Condolences funeral. Condolences on the occasion of death - how to express in your own words and support the relatives of the deceased

When a loved one dies, those around them rush to express their regret to his relatives. But how to properly show your gratitude to them and respond to condolences, because the word “thank you” is not very appropriate now?

Mourning etiquette

If a person dies in your family, it is a time of difficult worries. First of all, you will have to inform everyone about the incident. This is not easy to do, but it is necessary.

According to mourning etiquette, you need to notify all your acquaintances, even if they are far away and even those whom you personally do not like, but may have had a good relationship with the deceased.

For those who live nearby, it is better to inform them when you meet, but it is impossible to get around everyone; there is an option to send messages by email or SMS, but this is not very polite, and suddenly the person does not receive them. Therefore, it is better to call in person and say at least a few words. And also be sure to tell us where and when the funeral will be, leave your contact information so that people can clarify the information.

It turns out that you are in grief and you have to do a lot of things: communicate, run around shops and funeral homes. Nothing can be done, gather your will into a fist. Now this is the best thing you can do for the deceased - to see him off with dignity on his last journey.

People will come to the ceremony, some you don’t even know, they will want to express words of sympathy, think about how to react to them.

How to respond to condolences regarding a death?

There are no special rules on this topic; it is often difficult to find words in such situations. You can remain silent in response or simply nod, rest assured, everyone will understand your condition.

Or use template phrases:

  • "Thank you";
  • "You are very attentive";
  • “I try not to lose heart, thanks to you it’s easier for me.”

Everyone has different characters, some want to spend these minutes alone, while others, on the contrary, are uncomfortable being left alone with their own thoughts. If you belong to the first category of people, don’t be shy.

Of course, you will have to worry about organizing the funeral, welcoming guests, everyone will be interested in knowing the details of what happened, especially when the death was unexpected.

But this does not mean that you should now talk a lot and listen to the lamentations of some aunt from a distant province. Accept her support and go about your business. Even if she is a little surprised by this behavior, it’s okay, explain later.

When you come to a funeral...

The opposite situation - you are paying a condolence visit, how to behave correctly? Remember some simple rules:

  1. Do not dress flashily and brightly; dark colors are appropriate now: women in long skirts, men in suits;
  2. Bring napkins or a handkerchief so you can wipe away your tears when your feelings become overwhelming. Or maybe someone present will need the supplies;
  3. Remove large jewelry and leave large bags at home;
  4. Have a conversation, but keep silence;
  5. And don’t follow the coffin, let your relatives go ahead.

Do you understand that you need to approach your loved ones and communicate, show your participation, but you don’t know what words to use when expressing condolences? Take simple phrases:

  • « It’s difficult for me to find the right words of consolation, but I sincerely sympathize with your grief»;
  • « I'm deeply shocked by what happened, hang in there…»;
  • « Let me offer you my condolences».

If you are far away at the time of the funeral, it’s okay; it is believed that you can communicate with your family at another time. This will not look like a belated reaction, on the contrary, you came as soon as you could, which means you remember and worry.

How should you respond to condolences about death?

Work colleagues, friends and acquaintances will begin to offer financial assistance or any other kind: transportation, a room for a funeral - whoever can.

It should be accepted - this is normal, you will agree that it is not superfluous. The main thing is not to bow out in gratitude and do not shower yourself with compliments, thank calmly. In this situation, you would have done the same.

And I would also like to warn you - the modern funeral industry works very quickly and with pressure. You will be surprised, but sometimes, before they have time to send the deceased to the morgue, people answer phone calls from funeral agencies who are in a hurry to express sympathy and offer services.

Take your time to take advantage of these offers, come to your senses first. The prices and capabilities of funeral companies are very different. In a couple of hours, when your thoughts have recovered a little, you will be able to more adequately evaluate the price list. Talk to your friends, they may offer advice or be able to help with transportation and other matters.

Funeral meal

After the burial, it is customary to invite people to the wake; everyone comes. Christians traditionally serve pancakes and kutya (a dish with wheat, nuts and raisins).

At the wake, those who wish to speak about the deceased, but it is not customary to say bad things; it is better to remain silent. What can you tell those present and how?

  • It is better to perform standing;
  • Start with the address: “Friends”, “Dear relatives”;
  • Introduce yourself, tell us how you know the deceased;
  • List his positive qualities. Even if you think that there were not many of them, the negative ones can be presented from the opposite side: grumpy- was critical of life, silly- trusting, stubborn- principled;
  • You can remember interesting incidents from life. Sometimes people read corresponding poems, their own or the author's.

The main thing is not to delay the speech, there are others who want to, and this is not the case. Draw conclusions that the person did not live in vain, offer words of condolences, and give way to the next one.

The death of a loved one is always a difficult event, but you have to take care of business, organize the funeral process - you have to pull yourself together. To make it a little easier for you to think of how to respond to condolences, use the phrase templates that we have offered you.

The main thing is to remember - life goes on, a good memory of a deceased person can become his reward for everything he did.

Video: how to express condolences correctly?

In this video, Islam Abaev will tell you how best to express condolences regarding the death:

Condolences on the occasion of death are an expression of involvement in the grief that has befallen people - the death of a loved one. At such moments, those closest to you simply need support and participation. They are expressed through words, spoken or written, and through actions, which is the most sincere form of empathy.

Verbal condolences - samples

  • I loved him/her (name). Sorry!
  • He meant a lot to me and to you, I mourn with you.
  • Let it be a consolation to us that he gave so much love and warmth. Let's pray for him.
  • There are no words to express your sorrow. She meant a lot in your life and mine. Never forget…
  • It is very difficult to lose such a dear person. I share your grief. How can I help you? You can always count on me.
  • I'm very sorry, please accept my condolences. If I can do something for you, I will be very glad. I would like to offer my help. I would be happy to help you...
  • Unfortunately, in this imperfect world we have to experience this. He was a bright man whom we loved. I will not leave you in your grief. You can count on me at any moment.
  • This tragedy affected everyone who knew her. Of course, it’s harder for you now than anyone else. I want to assure you that I will never leave you. And I will never forget her. Please let's walk this path together
  • Unfortunately, I only now realized how unworthy my bickering and quarrels with this bright and dear person were. Excuse me! I mourn with you.
  • This is a huge loss. And a terrible tragedy. I pray and will always pray for you and for him.
  • It is difficult to express in words how much good he did to me. All our differences are dust. And what he did for me, I will carry with me throughout my life. I pray for him and grieve with you. I will be happy to help you at any time.

The main thing is sincerity!

Speaking about etiquette, it should be noted that words of condolences to the relatives of the deceased should be filled with sincerity. You can say a lot of pompous phrases with a cold heart, simply because this is required by the standards of decency, or you can say a few words from the bottom of your heart and these words will be a balm for the soul of the closest people of the deceased.

Condolences for a death should not be a memorized text, much less a text read from a piece of paper or any medium, such as a phone. Sincerity is defined in empathy, the awareness that grief, like death, does not bypass a single person. Long speeches sound insincere and pathetic. A short condolence in your own words will be the best option.

The help offered will also be a manifestation of sincere sympathy and empathy. How can I help you? What can I do for you? If you need anything, contact me! – everything must be confirmed by deeds. Don’t be unfounded, and especially don’t offer help knowing in advance that you won’t be able to help.

Words of condolences

Words of condolences regarding death can consist of a couple of phrases and even a couple of words. For example:

  • (Name) was a man of great soul. We sincerely sympathize with you!
  • He was a bright/kind/powerful/talented person. An example for all of us. We will always remember!
  • How much good she did for her neighbors! How she was loved and appreciated during her lifetime! With her passing, we lost a piece of ourselves. We really feel for you!
  • This is a tragedy: we are in great pain at this hour. But it’s hardest for you! If we can help you with anything, please contact us immediately!
  • He has meant/done/helped me a lot in my life. I mourn with you!
  • What a pity that I didn’t have time to tell him “I’m sorry!” He opened a new world for me, and I will always remember it! My sincere condolences!
  • I mourn your loss. I know this is a hard blow for you
  • We offer our sincere condolences to all family and friends
  • I was told that your brother died. I'm very sorry, I mourn with you
  • A wonderful man has passed away. I send my condolences to you and your entire family at this sad and difficult moment.
  • Condolences about death - the words above are an example of sincere empathy. They can be tailored to a specific person.

How to express sympathy?

The first and most important thing has already been given above - this is sincerity, which is expressed in the fact that the words do not come from the head, like a memorized text, but from the heart.

Secondly, when offering condolences in connection with a death, offer help; this will become an expression of participation in the grief that has befallen. This could be a small help - pick up and bring wreaths, help with organizing a funeral/memorial. Expressing condolences over a death means joining in the general grief not only in words, but also in deeds.

Third, don’t keep your emotions to yourself and maintain a calm appearance. You should not be ashamed of your feelings - you came to the funeral of a friend who is no longer alive. You can cry, hug your family, provided you follow the first rule - sincerity. An obviously feigned hysteria will not be able to support relatives.

Fourth, it is not superfluous and even important to say at least a couple of phrases that characterize the deceased from the best side - he was a great friend / she is a wonderful housewife or it was a pleasure to work with him / she was a kind and sympathetic person. These words will become a balm for the soul of the dearest people of the deceased.

Examples of condolences

  • We deeply mourn the death of (name). She was a wonderful woman and surprised many with her generosity and kind disposition. We miss her very much and can only imagine what a blow her passing was for you. We remember how she once (name). She involved us in doing good, and thanks to her we became better people. ... was a model of mercy and tact. We are happy that we knew her.
  • Even though I never met your father, I know how much he meant to you. Thanks to your stories about his thriftiness, love of life and how tenderly he cared for you, it seems to me that I knew him too. I think a lot of people will miss him. When my father died, I found comfort in talking about him with other people. I would be very glad if you shared your memories of your dad. Thinking about you and your family.
  • We deeply regret the death of your dear daughter. We wish we could find words to somehow ease your pain, but it’s hard to imagine if such words exist at all. The loss of a child is the most terrible grief. Please accept my sincere condolences. We are praying for you.
  • I was deeply saddened by the news of (name)'s death and would like to express my sincere sympathy to you and the other employees of your firm. My colleagues share my deep sadness at his/her passing.
  • It is with deep regret that I learned about the death of the president of your institution (name), who faithfully served the interests of your organization for many years. Our director asked me to convey to you my condolences for the loss of such a talented organizer.
  • I would like to express to you our deep feelings about the death of (name). Her dedication to her work earned her the respect and love of all who knew her. Please accept our sincere condolences.

What should you not talk about?

Old grievances - death forgives everything and puts an end to any conflict. Popular wisdom says that only good things can be said about the dead. If you cannot let go of a situation or a conflict, then it is better to limit yourself to a couple of phrases, since if by chance aggression or negativity towards the deceased slips into the words, this can hurt his relatives. Or, even worse, it will cause a scandal.

The text of condolences regarding a death should not contain banal and hackneyed phrases that essentially mean nothing. This is “everything will be fine”, “everything will pass with time”, “you’re young - you’ll give birth”, “soon the pain will subside, it will become easier with time” and so on. Those who have lost loved ones cannot understand all this at the moment, and such phrases will only cause an outbreak of aggression.

There is no need to ask to stop crying or worrying. This will also not resonate. On the contrary, one should support “don’t keep everything to yourself - cry.” Here, tears are the main way to throw out the grief and pain accumulated inside. This really makes it easier. It is much more difficult to experience everything within yourself, which can lead to psychological and even mental illness.

It is not worth mentioning such banal things as age - “he was already old,” “he was sick for so long that death is liberation.” You will cause deep pain to your relatives. Especially if these are condolences for the death of mom or dad. It's hard to lose parents at any age. These are the closest people whose support and love we need at any age.

Texts of condolences

  • (Name), please accept my heartfelt condolences... The death of a husband is a difficult loss that must be experienced. It’s hard for me to put into words, but we really need you. Hold on!
  • (Name), I express my deepest condolences regarding the death of (name). Words are stupid, and perhaps in vain, but we are always with you. We will support and help you survive.
  • I sincerely share your pain and convey words of sympathy and support to you and your family.
  • The death of a loved one is a great grief and trial.
  • (Name) please accept my sincere condolences. Unfortunately, words are difficult to heal a terrible wound in the heart. However, bright memories of a person who lived his life honestly and with dignity, leaving behind the fruits of his good deeds, will always be stronger than death.
  • At this bitter moment, I share your grief, I mourn with you, I bow my head in sorrow.
  • We understand how much he meant to you. It is very difficult to lose such a wonderful person. He brought us so much warmth and love. We will never forget him. We mourn with you
  • His death is an irreparable loss for all of us. This is a terrible tragedy. After all, he was such a kind, loving and sympathetic person. He did so much good in his life for everyone. We will never forget him

Condolences in verse

Condolences in verse are not the best option. Death is not the time for poetry, but moderate, short poems can become an outlet for all those gathered. Sung in a low voice with intonation and expression, poems of grief and condolences will find a response in the hearts of those gathered. So, a verse of condolences on the occasion of death:

When you left, the light went dark,
And time suddenly stopped.
And they wanted to live together forever...
Well, why did this all happen?!

We remember, dear, and mourn,
The wind blows coldly on my heart.
We love you forever,
No one will replace you for us.

You brought us light - magical, kind,
Your world was fabulously beautiful.
We remember you, the only one,
Thank you for your talent.

May your sleep be serene
No one will ever disturb you,
Nothing can break it
Oblivion of eternal peace.

Without chasing meaningless fame,
Keeping love in your heart,
He left, but managed to leave us
Eternal music bright motive

So, condolences are an expression of sincere sympathy and empathy. It shouldn't be long. You should not send condolences via SMS. If it is not possible to express them in person, then it is better to call. Let a couple of lines and phrases imbued with sincerity replace a long memorized text.

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Life is very fleeting, and everyone will hear condolences on the occasion of death sooner or later. Finding important words in such a situation is the best support.

By expressing sympathy, we take on part of the overwhelming burden of losing a loved one.

Words of condolences on death

Most often, there is a feeling that not a single word fits the situation and can only hurt the mourner more. It should be remembered that any participation and expression of sympathy are necessary.

Against the backdrop of a stressful situation, family and friends may not show emotions or gratitude, but, nevertheless, the words will be heard and will have an impact.

The examples below are not given for the mourner to pathetically express condolences. It is necessary to know the patterns of such phrases so that, against the background of a nervous shock, it is easier to select important and necessary words.

Universal condolences

  • “An unfathomable loss. She's hard to accept. I share your grief";
  • “I share the pain of your loss. It is impossible to imagine that we will not see him/her (name) again. Please accept our condolences";
  • “It is impossible to find words to express our sympathy. It’s painful to think and talk about what happened. My condolences";
  • “The news of the tragedy struck our entire family. On this day you can count on any of our help and support”;
  • “It is still impossible to realize that this is not a monstrous mistake. We will always remember (name). Everlasting memory".

On the occasion of the death of father, husband, grandfather

  • “We mourn with you together. The loss of such reliable support in life is irreparable. Kingdom of heaven, servant of God (name)";
  • “Today everyone mourns the death of (name) with you. We will remember him as a fair, sympathetic, reliable person. Our condolences";
  • “It’s difficult to find the right words today. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to grieve for him like that. I sympathize. Be strong."

Condolences on the death of a child, close relative, mother

  • “There is no person dearer to you. In our hearts he will remain young, cheerful, full of strength. Everlasting memory";
  • “Any loss is difficult. It is hundreds of times harder to lose a loved one. Be strong";
  • "Hard. May God give you strength during this difficult period. Count on our help."

Condolences in verse

This way of expressing involvement in grief must be used with great care.

Experience shows that at the time of the loss of loved ones: parents, daughters, sons, colleagues, large poetic works are difficult to perceive; it is better to make it short.

It is not difficult to send a short quatrain, and after some time, dedicate a beautiful large-scale poem to the deceased and bring it to relatives, or create a work in prose.

Dear, oh, how we mourn,

A cold wind blows in my soul,

And we love you forever,

Nobody can replace you.

What a blessing that you were in the world,

I'm grateful that you loved me so much

I won't forget all the moments together

I ask you not to forget me either.

You are gone - the light has faded,

Happiness suddenly left the house.

And we dreamed of living for a whole century,

Everything happened so quickly...

Sleep, beloved, peacefully and sweetly.

An angel will take you into his arms.

You endured everything calmly and steadfastly,

And now you and I are separated.

How to support someone when a loved one dies

Any support during the period of loss of a loved one is important. Psychologists recommend the following example of how you can support in a difficult situation and offer condolences:

  1. Show involvement, set yourself up. Intuition should tell the sympathizer a model of behavior in the situation. It is important to remember that a discrepancy between experiences, perceptions of sad events, untimely consolation will be perceived as false and insincerity.
  2. Offer real, feasible help. A state of shock disorients a person, and he cannot organize himself and distribute the necessary actions in the correct order. How can you help? Babysit with children, walk and feed pets, help purchase ritual supplies, help organize a funeral dinner, and so on.
  3. Do not leave the mourner alone. Someone who has lost a loved one goes through several stages of emotional state: shock, rejection of the loss, anger, guilt, depression, acceptance and adaptation.
  4. Listen. Sometimes words are unnecessary, just listening to the grieving person and showing condolences is the best support.
  5. Help you accept grief. Don't talk about being strong and overcoming all adversity on your own. Let the person speak out and shed all the tears that have accumulated at the moment.
  6. Be patient. Sometimes people facing grief become angry at the people around them. This outburst of anger is short-lived, but it needs help to overcome.
  7. Help in preparing ritual dates (3 days, 9 days, 40 days, death anniversary).
  8. Monitor the health of the mourner.

What not to say to someone who has lost a loved one

What words cannot help in a tragic situation, and what should not be said to the loved one of the deceased:

  • I know/understand what you are experiencing;
  • Time is the best healer. Hold on;
  • Don't shed tears, it won't make it any easier;
  • He/she has suffered;
  • God probably needs him/her in heaven;
  • You can still find another husband/wife. Have another child.

These words hurt, because the grief of the griever is individual, and it cannot be assessed by other people.

Words of comfort in writing

Ethical standards allow expressing words of condolences to family and friends in writing. They must be written within two weeks of the tragedy, but not on the day of the funeral, and not on a postcard.

When writing a letter to a mourner, relative or friend, it is worth imagining that he is conducting a face-to-face dialogue and directly expressing sympathy for the loved one of the deceased. This will make the text seem sincere.

The writer should list the main advantages of the deceased, talk about the importance of his role in the lives of others, sincerely sympathize with the situation, and find the necessary phrases of support. Such a message does not take long to write and is classified as “comforting” letters.

In the age of ubiquitous communication, modern messengers and other means of communication will help you express condolences. You can send a message:

  • in social networks;
  • advertise in a newspaper;
  • via SMS, telegram;
  • in the programs “Whatsapp”, “Viber”, etc.


When expressing condolences in your own words, really appreciate the fine line when they turn into ordinary, insincere phrases. Trust your intuition. Perhaps it is in this case that words of consolation do not exist. And in difficult times, someone who has lost a loved one needs the presence of a silent, understanding listener nearby.

Condolences regarding death are words of grief and complicity with which relatives, acquaintances and colleagues support the relatives of a deceased person. Such words are addressed orally or in writing.

Life is fleeting and sometimes ends. Even if a tragic event happened to people you barely know, the news of it comes as a shock. The deceased may be a distant relative, colleague, or housemate with whom they occasionally exchanged phrases. Expressing condolences over the death in this case is the only correct decision. In this way you show your sympathy and help cope with the surging grief. Of course, all this works if the words of condolences were spoken from the heart and selected in accordance with life circumstances.

How to Express Condolences

How to express words of condolences regarding the death of your family and friends, friends and colleagues who have suffered a loss? It seems that the words are banal and empty. But you definitely need to express condolences - this is a long-standing tradition of expressing support for those who are in grief. We empathize, which means we are together. In moments of grief, even a few words of encouragement can help comfort those grieving and show them that we are there and ready to help. How to express condolences is not so important: the main thing is to say something from the heart, show sympathy and support those who are grieving.

Verbal condolences to the relatives of the deceased

Most often, condolences are expressed to relatives in person, in writing or by telephone. It is preferable to verbally express words of condolences, especially if you live nearby or meet at work or other public place. Other forms of condolences are used when the addressee lives far away or when it is necessary to follow the rules of etiquette, which require condolences to be expressed in writing.

Another case of expressing verbal condolences is a speech at a funeral or during a memorial meal. Since such a ceremony is usually attended by people who knew the deceased well, it is usually not difficult to find sincere wishes.

Condolences on death in writing

Condolences for death in writing - ways of expressing:

  • By letter or postcard by mail. An old, but still relevant method. Often required by etiquette. Condolence cards should be selected in accordance with the sad event; the design should not be provocative or festive.
  • The inscription on the mourning ribbon. Usually it is an invariable attribute of a ritual wreath or basket of flowers. You can read more about inscriptions in our article Inscriptions on wreaths.
  • By email. Most often, this option is used to express condolences about a death to people abroad.
  • Obituary in the newspaper. They choose the printed publication that the relatives of the untimely deceased subscribe to or read.
  • SMS notification. If you are not a mobile operator, beware of doing this. It's better to make a quick phone call. Exception: the subscriber is out of reach for a long time.

Words of condolences

How to choose words of condolences for people who have suffered an irreparable loss? It often seems that all phrases are banal and can only offend the relatives of the deceased. Believe me, in moments of grief, any encouragement and manifestation of participation are very important. Those close to the deceased experience a lot of stress and are not always ready to show their emotions to others. Your support and affection will help ease their pain at least for a while.

Examples of verbal condolences for death

Funeral words should not contain falsehood or pathos. You say them to support the other person in difficult times, and not to express your own feelings. If you really have nothing to say, limit yourself to laconic phrases. The relative position of the mourner with the deceased should also be taken into account. It will be strange for a person in grief to hear “Blessed memory of your dad. Good memories are what will help get through this loss,” if in fact he and his father did not have the best relationship.

  • I am shocked by the sad news. Be strong.
  • My heart is out of place from what I heard. Rest in peace __.
  • I can’t believe that such a person left us. This is an irreparable loss.
  • The loss of a mother (father, brother, etc.) is always difficult to experience. We sympathize and empathize.
  • The deceased and I did not always find a common language. Now I would like to apologize for the disagreement. I'm not always right either.
  • Please accept our words of consolation. How can we help you at this moment?
  • We sincerely sympathize with your entire family. We know how kind and sensitive N was.
  • Sad event. This is hard to talk about. We hope he finds peace in heaven.
  • This is a sad loss. I'm sorry that she didn't live as long as she would have liked.
  • It is difficult to find the right words at such a moment. Just remember that you can always turn to me for help.

Words of condolences can also be more personalized. This is quite appropriate if you knew the deceased personally. When offering condolences over a death, one should not talk about bad things, for example, about the reprehensible actions of the deceased. Only good things should be said, focusing on what positively characterizes the deceased.

How to write a condolence

When putting mourning words in writing, the question often arises of how to write a condolence message. In this case, you should stick to laconic phrases. Poems of condolence for a death are appropriate for an obituary or mourning ribbon. In other cases, they will smack of pathos and pretentiousness. Condolences in prose usually contain 2-3 sentences. Brevity and clarity of content are more important here. After all, a postcard or letter will be reread several times.

  • __ was a kind and sympathetic woman. We mourn and remember together with you.
  • It is sad that the people dearest to us pass away. We offer our sincere condolences.
  • With the departure of __ we have lost a lot. We will miss her smile. Please accept our words of sympathy.
  • We offer your entire family our sincere condolences for your irreparable loss. May God rest his soul.
  • Our deepest condolences on the unexpected death of ___. We pray and mourn.
  • Everyone who knew __ is now grieving. It is unbearably sad to lose loved ones at such an early age. We will always remember him.
  • It doesn’t matter how long a person has lived, what matters is how much good he brought into this world. May God reward him for his good deeds.
  • We mourn with you this irreparable loss. We believe that such a bright person will definitely go to Heaven.
  • Only with the departure of __ we felt how great her love was. She will always live in our fond memories.
  • We empathize with you. There is pain for which there is no cure. We believe that the Lord will not abandon you in such a difficult moment.

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Perhaps one of your friends or acquaintances has lost a loved one. Most likely, you want to support this person, but it is often difficult to find the right words in such a situation. First, express your sincere condolences. Then provide the emotional support you need. Listen to the grieving person. It is also important to provide practical assistance. For example, you can help with cooking or cleaning.


Make contact with the person

    Choose an appropriate time to talk. Before you start communicating with a grieving person, make sure that he is ready for this. A person who has lost a loved one may be very upset. Besides, he might be busy. So ask him if he can give you some time. If possible, talk to the grieving person alone.

    • A person who has lost a loved one can be very sensitive to the attention of others, even after the funeral. Therefore, if you want to offer help, approach your friend or acquaintance when he is alone.
  1. Express your sincere condolences. When you learn that a loved one of your friend or acquaintance has died, try to contact him as soon as possible. You can send a letter by email. However, it will be better if you call or meet the bereaved person in person. You don't have to say too much during such a meeting. Say: “I’m very sorry, my condolences.” After this, you can say a few kind words about the deceased. Also promise that you will visit the person again soon.

    Mention that you are willing to help the person. At your next meeting, you can keep your promise by providing the assistance you need. Be specific about what you can do for the grieving person. Thanks to this, he will know what you are willing to do for him, and it will be easier for you to keep your word. Say what kind of help you are willing to provide and how much time you will need.

    • For example, if you are short on time, suggest that the grieving person take flowers from the funeral to the hospital or donate them to a charity.
  2. Accept rejection with understanding. If you offer help and the grieving person refuses you, then listen to his wishes and save your offer of help until the next meeting. Either way, don't take it personally. Since many people may offer help to a grieving person, it can be difficult for him or her to make the right decision.

    • You can say, "I understand that you're having a hard time making decisions right now. Let's talk about it next week."
  3. Avoid sensitive topics. During a conversation, be very careful about mentioning something funny. Unless you know the person very well, avoid making jokes altogether. In addition, causes of death should not be discussed. Otherwise, the person will treat you as a gossip rather than as a sincere and compassionate person.

    Invite a friend to attend a bereavement support group. If you see that he is having a hard time dealing with his feelings on his own, offer to enlist the support of people who can help him with this. Find out if there is a bereavement support group in your area. You can conduct research using the Internet. Invite a friend to attend meetings with him.

    • Be very careful when suggesting that a friend use a support group. For example, you could say, “I recently learned that there are special groups of people who meet to talk about their loved ones who have died. I don't know if you would want to take part in such meetings. If you want to go, I am ready to do this with you."

Offer practical help

  1. Offer a friend or acquaintance your help in providing the necessary information to other people. The bereaved person will most likely be very depressed about what happened and will find it difficult to provide the necessary information related to the death of their loved one. Take on this responsibility if necessary. Be prepared to provide any assistance to the grieving person.

    • In addition, you can help collect the necessary documents. For example, you can help with obtaining a death certificate. Such documents are required in order to close the accounts of the deceased.
    • If the deceased person was famous, then most likely many people will call his family. Take responsibility for answering calls.
  2. Help with funeral arrangements. Funerals typically involve many tasks. For example, you can discuss issues related to organizing a funeral with the relatives of the deceased. Such questions may concern finances and the last wishes of the deceased person. Additionally, you may take it upon yourself to write and publish the obituary. You can also write thank you notes if necessary.

    Find out if financial assistance is needed. If the deceased did not leave behind any financial means, find out how you can help. You may need to use special resources to raise money for the funeral.

  • If you don't know someone who has lost a loved one, send them a card with your condolences.


  • If you notice that the bereaved person is feeling very depressed, encourage them to seek professional help.