Presentation on fine arts on the topic: "Landscape. Its types and characters"

“Landscapes of Artists” - Landscapes appeared in distant China. Landscapes by Russian artists. Brahmaputra. Veda the preacher. Kinds of art. Landscapes. Types of landscapes. Mountain landscapes. Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Song of Shambhala. Scenery. Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov. The beauty of the mountains. Giant. Landscape genre. The artist's attitude to the natural world. Painting by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.

“Drawing a landscape” - Fixing the pastel. Checking the composition. We introduce new tones. "Gold autumn". The paintings “Moscow Courtyard” and “Overgrown Pond” are filled with air. Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov. Step by step drawing of a landscape. Add dark tones. We designate the flames. Sheet of watercolor paper. The high ethical basis of Polenov’s art.

“Landscape Lessons” - Summing up. Write an essay on the topic: “I paint a landscape.” Distribute the paintings according to style. Development of landscape in painting. Lesson format: Excursion. Picture galleries. Educational: development of the spiritual world, morality and creativity in students. What feelings does the landscape convey?

“Landscape in art” - Landscape. Presentation on fine arts. Graphic landscape. Picturesque landscape. Landscapes also often depict views of cities and countryside. Artistic photography. The historical landscape depicts what cities, parks, and villages looked like in the past. Find the extra picture. The landscape can have different themes: urban landscape, rural, sea, etc.

“Russian Landscape” - Venetsianov and his students. In the development of Russian landscape, the works of Western European masters were of no small importance. Landscape with a river and a fisherman Sosnovy Bor. Venetsianov. Over eternal peace. Already from childhood, Aivazovsky’s desire to reflect on canvas all the beauty of the natural world was evident. Ship Grove.

"Landscapes in Oil" - Opposites. The path to painting. Painting on tinted primer. Raw technique. Pastose painting technique. Techniques for layering colors. Colors. Landscape oil painting. Alla Prima technique. Painting styles. Elements of landscape painting. Painting techniques. Course sections. Flemish technique. Pointalism.

There are 11 presentations in total

Types of landscapes

Presentation for a fine arts lesson, grade 6

The inexhaustible diversity of nature has given rise to various types of landscape genres in the fine arts.

K.A.Korovin “In Winter”

B. Shcherbakov “The water is falling”

B. Shcherbakov “The Arrival of Spring”

Rural landscape

The artist is attracted

the poetry of rural life, its natural connection with the surrounding nature.

A.V. Semyashkin

"It's time for autumn"

F. Vasiliev

"Village street


"On the threshing floor"


It differs from the rural landscape in a spatial environment that is rationally organized by human hands, including buildings, streets, avenues, squares, embankments.


M. Dobuzhinsky

« House in


Park landscape

They depict corners of nature created for relaxation and satisfying the aesthetic needs of people.

I. Levitan “Birch Grove”

Seascape - marina

Tells about the unique beauty of the sometimes calm and sometimes stormy sea and river.

A. Aivazovsky

"The Ninth Wave"

I. Aivazovsky “Sunset on the Sea”

A. Kuidzhi “Crimea. Sea"

Architectural landscape

Closely in touch with the city. But in an architectural landscape, the artist pays main attention to the depiction of architectural monuments in synthesis with the environment.

P. Petrovichev

"Rostov Yaroslavsky"

"Church of St. George"

M. Machalsky

Industrial landscape

The artist strives to show the role and importance of man - the creator, builder of plants and factories,

power plant dams.

Artist O. Juntonen

Variety of landscapes by nature

Depicting nature, the artist reflects the ideas of the people of his era about the beauty in the reality around them.

The artist interprets each landscape in his own way, putting a certain meaning into it.

Heroic landscape

Nature seems majestic and inaccessible to humans.

High rocky mountains, mighty trees, calm expanse of waters are depicted, and against this background - mythical heroes and gods

P. Korin “Alexander Nevsky”

Landscape of mood

The desire to find in various states of nature a correspondence with human experiences and moods, to give the landscape a lyrical coloring, a feeling of melancholy, sadness, hopelessness or quiet joy

I. Levitan

"Storm - Rain"


"Autumn. Alley in Zhukovka"

A.K. Savrasov "Rooks"


Historical landscape

In the landscape genre, historical events are indirectly embodied, which are reminiscent of the depicted architectural and sculptural monuments associated with these events.

V. Surikov “Menshikov in Berezovo”

V. Vasnetsov “Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible”

A. Deineka “Defense of Sevastopol”

Epic landscape

Majestic pictures of nature, full of inner strength, special significance and dispassionate calm are characteristic of this landscape.

I. Shishkin “Corner of an abandoned garden”

I. Levitan “Lake”

Romantic landscape

The rebellious beginning of a thundercloud, swirling clouds, gloomy sunsets, violent winds.

K. Koro "Gust of Wind"

Nature is a book of wisdom

After reading this book, the landscape helps you to master the precious wealth contained in it.

He depicts nature in its individual manifestations and therefore gradually reveals its innermost meaning.

Nature teaches and educates us directly, daily and deeply.

Russian landscape

Slides: 28 Words: 602 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Venetsianov and his students. The works are constructed according to all the rules of romantic art. The work of each artist is distinguished by a number of individual characteristics. In the development of Russian landscape, the works of Western European masters were of no small importance. Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817 – 1900). Already from childhood, Aivazovsky’s desire to reflect on canvas all the beauty of the natural world was evident. Seashore at night. Alexey Konstantinovich Savrasov (1830 – 1897). Venetsianov. Savrasov’s art inspired a number of landscape painters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries to pursue creative pursuits. The Rooks Have Arrived. - Landscape.ppt

Landscape lessons

Slides: 11 Words: 331 Sounds: 0 Effects: 32

Development of landscape in painting. Objectives: Educational: repetition and generalization of knowledge on the topic “Development of landscape”. Formation of a holistic idea of ​​the landscape genre. Developmental: development of abilities for independent development and appreciation of artistic values. Educational: development of the spiritual world, morality and creativity in students. Lesson type: Lesson on systematization and generalization of knowledge on the topic “Landscape in painting.” Lesson format: Excursion. Place of the lesson in the curriculum: Final lesson on the topic “Landscape in painting.” Organizing time. Exam for the title of tour guide. - Landscape lessons.pps

Painting landscapes

Slides: 9 Words: 567 Sounds: 0 Effects: 13

Winter landscape in watercolor painting (wet technique). Cityscape. Reflection in a pond. Forest landscape. Ivan Nikitin. Sunny day in the landscape. Painting is a simple matter. P. P. Chistyakov. Evening landscape. The art of painting has one goal - admiration of beauty. K. Korovin. "WINTER LANDSCAPE". Painting with watercolors in a raw way. During the winter holidays there was a creative workshop in fine arts. Well, so we got to work. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna did not let us enjoy the shimmer of the paint layer. But the heavenly colors are not so good. The colors began to disappear in some places. - Painting landscapes.ppsx

Landscape in art

Slides: 13 Words: 90 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

Scenery. Presentation on fine arts. The landscape genre is found in such types of fine art as graphics, painting, and artistic photography. Graphic landscape. Picturesque landscape. Artistic photography. The landscape can have different themes: urban landscape, rural, sea, etc. The historical landscape depicts what cities, parks, and villages looked like in the past. Landscapes also often depict views of cities and countryside. Find the extra picture. - Landscape in art.ppt

Landscape in Russian painting

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The world of landscape in Russian painting. Scenery. Development of Russian landscape painting. Paintings by Maxim Nikiforovich Vorobyov. Interest in landscape. Landscape environment. Marinism. Art of the mid-19th century. Interest in realistic art. Source of possible wealth. Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov. Birch Grove. A feeling of love for one's native country. V. Polenov “Grandma’s Garden.” Rye. - Landscape in Russian painting.ppsx

Drawing a landscape

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Scenery. Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov. The paintings “Moscow Courtyard” and “Overgrown Pond” are filled with air. The high ethical basis of Polenov’s art. There is sadness hidden in the painting “Grandma’s Garden”. "Gold autumn". Which of Polenov’s paintings on the gospel theme is the most ambitious? Step by step drawing of a landscape. Sheet of watercolor paper. We do the underpainting of the foreground. Prepare the mixture. Add dark tones. Let's clarify the foreground. We introduce new tones. Adding texture. We write hay. We depict the texture of stubble. We denote smoke. Add dark tones. Smoke with flames coming through. We designate the flames. - Landscape drawing.ppt

Types of landscape

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Drawing lesson. Scenery. Introduce students to different types and characters of the landscape. Learn to distinguish between types of landscape. Painting. Definition of landscape. Diversity of nature. Rural landscape. Cityscape. Park landscape. Seascape. Architectural landscape. Industrial landscape. The nature of the landscape. Heroic landscape. The image of freedom. Landscape of mood. Historical landscape. Epic landscape. Romantic landscape. Type and character of landscapes. Complete the sketch. Analysis of works. Paintings by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. Ship Grove. Forest. Road in the forest. Village street. Rainbow. Country road. Rye. Winter. - Types of landscape.ppt

Landscapes by artists

Slides: 22 Words: 356 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

The artist's attitude to the natural world. Kinds of art. Genres of painting. Scenery. Types of landscapes. Landscape genre. Landscapes appeared in distant China. Landscapes. Landscapes by Russian artists. Painting by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov. Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Works of N.K. Roerich. Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich. Mountain landscapes. Song of Shambhala. Brahmaputra. Veda the preacher. Giant. The beauty of the mountains. - Landscapes by artists.ppt

Landscapes in oil

Slides: 16 Words: 876 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Landscape oil painting. Course sections. Genres of painting. Painting styles. Painting techniques. Flemish technique. Colors. Painting on tinted primer. Pastose painting technique. Pointalism. Alla Prima technique. Raw technique. The path to painting. Opposites. Techniques for layering colors. Elements of landscape painting. - Landscapes in oil.ppt

Landscape of Russian nature

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Landscape of the Russian soul. Expanses of Russia. Geography. Plains. Ancestors. Inquisitive Russian people. Forests of Russia. In the forest of Countess Mordvinova. Birch Grove. Rivers of Russia. River. Derzhavin. Russian soul. Vasily Surikov. Great tonsure. Vision to the youth Bartholomew. - Landscape of Russian nature.ppt

Landscapes by famous artists

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Art talks about the beauty of the Earth. Scenery. Pine. Edges. Autumn. Antonio Vivaldi "Autumn". Forest. V. D. Polenov "Golden Autumn". Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky "October". I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". I.I. Levitan. Winter. North. Polenov V.D. "First snow". Musical works of Antonio Vivaldi. Shishkin I.I. I.I. Shishkin “Winter”. Spring. Anna Akhmatova. I. Levitan "Spring. Big Water". Art associations. I. Levitan “March”. A. K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived.” Summer. Yellowing cornfield. Birch Grove. Overgrown pond. Kuindzhi A.I. The meaning of the statement of the French writer. -

in literature, music, painting.

  • Scenery- this is a genre visual arts, in which the main subject of the image is wild nature or nature transformed to one degree or another by man.

Landscape in literature.

  • Landscape in literature - is one of the most powerful means for creating an imaginary, “virtual” world of a work, an essential component of artistic space and time.

  • There are almost no works in Russian literature that lack landscape.
  • Writers have sought to include this extra-plot element in their works for a variety of purposes.
  • But landscapes are one of the main means of revealing the emotional experiences of the characters.
  • In addition, they serve to convey the author’s attitude to what is happening.

Landscape in music.

  • Listening to the music of composers,
  • sometimes you can almost visually feel the pictures of nature captured in them.

Landscape in painting.

  • The emergence of landscape painting as a genre of fine art reflects the interest of artists in nature and ways of depicting it. Ancient rock paintings had cult significance in the life of prehistoric people.

Until this time, landscape painting practically did not exist; nature could be depicted only conditionally - as a background for scenes from the lives of saints or characters from the Gospel.

During the Renaissance, artists began to choose their own subjects for their paintings.

To depict the depth of space, artists began to use perspective, and this made it possible to create realistic and authentic landscapes.

In impressionism and subsequent areas of painting, landscape, like no other genre, allowed experimentation - trying out new techniques and color combinations.

Eskova I.V.

Art teacher

MBOU "Oboyanskaya Secondary School"