Watch Ekaterina Gordeeva's interview with Svetlana Bodrova. Svetlana Bodrova: life after the death of Sergei

Alexander Murataev– professional magician from St. Petersburg. Famous Member television projects, compiler and performer of the most unusual tricks. It has own channel on YouTube, where his videos receive thousands of views.

Biography of an illusionist

Alexander became interested in magic in childhood thanks to his father’s friend, a magician

Alexander developed an interest in stage magic in childhood. When little Sasha was seven years old, his father's friend, a magician, showed him several tricks, and the boy was simply amazed. Immediately after this, the child’s shelves began to be filled with books about magic tricks and magazines about famous illusionists.

The interest born in childhood did not disappear with age. At the age of fourteen, Alexander went to USA, study the mastery of illusions based on . There in the States he took part in the championship of magic tricks, and took third place there. But Murataev did not want to stop there.

To achieve heights in this unusual skill, Alexander goes to Japan. And after a few years he returns from there as a true professional, capable of capturing the imagination of an audience of millions.

In Russia he organizes shows in the theater and at the same time opens Focus courses by Alexander Murataev, which take place throughout Russia and in neighboring countries. The illusionist teaches the art of magic tricks and shares his skills. Many of his students in this moment are magicians themselves professional level and give their own ideas.

Now Murataev takes part in many television projects. Known to many for his participation in some issues Comedy Club. The magician has his own channel on YouTube, where he surprises his subscribers with various incredible tricks and street magic show. Some even call him the Russian David Blaine.

You can watch the program “The Magic of Alexander Murataev” in the video:

You can also find on his channel, where he talks about how to master simple tricks that you can use to surprise and entertain a company.

Several that you can learn, according to Alexander, in just five minutes, without having any prior experience, are definitely worth talking about.

Loosen twisted straws

Two juice straws are twisted with each other in a cunning knot. The illusionist holds them so that the two ends of one straw are in one hand, and the two ends of the other are in the other hand. A sharp jerk and the ligament breaks. But, lo and behold, both tubes remain absolutely intact.

Alexander is not averse to revealing the secrets of his tricks himself

The trick is actually very easy:

  1. Let's say we have two straws, green and red. We put them crosswise, green on top of red.
  2. Next, we wrap the green straw around the red one once (the two ends should be on opposite sides of the red straw).
  3. Circle the red one around the green one in the same way, but its end should be on the same side as the other.
  4. Next, you connect the ends of the green straw and pull. Thanks to this plexus, the tubes, in fact, are completely unfastened, and therefore are easily separated, while maintaining integrity.


This is more of a deception, like a ball in a cup, than a trick. But with this simple trick you can easily surprise your friends.

Tricks are mostly based on illustrations

Focus process:

  • Place three boxes in front of the audience.
  • Shake one, showing that it contains , then shake the other two, demonstrating that they are empty.
  • Then you mix the boxes, trying to confuse everyone, and ask the audience to guess where the matches are.
  • But no matter how attentive people are, it is still impossible to do this, because in fact all the boxes are empty.

Where did the matches go then? They weren't there initially. You shake two empty boxes with your left hand. And the one that supposedly contains matches is the right one, to which the fourth box with matches is tied, and which you cleverly hid under the sleeve of your sweater.

Like these ones simple tricks from a real professional St. Petersburg. Learn new things and surprise your friends. Sometimes this can be done very simply.

Sergei Bodrov Jr. passed away in September 2002. He and everything film crew his film “The Messenger” are considered missing after the glacier collapsed in the Karmadon Gorge. The news of the death of the 30-year-old actor and director came as a shock to the entire country and, of course, to his family and friends. Sergei's widow Svetlana has not given any interviews or even short comments in the 15 years that have passed since the tragedy. And finally, I was able to find the strength in myself and talk about my life with the idol of an entire generation and what I experienced when he disappeared.

Svetlana calls her husband “my Seryozha.” For 15 years the feelings have not cooled down. She knows for sure that there will no longer be any man in her heart or even just next to her.

About love

Svetlana and Sergei met at the VID television company with Sergei Kushnerev, who was their boss and friend. The girl worked in the “Muzoboz” program, and the young and talented artist hosted the program “Vzglyad”. The first time they talked was on a plane when they flew to Cuba. Svetlana is on vacation, and Sergey is on filming.

« And there, in Cuba, we suddenly started talking to him... - Svetlana told the project. - For some reason, I remember this moment very well: we got caught up in Hemingway’s house with each other. And then they talked and talked, without ceasing: about themselves, about me, about him. He later wrote to me in one letter: “You and I are like two twin brothers who were separated thirty years ago.” You know, we were kind of stuck with each other, so to speak? They spoke to each other as if they had been silent all their lives before.”

About quarrels

"I I tried to build some kind of walls, of course. I was used to living alone, I was an adult - 30 years old, it seemed to me that I would never get married and would never have children; I was sure: there is and will be only one thing in my life - work. And I somehow defended myself with this. But Seryoga didn’t let go. After Cuba, we practically never parted with him.”

"TO Somehow my Seryoga and I had a big fight. This was the very beginning: he has a difficult character, and I also don’t have the most flexible character. I slammed the door, jumped into the car - I’m a cool guy: show business, car, mobile phone. And I was blown away by them! - got lost. Serezha later told me how Sergei Kushnerev sat and said: “Seryozha, would you like to marry Sveta?” And Bodrov replies: “I would like to very much.” She does not want".

About work

“I always liked everything that my Seryozha does. You see, he and I, of course, were on the same wavelength, I supported him in all of this. And I was always proud of him in everything. I remember when he defended his dissertation, I came out and told him: “I’m proud of you, like my homeland, Seryoga!” And there in the commission they tell him: “Your wife looked at you like that! Incredible...” And I just realized every second what happiness I had: how incredibly deep and talented person next to me".

About children

“I now understand that we could give so much to our children together. I can't do this alone. This makes it very difficult for me. It’s hard that I don’t have these daily hours in the kitchen with him, when we could talk, talk, talk until the morning. They could have remained silent in the same way. Drive in the car and be silent. Or stay at home and remain silent. Sometimes I see how people don’t know how to remain silent with each other, but he and I could. We didn’t talk - but that didn’t mean that we didn’t want to talk, we were still together, we had an internal dialogue with each other. And our son Sasha is the same, very similar in character to Seryozha. Very. Even in his movements sometimes: when he starts to grimace or dance, I get an electric shock because I see Seryozha. Somehow, at the genetic level, everything was passed on, right down to character. And I understand that if she and Seryozha were together now, they would feel and understand each other so subtly.”

About the last meeting

« In August, Bodrov and I’s son Sasha was born. I remember well how we were driving in the car from the maternity hospital and Kushnerev called: “Congratulations, Svetka!” And then he says to Seryoga: “Well, when will we meet?” Bodrov replies: “Listen, I’m now leaving for filming in North Ossetia. As soon as I return from Vladikavkaz, we’ll meet.” This was their last conversation. After Sasha was born, we stayed at home for two weeks. Then Seryoga took us to the dacha and left for this filming. I can see it right now: he gets into his beloved Land Rover Defender» huge and says: “I’m coming straight from the airport to you.” This is his last sentence. And I'll see him off. You know, he flew into my life like a bird and flew away.”

“Before Seryogin left, we bought an apartment. There were bare walls. Two children. We have to feed them somehow, we have to earn money, we have to live. But I don’t remember these months at all. In my opinion, I didn’t understand anything at all. I didn’t even understand that everything, that I was left with nothing, that it was all over.And then on September 20 everything happened, and on November 5 I already went to the shooting of “Wait for Me.”I flew to Ossetia every weekend. And, you know, when in various films and programs Ossetians say that no one helped them at the level of the government, the country, then this is not so. There, when the situation arose that they were about to disperse everyone, there was no equipment, there was no support and the phone was silent - this is also very scary, when the phone went silent, that’s it, no one believes, no one says anything... Generally silence. You know, somehow everything was on the edge. And Seryozhka Kushnerev says to me: “You should probably call Ernst. Only he can have a way to the top.” To the level of the presidents of the republics, who could give the command to continue searching - which of us could get out? Seryozhka got me a phone number and I called Kostya Ernst. I called in some kind of oblivion, in despair, completely unable to discern what day of the week it was, what time it was. I told him, sobbing, into the phone: “I ask you as a woman, as a wife, as a mother. I beg you, help!” And Kostya, we must give him his due, says: “Sveta, I’ll help.”And the equipment arrived: excavators, tractors, whatever was needed. No one usually talks about this. And he himself does not speak. But that's how it was. I then called him a lot, sometimes right from the mountain, from there, from Ossetia. And he contacted Shoigu and other ministers. And they helped, allocated, sent. Divers, speleologists. For some reason he never talks about this. And I’ve never given an interview before, so no one knows.Until the very last day search operation he was in touch, called, asked, helped. Until the very end, it seems, he didn’t want to believe that this was the end.”

15 years ago actor and director Sergei Bodrov Jr. and 23 members of the film crew of the film “The Messenger” died in the Karmadon Gorge. This tragedy occurred due to the sudden collapse of a glacier from the top of the mountain. The artist himself and all members of his team are officially listed as dead, but their bodies were never found. Family of the deceased star cult film“Brother” never commented on the actor’s death. All relatives of the deceased categorically refused to communicate with the press on this topic. However, the artist’s father, Sergei Bodrov Sr., who has been living in the United States for more than 20 years, first broke his silence and spoke about his grief in December last year. He became the hero of the program “Alone with Everyone” with Yulia Menshova.

The example of Bodrov Sr. was recently followed by the widow of Sergei Jr. Svetlana Bodrova. She gave an interview to the press for the first time since her husband's death. She was prompted to take this step by the death of her and Sergei’s close friend, television producer Sergei Kushnerev, who died in February 2017. Svetlana is with him long years I did the “Wait for Me” program. During a conversation with, she spoke about her acquaintance with Bodrov, about life after his disappearance, about their children and about a recent episode on Yuri Dud’s channel dedicated to her late husband.

As it turned out, before meeting Svetlana personally, she had never seen films with the participation of her future husband. But after Bodrova was noticed by Kushnerev and invited him to the “Vzglyad” program, and subsequently not only the whole country, but also Svetlana discovered the place of the show’s host, actor and director. It was in connection with this detail that the artist’s widow was indignant. She noted that Alexander Lyubimov told Dudya that it was he who noticed the young Bodrov and invited him to television. “Lyubimov has nothing to do with Bodrov’s invitation to Vzglyad. I’ll say more: when a tragedy happened in our house, in our family, Sasha Lyubimov did not call either me or Serezhina’s mother. He didn’t offer help and didn’t ask: “Sveta, how are you?” Although he readily participates in all films about Seryozha, introducing himself great friend», - Svetlana noted.

His future wife, who was the director of the program, began to communicate closely with Bodrov during their joint business trip to Cuba. According to Svetlana, at some point they started talking as if before that “they had been silent all their lives.” However, she had no intention of starting with him. romantic relationships. “I was used to living alone, I was an adult - 30 years old, it seemed to me that I would never get married and would never have children; I was sure: there is and will be only one thing in my life - work. And I somehow defended myself with this. But Seryoga didn’t let go. After Cuba, we practically never parted with him,”- she admitted.

Svetlana supported her lover in everything and never tired of admiring him. “Every second I understood how lucky I was: what an incredibly deep and talented person was next to me.” Bodrova worries that her children do not have the opportunity to receive the attention that their father could give them. “Our son Sasha is the same, very similar in character to Seryozha. Even in his movements sometimes: when he starts to grimace or dance, I get an electric shock because I see Seryozha,”- said Svetlana. Younger son The couple was born shortly before the tragedy with his father. Then the young parents bought an apartment, and Bodrova went on maternity leave from “Wait for Me.”

After what happened in the Karmadon Gorge, Bodrova returned to work, but every weekend she flew to Ossetia to look for her husband. “We still had nothing to live on. Before Seryogin left, we bought an apartment. There were bare walls. Two children. We have to feed them somehow, we have to earn money, we have to live. But I don’t remember these months at all. In my opinion, I didn’t understand anything at all. I didn’t even understand that everything, that I was left with nothing, that it was all over. I flew every weekend."

After some time of fruitless attempts to find Sergei, Svetlana was overcome by despair. And then Kushnerev advised her to turn to Konstantin Ernst. According to her, he took a big part in the search and helped bring to Ossetia everything necessary that was needed for this process. “For some reason he never talks about it. And I’ve never given an interview before, so no one knows,”- Svetlana noted. Bodrova admitted that her colleague Kushnerev, who not only became godfather her children, but also helped their daughter and Sergei with admission to theater university. According to her, since her husband’s body was not found and there is no burial, she regularly goes to Kushnerev’s grave.

On this topic: the 18-year-old daughter of the late Sergei Bodrov hid her relationship with him when entering a theater university Photo: Persona Stars Still from the program “Alone with Everyone”