How to draw fear of the dark. Children's fears: drawing will help

Prepared by an educational psychologist

Burkatskaya N.V.


The concept of children's giftedness

Under giftedness we understand a qualitatively unique combination of abilities on which the possibility of achieving high results in performing a particular activity depends. This is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher (unusual, extraordinary) results.

A child’s giftedness consists of many components, including both a genetic basis and social aspects. In theoretical studies of domestic and foreign scientists (N. S. Leites, A. M. Matyushki, B. Clark, J. Repzulli, S. Reese, etc.). giftedness is interpreted as an innate anatomical and physiological feature of the nervous system (inclinations), which develops in the process of special organized activities, and therefore can manifest itself in different age periods of childhood.

Potential giftedness in relation to different types activity is inherent in many children, while actual giftedness is demonstrated by a small part of children.

In the practice of school education, it is customary to call gifted children who, according to experts, demonstrate outstanding abilities high achievements in one or more areas: intellectual, creative or productive thinking, organizational, artistic, sports, etc.

Or those children who stand out for their bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or have internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.

Main goals, objectives and operating principles

educational institution with gifted children

Main target work is the target integrated development special abilities of gifted children.

To achieve this goal, the following must be resolved tasks:

1) creation of a system for targeted identification and selection of gifted children;

2) tracking the development of giftedness of each child through the creation and maintenance of a data bank;

3) creation of the most favorable conditions for the intellectual, creative, moral and physical development of gifted children;

4) development and gradual introduction of new educational content and progressive technologies in work with gifted children;

6) creating conditions for gifted children to realize their personal creative abilities in the process of research, search and educational activities;

7) creating conditions for the comfortable development and formation of a gifted child as a socially adaptive and socially responsible person.

Basic principles working with gifted children.

1. Do no harm! When working with gifted children, it is first necessary to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each child. This principle is especially significant when constructing a child’s individual development trajectory.

This principle is implemented through the compilation and constant updating of a data bank on gifted children in the school.

2. From the above principle it follows scientific principle , according to which a well-organized, effective and permanent current system identification of giftedness, and this work should involve not only children, but also teachers and parents.

This principle is implemented through the diagnostic and statistical direction. For this purpose, a special psychological and pedagogical toolkit has been developed (see Appendix 3 on the CD).

3. Principle of interaction with family?

Family plays a vital role in the education and upbringing of a gifted child. The results of implementing a program for working with gifted children will only have positive dynamics when the school and family work closely together.

This principle is implemented through a system of educational, consulting and developmental activities, in which parents of gifted children become active participants. As a rule, it is not difficult to attract this category of parents to work together, and the return is always noticeable. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct parent lectures, meetings and training sessions for both parents and parents together with children and teachers.

4. The principle of humanity and openness.

The child’s acquisition of a realistic self-image is the most important principle of work. And this is natural in light of the fact that school childhood is a sensitive period for the formation of self-esteem and the level of aspirations of children. A child who has an idea of ​​his potential and actual abilities gains even more opportunities for individual self-realization.

5. The principle of accessibility.

U Most children already show a fairly wide range of abilities in early childhood. An important aspect of psychological and pedagogical work is the development of the child, both in the direction of already identified and realized abilities, and the development of other aspects of special talent and the formation of new personality qualities. The principle of accessibility makes it possible for a child to attend classes that develop various types of giftedness.

6. The principle of the leading role of the interests and current needs of the child.

It is appropriate to offer the child tasks that suit his psychological age, regardless of the coincidence or discrepancy of his requirements with the growth rate of interests of his peers.

7. The principle of communication .

Means the opportunity for children to communicate of different ages. This principle is implemented through a system of optional and training classes, Olympiads, and the organization of a scientific society for students.

8. Principle of cooperation , implemented through joint productive creative activity, involves special training of teachers to work with gifted children. The principle is implemented through short-term training courses for teachers, self-education, and methodological work.

9, The principle of “proximal” development (L. S. Vygotsky) involves ensuring the progressive development of a gifted child.

Classification of children's giftedness

To create a comprehensive system of working with gifted children at school, we recommend using the classification of children's giftedness developed by domestic psychologists, which includes four main types of giftedness.

1. General talent(concerning all aspects of the child’s mental life).

2. Special talent(manifested in any special activity).

3. Actual or obvious giftedness(indicators success, already available).

4. Potential or hidden talent(possibility indicators implementation certain abilities subject to certain conditions

Academically and intellectually gifted children

Academically gifted children- study successfully at school: cope well with educational material, have deep and persistent internal motivation for cognitive activity (academic talent).

Intellectually gifted children - always have high rates of special tests that reveal the level of intelligence. These are children with innate high intellectual capabilities, for whom standard learning objectives most often not interesting (intellectual giftedness).

We specially combined academically gifted children into one group with intellectually gifted children. This step was justified, firstly, by the fact that academically gifted children, as a rule, have an IQ and a level of development of mental operations at a high or above average level of development. Of course, there is a direct relationship between success in educational activities and intellectual development, and this is proven by our diagnostic studies, but among academically successful children, a large group consists of children who have a level of intelligence development above the norm, but not high. For such children, mastering the school curriculum is not difficult (in light of the fact that the school general education program is designed for average level intellectual development, i.e. according to the age norm). Secondly, the work of supporting academically and intellectually gifted children has much in common, and this point is important when planning work with schoolchildren. We do not allow a complete fusion of the concepts of academic giftedness and intellectual giftedness due to the fact that children who have signs of intellectual giftedness, due to various reasons of both a motivational, social and biological nature, are not always completely successful in educational activities.

We have outlined the following criteria for determining academic talent for children of primary school age, based on the requirements of basic training courses.

Reading: the child often chooses reading as his occupation, has a rich lexicon and is able to understand complex syntactic structures; maintains attention for a long time when someone reads to him; understands and is extremely accurate Andfirmly remembers what is read; capable retain symbols, letters and words in memory for a long time; shows an unusual interest in writing letters and words; demonstrates the ability to read.

Mathematics: the child shows big interest to calculate, measure, weigh or arrange objects; demonstrates an understanding of mathematical relationships that is unusual for his age and ease of perception and memorization of mathematical symbols (numbers and signs); easily performs simple addition and subtraction operations; understands the measurement of time (clocks, calendars) or money; Frequently applies mathematical skills and concepts in non-mathematical activities.

Science: the child is attentive to objects and phenomena; can maintain attention to subjects related to natural science and nature for a long time; shows great interest or exceptional ability to classify; often asks questions about the origin or functions of objects; interested in natural science experiments and experiments; demonstrates an understanding of cause and effect relationships that is ahead of his age; grasps abstract concepts well.

Academically gifted children at all stages of school education (primary, middle and senior levels) are distinguished by high persistent motivation for learning, diligence in mastering all academic subjects, concentration, high self-discipline and exactingness towards one’s own scientific achievements.

Criteria for determining intellectual giftedness

We have identified, based on classical psychodiagnostics of intelligence:

o the child has a high IQ (above 110, according to Wexler, Guilford, Cattell, etc.);

o the child is distinguished by sharp thinking, observation and exceptional memory;

o shows pronounced and varied curiosity; often with annual goes into one activity or another;

o learns willingly and easily, stands out for his ability to express his thoughts well, demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge in practice;

o his knowledge is much deeper than that of his peers;

o demonstrates exceptional ability to solve educational problems.

We consider the main difference between academic giftedness and intellectual giftedness to be the exceptional ability of academically gifted children to deeply penetrate all academic disciplines and equally successful and in-depth study of all school subjects. As already noted, we classify as academically gifted children who have excellent grades in all academic subjects, What far not always typical for intellectually gifted children.

Socially and leadership gifted children

Socially gifted children As a rule, they demonstrate leadership qualities and are able to take on the role of a leader, organizer, and commander in communicating with peers. They are distinguished by early formed social responsibility for others, early development of moral and ethical values, the ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts, and special authority among peers and among teachers.

For determining socially-leadership Gifted children are identified by a number of criteria that distinguish children with social leadership behavior, namely:

o the child easily adapts to new situations;

o other children prefer to choose him as a partner in games and activities;

o when surrounded by strangers and in any unusual situation, the child maintains self-confidence;

o tends to direct other children's games or activities;

o With communicates easily with other children and adults;

o generates ideas and easily solves social and leadership problems;

o shows initiative in communicating with peers;

o accepts responsibilities that go beyond those typical for his age;

o other children often turn to him for advice and help.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that socially and leadership gifted children especially need a specially organized educational environment where they can find opportunities for individual self-realization and adequate self-expression. In a school where children are not interested, where few people need them, socially gifted children do not find a place for themselves, often go “out into the street”, showing themselves as “negative leaders”, expressing themselves in asocial forms of behavior, in accordance with laws and requirements of the street and reference environment of communication.

Artistically and aesthetically gifted children

Children with artistic and aesthetic talent have pronounced creative abilities, based on a combination of highly developed logical And creative thinking. We included in this group children who have achieved success in any area of ​​artistic creativity: musicians, poets, artists, chess players And etc.

Criteria for artistic and aesthetic talent We outlined, firstly, from the point of view of the child’s behavioral characteristics, and secondly, taking into account the child’s manifestations in academic and extracurricular subjects that are especially interesting to him:

o the child is extremely inquisitive and inquisitive, able to get lost in V activities that interest him: dancing, singing, performing arts, design, etc.;

o has a high energy level (high productivity or interest in many different things); often does everything in his own way (independent, non-conforming), especially in productive activities;

o is inventive in visual activities, in games, in the use of materials and ideas;

o often expresses many different thoughts about a specific situation;

o able to approach a problem or use materials differently (flexibility);

o capable of producing original ideas or find an original result, highly creative;

o inclined towards completeness and precision in arts and crafts activities and games.

Creativity is one of the most important formations characteristic of artistically gifted children.

The components of creativity (but to E. P. Torrance) are the following:

o the child’s special sensitivity to problems arising during practical activities;

o feeling of dissatisfaction and insufficiency of one’s knowledge;

o sensitivity to missing elements, to any kind of disharmony, inconsistency;

o identification of emerging problems; search for non-standard solutions;

o guesses related to what is missing for the solution, formulation of hypotheses;

o testing these hypotheses, modifying and adapting them, and reporting the results.


o the child shows great interest in visual information;

o remembers what he sees in the smallest detail;

o spends a lot of time drawing or painting;

o takes his own very seriously artistic activities and gets great pleasure from them;

o demonstrates skill ahead of his age;

o uses artistic means of expression in an original way;

o experiments with the use of traditional materials;

o consciously builds a composition of paintings or drawings;

o his works include many details;

o his works are distinguished by excellent composition, design and color - the works are original and marked with the stamp of individuality;

o the child is interested not so much in a laconic and finished creative product, but in finding and expressing human meanings.

Artistic abilities:

o the child with pleasure portrays, through facial expressions, gestures, and voice, as those around him real people both animals and imaginary images;

o the facial expressions of such a child are very expressive, gestures and pantomime are active and imaginative;

o the child enjoys performing in public and actively participates in ongoing performances and performances.


o the child shows unusual interest in music lessons;

o reacts sensitively to the character and mood of music, easily repeats short rhythmic pieces, recognizes familiar melodies by the first sounds;

o sings along with pleasure;

o determines which of the two pots is lower or higher.

Sports and physically gifted children have a high level of physical fitness, different good health, activity and endurance, exceed sports standards (sports or motor talent).

To the criteria for determining sports and physical talent We included the following psychophysical characteristics of children;

o the child shows great interest in activities that require fine and precise motor skills;

o has good hand-eye coordination;

o loves movement (run, jumping, climbing);

o has a wide range of movement (from slow to fast, from smooth to sharp);

o easily maintains balance when performing motor exercises (on a balance beam, springboard);

o skillfully controls the body when maneuvering (starting, stopping, purposefully changing direction, etc.); For his age, he has exceptional physical strength, demonstrates a good level of development of basic motor skills (walking, running, climbing, jumping, ability to throw and catch objects).

System of working with children who have signs of intellectual giftedness


ü Firstly , monitoring the level of educational achievements of intellectually gifted children;

ü Secondly, a targeted set of activities carried out within the framework of the educational process;

ü Thirdly, scientific-theoretical and instrumental-practical support for activities organized by the administrative educational and methodological service.

Basic practical pedagogical purpose educational work with children who have signs of intellectual giftedness, is the formation of higher levels of educational success in intellectual gifted children, and achieving the highest levels of their individual socialization.

Support system for gifted children

in secondary school

1) Introductory diagnostics (study of general abilities):

2) * questionnaire “My abilities”, “Child’s abilities”;

3) * results of cutting work


and intellectually gifted children


gifted children

Creatively and artistically

gifted children


and physically

gifted children

Areas of work



child's giftedness.

Compilation and

maintaining a bulk of data for this group of gifted children.

Individual and group

and students of this group.



gogical diagnostics of the degree of giftedness of a child.

Drawing up and maintaining a bank

data of this

groups of gifted children.

and students of this group.



gogic diagnostics degree

child's giftedness.


and bank management

data of this

groups of gifted children.

Individual And group

consultation for teachers, parents

and students of this group.



gogic diagnostics degree

child's giftedness.


and bank management

data of this

groups of gifted children.

Individual And group

consultation for teachers, parents

and students of this group.

NOU work

schools: development and implementation of individual programs.


and conducting

subject decades, intellectual marathons for the gifted


Psychological and pedagogical



to the city ones,


and federal





brochures, books,

articles and other

publications of gifted children.


activities aimed at developing thinking


children to work

in organs

school self-government.



to the organization

and conducting

decades, marathons, competitions

and viewings.



and look.

Other events


children to participate

In the organisation

and design

school events.


in implementation


circles and sections.


students to city, regional and federal


and look.


brochures, books,

articles and other

publications of gifted children



to competitions

and city, regional and federal marathons


in implementation


their potential through

circles and sections.

Additional work of teachers to promote development


children's abilities.


articles and other


about achievements

children with sports talent

Psychological and pedagogical tools

diagnostics of children's giftedness

To identify and support the development of gifted children, we have selected a special package of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and correction, which significantly helps educational psychologists and social educators advise class teachers on the content of work with children. In table We have displayed a list of diagnostic tools depending on the diagnostic section.

Diagnostics section

Name of the technique

General Abilities

1) Questionnaire for students “My abilities” 1

2) Questionnaire for teachers and parents “Child’s abilities” 1

Level of intelligence development

1) Culture-free intelligence test R. Kst-tella (modification CF2 A) 2.

2) R. Amthauer Test of Structure of Intelligence (TSI) 3

Social contacts and status in the team

Methodology “My group” (according to O. I. Motkov)4

Academic ability

Package of pedagogical control cross-sectional works


Battery of tests “Creative Thinking” by E. E. Tunik (modifications of the Guilford and Torrance tests)3

Sports and physical talent

Package of regulatory requirements for secondary school students

1 The questionnaire was compiled by E. Yu. Fnsenko based on the de Haan and Kofa questionnaire, as well as the methodology of A. I. Savenkov “Map of Giftedness*.

2 Galanov A. S. Psychodiagnostics of children. - M., 2002.

3 Yasyukova L. A. R. Amthauer's test of the structure of intelligence. Methodical manual. - St. Petersburg, 2002.

4 Motkov O. I. Psychology of personality self-knowledge. - M., 1993.

3 Mezhieva M. V. Development of creative abilities in children 5-9 years old. - Yaroslavl, 2002.

Diagnosis of children's giftedness is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Primary diagnosis of general abilities (questionnaires “My abilities”, “Child’s abilities”). The questionnaires consist of 9 sections dedicated to certain species abilities. Each section contains 10 questions. The questionnaires are filled out by all schoolchildren, parents and teachers, then the results for each child are summarized, and the arithmetic mean is calculated.

2. Analysis of primary diagnostics , formation of a data bank and groups of children with a certain type of giftedness.

In the process of analyzing the primary diagnosis, we receive groups of children demonstrating high performance (as well as performance above average) in each section. Thus, children who have high scores in sections 1 and 2 (“Intellectual abilities”, “Learning abilities”) are included in the group of academically and intellectually gifted children. Children who show high results in section 3 (“Leadership abilities”) constitute a group of socially and leadership gifted children. Sections 4, 5, 6,8, 9 (“Creative abilities”, “Artistic and visual abilities”, “ Musical ability", "Literary abilities", "Artistic abilities") form a group of artistic and aesthetically gifted children. Section 7 identifies athletically and physically gifted children.

3. In-depth diagnostics of special abilities (carried out only with children with severe special giftedness).

Having received a generated data bank with preliminary results, the degree and features of the child’s special giftedness are clarified as necessary. For these purposes, the one shown in the table serves us. 10 package of diagnostic techniques.

So, for example, R. Cattell’s culturally free intelligence test and R. Amthauer’s test of the structure of intelligence make it possible to more accurately see the characteristics of a child’s intellectual giftedness, as well as track the dynamics of the development of this giftedness.

Based on the data obtained during psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, a data bank of gifted children in the school is formed (adjustments and clarifications are constantly made, dynamics are monitored), which makes it possible to organize systematic work with specific categories of this group of children. In addition, the analysis of the results obtained and their generalization allow us to draw some important specific conclusions:

1. Most often, children have signs of giftedness in two or more types.

2. The most common combination of types of giftedness is academic and intellectual, as well as artistic and aesthetic.

3. The most common type of giftedness - sports and physical giftedness - occurs in schools where preserving the health of children is given paramount attention.

4. A less common type (in educational institutions, excluding lyceum and gymnasium) is academic and intellectual giftedness, since this type giftedness often becomes the result of painstaking pedagogical work and upbringing, which begins at the earliest stages of ontogenesis. We believe that parents should instill in their children a love of learning from infancy.

5. Sports and physical talent is less often combined with other types of talent and is more often found as a completely independent manifestation.

Methodology for developing educational success of schoolchildren

During the experimental work of one of the schools in St. Petersburg, under the leadership of S.V. Titova (candidate psychological sciences) we created an original methodology for developing the educational success of schoolchildren, including monitoring in the areas we set, which is assessed on a five-point scale.

The main areas of monitoring are evaluation results individual achievements of intellectually gifted schoolchildren.

1. Level of educational success in all subjects. The average score is set and summed up for each period: entrance (initial), intermediate, final. The maximum number of points is 15.

2. Level of educational success in preferred subjects. Exhibited And The average score in the preferred subjects is also summed up for each period: entrance, intermediate, final. Maximum amount points - 15.

3. Level of achievements of gifted students in Olympiads, school, city, regional, federal, worldwide. The level of achievements is assessed using the following scale: to each period: input, intermediate, final. Maximum number of points - 15.

♦ Participation in competitions at any level without awarding a prize.

♦ Prize-winning places at competitions at any level (municipal, regional, federal).

Considering that Olympiads for each level are held once a year, we introduce a coefficient of 3 (but for the number of periods). When calculating the sum of the score for the level of achievement of gifted students at the end of the school year, the highest result achieved by the student during the school year is taken and multiplied by a factor of 3.

4. Level of socialization of gifted students involves a gradual movement from lower forms of socialization of an individual to higher ones: social maladjustment, social adaptation, social success, social fulfillment, social responsibility. The level of socialization is assessed based on next scale for each period: input, intermediate, final. The maximum number of points is 15:

1 - maladapted;

2 - socially adapted (i.e. adapted to the environment);

3 - socially successful (the stage of individual socialization, characterized by adequate, confident behavior of the student, certain successes in certain areas of knowledge and creative self-expression in the reference group);

4 - socially realized (the presence of a high positive assessment on a competitive basis of the cultural, educational, creative product of the individual (victory at school, city, regional, All-Russian Olympiad, competition, competition));

5 - socially responsible (high level self-organization and self-control, recognized by society); The results for each student are entered into a “data portfolio” and recorded in a table.




according to pre-









Level of socialization






1. Handbook of psychology and psychiatry of childhood and adolescence / Ed. S. Yu. Tsirkina. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999. - P. 90.

2. Bogoyavlenskaya D. B., Brushlinskip A. V., Kholodnaya M.A., Shadrikov V. D. Working concept of giftedness. - M., 1998.

3. Titova S. B. Children at risk in a secondary school. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

“Great talent requires great hard work.”

One of the priority areas of work modern school- create conditions for the optimal development of gifted children.

Target this direction: the need to identify, support and develop talented children.


  • promote self-realization of gifted children,
  • maintain psychological and physical health,
  • promote the formation of a positive self-concept (self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-attitude),
  • develop emotional stability, develop skills of self-regulation, overcoming stress, behavior in extreme situations (participation in competitions, olympiads, public speaking),
  • promote socialization, develop communication skills.

“Gifted children”, what are they? How to identify them in a large group of children?

"Gifted child" is ordinary child, but how does he differ from his peers? By pronouncing it, we suggest the possibility of the existence of a special group of children.

These children are different from their peers. With what?

Typically, such children have excellent memory, flexible thinking, they are able to classify information, have a large vocabulary and competent speech, know how to use accumulated knowledge, read a lot and ask questions in class. interesting questions, often getting ahead of ourselves when studying a topic. Some children have predominant mathematical abilities, others have creative ones. As a rule, these children are active (although they have to overcome shyness, uncertainty, various “fears,” especially when speaking in public), and sometimes occupy themselves with activities that are not always relevant to the lesson. . But such children have a vivid imagination, a sense of humor, constantly try to solve problems that are “too much for them,” and they have a highly developed sense of justice.

It should be noted that " gifted child“is a child who stands out for his bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.”

Giftedness- this phenomenon is not only pedagogical and psychological, but also social, since we are talking about success in a socially significant sphere of human activity. The wider the range of knowledge of students, the richer their previous practical experience, the higher the level of independence they can demonstrate in solving complex problems. creative tasks, thereby achieving a higher level of self-affirmation in educational activities.

How to identify a gifted child among his many peers? Identification of gifted children is also associated with the problem of identifying various types giftedness, which is characterized by certain characteristics. Methods for identifying gifted children include:
observation; communication with parents; work of a psychologist: testing, questioning, conversation; olympiads, competitions, competitions, scientific and practical conferences.

The following types of talent are distinguished:

  • Artistic talent.
  • General intellectual talent.
  • Creative talent.
  • Leadership talent.

To work with gifted and achievement-motivated children, a teacher must have certain knowledge, skills, and abilities that contribute to the development of children's giftedness. The teacher must have such personal qualities such as sensitivity, warmth, affection for children, sense of humor, high intelligence, self-confidence, etc.

We must also not forget that gifted children need feedback, As the others. It is important for them that the teacher shows them kindness when assessing their activities, but at the same time, such children should not be over-praised for their excellent individual successes; it is very useful to encourage joint activities with other children. The teacher should not put the child on a pedestal in front of other children; his successes will be properly assessed, and inappropriate emphasis on exclusivity can cause irritation, jealousy and rejection of other children.

Conclusion: Gifted children come to school like any other schoolchildren to learn. And the result depends on the teacher, who will be able to discern in each child his highest potential. Early identification, training and education of gifted and talented children is one of the main problems in improving the education system.


  1. Avdeeva N.I., Shumakova N.B. and others. Gifted child in a mass school - M.: Education, 2006.
  2. Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Study of creativity and giftedness in the traditions of the process-activity paradigm // Basic modern concepts of creativity and giftedness / Ed. D.B. Epiphany. - M., 1997. - 402 p.
  3. Savenkov A.I. A gifted child in a public school - M.: “Primary School” No. 29, No. 30 2003.
  4. Photo:

Every person can be considered talented in some way. Whether he succeeds or not largely depends on whether his talent will be demonstrated and noticed in childhood, and whether the child will have the opportunity to realize his talent. Identifying talented kids is a painstaking and difficult task. Gifted children are children who show high mental abilities from an early age and stand out among their peers with remarkable intelligence.

Who exactly is considered gifted and what criteria should be used when considering a particular child as the most capable? How not to miss out on talent? How to identify a child whose level of development is ahead of his peers, and how to organize work with such children?

Pros and cons of giftedness

Giftedness has a positive and a negative side. The advantages include excellent verbal skills, emotional stability, creativity, diversity of interests, good memory, pronounced individuality and abstract thinking of the child. Negative traits include dictatorial tendencies, inflated demands on oneself and others, fluctuations in interests, different speed of writing and thinking compared to peers, and poor physical fitness.

In order to confirm giftedness, it is necessary to collect full information about the child from parents, educators and teachers. After all the data has been collected and various tests have been passed, you can use this information to draw conclusions about the presence of talents and abilities. It is important not to lose sight of such a child and try to raise and educate him in such a way that he will further benefit the society in which he was raised. But, paradoxical as it may sound, it is talented child causes difficulties for teachers in teaching children.

Giftedness is classified according to the type of activity and is as follows:

  • Intellectual. Children show increased curiosity and intelligence.
  • Creative. Expressed in originality of thinking, generation of ideas and solutions.
  • Academic. Manifests itself in the successful study of individual subjects. But at the same time, it is distinguished by the selectivity of the child’s interests.
  • Artistic and aesthetic. Reflection of talent in music, literature and creativity.
  • Social. Ease of establishing contacts and sociability.
  • Sports. Characterized by the ability to control one's movements and manage body coordination.

School for gifted children: tasks and goals

One of the priority tasks of a comprehensive school is the identification and education of gifted students, as well as the development and assistance in realizing their capabilities. Educational work is carried out among students in schools. It includes conducting seminars and courses that are aimed at providing information on the training and education of capable students. The goal of the school is to form modern ideas about the identification and stages of development of giftedness.

In our country, as a supplement to the general educational process, there are lyceums, gymnasiums and specialized centers in which gifted children are educated. These educational institutions operate and update innovative programs aimed at increasing the effectiveness of working with talented youth. Therefore, if a gifted child is growing up in a family, care must be taken to competently and harmoniously develop his talents with the help of specially created programs, be it music, art or another direction.

But it also happens that the teacher often cannot notice the uniqueness of the student or does not know about his abilities. There are teachers who are indifferent to unusual children and do not seek to stimulate their abilities in any way.

Typical problems of gifted children

Common problems of talented children are:

  1. Difficulty finding like-minded people.
  2. Attempts to adapt to peers and try to seem like them.
  3. Forced participation in joint activities with classmates that seem boring and uninteresting.
  4. Difficulties in learning at school where work is not being done to stimulate the development of intellectual abilities.
  5. Increased interest in the problems of the structure of the world and the role of man.
  6. Need for attention from adults.

The teacher is not always able to understand and identify a gifted child among his students and give a positive assessment of his abilities and achievements. And psychologists do not have the appropriate methods and recommendations to diagnose the intelligence of children. Standard tests do not show the full picture and cannot be used to diagnose individual characteristics personality.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that the child feels his difference, perceives it as something abnormal and begins to hide his abilities from strangers. Research confirms that highly gifted children are constantly in social isolation due to the lack of children equal in intelligence. Such a child needs peers not by age, but by the level of development of his intelligence.

Pedagogical support for gifted children

Schools, teachers and psychologists are faced with the task of providing support to gifted and capable children. To work with this category of students, the school should focus on the following:

  1. Individual training.
  2. Create conditions suitable for the successful development of a capable student.
  3. Provide maximum opportunities for talent development.
  4. Gifted children are a special contingent that can be considered a national treasure. Therefore, special support measures are required, both material and moral. For this category of students, it is necessary to create all conditions in schools so that children can improve in accordance with their interests.

If we consider the percentage, there are much more gifted children than talented adults. This is explained by the fact that without the help of professionals and their participation, growing up, children become ordinary people.

A special child should be at the center of special social and pedagogical programs, since the prosperity of the nation is directly related to talented youth. The earlier you start developing your abilities, the higher the likelihood of their further development and improvement. Help for talented children is based on the following postulates:

  1. Building confidence in success through individual lessons.
  2. In more in-depth study school subjects in electives and additional classes.
  3. Involving the child in scientific research activities.
  4. Participation in olympiads, competitions, quizzes and brainstorming sessions.
  5. Close interaction with other schools and institutes.
  6. Awards and encouragement for gifted students, publications in the media.

Difficulties in learning and communicating with classmates

The joint activities of a psychologist and a teacher at school are aimed at developing talented children, their cognitive activity, creative abilities and original thinking. The teacher plans his activities by including courses on working with such children in the pedagogical plan. And, if possible, forming a specialized class, taking into account the characteristics of gifted children.

A gifted child in the classroom is always curious, attentive, and shows perseverance and perseverance in order to achieve his goals. He has a rich imagination and a great desire to learn. Along with positive qualities There is an inability to accept the points of view of other children. A formal attitude towards learning is also expressed. In addition, a gifted student lags behind his classmates physically and never strives to defend his opinion in an argument.

A talented child has character traits that do not work well with classmates. Having their own idea of ​​humor, they often make fun of their classmates, making fun of their weaknesses and mistakes. At the same time, they themselves react painfully to criticism addressed to them. They are unrestrained, do not know how to give in and control their behavior. As a result, the following picture emerges: intelligence develops ahead of schedule, and personal and social sphere corresponds to biological age, therefore it is delayed in its development. This is where all the problems of gifted children arise.

A capable child aims to always be in the center of attention, to receive only praise and appreciation for his abilities. At the same time, if he makes a mistake or does not receive praise from the teacher, he may become offended and capricious. In order to help a child develop correctly in a group of peers, it is important to understand the peculiarities of the socialization of such children. And carry out work aimed at developing their skills of positive communication with classmates.

Assessing the behavior of capable children

Psychology suggests using several basic principles aimed at accompanying gifted children. In this case, it is necessary to be based on a correct assessment of the child’s behavior and activities. It is advisable to use many different methods and technologies:

  1. Usage various options monitoring the child.
  2. Maintaining and creating a database of talented students.
  3. Conducting diagnostic trainings.
  4. Inclusion of lessons on special programs into training.
  5. Connecting your child to individual games and activities.
  6. Implementation of various intellectual competitions, competitions, matches and festivals.
  7. Organization of specialized camps, as well as sending children to participate in scientific, environmental, and local history expeditions.
  8. Conducting an expert assessment of the child’s behavior by parents and teachers.
  9. Assessment of a child’s activities by professionals.

You should not set a goal and immediately determine whether a child is gifted. Identification of abilities must be associated exclusively with the tasks of their training, education and provision of psychological assistance and support to teachers.

Gift or punishment?

It is generally accepted that a child who is ahead of his peers in development and has a more developed mind for his age will not experience difficulties or problems in his studies; he is destined for a promising future and a worthy place in the sun. In fact, capable children face great difficulties at school, at home and possible tragedies in life. adolescence.

Many families believe that gifted children are a gift that must be taken full advantage of because it promises good dividends in the future. Parents admire their child’s successes and demonstrate his abilities to relatives and friends. The child will definitely catch admiration for his achievements, remember and expect constant approval from adults. Parents do not suspect that by doing this they are only fueling their child’s vanity. And he, having inflated self-esteem, will not be able to find common ground with his peers. The inability to adapt and communicate with ordinary children can result in grief and grief for a growing person.

The education of gifted children is structured in such a way as to maximize the identification of strengths and weaknesses. When drawing up an individual education program, close interaction with the family is necessary - then education will have positive dynamics.

Specifics of talented children

Every child is individual, but with all the variety of manifestations of character traits, he immediately stands out from the general mass of his peers not only for his behavior, but also for his communication with adults and his tireless desire for knowledge.

Psychologists identify some conditions for working with gifted children, knowledge of which helps to correctly build the educational process. Basically, gifted children are those who have the following traits:

  1. Curiosity and desire to show oneself.
  2. Early mental development, honesty, openness, seriousness.
  3. Persistence, will and desire for high achievements.
  4. Passion for your work, good memory and energy.
  5. Demonstration of independence, but also loneliness at work.
  6. Sociability and the ability to quickly establish contact not only with children, but also with adults.
  7. A large amount of knowledge.
  8. Confidence and calm in any situation.

Primary school as the start of personality formation

A child who has received the inclinations of education in a preschool institution and from his parents fully develops at school. Primary education is a period of learning new things, accumulating and assimilating knowledge. Therefore, the teacher is faced with the task of developing each individual and identifying gifted children. The fact that there are gifted children in elementary school becomes clear already at the beginning of educational activities. They show their originality, make decisions independently and build their behavior.

Puberty brings certain problems into the life of a teenager. If in elementary school a capable student was unable to establish communication with classmates, then in middle school, and then in high school, such a child becomes an outcast. Children stop being interested in him, considering him arrogant and arrogant. The attitude of classmates can develop into psychological problem and influence the future life of the child. He may become withdrawn and closed to others. How to behave at the beginning of school life? The answer lies on the surface. You shouldn’t hide your abilities, but it doesn’t make sense to constantly advertise them either.

Identifying individual abilities

In order to understand that a particular child is gifted, it is necessary to carefully analyze the student’s special successes and achievements. This happens by observing the class, studying psychological characteristics, memory and logical thinking. As well as a method of identifying capable children through extracurricular and academic work. It is necessary to create a database in schools where data regarding capable and talented children will be entered. It is advisable to diagnose the child’s capabilities by a psychologist.

Education of gifted children - meeting their knowledge needs

When a child with extraordinary abilities begins to express himself, the teacher is faced with the question of how and what to teach in order to promote the development of the student’s abilities. Programs designed for gifted children should be different from ordinary ones teaching methods. Ideally, the education of these children should be tailored to their needs. And it is desirable that there be a school for gifted children. Talented students have the following traits that are worth considering:

  • The ability to quickly grasp the meaning of concepts, provisions and principles. And this requires additional material to study.
  • The need to focus on problems that have attracted interest and the desire to understand them.
  • The ability to notice, reason and put forward your own explanations.
  • Concern and anxiety due to being different from peers.

Psychologists note a lack of emotional balance in a gifted child. He can be impatient, impetuous, vulnerable, and is characterized by exaggerated fears and anxiety. There are two different points of view on teaching children with pronounced abilities. According to one, it is necessary to equip special classes or educational institutions. Another point of view suggests that we must study and build relationships with ordinary students, otherwise they will not learn to live among ordinary people, work and communicate with them.

Early manifestation of originality

Psychology divides giftedness into two types. It can be early, late and directly depends on the child’s psyche and the age period when it manifested itself. It is known that early detection of any talents in a child often does not transform into high performance at an older age. Also, the absence of any manifestations of talent or talent in a preschooler does not mean that the child will not later show himself as a talented person.

An example of early talent is brilliant success in one type of activity: music, drawing or vocals. Intellectual children stand apart because they have a high rate of mental development. They are characterized by early success in reading, writing and arithmetic. Such kids have a tenacious memory, observation, intelligence and a desire to communicate.

It is noted that early talent is manifested in art, especially in music, and later in drawing. Gifted children in preschool educational institutions demonstrate rapid assimilation of information, have a desire to create and explore the world around them.

It is a mistake for parents who understand the unique abilities of their child to constantly talk to him about his difference and exclusivity, raising him above other children. Because of this upbringing, children behave separately in kindergarten. They withdraw from other kids and are not interested in playing together.

A child’s communication with his peers is an important factor in his development. It follows from this that the more prosperous the relationship between a gifted child and the children around him is, the more fully he will want and be able to realize his abilities. To adapt a child to society, you should know what leads to problems in establishing contacts. The reasons are divided into three groups:

  1. Standards of behavior dictated by society and culture.
  2. Inflated expectations and ambitions of parents.
  3. Personal qualities of the child.

How to organize the development of gifted children?

Activities to organize work with talented children are structured as follows:

  • Individual teacher assessment creative possibilities and abilities.
  • Analysis of student success and performance.
  • Identifying the preferences, interests and characteristics of the child.
  • Supporting talented children in their self-realization.
  • Adjusting programs and plans for working with gifted children.
  • Inclusion difficult tasks and control over participation in competitions at various levels.
  • Rewarding with diplomas, certificates and prizes.

When working with talented children, teachers must take into account the interests of each child and focus on personal characteristics, provide assistance in solving problems and take part in their fate.

The subtleties of working with gifted children: support at school and in the family

In order for a child to feel the support and care of adults, it is necessary in schools to conduct group classes with gifted children, electives, and subject clubs. And also to attract children to participate in competitions and olympiads.

For a long time, giftedness was considered separately from social and teaching practice. Oriented to the average level, comprehensive school not suitable for those students who differ from their classmates in their abilities. Accordingly, she is not always ready to help talented children develop and realize their full potential.

Meanwhile, a gifted person can make a great contribution to the development of society. Letting talent go to chance is a mistake for any state. And as a result, I would like to add that working with gifted children is a constant, complex process that requires attention. It requires teachers and educators to have new knowledge, flexibility, personal growth and close cooperation with parents.

Starting school is a revolutionary change in the life of every child. At the same time, gifted children may have their own difficulties and problems associated with school and relationships with peers.

What is the cause of these difficulties and problems?

The experience of teachers and psychologists working with gifted children in elementary school allows us to identify several of the most common causes of childhood difficulties:

  • advanced cognitive development of gifted children;
  • lack of sufficient experience of relationships with peers;
  • a kind of spoiledness;
  • social lack of independence.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Loss of motivation

The first reason may seem paradoxical, since it is the high cognitive capabilities of gifted children that determine their high academic success and achievements in various fields. However, the situation is different if these high capabilities are actually ignored in the learning process. As the well-known specialist in the field of giftedness studies E.I. rightly states. Shcheblanov, “research and practical experience indicate that ignoring these requests can not only hinder the disclosure and development of existing potential, but also give rise to various difficulties in learning, personal development, communication, and behavior of gifted schoolchildren” .

All this could result in own opinion child on certain issues, his comments and attempts to speak out will be perceived by teachers and peers as “know-it-all”, “desire to stand out”, “rebellion” or inappropriate behavior. It is clear that the result of such a situation will be not only the absence of the mental load necessary for the development of a gifted child, but also a negative experience of social relationships and, ultimately, a loss of all interest in learning at school.

Each of these consequences can be equally destructive in terms of further development child's giftedness. Thus, the lack of mental stress contributes to the development of mental laziness and prevents the formation of the most important personal characteristics, such as the ability to overcome difficulties, perseverance in achieving goals, without which a person cannot fully develop or realize his talent. The famous American teacher Sandra Kaplan drew attention to the problem of mental laziness and loss of motivation to learn among modern American highly gifted schoolchildren who have been studying for several years in too easy programs. When such children were included in special programs for gifted children, most of them did not want to put in the effort or overcome the difficulties and preferred to return to their previous programs.

Relationship experience

Negative experience of social relationships in primary school leads to isolation and self-isolation of the child, which contributes to the development of social maladjustment in him. Reluctance to go to school can negate all previous successes in learning and cognitive development gifted child. How can these “ordinary” problems of unusual children be avoided or mitigated as much as possible?

There can be only one answer here - you need to take the question of which school is best to send your child very seriously and thoughtfully. And since in our time there are different models And different programs in schools, then we will dwell on this a little later.

Another problem is the lack of sufficient experience in relationships with peers. If in preschool childhood the excessive intellectualization of the child’s development and the associated certain isolation from the society of his peers was perceived by adults as a harmless and even positive feature, then with the start of school the situation changes dramatically. Nowadays, a child can no longer almost always be in the situation of “a child is an understanding and accepting adult,” but finds himself in a motley world of communication and interpersonal interaction unknown to him, both with unfamiliar adults, who are not always ready to adequately perceive the child’s individuality, and with peers. . The situation is also aggravated by the fact that gifted children are often spoiled by the attention of adults and therefore expect exceptional treatment.

However, the misunderstandings that have arisen and difficulties in social relationships with classmates do not at all mean a disaster, as, unfortunately, parents and children often begin to perceive this. In this case, parents may make a hasty decision to leave school and switch to individual, actually home-based education. It also happens that this really is the only acceptable solution, while in other cases such a solution will only mean a further aggravation of the problem, dooming the child to social isolation and maladjustment.

Our practical experience of working with such children shows that the school, together with parents, not only should, but can actually help such children cope with the problems that arise and teach them the necessary social and communication skills. Of course, this will require a lot of time, sometimes the entire period of schooling and a wise, highly professional teacher, who often has to “sort out the rubble of home education.” (K.G. Jung).

"The Absence of Genius"

Another reason for possible difficulties that arise in elementary school is the social lack of independence and infantilism of a gifted child. It is easy to see that this reason is most closely connected with the last two and, like all the others, is based on the uniqueness of the intellectual and personal development of such a child. At the same time, it deserves the closest attention.

The teachers of our school, where many gifted children study, are not at all surprised by the picture when an already big boy - a younger teenager, capable of engaging in complex intellectual activities for hours and amaze an adult with his hobbies and depth of knowledge of a particular subject - is led to school by the hand by his father. Or another picture - a child of 8–9 years old cannot lace his shoes, pack his things for school on his own, or check how the buttons are fastened.

“These are signs of the absent-mindedness of a genius,” adults often say with a smile. At the same time, even a not very observant person can notice that behind such “absent-mindedness of a genius” there is an adult (usually a mother or grandmother), who helpfully collects scattered things, folds a briefcase and ties his shoelaces, forestalling any attempts at action by the child, in fact depriving him of the opportunity to learn independence in Everyday life, gain social and, ultimately, personal independence.

Parents, unfortunately, begin to realize very late what a disaster such dependence turns into not a child or teenager, but a young man or girl. At the age of 18, when desperate parents turn to a psychologist, it is very difficult to solve the problems of social infantilism of a gifted, but no longer a child.

So, for example, everyone healthy child preschool and primary school age, you can develop the habit of finishing what you start. The formation of this habit ensures that the child acquires a sense and experience of self-efficacy and develops responsibility. However, already in adolescence, the development of such a habit becomes very problematic. That is why it is important for parents to use the fertile periods of childhood to create good habits socio-psychological nature, which will contribute to the development of the child’s personal maturity.

Priority of breadth of interests

A gifted child poses a difficult challenge for parents and school. Another important question is what school education should be like: broad or more or less narrow, specialized depending on the child’s area of ​​interests and manifestations of giftedness?

In the answer to this question one can find a surprising similarity in the positions of different authors. Most of them emphasize the priority of breadth over specialization, at least until the age of 14. It is impossible to suppress the curiosity and breadth of cognitive interests of gifted children, which ensures the creation of a unique educational basis for creativity in various fields.

This is partly why, according to K. Jung, school material should not stray away from the general and universal into the overly special: “On the contrary, the younger generation should at least point out those doors that lead to the most different areas life and spirit." A broad, “balanced education” is also of great importance for gifted children as a psycho-hygienic measure, since it helps to smooth out the tendency towards one-sided giftedness, the development of some abilities and talents to the detriment of others.

Finally, one cannot help but pay attention to what is associated with excessive workload and the so-called “acceleration” of learning at school, which is quite common, but not always useful for the child. V.V. drew attention to the danger of “premature burnout of the child’s mental strength due to excessive forcing.” Zenkovsky.

Nowadays, this sounds all the more relevant, since the “Olympiad-competitive” movement that is widespread in our country can stimulate parents and teachers to such “excessive forcing” and exploitation of children’s talent. Unfortunately, this can lead to adverse consequences for the child. Thus, it is very important that at school and at home the content of the child’s activities and the level of mental workload correspond to his cognitive needs and capabilities and are neither too easy nor too difficult or exhausting for him.

One of the most pressing issues for parents, in our opinion, is the issue of schooling, and especially at its very first stage - in primary school. Let us immediately note that creative or research learning, based on the child’s independent acquisition of knowledge about the world around him, is the most natural and productive form of learning for gifted children, who are distinguished by an insatiable cognitive need and high research activity. Readiness to search new information, knowledge, new ways of thinking and behavior, so characteristic of gifted children, is what, perhaps most of all, can help a person not only survive in modern world, but to realize yourself and your creative potential. From this point of view, the formation in children of an exploratory attitude towards life is the most important task of the school for the education of all children.

The task of the teacher and parent in this case is to, as D. Dewey clearly formulated, “to protect the spirit of inquiry, to protect it from becoming dulled by excessive stress, from becoming numb from routine, from becoming petrified from dogmatic suggestions or did not become dissipated through aimless exercise over insignificant things.”

The joy of creativity.

How can such an educational environment be created? Our team is dedicated to creating an educational and developmental environment for children with increased cognitive needs and capabilities. long-term research. Special attention we pay attention to primary school, since it is in preschool and junior school age Children have particularly favorable internal prerequisites for the development of an exploratory attitude towards the world. However, in the system of traditional education of primary schoolchildren, these prerequisites often remain without any attention.

The development of an exploratory attitude towards the world is directly related to the development of cognitive interests in children. The research abilities and skills of schoolchildren develop remarkably in the process of carrying out research activities, but at the same time it is important that the child himself wants to carry out research work, so that he has such cognitive interests that would, in the apt expression of P. Florensky, “keep him captive” . That is why the system of creative interdisciplinary education created by us is aimed at ensuring that the child can touch to the diversity of the surrounding reality, be surprised its secrets and in the process of learning them experience the joy of creativity, the delight of discovery.

In order for a child to be able to touch the diversity of the world around him, a fundamentally different content of education is necessary, adequate to the high cognitive needs and capabilities of children. Unique in this regard is the approach based on the study of broad interdisciplinary topics. Such topics allow children to explore the world in all its diversity, with its complex connections and relationships, on the one hand, and specific issues of interest to the child, on the other.

The problem-dialogical method in teaching can help a child to be surprised by the secrets of the world around him, and to experience the joy of creativity and the delight of discovery is such an organization of the cognitive process when the child has the opportunity to discover knowledge about the world in the course of individual or joint activities with peers.

An important condition for a child is the opportunity to share his joy of discovery with someone, to be heard and understood by others. Thus, the enriched developmental environment that we create for children with increased cognitive needs and capabilities includes:

- a teaching method that models the process of a child discovering new knowledge about the world - problem-based research;

— subject-subject relationships that provide the possibility of cooperation, dialogue and creativity in the process of cognition.

It is clear that not every school is aimed at creating conditions for the support and development of children with high cognitive needs and capabilities. At the same time, we can talk about a fairly wide distribution research methods education at school, about enriched educational programs, especially widely represented in various gymnasiums. This is what you should pay attention to when deciding which school is best to send your child to.

Let us emphasize that in the development creative personality For a gifted child, the family plays the most important role. In this regard, we present a “list of encouragements” for the manifestation of creativity in children, proposed in the work of A.M. Matyushkina. These incentives are a form of pedagogical stimulation and support for gifted students, so they are important for both teachers and parents of gifted children.

List of promotions

In creativity, encourage:

  1. Initiative independent creative work and research.
  2. Formulation of questions and problems.
  3. Originality of the results of creative works.
  4. Clarity and grace in expressing the results of creative work.
  5. Usage own examples, facts, illustrations to express creative ideas.

In teaching, encourage:

  1. Independent initiative learning.
  2. The desire to learn from creative children.
  3. Active participation in joint group creative work.
  4. Active participation in competitions and discussions.
  5. Development of self-control capabilities when assessing the results of one’s own creative works.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences,
Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Psychology of Giftedness
Psychological Institute RAO, Moscow

Working with gifted children

Russian language and literature are the basis of education, as they develop students’ intellectual, creative abilities and thinking. All this development sufficiently allows the child to easily socialize in society. Today, the issue of working with gifted children is a very pressing issue in schools. As a rule, teachers do not have enough time to pay due attention to a student who shows extraordinary abilities in the subject.

The problem of giftedness is currently becoming more and more relevant. This is due to society’s need for an extraordinary creative personality. Talent is an innate ability that ensures high success in activity. And the task of the school is to develop these abilities in the child.

There is an opinion that a gift is forever. However, research proves that giftedness exists only in constant development. It either develops or fades away. Of course, not everyone will become great mathematicians, musicians and artists, but everyone has the right to the opportunity to develop. Naturally, the first who can notice a child’s extraordinary abilities are the parents. And the teacher’s task is to consider such children in a timely manner and help them to realize their potential.

It is not difficult to spot a gifted student:

1. Such a student is necessarily inquisitive.

2. Able to be surprised, to consider the issue with different points vision, able to think independently.

3. Gifted guys don't stop there. There is never enough for them.

4. They like questions to which several correct answers can be given.

5. Gifted children are distinguished original solutions, manifested primarily in independent work.

6. They have a lot of ideas to solve the problem.

7. Gifted guys know how to predict, have intuition, and are able to think deeply.

8. Do not be distracted by any interference when solving an issue in depth.

9. Have an adequate assessment of both their own thoughts and actions and those of others.

10. Persistent in achieving goals.

11. Independent, responsible, self-confident.

Russian language and literature as academic disciplines have ample opportunities to work with talented, gifted children. In a small school (such as, for example, our special (correctional boarding school) education is mainly individual, differentiated, personality-oriented. Therefore, there are the necessary conditions for the discovery and development of capable students. This work is long-term and painstaking in nature. First of all, it is used method of persuasion: a child can and should know more than is required school program, i.e. must believe in yourself, in your strengths and capabilities; that only systematic independent work can bring success. After which the embodiment of the desired into reality begins. It is known that the school course provides a minimum of knowledge, only its theoretical foundations. But the Russian language is much richer, it is “great and powerful”; literature is simply limitless. Therefore, to live in modern society, you need to know a lot. And depth is achieved by studying additional reference books. Consequently, work with gifted children is aimed at in-depth, specialized study of subjects and the development of abilities. The classroom-lesson system is not able to solve it entirely. Therefore, additional time is needed. Where can I get it? These are extracurricular activities: elective and extracurricular activities, subject clubs, individual consultations with the teacher, independent work.

Forms of work with gifted children:

1. Olympic tasks.

2. Creation of projects

1) creative,

2) research,

3) informational,

4) gaming,

5) practice-oriented,

3. Creative dictations.

4. Comprehensive text analysis.

5. Linguistic (language) analysis of the text.

6. Literary analysis of the text.

7. Work on cards, with punched cards.

8. Competition works.

The goal of working with gifted students is to maximize the range of interests of schoolchildren, to develop the ability to critical thinking, updating leadership capabilities.

Work with gifted children is based on the following principles:

differentiated and individual approach in teaching;

ensuring extracurricular activities for children through increasing the number of diverse clubs, through work in scientific society students,

increased attention to the problem of interdisciplinary connections in individual work with students (through intellectual marathons, participation in olympiads, subject weeks, etc.).

Reforms that have taken place in the domestic education system over the past last decade, their focus on humanistic, personality-oriented and developmental educational technologies has changed the attitude towards students who show extraordinary abilities, because it is highly gifted people who are able to make the greatest contribution to the development of society