Pedigree of Ushakovs. Admiral f.f.

The owner of the surname Ushakov can certainly be proud of his surname as a monument of Russian history, culture and language.

The surname Ushakov belongs to a large group of Russian surnames that have Turkic origin. Such surnames were formed directly from the naming of a person from the Polovtsian or Uzo-Pecheneg environment, and more often from the Golden Horde. In addition, the basis of surnames became nicknames given in a Russian family by Turkic origin - relatives (for example, in mixed marriages) or neighbors. Often a nickname was assigned not only to the person who received it, but also to his subsequent descendants, and the old family name, thus, was interrupted.

In one case, the family name of the Ushakovs traces its history back to the Turkic-speaking prince of the Kasu Horde, Redeg, whose two sons, who took the names Yuri and Roman in baptism, entered the Kiev-Slavic service. Grigory Slepoy, the great-great-grandson of Roman Redegich, had a son, Ushak. The nickname Ushakovs came from his name as a patronymic.

The Turkic naming, as a rule, indicated a certain property or attribute of its owner. IN in this case The family nickname is based on the Turkic word “ushak”, which translated means “small, short man”. This gives reason to assume that the founder of the Ushakov family was of short stature, and therefore the indicated nickname was assigned to him.

According to another version, the surname Ushakov belongs to the oldest type family names derived from geographical names. In this case, perhaps the ancestor of the surname was a resident settlement, located on the banks of the Usha River - the left tributary of the Neman.

One way or another, Ushak as a personal name or nickname is found extremely often in documents of the 15th-17th centuries. According to the “Inventory of the Archives of the Ambassadorial Prikaz of 1626” published in 1977, the palace clerk Ushak participated in the demarcation of the possessions of the son of Ivan IV - Yuri. From the time of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, a written instruction has been preserved regarding the ransom of Semyon Ushakov and other “Polonyaniks” from captivity in Lithuania. The book “Moscow Orders” for 1646 says that clerk Vasily Ushakov copied the newly assigned townspeople of the city of Vladimir. It is also known that Yakov Ushakov, the Novgorod governor of Prince Ivan Andreevich Khovansky, was sent to the “Svei king” in 1618.

In addition, there is information that in the 16th century the Ushakov nobles, who arrived from the Novgorod land, from the Tver and Uglich principalities, received family estates in the Ustyuzhensky district.

The Ushakov family is included in Part VI of the genealogy book of the ancient nobility.

Since the process of forming surnames was quite long, in currently It is difficult to talk about the exact place and time of origin of the Ushakov surname. However, it can be said with confidence that it belongs to the oldest Russian family names.

Sources: Tupikov N.M., Dictionary of Old Russian personal names. Explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl, in 4 volumes. Petrovsky N.A., Dictionary of Russian personal names. Unbegaun B.O., Russian surnames.

Ushak - common in Ancient Rus' a non-canonical name (see: Superanskaya, Suslova. P.36), as well as a nickname, the meaning of which is explained by researchers in different ways: “a person with large protruding ears” (N.M. Shansky), from the Turkic ushak - “short”; "boy"; "young servant"; “petty, petty mind”; “slanderer, sneaker” (Baskakov III. P.70-71; see also: Nikonov. P.145; Fedosyuk. P.230; Polyakova. P.234); “lop-eared” (Unbegaun. P.121; Grushko, Medvedev. P.483). V.F. Zhitnikov proceeds from the fact that “the word ushak is Russian” (Zhitnikov. P. 128). G.Ya.Simina connects the “non-calendar” name Ushachko with an assessment of a person’s appearance (Simina. P.28).

Wed: ushak - “brace, stepson, support at the post”; ushan - Novg. “eared man and animal”; Pskov "hare" (Dal). See also: UKHANOV. In the “List of 100” the surname ranks 96th.

Historical examples: “Peter Ushak Ivanov son of Onton, Cherepovets landowner, 1464; Gavrilo Petrov son of Ushakov, 1483; Ushak, in Belozersky district, around 1485; Matfeiko Ushak, peasant of the Poson churchyard, 1495; Ushak, peasant of the Neretsky churchyard, 1495; Ushak, slave of the Eglinsky churchyard, 1495; Ushak the First son of Kishkin, landowner in Lokotsky churchyard, 1495; Ushak, a slave in the Velili volost, 1495; Senka Ushak, peasant of the Belsky churchyard, 1495; Michal Uszak, serf of the Shegrin churchyard, 1495; Ushak Pavlov, son of Maslenitsky, landowner in Shegrinsky churchyard, 1495; Fedko Fedorov son of Ushakov, landowner, 1495; “Yakushov son of Kurilov Ivanets Ushak”, serf, 1498; Ushak Ivanov, son of Matfeev Voronin, landowner in Zamozsky churchyard, 1500; Ushak, housekeeper, landowner of the Soletsk churchyard, 1500; Ushak, Moscow tailor, 1504; Ushak Ortemev, Moscow clerk, 1510; Ivan Ushak Vasiliev’s son, executor of P.M. Olferev, 1518; Ushak Davydov, son of Gorkovo, peasant, early 16th century; Ushak Vasilyev, slave in Zhedritsky churchyard, 1539; Ondreiko Ushak, peasant of the Resurrection Churchyard, 1539; Ushak Fedoseev, peasant of the Vyshgorod churchyard, 1539; Ivanko Ushak, peasant of the Vyshgorod churchyard, 1539; Ushak Semenov son Smychnik, peasant of the Degozhsky churchyard, 1539; Ushak Ilyin's son, serf in the Dolzhinsky churchyard, 1539; Ushak Ivanov, son of Shablykin, landowner in Belsky Pogost, 1539; Ushak Shablykin, landowner in the Rozhdestvensky churchyard, 1539; Ushak, slave of the Pazherevitsky churchyard, 1539; Eska Ushak, peasant, 1539; Ushak Tukhinskaya, Moscow clerk, 1545; Ushak Semenov son, Pereslavl fisherman, 1555; Ushachko Grigoriev, coachman, 1556; Ushachko Ofonasiev, wrote a note, in Novgorod, 1568; Ushak Ivanov son of Kurtsov, nobleman, in Moscow, 1577; Ushachok Belyaev, Kargopol tselovalnik, 1578; Warrior Ushakov, Bezhet landowner, 1589; Onton Ryumin Ushakov, boyar son in the Novgorod region, 1592; Ushak Dmitreyev, son of Sevryukov, guarantor, in Ustsysolsky district, 1604; Grigory Ushak Kulikovsky, nobleman, 1607; Grigory Ushakov, boyar son, 1608; Ushachko Andronov, in Kholmogory district, 1615; Vasily Ushakov, Moscow clerk, 1647; Mikhailo Ushakov, Tobolsk boyar son, 1649; Yakov Ushakov, head of the Streltsy in the Astrakhan region, 1649; Jan Uszak Kumanovsky, Lutsk landowner, around 1650; Pan Theodor Ushak Kulikovsky, marshal of Volyn, 1667; Ivashko Ushakov, voivode of Kromsky, 1673; Ushak Petrov, Ryazan scribe, 1675; Fyodor Ushak Kulikovsky, Volyn nobleman, 1679; Ivan Ushak, guest, 1687; Ivan Ushak, Moscow clerk, 1692; Alexey Ushak, living room hundred, Siberian customs head, 1693" (Tupikov); “Ushak Rodionovich Ivachev, 1493 , Kostroma; Ivan Matveevich Ushak, 1500, Novgorod; from him - the Ushakovs; Maslenitsky Ushak Pavlovich, landowner, late 15th century, Novgorod; Unkind Ushakov Aigustov, 1555, Pereyaslavl; Kudryavtsev Ushak Semenovich, 1566, Tver" (Veselovsky I); Ushak, the clerk led. book Vasily Vasilyevich, second quarter of the 15th century; in the 17th century Ushakovs - 15 clerks and clerks (Veselovsky II). In Vologda, the surname has been recorded since 1629 (Chaikina).

Trans-Ural examples: “Peasant honorable Sergiev Ushak Leontyev, 1579; peasant of Kolchug Pozdeiko Ushakov, 1579” (Polyakova); “Yakushko Ushakov, permitin, messenger, 1608” (Tupikov). In the 17th century The Ushakovs were governors in various Siberian cities: Mikhail Prokopyevich in 1620-21. - in Yeniseisk, Stepan Mikhailovich in 1627-28. - in Narym, Ivan Gavrilovich, written head from Tobolsk - in 1674-76. in Tara, Ivan Mikhailovich, head of the Tobolsk foot Cossacks - in 1682-83. in Pelym; Semyon Ushakov served in 1593 as a written head under the first Pelym governor, Dmitry Grigorievich Ushakov was in 1678-80. written head in Tobolsk (Vershinin. S.155,163,164,166,167,174). The surname is recorded in Kargopol (Arkhangelsk region) and in the Urals (Zhitnikov. P. 128).

Toponymic parallels: the village of Ushakovo in Verkhnekamsky, Kiknursky, Luzsky, Yaransky districts and Ushaki in the Falensky district of the Kirov region; cf: in 1806, the literate peasants Ushakovs were registered in the Glazov and Slobodsky districts. Vyatka province

In the 17th century the surname was widely used in the east of Russia: “In Siberia, the Tobolsk Ushakovs - the sons of the boyars Afanasy, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Timofey, Fedor and others - showed themselves most energetically”; the Berezovsky Cossack Zhdan Ushakov, 1607 is also known (see: Rezun. P. 200-201).

White local Cossack of Ayat village. Stepan Vasilyevich Ushakov, who came beyond the Urals in 1674/75, was born into a peasant family in the village of Kultaeva in Mulinskaya parish. Solikamsky district, in the estate eminent person Fedora Stroganov; peasant of Chusovskaya Utkinskaya village. Kirill Prokopievich (Kirilko Prokofiev) Ushakov moved in 1670/71 from the same volost, but he was born in the village of Tarasova in the estate of Dmitry Stroganov, his sons Savva/Savka, Leonty/Levka and Job/Ievko lived with him; in 1674/75 he came to Ayat village. and settled in the village of Konevoy (Kanevoy) the peasant Sila Kirillovich Ushakov, a native of the suburban village of Torgovishcha in Kungursky district, he had sons Stepan and Vasily (census of 1680; about him and other ayat Ushakovs, see: Lyubimov. S. 13,15,20, etc.). In 1695, a peasant from the village of Zamaraeva (Shadrinskaya village) Mikhail Ushakov contributed to the Dalmatovsky monastery (Mankova, p. 110).

Ancestor of the Ushakovs from the parishes of the Katai fort and Kolchedanskaya village. could have been a peasant from the village of Pankratyevskaya Kurya near the Kataysky fort, Ivan Nikiforovich Ushakov, a native of Spasskaya Volost. Solvychegodsky district, who moved beyond the Urals before 1665 (census of 1695). In the village of Filinskaya (6:5; aka Ushakova, later Sapozhnikova, now the village of Ushakovskoye in the Katai district of the Kurgan region) lived the peasant Ivan Ivanovich Ushak, who died before 1709, the brothers Terenty and Dementy lived with him, - perhaps they were the sons of I.N. Ushakov, and it was thanks to them that the village received its second name.

The 1719 census in the village of Ushakova included the yard of the peasant Ivan Ivanovich Ushakov (probably the grandson of I.N. Ushakov), who had sons Trifon, Leonty and Maxim. The deposit book of the Dalmatovsky monastery also mentions the peasant of the Katai fort Ivan Tikhonovich Ushakov, who made a contribution in 1683 (Mankova. P.53). According to the census of 1719, in the village of Sokolova (4:4) there was a courtyard of the dragoon children of Dmitry Alekseevich Ushakov and his brother, and in the village of Krasnogorskaya (2:3 or 3:3) lived the boby Simon (Siman) Yakovlevich Ushakov.

In Belyakovskaya village (23:1) there lived a peasant Vasily Ushakov (1690/91), whose son was probably Kirill Vasilyevich Ushakov from the village of Mokhireva (23:21); in Novopyshminskaya village (34:1) a peasant from the Aramil region lived in the farmstead. Pavel Filippovich Ushakov; the ancestor of the Ushakovs from the village of Gorbunova (22:7) was the peasant of this village Pyotr Leontievich Ushakov, the Ushakovs from the Ilyinskaya village. (43:1) - settled in the village of Latysheva ( former name settlement) newcomer Flor (Frol) Alekseevich Ushakov from Kungur (census of 1710).

Peasant of Kamenskaya village. Vasily Ushakov in 1724 left “from grain poverty” to the territory of Tobolsk district. (possibly not far from Kamenskaya Sl.), where “he lived on menial labor” (Preobrazhensky. P. 306).

In 1822, in Kamyshlov, the surname was borne by a private of a disabled team, in the Talitsky plant - by artisans, in Ilyinskaya village. - peasants and soldiers, in the villages - peasants.

The surname is found in Bogdanovichsky, Dalmatovsky, Kamensky, Kataisky, Kamyshlovsky, Pyshminsky, Talitsky, Tugulymsky districts, in Yekaterinburg (Memory; T 1974).

Ushakovs- several Russian noble families, of which the most significant is the family that claimed origins from the chronicle Rededi and was erected in 1744 in the person of A. I. Ushakova(1672-1747) to the dignity of count.


The extensive noble family of the Ushakovs is considered one of the many branches of the Sorokoumov-Glebovs. According to the genealogy tale included in the Velvet Book, Rededi's two sons entered the service of to the prince of Kyiv and in baptism they took names Yuri And Novel. Great-great-grandson of Roman Rededic Grigory Slepoy supposedly had a son, Ushak, from whom the Ushakovs descended. For more information about this genealogical myth, see Rededici's article.


The noble families of the Ushakovs have six coats of arms, each of which depicts an oak tree:

  1. Novgorod branch (1622) - General armorial, vol. 1, p. 76. Approved by the highest - 01/01/1798
  2. Coat of arms of the alleged descendants of the Kasozh prince Rededi - OG, vol. 8, p. 9. High approved - 01/25/1807
  3. Kursk branch of the descendants of Ivan Mikhailovich - OG, vol. 8, p. 34. High approved - 01/25/1807
  4. Tver branch of the descendants of Vasily Vasilyevich - OG, vol. 9, p. 80. High approved - 1816
  5. Yaroslavl branch of the descendants of Osip Dmitrievich -OG, vol. 10, p. 39. High approved - 01/03/1836
  6. United coat of arms of the Ushakovs (coats of arms 2 and 5) - OG, vol. 13, p. 47. High. approved - 09/30/1860

The coat of arms of the Ushakovs, included in Part 13 of the General Armorial

The shield is four-part. In the first and fourth parts, the coat of arms of the Ushakovs [see. OG-VIII-9]. In the second and third parts, the later coat of arms of the Ushakovs [see. OG-X-39].

Above the shield are two noble crowned helmets. Crests: of the right helmet - oak of natural color, pierced horizontally by two silver arrows to the left; on the left - three ostrich feathers, of which the middle one is scarlet, the right one is silver; the left one is azure. The mantles of the right helmet are azure and gold, the left helmet is scarlet and silver. Shield holders: two warriors, both holding a spear. The coat of arms is decorated with a princely crown and surrounded by a princely mantle with gold cords and tassels.

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Excerpt characterizing the Ushakovs

“Well, yes, well,” said Pierre, “isn’t that what I’m saying!”
- No. I’m only saying that it’s not arguments that convince you of the need for a future life, but when you walk in life hand in hand with a person, and suddenly this person disappears out there into nowhere, and you yourself stop in front of this abyss and look into it. And, I looked...
- Well then! Do you know what is there and that there is someone? There is - future life. Someone is God.
Prince Andrei did not answer. The carriage and horses had long been taken to the other side and had already been laid down, and the sun had already disappeared halfway, and the evening frost covered the puddles near the ferry with stars, and Pierre and Andrey, to the surprise of the footmen, coachmen and carriers, were still standing on the ferry and talking.
– If there is God and there is a future life, then there is truth, there is virtue; and man's highest happiness consists in striving to achieve them. We must live, we must love, we must believe, said Pierre, that we do not live now only on this piece of land, but have lived and will live forever there in everything (he pointed to the sky). Prince Andrey stood with his elbows on the railing of the ferry and, listening to Pierre, without taking his eyes off, looked at the red reflection of the sun on the blue flood. Pierre fell silent. It was completely silent. The ferry had landed long ago, and only the waves of the current hit the bottom of the ferry with a faint sound. It seemed to Prince Andrei that this rinsing of the waves was saying to Pierre’s words: “true, believe it.”
Prince Andrei sighed and with a radiant, childish, tender gaze looked into Pierre’s flushed, enthusiastic, but increasingly timid face in front of his superior friend.
- Yes, if only it were so! - he said. “However, let’s go sit down,” added Prince Andrei, and leaving the ferry, he looked at the sky, which Pierre pointed out to him, and for the first time, after Austerlitz, he saw that high, eternal sky which he saw lying on the Field of Austerlitz, and something that had long fallen asleep, that the best that was in him, suddenly woke up joyfully and youthfully in his soul. This feeling disappeared as soon as Prince Andrei returned to the usual conditions of life, but he knew that this feeling, which he did not know how to develop, lived in him. The meeting with Pierre was for Prince Andrei an era that began, although in appearance the same, but in inner world his new life.

It was already dark when Prince Andrei and Pierre arrived at the main entrance of the Lysogorsk house. While they were approaching, Prince Andrey with a smile drew Pierre's attention to the commotion that had occurred at the back porch. A bent old woman with a knapsack on her back, and a short man in a black robe and with long hair, seeing the carriage driving in, they rushed to run back through the gate. Two women ran out after them, and all four, looking back at the stroller, ran into the back porch in fear.
– These are Machines God's people- said Prince Andrei. “They took us for their father.” And this is the only thing in which she does not obey him: he orders these wanderers to be driven away, and she accepts them.

The basis of the surname Ushakov was the worldly name Ushak. The etymology of the surname Ushakov still remains not entirely clear. Most likely, the surname Ushakov is derived from a secular name, which is based on the Turkic word ushaq. It had several meanings: boy, child, small, short, petty person, young servant, page. The hypothesis about the Turkic origin of this surname is confirmed by the fact that the famous noble family of the Ushakovs descends from Prince Redegi, a native of the Horde.

Particular mention should be made of the coat of arms of the Ushakov family, included in part 9 of the “General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire”. It is a shield, on a blue background of which a tree is depicted, pierced by a golden arrow. The arrow itself is in the bow. A warrior dressed in silver armor lies by the tree. The shield is topped with a noble helmet with a crown, on top of which is the same tree with an arrow as on the shield. Under the shield is written the motto “Loyalty and Constancy.” To the most famous representatives This family includes: Ushakov Pimen Fedorov (1626-1686), icon painter - Ushakov Andrey Ivanovich (1670-1747), head of the secret chancellery, who received the count title under Elizabeth - Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich (1743-1818), admiral - Ushakov Dmitry Nikolaevich (1873-1942), Soviet linguist.

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Meaning and origin of the surname Ushakov.

Ushakov. Apparently, the first person to bear this surname was a descendant of someone with “extraordinary” ears. Related surnames also appeared: Ukhanov, Ushanov, Ushatov, Ushaty, Ushkolov.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich (1744-1817) - Russian naval commander, admiral, one of the founders of the Black Sea Fleet, its commander since 1790. Developed and applied maneuver tactics. Won a series major victories over the Turkish fleet. Successfully conducted the Mediterranean campaign of the Russian fleet during the war against France (1798-1800). In 1944, the Ushakov Order and Medal were established.

1. The meaning and origin of the surname Ushakov.

The surname Ushakov belongs to a large group of Russian surnames of Turkic origin. Such surnames were formed directly from the naming of a person from the Polovtsian or Uzo-Pecheneg environment, and more often from the Golden Horde. In addition, the basis of surnames became nicknames given in a Russian family by Turkic origin - relatives (for example, in mixed marriages) or neighbors. Often the nickname was assigned not only to the person who received it, but also to his subsequent descendants, and the old family name was thus interrupted. In one case, the family name of the Ushakovs traces its history back to the Turkic-speaking prince of the Kasu Horde, Redeg, whose two sons, who took the names Yuri and Roman in baptism, went into the Kiev-Slavic service. Grigory Slepoy, the great-great-grandson of Roman Redegich, had a son, Ushak. The nickname Ushakovs came from his name as a patronymic. The Turkic naming, as a rule, indicated a certain property or attribute of its owner. In this case, the family nickname is based on the Turkic word “ushak”, which translated means “small, short man”. This gives reason to assume that the founder of the Ushakov family was of short stature, and therefore the indicated nickname was assigned to him.

2. The meaning and origin of the surname Ushakov.

According to another version, the surname Ushakov belongs to the oldest type of family names derived from geographical names. In this case, perhaps the ancestor of the surname was a resident of a settlement located on the banks of the Usha River, the left tributary of the Neman. One way or another, Ushak as a personal name or nickname is found extremely often in documents of the 15th-17th centuries. According to the “Inventory of the Archive of the Ambassadorial Prikaz of 1626” published in 1977, the palace clerk Ushak participated in the demarcation of the possessions of Ivan IV’s son, Yuri. From the time of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, a written instruction has been preserved regarding the ransom of Semyon Ushakov and other “Polonyaniks” from captivity in Lithuania. The book “Moscow Orders” for 1646 says that clerk Vasily Ushakov copied the newly assigned townspeople of the city of Vladimir. It is also known that Yakov Ushakov, the Novgorod governor of Prince Ivan Andreevich Khovansky, was sent to the “Svei king” in 1618. In addition, there is information that in the 16th century the Ushakov nobles, who arrived from the Novgorod land, from the Tver and Uglich principalities, received family estates in the Ustyuzhensky district. The Ushakov family is included in Part VI of the genealogy book of the ancient nobility. Since the process of forming surnames was quite long, at the moment it is difficult to talk about the exact place and time of the appearance of the surname Ushakov. However, it can be said with confidence that it belongs to the oldest Russian family names.