What is Orthodox culture? Orthodoxy and culture

The main quality that characterizes Andrei Stolts is hard work. He graduated from the university with honors, entered the service, began to earn money, and then began to develop his own business. Therefore, it can be called “active”.

N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" also presents an "active" character. Chichikov, following his father’s commandment to “take care of a penny,” devotes his entire life to making money. To this end, he seeks to commit a scam with dead souls. Both heroes make their fortune, but Stolz earns it in legal, honest ways and this is not the goal and meaning of his life. Chichikov, on the contrary, has set a goal for himself and is going towards it by any means. The hero is absolutely devoid of any moral qualities or ideas.

Evgeny Bazarov from the novel by I.S. can also be called an “active” character.

Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Just like Stolz, Bazarov is hardworking. He pursues the goal of becoming a doctor and directs all means to achieve it. Like Stolz, the hero is not indifferent to studies. In addition to studying at the university, he reads relevant literature and conducts experiments. All his thoughts and actions are aimed at extracting practical benefit. Subsequently, Bazarov provides assistance to Pavel Petrovich and heals Fenechka’s child.

These characters are united by the desire to extract as much as possible more benefits from your actions. However, Stolz is able to exist in harmony of mind and feelings, and Bazarov tries to subordinate feelings to reason. Stolz, capable of admiring works of art, is spiritually developed.

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The tale of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is not the only work Russian classics, the image object of which is social vices.

For example, many heroes of N.V. Gogol’s poem “ Dead Souls“just like the minnow, they became symbols of the negative phenomena of society. However, if M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin embodied various vices in one small fish, then each Gogol character symbolizes a separate social vice: Manilov - carelessness, Korobochka - stinginess, Nozdryov - sloppiness.

In Oblomov, hero novel of the same name I. A. Goncharova, just like in the piskar, different social vices: laziness, indecisiveness, inability to cope with life. The fates of these characters, in my opinion, are very similar: both heroes led an empty, insignificant life, at the end of which they left nothing of which they could be proud.

This is how social vices are exposed in the works of Russian classics.

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