborn was performed, and the baby’s health was charmed with various sentences. Our ancestors sincerely believed that not only the child is a carrier evil spirits, but his mother also poses a danger to the living, since she serves as a conductor between worlds. Through the woman's body the child comes into earthly world. But along with the child, evil spirits can also enter the earthly world. These rites were called “cleansing”, that is, they cleansed dark force . There were two types of rituals: church and folk. On the day of birth, a midwife comes to the woman in labor. As soon as all the procedures are completed after the baby leaves the mother’s womb, the owner of the house invites a priest who sprinkles holy water on the house, the child’s room, reads prayers of purification for the mother, the child and, separately, for the women who were present at the birth. After reading the prayers, the mother and father of the child must give their child a name (necessarily on the same day). Then a day is set when the baby will be baptized. This is where the role of the priest ends for the time being. This completes the first stage of cleansing. Only after this could all the residents of the house breathe easy and not worry about their future. Next comes the second stage of cleansing the baby and mother. It consists of washing the mother and child in a bathhouse. We always started with the child. Before washing the baby's body, the midwife generously poured water on the stones so that the steam filled the entire steam room. It was believed that the newborn baby was hard as a rock and needed to be kneaded. This massage improved blood circulation, helped joints gain flexibility and skin elasticity. When stretching, the midwife took the child's right arm and pulled it towards the left leg and, conversely, the left arm towards the right leg. The fact is that our ancestors believed that in the dark world everything is upside down, where there is right there is left, where there is up there is down. Consequently, the newborn, as having come from that world, is also upside down. The midwife “turned” the child as it should be in earthly life. A woman who gave birth, according to legend, was considered born again. The rite of purification is followed by the church rite of baptism. An unbaptized child caused fear in people; they were forbidden to kiss him, talk to him, or put things on him (the child was always in diapers). In some villages in Russia, the mother was even forbidden to call him by name. The baby was considered a sexless being and was not included in the family into which he was born. Parents carefully chose godparents for their child, as they were considered spiritual mentors. Most often, relatives became godparents, since they would not abandon their godson and would always take care of him, educate him, and teach him. The most interesting thing is that children from six years old and old people could become godparents (or godmothers), but preference was given to people of the same age as their parents. It was impossible to refuse the role of godfather; it was considered a blood grievance for the parents. Just before the sacrament, the child was in the arms of the midwife, who handed him over to the godfather. Godmother prepared the font for the ceremony. Oddly enough, water was poured into the font directly from the well; in no case was it heated or warm water added. It was believed that immersing a child in ice water (even in winter) gave him greater resistance to disease. If during baptism the candles in the hands of relatives smoked and burned poorly, it was believed that the child would get sick often or even die soon, but if the flame was bright, he would have a long life. After the ceremony was completed, the priest handed the baby over to the godparents: if a boy, then to the godmother, if a girl, then to the godfather, who carried the child into the house. After this, the baby became a full member of the family. The day after the baptism, relatives, friends and relatives came to the parents’ house. A feast was arranged, the first toasts were always made to the health of the child, his parents and the midwife who delivered the child. Wedding ceremony. A wedding is a complex ritual, consisting of ritual actions and ritual poetry, expressing the economic, religious, magical and poetic views of the peasants. A wedding is divided into three stages: pre-wedding, wedding and post-wedding. Pre-wedding activities include matchmaking, bridesmaids, collusion, and bachelorette parties. For the wedding - the arrival of the wedding train at the bride's house, the ceremony of giving the bride to the groom, departure to the crown, wedding, wedding feast. At the wedding, works of various folklore genres were played: lamentations, songs, sentences, etc. Among the ritual songs, songs of magnificence and corrugations stood out. Great songs glorify the wedding participants: the bride, groom, parents, guests and groomsmen. They include images of appearance, clothing, and wealth. Idealized in them the world and reflected the peasants’ idea of ​​the aesthetic and moral image of man, their dreams of a happy, rich life. The main principle of image in these songs is the principle of exaggeration. Great songs give unique portraits of wedding participants. Matchmaking. In villages, matchmakers were involved in connecting young people. First, the rite of discovery took place. The matchmaker came to the house of the future groom to find out if the father wanted to arrange a wedding for his son. The head of the family was called the sorcerer. The matchmaker asked veiled questions and found out the plans of this family regarding their son. The matchmaker was not allowed further than the matitsa - the middle ceiling beam; the second half of the hut was considered the family half of the house. As soon as the matchmaker realized that they wanted to marry the young guy, she agreed with his father about the matchmaking day and talked about the bride. They usually went to woo the bride in the evening, in a roundabout way, so as not to reveal the secret of the future wedding to higher powers that could prevent the union of hearts. The groom's father, groom, his best man, semi-friends and matchmaker or matchmaker came to the bride's house. On the bride's side, the bride's friends and her closest relatives gathered at the table. They talked in half-hints and with jokes about whether the two families wanted to start a family for the young people. If the bride agreed to marry the groom, then she swept the floor with a broom from the door to the stove, and if not, then from the stove to the door, as if sweeping the matchmakers out of the house. This is where the expressions came from: “swept up” - or decided positively, “get out” - or leave. The groom could also agree or not to marry this girl. If he drank three cups of tea, then there would be a wedding. If you drank one cup and turned it upside down on the saucer, it means that the bride did not like you. Matchmaking was not yet the final decision about the wedding. Another pre-wedding custom could be abolished by a future wedding celebration. Bride. The bride's relatives went to the groom's house for the bride's viewing. A bride was a profitable commodity in Rus'. Therefore, they tried to give her as a wife to a rich groom in order to take a large clutch (bride price). It was believed that if there are a lot of cattle in the groom's house, it means it is bad. After all, the young wife will have to take care of all the living creatures in her husband’s house. Copper utensils were of great value at the shows. It was a sign of wealth, so it was often borrowed from wealthy neighbors in order to “show off” the bride’s parents. By the way, they had the right to refuse the wedding after the viewing. Handcraft. On this day, the fathers of both families gathered at a common table to finally announce the wedding day and decide how to organize the wedding. The fathers leaned across the table and hit each other on the hands, considering the issue resolved. On the same day, the groom gave a clutch (ransom) for the bride, and the bride’s dowry was shown to the groom’s family. It was supposed to consist of her clothes for 2 years ahead and bedding. Hanging. The bride was dressed in mourning clothes. She could not talk because lamentations were escaping her lips. The bride mourned her last girlhood days. Now she could not leave the house alone, only with those accompanying her, who held her by the elbows, as if weak from tears. There was even such a cruel custom - the bride had to whip herself in front of the groom, fall to the ground, sob and say goodbye to every corner of her home. Hen-party. Usually the bachelorette party was held on the eve of the wedding. The bridesmaids and her relatives gathered at the home of the hero of the occasion. IN last time They wove her braid, braiding it with a braid - a ribbon embroidered with pearls and beads. Then, wailing and crying, the friends unbraided the girl’s braid for the last time, and the bride passed the braid to her younger sister or unmarried friend. At the bachelorette party, the bride’s handmade creations, which she managed to make as a girl, were hung throughout the house. These were towels and napkins embroidered by the bride, shirts and dresses, homespun rugs. All the things she learned to do in her life. In the evening the groom arrived and brought gifts, which the bride had to refuse. All the young people were noisily having fun, only the bride and groom sat drooping, waiting for the unknown of family life. Bath custom. Before the wedding, it was customary for the bride to thoroughly wash herself in the bathhouse. The healer read conspiracies against treason to the bride in the bathhouse. She was hovered and doused with water several times. The last water after the bride was collected in a clean handkerchief and collected in a small container to be added to the groom’s drink at the wedding. It was a conspiracy against betrayal and love. The wedding ceremony is one of the oldest rites of the Eastern Slavs. It belongs to the holiday calendar. The wedding ceremony depended on favorable periods in the folk calendar. Wedding ceremonies were prohibited during fasts (Christmas, Bolshoi, Petrovsky, Assumption) and major Orthodox holidays, etc. during the period from January 7 to January 21. There were no weddings on Tuesday and Thursday. Most often, weddings took place in the fall, with the end of agricultural work; many sought to coincide the wedding date with Intercession Day, because it was believed that Intercession was the patron saint of marriage bonds; after baptism and before Maslenitsa week, the happiest wedding is considered to be the one celebrated on Krasnaya Gorka, after Easter, during St. Thomas Week. Don't get married on a leap year. After the death of relatives, you need to postpone the wedding for 1 year. The bride's wedding dress should be white. This color symbolizes the bride's transition from adolescence to adulthood. An important attribute wedding clothes Brides have been wearing amulets since ancient times. Brides had a pin pinned to their clothes, rowan leaves were placed in their shoes, and fruits were placed in their pockets. The bride should have salt blessed for Easter with her. When brides get married, they should wear crosses. Before the wedding they got engaged with rings. The groom - in gold, the bride - in silver, this meant the union of the Moon and the Sun. The rings must be from the same place and not have any patterns. The ring cannot be worn on a glove. You cannot use found rings, get married with a widow’s ring, or melt down your father’s ring. Brides can get married with rings passed down by inheritance. The fall of the ring at the time of marriage speaks of health problems, indicates divorce, or the death of one of the spouses. It is customary that the newlyweds buy the ring, preferably in one place and on the same day. Wedding rings should not be given to friends or sisters to try on, otherwise there will be disputes in the family. Couples rarely married in summer and spring. This was mainly due to the need, such as to hide a premarital pregnancy. It was extremely rare for marriages to happen without the blessing of the parents, because they were condemned by the entire community. However, it is worth noting that parents sometimes deliberately pushed their children to such a secret wedding, because it saved them from unnecessary expenses associated with organizing the celebration.

Recruitment ritual. Recruitment rites are rites performed in peasant environment in relation to men called up to serve for 25 years in the Russian army during the period of the decree “On Recruitment. The predecessors of recruits in the history of Russia were the so-called “datochny people”. The order on the number of recruits was communicated to each rural community by the authorities from above. Who exactly to send to become soldiers, the communities decided at a general meeting, choosing among persons who had already reached the age of 20. For the entire year remaining before conscription, the candidate for recruit was not forced to work, and in the summer they were generally released from all work so that he could spend more time at conversations and summer games. Recruits (“uncool”) were pitied and treated as people whose days of life on earth were already numbered. Before being sent for a medical examination to the provincial or county town in the family they guessed by two candles (if he puts out his name - to go to the army), by a loaf of bread with a pectoral cross baked in it (if it falls over the threshold - to service), by a pectoral cross, which a rooster could choose among other items in fortune-telling at Christmas time, by beans and cards, at the crow of a rooster on the day of departure for conscription, etc. On the day of departure for the commission, the parents blessed the guy in the house and acted out scenes in which the young man allegedly returned from the commission, exempt from conscription. On the morning of the medical examination, recruit candidates washed themselves in the bathhouse with soap from the ablution of the dead, so that the doctor would evaluate them as sick and infirm.

After the medical examination, the remaining 3 to 7 days before conscription, the recruit walked every day with songs at farewell parties, where, among other things, they were chanted as if they were dead. Sometimes recruits competed in horse races. It was believed that the winner would return alive, and those who fell from the horse would certainly die. In the morning on the eve of departure, the recruit went to say goodbye to the dead at the cemetery, and at sunset he said goodbye to his home, to his father’s field and meadow, to the bathhouse, to the bank of his native river or lake. At home, on the eve of departure, the relatives once again wondered from the loaf of bread on the doorstep whether to serve as a recruit in a nearby city or far from home. On the way, the recruit received a blessing from his father and mother, and if he was called up during a war year, then from the village priest. The recruits took with them a supply of food for several days and a handful native land in a bag. The mothers of the recruits were escorted to the volost center. At the house and at all important intersections, friends fired blank charges from their guns into the air. Rarely any of the recruits returned home alive after 25 years of service.

After 1868, recruiting rituals were first transformed into rituals of seeing off to the Army or to the active front, but now they are reduced to one farewell party and general customs of seeing off on a long journey. Occasionally, conscripts take with them a piece of paper with the apocryphal “Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary” or “Prayers of God”, other military prayers, which are believed to protect from death and rude attitude to conscript commanders and colleagues. Even less often, on the day they are sent to the Army, they are given water to drink, for which similar prayers have been said by the healer.

Funeral rite. Family rituals—maternity, wedding, and funeral—are rites of passage. Each of them delimits one stage of a person’s life from another, marking the transition from one age period to another. The rituals took place not only long haul formation, but rethinking and destruction of many elements that were previously significant in them, as a result of changes in a person’s views on the world. The most ancient of family rites is considered to be funeral. The structure of the funeral and memorial ritual is simple and consists of several sequential ritual complexes, namely: 1. Actions associated with the near-death state of a person and at the moment of death, with dressing the deceased and placing him in the coffin; 2. Removal from home, funeral service in church, burial; 3. Funerals, which after the 40th day turned into memorial rites associated with calendar rituals.

Elderly people prepared for death in advance. Women sewed their own death clothes; in some areas it was customary to make coffins or stock up on boards for the coffin long before death. But for a deeply religious person, the main thing was to prepare oneself for this last step in life spiritually, i.e. have time to do the necessary things to save the soul. Giving alms and making contributions to churches and monasteries were considered godly deeds. It was also considered a pious act to forgive debts. The whole family gathered around the dying man, they brought him images (icons), and he blessed each one especially. Often the sick person was given unction. Unction (unction) is one of the seven sacraments Orthodox Church which was performed on the patient. During the consecration of oil, as well as during repentance, sins were forgiven. After confession, the dying person said goodbye to his family and relatives and gave instructions. It was very important for relatives and others to receive forgiveness from the dying person for the grievances that may have once been caused to him. Fulfilling the orders of the dying person was considered obligatory: “It is impossible to anger the deceased, it will bring misfortune to those remaining on earth.” If a person died quickly and painlessly, they believed that his soul would go to heaven, and if before his death he suffered heavily and for a long time, it means that his sins were so great that he could not escape hell. Relatives, seeing how the dying man was suffering, tried to help the soul leave the body. To do this, they opened the door, window, chimney, broke the ridge on the roof, and lifted the top part of the roof of the house. They placed a cup of water everywhere so that the soul could be washed when it flew away. The dying person was supposed to be laid on the floor, covered with straw. Dying on a stove was considered a great sin. When death occurred, relatives began to lament loudly. It was assumed that the deceased sees and hears everything. The content of the lamentations was arbitrary, everything depended on the eloquence of the mourner. The fight against this custom was waged in Russia for many centuries. In 1551, the custom of mourning the dead was condemned by a resolution of the Stoglavy Council. But at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Peter I had to once again officially prohibit crying at the funerals of members of the royal house. With the onset of death, everything was aimed at preparing the deceased for the funeral. These actions largely undermined the religious-magical character. The deceased had to be washed. For a long time, as was customary, men were washed by old men, women by old women, but by the middle of the 19th century. Washing was mainly done only by women. In every village there were old women who washed the dead, receiving something from the deceased’s clothing - a sundress, a shirt or a scarf. At the same time, prayers were read. All objects used in washing were destroyed: the straw was burned or lowered into the water, or thrown into a ditch; the comb was thrown away or placed together with the deceased in the coffin, the water pot was broken, thrown away at the first intersection, Soap was either placed in the coffin, or was used later only for magical healing purposes, water was poured into places where people usually did not go, or on a fire in which straw was burned. Preparing clothes for a funeral was a well-known custom. The clothes prepared for burial differed in the method of sewing, cut, material, and color. Mortal clothing for a long time retained its ancient cut and traditional forms, already out of fashion. The dead were usually placed in coffins in shrouds made of canvas. After washing and “dressing” the deceased, they placed him on a bench in the front corner, lit a lamp in front of the icons and began to pray. In general, from the moment of death until the funeral (they were buried, as a rule, on the third day), prayers were read over the deceased by specially invited readers. During the entire time the deceased lay under the icons, relatives, including from other villages, as well as fellow villagers came to him to say goodbye. The rich were accompanied to church and to the cemetery by many people. It was customary to go to the funeral of the poor with offerings - canvas, candles, wooden oil, rye or wheat flour, which were given to the relatives of the deceased - to commemorate the soul. They also helped with money - to pay for funeral expenses; participated in the funeral and took specific actions: some dug the grave, others washed the body, others sewed a svan. The poor and rootless were buried and commemorated at the expense of the entire society. Thus, the death of a fellow villager became an event in the life of the entire ancient people and affected not only those closest to them, but also everyone around them. Kutia, honey and oatmeal jelly were obligatory dishes on the funeral table. At the end of lunch, everyone went home. This was the end of the funeral rituals and the beginning of the funeral rites. Commemoration of deceased relatives was celebrated on the 3rd, 9th, 20th, 40th days, on anniversaries and holidays. after death, a cup of water and a pancake or piece of bread. This bread was served to the poor every other day, and the water was poured out the window. So, it lasted 40 days.

The 40th day after death - the magpie, when, according to popular beliefs, the soul visited the house for the last time, stood out with particular complexity of ritual actions and solemnity. In many places, all actions carried out on this day were called farewells or calling out to the soul. On the 40th day, a lot of people were invited and a rich table was served. They always attended church, went to the grave of the deceased, and then had dinner at home. Subsequently, the church declared Trinity Saturday to be one of the parental Saturdays; in popular tradition, it became the main, most common memorial Saturday. It was important to go to the graves of the dead, communicate with them, remember them. Respect for the dead demonstrates respect for the living.

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« Folk family and household rituals in Russia.”

                  Completed by: student 3tt

                  Chazova A.N.

                  Checked by: Demus O.I.

Izhevsk, 2010

Introduction………………………………………………………… ...

CHAPTER 1. Family and household rituals: concept and typologies.

1.1 Concept, origin and meaning of rituals……………………..

1.2.Typology of rituals……………………………………………………..

CHAPTER 2. The most significant family and everyday rituals of the Russian people.

2.1. Maternity rite……………………………………… ……………

2.2. Wedding custom in the history of Rus'.

2.2.1. Acquaintance…………………………………………………… ……..

2.2.2. Matchmaking……………………………………………………………..

2.2.3. Bride………………………………………………………… …

2.2.4. Collusion……………………………………………………………… ….

2.2.5. Hen-party………………………………………………………… ………

2.2.6. Wedding day…………………………………………………….

2.2.7. Wedding………………………………………………………… …..

2.3. Recruitment ceremony………………………………………………………………………

2.4. Funeral rite………………………………………………………………………..

Conclusion…………………………………………………… ……………..

Bibliography………………………………… ………………………

Folk culture is the centuries-old concentrated experience of the people, materialized in objects of art, labor and everyday life: these are traditions, rituals, customs, beliefs; these are ideological, moral and aesthetic values ​​that determine the face of a nation, its identity, uniqueness, its social and spiritual peculiarity.

However, for many reasons, most of the spiritual heritage and material objects folk culture turned out to be lost. The process of irreversible loss of this national heritage continues to this day. A critical situation is being created in which we can, after some time, deprive the current and subsequent generations of the most valuable heritage of the regional folk artistic culture and thereby completely destroy the spiritual connection of contemporaries with cultural traditions and the creative experience of past generations. It follows from this that the problem of preserving traditional folk artistic culture is becoming important.

The relevance of the chosen topic is that in the current conditions of searching for the origins of the spiritual revival of Russia, it is important to support one’s national culture, to concentrate the character of the people, to educate a worthy personality who can develop and preserve the folk traditions, rituals, and customs of Russia.

Family and household rituals are part of this folk culture. They are also subject to extinction. Already now the younger generation does not know many rituals, they do not know their essence and meaning. But these rituals played an important role in the life of society.

Purpose course work is to deepen knowledge in the subject “Socio-cultural activities”. Also, by selecting this topic, I set a goal: to study in more detail and deepen my knowledge of family and household rituals that exist in Russia.

The object of study of the course work is the revival and development of folk traditions of Russia.


1.1. The concept, origin and meaning of rituals.

Rituals and holidays are a multifaceted social phenomenon that reflects both the life of each person and society as a whole. This special kind human activity, expressing the harmony of man and society or the desire for it.

A ritual is a set of established actions in which religious ideas or everyday traditions are embodied. It is a way of conveying certain ideas and concepts in symbolic form.

The roots of most folk holidays go back to pagan times. Despite the thousand-year effort of the Orthodox Church to eradicate them, many of the ancient rites and rituals have survived in folk tradition to this day. The church skillfully adapted some of these rituals to its holidays, and some folk holidays became part or continuation of church holidays.

In the old peasant life(just like in modern times) human life developed cyclically - birth, growing up, wedding, having children, old age, death. In this regard, family and household rituals arose. Their appearance was associated with the population’s need for protective actions from evil spirits. The rituals were also aimed at recovery,

    1.2. Typology of rituals.

The emergence of family and household rituals is predetermined by the cycle human life. They are divided into maternity, wedding, recruiting and funeral.

Maternity rites sought to protect the newborn from hostile mystical powers, and also assumed the well-being of the infant in life. A ritual bath of the newborn was performed, and the baby’s health was charmed with various sentences.

A wedding is a complex ritual, consisting of ritual actions and ritual poetry, expressing the economic, religious, magical and poetic views of the peasants.

Recruitment rituals arose due to the fact that peasants went into military service for 25 years. They were aimed at ensuring that the recruits said goodbye to their parents, whom they might never see again, to their fiancées, to their friends, to their usual way of life.

Funeral rites are aimed at ensuring that the soul of the deceased appears before God in purity and integrity, and also that the deceased does not “disturb” the living.

CHAPTER 2. The most significant family and everyday rituals of the Russian people.

2.1 Maternity ritual.

“In all parts of the house the same feeling that Princess Marya experienced while sitting in her room was poured out and possessed everyone. According to legend, than less people know about the suffering of the mother in labor, the less she suffers. Everyone tried to pretend ignorance, no one talked about it, but in all the people, in addition to the usual sedateness and respect for good manners that reigned in the prince’s house, one could see some kind of general concern, a softness of heart and an awareness of something great, incomprehensible, taking place in at this moment" 1.

The birth of a person is a huge event for a family, anticipated with joy, hope and fear. Long after the birth of the mother, they prayed for a successful outcome of the birth and wanted to know in advance the sex and at least partly the future fate of the baby.

The main meaning of maternity rituals was the desire to ensure the safety of the newborn and the woman in labor, to subject them to magical “purification”, to influence their future fate in a favorable way, and finally to perform a symbolic act of introducing him to the family team.

In Russia, the patron saints of women in labor were considered to be Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker and Saint Anna, on whose memorial day (December 22) pregnant women were supposed to fast and were forbidden to engage in any work.

By appearance pregnant women tried to determine the sex of the baby. There were such signs and observations: if the first three months of pregnancy are easy, a boy will be born, if the first three months of pregnancy are heavy, a girl will be born; the fetus is on the right side if the mother, sitting, stretches out her leg; if he eats all kinds of food well, a boy will be born; if she willingly listens to songs, puts out her left leg, the fetus is in her left side and has a lot of quirks, she’s a girl. The mother sticks out with her left leg - a boy will be born, with her right - a girl.

If a pregnant woman gets fat or is embarrassed when asked who she is expecting, and her belly does not change its round shape during pregnancy, then a girl will be born. On the contrary, if she is not embarrassed when asked, and her stomach takes a sharp “poke” shape, then a boy will be born.

In the old days, it was also believed that a pregnant woman should avoid everything unpleasant and ugly. It was not recommended to look at animals or freaks, which she often saw or was afraid of.

The Helvetic Chronicle of Sempt tells how a Roman woman, who was in connection with Pope Martin 4, gave birth to a son “shaggy like a wolf cub, with long hair like beast of prey, claws." She explained this by saying that dad had many paintings depicting various animals. In France, there was its own version of the effect on the fetus: pregnant women were recommended to visit the French Institute and look at the scientist whose field she wanted to choose for her future child. The Russians recommended looking at the month, not at the stars, and somehow try to ensure that the child is not born on the day of the Archangel Gabriel (April 8), otherwise he will be ugly. And as for conception in Lent... You can laugh at all the superstitions, but looking at flowers, works of art, listening to classics and reading books that create a good mood obviously won’t hurt expectant mothers.

Pregnant women were also not recommended to look at the fire - the child would have a birthmark; be at a cemetery and crossroads; leaving the house after sunset; approaching a house under construction, combing your hair on Fridays; sit on the threshold of a house, on a log and step over it. You can’t eat secretly - the child will be a thief, eat on the go - he will grow up whiny, help himself to hare meat - the child will be timid. To prevent twins from being born, you should not eat double fruits.

To protect against evil spirits, they wore amulets - red woolen threads, shreds and bundles of multi-colored yarn, which were tied around the finger, arm, neck, belt.

Upon the onset of childbirth, the woman said goodbye to her household and remained only with her grandmother-midwife. To alleviate suffering, they untied all the knots on their clothes and unraveled their braids, and unlocked all the locks and drawers in the house. If a woman suffered greatly and for a long time, wedding candles were lit in front of the images, they were taken around the table three times, and the husband was forced to harrow the sand. Sometimes, in order to speed up the delivery of the pregnancy, the family would suddenly frighten the woman in labor, shouting under the window “We’re burning! Fire!". If a woman suffered from childbirth for two or three days, they asked the priest to serve a prayer service 2. After the successful completion of the birth, the midwife cut and tied the baby's umbilical cord and washed him. When a newborn was bathed for the first time, silver money was placed in the water to ensure future wealth.

At the birth of a girl, water after the first bath was often poured into the raspberry tree, because Among the Slavs, raspberries symbolized beauty. After bathing the boy, the water poured out onto the crossroads - for good luck. There was a custom to receive a newborn in his father's shirt, so that the father would love him, and put him on a shaggy sheepskin coat, so that he would be rich. The child was first handed over to his father, who himself put him in the cradle and publicly recognized him as his brainchild. Prosperous families set up maternity tables, and peasants prepared special beer. Guests presented gifts to the mother in labor, usually with money, and said: “A roll for the nipple, and a piece of soap.” The place of honor at the festival rightfully belonged to the grandmother - the midwife. For services, the woman in labor gave the midwife some gift: an apron, scarf, soap, etc.

2.3. Recruitment ritual………………………………………………………

2.4. Funeral rites……………………………………………………..



The rich and diverse culture of the Slavs managed to preserve most of the rituals and customs. The Russian people have always been original and have honored their traditions from time immemorial. Over time cultural heritage underwent significant changes, but still the age-old connections were not lost, in modern world there is still room for ancient legends and superstitions. Let's try to remember the most important customs, rituals and traditions of the Russian people.

Through me

The basis of the centuries-old culture of the Slavs has always been family, clan, and continuity of generations. The rituals and customs of the Russian people entered a person’s life from the moment of his birth. If a boy was born, he was traditionally swaddled in his father's shirt. It was believed that in this way he takes on all the necessary masculine qualities. The girl was wrapped in her mother's clothes so that she would grow up to be a good housewife. From an early age, children revered their father and unquestioningly fulfilled all his demands and wishes. The head of the family was akin to God, who gave continuation to his family.

So that the child receives a blessing from higher powers, was not ill and developed well, the father presented his heir to the deities. First of all, he showed the baby to Yarila, Semarglu and Svarog. The Gods of Heaven must give their protection to the baby. Then it was the turn of Mother Earth, or, as she was otherwise called, the Goddess Mokosh. The child was placed on the ground and then dipped into water.


If you delve into history and look for which rituals and customs of the Russian people were the most fun and populous, then the brotherhood will take one of the main places. This was not a spontaneous gathering of people and a mass celebration. They had been preparing for this ritual for months. Especially for the brotherhood, livestock was fattened and beer was brewed in large quantities. In addition, drinks included wine, mead and kvass. Each invitee had to bring a treat. The place for the celebration was chosen by everyone honest people. Random person I couldn’t get to the brotherhood - everyone had to receive an invitation. At the table, the most honorable places were occupied by people whose merits were assessed most highly. Buffoons and singer-songwriters came to entertain the feasters. The festivities could last several hours, and sometimes several weeks.


Modern youth do not even suspect that everything wedding traditions came from ancient times. Some have undergone changes, some have remained the same as in the times of our ancestors. Of all the rituals and customs of the Russian people, weddings are considered the most exciting.

By long tradition it had several stages. Matchmaking, bridesmaids, collusion, pre-wedding week, hen and stag parties, wedding, gathering of the wedding train, wedding, wedding feast, trial of the newlywed, withdrawals - without these important components it is impossible to even imagine getting married in Rus'.

Despite the fact that now they treat this much more simply, some wedding customs, rituals, and proverbs of the Russian people continue to live. Who is not familiar with the expression: “You have goods, we have merchants”? It is with these words that the groom’s parents come to get married.

And the tradition of carrying a young wife into the house in his arms is associated with the desire to deceive the brownie. This is how the husband fooled the owner of the house, making it clear that he was carrying a newborn family member in his arms, and not a stranger. Vytiye can now cause horror, but previously not a single preparation for a wedding was complete without this ritual. They lamented and cried for the bride, as in our time for a dead person.

The ritual of showering young people with grain has survived to this day - for large families and wealth. In ancient times, bells on the wedding train were used to scare away evil spirits, but now they have been replaced cans tied to the bumper of a car.

Theft and bride price are also old Russian customs. The composition of the dowry also has not undergone significant changes - feather beds, pillows, blankets are still given by parents to the bride before the wedding. True, in ancient times the girl herself had to make them with her own hands.

Yuletide rituals

After the establishment of Christianity in Rus', new church holidays appeared. The most beloved and long-awaited is Christmas. From January 7 to January 19, Christmas festivities took place - a favorite youth fun. All the legends, superstitions, rituals and customs of the Russian people associated with these days have survived to our time.

Young girls gathered in small groups to tell fortunes for the betrothed and find out from which end of the village to wait for the matchmakers. The most extreme way to see your chosen one was considered to be a trip to the bathhouse with a mirror and a candle. The danger was that you had to do this alone and at the same time remove the cross from yourself.


The culture, customs and rituals of the Russian people are closely connected with the world of nature and animals. In the evenings, young people went to caroling. Dressed up in animal skins or bright costumes, they knocked on houses and begged for food from the owners with carol songs. Refusing such guests was fraught - they could easily destroy the woodpile, freeze the door, or commit other minor mischief. Carolers were treated to sweets and it was always believed that their wishes (generosity) would ensure prosperity and peace in the house for the whole year, and save the owners from illnesses and misfortunes. The custom of dressing up as animals is rooted in paganism - this way it was possible to scare away evil spirits.

Superstitions and signs for Christmas

It was believed that losing something on the eve of a holiday meant suffering losses for the whole year. Dropping or breaking a mirror means trouble. There are many stars in the sky - to big harvest. Doing handicrafts on Christmas Eve means being sick all year.


The most cheerful and delicious holiday in Rus' actually has a rather gloomy interpretation. In the old days, the dead were commemorated on these days. Actually, the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa is a funeral, and pancakes are a treat.

This holiday is interesting because it lasts a whole week, and each day is dedicated to a separate ritual. On Monday they made a stuffed animal and rolled it on a sleigh throughout the village. On Tuesday, mummers walked throughout the village and gave performances.

“Bear” entertainment was considered a distinctive feature of this day. The trained owners of the forest staged entire performances, depicting women in their usual activities.

On Wednesday, the main celebration began - pancakes were baked in houses. They set up tables on the streets and sold food. It was possible under open air taste hot tea from the samovar and eat pancakes. Also on this day it was customary to go to the mother-in-law for a treat.

Thursday was a special day when all the good guys could compete in heroic strength. Maslenitsa fist fights attracted guys, everyone wanted to show off their prowess.

On Friday, pancakes were baked at the son-in-law’s house, and it was his turn to treat all the guests. On Saturday, the daughters-in-law received guests from among their husband's relatives.

And Sunday was called “forgiveness.” It is on this day that it is customary to apologize for grievances and visit the cemetery to say goodbye to the dead. The effigy of Maslenitsa was burned and from that day on it was believed that spring had come into its own.

Ivan Kupala

The customs, legends and rituals of the Russian people associated with this holiday have been preserved to this day. Of course, many things have changed, but the basic meaning remains the same.

According to legend, on the day of the summer solstice, people tried to appease the great heavenly being so that it would give them a good harvest and ward off illness. But with the advent of Christianity, Kupala merged with the feast of John the Baptist and began to bear the name Ivan Kupala.

The most interesting thing about this holiday is that legends talk about a great miracle happening on this night. Certainly, we're talking about about the flowering of fern.

This myth has caused many people to wander through the forest at night in the hope of seeing a miracle for several centuries. It was believed that anyone who sees a fern bloom will find out where all the treasures in the world are hidden. In addition, all the herbs in the forest acquired special medicinal powers that night.

The girls wove wreaths from 12 different herbs and floated them down the river. If he drowns, expect trouble. If it floats long enough, get ready for a wedding and prosperity. To wash away all sins, one had to swim and jump over the fire.

Peter and Fevronia Day

Tradition says that Prince Peter became seriously ill and saw prophetic dream that the maiden Fevronia will help him heal. He found the girl, but she demanded that he marry her as payment. The prince gave his word and did not keep it. The illness returned, and he was forced to ask for help again. But this time he kept his promise. The family was strong and it was these Saints who became the patrons of marriage. The original Russian holiday is celebrated immediately after Ivan Kupala - July 8th. It can be compared to Western Valentine's Day. The difference is that in Russia this day is not considered a holiday for all lovers, but only for married people. All future spouses dream of getting married on this day.


This is another sweet holiday whose roots go back to ancient times. On August 14, Russia celebrates the Honey Savior. On this day, the honeycombs are filled with a sweet delicacy and it is time to collect the viscous amber-colored liquid.

August 19 - Apple Spas. This day marks the arrival of autumn and the beginning of the harvest. People rush to church to bless the apples and taste the first fruits, since until that day it was forbidden to eat them. You need to treat all your family and friends with fruits. In addition, they bake apple pies and treat all passers-by.

Nut Spas starts on August 29th. From that day on, it was customary to dig potatoes, bake pies from fresh bread flour, and store nuts for the winter. Great holidays were held throughout the country - festivities were held in villages before the harvest, and fairs were held in cities. On this day, birds begin to fly to warmer regions.


On October 14, people said goodbye to autumn and welcomed winter. It often snowed on this day, which was compared to the bride’s veil. It is on this day that it is customary to get married, because the Intercession gives love and happiness to all people in love.

There are also special rituals for this holiday. For the first time, women lit a fire in the stove, symbolizing warmth and comfort in the house. Branches or logs of fruit trees had to be used for these purposes. This way it was possible to ensure a good harvest for the next year.

The hostess baked pancakes and Pokrovsky loaf. This bread had to be treated to neighbors, and the leftovers had to be hidden until Lent.

Also on this day one could ask the Mother of God for protection for children. The woman stood with the icon on the bench and read a prayer over her family. All the children knelt down.

Young girls and boys were having get-togethers. It was believed that the Mother of God gave protection to everyone who got married on this day.

You can learn more about all the traditions in training course Basics religious cultures And secular ethics(ORKSE). The customs and rituals of the Russian people are revealed there with maximum accuracy and described in accordance with historical facts.

Rituals and customs that are practiced within each individual family are an amazing, unique and very powerful tool in terms of educating the younger generation.

A family that does not have its own customs is, fortunately, very rare.

Perhaps not everyone will be able to immediately list all the traditions existing in his family, but if he thinks a little, he will probably name several very special moments of life that are inherent specifically to his family.

Even the manner of saying hello in the morning or inviting relatives to the table at different families different. Someone says: “Hello”, someone says: “ Good morning!”, and for some people it is customary to wake up and silently kiss their household members on the cheek.

Customs and rituals have come to us from time immemorial, but to this day they play a huge role in people’s lives, influence their characters, and sometimes even change their destinies.

There is a family - there is a custom

Family customs, rituals and traditions are the mental stock that yesterday’s children most often take with them into their adult lives.

Customs unite people, make them more tolerant of each other, give them a “shoulder feeling”, that is, support, and teach them mutual respect.

Joint events also contribute to the formation of trust, bring people together, lay the foundation of family in children, and develop norms of behavior.

The basis of all existing ritual processes is work activity people, religion, way of life, ways to relax.

Customs are designed to teach people good things. They have a huge impact on the moral, social, labor and everyday appearance of a person, perform educational function, also introduce the foundations native people, develop patriotism.

All family rituals and customs can be divided into several groups:

casual or ordinary– these include family greetings, food culture, manner of communication, etc.;

– include traditions of planning, organizing and carrying out holidays;

Sunday-weekends- these are the customs that are accepted in the family on weekends (joint cleaning, Sunday pie, visiting relatives, receiving guests at home, drinking tea, watching films, theater - whatever);

mourning– funeral and memorial rites;

solemn family– traditions of celebrating big family anniversaries;

economic– these include shopping, harvesting, caring for pets, etc.;

household– housework, division of household responsibilities;

calendar– creation and observance of a set of rules for conducting various calendar events.

On their wedding day, many young couples want their guests to new family not only children were born, but also family traditions.

And this is a very correct wish - a family that has its own traditions is always stronger, in which people are more attached to each other and to home.

Therefore, if your family does not yet have clear, recognizable and unique traditions, try to rectify the situation as soon as possible and be sure to come up with several customs that will be strictly observed and can be passed on from generation to generation.

The most common family traditions

Within a family, customs and rituals can be both generally accepted and unique, which cannot be found in any other home.

Here is a small list of the most different traditions, any of which anyone can take note of. The main thing in a custom is that all participants in the process follow it with pleasure.

1. Cooking a family favorite dish together - once a week or a month, for example. Baking together is considered a particularly pleasant and good tradition. It unites generations, gives joy and inspiration.

2. Cleaning, rearranging furniture, putting the local area in order and other household and economic activities in which all family members could take part.

3. Annual creation of collages from the family photo archive.

4. Cultural leisure activities - Sunday cinemas, performances, concerts, exhibitions, fairs, etc.

5. The custom of spending holidays in an extraordinary way, for example: meeting them on a train/bus, going on a trip, going out into nature, preparing an unusual menu.

6. Unnoticedly throw small gifts to your family and friends.

7. Organize themed evenings - board games, reading humorous stories, solving crossword puzzles, songs and dances.

8. Family quests – they bring you closer together, relax you and give you positive emotions.

9. Night picnics, sleeping in a tent, fishing...

10. Traditions of celebrating the New Year in a new place every time.

11. Obligatory Christmas lunch with kutya.

12. Baking Easter cakes.

13. Observance of memorial days.

14. Introduction of special greetings and farewells.

15. Harvest festival (after the harvest itself, of course).

16. Family dinners are classics and therefore are a proven custom that can build trusting and warm relationships in the family.

The list can go on for a long time. All traditions, apparently, are divided into generally accepted and consciously cultivated in the family.

She's like little secret– unites people around him, makes them hold tightly to each other, appreciate and respect their neighbors. Do you have one?