Nut Spas: history and traditions of the holiday. Three Saviors of August: honey, apples, bread

On August 29, the Third Savior is celebrated, which is also called the bread, nut, canvas, or canvas Savior. On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the transfer of the Icon Not Made by Hands (Ubrus) of Jesus Christ from Edessa to Constantinople.

There is such a legend about the Miraculous Image. Edessa was ruled by King Abgar, who was sick with leprosy. Having learned about the miracles performed by the Savior, he decided to turn to Him for help. The ruler wrote a letter to Jesus asking him to come and cure him. The letter was carried to the painter Ananias, who was asked to depict the face of Christ if the Lord could not personally come to Edessa.

Arriving in Jerusalem, the painter found Christ surrounded by people. Christ Himself called Ananias, who handed Him a letter and conveyed the emperor’s request. Seeing that the painter was unable to draw His portrait, the Savior asked to bring water and an ubrus (towel). Jesus washed his face and dried it with a towel, on which the Divine face was imprinted.

Ananias took the ubrus to Edessa and handed it to Abgar, who, wiping his face with it, was healed. Later, the Apostle Thaddeus came to Edessa. He baptized King Abgar and his entire family, as well as many residents of the city who believed in Christ. The ubrus was fortified at the entrance to the city. In 944, the shrine was bought by Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus and transported to Constantinople.

Nut Spas: traditions and customs of the holiday

Housewives began preparing for the celebration of the Third Savior the day before. In the evening they set out the dough so that early in the morning they could bake a loaf from the flour of the new harvest. Hence the other name of the holiday - Bread Savior. The name “nut” appeared due to the fact that by this time nuts ripen, which in Rus' were considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In the old days they believed that if you carry a nut with you - a double or a triple (there are two or three nuts on one branch), then you will never have to lack money. On August 29, they began to collect nuts and store them for the winter. The gathering could last several days. A rich nut harvest foreshadowed a good rye harvest next year.

In honor of the Image Not Made by Hands, the holiday was also called “Savior on canvas”, “Savior on canvas”, “canvas Savior”. In the village of Zelenye Gory (Nizhny Novgorod region), a fair was held on this day, where various fabrics were traded. Hence the well-known saying: “ The First Spas - they stand on the water, The Second Spas - they eat apples, The Third Spas - they sell canvases on the green mountains».

Among the people, the Third Savior was considered a semi-holiday. It was celebrated mainly by women. After this day, they began to sow winter grain. In the old days, housewives accompanied their husbands to the fields with bread and salt. Three sheaves were placed on the cart, and on them were bags of rye intended for sowing. The sower was greeted on the field by guys with a pie and buckwheat porridge. Then these treats were eaten by the whole family.

On this day, people made wishes about the timing of sowing spring crops. To do this, they took grains from three ears of a dozhne sheaf and buried them in the field in three different places. Then they noted: “If the grains from the first ear come earlier and better, then the sowing should be early, the second - middle, the third - late.”

Even on the Third Spas, they cleaned healing springs, blessed new wells, drank underground water, walked around wells in circles, as if closing the warm season.

Signs, superstitions and sayings for the Third Savior

  1. The Third Savior saved bread.
  2. The third Savior is a holiday for all holidays (the harvest is harvested, a rich table can be set).
  3. If the cranes flew to the Third Savior, then there will be frost; if not, winter will be late.
  4. Swallows fly away three times, three times the Savior.
  5. If on the Third Spas the water in the reservoirs is calm, then the autumn will be quiet and the winter without blizzards.
  6. Snakes go into holes on this day.

Video: Third Spas – bread, nut

From year to year, the holiday of the Nut Spas is celebrated immediately after the end of the Dormition Lent. And this year the holiday date falls on August 29.

This Savior was nicknamed the Nut Savior, since nuts were ripe in our area by this time. They are consecrated on Orekhovyi Savior. This Spas is also called the Grain Spas, since the main work of collecting bread occurs during this period.

The third and least known name of this holiday (there are several variations of the same name) is Savior on Canvas, Savior on Canvas, Linen Savior, Savior Not Made by Hands. It received this name because it was established in honor of the Orthodox holiday - the transfer of the Icon of Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands to Constantinople.

What date did Nut save in 2018: traditions and signs of the holiday

The celebration of Nut Spas was no longer on the same scale as Apple and Honey. Summer was ending and the cold was beginning. And people tried to quickly prepare food in their barns.

First of all, rye and wheat were removed from the fields. And housewives wove linens to provide their families with clothing.

On this day, there must be bread baked from new flour on the table. Guests are treated to food and treats not only in the house. You can go out into the street and distribute the prepared dishes to neighbors and passers-by.

At lunchtime they went to church to light bread and pies made from new grain. They prayed before the icon of the martyr Diomede.
By evening, the peasants cleaned the healing underground springs and cleaned the wells. In general, we were preparing for autumn and winter. And only then they sat down at the table. It was customary to serve a tincture based on walnuts, as well as bread and pies.
Well, we ended the day with a wash in the bathhouse. People made brooms from hazel, which protected them from diseases and the evil eye.


If the cranes fly south, Intercession (October 14) will be frosty.
It started to rain and thunderstorm – the autumn is expected to be warm.
If there is a lot of opex this year, then there will be a lot of bread next year.
When collecting nuts, you came across a fruit with a worm - expect trouble.
And in order to ward off damage from yourself, you had to eat the first nut yourself, and give the second to the first person you came across.

You will find the most beautiful congratulations on the nut spas .

What date did Orekhovy save in 2018: features of the third rescue

Orthodox believers go to church in Orekhovy Spas. they tell fortunes for love, make wishes, arrange a large feast, invite guests and treat neighbors to homemade cakes.

Signs and beliefs on the Nut Savior

If the hazel trees produced a good harvest, it means that people spent the past year righteously.

If, while collecting nuts, one of them falls on your head, there will be an unexpected profit.

How to make a talisman for home and family on Spas?

Nuts hidden in different parts of the house during the holiday also protect its inhabitants. Outsiders should not know about this amulet.

If you were jinxed at Orekhoviy Spas?

Walnut branches that appear out of nowhere in the courtyard of a house or in an apartment after the arrival of guests are a sign of damage caused to its inhabitants. They need to be scooped up with a broom and then thrown into a body of water with the current. Water will take away the evil eye. But don't take them to whoever you think brought them. It is better that the person does not know that you have found them and know that he is harboring a grudge. Do not repay evil with evil, it is better to protect your home and family from such a person, communicate less with him.

How to predict the weather on Spas?

Cranes that have flown away before the Third Savior are a sign of the onset of frost before mid-October (until October 14, when Intercession is celebrated). A thunderstorm on this day foreshadows a warm autumn. Its sign is the calm flow of the river on holiday.

Fortune telling for love and attitude at Orekhovy Spas

Having picked a nut from a tree, you need to eat it and determine its taste. Sweet it portends success in love affairs, bitter one - disappointment, betrayal of a loved one, an unripe nut announces important news, and a rotten one promises trouble.

How to make a wish on Spas?

There are many ways to make wishes on the third day. Here are the ones I use. These are very simple fortune telling, but my predictions have come true, so much so that I believe in them.

From the collected nuts, they pick up the one they like based on their appearance and make a wish. Then it needs to be split. A tasty, large kernel foreshadows the fulfillment of a wish; an empty or rotten nut is a sign that it is not destined to come true.

After making a wish, you need to pick up a lot of nuts (as many as will fit), spread them on the table, and count their number. An even number will mean that your plan will be fulfilled soon.

On the street, they draw a circle with a radius of 15-20 cm, throw 13 nuts into it, after mixing them in their hands and making a wish. You need to throw the fruits up, not down. The plan will come true if most of the nuts (7-13) fall into the center of the circle. If there are fewer of them, the wish will not come true. You can take a close look at the composition of nuts in a circle. Its shape and location can tell the fortuneteller something if he uses his imagination.

Read the most beautiful birthday greetings

Holiday in August. Nut Spas, or, as it is also called, Bread Spas, marks the harvest of the last harvest.

Nut Spas, like the first two - Honey and Apple, is an ancient holiday that united all Christian and folk traditions, so the third Spas was considered a day of thanksgiving to the Lord for the harvest of bread and nuts.

The third Savior is called Nut because from this day on you can eat nuts. It is not as popular as the previous two, but of the three it is the most important.

Before Orekhovy Spas, they celebrate the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 28) and the end of the Dormition Fast, which lasts two weeks - from August 14 to 27.

history of the holiday

According to legend, at this time Abgar ruled in the Syrian city of Edessa, who was stricken with leprosy throughout his body. The rumor about the great miracles that the Lord Jesus Christ performed reached Syria and Abgar. Not seeing the Savior, but believing in Him, Abgar sends him a letter asking for healing and sends his painter Ananias to deliver the letter and draw the Image of the Lord.

Arriving in Jerusalem, Ananias could not approach the Savior because of the huge number of people who surrounded the Lord and listened to his sermons. Then he stood on a stone and decided, looking from afar, to draw the Image of Jesus Christ, but nothing worked for him, the Divine light emanating from the Lord blinded the artist.

The Savior Himself called Ananias, calling him by name, conveyed a short letter for Abgar and promised to send His disciple for instruction in salvation. The Lord also asked for water and ubrus (canvas). Having washed himself, he applied the covering to his face - and His Divine Face was reflected there.

Ananias brought the ruler an Image and a letter from the Savior. Having reverently accepted the Great Shrine, Abgar received healing, and only a small part of the disease remained on his face until the arrival of the Apostle.


The apostle who arrived in Edessa was Saint Thaddeus, who baptized Abgar and all the inhabitants of Edessa. The miraculous image of the Savior was installed in a niche above the gate to the city. And everyone who passed into the city worshiped Him.

This went on for many years, until one of Abgar’s great-grandsons fell into idolatry, and he had a desire to remove this Image from the city gates. But the bishop of Edessa had a vision of the Lord to hide this image. Arriving at night with the parishioners, the bishop lit a lamp and laid the image with a clay board and bricks.

Many years passed, and the residents forgot about the shrine. However, in 545 the Persian king besieged Edessa, and the situation was hopeless. And the Bishop of Edessa saw the appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos, who commanded him to take the Image of the Savior from the niche to save the city. Having dismantled the bricks, the bishop saw the Miraculous Image of the Savior, in front of which a lamp was burning, and on the clay tablet that covered the Face was a reflection of the image of the Savior. A religious procession was held with the Image Not Made by Hands, and the Persian army retreated.

Even when the Arabs later took possession of Edessa, they did not interfere with the worship of this Image. In 944, Emperor Constantine bought this Image from the emir and transferred it with great honors to Constantinople, to the Pharos Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

On August 29, the Holy Church remembers the miraculous event that happened in 944 - the transfer from Edessa to Constantinople of the Image Not Made by Hands of Our Lord Jesus Christ. According to folk traditions, this day was called Nut Spas, since nuts were ripe by this time. This is the time of ripening of grain crops, vegetables, fruits and all the fruits of the earth.

Photos from free sources


According to tradition, on this day it is imperative to consecrate fresh nuts, water and fruits in the temple, and in the old days ears of wheat collected the day before were also consecrated. Only after church prayer and gratitude to the Almighty for our daily bread, it was possible to prepare a festive table from consecrated products.

At the same time, according to tradition, nuts are added to almost all dishes, which have long been endowed with healing powers. Not only the fruits are valued, but also the nut branches. They were stocked up for future use for the whole year, and they were often used as amulets. Many still believe that a walnut cross hung at the front door will protect against envious people and bad thoughts. And after taking a steam bath with a walnut bath broom, a person will be healed of diseases and gain protection from the evil eye. They were harvested and stored separately, not mixed with brooms made from other tree species.

Housewives make a tincture from nut membranes doused in alcohol. This medicine helps with colds. And an ointment based on young nuts can cure joint pain. If honey is mixed with nuts and given to a man for a month, his male strength will double.

Fairs are usually held in cities on this day. Moreover, you cannot leave such a fair empty-handed - otherwise you will be penniless for the whole year. But if you buy fabric and sew clothes from it for a child, this will bring him good health and good luck to the family.

Another tradition at Orekhovy Spas is reseeding. After home prayer, housewives accompanied their husbands and sons to the fields with bread and salt. Three sheaves were placed on the cart, and rye in bags was placed on top, which was intended for sowing.

On Orekhovy Spas, just like on Honey, they sanctify the water in the wells and cleanse the springs gushing from the bowels of the earth. Water is considered healing and can cleanse the soul of accumulated sins.

The most common dishes for nut spas: baked apples with nuts, charlotte, various cakes with nuts and other sweets, as well as freshly baked bread. In the evening, candles are lit and after evening prayer the family can begin the festive meal.

In addition to bread, pies with mushrooms and dishes with nuts are also prepared on this day, which are always treated to relatives and friends.

Photos from free sources


If a nut falls on your head in the forest, then this is a good sign, indicating good luck in business. Finding two fused nuts on holiday is considered unprecedented luck. They must be picked up with your left hand and placed in your wallet to attract money.

On Orekhovy Spas, people have always closely monitored the behavior of birds, especially storks and cranes. If the storks fly south to the Third Spas, then severe frost is expected on Intercession (October 14), but spring, on the contrary, is expected to be sunny. Birds are in no hurry to fly away - autumn will delight you with warmth, winter will start late, and spring will be cool.

At the same time, according to legend, you need to feed the birds flying to warmer regions with bread crumbs. And if along the way the birds meet the souls of deceased relatives, they will convey messages to them.

At a festive dinner, you need to pay tribute to the hostess and try every dish on the table. Then you will be lucky for the whole year and there will be no financial problems.

With the arrival of the Nut Savior, autumn fully comes into its own - according to folk signs, a stormy August foreshadows a long, warm autumn.

Fortune telling

The girls wondered about the future and love. On this day they picked nuts and determined what the next year would be like. A ripe and sweet nut means great love, an unripe one means important news, a rotten one means trouble, and a bitter one means problems in relationships.


  1. You can’t refuse to work, because Nut Spas (Bread Spas) is the time of harvesting and preparing food for the winter.
  2. In Orekhovy Spas, do not go into the forest without a talisman. Our ancestors believed that this is how you can meet with evil spirits.
  3. You cannot deny food to the needy and strangers.

The Third Savior is popularly called the Nut Savior, since nuts are in time for this holiday, which have become the main symbol of the celebration. In Rus', for a long time, they believed that on the day of the Third Savior, nuts had special magical powers, so they made amulets from them, made wishes on them, and even used signs to judge what would happen in the near future. This holiday has incorporated many Christian and folk traditions. Perhaps this is why it remains so popular even to this day.

This Orthodox holiday is not transferable and is celebrated annually on the same day - August 29. Popularly it received many other names: Nut Spas, Bread, Canvas and Posev. All of them are more related to traditions and rituals, but say little about the very essence of the celebration.

The meaning of the Nut Savior for the church

The history of the holiday says that in ancient times there lived a Syrian ruler, Avgar, who suffered from a terrible skin disease. When he heard that Christ miraculously saves people even from incurable diseases, he believed in the Divine power of the Savior and decided to ask him for help. He sent his painter to Jesus, passing through him a letter with a prayer for healing, and at the same time ordered to paint His portrait.

But when the artist got to Jerusalem, he could not approach Christ - he was always surrounded by a huge number of people listening to sermons and offering prayers. The painter had no choice but to climb onto the highest stone and try to depict the Image of the Savior from afar. He didn’t succeed for a long time, but at one point Jesus noticed the desperate artist and called him closer to him. Then the Lord asked to bring him a jug of water and an ordinary canvas. After washing his face, he took a piece of cloth and applied it to his face. The imprint of his Face miraculously remained on the canvas, which was later called the Miraculous Image of the Savior. On the day of the Third Savior, believers honor the memory of the transfer of this image to the city of Constantinople, which occurred on August 29 in 944.

The meaning of the Nut Savior among the people: traditions and signs

On the Third Savior, believers go to a festive church service, after which they bless water, fruits, ears of wheat and, of course, nuts. Only after the church service do believers set the festive tables and treat themselves to sweet pastries, which the housewives prepare on the eve of the holiday. According to traditions, pies and buns are necessarily baked with the addition of nuts, which were endowed with special powers on this day. Apples baked with nuts were also popular.

On Orekhovy Spas, the Slavs took new walnut brooms with them to the bathhouse - they believed that with their help they could improve their health and receive protection from the evil eye for the whole year. Also, talismans were made from nuts, which protected the house and all its inhabitants from misfortunes and evil people. It was impossible to go into the forest on this day without a nut amulet, as our ancestors believed that unclean spirits began to roam there.

Fairs and folk festivals were held in cities. Everyone tried not to leave there empty-handed - this was considered a bad omen, but gifts and gifts brought to relatives promised great luck.

Just like on the two previous Saviors, it was customary for the people to bless water not only in churches, but also to bless wells. There was a sign that if you were doused with water on Orekhovy Spas, it would be a sign of happy events.

It was also considered a good sign if a nut fell on your head in the forest. Based on the first nut found, they judged what awaited a person in the near future: if the nut was sweet - good events, if it was bitter - bad, and if it was not yet ripe, then they expected some important news. Nuts grown together were considered a very powerful talisman that attracted money and prosperity.

The girls used nuts to tell fortunes about their betrothed. Making a wish, they picked a nut and used it to determine what kind of love lay ahead. A large and ripe nut was a good sign, while a bitter or rotten one was considered a bad sign.

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(August 16/29)

Tro-par to the Pre-chi-hundred-to-ra-zu

We bow down to Your Most Holy Image, O Good Christ our God, asking for the forgiveness of our sins. - them, for You were good-willed to ascend in flesh to the cross in order to deliver those created by You from the enemy slavery. For this, we cry out to You with gratitude: “Our Savior, You who came to save the world, have fulfilled everything.” with joy!"

Christ and Avgar

King Avgar receives the Miraculous
Image from the Apostle Thaddeus
(10th century icon from the monastery
St. Catherine at Mount Sinai)

Summer is on its way: on the next day after the Dormition, the last of the three August “Spas” begins " In the church of Ka-len-da-re, this holiday is called “Trans-re-ne-se-nie from Edessa to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol Nehru-ko-created the image (Ubru-sa) of the Lord Jesus Christ (944)” and has an in-ter-res-previous -riyu.

During the earthly life of Jesus Christ in the northern Me-so-po-ta-mia, the existence of the state of the Os -ro uh on the. Its capital was the city of Edessa, and its king was Av-gar (Ab-gar) V Black (13-50 AD). Having learned from his words in Jerusalem about the miraculous deeds that some extraordinary Che- lo-ve-com, he would have sent Him a letter with the following contents.

“Av-gar Ukha-ma, then-parkh, - the bliss of the Spa-si-te-lyu, having announced-she-mu-sya in the pre-deeds of Jerusalem, - Hello!

I heard about You and about Your researches, which without medicines and roots are so-ver-sha-ying . They say that you eat the blind in vain, the lame walk, and cleanse the wives, and You eat dead spirits and de-mons, and you eat away many of your long-lasting illnesses, and you resurrect the dead -kre-sha-eat. And having heard all this about You, I thought in my mind one of two things: either that You are God and, having descended from heaven, you believe this, or the Son of God, who does this. And for this reason, I considered it necessary to ask You, so that You would take the trouble to come to me and heal the illness that I have. I also heard that the Jews complain about you and want to do you harm. I have a small city and a beautiful one, which is up to a hundred for both of them.”

Jesus Christ, having pleased Av-ga-rya from-ve-ta, wrote to him:

“Blessed are you, Avgar, and your city, which is called Edessa. Blessed are you that you believed in Me without seeing Me, that’s why health will be provided for you all the time . About the same thing that you wrote to Me so that I would come to you, from I'm sent here. And after completion, I will be taken to my most glorious Father. I will send you one of my disciples named Thaddeus, also known as Thomas, who healed your illness. lit, and eternal life and peace will provide you and all those who are with you...” (Razu-me-et-sya, this re-write of Av -there is a lack of faith with Christ, but it reflects the fact of Edessa’s early adoption of Christianity.)

Savior Not Made by Hands. Novgorodskaya
12th century icon, State
Tretyakov Gallery.

According to one of the legends, Avgar, not too likely to see Christ himself, gave his own the servant and the letter from Ana-nii would bring him to Edessa, at least His image. At their meeting, Jesus, having read Ananias’ still unspoken request, washed his face and, wiping off the cloth, left the mark on it. Your face. Having received a portrait, Av-gar was lost, after which he converted to Christianity and baptized his city . And Nehru’s created image, as the greatest shrine, was placed in one of the halls of the royal palace. Later, Osro-ena became a Roman pro-vin-tsi-ey, and in the 7th century there was a za-nya-ara-ba-mi-mu-sul-ma-na- mi.

The origin of the holiday itself dates back to the events that happened already in the 10th century, when the Viz-zan-tii-skaya em-peria tried to return the ter-ry lands in Vostok. From several cities, the Vi-zan-tii-tsy, when the Emirs of Edessa made peace with them and re- -give them a precious-valuable re-li-vi-viya, re-re-not-see-the-swarm and a meeting in Kon-stan-ti-but-whether all -ma tor-same-us. Arabic is-to-rik Yahya An-tio-hiy-sky pi-sal:

“And he (once) was placed there on the 15th day of the month of Aba (Av-gu-sta). And Stefan and his brother, Pat-ri-arch Fe-o-fi-lakt, and Kon-stan-tin, son of the king of Ro-man, went out to “Zo-lo “You’re there” to meet the image. And all the dignitaries of the state walked before him with many candles, and he was brought into the great cathedral St. Sophia and from there to the palace. And this happened in the 24th year of the joint reign of the elder Ro-man with Kon-stan-tin, the son of Leo (i.e. e. in 944)".

Since August 15th (according to Yuli-an-sky Ka-len-da-ryu) the Assumption of God-ma-te-ri is celebrated, then what The creation of Nehru's creation began to be completed by the Greek Church the next day. The image was once kept in the hundred-personal church of the Bo-go-ro-di-tsy of Faros, and about its further fate to the hundred-faithful There is no information.

Christian Rus' for-im-va-la this holiday among the Greeks, and with Nehru-co-creation of the way they began to write not only the icons placed in churches, but also embossed on military signs (remember the banner of Prince Dmit- ria Don-sko-go). In the na-ro-de, the Third Spas is called “Spa-som on the canvas” or “Spa-som on the canvas”, as well as “bread”, in some way -why did you bake pi-ro-gi from new bread. Another name, “nut-ho-vy Savior”, refers to the maturation in the forest of nuts. And one more sad note of autumn - in the words “The drains come from three times, three times "

Yuri Ruban,
Ph.D. ist. na-uk, cand. bo-go-word-via


Quote By: Me-shcher-skaya E. N.. Le-gen-da about Av-ga-re - early-non-Christian-li-te-ra-tur-monument. M., 1984.