And in Kurai there are the foundations of Orthodox culture. Jokes from school essays

Basics Orthodox culture(Tutorial for fourth grade) Kuraev Andrey Vyacheslavovich

Lessons of the 16th course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Test assignments

Dear interlocutor!

Ends academic year. It was unusual, since for the first time we made an attempt to travel not into a forest or a museum, but into the innermost inner world of a person - into the world of his soul.

In the title of our course - “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” - the first word is very important for us.

The foundation is the root, that from which everything else grows. The foundations of Orthodox culture are:

Faith in God,

Faith in the teachings of Christ,

Faith in His sacrifice and resurrection;

Bible and Gospel;

The desire to live according to the commandments;

Concern for the purity of your soul and the benefit of your neighbor.

From this root, the common name of which is the Christian Faith, grow the fruits of Orthodox culture, in particular:

Deeds of mercy and heroic deeds Christian;

Majestic temples;

Beautiful icons;

Prayers of Christians for themselves and for others.

In Fifth grade we will continue our conversation.

Now do a little creative work. Choose one from the topics listed above. Remember how we thought about this in our lessons. In your work, try to explain why you think that this aspect of the faith and life of Christians is important for a person. Describe how a particular belief helps to increase the amount of good in the world.

You can also hold an essay competition on the topic “How do I understand the “golden rule of ethics”?

When preparing work, it is not at all prohibited to seek help from older family members. By the way, if during the holidays you and your family or friends see an Orthodox church, you can go there so that you can take a tour there yourself, using the knowledge that you received in our lessons.

From the book School Theology author Kuraev Andrey Vyacheslavovich

“FUNDAMENTALS OF ORTHODOX CULTURE” AS A CURE FOR EXTREMISM Obviousness is diminished by evidence Cicero. The winter of 2002-02 may determine the fate of Orthodoxy in Russia for the entire 21st century. The question is what position will the Russian government take towards the Church?

From the book Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture (Textbook for fourth grade) author Kuraev Andrey Vyacheslavovich

Lesson 1 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Russia is our Motherland You will learn: - How rich our Fatherland is. - What traditions are and why they exist. Not everything in his life can be chosen by a person himself. I can't choose my parents. I can't choose the language mom is in

From the author's book

Lesson 2 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Orthodoxy and culture You will learn: - What a person puts into culture - What thoughts religion carries The word culture comes from Latin language. At first, this word meant something that was grown in the garden, and not something that sprouted in the field. Culture

From the author's book

Lesson 4 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Orthodox prayer You will learn: - What is Orthodoxy - What does the word grace mean - Who are the saints - About the prayer Our Father The word Orthodoxy means the ability to correctly glorify God, that is, to pray. People call God theirs

From the author's book

Lesson 5 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Bible and Gospel You will learn: - who Christians are - what the Bible is - what the Gospel is Orthodox people are Christians. A Christian is a person who accepted the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christianity is the teachings of Christ. And he lived

From the author's book

Lesson 6 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Preaching of Christ You will learn: - What Christ taught - What is the Sermon on the Mount - What treasure cannot be stolen Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Even though the words of Christ were spoken almost 2000 years ago, they are important for

From the author's book

Lesson 7 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Christ and His Cross You will learn: - How God became man - Why Christ did not evade execution - The symbolism of the cross THE INCARNATION The Bible emphasizes that God is invisible. God has no body and no boundaries. No time can tell God

From the author's book

Lesson 8 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” EASTER You will learn: - That Sunday is not only a day of the week - What Easter is - How Easter is celebrated The story of Christ does not end with His execution. After all, He told Pontius Pilate that He had the power to take up His life again. Therefore the Gospel

From the author's book

Lesson 9 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Orthodox teaching about man You will learn: - When the soul hurts - What is the “image of God” In Orthodoxy, thoughts about man and thoughts about God are intertwined. A person believes in God. What does God Himself believe in? Christians believe that God

From the author's book

Lesson 10 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Good and evil. Conscience You will learn: - About the prompts of conscience - How to correct mistakes In Orthodoxy, good is that which: - helps the growth of a person’s soul; - helps other people; - pleases God. Evil is that which removes one from these good goals. At the word

From the author's book

Lesson 11 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” You will learn the commandments: - What murder and theft have in common - How envy extinguishes joy Some people have a sensitive conscience, others - not so much. So that people have a clear basis by which to distinguish between good and evil in their actions and

From the author's book

Lesson 12 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Mercy You will learn: - How mercy differs from friendship - Who is called “neighbor” One of the most beautiful words in the world - the word mercy. It speaks of a heart that has mercy, loves and pities. Love comes in different forms. It happens

From the author's book

Lesson 13 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Golden Rule ethics You will learn: - The main rule of human relations - What is non-judgment Imagine, the wind has risen on the street and is blowing dust and debris into your face. Will you really open your eyes wider? Of course not. And if in your

From the author's book

Lesson 14 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Temple. You will learn: - What people do in churches - How an Orthodox church is structured Orthodox church people are greeted by icons and candles. And priests. - Hello guys. I am priest Alexy. I serve here. - What kind of service is this? - asked

From the author's book

Lesson 15 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” Icon You will learn: - Why the icon is so unusual - Why they depict the invisible The temple is filled with icons... Some images are placed on the walls. And others are standing on the floor. These are people. The word icon translated from Greek means “image.” Bible

From the author's book

Lesson 17 of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.” General lesson Let's conduct the test lesson in the form of a holiday project, which will become your test. It’s good if you judge each other yourself, based on the idea of ​​love that you might have

M.: 2010 - 95 p.

The textbook introduces the basics of Orthodox culture, reveals its meaning and role in people's lives - in the formation of a person's personality, his attitude to the world and people, behavior in everyday life.

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Lesson 1. Russia is our Motherland 4

Lesson 2. Culture and religion 6

Lesson 3. Man and God in Orthodoxy 8

Lesson 4. Orthodox prayer 12

Lesson 5. Bible and Gospel 16

Lesson 6. Preaching Christ 20

Lesson 7. Christ and His Cross 24

Lesson 8. Easter 28

Lesson 9. Orthodox teaching about man 32

Lesson 10. Conscience and repentance 36

Lesson 11. Commandments 40

Lesson 12. Mercy and compassion 42

Lesson 13. The Golden Rule of Ethics 46

Lesson 14. Temple 48

Lesson 15. Icon 52

Lesson 16. Creative works students 56

Lesson 17. Summing up 57

Lesson 18. How Christianity came to Rus' 58

Lesson 19. Feat 62

Lesson 20. Beatitudes 64

Lesson 21. Why do good? 68

Lesson 22. Miracle in the life of a Christian 70

Lesson 23. Orthodoxy about God's judgment 72

Lesson 24. The Sacrament of Communion 76

Lesson 25. Monastery 80

Lesson 26. A Christian's attitude towards nature 84

Lesson 27. Christian Family 86

Lesson 28. Defense of the Fatherland 88

Lesson 29. Christian at Work 92

Lesson 30. Love and respect for the Fatherland 94

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Relax - look at pictures, jokes and funny statuses

Various aphorisms

The world is ruled by men... Which are ruled by women.

Quotes and Statuses with meaning

Jokes from school essays

Alexander Ulyanov wanted to kill the Tsar, but Vladimir Ulyanov managed to bring it to life cherished dream older brother.

Glazova Elena Viktorovna

Topic: Orthodox prayer

Target: acquaintance with Orthodox attitude Christians to God, understanding prayer as a conversation between a person and God, forms of possible communication between a person and God.

Lesson objectives:

Educational : find out the meaning and connection of the words “Orthodoxy”, “prayer”, “grace”, “saints”; get acquainted with types of prayer; learn about the origin of the “Our Father” prayer, understand the meaning of the words and expressions included in it.

Developmental: understand the difference between the concepts of “pray”, “demand” and “command”; understand why the ability to call God Father obliges a person to moral improvement.

Educating: realize the difference between material wealth and spiritual joys; to grasp the essence of the words “mercy” and “have mercy”, as relationships and actions not according to rules or law, but according to love.

Lesson type: lesson in gaining new knowledge

Basic concepts:Orthodoxy, prayer, grace, saints, Holy Tradition.

Interdisciplinary connections:Fine arts, music, literary reading.

Resources: basic: textbook (Kuraev A.V. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. – M.; Education, 2016;)

additional: presentation; sound recording Tchaikovsky P.I. “Morning prayer”, prayer “Our Father”, sheets for individual and group work, computer, projector, screen, speakers.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time

Guys, what do you expect from today's lesson?

How should the lesson go so that you learn a lot?

  1. Goal setting and motivation

Look at the illustration, listen to the music. Slide 2

What did the music and illustration tell? What will we talk about in class?

What would you like to know about this topic? Formulate questions.

  1. Discovery of new knowledge

Every day for Christians begins with morning prayer and ends with evening prayer, often in church

On your desk you have sheets of paper for work.



  1. Why do people turn to God not with a demand, but with a prayer?
  2. Why is magic considered an unworthy path in world religions?

Lesson 1 Russia is our Motherland
Answer the questions
1. What is the name of the country in which we live?

2.Who is the head of our state?
3.Name the capital of Russia
On the territory of Russia there are

2. Compose and write in your notebook sentences with the words Russia,
Fatherland, patriot, president, spiritual values
3. Do you consider yourself a patriot? Why?
4. Using the textbook text, complete the sentence:
Religious cultures and moral and ethical standards,
occupying a special place among cultural traditions,
based on such eternal values, How

5. Sign the photos. What are these people famous for?
your homeland?

__________________ ____________ _______________
5.Which other Russian patriots do you know?

6. Make a drawing on the theme “My Homeland”
Lesson 2 Culture and religion

1.Write the text using a textbook
Culture is

Religion is _____________________________________________________
Orthodoxy is _____________________________________________
2.Make and write sentences with the words Orthodoxy, culture,

3. Make up questions for the text you read on p. 6 7 and ask them
desk neighbor.
4.Continue the sentence

Culture gives a person knowledge about ___________________________

A) spiritual values
c) about the rules of good manners
c) the material condition of the people
5. What would you tell about the culture of your people in a letter?
peer from abroad?

Lesson 3 Man and God in Orthodoxy
1.Copy out 23 sentences from the textbook that say
about God and about the world.
2.Copy out 23 sentences from the text that talk about
person in Orthodox culture.
3.Complete the sentences:
a) God gave man gifts:__________________________________________
b) God is also called the Creator because ____________________
4. Tell your neighbor in your desk what actions you showed
conscience, love, kindness. What feelings did you have?
5. How would you depict the symbol of freedom.

Lesson 4 Orthodox prayer
1. Complete the sentence
The word "Orthodoxy" means
2. Fill out the chart “What types of prayers are there?”
3. Complete the sentences using the textbook text on p. 1213.
Sacred Tradition is
5. The word "Orthodoxy" means
6. Which saints do you know?
7. Make up questions for the text you read on p. 14 15 and ask them
desk neighbor.

8. Can you remember times when you prayed? What feelings
did you experience before and after prayer?
1.Using the textbook text, complete the sentences
Lesson 5 Bible and Gospel
Christian is
The Bible is __________________________________________
The Bible consists of _____ books.
2.Copy from the text on p. 16 textbooks 2-3
Scriptures of the Old Testament.
3.Copy from the text on p. 18 textbook 2-3
sentences that talk about the Holy
Scriptures of the New Testament.
4.Add text.
1) The Old Testament describes how people waited
a) Savior b) Prophet c) Judge
2) The Old Testament ends ____________, and
The New Testament begins.

a) The Nativity of Christ b) The giving of the commandments c)
The end of the world

3) The Gospel describes the events of the ___________ Testament
a) Old b) New c) Old
5. Have you ever read or listened to
Bible stories. Did you like them if
yes, then what?

Lesson 6 Preaching Christ
1.Write down the words of Christ about revenge

2.Write down the words of Christ about wealth
3. Complete the text using the text of the manual.
The Sermon on the Mount is called because ___________ delivered
her with a small __________. The disciples of Christ wrote it down in
4. Sign the picture

5.Choose the correct answer.
A) In the Sermon on the Mount, people were given (ten
commandments, beatitudes, state
B) Live according to the commandments given by Christ on Mount Mount
preaching means (to be a real Christian,
to be a doubting person, to be far from God)
Q) Who did Jesus Christ teach to love? (All people, even
their enemies; those we want to love; those who
loves us)
6.Jesus Christ is

7. Discuss why “treasures in heaven” are more valuable than “treasures on earth.”
How rich do you think you are in spiritual treasures?
Lesson 7 Christ and his cross
Write them down from the text of the textbook on p. 24 2 3 sentences about
Fill in the missing word.
The Nativity of Christ happened more than _____ years ago. God
became _________________. He became known as ________
As God Christ __________________________. And as a person
He _________________________________________.
Using the textbook text, complete the sentences
Golgotha ​​is
The crucifixion is
Draw a cross. Explain
neighbor on the desk each of
its constituent parts.

Lesson 8 Easter
1. Using the textbook text on p. 2829, complete the text.
The name Jesus means ___________. Christ is called
Savior, because He went to the cross for the sake of _______. However
after the crucifixion he ____________. Resurrection
___________________. In honor of this, it is especially solemn
_____________________ is noted.
Words for reference: Savior, saving people, resurrected, renewal of life,
Easter of Christ.
2.Copy the main Easter hymn from the text of the textbook.

3. From the text on p. 3031 write down 23 sentences about how to celebrate
Easter Orthodox Christians.

4.Draw and color Easter eggs

5. Underline the deeds of Lent with a blue pencil, and
Highlight Easter holiday traditions with a red pencil.
Rejoicing, abstaining from food, preparing Easter cakes,
congratulations, modesty in behavior, dyeing eggs, decoration
at home, silence, joyful chants, games and fun, skating
eggs from the hill.
6. Do you like Easter? If so, why? Tell your neighbor
Dear, how does your family celebrate Easter?
7. Color or make your own drawing.

Lesson 9 Orthodox teaching about
1.Take the test.
A) How can a person make his soul richer?
a) When a person acquires material wealth, his soul
getting richer too
b) When a person is praised, his soul becomes richer
c) What more people gives to people, the more he gains
for your soul

B) What is the main difference between a person and an animal?
a) Appearance
b) Man is no different from an animal
c) A person has the gift of speech, knows how to think, sympathize, and do
good, help those in need.
Q) How is the image of God manifested in man?
a) Inappropriate behavior
b) In the ability to love, in the ability to choose the path of good deeds and
c) The ability to adapt to the current situation
D) Why did God give man freedom?
a) So that a person freely and voluntarily enters the path
truth and goodness, and could, if he wanted, choose for himself a life with
By God.
b) So that a person does only what he wants
d) To make a person’s life easier
2. Divide the words into two groups
Runs, loves, suffers, walks, believes, dreams, eats,
afraid, jumping, happy.

3.Draw a person whose soul is happy.
4.Complete the sentence.
If a person does not think about his soul, feeds it with hatred,
irritability, ________________, _________________,
__________________, then the soul _________________.
5. What kind of soul do you think you have? What feelings
has your soul ever experienced?

Lesson 10 Conscience and repentance
1. Using the text of the textbook on pp. 36-39, add
Good is ________________________________________________
Evil is __________________________________________________________
Sin is
Repentance is _____________________________________________________

1. Find matches.
Help an unknown grandmother
Throw a stone at a cat
To plant a tree
Make a feeder
2. Have you ever had to repent? What feelings did you have before
and after repentance?
3. Choose the correct answer
a) Who points out a person’s sin?
(comrades, conscience, policeman)

b) Who witnesses any unkind act of a person?
(soul, nature, neighbors)
c) What helps a person to distinguish between good and evil?
(reading books, conscience, psychic abilities)
Lesson 11 Commandments
1.Copy from the textbook the commandments that you learned about from the text on p.
2. Complete the sentences using the textbook text on p. 4041
The commandments exist so that people have a clear
the basis on which one can distinguish between ______ and ________.
The commandments are written in ____________, which says that
they were given to people from ________.
3.Make a drawing for one of the commandments.

Lesson 12 Mercy and compassion
Continue the sentence
A neighbor is someone who
2.Illustrate the parable of the Good Samaritan

3. Has anyone shown you mercy and compassion? And you to
Lesson 13 The Golden Rule of Ethics
Have you ever been judged? Remember what you experienced
when were you convicted? Have you ever had to judge anyone?
What do you think he was experiencing? Have you come to any
Copy from the text of the textbook on p. 49 The golden rule of ethics.

Choose the correct answer
 Judging other people (enlightens a person,
enriches man, destroys man)
 In order for people to love us, we must (flatter them, love
them, demand love)
3.Continue the sentence.
"Love the sinner" means

Non-judgment is
Each of us has ____________ and ____________ sides.
Everyone sees a piece of __________ ______________ in the other.
4. Write how to protect yourself from judging others.
Lesson 14 Temple
1. Using the textbook text on p. 4951, complete the sentences.
An icon is _________________________________________________
Blessing is ___________________________________
The iconostasis is _______________________________________

The gates in the altar are called “royal” because they ____
The altar is located behind ___________________________________
2. What rules of behavior in the temple do you know? Write
3. Label the illustrations.

_____________________ _________________________ __________________________
4. Have you been to the temple? Do you like it in the temple? What feelings are you
are you experiencing in the temple?
4. Look at the diagram of the temple and try to draw it
on one's own. tell about components temple to parents.

4. Draw a temple

Lesson 15 Icon
Complete the sentences using the textbook text on p. 52
The word "icon" translated from Greek language means _________.
The Bible says that every person is a _____________________.
That is why a Christian perceives every person as
___________. That's why people _____________ to each other.
Complete the diagram “How an icon differs from a painting.”
3. Who is depicted in the icon?
_______________________ _____________________ ______________________

Lessons 16 – 17 Creative works of students
How to create a project?
1. Statement of the project problem.
Project work plan
2. Theme of the project.
3. Purpose of the project.
4. Project objectives.
5. Hypothesis.
6. Work plan (this includes research methods,
which we used during the development of the project, and
means that helped achieve the goal).
7. Project product.
8. Conclusions (result).)
Think about who can help you?

Think about what could help you?
Lesson 18 How did Christianity come to Rus'?
1. Copy from the text on p. 58 sentences about the church.
2. Complete the text
To the Greek capital __________________ Prince ___________
sent his ambassadors. Russian ambassadors visited ___________
________ in this temple. They were amazed by the beauty of ______
________. After this, Prince Vladimir decided to accept _____
___________. In ______ from the Nativity of Christ he called
residents of Kyiv _____________ in the river __________. In folk
In memory, Prince Vladimir remained as Vladimir _____________
___________________ .
3. Choose the correct answers.
1) People went to the temple
a) with grief
b) joy
c) requirements
2) People chose a priest from among themselves and trusted him with their:
a) secrets
b) money
c) confession
Doing something for the temple was considered a deed
a) useless
b) unprofitable
c) kind, honorable and joyful
4. Complete the sentence

Baptism is ________________________________________
5.Tell me about your baptism.

Lesson 19 Feat
1. Using the textbook text, finish
The feat is
The victim is
A sacrifice to God is
2.Create a cluster “What types of victims are there?”
2. Write under what conditions separation becomes a victim
3. Tell your desk neighbor or draw a picture of what you had to do

Lesson 20 The Beatitudes
1.Copy from the text on p. 64 – 67 Beatitudes
2.Fill in the missing words.
The word "Blessed" on Old Slavonic language _________.
Spirit is that desire of the soul that draws a person to
________ .

The Kingdom of Heaven is a synonym for ________.
Dirt in the heart is _______________________________.
The one who wants God and people to be merciful to him,
must himself
If a person decides to act according to the commandments of Christ, then he
recognized Christ as his _______________________.

Lesson 21 Why do good?
1. Compose and write down 23 sentences with the words “good” and “evil.”
2.Using the text to 6869, write down the reasons why
Christians do not become selfish.
3. Complete the sentence.
To find joy for your heart, a Christian _____________
4.Draw the crosses: Christ, Petrov, Andreevsky.

Lesson 22 Miracle in the life of a Christian
1. Sign the picture

2. Fill in the missing words:
The Holy Trinity: ________ , ________, ___________________.
3. Fill in the missing words using the text on p. 7071.

For believers, a miracle is not necessarily a vision of _______
______. For a Christian it can be a miracle to meet that
a person who could only __________ in difficult times
_________________ is a visible manifestation of internal
good human characteristics. Three main Christian
virtues – ___________, _____________, ________________.
If you want God to send an angel, become one yourself
_________________________ .
4.Write what virtues do you see in yourself?

Lesson 23 Orthodoxy about God's judgment
1. Fill in the missing word.
Every good or evil word spoken to any of the people,
God takes it personally. Help provided to a random person
____________ or native __________, this is help to God.
Insult given to any of ___________, God
accepts as ______________ inflicted on Him, that is
like Blasphemy. Any person is a messenger _________ to
2. Write out 3 sentences from text 2 about how to behave in
difficult life situation.

How do you behave in a difficult situation?
1. Continue the sentences:
1) God’s judgment is called Terrible because:
a) A decision made by God will never change,
what you deserve for yours earthly life, then
you will receive in eternal life
b) People are scared to think about what will happen after
of death
c) There will be many scary monsters
2) Man will appear before God in order to:

A) Blame others for your mistakes
B) Hold yourself accountable for your actions in life.
C) Be justified in your sins.