The formation of Roman culture. The artistic culture of ancient Rome in brief

According to ancient legends, Rome was founded in the middle of the 8th century BC. e. The culture, which was considered one of the most influential in the period of antiquity, had a huge impact on European civilization. And this is despite the fact that the painting and sculpture of Ancient Rome are based on Greek motifs, and theater and music are inextricably linked with Etruscan ancient traditions.

Characteristics of ancient Roman art

Unlike other ancient countries, the Romans did not assign educational or moral tasks to art. On the contrary, the fine art of Ancient Rome was more utilitarian in nature, since it was considered just a way to rationally organize living space. That is why the important place in the life of the population of this ancient country occupied by architecture. The civilization of Ancient Rome still reminds itself of itself with monumental buildings: temples, arenas and palaces.

In addition to magnificent architectural monuments, the culture of Rome in antiquity can also be judged by numerous sculptures that were portraits of those who lived at that time. Life in Ancient Rome was always subject to strict rules, and in some periods sculptural portraits were created solely to immortalize the faces of rulers or famous people. Only after some time did Roman sculptors begin to endow their statues with characters or special features. Important historical events Roman creators preferred to depict them in the form of bas-reliefs.

It is worth noting that the peculiarities lie in the almost complete absence of such phenomena as theater - in our usual understanding, as well as its own mythology. Using images created by the Greeks for many magnificent things, the Romans either distorted events to please their authorities, or did not give them any credit at all. of great importance. This happened primarily because the fine art of Ancient Rome developed under the influence of the dominant ideology, to which abstract philosophical principles and artistic invention were alien.

Distinctive features of the art of Ancient Rome

Despite the proven existence of Rome as a separate civilization, historians for a long time could not separate ancient Greek art from Roman art. However, due to the fact that many works of the artistic and architectural heritage of Ancient Rome have been preserved to this day, it has been possible to determine the main features inherent exclusively in ancient Roman works. So, what achievements and inventions of Ancient Rome in the field of fine art characterize it as an independent phenomenon?

  1. The architectural achievement of the Romans was the combination of spatial perception and artistic forms in buildings. Roman architects preferred to erect individual buildings and ensembles in natural lowlands, and if there were none, they surrounded the buildings with small walls.
  2. In contrast to the Greek plastic images roman art staged allegory, symbolism and the illusory nature of space. These inventions of Ancient Rome regarding sculptural and artistic image made it possible to impart character not only to sculptural portraits, but also to mosaic or fresco images.
  3. Ancient Roman artists developed a tradition that originated in Greece easel painting, which was practically not widespread in its historical homeland.

Despite the abundance of subtle and barely noticeable features to the average person, there is a factor that allows even a non-specialist to determine whether a sculptural or architectural object belongs to ancient Roman culture. This is his size. The civilization of Ancient Rome is known throughout the world for its grandiose buildings and sculptures. Their value is several times higher than their analogues from Ancient Greece and other countries.


The fine arts of Ancient Rome developed in several stages, which corresponded to the periods of the historical formation of the state itself. If historians divide the evolution of ancient Greek art into formation (archaic), flourishing (classic) and crisis period (Hellenism), then the development of ancient Roman art acquires new features during the change of the imperial dynasty. This phenomenon is due to the fact that socio-economic and ideological factors played a fundamental role in changing stylistic and artistic forms.

The stages of the evolution of art in Rome are considered to be the period of the Roman kingdom (7-5 ​​centuries BC), the Republican period (5-1 centuries BC) and the period of the Roman Empire (1-2 centuries AD). A real flourishing of all types of arts, including sculpture, theater, music and artistic applied creativity, came at the end of the 1st century BC. e. and continued until

Art of the Tsarist period

The formation of ancient Roman art dates back to the 8th century BC. e., when the main motives in architecture became Etruscan methods of planning buildings, masonry and the use of building materials. This can be judged by the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. Painting and making decorative items also closely related to Etruscan roots. Only by the middle of the 7th century BC. e., when the Romans colonized Greece, they met artistic techniques Greeks It is worth noting that ancient Roman artists even then sought to create their works as close as possible to the originals. Historians associate this with the tradition of making death wax masks that exactly replicated a person’s facial features. The gods of Ancient Rome, whose statues were made during the Roman Empire, were depicted in the same way as ordinary people.

Art of the Republican period

The Republican period of the Roman state was marked by the final formation of architecture: all complexes (residential and temple) without exception acquired an axial structure and symmetry. The facade of the building was designed more magnificently, and there was a rise leading to the entrance (usually stone staircase). Residential developments of multi-storey buildings are spreading in cities, while wealthy segments of the population are building suburban terraced houses, decorated with frescoes and sculptural compositions. During this period, such types of buildings as the theater of Ancient Rome (amphitheatre), aqueducts, and bridges were finally formed.

Fine art was based on portrait sculpture: official and private. The first served the purpose of perpetuating statesmen, and the second existed thanks to orders for the production of statues and busts for houses and tombs. Public buildings were decorated with bas-reliefs depicting historical scenes or pictures of everyday life in the state. In temples, one could most often see paintings (including mosaics and frescoes) depicting the gods of Ancient Rome.

The Roman Empire: the final period of art development

The period is considered the time of the true flowering of ancient Roman art. The architecture is dominated by the arch, vault and domes. Stone walls are everywhere faced with brick or marble. Large spaces in the premises are occupied decorative painting and sculptures. The fine arts of Ancient Rome underwent significant changes during this period. When making sculptural portraits, less attention is paid individual traits, which sometimes look a little sketchy. At the same time, the sculptors tried to depict the swiftness of movements, emotional condition the person being portrayed (body position, arms and legs, hairstyle, etc.). Bas-relief images take the form of panoramas with a gradually developing plot.

Unlike the previous period, it becomes more complex due to the introduction of landscape and architectural backgrounds. The paints used for frescoes are brighter and the color combinations are more contrasting. In addition to color mosaics, black and white mosaics are widely used.

The most famous sculptural portraits

Roman portraits of statesmen, gods and heroes are represented by busts or full-size statues. The earliest Roman portrait is considered to be a bronze bust of Junius Brutus. It feels big influence Greek art, however, the facial features typical of the Romans and slight asymmetry make it possible once again to verify that ancient Roman sculptors already then, in the 3rd century BC. e., gave their works maximum realism. Despite the lack of modern metal processing technologies, the small details of the bust are beautifully executed. First of all, this is noticeable in the fine engraving of the beard and hair.

The most realistic is still considered to be the sculptural portrait of Vespasian, the Roman emperor. The master not only conveyed his image in the smallest detail, but also endowed the bust with characteristic features. The eyes attract particular attention: deep-set and small, they radiate the natural cunning and wit of an emperor. But the most remarkable thing is the fact that the sculptor depicted the smallest details (tense veins and veins in the neck, wrinkles crossing the forehead), which speak of the strength and inflexibility of the state leader. The sculptors’ bust of the moneylender Lucius Caecilius Jucunda turned out to be no less expressive, whose greedy eyes and greasy hair are depicted with amazing accuracy.

Great architectural monuments of the ancient Roman era

To date, not a single building built during the era of Ancient Rome has been completely preserved. The most famous and famous of them is the Colosseum - an arena where gladiator fights and speeches of statesmen of various levels, including emperors, took place. The Temple of Saturn, which was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt, has an equally colorful history. Unlike the Colosseum, it cannot be seen, since only a few columns remain from the magnificent structure. But we managed to preserve the famous Pantheon, or the temple of all gods, which represents quite large building, topped with a dome.

Poets of Ancient Rome and their works

Despite the mythology borrowed from the Greeks, the ancient Romans also had their own talents in the field of composing poetry, songs and fables. The most famous poets Rome - Virgil and Horace. The first became famous for writing the poem "Aeneid", which was very reminiscent of Homer's "Iliad". Despite the less expressive poetic and artistic component, this poem is still considered the standard of the original Latin language. Horace, on the contrary, had excellent command artistic words, thanks to which he became a court poet, and lines from his poems and songs still appear in the works of many writers.

Theater arts

The theater of Ancient Rome initially bore little resemblance to what we consider it to be today. Almost all performances took place in the genre of competitions between poets and musicians. Only occasionally could ancient Roman art connoisseurs enjoy the performance of actors accompanied by a large choir. Circus acts were often shown to spectators. theatrical pantomime and solo or group dances. A distinctive feature of the ancient Roman theatrical performance was the large number of the troupe. Regarding this, the audience said that there were fewer of them than the actors.

It is worth noting that costumes and makeup were not given much attention back then. Only sometimes, when playing the role of an emperor or a person important in the state, did the actors dress in more luxurious red clothes. The repertoire consisted mainly of works by Roman poets: Horace, Virgil and Ovid. Often, leisurely narratives and chants in theaters were replaced by bloody gladiator fights, which the audience attended with no less pleasure.

Music and musical instruments

The music of Ancient Rome was formed independently of the ancient Greek. When conducting mass events and performances, the most popular were musical instruments capable of producing a very loud sound: trumpets, horns, and the like. However, most often during performance they preferred timpani, harps, and citharas. It is worth noting that everyone was interested in music, including the Roman emperors. Among the musicians and singers there were those who were immortalized in sculpture. The singers and lyre singers Apelles, Terpnius, Diodorus, Anaxenor, Tigellius and Mesomedes enjoyed particular popularity and love among the Roman people in that era. The music of Ancient Rome is still alive, since not only the main motives, but also the musical instruments have been preserved.

The influence of ancient Roman art on modern times

The influence of Roman civilization on modern times is discussed a lot and everywhere. Of course, the characteristics of Ancient Rome, or rather that area of ​​​​it that relates to art, are still not presented in full. Nevertheless, it can already be argued that the architecture, sculpture and fine arts of the ancient Roman era directly influenced the cultural component of almost all European states. This is especially noticeable in architecture, when the harmony and majesty of buildings is enclosed in a clear symmetrical form.

The culture of ancient Rome is briefly studied in all humanities courses with a civilizational focus, but all the diversity can hardly be seen in a survey course. In many ways, the culture of ancient Rome is briefly taught in order to only touch upon the cognitive interest of students and force them to acquire knowledge themselves.

Let us pay some attention to the peculiarities of Roman culture in order to still form, albeit flawed, a superficial impression of the heritage of ancient civilization.

Roman culture largely continued Greek traditions, but, taking the culture of Ancient Greece as a basis, the Romans also introduced their own interesting elements. As in Greece, culture was derived from military affairs, politics, religion, and its achievements primarily depended on the needs of Roman society.

Most of all, the Romans developed architecture and sculptural portraiture. The culture of ancient Rome briefly shows that the efforts of the Greeks were not in vain.

The religion of the Romans was not so much complex as it was disorderly. Many gods, protective spirits, and idols did not always correspond to their functions, and then stopped performing them altogether, leaving only the pantheon we are familiar with. With the emergence and popularization of Christianity, the Roman religion acquired more harmonious outlines, and the gods have long become mythology.

The Romans are also famous for their philosophy, which gave the world the pillars of this science. Just look at the names of Cicero and Titus Lucretius Cara, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. Thanks to the work of these scientists, the first philosophical problems, many of which are still unresolved.

In science, the Romans also reached a fairly high level, especially for a time when many industries were in their infancy. In medicine, Celsus and Claudius Galen achieved particular success; in history Sallust, Pliny, Tacitus, Titus Livy; in literature Livy Andronicus, Plautus, Gaius Valerius Catullus, Virgil, Gaius Petronius, Horace, Ovid Naso, Plutarch. It is also necessary to remember about Roman law, which is used throughout Europe. And this is not in vain, because the laws of the twelve tables were written in Rome.

A more familiar remnant of Roman luxury for ordinary people was the circus, where gladiator fights were held. Many movies amaze us with thrilling battle scenes, but for the Romans this was just one way to spend their free time.

A special place has always been given to the Roman contribution to construction and architecture. The culture of ancient Rome cannot even describe half of what was being built in the then city-state.

The Etruscans and Hellenes left their rich heritage to the Romans, from which Roman architecture grew. It is quite natural that most of the structures were for public purposes: aqueducts, roads, bridges, baths, fortifications, basilicas.

But how could the Romans simple buildings to make works of art, this remains a mystery to everyone. Plus, we can add to this the rapid flourishing of portraits depicted in stone; the Greeks did not know such a flourishing in this area.

The culture of ancient Rome gave the world a rich heritage, the significance of which is difficult to assess. But we were still able to apply the main achievements.

Artistic culture of ancient Rome

By the end of the 1st century BC, the Hellenic states were fading away and leading place occupied by ancient Rome. Roman culture absorbed the traditions of the Greek and embodied them in artistic practice the vast Roman Empire. Greek anthropocentrism was complemented by Roman pragmatism and sobriety, the Romans did not recognize any power other than the power of force, it was they who created a powerful and great state, and all Roman life was determined by this great power. Personal talents were not promoted or cultivated, hence the formula of Roman culture: all great deeds were performed by the Romans, but among them there were no great people, that is, geniuses = ancient Greece. The state expressed its strength in construction. The Romans marked the beginning of a new era of world architecture, in which a huge place was given to public buildings or public buildings designed for a huge number of people, most the Roman spent his life in the crowd and this was not a forced inconvenience; on the contrary, it was perceived as a value, as a source of acute, collective, positive emotion, as compensation for the disappeared sense of community solidarity, therefore, all mass spectacles were considered as part of the people's cause, which was regulated by special officials. The spectacles strengthened power and gave the thoughts of the crowd a certain direction in favor of the existing regime.

Stages of Roman culture:

1. Etruscan culture. Ancient civilization, which enriched Roman culture with the art of urban planning.

2. Tsarsky. VIII-VI centuries BC. Rome is a city of a Greek-type state. According to legend, there were 7 kings in Rome, during their reign the city was surrounded by a stone wall, sewerage was installed, a circus for gladiatorial fights was built, and the Temple of Jupiter was built on the Capitoline Hill.

3. Republic period. XI-I centuries BC. The great influence of the conquered Greek cities, hence the influence of Greek culture. The Roman gods are equal to the Greek ones, the leading role is occupied by architecture, but there is more space not for temple complexes, but for buildings and structures for practical needs: basilicas, amphitheaters, circuses, baths. The Romans applied new design principles: arch, vault, dome. In the 1st century BC. The Romans used bud and sash structures.

4. Empire period. End of the 1st century BC. - V century AD The Roman Empire was a huge state located in various parts of the world, the main center being Athens. Architecture, philosophy, and literature develop here. The Roman period ends the period of ancient culture. In 395, the Roman Empire splits into Western and Eastern, and Rome itself was destroyed by barbarians and became empty, but its traditions would become part of European culture.


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The culture of Ancient Rome existed since the 8th century. BC e. and until 476 AD. e. Unlike ancient greek culture, which, as a rule, is awarded the highest words and assessments, the ancient Roman one is assessed differently by everyone. Some famous cultural scientists (O. Spengler, A. Toynbee) believed that Rome did not go beyond borrowing and popularizing what was done by the Greeks, and never rose to the heights of Hellenic culture. More justified, however, is the view that Roman culture and civilization are no less original and original than others.

Roman civilization became the last page in the history of ancient culture. Geographically, it arose on the territory of the Apennine Peninsula, receiving the name Italy from the Greeks. Subsequently, Rome gathered into an immense empire those countries that arose as a result of the collapse of the power of Alexander the Great, subjugating almost the entire Mediterranean. The consequence of this was centuries-long wars with neighbors, in which several generations of Roman citizens participated in a row.

Late Roman legends linked the founding of Rome with Trojan War. They reported that after the death of Troy (Asia Minor, the territory modern Turkey) some Trojans, led by King Aeneas, fled to Italy. Aeneas founded a city there. Another legend says that the king was overthrown by his brother. The new king, fearing revenge from the children and grandchildren of Aeneas, forced his daughter Silvia to become a vestal (priestess of the goddess Vesta), who took a vow of celibacy. But Sylvia had twin sons from the god Mars - Romulus and Remus. Their uncle ordered the boys to be thrown into the river. Tiber However, a wave threw the twins ashore, where they were suckled by a she-wolf. Then they were raised by a shepherd, and when they grew up and learned about their origins, they killed their treacherous uncle, returned royal power to their grandfather and founded a city on the Palatine Hill on the banks of the Tiber. By lot, the city received its name from Romulus. Later, a quarrel arose between the brothers, as a result of which Romulus killed Remus. Romulus became the first Roman king, divided the citizens into patricians (aristocrats) and plebeians (common people), and created an army. The Romans considered the founding day of Rome to be April 21, 753 BC. e., it was from him that the Romans based their chronology.

In fact, the name "Romulus" was derived from the name of the city, and not vice versa. The territory of the Apennine Peninsula from 2 thousand BC. e. was inhabited by Indo-European tribes who came from Central Europe(Italics, Sabines, Latins, etc.), later the Etruscans (Rasens, Tusci) came to the area of ​​​​modern Italian Tuscany - a tribe of non-European origin, disputes about the origin of which are still ongoing. It was the Etruscans (from the north) and the Greeks (who settled the southern part of Italy and Sicily) who had the most powerful influence on the development of Roman culture. The Etruscans were both experienced farmers and skilled artisans. It was from them that the Romans inherited craft and construction equipment, writing, “Roman” numerals, toga clothing, and much more. etc. (it is characteristic that even the “Capitolian She-Wolf”, which, according to legend, suckled Romulus and Remus and was a symbol of Rome, was a work of Etruscan craftsmen, exported as a war trophy).

There are 2 periods in the culture of Rome:

  • 1) culture of tsarist and republican times (from the founding of Rome in the 8th century BC to 30 BC);
  • 2) the culture of imperial Rome (from 30 BC to 476 AD).

Unlike the ancient Greeks, mythology did not become the basis for the development and flourishing of Roman culture. The ancient Romans had a custom of luring the gods of hostile tribes with the help of a certain formula and establishing a cult for them. Thus, many gods of the Italian and Etruscan cities moved to Rome, and later - the anthropomorphic gods of the ancient Greeks, whom the Romans renamed, preserving their functions: thus Zeus became Jupiter, Aphrodite - Venus, Ares - Mars, Poseidon - Neptune, Hermes - Mercury, Hera - Juno, Athena - Minerva, Dionysus - Bacchus, etc. The original Roman gods indicated in the priestly books were the deities of sowing, seed growth, flowering, ripening, harvest, marriage, the first cry of a child, etc. The Romans also believed in souls the dead who patronize their family (manas), into unburied souls that cannot find peace for themselves (larvas or lemurs), into deities guarding home and family (lares), into guardians of the hearth (penates). The guardian of a person, shaping his character and accompanying him throughout his life, was the Genius, to whom the birthday of a Roman citizen was dedicated. Cities, communities, and families had their own patron Genius. The most ancient Italian god, who hosted the overthrown Saturn, the father of Jupiter, the god of farmers and the harvest, was considered Janus. He was portrayed as two-faced.

The Romans treated their gods with disinterestedness. But the main thing for every Roman was not the gods, but historical legends and traditions that were formed during the formation of Roman statehood.

WITH early years Roman citizens were instilled with the ideas of concor - consent, internal unity, legality developed during the development of Roman law, and its patroness - the goddess of Justice, loyalty to the morals of their ancestors, valor. Real historical figures of early Rome became role models. Thus history became myth, and myth became history.

In the first period of Roman history and culture - the era of the reign of seven kings (Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Gastilius, Ancus Marcius, Servius Tullius, Tarquinius the Proud) there was a transition from a primitive communal system to an early class society. In 510 BC. e., after the expulsion of Tarquin the Proud, Rome became a city-state (civitas), ruled by a Senate of 300 people, a popular assembly (comitia), led by two consuls elected for a term of 1 year.

Formed in 510 BC. e. The aristocratic slave-owning Roman Republic lasted until the 30s. n. e. Then came the period of empire, ending with the fall of the “eternal city” in 476 AD. e.

The Romans were in many ways similar to the Hellenes, but at the same time they were significantly different from them. They created their own system of ideals and values, the main ones among which were patriotism, honor and dignity, loyalty to civic duty, veneration of the gods, the idea of ​​​​the special chosenness of the Roman people by God, of Rome as the highest value, etc. The Romans did not share the Greek glorification of the free individual, allowing violation of established laws of society. On the contrary, they in every possible way exalted the role and value of the law, the immutability of its observance and respect. For them, public interests were higher than the interests of the individual. At the same time, the Romans strengthened the antagonism between the freeborn citizen and the slave, considering not only the practice of a craft unworthy of the former, but also the activities of a sculptor, painter, actor or playwright. The most worthy occupations of a free Roman were considered politics, war, development of law, historiography, and agriculture. The Romans, in their own way and more clearly defined the qualities of a free person, excluding from them such “slave vices” as lies, dishonesty and flattery. Rome reached the highest level of development of slavery.

One of the highest virtues of the Romans was military valor. Military spoils and conquests served as the main source of subsistence. Military valor, feats of arms and merit were the main means and basis for success in politics, for obtaining high positions and occupying a high position in society.

Thanks to the wars of conquest, Rome grew from a small town into a world empire.

A real revolution in cultural life The Roman Empire occurred by the 1st century BC. e. after the conquest of Hellenistic Greece. The Romans begin to study Greek language, philosophy and literature; they invite famous Greek orators and philosophers, and they themselves go to the Greek city-states to join the culture that they secretly worshiped. It should be noted, however, that unlike Greek, Roman culture is much more rational, pragmatic, aimed at practical benefit and expediency. This feature was well demonstrated by Cicero using the example of mathematics: “The Greeks studied geometry in order to understand the world, while the Romans studied geometry in order to measure plots of land.”

Greek and Roman cultures were in a state of strong interaction and mutual influence, which ultimately led to their synthesis, to the creation of a single Greco-Roman culture, which subsequently formed the basis Byzantine culture and had a huge influence on the cultures of the Slavic peoples and Western Europe.

In Roman art during its heyday, architecture played a leading role, the monuments of which, even in ruins, captivate with their power. The basic principles of Roman architecture were used during the Renaissance and remain relevant today. Its significant difference from the Greek was its focus not on the order system, but on the widespread use of arches, domed and vaulted ceilings in construction, as well as the creation of structures that were round in plan. On the basis of arched structures, viaducts were built for the movement of pedestrians, carts and troops, and aqueducts that supplied cities with water from sources sometimes located tens of kilometers away.

The Romans started new era world architecture, in which the main place belonged to public buildings designed for huge quantities of people. Throughout the ancient world, Roman architecture is unrivaled in stature. engineering art, the variety of types of structures, the richness of compositional forms, the scale of construction. The Romans introduced engineering structures (aqueducts, bridges, roads, harbors, fortresses) as architectural objects in urban and rural landscape. This happened thanks to the discovery of a completely new building material- concrete. First, 2 parallel brick walls were erected, the space between which was filled with alternating layers of gravel and sand. When the mass of concrete hardened, it formed a solid monolith with the walls. The Romans used stone block or marble slab cladding rather than building with these materials like the Greeks. The most gigantic spectacular building of Ancient Rome is the Colosseum (75-80 AD), in its amphitheater (it differed from the theater in that it had a closed oval plan with rows of seats around the arena, gradually rising and surrounded on the outside by a powerful ring wall ) could simultaneously accommodate 50 thousand spectators. Until 405, gladiator fights were held in the Colosseum.

Spectacles were very important in the life of the Romans. great place. Roman architects turned to those types of public buildings that most fully embodied the ideas of the power of the state and imperial power: forums (from the Latin “fora” - city center), triumphal arches, basilicas, circuses, baths, amphitheaters. During the imperial period, each of the emperors, following the example of Julius Caesar, built his own forum, decorated with triumphal arches, memorial columns and monuments glorifying the deeds of the emperor. The ensemble of the forum also included churches and libraries, and areas for public meetings. New types of housing are also being created: villas ( country houses for patricians), domus (city houses for rich Romans), insula (multi-story buildings for the Roman poor).

One of the most visited places in Rome, especially during the Roman Empire, were the baths. This is a complex of buildings surrounded by gardens, stadiums, walking alleys, libraries; Works of art were exhibited in the baths, and rhetoricians and poets performed. Of the 11 baths of imperial Rome, the baths of the emperors Titus and Caracalla became famous for their luxury, wall paintings and mosaics.

The achievements of the Roman artistic genius were also great in the field of sculptural portraits, which originated from the Etruscans, who had an image of the head of the deceased covering an urn with ashes (canopus), as well as from wax masks of the dead Romans. Unlike the Greeks, who strived for typification, Roman sculptors try not to flatter their models even when they create an ideal image, accurately conveying the most remarkable features of the appearance. It was the Roman portrait that laid the foundation for European sculptural portraiture.

Roman science was of an applied nature. The greatest scientists of the era of the Roman Empire were the Greeks Ptolemy, Menelaus of Alexandria, Galen, Diophantus. A unique encyclopedia that summarized natural scientific knowledge about the world and man was the huge work of Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) “Natural History” in 37 books.

One of the most striking and significant pages of world history and culture is Roman law. On the one hand, it placed the interests of the individual owner at the center of legal relations, and on the other, it developed a value basis for the legal order, the content of which was:

  • - justice, equality;
  • - expediency;
  • - conscientiousness;
  • - good morals.

Roman law was characterized by precise formulations; it achieves perfect legal forms, its decisions are justified, and the terms and concepts form the basis of modern jurisprudence. The analysis of cases from ancient Roman legal practice today contributes to the development of legal thinking, sharpens the arguments for and against, and systematizes logical generalizations.

In the 1st century. BC e. in Rome, rhetoric, or the art of political and judicial eloquence, is developing powerfully, which was a consequence of reflecting the turbulent social life of the transitional era from the Republic to the Empire. Achieving authority in society and a successful political career were impossible without mastery of the living word.

Rhetoric becomes a stepping stone towards entry into the Roman elite. The most brilliant orator of Rome was Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC). Being also a keen expert on philosophy, he did a lot to introduce the Romans to the classical Greek philosophy of Plato and the Stoics.

The population of the empire was characterized by a high level of literacy. The school education and upbringing system included 3 levels - primary, secondary and higher. Graduates of the highest level were prepared for state, practical and cultural activities. Higher education began to emerge.

The development of Roman literature went through several stages. During the tsarist and partly republican periods, literary creativity existed in the form of cult chants, tribal epics, primitive drama, and legal texts. The first known Roman writer whose name has come down to us was Appius Claudius Caecus (c. 300 BC). Livy Andronicus, a Greek slave and freedman (late 3rd century BC), translated the Odyssey and thereby laid the foundation for the creation of Roman literature based on the Greek model. Dramaturgy later achieved noticeable development (the comedies of Plautus and Terence). Cato the Elder is considered the first Roman prose writer, who wrote in Latin the history of Rome and the Italic tribes. Cicero, with his writing and oratory, opened the era that is commonly called the era of “Golden Latin.” During the time of the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus (1st century BC), the flowering of literature, called the “golden age of Roman poetry,” was associated with the names of Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Seneca, and Petronius. Virgil's famous poem "Aeneid" about the mythical divine ancestor of the Roman aristocracy and Augustus himself (King Aeneas) exalted the special historical mission of Rome, glorified the Roman spirit and Roman art. In comparison with Greek examples, the works of Roman authors were distinguished by greater drama and a more sober analysis of reality.

At the end of the 2nd century. n. e. A crisis began in the Roman Empire: frequent changes of emperors, separation of provinces, and the emergence of independent rulers in various parts of the empire. From the 1st century n. e. V eastern provinces The Roman Empire (in Palestine) began the spread of Christian ideas, proclaiming the equality of all before God, which was essential for the consolidation of a society torn apart by contradictions. The emergence of a new myth about the possibility of universal achievement of the kingdom of God on earth and the idea of ​​rewarding the suffering and disadvantaged with happiness in the kingdom of heaven became very attractive, especially for the lower social strata of Rome. Christianity adopted many elements of Eastern cults and religions, and also included the achievements of Hellenistic philosophy in its ideology. Christianity, cruelly persecuted and persecuted at first, gradually captured the Roman aristocracy and intelligentsia with its ideas, and in the 4th century. AD became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

From 410 to 476 Rome was destroyed by barbarians - Goths, Vandals, Franks, Huns, Germans, etc. The eastern part of the Roman Empire (Byzantium) existed for another thousand years, and the western part, having died, became the foundation for the culture of the emerging Western European states.

Greco-Roman antiquity (9th century BC - 5th century AD) left the following achievements as a legacy to world culture:

the richest myth-making;

experience of a democratic structure of society;

Roman legal system;

timeless works of art;

laws of truth, goodness and beauty;

variety of philosophical ideas;

acquiring the Christian faith.

Personalities: Herodotus, Aesop, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, A. Macedonian, J. Caesar.

Test tasks

  • 1. Consider the differences between Greek and Roman architecture.
  • 2. Why is Greek culture called the “culture of philosophers” and Roman culture “the culture of rhetoricians”?
  • 3. List the 7 wonders of the world as imagined by ancient society.
  • 4. Name outstanding figures of literature and science of ancient Greek culture, accompany your story with characteristics of their works.
  • 5. Name the outstanding figures of literature and science of Roman civilization, accompany the story with characteristics of their creations.
  • 6. Prepare a presentation on any aspect of the topic.
  • 7. What made the “Greek miracle” possible? State your version.

Art culture Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome- one of the leading civilizations Ancient world, greatest state Antiquity, got its name from the main city (Roma - Rome), in turn named after the legendary founder - Romulus.

According to legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus, who were raised by a she-wolf. The center of Rome developed within a marshy plain bounded by the Capitol, Palatine and Quirinal. The cultures of the Etruscans and ancient Greeks had a certain influence on the formation of ancient Roman civilization. Ancient Rome reached the peak of its power in the 2nd century AD. e., when under his control came the space from modern Scotland in the north to Ethiopia in the south and from Iran in the east to Portugal in the west. To the modern world Ancient Rome gave, Roman law architectural forms and solutions (for example, arch and dome ) and many other innovations (for example,). wheel water mills Christianity , as a religion, was born on the territory of the Roman Empire. Official language ancient Roman state was Latin . Religion for most of its existence was unofficial coat of arms the empire was Golden Eagle(aquila).

Ancient Roman civilization gave the world carefully planned cities, palaces and temples, public institutions, paved roads And magnificent bridges. Their original engineering solutions not only determined the architectural appearance of the powerful Roman state, but also gave a huge impetus to the development of architectural ideas of subsequent eras.

In the II century. BC. Rome subjugated Greece, the art of Ancient Rome was able not only to inherit, but also to creatively develop the best achievements of the ancient Greek masters, creating its own original style. First of all The Romans borrowed the pantheon of gods from the Greeks. The main place in the Roman pantheon was occupied by Jupiter the Thunderer, powerful ruler of the sky, personification sunlight, thunderstorms, storms. The fierce god of war, Mars was revered as the father of the great and warlike Roman people.

In Ancient Italy Mars was the god of fertility. In his honor, the first month of the Roman year, in which the rite of expelling winter was performed, was named March. Mars later became the god of war. The Temple of Mars was built on the Campus Martius outside the city walls, since according to the laws of Rome, armed troops were not supposed to enter the city. It is Mars who is the father of Romulus and Remus, the founders of the city. Mars was the guardian of Rome.

Statue of the god Mars.

Greek civilization had a great influence on the formation of Roman mythology. Absolute majority greek gods were romanized. In Rome they easily accepted other gods, thus trying to attract them to their side. Goddess of the Hearth Vesta was revered as the patroness of the state. The functions of Hera, Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Demeter, Artemis, Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Hephaestus were performed respectively Juno, Minerva, Mercury, Venus, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Neptune, Pluto, Phoebus, Vulcan.

Jupiter surrounded by gods and goddesses.

In the II century. BC. the center of Rome becomes the Roman Forum (Forum Romanium) - the central trade and public square, bounded by three hills: the Capitol, the Palatine, the Quirinal.

Roman forum

The forum was built up gradually and acquired an asymmetrical character. In ancient times, this area was deserted and swampy with numerous springs and a stream, until the middle of the 8th century BC. e. this place was used for burials. In 184 BC. The first basilica was built in Rome ( the so-called Basilica of Portia) is a large indoor hall for meetings of merchants and court hearings. However, Republican Rome with its narrow, up to 7 m wide streets, brick multi-story apartment buildings and the cramped old Forum could not compare with the beautiful Hellenistic cities of the East, for example Alexandria of Egypt. Julius Caesar and Octavian Augustus sought to transform Rome into a beautiful, spacious, marble city.

Two new, more spacious Forums were built in Rome - Caesar's Forum And Augusta Forum, monumental buildings appeared on the Champ de Mars, intended for military and gymnastic exercises, and triumphal arches.

roman basilica

The Colosseum was a three-story structure (later a fourth floor was added) with complex system corridors, stairs and ventilation openings. Three floors were an arcade, placed one on top of the other, the fourth was a solid wall, the building was magnificently decorated with colonnades. The first gallery was intended for the privileged class, the second for citizens, the third was provided for commoners, and on the fourth floor there were wooden benches and standing places. On hot or rainy days, an awning was pulled over the arena. For theatrical performances, the arena was covered with a wooden floor, for gladiator fights it was filled with sand, and for scenes of naval battles it was filled with water. The amphitheater was designed for 56 thousand spectators. For a long time, the Colosseum was for the residents of Rome and visitors the main place for entertainment spectacles, such as gladiator fights, animal persecution, and naval battles (naumachia). In 1349, a powerful earthquake in Rome caused the collapse of the Colosseum, especially its southern part. After which they began to look at it as a source of obtaining building materials, and not only the stones that had fallen off, but also the stones deliberately broken out of it began to be used for new structures.

The beauty of the Colosseum is in conflict with its purpose: this building was built to organize bloody performances that amazed even contemporaries with their cruelty. The Colosseum was also a reminder of the power of the Roman Empire. The fate of thousands of people was decided inside stone walls. Gladiators died here in battle, and criminals met their end here.

At the beginning of the 2nd century, the reign of the emperor begins in Rome Mark of Ulpius Trajan(97-117), nicknamed the “happy age.” Under the guidance of an architect Apollodorus of Damascus was built Trajan's Forum - a huge area 280 meters long and 200 meters wide. The forum contained the largest basilica in Ancient Rome, the Basilica Ulpia, as well as the Trajan Memorial Column, 38 meters high, built of marble. The column was hollow inside, its trunk was wrapped in a spiral band with reliefs depicting the military exploits of Trajan.

The relief tells the story of Trajan's two wars with the Slavic-speaking Dacian tribes. The actions of the Roman army are mainly depicted: movement, construction of fortifications, river crossings, battles. In total there are about 2,500 on the column human figures. Trajan appears on it 59 times. Individual figures are depicted very realistically, so the relief of the column serves as a valuable source for studying weapons, armor, and costumes - both Romans and Dacians of that time. At the base of the column there is a door leading to the hall where the golden urns with the ashes of Trajan and his wife were placed.

In 125, under the leadership of Apollodorus of Damascus, it was built Pantheon - temple of all gods. The Pantheon was rebuilt from a round pool that was part of the Baths of Agrippa. The gigantic cylindrical volume was covered with a spherical dome with a diameter of 43.2 meters. In the center of the dome there was a nine-meter lighting hole. At noon, the most powerful pillar of light penetrates through it, the light is very noticeable, it “does not spread,” but remains in the form of a giant beam of light and becomes almost tangible. On November 1, 609, the pagan temple was illuminated as the Christian Church of St. Mary and the Martyrs.

At the beginning of the 3rd century. were built in Rome Baths of Caracalla. They included many structures. In addition to pools and baths, they contained palaestra - areas for sports exercises, recreation rooms, libraries, and shops. The thermal baths accommodated up to 1800 people at a time. The overall dimensions of the Baths of Caracalla are 353x335 meters (11 hectares).

Ruins of the Baths of Caracalla.

The main rooms of the thermal baths included a pool with cold water, a large hall with dry hot air and a round pool with hot water. Already in the 5th century. n. e. The Baths of Caracalla were considered one of the wonders of Rome. People came here not only to wash off the dirt, but also to relax here. Special meaning had baths for the poor. No wonder one of the modern scientists called the baths the best gift, which the emperors made to the Roman population. The visitor found here a club, a stadium, a recreation garden, and a house of culture. People left with a supply of new strength, rested and renewed not only physically, but also morally.

In the hollow between the Aventine and Palatine hills it was built hippodromeCircus Maximus , the largest in Rome (600 mx150 m). The stands accommodated about 200 thousand spectators. It is believed that chariot competitions were first held here in the 6th - 5th centuries. BC e.

Reconstruction of the hippodrome

The Romans achieved great success in construction aqueducts (water conduit, Latin aqua - water, duco - I lead), including those made in the form of bridges over rivers. The Romans built aqueducts in the form of canals and pipes. The total length of the aqueducts in Rome was about 440 km, however, only 47 km of them were above ground, most were underground.

Roman aqueduct. Scheme of work.

A lot of work was put into construction in ancient Rome expensive A wide network of roads was created, crossing many areas of Western Europe, consisting of approximately 370 big roads, of which about 30 led to Rome. Roman roads also passed through the Alps. The roads were built thoroughly. The thickness of the road surface, which consisted of gravel, cobblestones and cut stones laid in lime mortar, was approximately 1 meter. Distance and path crossing indicators were used. The most famous was the Appian Way, built in the 4th century. BC e. and had a length of about 350 km and a very large width for that time - up to 4.3 m. The resumption of the construction of paved roads in Europe after the fall of Ancient Rome occurred only in the 13th century.

Roman road today. Road construction technology.

Sculpture occupies a special place in Roman culture and, above all, sculptural portrait. The Roman sculptor set as his task not only to convey the physical originality of the features of the person depicted, but also to express the originality of character. Images business people, speakers, citizens of the republic are devoid of idealization, they are natural and realistic. The plastic realism of Roman masters reached its peak in the 1st century. BC, giving rise to such masterpieces as marble portraits of Pompey and Caesar. The author of the portraits was able to express in his facial features many shades of the hero’s character, his virtues and vices. In the portrait of Pompey, for example, in his frozen wide, fleshy face with a short upturned nose, narrow eyes and deep and long wrinkles on his low forehead, the artist sought to reflect not only the momentary mood of the hero, but also his inherent ambition and even vanity, strength and at the same time some indecision, a tendency to hesitate. Around 40 BC in Rome, tendencies to imitate the early classical masters of Greek sculpture appeared. Portraits of this time are characterized by classical simplicity, majesty and seriousness.

The culture of Ancient Rome had a significant influence on subsequent world and especially European culture. Latin language formed the basis of many European languages, based on the principles of classical Roman law legal systems many countries of the world; literature, fine arts, and architecture of Ancient Rome inspired and continue to inspire many generations of subsequent artists.

Questions and tasks:

1. What influence did the culture of Ancient Greece have on Roman art?

2. Take a great tour of ancient Rome

3. Try to compose a story on the topic: “The Roman Emperor in a sculptural portrait and in life (optional)

4. Tell us about the holidays and spectacles in Ancient Rome.

Educational film "The Real Gladiator"

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Roman antiquity borrows many ideas and traditions of Greek culture. Roman duplicates Greek philosophy; philosophy uses various ideas from the teachings of Greek thinkers. In the era of Roman antiquity, oratory, fiction and poetry reached a high level of development, historical science, mechanics, natural science. Architecture Rima uses Hellenic forms, but is distinguished by the gigantism characteristic of the imperial scale of the state and the ambitions of the Roman aristocracy. Roman sculptors and painters follow Greek models, but, unlike the Greeks, they develop the art of realistic portraiture and prefer to sculpt “closed” statues rather than naked ones.

Both the Greeks and the Romans loved all kinds of spectacles - Olympic competitions, gladiator fights, theatrical performances. As you know, the Roman plebs demanded “bread and circuses.” All ancient art was subordinated to the principle entertainment .

The most important cultural innovations of Roman antiquity are associated with development of politics and law . Managing the huge Roman power required the development of a system of government bodies and legal laws. Ancient Roman jurists laid the foundation legal culture, on which modern legal systems still rely. But the relationships, powers and responsibilities of bureaucratic institutions and officials clearly defined by legislation do not eliminate the tension of political struggle in society. Political and ideological goals significantly influence the nature of art and the entire cultural life of society. Politicization - a characteristic feature of Roman culture.

Roman civilization became the last page in the history of ancient culture. Geographically, it arose on the territory of the Apennine Peninsula, receiving the name from the Greeks - Italy . Subsequently, Rome gathered into an immense empire those countries that arose as a result of the collapse of the power of Alexander the Great. Ancient Rome claimed to rule the world, to be an Ecumenical state, matching in scale with the entire civilized world.

The population of Ancient Rome lived in territorial communities. At the head of archaic Rome was tsar , was with him senate , and the most important issues were resolved national assembly . In 510 BC. The Roman Republic is formed, which lasted until the 30s. 1st century BC Then comes the period of the Empire, ending with the fall of the “eternal city” in 476 BC. e.

The ideology of the Roman was determined patriotism - the highest value of a Roman citizen. The Romans considered themselves God's chosen people and were focused only on victory. In Rome they were revered courage, dignity, rigor, thrift, zeal to obey discipline, law and legal thinking.

Lying and deception were considered vices characteristic of slaves. If the Greeks worshiped philosophy and art, then for a noble Roman, worthy pursuits were war, politics, agriculture and law.

Laws were developed in Rome (12 tables) And "Roman moral code" which included the following moral principles: piety, loyalty, seriousness, valor.

Religious views The Romans are not rich. Of the gods of ancient Roman mythology, Jupiter (in ancient Greek mythology - Zeus), Juno (Hera), Diana (Artemis), Victoria (Nike) were revered. The god Hercules (Hercules) was especially loved, whose 12 labors were extremely popular in ancient times. At the beginning of the 1st millennium, it begins to spread in Rome Christianity.

By the 1st century BC. The Roman Empire conquered Hellenistic Greece . The heyday of Roman culture, which was nourished by foreign cultures with its riches, began. The influence of the culture of defeated Greece was especially noticeable. She captivated the Romans. They begin to study the Greek language, philosophy, literature, invite famous Greek speakers and philosophers, and themselves go to the Greek city-polises to join the culture that they secretly worshiped.

In Rome, rhetoric is developing powerfully, since without a masterly command of the living word, a political career is impossible. The most brilliant Roman speaker was Marcus Tulius Cicero .

Has a unique appearance roman art : a realistic sculptural portrait, fresco painting, etc. is created. The desire for grandeur, pomp and splendor is clearly visible in architecture. This finds expression in construction triumphal arches, squares (forums), khrapov, theaters, bridges, markets, hippodromes etc. The Romans invented a method for quickly hardening concrete, began to use arched structures in construction, and gave the world running water. Grand amphitheater Coliseum , the temple of all gods - the Pantheon in Rome - is a testament to the remarkable achievements of Roman architecture.

As already mentioned, in the 1st century. BC. spread in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire Christian ideas . A new myth appears about the possibility of achieving the Kingdom of God on earth and the idea of ​​rewarding the suffering and disadvantaged with happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven. This idea became especially attractive to the lower strata of Rome. Gradually, Christianity embraced the Roman aristocracy and intelligentsia with its ideas, and in the beginning of the 4th-6th centuries. became official religion of the Roman Empire . From 410 to 476 Rome was destroyed by barbarian Goths, German mercenaries, etc. The eastern part of the Roman Empire (Byzantium) existed for another thousand years, and the western part, having died, became the foundation for the culture of the emerging Western European states. Outstanding personalities of Roman culture:

Cicero- speaker, politician, philosopher, public figure.

Sallust, Titus of Livia, Polybius- political figures, propagandists of the great civilizational mission of Rome and the creation of the Ecumenical State.

Virgil, Lucretius Carus, Ovid, Horace- great Roman poets. (Virgil - “Aeneid”, L. Car - “On the Nature of Things”, Ovid - “Metamorphoses”, Horace - “Epistle to the Piso”).

So, Greco-Roman antiquity (VI century BC - V century AD) left the following to world culture achievements :

Rich and varied mythology;

The developed system of Roman law (“Laws of the 12 tables”);

Laws of goodness, truth, beauty (“Roman Moral Code”);

Enduring works of art (sculpture, poetry, architecture, epic, theater);

Variety of philosophical ideas;

World religion - Christianity , which became the spiritual core of subsequent European culture.

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