Drawing with an eraser on a pencil technique. PAINT Tutorial

Have you ever thought that man is the only creature on the planet who is characterized by excitement? Only we are capable of betting the contents of our wallet and our own reputation on all sorts of nonsense, on the sheer will of chance. And often not even for the sake of the prospect of an unlikely win, but because of the intoxicating feeling of adrenaline in the blood. While some may think that risk is a noble thing, we advise you to stay away from all gambling and other dubious entertainment. But, if you really want to, you can amuse yourself and your friends with harmless bets that even a junior high school student can win. The main thing is to know a couple of secrets.

Do you like betting, magic tricks and a sense of your own intellectual superiority over your opponent? Congratulations: with this set you are on your way to the “What? Where? When?". Well, or, at worst, to the “Battle of Psychics.” But first, practice your resourcefulness and sleight of hand on harmless arguments that come from your school childhood. Invite your friends to bet that you can...

1. Erase a note with a pencil without an eraser

A task for a first grader, the solution to which not every adult would think of. Check it out on your friends. In reality, everything is simple. It’s not for nothing that people call an eraser an “eraser.” To replace it, simply take a rubber band, wrap it tightly around your finger and, with light pressure, easily erase any pencil mark from the paper.

2. Draw a perfect circle “by hand”

It’s unlikely that many of us at school loved tinkering with compasses. But to draw a passable circle without it, “by hand,” is completely on the verge of fantasy. Or not? Resourceful schoolchildren and students who often forget their stationery at home have come up with a life hack. You will need paper, a pen or pencil, and literally straight hands. For example, to draw a large circle, place your palm on a sheet of paper or notebook (in the position as in the photo below), fix the pen or pencil vertically and motionless. With your other hand, gently rotate the paper until you get a circle.

To draw a smaller circle, rest your palm on the paper with your bent little finger.

A small circle It will work if you simply fix the pen or pencil strictly vertically to a sheet of paper, holding it with your fingers closer to the rod.

3. Paper firecrackers

More precisely, from tea bags. Using scissors, carefully, so as not to damage the paper, cut off the thread with the label. Then bend the paper clip or carefully tear the place where the bag is held together. Pour the contents into another container.

Theme: "Little Bunny"

(drawing with an eraser)


Introduce children to an unconventional image technique - drawing with an eraser.

Improve the ability to hatch using long, even strokes in one direction.

Develop the ability to draw an outline of a picture using different lines

Ways of activity:

1. The organizational moment is a mystery

2. Literary word - reading a fairy tale

3. Showing methods of action

4. Reminder about the sequence of task completion

6.Finger gymnastics

7. Practical activities

8. Encouragement


Means of activity:

Simple pencil, eraser, sheet of paper

Progress of the lesson

(children are sitting on the carpet)

Do you like to solve riddles?

They draw or draw with it.
The stylus dances across the leaf.
He is our great helper,
And it's called...( pencil )

Do you think Pencil has a friend? (children's answers)

Yes, well done, - Pencil's best friend is Eraser. But they were not always friends. Today I want to tell you a fairy tale about how Eraser and Pencil became friends. Listen carefully:

Pencil and Eraser lived on the same desk. But their life was not fun, as they constantly quarreled. Pencil loved to draw, and Eraser erased all his drawings.

The pencil was long, with a well-sharpened tip. With this nose he drew everything he saw around him. But his drawings were difficult to understand. After all, when Pencil began his work, he was so carried away that he forgot to make spaces between the drawn lines, the distances between strokes and dashes.

The eraser was a soft, white block that dragged its legs. As usual, when he saw Pencil drawing, Eraser decided to play with him. He boldly moved forward along the sheet, but wherever he passed, a wiped mark remained.

The magic flower just drawn by Pencil has lost its petal. A beautiful butterfly, which tried to sit on a flower, ended up without a leg, tore its wings and lost all its charm and attractiveness.

“What have you done,” Pencil shouted to Eraser. – Don’t you see, I’m drawing? Or did you deliberately decide to ruin my drawing?

No, what are you talking about, - Eraser was embarrassed. - I just want to play with you. I really like how you quickly run across the paper, leaving funny traces and lines. I want that too.

But you erased everything that I drew,” the Pencil did not stop. – I no longer have a wonderful butterfly and a magic flower. You ruined everything.

And Pencil burst into tears so much that he almost broke down. The eraser froze, afraid to upset the Pencil even more. A sheet of paper came to the rescue, on which everything happened.

Look, - Leaf said to Pencil, - The Eraser has removed all unnecessary things from your drawing. You can create drawings together, and I will suggest where to wipe and where to jump, maintaining the line you drew.

Let's try! – Eraser and Pencil agreed in unison. And they got to work.

The pencil began to quickly run along the Leaf, drawing one line after another. And the Eraser, following the instructions of the Sheet of Paper, jumped from place to place, either wiping the line completely, making it lighter, or turning it into a series of lines. And finally, the Sheet of Paper was satisfied with what was drawn on it.

So Eraser and Pencil became friends. They learned to work together. Soon they had not just one sheet of paper painted, but a whole album of wonderful drawings. There were different animals and birds, all kinds of flowers and trees, beautiful dolls and inhabitants of fairy-tale countries.

And this is only possible if there is mutual understanding and strong friendship between those who work.

Now I want to show you how my pencil and eraser became friends.

(children stand around the table, where the teacher shows the methods of action - densely shading the sheet in one direction, drawing the image of a bunny with an eraser, creating an outline for the image)

Just like Pencil and Eraser are best friends, Eraser cannot draw without the help of Pencil. The pencil should shade the sheet of paper. The strokes should be even, long, dense, you can put the strokes in 2-3 layers. So we have a clearing, and a bunny will be walking in the clearing. Where do you think we will start drawing a bunny? (answers) What shape is the body? What shape is the head? What is larger, the body or the head? What shape is the paw? How big are they compared to the body and head? What else do we need to draw? (ears and tail) What are they in shape and size?

Using the corner of the eraser, draw the contours of the head, body, paws, tail and erase the pencil marks inside the contours. We draw ears on the top of the head.

The eraser has done its job. But our drawing looks more like a shadow. Pencil comes to the rescue again. Using straight and wavy lines, we create a contour for our image, using a spiral sketch element we decorate the bunny’s skin and draw a muzzle. My drawing turned out so beautiful because Pencil and Eraser are best friends. Have your pencils and erasers become friends?

(children go to the work area and sit at the tables)

Let's remember where we start working?

- To get started, let's stretch our fingers

I will rub my palms hard (rubbing)

I'll twist each finger,

I'll say hello to him

And I'll start pulling out.

I'll wash my hands later

I'll put my fingers together,

I'll lock them up,

And I'll keep it warm!

Now get to work

(during independent work, individual assistance, tips, directions)


Looking at the drawings, note the variety and beauty of the drawings, because your Erasers and Pencils have become your best friends!

Invite the children to tell about their bunny - what is his name? What kind of skin does he have? How did it happen?

The eraser can be used for more than just removing mistakes. It is also a full-fledged drawing tool. The only difference is that the eraser is used to remove strokes, not to apply them. This technique is best suited for depicting contrasting subjects that contain both very dark and very light tones. An eraser is an excellent tool for creating highlights: the tip or sharp edge of the eraser can leave very small and precise marks.
The eraser can be used with equal success with all pencils (simple or colored), as well as with charcoal, pastels and crayons. Different erasers leave different marks. Some of them are only suitable for working with certain materials. Kneaded erasers can be shaped into different shapes and can be used to leave very precise, small marks of the required shape. But they get dirty quickly and are not suitable for working with pastels and charcoal. Vinyl and plastic erasers are harder and don't get dirty as quickly. They can be used when working with fragile materials. Use only plain or white erasers, as colored erasers may leave marks on white paper. When an eraser becomes dirty, it can be cleaned by either rubbing the dirty area on a white piece of paper or carefully cutting off the dirty edges with a sharp knife. The sharp, cut edges of the eraser can be used to draw straight lines, while the blunt end can be used to work on large areas of color or tone. If you erase some color or pigment with an eraser, be careful not to transfer this color to an area of ​​the drawing where it is completely unnecessary.
You can use masks together with the eraser. By erasing along the border of the mask, you can create both an even outline and an unusually shaped line. You can use not only purchased erasers, but also homemade ones: roll soft white bread into a ball and use it to clean white paper or lighten a certain tone.
A kneaded eraser can easily remove traces of graphite, but it is not suitable for working with fragile materials such as charcoal and pastel, as it gets dirty very quickly.

Forming an eraser
All erasers can be cut into pieces and thrown away when they become too small or dirty. The kneaded eraser can be given any shape. By forming a fine tip, you can work on very small areas of the design.

Using the sharp edge of the eraser
To remove fine lines or clean small areas, use the sharp edge of an eraser. Use only plain or white erasers to avoid leaving colored marks.

Using a mask with an eraser
To ensure an accurate border, place a mask on the drawing, securely fasten it and work with an eraser along its edge.
Practical exercise: Still life
In this exercise, the eraser is used to create highlights and add dimension to the drawing. The thin, dry peel of garlic is covered with small cracks, the edges of which reflect light. If you draw every crack, the drawing will look unnatural and mechanical. With the sharp edge of the eraser you can draw an uneven line that is more consistent with reality. For large areas, use the flat side of the eraser. Don't forget: the eraser strokes should follow the shape of the object.
Another way to do this exercise is to cover the paper with graphite or charcoal and use an eraser to draw.
Smooth drawing paper
Graphite rod 9B
Plastic eraser and kneaded eraser
Image object
For this simple still life, we placed a head of garlic and the peel from another head on a marble board. The result is a composition with a sharp contrast between very light and very dark areas. The garlic stalks are deliberately angled to create a diagonal that makes the composition dynamic.

Drawing with an eraser. Everyone has long been accustomed to drawing with a pencil and erasing with an eraser. Many children will like to do the opposite - draw with an eraser and erase with a pencil. To do this, you will need to shade a sheet of paper with a simple pencil or, using a knife blade, chop up a little pencil lead and rub it over the sheet, for example, with a cotton pad. Eraser in hand and begin to draw a light picture on a dark shaded background. If something in the picture doesn’t suit us, we can erase it... with a pencil!

Slide 38 from the presentation “Using non-traditional drawing techniques” for art lessons on the topic “Unconventional drawing”

Dimensions: 960 x 720 pixels, format: jpg. To download a free slide for use in an art lesson, right-click on the image and click “Save Image As...”. You can download the entire presentation “Using non-traditional drawing techniques.pptx” in a zip archive of 4197 KB in size.

Download presentation

Unconventional drawing

“Using non-traditional drawing techniques” - An example of a drawing using the “leaf printing” technique. An example of a drawing using the paint blowing technique. Hand and foot prints. We draw with our fingers. Subject monotype. A painting made from cup prints. Plasticine stamps. An example of a drawing using the eraser technique. Fun prints. Stamps made from cut straws.

“Unconventional drawing techniques” - Expand and repeat again to get more cracks. Then carefully crumple the pattern, starting from the edges. Dip the potato in paint and make a print. Cracked wax. Lightly press the sheet and move the thread. Cut the onion and make an imprint. Pour both colors close to each other onto a sheet of thick paper.

“Drawing with non-traditional techniques” - Non-traditional visual techniques. Subject monotype. Unconventional drawing techniques. Palm drawing. Recommendations for teachers. Leaf prints. Recommendations for parents. Unconventional drawing techniques in different age groups. Wax pencils. Finger painting. Foam imprint.

“Unconventional drawing” - Joint activity. Foam imprint. Angel. Mastering as many different visual techniques as possible. Let's draw together. Flower. Simple creative exercises are especially important for children. To print by hand, the ink must be diluted. We need to instill in children an interest in drawing.

“Unconventional ways of drawing” - Drawing with strokes. Drawing through carbon paper. Waxography. Drawing on crumpled paper. Nitcography. Blotography. Drawing with graphite pollen. Spraying. Monotype. Unconventional ways and techniques of drawing in classes with children. Bloating. Drawing with plasticine. Dyotypy. Scratch. Seal.

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If you are wondering how to learn to draw, then you are already halfway to success. You have a desire, and this is very important. If you really want something, you will definitely achieve it. The main thing is not to despair and not to give up.

If you are just reading this article out of curiosity and have not thought about learning how to draw, then know that drawing is:

– a great way to relax, get rid of stress, calm your nerves;
– this is an opportunity to create something of your own, unique in this diverse world. By drawing, you make the world even more diverse;
- This is an additional or main income. I believe that the ability to do something with your own hands will be valued at all times;
– you will meet interesting people who are just like you and are passionate about drawing;
– you will begin to understand art better;
– it’s incredibly cool, exciting and interesting!

You just have to take it and try, and if you are even a little interested in it, don’t quit and don’t give up - you will succeed. Here are a few steps to help you in this wonderful creative activity.

1. Draw what you lead and how you see

Remember the wonderful song by Alla Pugacheva, in which she sings “We all see the world a little differently, and when drawing, don’t forget about it.” Even if your image is far from the original, believe me, no one is born an artist, you need to learn it. Just draw as you see.

Make sketches of what you draw, let it be a household item, a portrait, individual parts of the face: nose, lips, eyes, ears. Body parts: arms, legs, etc. It's okay to make mistakes at first, but the more you practice, the fewer mistakes you'll make in your drawings.

The Internet has made life much easier, many things have now become more accessible. There are many video tutorials on YouTube for both beginner and advanced artists. Often, lessons show not only drawing techniques, but also tell what materials to use. What pencils, paints, paper are better; what you should spend money on and where you can save money.

3. Practice using different drawing styles and techniques

This is great if you've already mastered the technique of drawing with a pencil, but it's also a good idea to pick up a brush and paints, or try drawing with ink or markers. Try different types of shading, draw spirals, thin and thick lines. Draws everything and everyone!

4. Draw without an eraser

It seems strange, especially for a beginner, to draw without an eraser. But this is very correct advice. When you make a mistake, a wrong line, and erase it, you can draw it incorrectly over and over again. And when you see your mistakes, it is easier to correct them. Draw thin auxiliary lines, make markings, and when the drawing is already visible, at the end of the work you can erase all unnecessary lines, and draw the drawing itself with clearer lines.

5. Study shadows, lines, tones, textures

This step is a little more difficult because some of these skills are difficult to master. However, this is also an important step, so don't even think about skipping it.
Place an apple in front of you on a surface. Look from which side the light and shadow fall. Change the direction of the light source and watch how the position of the highlight on the apple and the position of the shadow changes.

Shade first with light lines, then darker, and even darker. Make sure that the transition from light to dark is smooth and gradual.

6. Use a variety of pencils and erasers

Pencils vary in hardness and softness. And they are designated by Latin letters: H - hard, B - soft, HB - medium, and the middle pencil is also designated by the letter F. The numbers next to the letters add hardness or softness. For example, H1 will be slightly harder than H, H2 will be even harder, and so will B1, B2, B3, and so on.

Hard pencil - for thin and light lines, soft for brighter, clearer and bolder lines.

Erasers also come in different types, some are only suitable for pencils, some are suitable for colored pencils and pens. Be sure to get the so-called “klyachka”, this eraser erases the pencil without smearing and does not spoil the paper. In addition, the nag is soft like plasticine, which allows you to sculpt thin shapes from it for more accurate erasing of lines.

7. Draw what you like

Of course, to learn how to draw well, you need to be able to capture different objects on paper, but choose what you like and bring it to perfection. This could be a photo of a loved one, or an actor, a photo of your cat, or a child. If you sketch one person in different poses and moods, you will notice how well your skill is honed.

And don't forget to use different styles and techniques. Draw the same object with pencil, watercolor, markers, ink. In the end, your efforts will be rewarded and you will get a drawing that you want to frame and hang on the wall.

8. Study anatomy

Oh yes, many of us will have to remember the school curriculum and delve even deeper into biology and anatomy. No matter how creepy it may seem, you will have to draw skulls and skeletons, both without muscles and with muscles. You will have to study animal anatomy as well. Any book on drawing usually contains an anatomy section.

Even when you're not drawing, notice objects and imagine how you would draw them. Whether you are eating in public transport or standing in line, choose people and other objects around you and mentally outline them with an imaginary pencil. Pay attention to folds, curves and other features.

10. Practice, practice and practice again

Not a day without drawing! Spend at least 5-15 minutes every day. It’s better to do a little bit every day than once a week for several hours at once. While drawing, you train your brain, visual memory and the movement of your hand. Long breaks between drawings are bad; you will simply forget what you have already learned. Any skill requires regular practice.

With these tips you know how to learn to draw, but remember - you should do it with pleasure and enjoyment. This is the only way everything will work out!