Curse by eternal fire. Fire from the sky

The other day, Russian President V.V. Putin gave instructions to Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev to take personal control of all the “eternal flames” so that they burn forever. (From TV news)

“...Rejoice, you who extinguished the fire of worship.”
(Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, Ik. 5)
“Then He will also say to those on the left hand: Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into everlasting fire.
prepared for the devil and his angel.”
(Matt. 25:41)
“Deliver me from everlasting fire, and from worms of evil, and from tartar.”
(Morning rule)
And your alliance with death is crumbling, and your agreement with the underworld will not stand.
(Isaiah 28:18)

Along the Champs Elysees, like a main pipe, German troops flow into Paris. Military platforms line an endless veil, skillfully protected by decorative coverings. On engines there are constant fetishes: velvet bears, dogs, ballerinas. Here is a French fireman's helmet attached... All this rushes at the same pace, grinding, trembling, hurrying, marveling at the new legendary city- the dream of distant European corners. Paris! Paris! Capital of the world! The capital of an unknown mysterious soldier buried at the very navel of the earth! A decorative corpse, deprived of funeral services, a cross, and maternal tears! Poor soldier! Where to run from presidential parades, cold, tearless flowers, diplomatic lies and these feigned stretching of arms at the seams? In this dead soldier, European callousness and ostentatious falsehood were embodied as a focal point. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is the wildest and most false note democratic Europe. From a human corpse, in need of a grave and a cross, they made the nail of the capital, the Mont-Martre number. Blessed will be the good ruler who will carry this long-suffering coffin into the silence of a simple, clean village cemetery. And may gasoline smoke be replaced by incense smoke! An insensible body is destined to rot everywhere, but still... It’s not good when near a Christian corpse “the sea of ​​life boils too much.” Oh, how desirable a quiet refuge is. It was in vain that they gave no rest to this kind and valiant soldier.
Paris. June 15, 1940 (From the story “Paris Diary” by I.D. Surguchev)

A marble obelisk, along the white field of which the names of those who died on the fronts of World War II run in an endless golden line from top to bottom. Almost every Russian city has such steles in memory of warrior heroes. And among them, the black and red granite of the memorial at the walls of the Moscow Kremlin - the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - especially stands out for its solemn severity. Young cadets are on guard duty, standing guard of honor. And between them, from the funnel of a five-pointed star, the fireproof flame of the “eternal flame” bursts out.

Isn't it a very familiar picture to everyone? On Victory Days - days of national glory and sorrow - they march here in ceremonial march, holding up the ranks of battle, reaching out here to pay tribute to memory and express a feeling of gratitude to the fallen heroes strings of people... War veterans who went into the trenches very young, and now have become very old people, their children, also already gray, the children of their children - grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of fallen soldiers, thanks to whom she remained unconquered external enemy our Fatherland. The descendants and relatives of the victims come here, their fellow soldiers come here. They carry wreaths and flowers, reliving the surging feelings and memories, wiping away the flowing tears of unforgettable losses.

Here a modestly dressed old woman knelt down and, leaning against a cold stone, whispered something: maybe she was talking to her husband, or maybe to her son. A teenager in a cadet uniform approached and, like a man, restraining his unexpected excitement, frowning from the awareness of the solemnity of the moment, he placed scarlet carnations on the granite step. But it is impossible for them to reach the foot of the monument: the humming tongue of flame escaping from the funnel of the bronze pentagram will not allow them to touch the granite symbol. Not only did it come out of the bowels of the earth, but it was also named ominously - “eternal fire.” And, probably, it does not occur to anyone from this mournful procession that a monstrous substitution has taken place: instead of uniting in spiritual communication with the souls of the dead soldiers, there is a flame separating them, in which both words and feelings addressed to them are burned. Instead of honoring their feat - desecration, instead of sanctification - mockery of it. For they bow their heads not so much before the memory of the dead, but before the fire that defiles this memory.

Yes, I would really like to call the resting place of the heroes who fought against Nazi Germany sacred, as it truly should be. But the “eternal flame” does not give, the pentagram, the funnel of which, as a symbol of the hole into the underworld, does not allow. No, one should not mistakenly assume that this is a civil monument, such as, for example, erected on Red Square to citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky from a grateful Russia, or the monument in Kostroma to the peasant Ivan Susanin, who gave his life for the Tsar, or the monument in Yekaterinodar, perpetuating the exploits of the Cossacks -Black Sea residents for the protection of the southern borders of the Russian Empire... These and many other monumental works dedicated to specific persons and significant events, including our recent history, about which the people want to pass on their testimony to descendants, are not filled with ambiguous, obscured symbolism . They are civil, secular monuments, monuments of human, earthly glorification. And churches, chapels, worship crosses, icons and other Orthodox symbols are monuments of heavenly glory. But the gloomy paraphernalia is a completely different matter. architectural complex"eternal flame"

The worship of fire was widespread among the pagan peoples of the East and then borrowed by the Freemasons to become a symbol of the Satanic religion, which was secretly confessed in the Masonic lodges that were ripening like purulent abscesses, scattered throughout the world, repeatedly trying to establish themselves in Russia, persistently striving to subordinate it to their power and to “arrange” your plan. By the way, they have not abandoned this satanic undertaking to this day. And in recent years, another ritual has appeared, also associated with Freemasonry: the worship of the “eternal flame” of newlyweds. For example, in Tambov, an “eternal flame” complex was built right in front of the entrance to Cathedral. And young couples, before getting married, go to bow to the underworld, and then, leaving the temple, they take photographs at the “eternal flame” “as a souvenir” - this has become an established custom, and the local bishop does not contradict this... The fire trap seems to have closed: symbolically Not only the souls of departed ancestors, but also future children are sacrificed to the underworld, a new generation is given into captivity to Satan.In the Orthodox church, God crowns the newlyweds, taking the newly born family and their offspring under His protection, as they hear this in the wedding ceremony that ends the priest’s blessing of the “young prince and princess” with icons of the Savior and the Mother of God... And here - from whom do they seek protection, await help?..
There was a custom in Ancient Judea when parents threw their first-born sons into the devouring fire of Molech, “to burn their sons and daughters in the fire” (Jer. 7:31). God forbade human sacrifice, henceforth considering this a mortal sin. And in Russia - after many millennia, think, literally today! - as a result of the decline of faith, this Kabbalistic ritual was voluntarily, albeit symbolically, revived, “which I did not command and which did not enter into My heart” (Jeremiah, 7, 31)... Of course, those who introduced this satanic ritual of fire worship, knew about its origin. Therefore, it is no coincidence that it is connected with a pentagram from which a gas flame bursts out - a Masonic image of Satan. But many who participate in it do so most quickly out of ignorance, for they are far from the faith of our ancestors. But not a single act, not a single deed, as we know, remains in vain, without consequences: “And I will stop in the cities of Judea and in the streets of Jerusalem the voice of triumph and the voice of joy, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride; because this land will be desolate” (Jeremiah 7:34). That is why the birth rate among the Russian people is falling, and families are breaking up, and the juvenile justice system is brutal, tearing small children out of the family, dooming them to bitter orphanhood with living parents - the flames of the underworld are working, year after year, increasingly covering our land with “eternal fires.”

So what does the concept of “eternal flame” mean in the Orthodox worldview? A person brought up in church tradition, whether a clergyman or a layman, regardless of his age, class affiliation and educational qualifications, will answer without hesitation: “This is hell, the underworld, fiery Gehenna,” and having crossed himself, he will add, “Lord forbid me.” this fate”...

Pictures of a red-hot hell, filled with unquenchable, blazing, unbearably torturing eternal fire, in which the souls of unrepentant sinners burn in terrible torment, are described in the Bible both in the Old Testament and in the Gospel: “... the corpses of people who have departed from Me: for the worm they shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched; no; and they will be an abomination to all flesh” (Isa. 66:24); “both death and hell were cast into the lake of fire”; “a lake of fire and brimstone for the devil” (Rev. 20:14; 20:10); “...Depart from Me, O curse, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angel...” (Matthew 25:41). In ancient frescoes located on the western wall of Orthodox churches, God-fearing church painters visibly revealed pictures Last Judgment. The humble saints of God, the greatest prayer books, the Holy Fathers of the Universal Church told us about the endless torment of sinners in hell, for our edification, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to them, for many centuries in churches, at prayer services and memorial services, while reading canons and akathists, Orthodox Christians have been raising their petition to God: we are afraid that “terrible angels will understand you, my soul, and lead you into eternal fire” (1); “The unquenchable fire of Gehenna, the bitter worm, the gnashing of teeth terrifies me and frightens me” (2); “Let me not hear, Lord... go into the fire of the damned” (3); “Do not condemn us, Master, to the fire of Gehenna” (4); “Have mercy and deliver me from my fiery condemnation” (5). And in your prayers at home Orthodox Christian daily asks the Lord for mercy: “Deliver me from eternal fire, and worms of evil, and tartar” (6); “Jesus, release me from unquenchable fire and other eternal torments” (7); “The hour of death, Most Holy Virgin, deliver us from the power of demons, and condemnation, and answer, and terrible trials, and bitter ordeals, and eternal fire...” (8)... And therefore in Orthodox Russia there could never be monuments to the eternal fire , which are a satanic temple.
However... in 1920 in Paris, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - as a memory of the victims of the First World War, an "eternal flame" was lit. More than thirty years later, it broke out in Leningrad, on the Field of Mars, where the so-called Memorial to the Fallen Heroes of the Revolution was built. Neither Lenin nor Stalin then, during the years of their despotic power over Russia, decided on this outright Satanism, obviously realizing that the “eternal flame” emerging from the underground darkness directly above the place of human burial would be taken literally by the people, which is what it actually means - as a symbol of eternal hellish damnation. It took years for it to receive the exact opposite meaning; it was necessary for new generations to grow up under the rule of ignorant, godless rulers, not enlightened in the Orthodox faith, not knowing the Orthodox language. But there was no one to tell them: the former either renounced the spiritual traditions of their fathers “for the fear of the Jews,” or, along with these traditions, were destroyed by that time. And ominous lights crawled across our land, their hellish wicks flared up in Volgograd, Sevastopol, Kerch, Minsk, Kaliningrad, Kiev, Belgorod, Odessa... In Volgograd, for example, on Mamayev Kurgan, in the memorial complex dedicated to Battle of Stalingrad, the construction of the “eternal flame” occupies one of central places: from somewhere in the dungeon, a huge, elbow-deep human hand, several times larger than human height, emerges, clutching a burning torch. Where it comes from and where the rest of this giant’s body is is not difficult to guess. And is it possible to recognize this repulsive structure as the perpetuation of a great feat? A terrible sight... It seems that there is no longer a single city where the gloomy pentagram of the “eternal flame” does not burn. And then in 1967, a hellish fire blazed in the very center of the country - near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin. But this was not enough: someone needed to light it next to the greatest national Orthodox shrine - in Sergiev Posad! A blue-flame gas burner buzzed right next to the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where the relics of the true Intercessor and Abbot of the Russian Land rest - Ven. Sergius of Radonezh, whose prayers have always been a strong shield of the people from foreign invaders. He blessed St. good Prince Dimitri Donskoy for the battle with the Tatars, he performed the funeral service for the fallen defenders of the Faith and the Fatherland. The Russian soul responded not with hellish flames, as is now blasphemously done, but with churches, chapels, and akathists of gratitude to the exploits of the holy heroes. Through the prayers of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh, and through his prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, we owe to Her intercession many victories over the enemies of our Motherland, including the victory over Nazi Germany.

But for apostasy, the Lord allowed the devil to cloud the people’s minds and subject them to mockery greatest feat- service to the Fatherland until death. “This is My commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:12,13). At the cost of His own suffering on the Cross, He explained the meaning of these words, making it clear by comparison that in the eyes of God, a feat of arms is sacred. Those who lay down their souls for the Fatherland, the Church ranked among the holy martyrs, called them prayer books before God.
About twenty years ago, during the Victory Day, I was on a creative business trip to a village in the Volga region. I went to church and wanted to remember my family and friends. I put a candle on the canon. Father served a memorial service. And the temple is empty, only one elderly woman is standing. There is a solemn meeting on the square near the village council, everyone is there. The chairman of the village council speaks drummingly from a piece of paper, the orchestra roars in the sun copper pipes, consisting of local firefighters who play the same melody, both in the funeral procession and on red days... And here there is silence, coolness, only the soothing ringing of the censer and the drawn-out voice of the priest: “God is wonderful in His saints... Rest with the saints... And do for them eternal memory....” The service ended, the three of us bowed to each other and left the church with the parishioner. We sat down on a bench next to the church, waiting for the priest: my new friend wanted to invite him to her home for dinner. We talked and she told me her story.

She remained a very young widow, and during the war she received a funeral: your husband died heroically, stopping a tank column. She cried bitterly, inconsolably, she loved her husband very much, and further fate She was scared: she was left alone with two young children of the same age. Where to go with grief? I went to the temple - it was many kilometers away, their village had been closed even before the war - and took the kids with me, one little boy holding the hem of the other in the arms, hobbling. She defended the funeral service, then the memorial service, and she cried incessantly: how will she be without her husband, without the children’s father, without the head of the family! The priest finished serving, went up to her, stroked her head tenderly: “Don’t cry, dear, with his feat your husband lit a candle on the ground, and its flame reaches to heaven, all his sins burned out in him. The Lord laid him to rest in paradise with the saints. Remember him, pray that he will ask the Lord for help for his orphans, through his prayers the Savior and the Mother of God will not leave you, He Himself will be the head of the family, and will take your orphans under His protection.” So I prayed, and as the priest said,” the Christian woman finished her story, “I asked the Savior, and the Mother of God, and St. Nicholas the Pleasant, to keep my children warm.” And she taught the children to bow to them and remember their father, maybe that’s why they survived. What can I say, it’s hard,” she pronounced this word in Volga from her earthly existence, “it’s hard, but she raised the kids, saved them, God protected them...” And who did the “eternal flame” help and console in the loss of loved ones?

One respected elderly man, a war veteran, who went to the front as a boy and returned completely disabled, but to this day who devotes a lot of energy to the veteran movement, asked me: “Isn’t the eternal flame a fire? eternal life? How is it different from a candle and a lamp?”
The Church teaches that the fire burning in the lamp in front of the icon is fire, like the fire of a candle, grace-filled, heavenly, living. Jesus Christ sent him from Heaven on the Day of Pentecost to the Apostles, thereby founding the earthly Church. Every year on Holy Easter it descends from heaven in Jerusalem, and in the hands of the Orthodox Patriarch, candles are miraculously lit from this fire. And then this fire is carried throughout the entire earth, to all God’s churches, consecrating our Russia with it. This is the fire of eternal life. And coming from underground, burning with a dead blue flame, this is the fire of Satan. No, not the “eternal flame,” but the light of a candle, lamp, the light of prayers warms the souls of believers, helps them in hard times. The Orthodox Church has been based on the fire of grace, the fire of prayers offered to the Savior for the third millennium; the souls of the righteous are saved by it. Do the bishops and clergy of the Moscow Patriarchate know about this? Of course, they know, they “passed” it back in seminary. However... On Victory Day in Kostroma, local TV showed the following picture: the ruling bishop, in festive attire, accompanied by a local mufti and rabbi, served a memorial service at the “eternal flame” and continuously incense the burning pentagram... On Victory Day in In Krasnodar, leaving churches after the liturgy, believers lined up in powerful columns, solemnly following their rector to the “eternal flame”... I asked one of them: “Father, do you know what “eternal flame” means? “Of course, I know,” he answered without hesitation, “this is hell, sinners burn there.” “Why do you go there and lead your parishioners with you?” “But it’s better than drinking vodka, it’s still closer to God!” I didn’t have any more questions for him... The first thing, after the return of Crimea and Sevastopol, to my great chagrin, was how a grinding sound would be heard among the festive Blagovest rusty iron- the city authorities, headed by the president, lit the “eternal flame” in Sevastopol and bowed to it. The Russian Christ-loving people, in gratitude for the victory, served prayers to Christ and the Mother of God. And here, who did they say thanks to - Satan?..

Of course, because these “eternal flames” burn in the burial places of front-line heroes, the feat of the defenders of the Fatherland does not become less sacred in the eyes of the Lord. The Lord laid them to rest in paradise, “received them in the abode of light and joy” (Akathist on the repose of the departed, cond. 1), “where the righteous shine like lights,” “where there is no illness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life.” (Requiem service), “and their works follow them” (Rev. 14:13). Let’s not discuss now who was baptized and who left as an unbeliever, because many in those days had to hide their faith. We cannot know what happened in a person’s soul at his hour of death, only “The Lord guides our souls.” To this day, in places of the most brutal battles, the remains of dead soldiers are found, and among the decayed bones - a pectoral cross darkened with time. There are known cases when the Mother of God came to those dying from wounds, and they, having received healing from Her, were then baptized. It happened that before heavy battles, knowing that this day could be the last, soldiers secretly received baptism, and the souls of converts who died “for their friends” were carried away by angels to Heaven. The rector of the Church of Peter and Paul, which is on the Prokhorovsky field, told me from the words of the descendants of those who died here, on the Kursk Bulge, who came here from all over Russia; the children especially joyfully shared this testimony with him: they saw how above the temple, then just under construction, Russian people in soldier’s uniforms are ascending the stairs leading to heaven... It is not for us now to judge the fallen soldiers who, at the cost of their own lives, defended our right to live in Russia and remain Russian. It is our duty, our duty to pay tribute to them according to the dignity of their feat.

But as long as those living today glorify the feat of their ancestors not in a Christian way, but by lighting eternal, hellish fire and worshiping it, thereby committing an abominable deed, until then the Lord will send His punishment to us. But who should we blame if we ourselves trampled His commandments and, first of all, this main one: “Worship your Lord and serve Him alone” (Matthew, 4.10; Luke, 4.8), forgetting His command “let there be no you another god” (Ps. 80.10). Maybe this is why the Russian people are deprived of His help and the intercession of the Mother of God - “Let those who hope in Thee not perish” - because the Orthodox bishops after the liturgy in the temple, after the Eucharistic canon, where they raise their hands to Heaven at the altar, kneeling and offering thanksgiving to God “from everyone and for everything”, where they call “We ourselves and each other and our whole life will be given over to Christ God,” and before they can leave the altar, they go to bow to the eternal fire, “sanctifying” it with incense? Or, what has become almost nor the sacred tradition, on Victory Days, at the head of the funeral procession, the Hierarchy of the Moscow Patriarchate lays a wreath of fresh flowers in the form of the Crucifixion at the foot of the “eternal flame" at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? For example, what happened more than once during the years of the primacy of Alexy Ridiger, on the eve of Victory Day "from Russian Orthodox Church laid at the grave Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II has an Orthodox Cross lined with white carnations and the words “Christ is Risen” on a wreath” (ITAR-TASS). “Addressing the military personnel of the Moscow garrison, he emphasized that the example of fathers and grandfathers, who showed an unparalleled feat in the fight against evil, should inspire young soldiers to serve the Fatherland and the people” (RTR-Vesti) - with the help of satanic forces?.. Tirelessly, with such With solemnity, accompanied by the Moscow clergy - and especially distinguished priests are invited to worship the fire as a well-deserved reward - the current Primate of the Moscow Patriarchate Kirill Gundyaev continues this tradition of his predecessor. And behind him with a mournful look come the first persons of the state, members of parliament, important officials, army generals and officers... Isn't this blasphemy? After all, the souls of sinners burn in “eternal fire,” and the souls of the righteous rest in heaven. Why did the Russian authorities put the heroes in hell? And the altar servants placed the Cross at the foot of the temple, as if thereby recognizing the supremacy of Satan over Him! Previously, the main shrine in Russia was the Assumption Cathedral, but now the most important temple has become the temple, which has been given the status of “post No. 1”. After all, we are told that blasphemy against God will never be forgiven - it is a mortal sin! “How! .. burn incense to Baal, and follow other gods whom you do not know, and then come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My name, and say: “We are saved,” so that from now on you can do everything these abominations... And now, since you are doing all these things... I will cast you out of my presence... Do not ask for this people and do not offer prayers and petitions for them, and do not intercede before Me, for I will not hear you" (Jeremiah 7:9-16).
Look at Russia from above: it’s as if it’s all wrapped up in a web of satanic fiery temples; the people, by their own will, have thrown their homeland into the underworld! Who played a devilish joke on us by allowing a satanic seal to be placed on the land of our ancestors? No way, we ourselves?..
In all centuries, the Russian people, in the most difficult times of their existence, asked for help only from God, turned only to their saints. On the battlefields with the enemies of the Fatherland, the Heavenly Host marched ahead of our troops: Archangel Michael, St. St. George the Victorious, Demetrius of Thessalonica, Demetrius of Donskoy... Holy blessings. book Alexander Nevsky, highly revered in Rus', helped both Dmitry Donskoy and Ivan the Terrible, and Patriotic War 1812. And having won the victory, the Russian people glorified him: “Rejoice, courageous defender of your land...” (Akathist, ik.5). It is no coincidence that three Russian Emperors were named in his honor. Our Blessed Sovereigns were deeply religious people, and therefore public policy built on an Orthodox basis. Paying tribute to the fallen defenders of the Fatherland, or hoping for or giving thanks for victory over an insidious enemy, they went to churches, defending mournful memorial services and festive prayer services. For they, like any Russian person, understood that only God gives victories, and we can do nothing without Him. And the current government, alien to the Russian people, is itself deprived of the grace of God, does not have a spiritual basis in itself and therefore has not experienced the power of prayer, is not able to master our spiritual traditions, despises our national shrines, seeks to destroy all this, depriving the state of God’s protection. Therefore, to fill the spiritual emptiness, they pay homage to the “eternal flame”, with an important look, mindlessly sorting out the ribbons on ritual wreaths"from a grateful government."
At a recent meeting between Putin and members of the Popular Front, one of the participants complained that Oryol region Where she lives, half of the “eternal lights” are not lit - she seems to have counted more than a hundred. I wish the President could rejoice that our country has finally begun to cleanse itself of this evil spirit, and he, a believer, should explain to this unbelieving girl what these far from Christian structures are, from which the Popular Front would help to finally free ourselves, if he is Russian, if folk However, the President also lamented such negligence of the governors and promised to raise a sense of patriotism among the administrative resource. And now the president needed this feeling of patriotism just right; he gave an order to the prime minister to take personal control of all the “eternal flames” so that they burn forever!

Today, the time is far from peaceful, every day in Ukraine, or rather on the land of New Russia, shells are exploding and Russian people are dying: our sons, children, old people. Against the Russian people, artificially, without our will, divided state border, there is a cruel, merciless war going on, shells are already falling on Russian territory. But instead of uniting the people Orthodox foundations, and with God's help- “If God is for us, who can be against us?” - to give an adequate response to the Nazis, to tame the junta and its masters, to protect Russia from a military threat, as our Tsars would have done, the President decided to raise the spirit of patriotism... by serving Satan. Lately More and more often, Putin uses patriotic rhetoric: he talks about Russian traditions, Russian history, the patriotism of the Russian people - you can’t stop listening! But when it comes down to it, to raise the patriotic spirit, he uses levers that are completely alien to ours. national traditions and our Orthodox faith, which both Russia and “Establish the Universe!” So at the beginning of the year, by the will of the President, from the Kremlin to the outskirts, amid the screams and howls of the propagandized youth crowding along the road, the entire country was surrounded with torches of the ritual pagan Olympic flame, which had been in space, and on Elbrus, and at the bottom of Lake Baikal ... And then... the war began in Ukraine, against the Russian people, as a warning to Russia. And now he urgently puts into action all the “eternal flames” built as in Soviet time, and in the democratic one. As I.A. precisely said. Ilyin: “The king leads the people to God, the president leads the people away from God,” and the Gospel warned: “Temptations are destined to come into the world, but woe to the one through whom they come. It would be better for this person..." Well, then let Vladimir Vladimirovich himself read this message, so as not to accuse me of extremism.

No, it was not pagan orgies, much less the fire of the underworld, that helped our people in the most difficult trials, but Jesus Christ and His saints saved them from destruction. And during the Second World War, of which there is a lot of evidence, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the Lord did not abandon our people, albeit at the greatest cost, but gave them the joy of victory over the enemy. And in recently When the war was going on in the Caucasus, there is evidence of God’s help. For example, Cossacks from the Ermolovsky battalion, which went through two Chechen wars, said that they always prayed before battle and served thanksgiving services to the patron saint of the Cossacks, Archangel Michael: losses were minimal, Chechen armed gangs were always defeated. And no matter how difficult the current times may be for Russia, let us still hope for the intercession of the Mother of God, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Tsar-Martyr Nikolai Alexandrovich - “Master of the Russian Land”, and All Saints who shone in the Russian land.

Every year Orthodox Russia celebrates Holy Easter, and at the end of Bright Week, on the ninth day, Radonitsa is celebrated - the day of remembrance of the dead, which is also called the Easter of the dead. On this day in all Orthodox churches memorial services are held, including fallen soldiers especially if this holiday is located next to Victory Day. In the Orthodox tradition, many memorable days associated with military feats have been established throughout the year. Soldiers are commemorated on Parental Lenten Saturdays, on Trinity Saturday and Dimitrovskaya Saturday, established by St. good Prince Dimitry Donskoy in memory of the soldiers who laid down their lives on the Kulikovo Field. The day of remembrance of Russian soldiers was the holiday of the Intercession Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1769, the Highest Decree of Empress Catherine the Second and the Holy Synod established an annual special Day of Remembrance for the Defenders of Russia who fell in all wars for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, which chose the day of the Beheading of the Head of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, falling on September 11 according to n. Art. After October 1917, this Special Day of Remembrance was banned and forgotten under threat of execution on the initiative of Leon Trotsky and his henchmen. Then they understood what it meant to maintain prayerful gratitude among the people to the defenders of the Fatherland, and therefore they tried to supplant it with the worship of satanic eternal fire...
I would like to appeal to all Russian people who cherish the memory of the heroes who died “in the days of the Hagarian invasions and in troubled times,” many years ago and more recently, about their dear ones and loved ones. For the sake of your salvation and the future of our people, do not go to the “eternal flames”, cover them with the ashes of oblivion! Let us bow to the ground for the shed blood of all our soldiers who died in the trenches of the holy wars for Holy Rus', for the Russian State, including now in Novorossiya. Let us not forget those Orthodox Christians from the Kulikovo field in Odessa, burned alive and gassed, and the executed soldiers in Kramatorsk who refused to shoot at their people, and the policemen in Mariupol... These are all our neighbors, our brothers, all of them remained invincible warriors in battlefield, because they died for the Orthodox faith, for Russia, for you and me. All of them became ardent prayer books in Heaven for the Russian people. Let us every year, on the Days of Remembrance of Soldiers in our common prayers to remember their immortal soul, to light the candles of our hopes for their prayerful help, so that for the sake of their conciliar feat of arms the Lord will not abandon our Rus'. No, it is not from the eternal, satanic fire that the Russian people should seek protection and help in the liberation of Russia, but from our Lord Jesus Christ, diligently sending our prayers to Him:
“Save, Lord, those who died in grave torment, those who were killed, those who were buried alive, those who were buried in the earth, those who were swallowed up by waves and fire, those who were torn to pieces by beasts, from hunger, frost, storms, and falls from the heights of the dead, and grant them Your eternal joy for the sorrow of death. May they bless the time of their suffering, like the day of redemption, singing: “Hallelujah!” (9).

“Soon overthrow the vile and blasphemous Hagaryan, Bolshevik and Jewish kingdoms, and give over to the orthodox king: establish orthodoxy, and erect a Christian horn, and send down upon us Your rich mercies” (10). Amen!

Valentina Sologub

Note: 1 - Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ, ikos; 2,3,4 - Canon to our Lord Jesus Christ, canto 1,6, luminary; 5 - Great Canon of St. Andrei Kritsky, for Wednesday, March, 6.10 - Morning rule; 7 - Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus, ikos 12; 8 - Prayer before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Theodorovskaya”; 9 - Akathist for the repose of the dead, cond.4.

This disaster has already happened in the distant past. On the wall of the Cambodian temple of Prah-Ko in Roluos there is a relief depicting a terrible monster resembling Typhon and pouring fire on poor earthlings, as evidenced by the figurine of a man engulfed in flames.

During the next approach to a propeller-class neutron star (Typhon), our planet will fall into its vast gas and dust plume and another terrible disaster will begin on our planet. The bulk of the gases in the gas cloud likely consist of hydrogen, the most abundant gas in the Universe.

Hydrogen, once in the Earth's atmosphere, interacts with the Earth's oxygen and ignites in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Some of this flame will reach the surface of our planet. And terrible disasters will begin on Earth.

The Mayan book Chilam-Balam Chumayel (translated by Ralph L. Royce) claims that terrible disasters on Earth will be caused by some celestial object, perhaps a neutron star: “A circle will appear in the heavens, and the earth will burn with fire. Qauil will be revealed again, as he was already revealed at the beginning of time. On Katun (date) a fire will begin throughout the entire earth.”

Spanish missionary Bernardino de Sahagan (1500-1590), who long time studied the language, culture and customs of the South American Indians in his work “ General history New Spain”describes the beliefs of the local population about the future cataclysm: “When a fiery whirlwind falls from the sky, all life on earth will die, the end of everything will come, and eternal night will reign. The sun will no longer rise in the sky, and impenetrable darkness will come. The Tsitsitsimi monster will appear and begin to devour people... and, as they say, there will be no one left on earth, for people will rise to flat roofs... And this belief in miracles was so strong that it encouraged people to keep their eyes on the sky, watching the stars whose names sounded like “Multitude” and “Fire Whirlwind”.
The last name is a very accurate verbal description of a neutron star.

Ancient texts of predictions about fire from heaven are also found in the Avesta, the holy book of the ancient Iranian religion (Zoroastrianism). The creator god Ahuramazda determined the existence of the Universe at 12,000 years. The first three thousand years after creation spiritual world and the lights passed safely for the Earth. But then he appeared evil spirit Angro-Manyu, who created the snake Ami. The devil burst into our world along with the monster he created and killed the first man, Gayomart, but he left his seed, from which people were reborn again. The struggle between good and evil, according to Avesta, must end in disaster. The dragon Azhi-Dahak will rule over the world and will come monstrously Cold winter, and then after the Earth perishes and is cleansed in fire (and sinners during the last three days will be tortured with molten bronze that will rain down from the sky), the world will be reborn again and will find an unshakable beginning and order.
The Great Savior will come when the Light of two Suns shines over the Earth. People from Heaven will come to the sky on sparkling clouds.

According to the beliefs of the Zoroastrians (Bundahishn), before the end of the world, a terrible Serpent will appear on Earth to punish people mired in sins: “And Gochihar, the serpent of the celestial sphere, will fall from the limits of the Moon to the earth, and the earth will suffer from pain like a sheep when a wolf strips skin it.
Then the God of Fire and God Airiyaman (Ahriman) will melt the metals in the hills and mountains, and they will flow across the earth like rivers. And they will cause all people to pass through this molten metal, and this will make them clean. And to the one who is saved, it will seem like walking through warm milk, but to the one who is condemned, it will feel like molten metal.”

The Delphic Sibyl warned all of humanity that a third of people would die from fire from heaven: “The Almighty will punish all the peoples of the Earth. War and famine will devastate humanity. God in heaven will be steadfast and will accomplish this. All people will cry and groan. The Creator of the earth and sky will send a huge fire to the Earth. Of all humanity, only a third will survive. The climate on Earth will change, and a long drought will begin. There will be a terrible famine on Earth, and two thirds of humanity will die...”

The ancient manuscript “Elder Edda”, the song “Prophecy of the Velva” (the sorceress), and the “Younger Edda” speak of a worldwide fire, flood and darkness, which will be accompanied by “three winters without a summer.” The end of the world (Ragnarok) will come when evil enters our world. Wolf Fenrir (neutron star) will swallow the Sun and the elements will begin to run wild. As a result of the fight between the Wolf and the god Odin, as well as between the world serpent Jormungandr, which means the Giant Staff, and the god Thor, the end of the world will come, which will be heralded by the trumpet sounds of the horn of Gjallarhorn (the core of the Earth). Before the end of the world there will be a three-year reign of warfare and murder; brother will rise up against brother, father against son and son against father; greed will take over the souls of people, truth will disappear, and family bonds are collapsing. Then winter will come, harsh winds will blow, unbearable cold will set in, and the sun will shine dimly. To everyone's horror, the Wolf will swallow the Sun, grab the Moon and cause him terrible harm; the stars will fall from the firmament and fall to the ground, the world's ash tree will burn, the mountains and the Earth will tremble, trees will be torn out along with their roots, rocks will collapse, the sea will flood the land. Fenrir will open his huge mouth so wide that the upper jaw touches the sky and the lower jaw touches the ground. Flames emanate from his eyes and nostrils. The giant snake will spit out venom, the air and sea will burn, and the high sky will collapse with a crash. Evil forces, led by the formidable Surtr (a black, fiery giant), who is armed with a formidable weapon sparkling brighter than the Sun itself, together with the evil sons of Muspell, take up arms against the light gods and the universe perishes in a great fire.

The Chaldean priest and astrologer Berossus (3rd century BC) believed that the last cycle of human existence would last 25,872. Berossus describes the details of the cosmic catastrophe caused by Satan and its impact on the precession of the earth's axis. He depicts earthly life and the edge of the earth’s disk engulfed in flames at the time of the “parade of planets” that will line up in one row in July. The catastrophe will be accompanied by fires, a devastating flood, which will begin in October, when, according to his calculations, all the planets will converge in the constellation Capricorn: “I, Berossus, affirm that everything on earth will be consumed by fire when the five planets gather under the sign of Cancer, lined up in a row so that a straight line passes through them.”

Prophecy of St. Methodius of Patara (IV century), an early Christian church leader and writer, about fire from heaven: “After humanity is tormented by want and violence, the sun will disappear in darkness, and the moon in blood. The stars will fall like leaves, the sky will roll up. The sea, foaming from its depths, will cover humanity. Everything will be destroyed and burned out from the air - a column of flame will fall to the Earth from above. Fire arrows will rain down from the sky. Many signs and wonders will follow. After devastation will come epidemics and famine.”

The Byzantine poet John Kyriot (10th century), nicknamed Geometer, which he received for his studies in science and mathematics, wrote a prophetic poem “On Comita” (About the Comet?), where he predicts the appearance of the star Typhon in the sky. During this cataclysm, according to the Geometer's predictions, a worldwide fire will begin:

A comet in the sky illuminates the entire airwaves,
And on earth the land is burning the entire West.
The star that prophesied darkness by its appearance,
With the rising of the sun the luminous one fades,
And this Typhon rose from the victorious
Nikifor at sunset - he burns everything,
Embraced by the spirit of vengeance...

Saint Cyril (1130-1183), Bishop of Turov, warned about the appearance of fire from heaven: “Unquenchable fire will flow from east to west, consuming mountains and stones and trees, and drying up the sea; the firmament will curl up like birch bark, and all visible existing things, including man, will all melt away from the fury of fire like wax, and the whole earth will burn. And it is fitting for the entire human race to pass through that fire.<...>In them they are netii (others), having little sin and non-correction, like men, since there is one God without sin; may they be tempted by this fire, their bodies will be cleansed and enlightened like the sun according to their virtue; He will give light to the righteous, and scorching and darkness to the sinners. Those who crossed this river of fire and river, according to God’s command, served and departed to the west, and entered the lake of fire for the torment of sinners. Afterwards the earth will be new and smooth, as it was from time immemorial, and whiter than snow, and then God will command it to change and become like gold, grass will come out of it and flowers of many varieties will come forth and will never fade away... and trees will grow not like the visible and the existing, but in height, majesty, majesty it is impossible for human lips to utter.”

Predictions of Blessed Alexander Sorvachev from Tentyukovo (Syktyvkar), which he made in the late 30s. years of the 20th century, and recorded by A. Sakov. For his prophecies of inevitable death Soviet power he was arrested by the NKVD in 1942 and disappeared without a trace in the dungeons of this institution. The blessed one in his predictions allegorically mentioned the appearance of a mysterious object in the sky: “And Alexander also predicted that a large red bird would fly in and burn the whole city. There will be such a fire over the city that it will burn all the houses. Residents will rush to Vychegda from the terrible heat. But all the water in the river will dry up. And the beast and the bird and the fish and the trees and the grass will perish. A person will suffer and die in agony” (Archive of the Christian newspaper of the North of Russia “Vera-Eskom”).

Vision of the clairvoyant Angera (Brazil) about fire from the sky. The Mother of God’s warning was received on August 16, 2009: “Dear children, pray long before the cross appears in the sky - for the transformation of people. Seek protection in the Eucharist, because only in this way will you be able to witness the miracles of the Lord. Don't let the devil steal your peace.
You are the seed of the Lord, and He will follow and serve. I am your sad Mother. I mean you will suffer even more. You are moving into a future of great challenges.
Humanity will be purified in suffering. The day is coming when people will seek help and want to die. A fast and destructive fire will reach the Earth. It will come from afar and people cannot escape this destructive action.
I am what you need. The continents will cease to exist, and the earth will not be the same. Everything will be different. What you see today will no longer exist. After all this, God will create a new earth for His chosen ones. Forward with courage.
This message comes to you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing Me to meet you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Rest assured: Amen."

Prediction of the American clairvoyant Raymond Aguilera about a future universal fire:
May 25, 1992 I saw a Yellow-Red flame descending from outer space, and it clouded the world. The world looked completely Yellow and Red. Probably like Mars.

Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on January 14, 1991 by God himself in Spanish and other unknown dialects:
“I will burn, I will burn, I will burn, I will burn the sky, I will burn the sky, My Sons and Daughters.
Hear Me! Hear Me! with all your ears, with all your heart. I will burn, He will burn. He will burn the world. Yes. Yes. Yes. He will burn the world.

Prophecy May 24, 1992 There will be a day when the sky will be filled with fire. Flame Day, no one will live without seeing the flame. Because I will stop everything Bad in the whole world. I don't want you to say that I didn't tell you, that no one said this and that. Because right now, the Father is telling you with Pure Lips that the day of the flame, the sky, is coming.
There are many who don't want to hear. Right now, they are covering their ears with their hands. They don't want to hear anymore. They don't want to read anymore. They don't want to see anymore. Those with fingers in their ears, no one can help them, because I have already prepared a place for them...
People of the world, because there will be flames in the sky that you will want to hide from. And you cannot, because I know where you are.”

From the book "Star of the Apocalypse". From Tsentrpoligraf", 2012

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Current page: 1 (book has 2 pages in total)

Gustav Meyrink

“The world is burning in the fire of suffering...”

By six o'clock in the cells of the city prison where the prisoners are sitting, it is already dark - you are not supposed to burn candles, besides, it is winter time, there is fog outside and the sky is covered with clouds.

The warden with a thick bunch of keys walked along the corridor and in front of each door, according to instructions, he shone a light into the barred window and checked whether the iron bolts were closed. Finally, his steps died away in the distance, and the silence of joyless peace reigned in the monastery of the unfortunate prisoners, who slept on wooden trestle beds in dull cells for four people each.

Old man Jurgen lay on his back, looking at the small prison window under the ceiling, which glittered dullly in the darkness as a foggy quadrangle. He counted the slow strokes of the cacophonous tower bell, wondering what words he would say to the jury tomorrow and whether they would acquit him.

At the thought that he, innocent of anything, had been thrown into prison, a feeling of indignation and furious anger did not let go of him even in his sleep, so that he wanted to scream in despair.

But the thick walls and cramped space - the length of the room was only five steps - drive grief inside, preventing it from escaping; here you can only rest your forehead against the wall or climb on a stool to see a narrow strip of sky behind the prison bars.

All previous feelings in him faded away, the prisoner was oppressed by other worries unknown to a free man.

The question of whether he would be acquitted tomorrow or convicted now worried him much less than one might have previously expected. He is already marked, so all that remains is to beg or steal!

If he is convicted, then after the verdict he will hang himself at the first opportunity and, therefore, what he dreamed of on the first night of his stay in these damned walls will come true.

His three cellmates had long since fallen silent on their trestle beds; For them, nothing new was in sight ahead, so there was nothing to worry about, and for those sentenced to a long term of imprisonment, sleep only helps pass the time. But Jurgen couldn’t sleep; images passed before his eyes. gray paintings a vague future and vague memories: at first, before he spent the last kreutzers, he could still somehow ease his fate - buy either a little sausage and milk, or a candle stub, this was the case while he was sitting in the pre-trial detention cells. Then, for the sake of convenience, he was transferred to the condemned, and in these cells night falls early, both around and in the soul.

Day after day you sit, bent over and resting your head on your hands, and go through everything in your memory, only occasionally being distracted when the warden unlocks the lock and another prisoner silently holds out a jug of water or hands out tin bowls of pea soup.

Jurgen spent hours delving into his memories, wondering who could have committed this murder, and finally found out that it was none other than his brother who did it. No wonder he immediately ran away.

Then he again began to think about tomorrow's court hearing and about the lawyer who should speak in his defense.

The lawyer turned out to be so-so. Always absent-minded, he listens with half an ear, and in front of the investigator he just bows and fawns. Apparently, this is their custom here.

From afar, the sound of an approaching carriage could be heard, which always passed the courthouse at this time. Who could it be? Some doctor or official. How loudly the hooves clicked on the pavement!

The jury acquitted Jürgen due to lack of evidence, and he last time went downstairs to his cell.

Three other prisoners watched blankly as he, with trembling fingers, fastened the collar to his shirt and put on the shabby summer suit brought by the warden. He threw the prison clothes in which he suffered for eight months, cursing in his heart, under the bench. He was then taken to the office near the gate, the prison governor wrote something in his book, and he was released.

Everything on the street seemed alien; people hurrying somewhere, who, as if nothing had happened, go wherever they please, and an icy wind that almost knocks them off their feet. Out of weakness, he leaned against a tree in the alley, and his gaze ran over the stone inscription above the arch of the gate: “Nemesis honorum custos.” 1 What would this mean?

In the cold, he immediately felt tired; on shaking legs he dragged himself to a bench in the bushes and, exhausted, fell asleep in exhaustion.

He woke up in the hospital with his left foot amputated and frozen.

He received a postal order from Russia for two hundred guilders. Probably from his brother, who was still tormented by his conscience, and Jurgen rented a basement room on the cheap to start selling songbirds.

He lived meagerly and alone, right there in the basement and spent the night, having fenced off nooks for himself with boards.

In the mornings, peasant children came to the city, Jurgen bought from them birds caught in traps and nets for a few kreutzers and put them in dirty cages.

In the middle of the vaulted ceiling, a dilapidated board was swinging on a hook, suspended by four ropes, on which sat a mangy monkey, which Jurgen had received from a neighbor, a junk dealer, in exchange for a nut.

Every day, schoolchildren gathered in front of the blind window and stood there for hours, looking at the monkey, who fidgeted restlessly on the board and grinned angrily when the door opened and a customer walked in.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, no one usually looked into the shop, and the old man sat on the bench, looked sadly at his wooden leg and indulged in thoughts about how the prisoners were doing there in prison and what Mr. Investigator and the lawyer were doing - the lawyer, it's all right it crawls in front of him on its belly.

Sometimes a policeman who lived next door would pass by, and then Jürgen would be tempted to jump up and give him a good beating with an iron stick, so that he wouldn’t show off in front of people in his colorful uniform, the bastard.

Oh my God! If only the people would finally rise up and kill all the scoundrels who grab the unfortunate losers and punish them for what they themselves happily do in secret!

Along the walls, stacked one on top of the other almost to the ceiling, were rows of cages, and the birds in them would fly up whenever someone came too close. Some sat with a sad ruffle, and the next morning, with their eyes rolled up, they were already lying on the floor with their paws up.

Jurgen picked them up and calmly threw them into the trash can (how much were they worth!), and since they were songbirds, they could not even boast of beautiful feathers that would be useful in business.

There was never peace in Jurgen's shop - all the time you could hear some rustling and squeaking - but the old man, out of habit, did not even pay attention to it. The unpleasant putrid smell did not bother him either.

One day a student came in to buy a magpie, and after he left, Jürgen, who was definitely feeling out of place in the morning, discovered that the buyer had forgotten a book in his shop.

Although in the book, translated, as it was said on the title page, from Indian, everything was written in German, Jurgen understood almost nothing in it and only shook his head. But he kept reading and re-reading one stanza, it put him in such a sad mood:

The world is burning in the fire of suffering.
Who understood this like a sage,
He, turning his gaze away from life,
I have found the path to enlightenment.

Then his gaze slid over the rows of little prisoners who sat in squalid cages, and his heart sank, he suddenly felt the same as they, as if he himself were a bird yearning for the lost spaces.

Suffering pierced him to the depths of his soul, and tears appeared in his eyes. He poured fresh water for the birds and added new food, which he usually did only in the morning.

Moreover, forgotten, like old children’s fairy tales, green, noisy forests, illuminated by the golden rays of the sun, surfaced in my memory.

His memories were interrupted by the arrival of a lady who appeared accompanied by a servant who was carrying behind her a cage of nightingales.

“I bought these birds from you,” said the lady, “but they sing too rarely, so you must blind them.”

What's happened? How does it feel to be blinded?

Well, yes, blind! - said the lady. - Gouge out your eyes or burn them out, as you do. After all, you sell birds, so you should know better. If some of it dies, it doesn't matter. You simply replace them with other birds. Yes, send them back as soon as possible. You know my address, right? Farewell.

Jurgen thought for a long time and didn’t even go to bed. He sat on the bench all night and did not get up even when his neighbor, a junk dealer, knocked on the window, worried why the shop had not opened for so long.

In the darkness he heard fluttering in the cages, and it seemed to him as if small, delicate wings were beating against his heart, asking to be let in.

At dawn, he opened the door, went bareheaded into a deserted square and peered for a long time at the awakening skies.

Then he quietly returned to the shop, slowly opened all the cages one by one and, if the bird did not fly out on its own, he took it out with his hands.

And so they fluttered under the dilapidated arches - all these nightingales, siskins and ruby-throats, then Jurgen with a smile opened the door for them and released them into freedom, into the heavenly expanse of divine freedom. He followed them with his gaze for a long time until he lost sight of them, remembering the green, noisy forests illuminated by golden sunlight.

He untied the monkey and removed the board suspended from the ceiling, thus freeing the hook sticking out from above.

Hanging a rope to it, he twisted a loop at the end and stuck his neck through it. Once again the lines from the book left by the student appeared before his mind's eye, then with one kick of his wooden leg he pushed away the stool on which he was standing.

Gustav Meyrink

“The world is burning in the fire of suffering...”

By six o'clock in the cells of the city prison where the prisoners are sitting, it is already dark - candles are not supposed to be burned, besides, it is winter time, there is fog outside and the sky is covered with clouds.

The warden with a thick bunch of keys walked along the corridor and in front of each door, according to instructions, he shone a light into the barred window and checked whether the iron bolts were closed. Finally, his steps died away in the distance, and the silence of joyless peace reigned in the monastery of the unfortunate prisoners, who slept on wooden trestle beds in dull cells for four people each.

Old man Jurgen lay on his back, looking at the small prison window under the ceiling, which glittered dullly in the darkness as a foggy quadrangle. He counted the slow strokes of the cacophonous tower bell, wondering what words he would say to the jury tomorrow and whether they would acquit him.

At the thought that he, innocent of anything, had been thrown into prison, a feeling of indignation and furious anger did not let go of him even in his sleep, so that he wanted to scream in despair.

But the thick walls and cramped space - the length of the room was only five steps - drive grief inside, preventing it from escaping; here you can only rest your forehead against the wall or climb on a stool to see a narrow strip of sky behind the prison bars.

All previous feelings in him faded away, the prisoner was oppressed by other worries unknown to a free man.

The question of whether he would be acquitted tomorrow or convicted now worried him much less than one might have previously expected. He is already marked, so all that remains is to beg or steal!

If he is convicted, then after the verdict he will hang himself at the first opportunity and, therefore, what he dreamed of on the first night of his stay in these damned walls will come true.

His three cellmates had long since fallen silent on their trestle beds; For them, nothing new was in sight ahead, so there was nothing to worry about, and for those sentenced to a long term of imprisonment, sleep only helps pass the time. But Jurgen couldn’t sleep, gray pictures of a vague future and vague memories passed before his eyes: at first, before he spent the last kreutzers, he could still somehow ease his fate - buy either a little sausage and milk, or a candle stub, this was the case while he was in the holding cells. Then, for the sake of convenience, he was transferred to the condemned, and in these cells night falls early, both around and in the soul.

Day after day you sit, bent over and resting your head on your hands, and go through everything in your memory, only occasionally being distracted when the warden unlocks the lock and another prisoner silently holds out a jug of water or hands out tin bowls of pea soup.

Jurgen spent hours delving into his memories, wondering who could have committed this murder, and finally found out that it was none other than his brother who did it. No wonder he immediately ran away.

Then he again began to think about tomorrow's court hearing and about the lawyer who should speak in his defense.

The lawyer turned out to be so-so. Always absent-minded, he listens with half an ear, and in front of the investigator he just bows and fawns. Apparently, this is their custom here.

From afar, the sound of an approaching carriage could be heard, which always passed the courthouse at this time. Who could it be? Some doctor or official. How loudly the hooves clicked on the pavement!

The jury acquitted Jurgen due to lack of evidence, and he went downstairs to his cell for the last time.

Three other prisoners watched blankly as he, with trembling fingers, fastened the collar to his shirt and put on the shabby summer suit brought by the warden. He threw the prison clothes in which he suffered for eight months, cursing in his heart, under the bench. He was then taken to the office near the gate, the prison governor wrote something in his book, and he was released.

Everything on the street seemed alien; people hurrying somewhere, who, as if nothing had happened, go wherever they please, and an icy wind that almost knocks them off their feet. Out of weakness, he leaned against a tree in the alley, and his gaze ran over the stone inscription above the arch of the gate: “Nemesis honorum custos.” 1 What would this mean?

In the cold, he immediately felt tired; on shaking legs he dragged himself to a bench in the bushes and, exhausted, fell asleep in exhaustion.

He woke up in the hospital with his left foot amputated and frozen.

He received a postal order from Russia for two hundred guilders. Probably from his brother, who was still tormented by his conscience, and Jurgen rented a basement room on the cheap to start selling songbirds.

He lived meagerly and alone, right there in the basement and spent the night, having fenced off nooks for himself with boards.

In the mornings, peasant children came to the city, Jurgen bought from them birds caught in traps and nets for a few kreutzers and put them in dirty cages.

In the middle of the vaulted ceiling, a dilapidated board was swinging on a hook, suspended by four ropes, on which sat a mangy monkey, which Jurgen had received from a neighbor, a junk dealer, in exchange for a nut.

Every day, schoolchildren gathered in front of the blind window and stood there for hours, looking at the monkey, who fidgeted restlessly on the board and grinned angrily when the door opened and a customer walked in.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, no one usually looked into the shop, and the old man sat on the bench, looked sadly at his wooden leg and indulged in thoughts about how the prisoners were doing there in prison and what Mr. Investigator and the lawyer were doing - the lawyer, it's all right it crawls in front of him on its belly.

Sometimes a policeman who lived next door would pass by, and then Jürgen would be tempted to jump up and give him a good beating with an iron stick, so that he wouldn’t show off in front of people in his colorful uniform, the bastard.

Oh my God! If only the people would finally rise up and kill all the scoundrels who grab the unfortunate losers and punish them for what they themselves happily do in secret!

Along the walls, stacked one on top of the other almost to the ceiling, were rows of cages, and the birds in them would fly up whenever someone came too close. Some sat with a sad ruffle, and the next morning, with their eyes rolled up, they were already lying on the floor with their paws up.

Jurgen picked them up and calmly threw them into the trash can (how much were they worth!), and since they were songbirds, they could not even boast of beautiful feathers that would be useful in business.

There was never peace in Jurgen's shop - all the time you could hear some rustling and squeaking - but the old man, out of habit, did not even pay attention to it. The unpleasant putrid smell did not bother him either.

One day a student came in to buy a magpie, and after he left, Jürgen, who was definitely feeling out of place in the morning, discovered that the buyer had forgotten a book in his shop.

Although in the book, translated, as it was said on the title page, from Indian, everything was written in German, Jurgen understood almost nothing in it and only shook his head. But he kept reading and re-reading one stanza, it put him in such a sad mood:

The world is burning in the fire of suffering.

Who understood this like a sage,

He, turning his gaze away from life,

I have found the path to enlightenment.

Then his gaze slid over the rows of little prisoners who sat in squalid cages, and his heart sank, he suddenly felt the same as they, as if he himself were a bird yearning for the lost spaces.

Suffering pierced him to the depths of his soul, and tears appeared in his eyes. He poured fresh water for the birds and added new food, which he usually did only in the morning.

Moreover, forgotten, like old children’s fairy tales, green, noisy forests, illuminated by the golden rays of the sun, surfaced in my memory.