The spiritual sphere of life is common. The concept of culture, its types, types and functions

Not only social subjects are identified as parts, but also other formations - spheres of life of society. Society is a complex system specially organized human life. Like any other a complex system, society consists of subsystems, the most important of which are called spheres public life.

Sphere of social life- a certain set of stable relations between social actors.

Spheres of public life are large, stable, relatively independent subsystems of human activity.

Each area includes:

  • certain types of human activities (for example, educational, political, religious);
  • social institutions (such as family, school, parties, church);
  • established relationships between people (i.e., connections that arose in the process of human activity, for example, relations of exchange and distribution in the economic sphere).

Traditionally, there are four main spheres of public life:

  • social (peoples, nations, classes, gender and age groups, etc.)
  • economic (productive forces, production relations)
  • political (state, parties, socio-political movements)
  • spiritual (religion, morality, science, art, education).

Of course, a person is able to live without satisfying these needs, but then his life will differ little from the life of animals. Spiritual needs are met in the process spiritual activity - cognitive, value, prognostic, etc. Such activities are aimed primarily at changing individual and public consciousness. It manifests itself in scientific creativity, self-education, etc. At the same time, spiritual activity can be both producing and consuming.

Spiritual production is the process of formation and development of consciousness, worldview, and spiritual qualities. The product of this production are ideas, theories, artistic images, values, spiritual world individual and spiritual relationships between individuals. The main mechanisms of spiritual production are science, art and religion.

Spiritual consumption is called the satisfaction of spiritual needs, the consumption of products of science, religion, art, for example, visiting a theater or museum, acquiring new knowledge. The spiritual sphere of society's life ensures the production, storage and dissemination of moral, aesthetic, scientific, legal and other values. It covers various consciousnesses - moral, scientific, aesthetic, etc.

Social institutions in spheres of society

In each sphere of society, corresponding social institutions are formed.

In the social sphere The most important social institution within which the reproduction of new generations of people takes place is. The social production of man as a social being, in addition to the family, is carried out by such institutions as preschool and medical institutions, school and others educational establishments, sports and other organizations.

For many people, the production and presence of spiritual conditions of existence are no less important, and for some people even more important, than material conditions. Spiritual production distinguishes humans from other beings in this world. The state and nature of development determine the civilization of mankind. Main in the spiritual sphere institutions are performing. This also includes cultural and educational institutions, creative unions(writers, artists, etc.), means mass media and other organizations.

At the core political sphere lies the relationship between people that allows them to participate in management social processes, occupy a relatively safe position in the structure social connections. Political relations- these are forms of collective life that are prescribed by laws and other legal acts country, charters and instructions regarding independent communities, both outside the country and within it, written and unwritten rules of various. These relations are carried out through the resources of the corresponding political institution.

On a national scale, the main political institution is . It consists of many of the following institutions: the president and his administration, government, parliament, court, prosecutor's office and other organizations that ensure general order in the country. In addition to the state, there are many organizations in which people exercise their political rights, that is, the right to manage social processes. Social movements also act as political institutions that seek to participate in the governance of the entire country. In addition to them, there may be organizations at the regional and local level.

Interrelation of spheres of public life

Spheres of public life are closely interconnected. In the history of the sciences there have been attempts to single out any sphere of life as determining in relation to others. Thus, in the Middle Ages, the prevailing idea was the special significance of religiosity as part of the spiritual sphere of society. In modern times and the era of Enlightenment, the role of morality and scientific knowledge. A number of concepts assign the leading role to the state and law. Marxism affirms the determining role of economic relations.

Within the framework of real social phenomena elements from all spheres are combined. For example, the nature of economic relations can influence the structure social structure. Place in the social hierarchy shapes certain Political Views, opens appropriate access to education and other spiritual values. Economic relations themselves are determined legal system a country that is very often formed on the basis of the people, their traditions in the field of religion and morality. Thus, at various stages historical development the influence of any sphere may increase.

Complex nature social systems combined with their dynamism, i.e. mobile character.

The spiritual sphere of social life- scope covering various shapes and levels of social consciousness, manifested in spiritual production to satisfy spiritual needs and the creation of spiritual values.

The life of society in the spiritual sphere consists of the following elements: (elements of spiritual life)

1. morality- a set of rules of behavior derived from people’s ideas about justice and injustice, good and evil.

2. religion

3. art- creative activity of people aimed at conveying objective reality through subjective experiences with the help of artistic images.

4. science- a system of substantiated knowledge, expressed in an abstract-logical form, in the form of a theory.

5. right- a system of formal, generally binding norms established or sanctioned by the state, guaranteed by its coercive force.

6. ideology- a set of ideas that explains socio-political reality and shapes attitudes towards it, used by the political elite to influence mass consciousness for their own purposes.

7. philosophy- the discipline that studies the most common problems devices of the surrounding world, society and people.

The process of spiritual life itself has the following structure (structure of spiritual life):

1. Spiritual needs. Spiritual needs are the needs for the creation and development of spiritual goods.


1) spiritual needs are not given biologically, but manifest themselves and develop in the process of socialization;

2) spiritual needs are not exhausted as they are satisfied, but increase and become more complex;

3) spiritual needs serve as an indicator of personal development: the more spiritual needs a person has and the more complex they are, the more developed his personality

2. Spiritual production. Spiritual production is the production of social consciousness, the result of which is:

1) ideas, theories, images and other spiritual values;

2) spiritual social connections of individuals;

3) the person’s personality.

3. Spiritual values(blata). Spiritual values ​​are benefits that manifest themselves only through the consciousness of people and are aimed at satisfying spiritual needs.


1) spiritual goods are relative, they depend on culture and era 2) spiritual goods are inexhaustible, they do not decrease as they are consumed, but, on the contrary, develop.


Forms of culture: material and spiritual.

Material culture - a set of cultural objects that exist in sensory-objective reality, intended to satisfy material needs.

Spiritual culture- a set of cultural objects that exist through the consciousness of people, intended to satisfy spiritual needs.

Raznov Culture is divided into folk, elite and mass.

In a traditional society, folk and elite culture can be clearly distinguished.

1. Folk culture - culture characteristic of a particular ethnic community(people, nation).


a) simplicity, accessibility;

b) anonymity, created by all the people;

c) stability, immutability;

d) connection with national roots;

e) serves for national self-identification;

e) arises in the process practical activities of people.

2. Elite culture- culture characteristic of the upper strata of society.


a) complexity, accessibility only to a select few;

c) created by professionals;

d) serves to separate the upper strata (aristocracy) from ordinary people;

e) is constantly evolving and becoming more complex;

e) international

3. Mass culture. Appears in late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. Prerequisites:

1) development of technical means of communication - mass media;

2) a change in the social structure of society (the contrast between the aristocracy and ordinary people is significant for traditional society industrial washable).


a) commercial orientation;

b) simplicity and accessibility of forms;

c) created by professionals;

d) international.

In modern society, mass culture dominates; it has practically supplanted folk culture; in the same time, elite culture preserved as a means creative self-expression, not aimed at mass consumption and commercial gain.

There are different points of view regarding the influence popular culture per person.

Positive influence:

  • one way or another, introduces everyone to culture;
  • has its own heights and achievements;
  • satisfies the needs for leisure and entertainment;
  • is a means of self-expression.

Bad influence:

  • lowers the overall bar cultural level;
  • creates artificial needs and requests;
  • forms standard behavior and tastes;
  • propagates social myths.

II. Culture is also divided into mainstream, subculture and counterculture.

1.Dominant(dominant) culture - a culture that is understandable and accessible to the entire society and accepted by the majority of society.

2. Subculture- culture inherent in a particular social group. A subculture is a unique variety of the dominant one, but serves the purpose of highlighting and identifying members of this group (professional, national, demographic).

3. Counterculture- a culture that directly opposes itself to the dominant one, inverting its values ​​and principles. Counterculture is an expression of protest and disagreement with the values ​​of the dominant culture.

The science

The term science can be understood in three senses: how social institution, as a branch of spiritual production, as a system of knowledge.

1. Science as a social institution is a system of organizations and institutions that develop, disseminate and implement knowledge, as well as norms and principles governing their activities.

2. Science as spiritual production - special type spiritual activity aimed at obtaining reliable and substantiated knowledge.

3. Science as a system of knowledge is an ordered system of substantiated knowledge expressed in an abstract logical form.

Distinctive features Sciences:

1. Validity - any statement accepted by science must have its proof.

2. Universality - knowledge gained in one area should be applicable to all similar ones.

3. Systematicity - scientific knowledge is ordered and expressed in the form of theory.

4. Objectivity - science strives for objective knowledge, independent of the will of the cognizing subject.

5. Limitlessness - science is constantly developing, any theory does not claim to be absolute and can be refuted.

6. Mathematization and formalization - accuracy in science is achieved through the use of formalized languages ​​and the language of mathematics.

7. Terminological apparatus - scientific concepts, fixed at the theoretical level.

Functions of science:

1. Cognitive - description and explanation of the surrounding world, society and people (implemented mainly in the fundamental sciences).

2. Practical and effective - participation in the transformative activities of society (implemented mainly in applied sciences).

3. Prognostic - prediction of events in the future.

4. Social - assistance in the development of society.

5. Cultural and worldview - the formation of a scientific worldview.

Basic Sciences deeply immersed in the object of study and provide the basis for applied sciences. Applied sciences apply their knowledge in practice.

Levels of scientific knowledge. There are two levels of scientific knowledge - empirical and theoretical.

1. Empirical level characterized by direct knowledge of the external aspects of objects, identification of observed facts and recording of patterns.

Forms of empirical knowledge - scientific fact and empirical law. Empirical knowledge uses methods:

a) observation;

b) experiment;

c) measurement;

d) description;

e) comparison, etc.

2. Theoretical level carries out indirect cognition, penetrates into the essence of phenomena and explains them.

Forms theoretical level knowledge - law, hypothesis, theory. Theoretical knowledge uses methods:

a) deduction;

b) induction;

c) abstraction;

d) idealization;

e) systematization, etc.

In addition to empirical and theoretical methods, there are universal methods, the use of which is possible at any of these levels.

These include:

a) analogy;

b) analysis;

c) synthesis;

d) classification;

e) modeling.

Types of sciences.

Traditionally, natural and social sciences are distinguished.

1. Natural sciences study natural objects and phenomena. Their main task is to explain universal, repeating patterns.

2. Social sciences and humanities study society and cultural objects


Education- purposeful cognitive activity people to obtain and transfer knowledge, skills and abilities, or to improve them.

Functions of education:

  • economic - transfer and development of skills professional activity;
  • social - socialization of the individual and reproduction of the social structure of society;
  • cultural - transfer and development of achievements of spiritual culture previous generations.

Education system- totality educational programs and standards, network educational institutions and governing bodies, as well as a set of principles that determine its functioning.

Society's requirements for education are expressed in the system of principles of state educational policy.

Currently, educational policy in the Russian Federation is based on the following principles:

1) the humanistic nature of education;

2) priority of universal human values;

3) personal right to free development;

4) unity federal education with the right to the uniqueness of the formation of national and regional cultures;

5) universal access to education;

6) adaptability of the education system to the needs of students;

7) the secular nature of education in government institutions;

8) freedom and pluralism in education;

9) democratic, state-public nature of management and independence of educational institutions.

Levels of education in the Russian Federation:

1. preschool

2. general (school, secondary)

a) initial

b) basic c) complete

3. professional

a) primary b) secondary

c) higher

d) postgraduate

4. additional.

Trends in the development of education:

a) democratization of the system of education and upbringing (public accessibility);

b) humanitarization of the education process ( increased attention To humanities);

c) humanization of the education process;

d) computerization of the educational process;

e) internationalization of the education process;

f) continuing education;

g) increase in the duration of education.

The most important way to obtain education is self-education - acquiring knowledge without the direct control and help of teachers and educators.


The term "religion" comes from Latin word“linking, re-referring to something.”

Religion- a system of beliefs in the supernatural, ritual actions, traditions, religious institutions.

We call culture everything that is created by the hands and mind of man, the entire artificial - different from nature - world of phenomena that cannot exist without human care.

Culture can be moral, scientific, economic, legal, political, etc. In everyday consciousness, culture merges with “culturedness,” i.e. spiritual and moral heritage of the individual. Among the most valued qualities of a cultured person are consciousness, organization, responsibility, erudition, modesty, accuracy, and fairness.

Culture shapes a person as a mature human being - in contrast to an animal, which acquires generic characteristics directly from birth. It is unlikely that all generic characteristics have received room for development: this is evidenced by the unique abilities inherent in a few people.

Culture shapes a person as a part of society, when he assimilates a certain mandatory minimum of culture and enters a particular group with specific ways of thinking and principles of behavior.

Culture introduces a person to cultural heritage on a wider scale, promotes the assimilation of other cultures - foreign languages, professional skills, acquisition of a broad humanitarian culture.

Culture shapes individuality by developing abilities predetermined by natural inclinations, biography, and life experience.

In turn, culture is created, developed and preserved as by individuals, and society as a whole. And society’s attitude towards culture must be completely meaningful.

Artistic culture, or art. Aesthetics is a system of someone’s views on art.

Tolstoy: “Evoke in yourself a once experienced feeling and, having evoked it in yourself, through movements, lines, colors, sounds, images, expressed in words, to convey this feeling so that others experience the same feeling - this is the activity of art.

Art is a human activity, consisting in the fact that one person consciously, with certain external signs, conveys to others the feelings he experiences, and other people become infected with these feelings and experience them.”

In this definition it should be emphasized:

- The sphere of art is, first of all, feelings and emotions.

- Consciousness of the act of creativity

- The importance of the subject's intentions, i.e. creator

The viewer, reader, listener can limit himself to the role of the object (like - don’t like), or he can go further, i.e. try to judge the artist's intentions and how well the artist accomplished his task. Here it is only important to remember that the artist should be judged by the laws that he recognizes above himself.

Art can be divided into classical and romantic (Zhirmunsky). In classical art, the work is important in itself, it does not contain the character of the creator, it is in tune with nature itself. And the romantic artist strives to express himself, first of all, believing that this is how he will touch the feelings of another person.

Soviet era ideology great place devoted to discussions about form and content in art.

Goethe said that for a true artist, the stimulus for creativity is not life, but works of art created by another creator. This is a very honest thought, completely contrary to the guidelines of the communist leaders, according to which the artist is obliged to depict life.

Cognition of a work of art begins with a purely emotional perception. Then comes the desire to understand how, in what way the artist achieved his goal - he infected you with his feeling. In the future, you want to understand the artist more deeply; you begin to be interested in his other works, his personality, his destiny. A person who feels creative abilities and needs own creativity, penetrates the creative laboratory of the artists who amazed him, thus passing through the stage of apprenticeship.

“... A means of communication between people, uniting them in the same feelings.”

(“What is beautiful is what pleases regardless of the meaning” Kant.)

Culture “folk”, “elite” and “mass”.

Folk culture is traditional, homogeneous, and reflects the character of the people. Its source is the village. It is deep and inert. Artists draw material from folk culture, reinterpreting it and filling it with philosophical and moral content.

Elite culture is a creative avant-garde, a laboratory. These are groups, studios, circles, within which they speak a special language, accessible only to initiates. Here new, unprecedented works are born, here artists learn from each other, here geniuses are born.

Mass culture is created for the broad urban masses in an “industrial” way. There is a lot in it that is inauthentic, imitative and standardized. It is calculated in advance sufficiently low level perception.

Of course, there are also intermediate forms, when a large-scale work designed for the masses includes elements of both elite and folk art. (Film about Stirlitz).

Moral assessment of culture. Tolstoy spoke about good or bad art, depending on exactly what feelings of the reader or viewer the artist influences. The most important criterion for moral assessment is the religious state of society.

In the USSR, where atheism and pseudo-religious cults dominated, art largely replaced religion. It is precisely this that works the best masters awakened high morality in people and gave hope for the future.

The problem of conservation and selection of culture.

The problem of the cultural elite: support for the new and incomprehensible

Education. Mass media.

Our culture has to remember its Christian origin - both directly from Orthodoxy and through the influence of Western Christianity. And already on this basis it is necessary to comprehend and either accept or reject the newest influences offered in abundance by the global information field.

We have to say again and again that a return to Christian foundations, to the religious origins of culture does not mean a rejection of the achievements of humanism. On the contrary, it is a spiral movement upward, to a new stage of development, where scientific thought is combined with a religious worldview, where freedom is combined with responsibility, where there is Path, Truth and Life.

Today all this has to be proven. Today, too many people do not find the strength to overcome the stereotype acquired in an atheistic childhood, according to which faith is shameful for an educated person. And it is these people who today form television programs, newspaper pages, and organize mass “cultural events.” We have the right to expect that cultural figures will be the first to overcome the mentioned stereotype, especially since some of them did this back in the “stagnant” years, when this required a fair amount of courage.

A self-developing society cannot let culture take its course, given that art can not only educate, but also corrupt the human soul. The time has come to decide how society should influence culture.

Entertaining mass culture should be limited only by law, i.e. here only the corrupting influences described by law should be prohibited. This part of culture is not funded by the state, but is self-sustaining.

The state must support a culture that has a beneficial effect on people. However, the decision on full or partial funding should not be made by officials alone. What is needed here is public areopagus culture, consisting of the most authoritative figures of culture, science, religion, and politics. The recommendations of the Areopagus of culture are fundamental for material support or, on the contrary, for restrictive measures in relation primarily to television and radio programs.

Here the problem of the formation of the Areopagus itself arises. It is clear that he cannot be elected by general election. On the other hand, it is hardly possible to leave the approval of the Areopagus to the cultural figures themselves in order to avoid corporate influences. However, some solutions, albeit not ideal ones, can be found; the main thing is to take the first step and put an end to the undivided power of anonymous editors and program directors, to lift the veil of secrecy over those on whom tomorrow's public consciousness depends.

Concept of culture

Culture- This is a very complex, multi-level system. On the one hand, these are the material and spiritual values ​​accumulated by society, on the other - human activity, based on the heritage of all previous generations, generating and transmitting this inheritance to those who will replace those currently living.

The concept of “culture” appeared in ancient times. They were originally characterized by (activities) involving cultivation, processing of soil, metal, stone, and education.

This concept of culture has from the very beginning covered a huge range of human activities. As people penetrated deeper into the secrets of nature and man himself, the very concept of “culture” expanded.

IN modern science There are hundreds of definitions of culture. Unfortunately, most of them are incomprehensible and difficult to reproduce, while the concept of “culture” should be operational and easy to use. These requirements are met by understanding culture as qualitative characteristics vital activity society as a whole and its main subjects individually. It becomes and develops along with the formation of society, improving along with it.

IN modern language the concept of culture is used in different meanings. Culture means:

  • the totality of human achievements in various fields social life;
  • a way of organizing social relations, presented in the system of official and unofficial social institutions;
  • the degree of personal development, a person’s familiarization with the achievements of science, art, law, morality and other areas of spirituality.

Material and spiritual culture

Culture is divided into. It is important here not to confuse it with objects, cultural items. St. Basil's Cathedral, Grand Theatre etc. are cultural objects, but here is their qualitative characteristics: who, when, where, with what, etc. — culture. Violin - musical instrument, an object of culture, and the Stradivarius violin is an object culture XVI V. Performed on it musical composition- a subject of spiritual culture, but who, how, when, where, etc., i.e. its qualitative characteristic is culture.

The life activity of society is multi-sphere (labor, politics, economics, ethics, aesthetics, law, family, religion, etc.) Each of the spheres of society corresponds to a certain level of culture achieved by him as a qualitative characteristic of his life activity.

We offer a gradation of the levels of achieved culture: knowledge, abilities, skills, experience, mastery, creativity, which reflect the degree of development of each of the spheres of life of a particular subject of social life: labor, political, economic, etc. Focusing on them, you can build a development graph culture of each subject of social life: personality, social group, society of any country.

A similar graph is shown in the figure below.

Unfortunately, the curve reflecting the achieved level of culture in various spheres of life in Russia is falling, demonstrating insufficient high culture in a number of important areas. It shows that the level of working culture of Russians is higher than political or economic, and even more so aesthetic or ethical. There are many highly cultured people in the country, but even more fall short of this comprehensive indicator.

When we talk about culture of a social subject, We we mean its total potential, formed in all spheres of society. Sociology focuses on the functioning elements in spiritual culture. What are these elements?

Knowledge, formulated in concepts and recorded in language, as a system of signs and symbols endowed with a certain meaning.

Language— a tool for the formation, accumulation and transfer of knowledge. In turn, knowledge is the basis of beliefs - an important element of culture.

Rice. 1. Diagram of the culture of the subject of social life

Belief- certain spiritual state, the sensory experience of knowledge as personally significant and reliable. Beliefs are the unity of knowledge, emotions and will, appearing in the form of: value orientations, attitudes, norms, principles of behavior, motives for action. They are based on values ​​- the property of a social object to satisfy certain needs of a social subject. In sociology, values ​​are considered as ideas about good, evil, happiness, honesty, fidelity, love, virtue - factors regulating social interactions. Values ​​are the defining element of culture, its core. Entering the life of society, a person gives his assessment to everything. Its basis is values. Values ​​orient, encourage, motivate a social subject to specific actions. Sociology is primarily interested in values ​​that regulate the interactions of people in society, i.e. social values. Important elements cultures are social norms, habits, manners, etiquette, customs, traditions, rites, rituals, mores, fashion, faith, etc.

The spiritual sphere of society is a complex of certain social subsystems in which people live and act. The essence of each of them is that they represent the business, intellectual, moral or ideological component of human relationships.


The spiritual sphere is organized purposefully and reflects not the material, but the moral inclinations of a person. It includes his worldview and moral qualities. Creating such a sphere around yourself is necessary for.

Being influenced by this sphere and inspired by it, a person creates his own moral environment and consumes spiritual values ​​that he does not yet have in his intellectual potential. Determination makes her give birth:

  • various theories;
  • works of art;
  • meaningful ideas.

Personality builds its inner world and spiritual connections with others. In order for this range of values ​​to be of high quality, she needs to consume values ​​that have already been created by others and are capable of satisfying her spiritual needs.

What is the spiritual sphere in principle? This is not a biologically given condition of existence. It is the fruit of a person’s socialization, his desire to develop and become a recognized individual. Even animals need to communicate with their own kind not only at the level of instincts. Man is taller than an ordinary animal. As Gorky said, man sounds proud. This means that he should strive for social spheres, which can ensure the development of his spirituality and full-fledged work activity.

What constitutes the basis of spiritual life

The basic elements that determine the structure of the spiritual aspirations of the individual and society are:

  • morality;
  • religion;
  • education;
  • the science;
  • art;
  • culture.

Their functional relationship is obvious. In principle, only it ensures the harmonious development of a person and his successful interaction with the outside world.


Morality refers to certain rules of behavior accepted in society. At its origins in all human societies stood the prevailing ideas of people:

  • about evil and good;
  • unacceptable and acceptable;
  • wrong and right;
  • low and high.

The existence of morality accepted by humanity already early stages its history, due to the need to regulate the totality social processes, eliminate periodically occurring chaotic and protest phenomena. Morality directs these processes in a certain political or economic direction, given by the era.

IN modern societies This function is performed by the constitution, which regulates the rights and duties of its citizens. Judicial institutions are called upon to guarantee their independence from the voluntarism of the authorities. The law in a controversial situation becomes a manifestation of the foundations of existing morality. It strictly binds the behavior of an individual to certain norms accepted by society.


It plays a role in many ways similar to morality: it also organizes huge masses of people. But the organizing force becomes not worldly power, but the power of God: a certain supernatural being, possessing ideal qualities to which one should orient one’s activities unquestioningly. The main sign of any non-criticized acceptance of a postulate set by religion. Faith in this postulate is ensured by the church, independent missionaries who expand the circle of the believing flock, and one or another degree of inquisition - the fight against dissent, disciplining the believing population.

IN ancient Greece For this purpose, ostracism was used - the eviction of unwanted people from the policies, in medieval Europe heretics could easily end up at the stake. Today morals are much softer: everyone has the right to choose for themselves whether to worship God or not.


Unlike religion, it inclines the individual towards knowledge natural causes social and scientific progress or regression. Gives a person the knowledge necessary for this, which becomes the main factor for awakening interest in the environment. From knowledge come the corresponding skills, from skills - skills that allow you to translate the information received into reality and transform aspects of life that are unsatisfactory in terms of characteristics.

An uninformed person is powerless in the face of circumstances; it is difficult for him to communicate with trained people. He has difficulty understanding what is happening around him and feels useless to anyone in a constantly evolving world.

The science

The highest manifestation of the education received. This intellectual institution constantly systemizes and deepens the knowledge available to humanity. On this basis, new reasoned ideas are developed, which are systematized from time to time and generate more accurate knowledge. A special feature of science compared to religious knowledge is its objectivity. It differs in that it seeks to display various items and phenomena in them in real form, existing independently of subjective perception. Scientific activity meets both the urgent and strategic needs of society and contributes to its scientific and technical development.


Represents an important part of the moral sphere, in a sense alternative to science. It can be considered as a means of entertainment, a manifestation of skill that provides people with a variety of emotions and aesthetic comfort. Another distinctive feature of art is the ability to influence the thoughts of various members of society. It provides food for artistic and scientific reflection. The consequence of many works of art There have been many great scientific discoveries.

Art is also an effective ideological tool. By directly influencing the public, it evokes in people a certain attitude towards what is happening around them.

Awakens high feelings:

  • makes you feel compassion for your neighbor;
  • reveals problems that exist between people;
  • shows the way to strengthen friendship.


This is a generalized achievement of all the elements of the spiritual sphere that are described above. It includes morality, education, science, and art. Through culture, the most significant values ​​of a particular society are revealed, on the basis of which the traditional background of society and national customs, making it possible to spiritually connect different generations with each other and saturate them with the experience of their predecessors.

In the era of globalization, there is constant interaction different cultures. Previously closed cultural formations include the traditions and customs of other peoples, gradually eliminating their differences. Intercultural communication makes it possible to more fully reveal the moral potential of the most different nationalities. Often this makes you treat them with respect, adopt the best and thereby enrich your own culture.


Expanding the spiritual sphere in public life means increasing the chances of changing your life and the lives of others for the better. By developing intelligence and moral qualities and realizing them in society, a person becomes more in demand in society and enjoys its trust. Ultimately, this leads to the spiritual uplift of the entire society and its moral evolution.