The fairy-tale world of bitter. Tales M

Gorky's activities were so multifaceted that they covered almost all aspects of spiritual life. An integral part of it was concern for the upbringing of the younger generation and the creation of children's literature.

Already at the beginning of its literary activity A. M. GORKY spoke out against the education and upbringing system

Tsarist Russia. In newspaper articles, essays and feuilletons, and in works of art, he sharply criticized the official

educational policy and convincingly argued that

The old school did not strive to give children a comprehensive education, to educate them as creative thinkers. “The state needs a worker obedient to its will, not a free carrier creativity, a defender of various norms established by the state, but by no means a creator of new conditions,” he said. Such education, according to Gorky, suppresses will and initiative, divides people, develops in them individualism, a hostile attitude towards the interests of the collective whole.

As a world-famous writer, Gorky in 1910 was invited to the Third International Congress on Family Education in Brussels. In his message to Congress, he spoke of the need to educate in such a way “that the child learns to feel like the master of the world and the heir of all its blessings.” “Make way for the children, the heirs of all the grandiose work of humanity! Lead them to the future by teaching them to respect and appreciate the past, and we will create a continuous wave of creative energy.”

In 1917, in Petrograd, on the initiative of Alexey Maksimovich, the “League of Social Education” was created, which was tasked with developing the foundations of a new education system. In a speech at a meeting of the League, Gorky called for giving all the best to children, “tomorrow’s creators of life.”

Gorky called for instilling in children a love of work and an active attitude towards life. The writer put his thoughts about education into practice: he actively worked in various educational societies, helped teachers, and took care of school supplies. visual aids, participated in children's matinees, organized Christmas trees for poor children, etc.

Gorky considered fiction to be a powerful means of education. In pre-revolutionary Russia, few good books for children were published. Gorky considered most of the works of contemporary children's literature unsatisfactory, and branded mediocre writers who sought to raise children as obedient servants of the autocracy with the epithet “dull-eyed.”

Alexey Maksimovich believed that it was possible to successfully fight reactionary children's literature not so much with critical articles as with new highly artistic works. Therefore, he rejoiced at every successful book, encouraged the best writers to create works for children, and he himself wrote several fairy tales for them. “From the very first days of a conscious attitude towards life, a little person must gradually learn about everything that has been done before him by countless generations of people: learning this, he will understand that what was done before him was done for him.”

Gorky set great tasks for the Parus publishing house to create an entire Children's Library of 300-400 books. Taking into account the enormous influence of literature on the formation of a person’s worldview, M. Gorky during the war of 1914-1917 sought to unite writers and scientists to create a series of biographies of outstanding figures, which was supposed to counter chauvinistic literature. Such books were supposed to be published by the Parus publishing house, which was headed by Gorky. Under his leadership, an extensive publishing plan was drawn up, which covered a wide range of issues and topics that could satisfy the most diverse interests of young readers.

After October revolution In 1919, Gorky organized a children's magazine - “Northern Lights”. The main idea of ​​the post-October speeches was that children's literature that meets the needs of a socialist society must be created anew, this process is long. In 1933, on the initiative of Gorky, Detizdat was created. After October, Gorky expressed his thoughts about children’s literature in his works “Literature for Children,” “On Themes,” “On Fairy Tales,” and “A Man whose Ears Are Plugged with Cotton.” Involved in a discussion about the role of fairy tales and fantasy in raising children. Basic requirements for a children's book:

1. The requirement to take into account the age characteristics and interests of children in reality.

2. The requirement of encyclopedicity, wide coverage of phenomena.

3. The leading theme should be the theme of modernity; bright and unusual things especially attract children. Books about the romance of labor, the romance of man's struggle with nature.

4. The requirement of artistry: “Our book should not be didactic or grossly biased. It must speak in the language of images.”

5. Hero: “New talents are faced with the task of portraying a hero in literature - a wonderful, unprecedented even in a fairy tale, a hero who wants to rebuild the world... to show a hero, gathering in one person all the advantages of the collective.”

6. The need for humor, satire - “funny” in a book for children. Children are naturally cheerful and funny.

7. Children's thinking is visual. Colorful illustrations should be an indispensable requirement for a children's book.

Gorky wrote few works especially for children - only six fairy tales. These are “Morning” (1910), “Sparrow” (1912), “The Case of Evseyka” (1912), “Samovar” (1913), “About Ivanushka the Fool” (1918), “Yashka” (1919). All of them are addressed to kids. In his fairy tales, Gorky embodied the requirements that he made for children's literature; In ideological and thematic terms, they are inseparable from the entire work of the writer.

Gorky's tales are educational and moralizing in a high

sense of the word. Their plot is dynamic and entertaining. From the familiar and concrete, the author leads his readers to abstract and significant concepts. They often contain simple poems that are accessible to children, which have a strict rhythm and make them want to remember and repeat them during the game. Gorky's tales are optimistic, glorifying life, work, nature, common man, ridicule arrogance, arrogance, boasting and hypocrisy.

Gorky knows how to talk to children in an interesting, exciting, humorous way, he knows how to look into the spiritual world of a child, and talk about important matters in a simple and clear way.

In 1910, Gorky received a letter from a seven-year-old boy, saddened by Tolstoy’s death: “Dear Maxim Gorky, all Russian writers have died, only you remain. Write me a fairy tale and send it to me.” After 2-3 weeks, Alexey Maksimovich sent a new fairy tale along with the answer. Much later it was published in children's magazine"Lark" (1918, M 11-12), It was a fairy tale "Morning". In a bright, entertaining form, it tells about the appearance of the sun, the coming of day, and the awakening of nature. Everything around us is spiritualized, enlivened, humanized, permeated with a jubilant joyful light, the triumphant music of life and work.

Work and life on earth, the writer says, are as beautiful as the sun, flowers, sea and birds.

The tales “Samovar”, “Sparrow” and “The Case of Evseyka” were created as a result of correspondence with children from kindergarten“School of naughty people” in Baku. The fairy tale “Samovar” was written in 1913, first published in the collection “Yolka” in 1918. It is based on an incident from the life of the writer mentioned in the Tale “In People”. The content of the fairy tale is revealed in one of his letters to Baku children about how the samovar broke apart because they forgot to pour water into it. This event was the basis of a funny, cheerful fairy tale plot. The tale is written in prose, interspersed with poetry.

A narcissistic, arrogant samovar considers himself a central figure, smart, handsome. “Snorting forcefully,” he began to praise himself more and more in songs.

Phew, I'm so hot!

Phew, how powerful I am!

if I want, I’ll jump like a ball,

and to the moon above the clouds!

The boastful samovar became so hot that it even turned blue,

trembles and hums:

I’ll simmer a little more, and when I get bored, I’ll immediately jump out the window and marry the moon!

Objects and things surrounding the samovar behave differently. The creamer talks to an empty sugar bowl, which speaks in a “sweet voice.” A modest teapot is arguing furiously with the arrogant samovar. During the general conversation, a grimy stew is turned on. She rings:

Ding! Who is that hissing?

What kind of talk!

Even a whale sleeps at night,--

And it's almost midnight!

There was no water in the samovar, its tap had unsoldered and hung like a drunken man’s nose, but it was still brave and hummed, boasting immensely. Not realizing that he is already dying, he ascends more than ever, considering himself capable of immediately replacing both the sun and the moon:

And I will give more light and warmth to the earth,

After all, I’m hotter and younger than him!

The light and the day and the night are beyond his years, -

And this is so easy for a copper face!

The changing rhythm of the poetic lines each time corresponds to the tension and pace of events. Poems form an organic whole with prose, are easy to remember, and allow you to clearly show everything that the author is talking about. In a fairy tale there are things that are close and familiar to children, but behind familiar objects and phenomena great thoughts and deep ideas are hidden. The idea of ​​the fairy tale - exposing, ridiculing boasting and arrogance - is offered to young readers in an accessible form.

The fairy tale “Sparrow” was first published in 1912 in the collection of fairy tales “The Blue Book”. It was published separately in 1917 by the Parus publishing house.

The little sparrow Pudik, who lived in the nest and ate what his parents carried, “wanted to quickly find out what God’s world is and whether it is suitable for him.” Pudik doesn’t want to listen to anyone, he has a ready answer to everything, he understands everything in his own way. All the world he perceives only in relation to himself, based on “passerine” concepts. “Why do trees sway? Let them stop, then there will be no wind...” - argues Pudik. Seeing a person, he thinks that this is big bird, whose wings were completely torn off. He sang a song of his own composition, in which he put himself above all else. Self-confident Pudik fell out of the nest and was almost eaten by a cat. But he was saved by his mother, who, however, lost her tail. “You can’t learn everything at once,” admits Pudik, once again in the nest.

The tale is quite accessible to children; in a funny way it reveals big and important thoughts about life, about experience, about the continuity of generations.

The fairy tale “The Case of Evseyka” was published in the newspaper “Den” in 1912, and then, with minor changes, reprinted in the magazine “Northern Lights” in 1919 (N2 3-4). In terms of its content and plot, the fairy tale is interesting to children; it contains a lot of educational material. The fairy tale is valuable not only for its depiction of the underwater kingdom. No less important here is the image of the boy, the main character. Deciding to get to the ground at any cost, Evseyka uses a trick: he starts games with the fish

and in this way, riding a fish, swims to the surface. When answering the fish’s questions, Evseyka is afraid of making a mistake and causing their anger, so she tries to behave carefully and thoughtfully.

The fairy tale “About Ivanushka the Fool” is an adaptation of a Russian folk story. But it is so original that it can almost entirely be considered the creation of Gorky.

The image of Ivanushka fully corresponds to the spirit of folk tales. This is a very nice, cheerful, never discouraged person who knows how to do everything; True, “everything comes out funny with him, not like with people.” Like the little readers of the fairy tale themselves, Ivanushka cannot understand the figurative meaning of the word. When he was assigned to look after the children, he climbed onto the floor, woke up the children, dragged them to the floor, sat down behind them and said: “Well, I’m looking after you!”

Ivanushka sings funny songs, is not afraid of difficulties, successfully overcomes them, and constantly works. The funny and amusing hero of the fairy tale is not so stupid. Once in the forest, he subdued the bear, forced him to work for him and even brought him home. All this is told with good-natured humor. This humor is close and accessible to children. They like it too main character fairy tales - cheerful, energetic and always resourceful Ivanushka. They will also understand the idea of ​​the fairy tale: a working man can do anything.

Children's reading also includes items not intended for children. "Tales of Italy." They were written by Gorky during his stay in Capri in 1906-1913. In total, 27 fairy tales were created. From a letter to E. Peshkova: “I just returned from Rome - it made an amazing impression on me strong impression. It seems to me that I have absorbed a wave of spiritual health, vigor, faith in life has risen through the power of the human spirit, everything is boiling in my soul, I feel strong, energetic, capable of much.”

Initially, fairy tales arose as improvisations on Italian theme. E. Peshkova: “Alexey Maksimovich loved to tell his son scenes and episodes from Italian life, the boy listened with enthusiasm to his father's stories. Some of these oral stories by A.M. later included in the cycle “Tales of Italy”.

Genre – The definition of “fairy tale” is relative. Sometimes he called them “Italian Sketches.”

In 1920, 4 fairy tales were published in the Northern Lights magazine: “Strike”, “Flower”, “Tunnel”, “Pepe”. Review: “These tales are special tales. There is nothing magical or fantastic in them in the usual fairy tale style. These are all pictures from the life of working Italy. But although these tales are not a fairy tale, but a reality, nevertheless, they have the charm that we experience when reading a fairy tale. This enthusiasm and comradely feeling among the workers is fabulous. This unshakable faith in the power of human labor liberating the world is fabulous. And isn’t this whole Italian backdrop, warmed by the blessed southern sun, fabulous?”

School study included several tales about Italy. “Children of Parma” - the theme is workers’ solidarity, human brotherhood, the main idea is “Only the believer wins,” “If this takes root, it will be difficult to defeat us.”

“Simplon Tunnel” (connects Switzerland and Italy through the Alps - length 19.7 m, width 5 m). The theme is creative work and daring, the idea is “Every job is difficult if you don’t love it”, “A little person, when he wants to work, is an invincible force”, “Everything must be done with faith in a good outcome and God.”

"Pepe." The theme is the fate of a talented child from the people. The idea is “Pepe will be our poet”, “The children will be better than us, and their lives will be better.”

V. Veresaev: “What a good ensemble of fairy tales! There is so much light and sun in them, both physical and spiritual, and how much it is needed at this time!”

M. Gorky's story “Childhood”

The peculiarity of the story is that it is autobiographical. Gorky tells us about his childhood, impressions, feelings, and his perception of events. The story is written in the first person, Alyosha Peshkov is both the hero and the narrator.

The first chapter introduces us to Alyosha, his grandmother and mother, who are traveling to Nizhny Novgorod to visit their mother’s family. Only the grief that happened in the family forced the mother to take her son and go to his father and brothers, so she goes sad, immersed in her thoughts, as if remembering and anticipating the difficult life of her father, full of anger and envy. Seeing her native landscapes, the mother only “smiled gloomily,” unlike the grandmother.

Grandmother is a special, bright, warm person. Having seen a lot in life more grief and tears, next to such a person as her grandfather, she retained unquenchable optimism, strength and joy of life: the road to Nizhny Novgorod - albeit short, but happiness, an opportunity to escape from what awaits her at home. That's why she glows with joy when she sees clear skies, golden autumn, wide, spacious banks of the Volga:

Look how good it is! - Grandma says every minute, moving from side to side, and she’s all beaming, and her eyes are joyfully widened.

Often, looking at the shore, she forgot about me: she stood at the side, folded her arms on her chest, smiled and was silent, and there were tears in her eyes...

... “This, dear, is from joy and from old age,” she says, smiling...

For Alyosha, the road is the path to something new, unknown, but certainly beautiful.

However, Alyosha’s hopes were not destined to come true: Alyosha did not like the family meeting them, or the “irrepressible tribe,” as their grandmother called them:

...I didn’t like both the adults and the children, I felt like a stranger among them, even my grandmother somehow faded, moved away...

The author called what the Kashirin family lived by “lead abominations.” The family’s relationships were based on anger and envy, as master Grigory Ivanovich said: “The Kashirins, brother, don’t like good things, they envy him, but they can’t accept him - they exterminate him!”

The brothers are jealous of sister Varvara, Alexei’s mother, that she will receive a dowry, they throw an ugly fight among themselves that even their grandfather calls on them to remember that they “ native blood", and the grandmother howls Holy Mother of God“bring back the minds of children...” The evil that comes from the brothers passes on to their children; Taking advantage of their unreasonableness, the fathers persuade them to be base and mean (the story with the thimble), and the children themselves are ready to inform and offend in order to shield themselves (the story with the tablecloth).

Yakov and Mikhail envy Gypsy for his dexterity and daring, they understand that whoever Gypsy stays with will have the best workshop, so they treat him differently:

...The uncles treated Gypsy kindly, in a friendly manner and never “joked” with him, as they did with Master Gregory...

And again their meanness manifests itself: they “joked” only with weak people who could not answer them: Grigory Ivanovich was almost blind, Uncle Yakov’s wife died because she was better than him, and only after getting drunk, Uncle sheds drunken tears for his wife. The cross that he bought for his wife, having made a falsely feigned vow to carry it to the cemetery on his shoulders, is the reason for the death of Gypsy - it was on his shoulders that Uncle Yakov carried the cross, only helping him, and cowardly jumping away when he crushed Ivan.

For such people nothing was sacred. Turning to the end of the story, we see that in this family war no, and there could be no winners: complete collapse and ruin, poverty and hoarding:

...pours tea leaves into his palm and, carefully counting them, says:

Your tea is smaller than mine, which means I should put less, mine is larger, richer...

...This is the truth that needs to be known to the roots, in order to tear it out from the roots, from the memory, from the human soul, from our entire life, difficult and shameful.

And there is another, more positive reason that compels me to draw these abominations. Although they are disgusting, although they crush us, crushing many beautiful souls to death, the Russian person is still so healthy and young at heart that he overcomes and overcomes them...

But there is another life in the story, other people - worthy, strong, kind, about whom the author said:

“Our life is amazing not only because in it there is a fertile and fat layer of all sorts of bestial rubbish, but because through this layer the bright, healthy and creative still victoriously grows, the good - human - grows, arousing an indestructible hope for our revival to life bright, human..."

Alyosha’s grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna, amazes with her optimism, preserved during such a life. For Alyosha, she was the friend closest to her heart:

...woke her up and brought her out into the light selfless love to the world, enriched me, filling me with strong strength for a difficult life...

Her words were like flowers for Alyosha, which took root in his memory; her eyes shone with an “unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.”

Grandmother was gifted and talented: her fairy tales infused strength into the soul, appealed not only to her grandson, but also to the bearded sailors on the ship, and Good Cause, who was moved to tears, her dance fascinated and consoled.

Let's remember the fire scene. While the grandfather sat and howled quietly, and Uncle Yakov was already snitching on his brother, the grandmother gave orders around the house, rushed into the burning hut for a bottle of dangerous vitriol, the grandfather and Yakov only had to run after her, like confused children, and listen to her instructions. The horse, maddened by fear and fire, became quiet and calmed down when he saw her nearby:

... A little mouse, three times her size, obediently followed her to the gate and snorted, looking at her red face...

Even her grandfather, with all his stinginess for good things, admired and was apparently proud of her:

How's Grandma doing, huh? The old woman... A bat, a broken... That's the same! Oh you...

Everyone was drawn to their grandmother as a support, always ready to help, understand, and console.

Gypsy was kind, cheerful, simple-minded and dexterous, as if he had appeared from grandmother’s fairy tales, ready to help, console, and cheer. His character was like his dance - just as burning, shimmering and bright.

Incomprehensible, frightening and different from everyone else was the tenant Good Delo - a lonely, kind and wise man to whom Alyosha reached out and for whom he sincerely worried when his grandfather finally evicted him.

After the death of people who were close, loved and dear to Alyosha, at the insistence of his grandfather, the boy leaves home “to join the people”, taking with him everything good and kind that these people managed to put into him.

Without turning a blind eye to everything dirty, evil that happened in life and that caused passionate hatred in his soul, Gorky’s hero was convinced that this was not given to people forever, that people are capable of defeating evil and will defeat it if they forget how to endure and learn to fight. This is the basis of the philosophy and life aesthetics of M. Gorky himself.

Gorky Maxim

Russian tales


Russian tales

Being ugly and knowing it, the young man said to himself:

I'm smart. I will become a sage. For us it is very simple. And he began to read thick works - he really was not stupid, he understood that the presence of wisdom is most easily proven by quotations from books.

And after reading so much wise books As long as it takes to become short-sighted, he proudly raised his nose, reddened by the weight of his glasses, and declared to all that existed:

Well, no, you can't fool me! I see that life

This is a trap set for me by nature!

And love? - asked the Spirit of Life.

Thank you, thank God I’m not a poet! I will not enter the iron cage of inevitable duties for the sake of a piece of cheese! But still, he was not a particularly gifted person and therefore decided to take the position of professor of philosophy. He comes to the Minister of Public Education and says:

Your Excellency, here - I can preach that life is meaningless and that the suggestions of nature should not be obeyed!

The minister thought: “Is this good or not?”

Then he asked:

Should you obey the orders of your superiors?

Definitely a must! - said the philosopher, respectfully bowing his book-wipe head. - Because human passions...

Well, that's it! Climb onto the pulpit. Salary - sixteen rubles. Only - if I prescribe that even the laws of nature should be taken into account, look without freethinking! I won't tolerate it! And, after thinking, he said melancholy:

We live in such a time that for the sake of the interests of the integrity of the state, perhaps the laws of nature will have to be recognized not only as existing, but also useful - in part!

“The hell with it!” the philosopher exclaimed mentally. “You’ll get to this point, how?”

And he didn’t say anything out loud.

So he settled down: he climbed into the pulpit every week and said to different curly-haired young men for an hour:

Dear sirs! Man is limited from the outside, limited from the inside, nature is hostile to him, woman is a blind instrument of nature, and for all this our life is completely meaningless!

He was used to thinking like this and often, carried away, spoke beautifully and sincerely; The young students clapped enthusiastically for him, and he, pleased, affectionately nodded his bald head to them, his red nose sparkled with affection, and everything went very well.

Dining in restaurants was bad for him - like all pessimists, he suffered from indigestion - so he got married and dined at home for twenty-nine years; In between, unbeknownst to himself, he fathered four children, and then died.

Behind his coffin walked respectfully and sadly three daughters with their young husbands and a son, a poet in love with all the beautiful women in the world. The students sang Eternal memory" - they sang very loudly and cheerfully, but poorly; over the grave, the professor’s comrades spoke flowery speeches about how harmonious the deceased’s metaphysics was; everything was quite decent, solemn and even touching at times.

So the old man died! - one student said to his comrades when they left the cemetery.

“He was a pessimist,” said another.

And the third asked:

Well? Really?

Pessimist and conservative.

Look, bald! And I didn't even notice...

The fourth student was a poor man, he inquired worriedly:

Will they invite us to the wake?

Yes, they were called.

Since the late professor wrote good books during his lifetime, in which he passionately and beautifully proved the purposelessness of life, the books were bought well and read with pleasure - after all, no matter what you say, people love beautiful things!

The family was well provided for - and pessimism can provide! - the funeral was organized by the rich, the poor student ate unusually well and, when he walked home, he thought, smiling good-naturedly:

"No - and pessimism is useful..."

And there was another case.

Someone, considering himself a poet, wrote poems, but for some reason they were all bad, and this made him very angry.

One day, he was walking down the street and saw: the driver had lost his whip lying on the road.

Inspiration struck the poet, and an image immediately formed in his mind:

Like a black scourge in the dust of the road

Lying - crushed - is the corpse of a snake.

Above him is a swarm of flies buzzing alarmingly,

There are beetles and ants around.

The links of thin ribs turn white

Through the torn scales...

Snake! You remind me

My dying love...

And the whip stood on the end of the whip and said, swaying:

Well, why are you lying? A married man, you know how to read and write, but you’re lying! After all, your love has not died out, you both love your wife and are afraid of her...

The poet got angry:

It's none of your business!..

And the poems are bad...

And you can’t invent such things! You can only whistle, and even then not by yourself.

But still, why are you lying? After all, love hasn’t died out?

You never know what happened, but it needed to be...

Oh, your wife will beat you! Take me to her...

Well, just wait!

Well, God be with you! - said the whip, curling up like a corkscrew, lay down on the road and thought about people, and the poet went to the tavern, asked for a bottle of beer and also began to think, but about himself.

“Although the whip is rubbish, the poetry is again rather bad, that’s true! Strange thing! One always writes bad poems, and sometimes the other one succeeds well, how wrong everything is in this world! Stupid world!"

So he sat, drank and, delving deeper into understanding the world, finally came to a firm decision: “We must tell the truth: this world is absolutely no good, and it’s even offensive for a person to live in it!” He thought in this direction for an hour and a half, and then composed:

The colorful scourge of our passionate desires

Drives us into the coils of Death the Snake,

We are lost in a deep fog.

Ah - kill your desires!

They deceitfully lure us into the distance,

We drag ourselves through the thorns of grievances,

Along the way, our hearts of sorrow are wounded,

And at the end of it, everyone is killed...

And so on in this spirit - twenty-eight lines.

This is clever! - the poet exclaimed and went home, very pleased with himself.

At home, he read the poems to his wife - she also liked it.

Only,” she said, “the first quatrain seems to be wrong...

They'll devour you! Pushkin also started the “wrong” thing... But what is the size? Memorial service!

Then he began to play with his son: sitting him on his knee and throwing him up, he sang in tenor:


On someone else's bridge!

Oh, I'll be rich

I'll wash mine

I won't let anyone in!

We had a very fun evening, and in the morning the poet took his poems to the editor, and the editor said thoughtfully - they are all thoughtful, editors, that’s why magazines are boring.

Hm? - said the editor, touching his nose. - This, you know, is not bad, and most importantly, it is very in tune with the mood of the time, very much so! Hmmm, you may have found yourself. Well, continue in the same spirit... Sixteen kopecks line... four forty-eight... Congratulations!

Then the poems were published, and the poet felt like a birthday boy, and his wife kissed him diligently, languidly saying:

M-my poet, oh! Have a great time!

And one young man - a very good young man, painfully searching for the meaning of life - read these poems and shot himself. He, you see, was sure that the author of the poems, before rejecting life, was looking for meaning in it just as long and painfully as he himself, the young man, was looking for, and he did not know that these gloomy thoughts were sold for sixteen kopecks a line. He was serious.

Let the reader not think that I want to say that sometimes even a whip can be used to benefit people.

Evstigney Zakivakin lived for a long time in quiet modesty, in timid envy, and suddenly unexpectedly became famous.

And it happened like this: one day, after a luxurious feast, he spent his last six hryvnias and, waking up the next morning with a severe hangover, very dejected, sat down to his usual work: composing advertisements in verse for the Anonymous Bureau funeral processions".

He sat down and, sweating profusely, wrote convincingly:

They hit you on the neck or forehead,

All the same, you will lie in a dark coffin...

Are you an honest man or a scoundrel?

Still, they will drag you to the graveyard...

Will you tell the truth or lie?

It's all one: you will die!..

I took the work to the “bureau”, but they didn’t accept it:

Sorry, they say, there is no way to publish this: many dead people may be offended and even shudder in their graves. There is no point in admonishing the living to death; they will die of their own accord, God willing:

Zakivakin was upset:

Damn you! Take care of the dead, erect monuments, serve memorial services, but the living die of hunger...

In a disastrous mood of spirit, he walks the streets and suddenly sees a sign, and on it - in black letters on a white field - it says:

"Harvest of Death"

Also a funeral home, and I didn’t even know it! - Evstigney was delighted.

But it turned out that this was not a bureau, but the editorial office of a new non-partisan and progressive magazine for youth and self-education. Zakivakin was kindly received by the editor-publisher Mokei Govorukhin himself, the son of the famous lard maker and soap maker Antipa Govorukhin, a lively, albeit skinny guy.

Mokey looked at the poems and approved.

March 28150th birthday anniversary Maxim Gorky
(1868 – 1936)
“A person cannot be denied two things: bread and a book”

(Maksim Gorky)

Gorky loved children very much. In my youth, on holidays, with taking guys from all over the street, he went with them for the whole day V forest, and when returning, he often dragged the most tired to the shoulder h ax and back - in a specially made chair.

In my homeland, in Nizhny Novgorod, on New 1901 th d Gorky arranged a Christmas tree for one and a half thousand children of the Nizhny Novgorod poor - with colored electric lights mi (at that time it seemed almost a miracle) and gifts: a bag with a pound of gifts, boots, a shirt. With pain he looked at n travel sadness in the eyes of the little guests, in their elders To seriousness, indignant at those who deprived children of their childhood.

And later the children wrote letters to Gorky, and he answered them - V always friendly, often playfully. "Huge oud V I feel flattered when I correspond with the children,” G said the writer. Everyone knows his saying: "For de T she needs to write the same way as for adults, only better.”

Gorky soulfully portrayed children in his work With TV: works “Foma Gordeev”, “Three”, “Childhood”, Tales of Italy”, “Passion-faces”, “Spectators”, “Grandfather” Ar hip and Lenka", "Misha", "Samovar", "About Ivanushka-doo R Achka", "Shake", "The Case of Evseyka", "Sparrow".

The gymnasium library has such books by M. Gorky for children.

This is how playfully, with humor, Gorky addressed his m to scarlet friends:

My dear children!

It is very difficult to live in the world!

Everywhere - dads and moms

Disobedient and stubborn.

Grandmothers and grandfathers walk

And they growl like cannibals.

And wherever you go -

There are uncles and aunts everywhere.

And there are teachers everywhere

They walk around with cheerful eyes.

They walk, cough, and watch:

Who is the smartest of the guys?

And they will notice: the boy is a striker,

So they will give him bad marks.

Putting glasses on my noses,

They look: where are the girls?

And walking like camels,

They give the girls a bad rating.

My dear children!

These orders are difficult!

Fairy tale by Maxim Gorky "Sparrow"

This tale is about a sparrow family consisting of a sparrow father, a sparrow mother and their yellow-throated son, who cannot yet fly, named Pudik.

He is the main character of this fairy tale. His character is written by the authormost prominently. Pudik, like any kid, longed for independence, knew how to reason, had his own opinion and the habit of disagreeing with adults, for which he paid. It’s interesting: you read about sparrows, but at the same time you think about people - about relationships in families between children and adults.

Everyone has their own business. The father hunts, carries insects and feeds his son. His mother is raising Pudik and teaching him the wisdom of life. The most active one in this family is Pudik. He's interested in everything. He can be called an inquisitive “why”: why the wind blows, why a person does not have wings, why trees sway. At the same time, he is a dreamer. His dream is to make everyone fly, because in the air, in his opinion, it is better than on the ground.

Living by his own mind, Pudik did not want to agree that a person is good without wings: “Nonsense! - said Pudik. - Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings!” He even composed a poem on this topic:

Eh, wingless man,

You have two legs

Even though you are very great,

The midges are eating you!

And I'm very small

But I eat midges myself.

One day, a self-confident little sparrow did not listen to his mother, fell from the nest and almost fell into the cat’s claws. His mother sparrow saved him. Everything ended well, except that the mother, protecting her son, was left without a tail. And for Pudik himself, this event became a moment that made him flap his wings out of fear and fly up to the window. The joy of the first flight was so great that the son did not even notice how the angry mother pecked him on the back of the head. He realized: “You can’t learn everything at once.”

When reading a fairy tale, you need to draw the child’s attention to the abundance of words with the letter “h” and try to highlight it with emphasis. This is a kind of imitation of the chirping of sparrows.

Questions will tell you what to talk about with a child who has listened to a fairy tale. What price did the mother sparrow have to pay to save her son?

7. Why, In your, Pudik learned from falling from the nest? Is it just the ability to take off from the ground?




2.1 The fairy tale “Sparrow” - its closeness to oral works folk art. Fairy tale characters. The image of Pudik, his desire to live “by his own mind”

2.2 Household fairy tale"Samovar". Ridicule of stupidity, complacency, emptiness. Alternation of prose and poetic text in a fairy tale. The satirical nature of the tale

2.3 Story-tale “The Case of Evseyka.” Mark the fairytale fantasy element. The image of Evseika, the humor of the fairy tale, its peculiarity





Maxim Gorky entered literature on the verge of two historical eras, he seemed to combine these two eras. The time of moral turmoil and disappointment, general discontent, mental fatigue - on the one hand, and the maturation of future events that have not yet been openly manifested - on the other, found its bright and passionate artist in early Gorky. At the age of twenty, Gorky saw the world in such terrifying diversity that his bright faith in man, in his strength and capabilities seems incredible. But the young writer was inherent in the desire for the ideal, for the beautiful - here he was worthy successor best traditions Russian literature of the past.

Maxim Gorky grew up in a popular environment, which gives his work folk character, and his images romantic traits, poetic harmony, soulfulness and beauty. He inherited from his parents lively humor, love of life and truthfulness, folk traditions and a romantic, poetic attitude to life and creativity. A truly Russian folk trait of the writer was his love for children. Gorky felt sorry for them, remembering his not simple, but sometimes even tragic childhood, he corresponded with children and their letters brought him not just joy, they nourished his creativity, finding the most hidden tender strings in the depths of his soul. Gorky's children's works are a golden fund of literature for children, which gives relevance to this study.

The purpose of the study is to study the creativity of A.M. Gorky, aimed at moral education and child support.

The object of research is the work of A.M. Gorky.

Subject of research - A.M. Gorky - for children.

On the way to the goal, the following tasks were solved:

1). Define the work of M. Gorky as the founder of children's literature.

). Analyze M. Gorky’s fairy tales “Sparrow”, “Samovar”, “The Case of Yevseyka”.

). Assess M. Gorky’s ability to talk “funny” with children about serious issues, deep knowledge of children’s interests and needs.

The following methods were used to work on the topic: historical definition, analytical observation, data comparison, content analysis.

The work was based on the works of: N.D. Teleshova, I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikolaeva, A.A. Kunarev and others.


Unusual life and creative destiny Maxim Gorky (real name - Alexey Peshkov). Born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1868 into an ordinary working class family. Lost his parents early. He spent his childhood in his grandfather's family. Alyosha didn’t have to study. He experienced the hardships of life early, traveled a lot around Rus', learned the life of tramps, the unemployed, the hard work of workers and hopeless poverty. From all this frailty, the pseudonym appeared - Maxim Gorky.

It is generally accepted that in Gorky’s work there are two main groups of works in terms of their artistic properties. One of them - realistic works, the other is romantic. Such a division should be accepted, but only on one condition: in no case should both of these groups be considered completely separately, because this inevitably leads to the separation of artistic quests from the social soil on which they arose, from the social life of Russia in the 90s.

The ideological and artistic similarity of Gorky's realistic and romantic stories is one of the main signs of his formation as a writer. But there are also significant aesthetic differences that manifest themselves in the artistic interpretation of realistic and romantic images. Both the closeness and the difference between Gorky’s two main cycles of stories are different sides of the same process, artistic development new method in art. Only by comparing the realistic and romantic works of M. Gorky can one analytically trace how the transition to a new quality took place in Russian literature, which fully and comprehensively reflected the content of the era.

The problem of love develops in Gorky’s romantic fairy tales “About the Little Fairy and the Young Shepherd” and “The Girl and Death”. Gorky defined the theme of one of them as follows: “ New fairy tale on an old topic: about love, which stronger than life" The fairy tale “About the Little Fairy and the Young Shepherd” is built on an antithesis: the opposition of forest and steppe. An old shady forest with mighty beeches and velvet foliage is a world of peace and bourgeois comfort. Here the queen of the forest lives in contentment and bliss with her daughters, here they sympathetically listen to the speeches of the important and stupid mole, confident that happiness lies in wealth.

In the steppe there are neither lush palaces nor rich underground storerooms. Only the free wind plays with gray feather grass, and the endless sky turns blue, and plays multi-colored paints steppe expanse. Gorky depicts the landscape in a romantic way: the steppe at sunset is painted in bright purple, as if a huge velvet curtain had been hung there, and gold was burning in its folds.

The kingdom of strength and freedom -

“My mighty steppe,” the shepherd sings.

Unlike the important mole, the shepherd has no property. But he has black curls, dark cheeks, fiery eyes and a brave heart. The sounds of his song are like the cry of an eagle. And the little fairy, who lived so happily and calmly in the palace of the Queen Mother, goes to the shepherd and dies. Maya, writes Gorky, “is like a lonely birch tree, which, loving freedom, moved out of the forest far into the steppe and stood in the wind.” The wind and thunderstorm killed her. The death of the fairy is symbolic: “the song of freedom does not go well with the song of love,” love is also slavery, it fetters the will of man. Dying, Maya says to the shepherd: “You are free again, like an eagle.”

The love of Maya and the shepherd is as strong as the love of Loiko Zobar and Radda. In her name, Maya gives up the palace, the forest, and her mother, who dies of grief. She tries to overcome even the insane, unbearable fear that grips her during a thunderstorm: after all, after the thunderstorm, Maya still remains with the shepherd. The exclusivity of feelings makes Gorky's heroes similar to romantic images Byron and Schiller, Pushkin and Lermontov. In the fairy tale about the little fairy, the image of a noble human heart, rejecting the philistine canons established over the centuries. Fear of Fate and Death overcomes the feeling of Love. Maya tries to explain this to the shepherd and adds: “Perhaps I would have said more if I could take the heart out of my chest and bring it on my hand to your eyes.”

In the fairy tale “About the Little Fairy and the Young Shepherd” a motive appears for the first time, which, as it grows, will sound more and more insistently in others. romantic works Gorky. This is a hymn to freedom and a delight in the storm. During a thunderstorm, a shepherd stands in the blackened steppe as firmly as a rock, exposing his chest to the arrows of lightning. The description of the thunderstorm is made in rhythmic prose and is reminiscent of the “Song of the Petrel” written later: “Arrows of lightning tore the clouds, but they again merged and rushed over the steppe in a gloomy, terrifying flock. And sometimes, with a clap of thunder, something round, like the sun, blinding with blue light, fell from the sky to the ground...”

Thus, the problems posed by the writer M. Gorky in his work are perceived as relevant and pressing for solving the issues of our time. Gorky, who openly declared at the end of the 19th century about his faith in man, in his mind, in his creative, transformative capabilities, to today continues to arouse readers' interest.

bitter tale for children


1 The fairy tale “Sparrow” - its closeness to works of oral folk art. Fairy tale characters. The image of Pudik, his desire to live “by his own mind”

One of Gorky’s most striking children’s works can rightfully be defined as the fairy tale “Sparrow”. Sparrow Pudik did not yet know how to fly, but he was already looking out of the nest with curiosity: “I wanted to quickly find out what God's peace and whether it is suitable for him.” Pudik is very inquisitive, he still wants to understand: why the trees sway (let them stop - then there will be no wind); why are these people wingless - did the cat cut off their wings?.. Because of his excessive curiosity, Pudik gets into trouble - he falls out of the nest; and the cat “red, green eyes” is right there. There is a battle between the mother sparrow and the red-haired robber. Pudik even took off from fear for the first time in his life... Everything ended well, “if you forget that mom was left without a tail.”

In the image of Pudik, the character of a child is clearly visible - spontaneous, disobedient, playful. Gentle humor and discreet colors create a warm and good world this fairy tale. The language is clear, simple, and understandable to children. The speech of the bird characters is based on onomatopoeia:

"- I'm sorry, what? - the mother sparrow asked him.

He shook his wings and, looking at the ground, chirped:

Too black, too much!

Dad flew in, brought bugs to Pudik and boasted:

Am I chiv? Mother Sparrow approved of him:

Chiv, chiv!”

The story about the little sparrow has been published more than once. Little Pudik did not want to obey his parents and almost disappeared. What happens: listen to mom and dad, and everything will be okay? Well, not really. Gorky does not scold Pudik at all, but sympathizes with him. Thanks to its audacity, the chick learned to fly. And to my mother’s condemning “what, what?” (see, they say, what happens if you don’t obey?) The chick answers convincingly and wisely: “You can’t learn everything at once!”

In the fairy tale “Sparrow” there is another moment of education. This is the cultivation of kindness towards the world and all its diversity. Pudik thinks that he, his dad and mom are the most perfect creatures on this earth. Indeed: they live high, under a roof and look down on the world.

Below, people walk back and forth who are much larger than Pudik in size and, of course, physically stronger than him. But people are “eaten by midges”, small creatures that are much smaller than Pudik himself and cause trouble for the big man. What could be worse than being literally eaten? And little Pudik eats these same midges himself. So what happens: Pudik is stronger than midges, which means he stronger than man?

“A man walks past the bathhouse,” we read in a fairy tale, “waving his arms.

“The cat tore off his wings,” said Pudik, “only the bones remained!”

This is a man, they are all wingless! - said the sparrow.

They have such a rank that they can live without wings, they always jump on their feet, wow?

If they had wings, they would catch us like dad and I catch midges...

Nonsense! - said Pudik. - Nonsense, nonsense! Everyone should have wings. It’s worse on the ground than in the air!.. When I grow up big, I’ll make everyone fly.

Pudik did not believe his mother; He didn’t yet know that if he didn’t trust his mother, it would end badly.

He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang his own poems at the top of his lungs:

Eh, wingless man,

You have two legs

Even though you are very great,

The midges are eating you!”

Pudik literally grew in his eyes, became proud and squealed: “I’m quite small, but I eat midges myself.” But then he falls out of the nest and finds himself in front of the mouth of a big red cat, which is preparing to eat him, the famous and best Pudik in the world. Pudik experiences a chilling fear that he might become food for a scary cat. It turns out that the cat is the strongest?

And then the mother sparrow comes to the rescue. She fearlessly rushes at the cat and takes it away from Pudik. Is mom really the strongest? And what is stronger is not mother, but mother’s love. And children reading the fairy tale understand this. They immediately realized how mistaken the little stupid chick was, considering himself stronger than a person. But they realized that a mother, any mother - a person, a bird, a kitten - would not let her child be offended. She will not spare not only her tail, but also life itself. This means that you need to love your mother and be grateful to her for her dedication and daily care.

And yet, we must respect life, animals and birds. After all, everyone has mothers, everyone is happy that they live, everyone has their own dreams and desires. And because the world is populated different creatures, he is both handsome and challenging and interesting. This is how, without edification and in an accessible form, Gorky teaches the little reader great lesson life.

The fairy tale “Sparrow” is written in the style of oral folk art. The story sounds leisurely and allegorical. As in folk culture, sparrows are endowed with feelings, thoughts, and human experiences. As in a folk tale, there is something heroic and comic here. As in a folk tale, Gorky’s work contains a large educational factor.

Thus, the fairy tale “Sparrow” is one of the brightest works for children included in the treasury of world culture.

2.2 Household fairy tale “Samovar”. Ridicule of stupidity, complacency, emptiness. Alternation of prose and poetic text in a fairy tale. The satirical nature of the tale

Sparrow Pudik loved to brag. But he is far from a samovar. What a braggart! I forgot every measure. And he will jump out of the window, and marry the moon, and take on the responsibilities of the sun! Boasting does no good. The samovar is falling apart: they forgot to pour water into it. The cups rejoice at the inglorious death of the samovar braggart, and the readers have fun.

Sending “Samovar” to the children of his friend, Gorky informed them that he wrote it “with his own hand and on purpose” for “Tata, Lelya and Boba, so that they would love me, because although I am an invisible person, I can write different stories about cockroaches, samovars, grandfathers of brownies, elephants and other insects. Yes!.."

The fairy tale “Samovar” contains many light, witty poems that children readily remember. The writer included “Samovar” in the first book he compiled and edited for children, “Yolka” (1918). This collection is part of the writer's big plan to create a library of children's literature. The collection was intended to be a fun book. “More humor, even satire,” Gorky admonished the authors. Chukovsky recalled: “Gorky’s own fairy tale “Samovar,” placed at the beginning of the entire book, is precisely a satire for children, denouncing self-praise and conceit. “Samovar” is prose interspersed with poetry. At first he wanted to call it “About the samovar who became arrogant,” but then he said: “I don’t want there to be a sermon instead of a fairy tale!” - and changed the title."

Indeed, there is no “sermon” in the fairy tale, but there is certainly a moral teaching. However, it is enclosed in such a funny game uniform, which is perceived by the reader easily and cheerfully, without the slightest protest. The hero of the fairy tale Samovar really loved to boast; he considered himself smart, handsome, he had long wanted the Moon to be taken from the sky and made into a tray for him. “The samovar got so hot that it turned blue all over and was trembling and buzzing:

“I’ll let it simmer a little more,

And when I get bored, -

I'll jump out the window right away

And I’ll marry the moon!”

An old kettle, in which water is also boiling, argues with the samovar. Gorky masterfully betrays their dialogue, which is interrupted by remarks from the dishes standing around. The dialogue is so bright and juicy that it makes you believe that this is really a samovar and a teapot arguing. “So they both boiled and boiled, preventing everyone who was on the table from sleeping. The teapot teases:

She's rounder than you.

But there are no coals in it, -

samovar answers.

Each character in this tale has his own voice. The blue creamer, from which all the cream has been poured, irritably says to the empty glass sugar bowl: “Everything is empty, everything is empty! I'm tired of these two." And the sugar bowl answers in a “sweet voice”: “Yes, their chatter annoys me too.” The teapot, cups, samovar stew communicate with each other only in poetry, and everyone puffs and snorts... The samovar falls into pieces - and that’s the end of the fairy tale.

In one of his letters to children, Gorky noted: “Although I am not very young, I am not a boring guy and I know how to show quite well what happens to a samovar in which they put hot coals and forgot to pour water.” However, the meaning of the tale, of course, does not end there; it reveals itself to the little reader in the final muttering of the stew:

Look: people are forever

They complain about fate

And they forgot the stew

Put it on the pipe!

Thus, an ordinary samovar received the status of a living creature and showed how pompous and stupid it is in its boastfulness. Even the teaware, which he practically never parted with, did not want to sympathize with him. Bitter for condemnation human weaknesses and vices masterfully uses everyday objects, showing in their images what bragging, bragging and disrespect for others can lead to.

2.3 Story-tale “The Case of Evseyka.” Mark the fairytale fantasy element. The image of Evseika, the humor of the fairy tale, its peculiarity

And about the fisherman - a “fictional” story. The boy Evseyka miraculously ends up on the seabed and talks to the fish. The character of the hero in the fairy tale “The Case of Evseyka” is more complicated, because the hero is older than Pudik in age. The underwater world where the boy Evseyka finds himself is inhabited by creatures that are in conflict with each other. difficult relationship. Small fish, for example, tease a big crayfish - they sing a teaser in chorus:

Cancer lives under the stones

The fishtail is chewed by the crayfish.

The fishtail is very dry.

Cancer does not know the taste of flies.

The underwater inhabitants are trying to drag Yevseyka into their relationship. He stubbornly resists: they are fish, and he is a man. He has to be cunning so as not to offend someone with an awkward word and not get himself into trouble. Real life Evseyki intertwines with fantasy: “Fools,” he mentally addresses the fish. “I got two B’s in Russian last year.”

The fairy tale is not just instructive, it is also very educational for the young reader. In a witty and humorous form, Gorky conveys the sometimes dangerous, sometimes comic life underwater world. Pisces laughs at the boy’s appearance, which does not correspond to Pisces’ ideas of beauty; Pisces are offended by a carelessly spoken word.

IN ordinary life Evseyka would not stand on ceremony with fish, but once in their world, he weighs his words, tries to be polite, realizing that he could easily lose his life. The instinct of self-preservation awakens in him, and the talent for diplomacy opens up. “Now I’m going to start crying,” he thought, but immediately realized that if you don’t cry, you can’t see tears in the water, and he decided that there’s no point in crying, maybe somehow he’ll be able to get out of this unpleasant story.

And all around - oh my God! - different sea inhabitants have gathered - there is no number! A sea cucumber climbs onto your leg, looking like a poorly drawn piglet, and hisses:

I would like to get to know you better... The sea bubble trembles in front of my nose, pouts, puffs - reproaches Evseyka:

Good, good! Neither cancer, nor fish, nor shellfish, ah-ya-ay!

Wait, maybe I’ll still be an aviator,” Yevsey tells him, and a lobster climbed onto his knees and, moving his eyes on strings, politely asks:

May I know what time it is?

The sepia floated past, just like a wet handkerchief; siphonophores flicker everywhere like glass balls, a shrimp tickles one ear, someone curious also probes the other, even small crustaceans travel around the head, tangled in the hair and tugging at it.

"Oh oh oh!" - Evseika exclaimed to himself, trying to look at everything carefree and affectionately, like dad when he is to blame and mom is angry with him.”

Evseyka showed cunning and resourcefulness. No matter how much the fish boasted about their scales, fins, tails, and most importantly, their intelligence, the boy outwitted them and got to the surface. The dream was so true and vivid that Evseika, waking up and emerging from the water, believed that it was not a dream at all.

Towards the end, the action of the fairy tale moves through a chain of funny situations and witty dialogues. In the end, it turns out that Evseyka dreamed of all these wonderful events when he, sitting with a fishing rod on the seashore, fell asleep. This is how Gorky solved the traditional problem of the interaction between fiction and reality in literary fairy tales. And for the little reader, the fairy tale “Evseyka” is science: never lose courage, be smart and dexterous in order to get out of trouble, even when mom and dad are not around. Evseika more than once remembered how dad would behave in this situation. And this helped him cope with the problem.

Thus, the fairy tale “Evseika” is one of the best works of art in children's literature, in which the talent of Gorky the writer and the kindness of Gorky the person were clearly demonstrated. From folk tale she is distinguished by the writer’s bright artistic talent in describing details and images.


“I warmly greet the future heroes of labor and science. Live in harmony, like the fingers of a musician’s wonderfully working hands. Learn to understand the meaning of work and science - two forces that solve all the mysteries of life, overcome all obstacles on the path shown to you by your fathers, on the path to a bright, happy, heroic life.” Gorky wrote these words in one of his last letters to children. And he was friends with them all his life.

Once, in a distant town, a little reader borrowed the story “Childhood” from the library. And - it just so happened - I lost her. Losing a library book is unpleasant and embarrassing. The boy was very upset. Well, I just got desperate. He didn't know what to do. And, in the end, he wrote a letter to Moscow, the author of the book, Gorky himself. And he told everything as it is. And he began to wait to see what would happen. And after some time a parcel arrived from Moscow. The boy had no acquaintances in Moscow, and he immediately understood that this package was from Gorky. The parcel contained two copies of “Childhood”.

A simple and touching incident speaks of what a sympathetic person Alexey Maksimovich Gorky was. And how tenderly he treated the guys. He wrote to his son Maxim kind letters. He loved to joke with his granddaughters - Marfa and Daria. Grandfather called them either girls, then girlies, then girlies, then girlies, then girlies, then girlies. Those are cheerful old ladies. That's kids. That is by highly respected learned girls.

The history of Gorky's stories and fairy tales for children begins unusually: with an earthquake. It happened on December 15, 1908 in southern Italy. The earthquake began early in the morning, at six o'clock. Everyone was still fast asleep. A few minutes later the city of Messina was already in ruins. Messina had suffered from tremors before, but now the city suffered especially hard. Thousands of people died. And the wounded could not even be counted.

Messina is a port. All ships nearby swam to the shore. The Russian ships “Bogatyr”, “Slava”, “Admiral Makarov” also came to anchor. The sailors began to save the city residents. The next morning Gorky arrived in Messina. He lived nearby at that time, on the island of Capri. I worked there and received treatment. “What can I do for the victims? - thought the writer. - They need medicine, clothes, money. They need to build new houses to continue living.”

Gorky had a powerful weapon in his hands - the word. His books were sold all over the world. Readers in different countries listened to his word. They knew that he loved people and wished them well. And Gorky appealed to the whole world: come to the aid of Italy. People responded to his call. Money and things began to be sent to Messina. Many donations came to Gorky. One day, money and a letter written in a child's handwriting arrived from Russia. Gorky read the letter. Unknown to him, kids from Bailov (a suburb of Baku) wrote: “Please give our money... to the writer Maxim Gorky for the Messinians.” The letter was signed: “School of naughty people.”

Where did these naughty people get the money from? They earned it themselves! The play was staged and the tickets sold out. The children were led by Alisa Ivanovna Radchenko, a talented teacher. Subsequently, she worked together with Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya. The envelope contained a photograph of twelve participants in the performance.

Gorky replied: “Dear children! I received the money you collected for the Messinians and I sincerely thank you for everyone you helped. I sincerely wish for you, good little people, that throughout your life you will be as sensitive and responsive to the grief of others as you were in this case. The best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and loved by people! This is the truth, do not forget it, and it will give you immeasurable happiness. ...Be healthy, love each other and - do more pranks - when you are old men and women - you will begin to remember the pranks with a cheerful laugh. I press your paws tightly, may they be honest and strong all the days of your life!..”

Then the children from the “School of Naughty People” - Borya, Vitya, Gynt, Dima, Fedya, Jeffrey, Zhenya, Irena, Lena, Lisa, Mema, Mary, Nora, Pavel and Elsa - sent Gorky a letter.

The letter from six-year-old Fedya said: “We have 3 main naughty kids at school: Jeffrey, Borya and Fedya. Besides, I’m a big sluggard” (Here and below, materials stored in the A.M. Gorky Archive are used). Jeffrey wrote even more briefly: “I fell into the pool. Hooray!" - and illustrated his message with a drawing. And Borya wrote: “Uncle Alyosha! I love you, do you have a horse, a cow and a bull? Write us a story about a little sparrow. And also write us some fictitious story about the boy fishing. I kiss you... I would like to see you.”

Gorky this time did not leave his little friends’ letters unanswered. In his second letter to the naughty people, Gorky, having amicably scolded them for so skillfully distorting the Russian language: instead of “lazy” they write “lintyay”, and instead of “performance” they write “spil-talk”, he admitted: “I really like to play with children , this is an old habit of mine, little, about ten years old, I babysat my little brother... then I babysat two more children; and finally, when I was about 20 years old, on holidays I gathered children from all over the street where I lived and went into the forest with them for the whole day, from morning to evening. It was nice, you know! There were up to 60 children, they were small, from four years old and no older than ten; running through the forest, they often found themselves unable to walk home. Well, I had such a chair made for this, I tied it on my back and on my shoulders, the tired ones sat in it, and I carried them home through the field perfectly. Wonderful!"

The children were delighted with Gorky's letters. “My dear Gorky! - Nora wrote. - Your letter is very affectionate. Mom and Dad love you, and so do I. …I’m a girl, but I wear a boy’s dress because it makes me feel comfortable.” Lisa asked: “How are you doing? What are the Messinians doing? Vitya was interested in nature: “Are there sponges in the sea that surrounds Capri? How many miles are there along and across Capri? What is the name of the sea that surrounds Capri? Seven-year-old Pavka wrote: “Dear Maximushka Gorky! To please you, I am sending you a letter. I love to read very much and, returning from school, where I had a lot of fun, I sit down to read a book. I read about all sorts of plants and animals, their lives are very interesting. You wrote to us that we are all snub-nosed, and I saw your card, on it you yourself are snub-nosed, which I am very happy about.”

And Gorky said that, having received the children’s letters, he “laughed with joy so much that all the fish stuck their noses out of the water - what’s the matter?” But the most important thing is that Gorky fulfilled the request of one of the three main naughty people: they wrote about a sparrow and about a young fisherman!

From the letter to the naughty people it is clear how the story with the samovar was written. “Although I’m not very young,” Gorky slyly noted, “I’m not a boring guy, and I know how to show quite well what happens to a samovar in which they put hot coals and forgot to pour water.”

Apparently, Gorky more than once happened to meet with children and talk about the samovar. In the end, Gorky wrote down on paper oral history, composed by him a long time ago. He knew the value of kindness. He was touched by the action of the Bail boys. He thanked the good little people the way only he could thank them: with stories, fairy tales, poems.

“...if these lines ever reach Gorky,” wrote Alisa Ivanovna Radchenko in 1926, “let him know that the naughty girls of that time lived up to his hopes, became good, sensitive, sympathetic people and socially useful workers...”


Maxim Gorky entered world literature as a realist writer, for whom the truth of life was a powerful engine of his creativity. Gorky had a powerful weapon in his hands - the word. His books were sold all over the world. Readers in different countries listened to his words. They knew that he loved people and wished them well. It is generally accepted that in Gorky’s work there are two main groups of works in terms of their artistic properties. One of them is realistic works, the other is romantic. Such a division should be accepted, but only on one condition: in no case should both of these groups be considered completely separately, because this inevitably leads to the separation of artistic quests from the social soil on which they arose, from the social life of Russia in the 90s.

The problems posed by the writer M. Gorky in his work are perceived as relevant and pressing for solving the issues of our time. Gorky, who openly declared at the end of the 19th century his faith in man, in his mind, in his creative, transformative capabilities, continues to arouse interest among readers to this day.

But Gorky, a recognized genius writer of socialist realism, was also a wonderful children's writer. His children's works are filled with the light of love, kindness and understanding of the child's soul. One of Gorky’s most striking children’s works can rightfully be defined as the fairy tale “Sparrow”. In the image of Pudik, the character of a child is clearly visible - spontaneous, disobedient, playful. Gentle humor and discreet colors create the warm and kind world of this fairy tale. The language is clear, simple, and understandable to children. The speech of the bird characters is based on onomatopoeia.

Sparrow Pudik loved to brag. But he is far from a samovar. What a braggart! I forgot every measure. And he will jump out of the window, and marry the moon, and take on the responsibilities of the sun! Boasting does no good. The samovar is falling apart: they forgot to pour water into it. The cups rejoice at the inglorious death of the samovar braggart, and the readers find it fun and instructive.

For the little reader, the fairy tale “Evseyka” is also science: never lose courage, be smart and dexterous to get out of trouble, even when mom and dad are not around. Evseika more than once remembered how dad would behave in this situation. And this helped him cope with the problem of getting out of the water kingdom onto land.

Thus, Maxim Gorky was able not only to understand the soul of the child, he loved her with all his soul. Creating children's works of art, he made sure that reading books was interesting, instructive and entertaining for the child. Gorky's fairy tales are written in kind folk style, but they have their own unique flavor, are imbued with the writer’s good humor and are replete with vivid images and details, which brings them closer to the world of childhood experiences.


1.Gorky Maxim [Text] // Writers of our childhood. 100 names: biobibliographic dictionary in 3 parts. Part 3. - M.: Liberea, 2000. - P. 134-142.

.Gorky, M. Literary heritage [Text] / M. Gorky // Gorky, M. Complete. collection Op. T.7. - M.: Khud. lit., 1975. - P. 166.

.Gorky, M. Elka [Text] / M. Gorky // Gorky, M. Complete. collection Op. T.1. - M.: Khud. lit., 1975. - pp. 125-159.

.Gorky, M. About children's literature [Text] / M. Gorky. - M.: Det. lit., 1972. - 248 p.

.Kunarev, A.A. Early prose of M. Gorky. Moral and aesthetic quests [Text] / A.A. Kunarev // Russian literature. XX century: reference materials. - M.: Education, 1995. - P. 234-238.

.Maxim Gorky and new children's literature [Text] // Arzamastseva, I.N. Children's literature: a textbook for students. higher ped. textbook head / I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikolaev. - 3rd ed. reworked and additional - M.: Publishing house. Center Academy, 2005. - pp. 280-289.

.Teleshov, N.D. Notes of a writer [Text] / N.D. Teleshov. - M.: Det. lit., 1982. - 265 p.


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The satire “Russian Fairy Tales” is one of best works M. Gorky, in which he wittily exposed the Black Hundreds, chauvinism, decadence and liberalism.

Evstigney Zakivakin lived for a long time in quiet modesty, in timid envy, and suddenly unexpectedly became famous.

And it happened like this: one day, after a luxurious feast, he spent his last six hryvnias and, waking up the next morning with a severe hangover, very dejected, sat down to his usual work: writing advertisements in verse for the “Anonymous Bureau of Funeral Processions.”

He sat down and, sweating profusely, wrote convincingly:

I took the work to the “bureau”, but they didn’t accept it:

“Sorry,” they say, “there is no way to publish this: many dead people may be offended and even shudder in their graves.” There is no point in admonishing the living to death - they will die of their own accord, God willing...

Zakivakin was upset:

- Damn you! Take care of the dead, erect monuments, serve memorial services, but the living die of hunger...

In a disastrous mood of spirit, he walks the streets and suddenly sees a sign, and on it, in black letters on a white field, it says:

– Also a funeral home, but I didn’t even know it! – Evstigney was delighted.

But it turned out that this was not a bureau, but the editorial office of a new non-partisan and progressive magazine for youth and self-education. Zakivakin was kindly received by the editor-publisher Mokei Govorukhin himself, the son of the famous lard maker and soap maker Antipa Govorukhin, a lively, albeit skinny guy.

Mokey looked at the poems and approved:

“Your inspiration,” he says, “is precisely that very, unspoken word of new poetry, in search of which I equipped myself, like the Argonaut Herostratus...

Of course, he lied all this at the suggestion of the traveling critic Lazar Serum, who also always lied, which is how he created a big name for himself.

Mokey looks at Evstigney with buying eyes and repeats:

– The material is just right for us, but keep in mind that we don’t publish poems for nothing!

“I want to be paid,” Evstigneika admitted.

- Wa-am? For poetry? You're kidding! – Mokey laughs. - We, sir, only hung up the sign the day before yesterday, and during this time seventy-nine fathoms of poetry were sent to us! And everyone's name is signed!

But Evstigney does not give in, and they agreed on a nickel per line.

- Only because you’ve done it really well! - Mokey explained. “You should choose a pseudonym, otherwise Zakivakin is not very good.” Now, if only... for example, - Smertyashkin, huh? Stylish!

“It’s all the same,” said Evstigney. - I just want to get a fee: I really want to eat...

He was a simple-minded guy.

And after some time, the poems were published on the first page of the first book of the magazine, under the title: “The Voice of Eternal Truth.”

From that day on, glory befell Evstigneika: the inhabitants read his poems and rejoiced:

- He wrote correctly, mother’s son! And we live, try somehow, this and that, and it was imperceptible to us that in our life, by the way, there is no meaning! Well done Smertyashkin!

And they began to invite him to evenings, to weddings, to funerals and wakes, and his poems were published in all fashion magazines, half a line long, and already literary evenings full-breasted ladies, smiling charmingly, read “the poetry of Smertyashkin”:

Life hits us every day,

Death threatens us from everywhere!

From every point of view

We are only victims of decay!

- Bravo! Thank you! - the residents shout.

“But perhaps I really am a poet?” - Evstigneika thought and began - little by little - to become arrogant: he put on black and variegated socks and ties, put on black trousers with a white stripe across them and began to speak languidly, spreading his eyes in different directions:

- Oh, how vulgar it is!

He read the funeral liturgy and used gloomy words in his speech: paki, dondezhe, in vain...

Various critics walk around him, draining Evstigneikin’s fees, and suggest to him:

– Go deeper, Evstigney, and we will support you!

And indeed, when the book “Obituaries of Desires, Poems of Evstigney Smertyashkin” was published, critics very favorably noted the deep sepulchral mood of the author. Evstigneika, to celebrate, decided to get married: he went to his familiar modern girl Nymphodora Zavalyashkina and told her:

- Oh, ugly, inglorious, without form!

She had been expecting this for a long time and, falling on his chest, coos, decomposing with happiness:

“I agree to go to death hand in hand with you!”

– Doomed to destruction! - exclaimed Evstigney.

Nymphodora, mortally wounded by passion, responds:

– My vanishing without a trace!

But immediately, fully returning to life, she suggested:

– We must definitely arrange a stylish life!

Smertyashkin was already used to a lot of things and immediately understood.

“I,” he says, “of course, am unattainably above all prejudices, but if you want, let’s get married in the cemetery church!”

- Do I want to? Oh yeah! And all the best men will shoot themselves immediately after the wedding!

“Everyone probably won’t agree to this, but Kukin can,” he’s already shot himself seven times.

- And so that the priest would be old, you know, like... on the eve of death.

So, dreaming stylishly, they sat until the mournful face of the moon appeared from the cold grave of space, where myriads of extinct suns were buried and frozen planets were circling in a dead dance - until in this desert of the bottomless cemetery of departed worlds the mournful face of the moon appeared, gloomily illuminating the earth that was devouring everything is alive... Ah, this eerie glow of the dead moon, like the glow of rotten earth, always reminds sensitive hearts that the meaning of existence is decay, decay...

Smertyashkin was so inspired that even without much difficulty he composed poems and whispered them in a black whisper into the ear of the future skeleton of his beloved:

Chu, death knocks with an honest hand

On the coffin lid, like a tambourine!..

I hear her call so clearly

Through the vulgar chaos of boring everyday life.

Life argues with her - with a false cry

Calls people to his deceptions;

But you and I will not increase

The number of slaves captured by her!

You can't bribe us with sweet lies,

After all, you and I both know.

Life is just a moment, painful and short,

And its meaning is under the coffin lid!

- How dead! - Nymphodora admired, - How stupidly grave!

She understood all these things perfectly.

On the fortieth day after this, they got married at Nikola’s on Tychka, in an old church, closely surrounded by the complacent graves of an overcrowded cemetery. For the sake of style, two gravediggers signed up to witness the marriage; the groomsmen were notorious candidates for suicide; the bride chose three hysterical women as her friends, one of whom had already tasted vinegar essence, others were preparing for this, and one gave honestly commit suicide on the ninth day after the wedding.

And when they went out onto the porch, the best man, a pimply guy who had studied the effects of salvarsan on himself, opened the carriage door and said gloomily:

- Here's a hearse!

The newlywed, in a white dress with black ribbons and under a black veil, was dying of delight, and Smertyashkin. looking around the audience with wet eyes, he asked the best man:

– Are there any reporters?

- And the photographer...

– Don’t move, Nymph...

The reporters, out of respect for the poet, dressed up as torchbearers, and the photographer as an executioner, but the residents - they don’t care what they look at, it would be funny! - residents approved:

– Quel chic!

And even some eternally starving man agreed with them:

- Charmant!

“Yes,” Smertyashkin said to the newlywed over dinner in a restaurant opposite the cemetery, “we buried our youth perfectly!” This is exactly what is called victory over life!

– Do you remember that these are all my ideas? – Nymphodora asked tenderly.

- Yours? Really?

- Certainly.

- Well does not matter:

“But still, I won’t let you absorb my personality!” – she warned charmingly. - And then, satellites, I think you need to pronounce two “t” and two “l”! However, the satellites generally seem out of place to me...

Smertyashkin once again tried to overcome her with poetry:

“No, this should be left for others,” she said meekly.

After a long series of such and similar clashes, Smertyashkin accidentally gave birth to a child - a girl, and Nymphodora commanded:

– Order a cradle in the shape of a coffin!

“Isn’t this too much, Nymphochka?”

- No, please! You must maintain your style strictly if you do not want critics and the public to reproach you for duality and insincerity...

She turned out to be a very thrifty lady: she salted the cucumbers herself, carefully collected all the reviews about her husband’s poems and, destroying the disapproving ones, published the praiseworthy ones in separate volumes at the expense of the poet’s fans.

From good food she became a stout woman, her eyes were always clouded with dreams, arousing in male people a passionate desire to submit to fate. She brought in the home critic, a wiry, red-haired man, sat him down next to her, and, piercing her misty gaze straight into his heart, she read her husband’s poems in a deliberate nasal voice, asking with conviction:

- Deep? Strongly?

At first he only mumbled, and then began to write monthly fiery articles about Smertyashkin, who “with incomprehensible depth penetrated into the abyss of that black secret that we, pathetic ones, call Death. and he fell in love with a transparent child with pure love. His amber soul was not darkened by the knowledge of the horror of the purposelessness of existence, but transformed this horror into quiet joy, into a sweet call for the destruction of that continuous vulgarity that we, blind souls, call Life.”

With the supportive help of the red-haired man - by conviction he was a mystic and an esthete, by name Prokharchuk, by profession - a hairdresser - Nymphodora brought Evstigneika to a public reading of poetry: he would go out onto the stage, turn his knees to the right and left, looking at the residents with white sheep's eyes and, shaking his angular head, on which various varieties of basal color grew, broadcasts indifferently:

In life we ​​are as if at a train station,

Before leaving for the dark world of the afterlife...

The fewer suitcases you took,

This makes it easier and more convenient for you!

Let's live meaninglessly and simply!

Be empty, then you will be pure.

The path from the cradle to the graveyard is short!

Death serves as a driver for life!..

- Bravo! - shout completely satisfied residents. - Thank you!

And they say to each other:

- Cleverly, the scoundrel, he proves, even though he’s such a sucker!..

Those who knew that Smertyashkin had previously written poetry for the “Anonymous Bureau of Funeral Processions” were, of course, still confident that he sang all his songs to advertise the “bureau”, but, being equally indifferent to everything, they remained silent, keeping one thing firmly in mind:

“Everyone needs to eat!”

“Or maybe I really am a genius! – thought Smertyashkin, listening to the approving roar of the residents. – After all, no one knows what a genius is; some argued that geniuses are crazy... And if so..."

And when meeting with acquaintances, he began to ask them not about their health, but:

- When will you die?

This has made it even more popular among residents.

And the wife arranged the living room in the form of a crypt: she placed green sofas, in the style of grave mounds, and on the walls she hung photographs from Goya, Callot, and even Wurtz!


“Even in our nursery, the spirit of Death is palpable: the children sleep in coffins, the nanny is dressed as a schema-woman - you know, such a black sundress, with white embroidery - skulls, bones and so on, very interesting! Evstigney, show the ladies the nursery! And we, gentlemen, will go to the bedroom...

And, smiling charmingly, she showed the bedroom decoration: above the bed there was a sarcophagus - a black canopy with silver fringe; it was supported by skulls carved from oak; ornament - small skeletons gently play with grave worms.

“Evstigney,” she explained, “is so absorbed in his idea that he even sleeps in a shroud...

Some residents were amazed:

- Sleep-it?

She smiled sadly.

But Evstigneika was an honest guy at heart and sometimes involuntarily thought:

“If I’m a genius, then what then? Criticism writes about influence, about Smertyashkin’s school, but I... I don’t believe in it!”

Prokharchuk came, flexing his muscles, looked at him and asked in a deep voice:

- Did you write? You, brother, write more. Your wife and I will do the rest quickly... You have her good woman, and I love her...

Smertyashkin himself saw this a long time ago, but due to lack of time and love for peace, he did nothing against it.

Otherwise, Prokharchuk will sit down in a more comfortable chair and tell in detail:

“If only you knew, brother, how many calluses I have and what they are!” Napoleon himself did not have such...

- My poor! – Nymphodora sighed, and Smertyashkin drank coffee and thought:

“How correctly it is said that there are no great people for women and lackeys!”

Of course, he, like any man, was wrong in his judgment of his wife - she very diligently aroused his energy:

- Stegnyshko! - she said lovingly. – It seems you didn’t write anything yesterday? You are increasingly skimping on your talent, dear! Go work and I'll send you coffee...

He walked, sat down at the table and unexpectedly composed completely new poems:

So much vulgarity and nonsense

I wrote, Nymphodora.

For the sake of rags, for the sake of fur coats,

For the sake of hats, lace, skirts!

This scared him, and he reminded himself:

There were three children. They had to be dressed in black velvet; every day, at ten o’clock in the morning, an elegant hearse was delivered to the porch, and they went for a walk to the cemetery - all this required money.

And Smertyashkin sadly wrote out line after line:

There is a greasy corpse smell everywhere

Death has rained down on the world.

Life is in her bony paws,

Like a sheep in the claws of an eagle.

“You see what, Stegnyshko,” Nymphodora said lovingly. – This is not quite... how can I tell you? How should I say it, Masya?

- This is not yours, Evstigney! - Prokharchuk said in a deep voice and with full knowledge of the matter. – You are the author of “Hymns of Death”, and write hymns...

– But this is a new stage of my experiences! - Smertyashkin objected.

- Well, honey, well, what are your experiences? - the wife convinced. “We need to go to Yalta, but you’re being weird!”

“Remember,” Prokharchuk inspired in a grave tone, “what you promised.”

Glorify death's power

Kindly and submissively...

– And then pay attention: “like a sheep” involuntarily recalls the name of the minister - Kokovtsev, and this can be taken as a political trick! The public is stupid, politics is vulgar!

“Well, okay, I won’t,” said Evstigney, “I won’t!” Everything is one - nonsense!

– Keep in mind that your poems have recently caused bewilderment in more than one of your wives! – Prokharchuk warned.

One day Smertyashkin, watching his five-year-old daughter Lisa walking in the garden, wrote:

A little girl walks in the garden

A little white hand boldly picks flowers...

Little girl, there is no need to pick flowers,

After all, they are as good as you!

Little girl! Black, dumb,

It's quiet behind you death is coming,

You will bend down to the ground, raising your scythe,

Death bares its teeth and laughs, waits...

Little girl! Death and you are like sisters;

You are unnecessarily destroying bright flowers,

And she has a sharp scythe, forever sharp! -

Kills children like you...

“But this is sentimental, Evstigney,” Nymphodora shouted indignantly. - For mercy, where are you going? What do you do with your talent?

“I don’t want any more,” said Smertyashkin gloomily.

- What don’t you want?

- This. Death, death, enough! The word itself disgusts me!

- Excuse me, but you are a fool!

- Let it go! Nobody knows what a genius is! But I can’t do it anymore... To hell with the grave and all this... I am a man...

- Ah. How's that? – Nymphodora exclaimed ironically. -Are you only human?

- Yes. And I love all living things...

- But modern criticism proved that a poet should not take life into account and vulgarity in general!

- Criticism? - Smertyashkin yelled. - Shut up, shameless woman! I saw how modern criticism kissed you behind the closet!

– This is out of admiration for your poems!

– Are our children red-haired, also out of admiration?

- Vulgar! This may be the result of purely intellectual influence!

And suddenly, falling into a chair, she said:

- Oh, I can’t live with you anymore!

Evstigneika was both delighted and at the same time frightened.

- Can not? – he asked with hope and fear. - What about children?

- In half!

- Three?

But she stood her ground. Then Prokharchuk came. Having learned what was the matter, he was upset and said to Evstigneika:

- I thought you - big man, and you just little man!

And he went to collect Nymphodora’s hats. And while he was grimly busy with this, she told her husband the truth:

-You're exhausted pathetic man. You have no more talent, nothing! Do you hear: nothing!

She was choked with the pathos of honest indignation and finished:

– You never had anything! If it weren’t for me and Prokharchuk, you would have been writing advertisements in poetry all your life, you slug! Scoundrel, thief of my youth and beauty...

She always became eloquent in moments of excitement.

So she left, and soon, under the leadership and with the actual participation of Prokharchuk, she opened the “Beauty Institute of Madame Life from Paris. Our specialty is the radical destruction of calluses.”

Prokharchuk, of course, published a scathing article “Gloomy Mirage”, proving in detail that Evstigney not only had no talent, but that one can even doubt whether such a poet existed. If he existed and the public recognized him, then this is the fault of hasty, careless and imprudent criticism.

But Evstigneika grieved and grieved, and the Russian man quickly consoled himself! – sees: children need to be fed!

He gave up on the past, on all deadly poetry, and went about the old, familiar business: funny announcements for the “New funeral home" writes, convincing residents:

Long, sweet and bright

On earth we love to live,

But one day Parka will come

And cut the thread of life!

Having discussed this case,

Slowly, from all sides,

We offer the best

Material for a funeral!

Everything is quite brilliant with us,

Not worn out, not old:

Come back more often

To our “New Bureau”!

Mogilnaya, 15

So everyone returned to their own paths