Pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. What you need to give birth to a healthy baby! What are the conditions for the birth of healthy children?

, as you know, is not a disease, but at the same time the body of the expectant mother begins to work with double the load. Physiological changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman contribute to its adaptation to the birth process itself, as well as the correct development of the embryo. And in order for a child to be born healthy, you should start taking care of this from the very moment of conception.

Pregnancy - what changes

What changes occur in a woman’s body? during pregnancy? First of all, the central nervous system changes. In early pregnancy a woman may feel quickly fatigued, she will develop weakness, her sense of smell will be heightened, salivation will increase, and nausea and vomiting may occur.

As pregnancy will progress, to the above will be added symptoms that are associated with the growth of the uterus, as well as with the influence of placental hormones - frequent urination, increased heart rate, constipation, heartburn, pain in the leg muscles, etc.

During the first eight weeks of pregnancy, active formation of tissues and organs of the unborn child, the so-called period of organogenesis, so during this period you need to be very careful to ensure fetal safety. Also a critical period that requires special attention is the 15-20th week of pregnancy, when the unborn baby’s brain is rapidly growing. Starting from the 20th week, all the functional systems of the unborn child are formed.

And now the 36th week of pregnancy is the finish line when fetus already weighs from 2 to 2.5 kg and his height is up to 45 cm. At this time fetus has already achieved perfection (can breathe through his nose, distinguishes flavors, understands and remembers sounds, etc.) and nature is now only applying the finishing touches...

Pregnancy. The expectant mother and the fetus are one

The body of the expectant mother and the embryo located in her womb are a single whole, therefore health of the unborn baby largely depends on the state of the body of the woman carrying it. Scientists say that all kinds of viruses, microbes, toxic substances, medications, alcohol and nicotine can get from the expectant mother to the fetus. And it’s no secret to anyone how detrimentally all this affects fetal development, and subsequently on the health of the born child.

The fetus is especially sensitive to the effects of various factors coming from outside through the mother's body in the first trimester, when formation and partial functioning of fetal organs. Therefore, the impact of negative factors during this period of fetal development is most dangerous, especially when a pregnant woman begins taking any medications prescribed not by a doctor, but by herself.

The most dangerous thing is the uncontrolled use during pregnancy of seemingly safe drugs such as aspirin, tetracycline, etc., which often lead to the birth of sick children with various congenital defects. So if you want give birth to a healthy baby, in no case during pregnancy do not self-medicate.

Pregnancy. How to carry a healthy baby

So, what needs to be done to bear a healthy baby? The first thing you need to do is follow a proper diet, rest in a timely manner and go for walks in the fresh air as often as possible. Walking is especially important, since lack of movement contributes to the deposition of fatty tissue not only in the expectant mother, but also in her fetus. Such walks must be taken at least three times a day, and especially in the last trimester, when fetus especially needs oxygen.

To bear a healthy baby You also need to pay special attention to your wardrobe. Clothing should be comfortable and not tight on the stomach. It is recommended to use from the second trimester special bandage, which fits tightly to the body. Such bandage will make your movements easier, especially when walking, and will also help keep your baby in the desired position.

Regarding the bra, it must be made of cotton fabric, and shoes must be either flat-soled or with very low heels.

Special attention during pregnancy should pay attention to hygiene. The expectant mother should take a hygienic shower every day. The mammary glands should be washed with warm water and given a light massage. It is also recommended to wash the nipples with tea. The genitals should be washed with warm water and soap at least twice a day. If you find leucorrhoea (discharge), be sure to consult a doctor.

Also, the development of the embryo and the condition of the child in the future are strongly influenced by the diseases of the expectant mother suffered by her. during pregnancy. Such diseases, and especially those that arise in the second half of pregnancy, can cause diseases of the fetus directly in the womb or directly change the course of the pregnancy itself and the birth process (premature birth or stillbirth).

Infectious diseases (ARVI, influenza, severe sore throat, rubella, jaundice, sinusitis, diseases of the genital organs, etc.) are especially dangerous for the fetus. So if you want give birth to a healthy baby, Firstly during pregnancy Monitor your health.

Be healthy!

Read 1273 once Last modified Wednesday, 29 June 2016 16:06

Any woman expecting the birth of a son or daughter, sincerely wishes her baby to be healthy. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a child is born with severe disabilities, which dooms him to suffering and his parents to a lot of worries. As a result, many couples are wondering: how to give birth to a healthy child?

Modern medicine and the responsibility of the couple in matters of family planning will contribute to successful conception, a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Problems of reproduction in the modern world

Statistics show that today, when trying to reproduce healthy offspring, humanity faces many problems:

  • 15% of married couples of reproductive age in Russia are infertile;
  • 15 - 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage;
  • 3% is the number of children in the world out of the total number of newborns born with disabilities.

In some cases, this statistics is due to the inattention of future parents, and especially mothers, to their health. A number of other sad events are the result of an unfavorable combination of circumstances.

At the beginning of the 20th century, reproductive age was considered to be up to 30 years. The overall life expectancy and reproductive age of humanity has increased significantly since then. In this regard, many women postpone having children in order to build a career and live for themselves, hoping that modern medicine will help them give birth in adulthood. However, reproductive technologies sometimes cannot solve all the problems that appear with age.

According to statistics, a healthy 30-year-old woman has about a 20% chance of becoming pregnant in one menstrual cycle. At age 40, this probability decreases to 5%. 35 years is a critical point, after which a sharp decline in fertility begins. The fact is that a woman is endowed with a certain supply of eggs from birth. Having reached puberty, a girl begins to lose one of them every month. Every year, the supply of eggs becomes smaller, and those eggs that remain are no longer as active. Decreased egg quality has an adverse effect on the viability of the embryo and also reduces the chance of conception.

Of course, you can find examples of women giving birth at the age of 45, but it is worth remembering that for many of them pregnancy is very difficult, with edema, high blood pressure and other pathological conditions. Giving birth to a healthy baby also becomes more difficult: there is a high chance that the baby will have developmental defects or chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome.

Men's ability to bear children is less affected by time. This is explained by the fact that new sperm are produced in a man’s testicles regularly. Although the approach of old age also has a negative impact on reproductive function in men. There is less seminal fluid, and the sperm in it are no longer so mobile. Many men experience a decrease in testosterone levels in their blood as they age. This leads to a decrease in sexual activity.

However, young age is not a guarantee that everything will work out successfully on its own. Many young parents, without knowing it, are carriers of genetic diseases that can interfere with conception and the favorable course of pregnancy. And modern life, especially in big cities, undermines the health of young people.

How to give birth to a healthy child in conditions of poor ecology and chronic stress? What needs to be done to ensure that pregnancy in adulthood or in the presence of chronic diseases leads to the desired result? First of all, you should not neglect the issues of planning a healthy family.

Preparing for pregnancy

It is important to start planning your pregnancy long before conception. Giving up bad habits and switching to proper nutrition is not enough to be confident in your health and the health of your unborn baby. Both parents should be examined to detect problems that may negatively affect their reproductive function and the health of the child.

Most often, preparation for pregnancy begins with a woman visiting a gynecologist. To exclude abnormalities in the organs of the reproductive system, a routine examination and ultrasound examination (ultrasound) are performed. A check is carried out for the presence of oncology, and smears are taken for cytology. In some cases, the doctor may recommend consultation with other specialists - a neurologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, etc.

In addition to a thorough examination of the woman, an examination of the partner is also required. Married couples must be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Many infections (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc.) have an adverse effect on the development of the fetus and can lead to its death. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, they can be quickly suppressed. Also, future parents should know their blood type compatibility in order to exclude the possibility of rejection of the fetus by the mother's body.

For spouses who want to give birth to a healthy child, it would be a good idea to consult a geneticist. The specialist will conduct a survey of future parents in order to get a complete picture of their health and assess their heredity. If the doctor has any doubts, he can prescribe a carrier test for gene mutations. Many of them may not affect the health of the parent, but can lead to serious defects in the baby, sometimes incompatible with life. Knowing about the presence of chromosomal rearrangements in the father or mother, it will be easier for the doctor to create a therapeutic course that will increase the chances of successfully conceiving, carrying and giving birth to a healthy child.

Prenatal diagnosis

Let’s say that the preparation for pregnancy was successful: the parents underwent the necessary examinations and received the long-awaited confirmation from the doctor that the woman can become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

After conception, a crucial period begins—pregnancy. Carrying a child requires special attention to health and regular visits to the doctor. The specialist will monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and fetus through routine examinations and tests. Such control helps prevent possible complications during pregnancy.

Modern prenatal diagnostics provides a wide range of techniques that help to learn about fetal pathologies long before the birth of the child. Each trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by a series of examinations called screening. These examinations make it possible to determine whether fetal development corresponds to norms, as well as to identify the presence of incurable abnormalities of gene origin. All women are required to undergo it, but pregnant women over 35 years of age should be especially attentive to it.

In the first trimester, it is most optimal to screen between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. First, an ultrasound is performed. The main goal of this method at this stage is to assess how successfully the development of the fetus is proceeding according to the stage of pregnancy, and also to determine the thickness of the nuchal space (TN) of the embryo. The collar space is the area in the child’s neck (between the skin and soft tissues) where fluid accumulates. A TVP value that exceeds the norm may be evidence of fetal developmental abnormalities, including the presence of Down syndrome.

However, a qualified specialist will not give unambiguous conclusions based on the ultrasound results. Conclusions are drawn based on comprehensive research. After an ultrasound, at 10–13 weeks, a blood test is performed to determine the concentration of certain biological markers in it, in the first trimester these are PAPP-A and hCG. Elevated or decreased levels of these markers in the blood can also be a sign of developmental problems. Further, based on a combination of ultrasound and biochemical analysis data, a special program calculates the risk of genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome.

Second trimester screening studies are carried out at 16-20 weeks. A blood test this time is taken to measure the levels of AFP, hCG and free estriol. Taking into account the results of the ultrasound and the first screening, new data are calculated on the possible risk of having a child with pathologies.

The second ultrasound is performed at 20-24 weeks. The specialist studies the presence, correct location and structure of all the child’s organs. Much attention is paid to the condition of the mother's provisional organs (umbilical cord, placenta, amniotic fluid), and the condition of the cervix.

Screenings do not make it possible to make specific diagnoses, but only reveal the likelihood that the baby will have any chromosomal abnormalities. In cases where the risk of pathology is high, the pregnant woman is given a referral to undergo invasive diagnostics. Each stage of pregnancy has its own method of invasive research: chorionic villus biopsy (9.5 - 12 weeks), amniocentesis (16 - 18 weeks), cordocentesis (22 - 25 weeks). Each of these examinations involves surgical intervention into the mother's body through a puncture. This is done in order to take material that contains fetal DNA. All these methods are highly accurate (about 99%), but are stressful for the mother and carry a small risk of complications (bleeding, leakage of amniotic fluid, etc.). In 1 - 2% of cases, the procedure can cause a miscarriage.

Third trimester screening includes ultrasound, which detects malformations of the child, which tend to manifest themselves in later stages. Also, between 30 and 34 weeks, Doppler ultrasound is performed, a type of ultrasound that helps assess blood flow in the baby’s vessels, in the uterus and placenta.

New developments in prenatal diagnostics offer expectant mothers easier ways to calculate the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. For example, the non-invasive DNA test Panorama is effective already at 9 weeks, has an accuracy of more than 99%, and can detect a wide range of genetic pathologies in the fetus: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, sex chromosome pathologies and a number of other abnormalities. The test only involves taking blood from a vein from the pregnant woman. From the resulting material, fetal DNA will be isolated using molecular technologies, which will be studied for the presence of gene rearrangements and chromosomal abnormalities. This method is much more accurate than standard screening and is absolutely safe for the mother and fetus, unlike invasive diagnostics.

If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy child, then she should not neglect prenatal diagnosis. Thanks to these studies, the number of newborns with severe illnesses is significantly lower than it could be. After receiving the diagnostic results and knowing what her chances are of having a healthy baby, the woman, together with her family and her doctor, can decide whether to continue the pregnancy. A non-invasive prenatal test can provide this information very early on, which means that if the results are disappointing, it will be much safer to have an abortion. In some cases, if screening reveals any pathologies, the doctor may prescribe adequate therapy that will help increase the likelihood of a healthy baby being born.

Pregnancy after abortion or fetal death

Sad statistics show that about 21% of pregnancies around the world are terminated artificially. Potential mothers seek an abortion both for medical reasons and due to current life circumstances and reluctance to have children. It is no secret that abortion has extremely adverse effects on health. Every fifth woman becomes a victim of infertility due to an interrupted first pregnancy. Classic instrumental abortion is especially dangerous, when the uterus is scraped out under general anesthesia; it can cause irreparable injury to the reproductive organs. Vacuum and medical abortions, which are performed in the early stages, carry with them much fewer complications.

However, there are no absolutely safe abortions. Any artificial termination of pregnancy entails a hormonal imbalance, especially due to a disruption in the production of progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy in its early stages. Many women experience miscarriages precisely because they had an abortion in the past.

Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child after an abortion? The answer to this question in many cases will be positive, but it is worth knowing that the approach to pregnancy planning should be as competent and responsible as possible. Of course, much will depend on the individual characteristics of the woman and how severe the consequences of the previous abortion were. Experts recommend planning your next pregnancy no earlier than six months later.

Sometimes it happens that a pregnancy is terminated against the will of the woman. Most often this becomes a consequence of fetal death. To prevent repeated spontaneous abortion, it is worth finding out what are the reasons for this situation?

To draw up a treatment plan and prepare for the next pregnancy, the abortive material obtained by curettage is sent for histological examination. It is best that the material be examined from a genetic point of view. This will allow you to make a more accurate prognosis for future pregnancy.

Karyotyping is used as a genetic study, which involves studying the chromosome set of the fetus. The most accurate study of abortive material will be chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA), which can give the clearest picture of what genetic failures led to dire consequences.

After a frozen pregnancy, both the man and the woman must undergo a full examination, ranging from tests for sexually transmitted diseases to consultation with a geneticist. Usually, doctors recommend postponing planning for a second pregnancy for six months so that the mother’s body can recover and both spouses can undergo the prescribed treatment.

The prognosis for women who have had one frozen pregnancy is quite optimistic: in 80-90% of cases they are able to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a healthy child in the next pregnancy.

If a woman has experienced several missed pregnancies in a row, she may be diagnosed with “recurrent miscarriage.” Repeatedly frozen pregnancy, as it were, “programs” the body for subsequent failures. This case requires an extremely careful approach and long-term treatment. This will increase the couple's chances of having an heir.

Lifestyle of future parents

How to give birth to a healthy baby? Of course, in addition to undergoing the necessary examinations, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy. About two months before conception, expectant parents need to avoid stress, overwork, ARVI and flu. It is worth completely eliminating alcohol and smoking.

A balanced diet is extremely important for a pregnant woman. You need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fish and meat should be present in the diet daily, because they are irreplaceable suppliers of protein. Cottage cheese, kefir, and natural yoghurts will provide the mother’s body with calcium, which is necessary for the formation of fetal bones and teeth. The consumption of sweets, flour, salty, fatty, carbonated drinks should be seriously limited. Gaining excess weight has a very adverse effect on the course of pregnancy. Strong tea and coffee can increase blood pressure and put unnecessary strain on the heart. It would be wiser to replace them with natural juices.

Don’t forget about moderate physical activity, it will help not only stay in shape, but also prepare for childbirth. A sedentary lifestyle will not be beneficial for either the woman or the baby. Today, there are many sets of exercises for pregnant women; there are many special groups where you can do yoga or water aerobics.

To summarize, we can say that the expectant mother needs to approach pregnancy planning wisely, visit a doctor and undergo all the necessary tests, eat right, and combine activity and rest in a balanced manner. Following these recommendations will help maximize your chances of having a healthy baby.

Free consultation on the results of prenatal diagnostics


Kyiv Yulia Kirillovna

If you have:

  • questions arose regarding the results of prenatal diagnostics;
  • poor screening results
we are offering to you sign up for a free consultation with a geneticist*

*consultation is carried out for residents of any region of Russia via the Internet. For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, personal consultation is possible (bring with you a passport and a valid compulsory medical insurance policy)

Many women today strive to first get on their feet (get an education, achieve success in their careers), and then have children. Thirty-year-old women in labor in domestic maternity hospitals are no longer labeled as old-timers, as before. In a situation where the average age of those who give birth for the first time is 28 years old, this would be strange.

At the age of 40, childbirth no longer surprises many people and, even more, is considered almost useful. They even say that they rejuvenate a woman’s body. What do doctors think about this?

Our questions are answered by experts from the educational program “Happiness in Motherhood for Every Woman!” Lyudmila Artsybysheva, obstetrician-gynecologist, chief physician of the Health Clinic, Victoria Zaeva, chief physician of the Mama clinic, member of the Russian and European Association of Human Reproduction.

How to give birth to a healthy child after 35

Of course, in certain periods - during periods of “blooming” - pregnancy and childbirth have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body. But after 35 years, the eggs, which were laid when the expectant mother herself was still an embryo, begin to age rapidly. Repeated childbirth at the age of 40 in a healthy woman does not cause concern among doctors. But the first birth at the age of 40 is noted in the pregnant woman’s chart as a separate diagnosis. By the age of 40, women, as a rule, accumulate a certain reserve of somatic and gynecological diseases, and their pregnancy does not always proceed smoothly. The frequency of complications during pregnancy and childbirth is increasing, and chronic diseases are worsening. Preparation for pregnancy in such women should be carried out with special care by obstetrician-gynecologists together with doctors of other specialties.

How do women give birth to children after 40? It is difficult to overcome the problem without the help of a fertility specialist. Pregnancy is a special state for the body when all its systems are “stressed”. For a young body, this condition is easily overcome, and the woman quickly recovers after childbirth. After 35 years, in addition to possible difficulties with pregnancy and the occurrence of infertility, it is often necessary to use the IVF method (in vitro fertilization) as the most effective way to achieve pregnancy. Difficulties with bearing it and difficult childbirth - in most cases, so it cannot be said that the body is becoming “healthier”.

True, usually women who become pregnant after 40 years have good hormonal levels and can quickly recover after childbirth. Active estrogen action during pregnancy can significantly improve a woman’s appearance, rejuvenate her, losing 10 years of age: her eyes will shine, her skin will become smooth and soft, her hair will become thicker. Of course, all this is possible if the woman has good health. Often this is a genetic predisposition, since scientists have found that these women live longer than their peers.

Home:What are the risks for those who deliberately refuse to give birth?

Women who do not want to have children may be at risk for breast and endometrial cancer. Moreover, the risk is higher for those women who have either had an abortion or had a termination of pregnancy, compared to those who have never had a pregnancy in their lives.

BEFORE: Nothing special happens to a woman at age 30—it’s just a psychological threshold. There is not much difference between giving birth at 29 years old and at 31 years old. But is this true from a medical point of view?

From a medical point of view, with each menstrual cycle the eggs are not used and are wasted. Therefore, for some women, a few years difference can be critical for good ovarian function and pregnancy. However, there is a difference between, for example, giving birth at 29 years old and at 34 years old. Pregnancy occurs spontaneously at 34 years of age less often than at 29 years of age, and it can be more difficult to carry it to term.

BEFORE: The reproductive age period lasts on average from 18 to 45 years. And from the point of view of gynecologists, when is the best time to give birth to your first child?

We all want to look great, have a good job, travel the world. This means that we want to receive an education relevant to our future career, to become successful at work, but as a result, most simply do not have time to give birth to a child.

This position was fashionable quite recently, but it is beginning to change among young people, because the state has very actively taken up the promotion of family values ​​and motherhood. However, postponing childbearing “for later” leads to the existence of the concept of “old-time women,” as they are called in the maternity hospital. These are women over 30 years of age. Unfortunately, this is now the case, although the ideal age for the first pregnancy is 25 years old.

In general, from the point of view of an obstetrician-gynecologist, the most favorable period for conceiving and giving birth to a child lasts from 18 to 35 years - this depends primarily on the state of each woman’s body.

How to have a second child

BEFORE:What is the optimal interval between births? Are there any cases where women decide to have a second child if the first one is already 15-18 years old?. Isn't this risky?

Childbirth is considered risky when the break is less than a year, during which time the body does not have time to recover: if there were ruptures, they have not yet healed, the muscles of the uterus do not have time to return to their previous shape, etc.

Nature provides that after 9 months of pregnancy, a woman breastfeeds for another year, and thanks to the lactational amenorrhea method, the risk of becoming pregnant is greatly reduced. During this time, the ability to normally bear a child without the threat of abortion returns.

If the break is more than 15 years, then such births are perceived as the first and the risks associated with them are exactly the same, i.e. it all depends on the state of health of the woman herself.

From a health point of view, the optimal interval between births is 2-3 years, but we must understand that this is a very individual concept. How the pregnancy proceeded, what the birth was like, what the woman’s health status is - these are the questions that need to be assessed in order to plan the next pregnancy.

BEFORE: Is it true that a woman who gives birth around the age of 40 has an easy menopause?

The number of pregnancies and the age of the woman who gave birth does not affect menopause in any way. After all, this is a genetically determined process that is laid in us by nature, and most often the age of menopause is inherited. The age of the woman who gave birth also does not affect the nature of the premenopausal period. Although, of course, the later a woman is able to conceive, the later the onset of menopause.

BEFORE: The age after 35 for a woman who decides to get pregnant is still considered by many to be the “age of risk” - she is sent for genetic consultations even in the absence of genetic diseases in the family. Many doctors claim that the reason for frequent complications of pregnancy and childbirth in women after 35 years of age is structural changes in the body.

How does this fit in with the fact that women have become “younger”: if 100 years ago a 40-year-old woman was considered almost an old woman, now she is healthy, energetic, full of strength, with a strong young body.

35 years is an absolutely normal age for a second birth. If we talk about the first birth, then, indeed, 35-year-old pregnant women are monitored especially carefully.

The fact is that until the age of 35, nature is selective about the quality of embryos; if there are any deviations, a miscarriage is more likely to occur.

By the age of 35, women may experience many somatic diseases, which aggravate the course of pregnancy. At this age, when the decline of reproductive function is approaching, nature, in order to preserve the population, tries not to reject embryos, even if they have genetic abnormalities. Therefore, after 35 years, the risk of pregnancy with complications increases. How to give birth to a healthy child after 35: the experience of the stars.

BEFORE: What age-related changes and chronic diseases are considered contraindications for pregnancy?

There are no age-related changes that would be contraindications. If, for example, there is a decline in ovarian function, premature menopause, then pregnancy becomes unlikely, but if it occurs spontaneously, then it is preserved and monitored in accordance with the woman’s health.

Contraindications include serious disorders in the functioning of blood vessels, kidneys, liver, brain and spinal cord injuries, strokes, heart attacks and cancer.

BEFORE: Is it possible to extend a woman's fertile period?

The fertile, or reproductive, period is individual for each woman and is determined genetically. That is, a woman’s eggs are laid during her intrauterine development, and throughout the entire reproductive period of her life she uses the reserve that was determined for her even before birth. Unfortunately, it is impossible to extend it. Neither fitness, nor diet, nor physiotherapy can influence the duration of a woman’s fertile period.

But something else is known: previous gynecological and somatic diseases can shorten this very period. Therefore, no matter how boring it sounds, but, of course, giving up bad habits, a healthy lifestyle, and timely consultation with a doctor certainly have a positive effect on a woman’s reproductive function, since they help resist harmful factors that reduce it.

How to bear and give birth to a healthy child: personal experience

Klavdiya Lomadze, 40 years old, daughter Masha, 8 months

I always wanted to have a child, and everyone around me believed that I would have children. But somehow my family didn’t work out. Romances happened, and they even invited me to get married. But everything was wrong, and it was thought that the next meeting would be better than the previous one... But the biological clock was ticking, no pregnancies occurred. I did an examination, and it turned out that in order for me to give birth, I had to undergo a serious operation.

At that time I was in a relationship with a man. But I knew perfectly well that he did not plan to start a family with me, much less have children. So I understood well: the child will be my and only my story.

I had surgery in 2006, everything went well and began to heal. By the way, I was operated on in Hungary. And there everyone was completely calm about my age. And in Moscow, one doctor once told me during an examination: “Why do you need children? At your age, you need to look for someone with whom you can grow old calmly.” It struck me then...

Two years later I saw a doctor and he said: “you can get pregnant.” And literally a month later everything happened. When I saw the test, I didn’t even believe it at first, I was confused. But I had no doubts. I broke up with the child’s father and did not discuss this issue. I must say that during pregnancy I did not have any unpleasant sensations, except for internal disputes with myself. I felt great, did not suffer from toxicosis and went to work literally until the last day.

I was lucky - my parents supported me and didn’t ask unnecessary questions. In general, we are very friendly: my parents, my brother’s family, and Masha and I. Every weekend we get together at the house where my parents live and enjoy spending time together. And my friends, every single one, said: “Great, well done!” - and not a single one said that it was too late and that we should live for ourselves.

Was there fear? Certainly. Too much changes in life. I'm used to being alone. And I kept thinking: would I be interested in pots, fairy tales, games? I couldn’t imagine how, after so many years of hard work, I could sit at home and do housework. The psychologist said that you need to talk to the child as much as possible, and I was worried whether I could do it. I have always been comfortable with myself and don’t need an audience. But in fact, these fears turned out to be trivial. You worry about your child’s health, about your own, but little things go away. Other fears appeared, for example, losing a job. I had no savings, and that's wrong. Childbirth was not a cheap pleasure. If the company where I worked for many years had not continued to pay me part of my salary now that I am on maternity leave, I don’t know how I would have gotten out of it. I am also worried about my health being enough so that I can provide the best for Masha.

I became sentimental, it’s hard for me to talk about it, but the main thing I felt was that I had the closest person. When she was still little, she lay so helpless, I felt a more physiological, natural attachment. And now, when she hugs and kisses, it’s a completely different, delightful feeling.

And another strange thing began to happen. Many men I know, having learned that I gave birth to a child, began to say with one voice: “Great, that means you’ll get married soon!” The world turned out to be filled with positive stories when a woman and her child had a successful personal life.

And I myself began to think differently about many things. For example, I have become overweight, and I am horrified to think that I need to lose weight after I finish feeding. But otherwise everyone perceives me as younger. When I say that I’m forty, many people don’t believe me - I don’t know how objective this is, but I’m very pleased.

Zhanna Shopina, 45 years old, son Nikolai, 5 years old

I gave birth to my first son at 24 years old. After 11 years, daughter Asya appeared. And immediately after the birth of our daughter, my husband and I wanted a third child - so that they could grow up together. But it didn't work out. I have always had problems with women's health - if it weren't for them, I would have had more children. In general, by the age of 40, I no longer hoped for anything. But suddenly I began to feel unwell, and the further I went, the worse. I went to a famous medical center. And there I was taken aback. The doctor examines me and says: “You have a tumor, and a serious one. It can be felt with your hands, so there’s no point in even doing an ultrasound.” To put it mildly, I was very upset.

But my sister, having learned about this, persuaded me to go to another doctor. She and I literally chose a clinic and a doctor at random - as it turned out later, she was wonderful, she observed me for a long time. The doctor nevertheless decided to do an ultrasound. So she looks at the monitor and suddenly says: “It’s like waving a pen!” I decided: apparently, these are some kind of medical terms. Maybe everything is already so bad that my internal organs are waving goodbye to me? And when she told me that she was already 14 weeks pregnant, I didn’t immediately understand what she was talking about. “Normal,” I ask, “human?” And she replies: “And it’s a boy.”

I hadn’t told my husband anything before. That day I came to the dacha and said. He just smiled, spread his arms to the sides and said: “We need to expand the house!”

And, I must say, as soon as it turned out that it was pregnancy and not a tumor, everything went away for me, I began to feel great - as if wings had grown.

Everything was wonderful until the day when the eldest son Stas, who was then 16, went with his class to the musical “Nord-Ost”. And I ended up at the very show when they were captured by terrorists. And I died for three days. To be honest, I forgot then that I was seven months pregnant. My daughter was four and a half years old, and I was also worried about her. Asya, although small, understood that something was happening in the house: dad left, I called him all the time. My husband was there all the time, on Dubrovka, my sister and I didn’t sleep or eat for three days. And, in general, they left the room, staring at the TV. Stas, knowing my situation, was very worried about me. Their teacher insisted that the children be able to call home. And my son talked to me three times. He calmed us down and assured us: “They feed us soup here.” Although, as it turned out later, this was not true.

I became hysterical only when it was all over and I saw on TV that they were being released. The doctor allowed me to take sleeping pills, I slept for two hours, and during this time Stas was found in one of the hospitals.

And only when Nikola was born very small and in the first days was losing weight, I realized that this whole story affected his health. As for age, I didn’t think about it. For what? If you have already entered the river, then swim. I won't get any younger in these 9 months, right?

Of course, the sensations from the birth of Nikola were completely different than from older children. Maybe because they were planned and he was unexpected. When you get older, you look at the situation as a very adult person. You perceive life differently, you appreciate it more. After all, how is an old woman different from a young woman? Because the old woman knows the value of life, she is much more pleased with everything living and young - both green sprouts and children.

It wasn't hard for me. I spent the entire first year flitting around. And, since she was no longer afraid of anything, she was mobile, taking Nikola with her everywhere. I communicated with a huge number of people and went back to work after 7 months. More precisely, even for two jobs at the same time (I teach at an institute and work at a school). And this is what I realized: when you have a small child, you become younger internally. You simply have no time to grow old, count your wrinkles and think about your age. Now I also have a granddaughter, Lyudochka, Stas’s daughter. She is only five years younger than Nikola, but she calls me Zhanna.

I often remember how after Nikola’s birth, my eldest son, who was then interested in computers, made a collage on the computer: Nikola’s photo, with hearts around it and the inscription “Happiness!” He understood everything then - after all, this is truly complete and absolute happiness.

How to prepare for pregnancy to give birth to a healthy baby

Consult a therapist, make sure you do not have inflammatory diseases.

Visit the dentist.

Check your vision, make sure it allows you to have a natural birth.

Visit a geneticist, discuss with him the list of studies you need.

Take a general blood test, find out whether you need to take iron supplements before pregnancy.

Get tested for infections sexually transmitted diseases: HIV, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureoplasma, etc.

Get a fluorography- It cannot be done during pregnancy.

Get tested for rubella antibodies. If they are not present, it means that there is no immunity to this infection and it is imperative to get vaccinated.

Glossary of terms: what is what

ECO— in vitro fertilization. With the help of hormonal drugs, a woman is induced to undergo so-called superovulation, during which not one, as in a natural cycle, but several eggs appear. The eggs are then collected by puncturing the follicle and placed in a test tube. Further, in the laboratory, the egg is transferred to a Petri dish, where, after special processing, sperm obtained from the husband’s sperm also end up. The eggs are fertilized and after some time of maturation (from two to five days), the embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity. The doctor prescribes maintenance medications, and then, after 12-14 days, pregnancy can be diagnosed.

Price: from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. excluding the cost of drugs.

ICSI- intracytoplasmic injection of sperm into the oocyte. A method of egg fertilization in which a single sperm is introduced directly into the cytoplasm of the egg using special microinstruments and micromanipulators. This procedure is used during an IVF program to overcome fertilization problems associated with both impaired sperm fertility and impaired permeability of the egg membrane. It is used when one or more parameters of the spermogram deviate from the norm, in severe cases of male infertility.

Price: 20−30 thousand rubles. excluding the standard IVF procedure.

Read more about the IVF procedure.

We hope we have answered the question of how to give birth to a healthy child even after 35!

FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE BIRTH OF HEALTHY CHILDREN.... Almost everyone worries or even experiences fear about the health of their unborn children. This is also facilitated by observation in the antenatal clinic, when from the early stages of pregnancy they look for pathology in the unborn baby, but do not say what can be done to minimize the risk of pathologies. We, parents, should be more interested in what we can do to ensure that the baby is born as healthy as possible. What actions of ours harm the baby? This is a huge topic for research. The topic presents the results of research by two outstanding people: * Professor of Homeopathy, Dr. George Vithoulkas (Greece); * Michelle Oden is a doctor specializing in natural childbirth (UK). The health of a child depends on three factors: 1. Heredity. "The apple never falls far from the tree". Our genetic information is contained in DNA. At the moment of conception, male and female cells merge, which carry genetic information from the parents. In this regard, we need to remember the following: the manifestation of any hereditary disease depends on the interaction of two factors: a genetic defect and the environment. More than 60% of spontaneous abortions in the first trimester are caused by hereditary diseases. (Question: is it necessary to continue the pregnancy if there are signs of a threat of miscarriage in the early stages???). Medical history of parents, i.e. past illnesses and previously prescribed medications. Infectious agents and medications have a damaging (teratogenic) effect on the child. Intrauterine development can be divided into stages, depending on the baby’s sensitivity to damaging (teratogenic) factors. The first period lasts 18 days from the moment of conception until implantation (attachment to the wall of the uterus). A distinctive feature of this period is the great compensatory and adaptive capabilities of the developing embryo. If a large number of cells are damaged, the embryo dies, and if individual cells are damaged, further development is not disrupted. The second period is embryonic (18-60 days after fertilization). At this time, the baby is most sensitive to damaging (teratogenic) factors!!! Gross malformations are formed (malformations of the central nervous system, congenital heart defects, cleft lip, malformations of the gastrointestinal tract). The third period is the fertile period. During this period, developmental defects do not occur, but when exposed to damaging factors, underdevelopment or functional immaturity of organs occurs. 2. Teratogenic factors: Medicines and chemicals (each pregnant woman takes about 4 types of medications during pregnancy, often without reason). Ionizing radiation. Infections suffered during pregnancy in an acute form (or contact with a patient): cytomegalovirus infection, herpes types 1 and 2, erythema infectiosum, rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis. Metabolic disorders. Bad habits of a pregnant woman: alcoholism, smoking, etc. 3. The spiritual and emotional state of the parents at the time of conception. Shocking observations about the third factor were made by Dr. George Vithoulkas, in a fragment of a speech addressed to homeopathic doctors at the National Academy of Homeopathy, May 1998. Translation by Maria Tolstoukhova: “I will begin with the assumption that both the sperm and the egg are inseparable from the general condition individual and contain the structural code of the individual at all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. The sperm and the egg carry the imprint of the psychological state of two people who were united at the moment of conception. Their union will be successful only if they dissolve in each other and are in harmony and harmony with each other at the moment when they made love. The more disagreements and discrepancies between them, the less strong their union will be. If this distance and opposition is great, the child may be born with a split personality and have two different, but equally valid points Something like schizophrenia Of course, a situation is also possible when people are suitable for each other in terms of sex, on a physical level, but are very different from each other emotionally and mentally. CONCEPTION OPTION I If we use symbols, the moment of merging of two people who really love each other can be represented as an ideal cycle that symbolizes the basic state of lovers - satisfaction, completeness and harmony on the emotional and spiritual levels. In an ideal union, one cycle is superimposed on another, resulting in an entirely new cycle. Ideally, the egg and sperm are in a state of absolute balance and peace at all levels. We have a perfect union of two people who feel that they complement each other and are happy with each other. As a result of this union, a new human being appears - a child who will have the best features of both parents. Such children are guided, first of all, by love, and they are absolutely harmonious. Of course, this is all relative and is influenced by two other factors: heredity and the medical history of the parents. I also believe that if you examine the eggs and sperm of such people, their chemical structure will be different from others who do not meet these conditions. CONCEPTION OPTION II In option II we are dealing with a new cell from which a child will be born, which has lost harmony and bears the imprint of the parents’ emotional depression or strong emotional conflict. These children are incomplete, they will always feel like they are missing something and will never achieve harmony. They will never become a homogeneous and perfect circle, unlike children of love. There is a third option for conception, as a result of which children are born from aggressive parents, and the cell is in a state of extreme excitement or even aggression. CONCEPT OPTION III Union of two people in a state of excitement. Such children try to assert themselves through violence and extreme actions because they do not feel love and compassion for anyone. Their need for love pushes them to do the opposite of what they would normally do to earn love. Of course, between these extreme cases there are endless modifications, states and phases. The main question is whether parents are in options I, II or III before sexual intercourse, and the extent to which these options affect the health of the unborn child. Let's start by analyzing option I so we can compare it with the other two options. To achieve option I, both individuals must reach a state in which their own "I" would recede into the background as much as possible and would allow them to dissolve in each other during sexual contact. Nature has provided us with an easy way to achieve Option I by giving us the ability to fall in love, which can best be described by the Greek word "eros." What is eros? This is a man's strong desire to connect with a woman or a woman's desire to connect with a man. This is the desire to become one with the object of adoration and dissolve in it. This desire can only be satisfied through absolute unity, which is strengthened by erotic union. The result of this state will be a feeling of complete satisfaction and absolute happiness. Then, thanks to this call of nature and the long-awaited achievement of the desired, two people achieve a state of complete satisfaction. Deep satisfaction and happiness are achieved through acceptance of each other, since people do not interfere with getting closer to each other, either physically or mentally. In such complete emotional fusion, the consciousness of one's own self practically does not exist. Thus, a state of absolute peace, contentment and harmony is the highest point of such union. This is precisely the moment when, by nature's design, two people can "give" the best part of themselves, so that their new creation, the child, will have the best qualities of both parents and will be as perfect as possible. Such a child of love will grow up to be a balanced, unpretentious and happy person. In communicating with others, he will be natural and devoid of any complexes, deviations are extremely rare, and happiness is easily achievable. Most of them will be able to fall in love easily and at the right time. But such a model of love is very difficult to implement in modern society, where people are looking for an easy and quick orgasm. There are "schools" in America today that try to "teach" poor clients how to have an orgasm!!! Naturally, this is an absolute failure, not of these “schools,” but of our society, in which such schools are in demand. This was the result of the sexual revolution and uncontrolled sexual permissiveness. In order for a person to experience the state of eros, physical contact must be difficult to achieve and self-restraint is necessary. Moreover, after the first acquaintance and during courtship, you need to give free rein to your imagination. A couple in a state of pure love or eros enjoys each other, experiences strong positive emotions, cares for each other, and is in an optimal emotional state. When the moment of physical intimacy finally arrives, it is a sacred moment of childbirth that will result in the birth of the best possible child. In modern society we usually kill such children of love! One thing is clear that future parents should keep in mind: The sperm and egg carry the spiritual and emotional state of the parents at the moment of conception. If sex happens too early, all the magic will be lost and the couple won't have time to get to know each other's best qualities. Only children of love inherit from their parents their best physical, spiritual and emotional traits and qualities. It is in this way, with the help of eros, that nature shows us the right moment to give birth to healthy children, so humanity is constantly renewed. But in Western society, with enviable tenacity, we follow a different path, the path of degeneration. Unfortunately, the way of life in most Western societies makes the situations that are best suited for procreation impossible. In a civilized society, instead of love, pride and selfishness prevail, so a natural erotic union is practically impossible. If such people (children of love) became political leaders, military men or scientists, they would undoubtedly make more correct and “healthy” decisions instead of those that are being made now, and which in many cases cannot be called human at all. But such a child of love will not find a place among the leaders of our modern society. He will never be appointed head of the army, head of state, or head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The current social conditions will immediately destroy it. Those chosen for these positions in our terrible society of commercial globalization and war belong to options II or III. If you are interested in this study, you can find out more about it on our website

Any person who has already become a parent or is just waiting for this joyful event wants one thing more than anything in the world - to be the child was born healthy. However, this wish does not always come true. What to do - even the youngest children are susceptible to serious illnesses, and I don’t even want to talk about the possibility of any congenital disorders and diseases. But it is necessary! After all, many of them can be prevented, taken away from a small fragile creature long before its birth! And future parents should worry about this in advance - as soon as they decide to “give birth to a child.”

But swimming in open waters, unfortunately, will have to be limited - in most of them the risk of contracting an infection is too high. Take reasonable care, combine activity with rest, eat right, get regularly examined and consult a doctor - in this case everything will go well and your baby will be born healthy!