Fundamentals of Buddhist culture. Buddhist culture


Lesson topic


Lesson type

Content elements

Requirements for the level of student preparation

Type of control meters




Russia is our Motherland

Learning new material.

Introduction to the course. Humanism as a principle of relations with the surrounding reality.

Know the terms and general ideas about the basics of Buddhist culture.


Page 4-5

Answer the questions


Culture and religion. Introduction to Buddhist culture.

Learning new material.

Culture. Types of crops. The history of the emergence of the concept of “Buddha”. Who

Such Buddhists. The meaning of the concept “world religions”.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give

definitions of concepts.

Oral survey.

Page 6-7 answer questions


Buddha and his teachings.

Studying new material and consolidating it.

A legend is born

Buddha. Four noble truths. Meditation.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion and answer questions.

Survey. Pismen

new tasks

Page 8-11

Questions 1-5.

Buddhist sacred canon “Tripi-taka”.

Canon "Tripitaka" "Basket of disciplined rules." "Basket of Instructions." The difference between Buddhist books and their features.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Survey. Written assignments.

Pages 12-15.

Questions 1-3.

Buddhist picture of the world.

Learning new material. Consolidation of new material.

Explanation of the structure of the world by Buddhists, depiction of the wheel of samsara. Concepts: karma, samsara, repentance.

Know the basic principles on the topic of the lesson: operating with concepts: karma, good and bad karma; place and role of a person in life.

Be able to characterize a person’s spiritual life; analyze, draw conclusions, answer questions.

Survey. Written assignments.

Page 16-19

Questions on page 19

Good and evil.


The need to follow the “eightfold noble path” in life. Wisdom.

Know the main provisions of the lesson: following the right view, the right speech, the right actions.

Be able to characterize good and bad

certain actions, analyze actions, draw conclusions, answer questions.

Survey. Written assignments. Modeling situations

Page 20-23 questions 1-3

The principle of non-violence.


Know the value of human life, providing assistance to everyone free of charge

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare.

Page 24-25 questions 1-3

Love for a person and the value of life.


Planet Earth is a common home. The main negative qualities of a person: anger, envy, greed, selfishness.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare.

Survey. Modeling situations

Page 26-27 questions 1-4.

Compassion and mercy.

Learning new material.

The Bodhisattva and his holiness. Prayer four immeasurable wishes.

Know the main points on the topic of the lesson: showing mercy through actions, the wisdom of a person.

Be able to analyze, draw conclusions, answer questions.

Survey. Modeling situations

Page 28-29 questions 1-4

Attitude to nature.


Close connection between man and nature. System of prohibitions in Buddhism. Serious acts.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Survey. Written assignments

Page 30-31 questions 1-5.

Buddhist teachers.

Learning new material

Definition of the concept of “spiritual teacher”. Qualities of a spiritual teacher. Directions and schools of Buddhism, founder of the Gelug school Zhe Tsongkhapa.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Conversation. Vocabulary work.

Page 32-33 questions 1-4.

Family in Buddhist culture and its values.


Family values ​​in Buddhist culture. Responsibilities of parents and children towards each other.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare

sharing situations.

Page 34-35 questions 1-3


Culture. Religion. Fundamentals of Buddhist teachings. Parents and children

Anwser the questions

Survey. Pismen

ed tasks.

Creative work

you are students.

Page 36-37

Buddhism in Russia.

Learning new material

History of development

Buddhism in Russia.

Modern state of Buddhism.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare

Survey. Vocabulary work.

Page 38-39

Questions 1-5

The path of spiritual improvement.

Learning new material

What is the path of spiritual improvement for a true believer.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare

Survey. Vocabulary work. Pismen

new tasks.

Pages 40-43.


Buddhist teaching on virtues.

Learning new material. Consolidating new material

Ways of human improvement through generosity, morality, patience.

Know the basic principles on the topic of the lesson: what are the causes of human suffering and how can you get rid of it by following the eightfold noble path.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts

Conversation. Vocabulary work. Mo

sharing situations

Pages 40-43 questions 1-8.

Buddhist symbols.

Learning new material

Buddhist symbols: three jewels, eight auspicious symbols


Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare

Survey. Working with illustrations

Page 48-51 questions 1-6

Buddhist rituals and ceremonies.

Learning new material

Common rituals and concepts for Buddhists: mantra, offering, ritual beads.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare

Survey. Written assignments

Pages 52-55 questions 1-6

Buddhist shrines.

Learning new material

Buddhist saints in the world: the Bodhi tree, the history of the Buddhist stupa and the history of its origin. Buddhist shrines in Russia: San Dal Buddha, Khombo Lama Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare


Pages 56-59 questions 1-3.

Buddhist sacred buildings.


About Buddhist sacred buildings. Features and significance of their construction. Rites of consecration of the stupa.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare

Survey. Written assignments. Working with illustrations

Pages 60-63 questions 1-4.

Buddhist temple.


About the features of a Buddhist temple, the structure of the temple. Rules of behavior for believers inside the temple.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare

Survey. Written assignments. Working with illustrations. Vocabulary work.

Pages 64-67 questions 1-4.

Buddhist calendar.


What calendar do Buddhists use, features of the Buddhist calendar. Astrological icon.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare

Written assignments. Working with illustrations. Vocabulary work

Page 68-69 questions 1-3.

Buddhist holidays.


About the meaning of holidays in Buddhist culture. About the main holidays celebrated by Buddhists.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare.

Written assignments. Working with illustrations.

Pages 70-73 questions 1-5.

Art in Buddhist culture.


Strict rules for the execution of Buddhist temples, stupas, tanks. Rules for the sculptural depiction of Buddha Shakyamuni. Spiritual tradition of Buddhism.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare.

Written assignments. Working with illustrations.

Pages 74-77 questions 1-3.

Love and respect for the Fatherland.

Learning new material

The value of love for the Motherland. Respect for the cultural traditions of other peoples in the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional space of our Motherland.

Know the basic provisions on the topic of the lesson.

Be able to express your opinion, answer questions posed, give definitions of concepts, analyze, draw conclusions and compare

Written assignments. Working with illustrations.

Page 78-79 essay

“What is true love for one’s Motherland.”



a gentle lesson.

Repetition and generalization of the material covered.

Know the main provisions of the section.

Be able to analyze and draw conclusions

Anwser the questions

Survey. Pismen

ed tasks.

Creative work

you are students.


Reserve hours.


Explanatory note.

Religion plays vital role in the history of mankind - for thousands of years it was (and in many ways still is) a structure-forming element of culture, largely determining its values. Religion influences the formation of people's worldviews and their behavior. Therefore, in history and social studies lessons, it is important to pay special attention to the study of the phenomenon of religion, to impartially and objectively highlight the key problems of religious studies.

In connection with the introduction in Russia of the course on the Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and secular ethics(ORKSE) in grades 4-5. The question arises about the second concentration in the study of religious issues (within high school). Proposed organization option educational activities provides for the continuation of work on the formation of ideas and knowledge about religion in senior classes of social sciences and humanities in social studies lessons within a separate module.

Target: based on the principles of science, tolerance and respect for the individual’s right to freedom of religion, consider the basic concepts of the origin and essence of religion, its historical types, structure, functions and role in the life of society.

Basic skills of students:

Reveal the content of the main concepts of the module;

Characterize the main approaches to determining the essence of religion;

Explain the causes religious beliefs;

Call features religion, its structure and main functions;

Know historical forms religion;

Compare world religions, features of their beliefs;

Assess the role of religion in society;

Justify the need tolerant attitude to different views;

Argue convincingly own point vision;

Independently receive, systematize, analyze, and creatively process information from various sources.

Forms conducting classes: lectures, seminars, didactic games, discussions, conversations, lessons-solutions problem situations, workshops.

Methods conducting classes: problem presentation, partial search, research.

Facilities: illustrations, documents, handouts, media resources. An extensive list of Internet resources on religious issues is presented in a collection of useful links on the website of the journal “Teaching History at School.”

Basic concepts: animism, atheism, God, Buddha, Siddhartha, Buddhism, faith, denomination, Jesus Christ, Islam, confession, cult, messiah, Muhammad, nirvana, religion, samsara, theism, sacralization.

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The textbook, in a form accessible to students in grades 4–5, introduces the basics of Buddhist culture: its founder, Buddhist teachings, moral values, holy books, rituals, shrines, holidays, art.

Buddha and his teachings.
Millions of people in many countries revere Shakyamuni Buddha as their teacher. What did he look like and how did he live? Unfortunately, little historical information about this has survived. However, Buddhist legend tells that in the north of India, a son was born to the wise king Shudhodana Gautama and the virtuous queen Mahamaya. The happy parents named him Siddhartha, which means “fulfiller of all desires.”

Nine months before his birth, Mahamaya had a strange dream. In a dream, the queen saw a white elephant. When she told King Shudhodana about this the next morning, the king called the sage Asita. The sage said that this dream foreshadows the birth of a son, who will either be a king and conquer the world, or become a hermit and learn the truth. The king did not want his heir to become a hermit and surround his son with luxury and beauty.

The prince had unimaginable wealth. Around him there were only young, beautiful and healthy people who were always happy and having fun. Siddhartha lived without even suspecting that there could be grief and suffering in the world.

One day Siddhartha decided to travel around his future kingdom. The king tried to dissuade him, but the prince still left the palace and hit the road. Sitting in his chariot, the prince looked at the residents crowding along the road. Suddenly he noticed a man who could barely stand on his feet and was leaning on a stick. He had a bent, withered body and a head with gray hair.

Lesson 1. Russia is our Motherland 5
Lesson 2. Culture and religion. Introduction to the Buddhist Spiritual Tradition 6
Lessons 3-4. Buddha and his teachings 8
Lessons 5-6. Buddhist sacred canon "Tripitaka" 12
Lessons 7-8. Buddhist picture of the world 16
Lesson 9. Good and evil 20
Lesson 10. The principle of non-violence 24
Lesson 11. Love for a person and the value of life 26
Lesson 12. Compassion and mercy 28
Lesson 13. Attitude to nature 30
Lesson 14. Buddhist teachers 32
Lesson 15. Family in Buddhist culture and its values ​​34
Lesson 16. Creative works students 36
Lesson 17. Summary lesson 37
Lesson 18. Buddhism in Russia 38
Lesson 19. The path of spiritual improvement 40
Lessons 20-21. Buddhist teaching on virtues 44
Lesson 22. Buddhist symbols 48
Lesson 23. Buddhist rituals and ceremonies 52
Lesson 24. Buddhist shrines 56
Lesson 25. Buddhist sacred structures 60
Lesson 26. Buddhist temple 64
Lesson 27. Buddhist calendar 68
Lesson 28. Buddhist holidays 70
Lesson 29. Art in Buddhist culture 74
Lesson 30. Love and respect for the Fatherland 78.

There are many cultures and religions in the world, people of different views and beliefs live together, and children study the religious culture of their people in schools. We are different and it's interesting! Module "Fundamentals" Orthodox culture"is an opportunity to talk about us and what surrounds us. Especially in Moscow - the heart of Rus' and the world center of Orthodoxy.

The outstanding significance of Orthodox Christianity in the historical formation of the Russian people is well known, Russian statehood, national culture. Our entire history, literature and art are imbued with the spirit of Orthodoxy. Even for people who are far from Christianity and Russian culture, but who strive to know and understand the history and culture of Russia, and also have an idea of ​​the origin of many modern traditions and customs, it will be interesting to open the door to life Orthodox Church.

The return of Orthodoxy to school began immediately after the end of the period of atheistic prohibitions. Since then, in many regions of Russia, children have already been studying the basics of Orthodox culture, and a large teaching experience teaching this module. IN modern conditions studying the foundations of Orthodox culture is not identical to studying the Law of God in the pre-revolutionary Russian school; it does not involve the student’s involvement in religious practice, participation in worship services, or “teaching religion.” The goal is the systematic study by the child of the Orthodox Church. Christian tradition and introducing him to Orthodox culture, primarily in its ideological and moral dimensions.

Studying the foundations of Orthodox culture in school today is supporting families in raising children based on historical and cultural values and the traditions of the Russian and other peoples of Russia, for whom Orthodoxy is a traditional religion. This is an introduction to the eternal, God-given Christian moral norms, preserved in the Russian Orthodox Church, on which the life of an individual, a family, a people in our world is based.

The module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” within the framework of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” in the 4th grade includes only about 30 lessons and only reveals to the child the basics Orthodox tradition. This world is ancient and modern at the same time. A world covered in legends and tales about the exploits of holy people: Ilya Muromets, the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky, Venerable Sergius Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov. And along with them are our recent contemporaries, revered by the Church for their deeds of mercy and deeds of faith. About moral ideals prominent representatives Christian spirit will be discussed in Orthodox culture lessons. Schoolchildren will get acquainted with symbolic language Orthodox artistic culture, the art of icons, frescoes, church singing, with a Christian attitude towards family, parents, work, duty and responsibility of a person in society.

Among the main topics of the course: “What Orthodox Christians believe,” “Good and evil in the Orthodox tradition.” “Love for one’s neighbor”, “Mercy and compassion”, “Orthodoxy in Russia”, “ Orthodox church and other shrines", " Orthodox calendar", "Christian family and its values."

Additional lessons for the module may include excursions to temples and visits to museums ancient Russian art, concerts of sacred music, meetings with representatives of the Orthodox clergy. Lessons and additional activities involve interaction between the teacher and the families of students, joint study and mastery of the values ​​and traditions of Orthodoxy.

Module "Fundamentals" Islamic culture» introduces schoolchildren to the basics of the spiritual and moral culture of Islam or Islam. Islam arose in the 7th century among the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula - the Arabs. Its appearance is associated with the name of the Prophet Muhammad, with the Revelation that he received from God, recorded in the Koran. The Koran is the Holy Scripture that was revealed to Muhammad through the angel Jibril over a period of twenty-three years.

Koran - main source the doctrine of Islam, its moral, ethical and legal norms. Gradually, not only Arabs, but also many other peoples accepted Islam. They began to live according to the instructions of the Koran and Sunnah. The Sunnah is the second source of Muslim doctrine and law; it preserves the sayings of the prophet, as well as everything that Muslims know about his life, actions, and moral qualities.

Islam has shaped whole system spiritual and moral values ​​that have entered the life of all Muslim peoples. The relationships of Muslims in the family, in society, and in everyday life are inextricably linked with the religious teachings of Islam. At the same time, each Muslim region has preserved its own special traditions and customs, reflecting their geographical, historical and ethnic conditions existence. It was this diversity that provided the impetus for the development law schools and religious movements that allowed Islam to subsequently find its place in different societies And historical eras. Thanks to such diversity, Islam has received the status of a world religion and is actively spreading on all continents, finding everything larger number followers.

Islam in Russia has its own ancient history, a special place and found unique ways of development. The first acquaintance of the peoples of our country with this religion took place back in 643, when Muslim detachments reached the ancient Dagestan city of Derbent. And although in those years Islam did not take root in the North Caucasus as the dominant religion, it was this first acquaintance with Arab Muslims that gave impetus to the development of trade and cultural ties with the Islamic world and became Starting point for the spread of Islam in the territories that later became part of Russian Empire. Thanks to these connections, Islam over time gained a foothold in many regions of the Caucasus and the Volga region, and Muslim communities arose in the Urals and Siberia.

The culture of Islam in our country is original and unique; it has its own characteristics, formed over many centuries under the influence of Russian realities, in conditions of close interaction between Muslims and followers of other traditional Russian religious beliefs and cultures.

The main topics of the module “Fundamentals of Islamic Culture” within the framework of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” are: “Prophet Muhammad is an example of a man and a teacher of morality in the Islamic tradition”, “Pillars of Islam and Islamic ethics”, “Responsibilities of Muslims”, “For why the mosque was built and how it is structured”, “Muslim chronology and calendar”, “Islam in Russia”, “Family in Islam”, “Moral values ​​of Islam”, “The art of Islam”. The study ends with the topic “Muslim Holidays.” In addition to information about Muslim holidays, students will learn about the holidays of the peoples of Russia, for whom Islam is a traditional religion.

The module “Fundamentals of Buddhist Culture” is aimed at families for whom the culture of this ancient, one of the three world religions, is close. Buddhism arose in the 6th century BC in India and then spread to China, Tibet, and Mongolia. Currently different directions Buddhism is practiced by more than 500 million people in the world. The founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni Buddha, opened the possibility for people to understand the causes of suffering and end suffering. The path to achieving nirvana, to which in Buddhism a person goes through self-restraint and meditation, worshiping Buddha, and performing good deeds.

Buddhism is one of the traditional religions of peoples Russian Federation. About 1% of the Russian population consider themselves adherents of the Buddha’s teachings. First of all, among residents of the republics of Buryatia, Kalmykia, and Tyva. There are Buddhist communities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other Russian cities.

Studying this module of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” at school is designed to introduce students in an accessible form to the fundamentals of Buddhist culture: its founder, Buddhist teachings, moral values, holy books, rituals, shrines, holidays, art. The first content block of the course is devoted to moral life values Buddhist tradition. Here children will learn what Buddhism is, the basics of the Buddha's teachings, the history of Siddhartha Gautama himself and the basic concepts of Buddhist culture. It will be said about the sacred books of Buddhism, the Buddhist picture of the world and ideas about the essence of man in Buddhism will be revealed. A number of lessons are built around understanding in Buddhism such moral concepts like good and evil, non-violence, love for man and the value of life, compassion for all living beings, mercy, attitude towards nature and all living things. Separate lessons are devoted family values, responsibilities of parents and children. The contents of the second block of the course are the study of holidays, customs, rites, symbols, rituals, and the art of Russian Buddhists. The main trends in Buddhism and the history of the emergence of Buddhism in Russia are revealed. It tells about the path of spiritual and moral improvement of a person and the teaching of virtues. Separate lessons are devoted to the symbols of Buddhism, Buddhist shrines, rules of behavior in a Buddhist temple and its internal structure. Children will learn about lunar calendar in Buddhism, art in Buddhist culture, including the unique pictorial tradition in Buddhism.

Studying the module “Fundamentals of Buddhist Culture” as part of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” provides for students to master the following main topics: “Introduction to the Buddhist Spiritual Tradition”, “Buddha and His Teachings”, “Buddhist Saints”, “Family in Buddhist Culture and its values”, “Buddhism in Russia”, “Man in the Buddhist picture of the world”, “Buddhist symbols”, “Buddhist rituals”, “Buddhist shrines”, “Buddhist sacred buildings”, “Buddhist temple”, “Buddhist calendar”, “Holidays in Buddhist culture”, “Art in Buddhist culture”.

Judaism is one of the monotheistic religions, the number of followers of which in the world, according to various estimates, is from 10 to 15 million people. Currently, the majority of Jews live in the State of Israel and the United States. In Russia, communities of followers of Judaism have existed since ancient times. The module “Fundamentals of Jewish Culture” is aimed at families who are aware of their connection with the religious tradition and culture of Judaism.

The study of the module “Fundamentals of Jewish Culture” within the framework of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” is aimed at ensuring that primary school present the basic knowledge about this religious tradition in historical, ideological, cultural aspects.

Schoolchildren master such concepts as “monotheism”, “religion”, “culture”, “Judaism”, “ sacred text", "Pentateuch", understood in the context of this religious tradition. Special attention is paid to the structure and names of sacred books, which significantly expands the child’s horizons. The first sections especially emphasize the role of the commandments (mitzvot), which determine the moral and ethical content of Judaism; ample space is also given to the teaching of the Oral Torah, which determined the uniqueness of the modern Jewish religious heritage. During the excursion into the historical past, concepts significant for Judaism are introduced: “Covenant”, “prophecy”, “Messiah”, “righteousness”, “temple service”, mercy and charity.

Great importance is attached to customs, holidays, and memorable historical dates, modern synagogue service and prayer, Saturday (Shabbat) and the rituals of this day, traditions of daily observance of norms and commandments, religious customs of the cycle of life ( family connections, coming of age, wedding, etc.). The development of moral categories is based on life experience children, using quotes from the Torah and other religious, as well as historical literature. A special lesson is devoted to the concepts of good and evil in Jewish culture. Great place are occupied by the theme of family as a moral value, spiritual union; family life; harmony of man in the world around him. Questions are considered about what qualities are necessary to create a strong family, what qualities parents try to pass on to their children, what the Torah and Jewish sources say about the attitude towards elders, about upbringing, about the purpose of human life.

The content of the module includes the following main topics: “Introduction to the Jewish spiritual tradition”, “Torah - main book Judaism", "Classical texts of Judaism", "Patriarchs of the Jewish people", "Prophets and righteous men in Jewish culture", "The Temple in the life of the Jews", "The purpose of the synagogue and its structure", "Sabbath (Shabbat) in the Jewish tradition", " Judaism in Russia", "Traditions of Judaism in Everyday life Jews", "Responsible acceptance of the commandments", "Jewish home", "Introduction to the Jewish calendar: its structure and features", " Jewish holidays: their history and traditions”, “Values ​​of family life in the Jewish tradition”.

The module involves studying the foundations of world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam) and national religion (Judaism), and is aimed at developing in 4th grade students ideas about moral ideals and values ​​that form the basis of religions traditional for our multinational country.

During the lessons, children master the concepts of “culture” and “religion”, learn about religions and their founders. During the learning process, they become acquainted with sacred books, religious buildings, shrines, religious art, religious calendars and holidays. Much attention is given to family and family values ​​in religious cultures, charity, social problems and attitudes towards them in different religions.

The first substantive section of the module examines the basics of religious cultures. The main task when studying this section is for students to form an idea of ​​the model, the spiritual and moral ideal of a person, which is contained in the studied religious traditions, and also developed an understanding of the need to strive for spiritual and moral improvement of man and society. Children get acquainted with methods developed over centuries moral development people passed on to descendants through religion and culture.

Studying the module “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures” will help children not only broaden their horizons, but also better navigate life. We live in rapidly changing conditions, there is intensive migration of the population, representatives of different cultures and confessions. In order to teach our children to interact correctly, without conflicts, it is necessary to give them knowledge about the main religions of the peoples of Russia. This will avoid false ideas, will to some extent protect against the influence of religious sects, will contribute to the formation of an understanding of the values ​​of religious culture and the need to preserve it, and the formation of an idea of ​​what a modern person should be.

The main topics studied in this module: “Culture and religion”, “ Ancient Beliefs", "Religions of the world and their founders", "Sacred books of the religions of the world", "Keepers of tradition in the religions of the world", "Man in the religious traditions of the world", "Sacred buildings", "Art in religious culture"", "Religions of Russia", "Religion and Morality", "Moral commandments in the world's religions", "Religious rituals", "Customs and rituals", "Religious rituals in art", "Calendars of the world's religions", "Holidays in the world's religions " The module is information-rich, only one hour a week is allocated for its study, therefore, to master it, it is necessary to work outside of class hours, joint discussion of the studied material by adults and children.

Full personality formation is impossible without familiarity with the basics of morality. WITH early childhood a person learns to distinguish between good and evil, truth and lies, to evaluate his own actions and the actions of his peers, the behavior of adults, including parents.

What will our children's worldview be like in the near future? What spiritual and moral guidelines will they choose? Who will help them make informed choices? Along with the family, school today is becoming one of the main institutions that raise such important issues of education.

The moral experience of the person himself and of all humanity as a whole constitutes the main content of the educational module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics,” which is aimed at introducing schoolchildren to the basics of morality, giving primary ideas about morality and its meaning in human life, based on the positive actions of people. This educational module creates conditions for instilling patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, and a sense of pride in one’s Motherland.

During the lessons, fourth-graders will gain knowledge about the basics of Russian secular (civic) ethics, become acquainted with the “golden rule of morality”, and together with the teacher they will reflect on what friendship, mercy, compassion are and how they are manifested; how the words “virtue” and “vice” are understood in the modern world; what's happened moral choice and how to accomplish it without conflicting with your conscience; think about the values ​​of family life and the role of the family in their own destiny. Lessons are based on live interaction between the teacher and children in joint reflections and experiences about specific life situations. A large role in revealing moral concepts and creating problematic situations in the classroom is given to working with texts. Discussion of passages literary works, stories, parables allows the child to reflect on the actions of people and characters in fiction.

Teaching the module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics” involves studying the following main topics: “Culture and Morality”, “Ethics and its significance in human life”, “Holidays as one of the forms historical memory", "Moral patterns in cultures different nations", "State and citizen morality", "Moral models in the culture of the Fatherland", "Labor morality", " Moral traditions entrepreneurship", "What does it mean to be moral in our time?", "Higher moral values, ideals, moral principles”, “Etiquette”, “Methods of moral self-improvement”. The module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics” can contribute to establishing a better mutual understanding between the child and his parents, and establishing agreed upon moral requirements of the family and school.

A conversation about the basics of the teachings of Buddhism should begin with one significant remark. The fact is that no “Buddhism” as such, “Buddhism in general” did not exist and does not exist. Buddhism (which was noted by the classic of domestic and world Buddhology O.O. Rosenberg back in 1918) is historically presented in the form of various movements and trends.

Sometimes extremely different from each other and sometimes more reminiscent different religions, rather than different denominations within the same religion...

Scholars of Buddhism highly extol the Buddhist teaching on human moral activity and consider it especially close to Christian teaching. IN Buddhist ethics they find commandments similar to the commandments of the Sinai legislation, they encounter many instructions, similar to Christian ones, warning against various passions and vices and encouraging a virtuous life, and, finally, they see a teaching about love that almost reaches the heights of the Gospel teaching.

Leaving aside the detailed...

In the middle of the 6th century, a state arose in Japan. At the same time, Buddhism, a world religion that came to Japan from China through Korea, spread in the country. Buddhism became the bearer of not only a new ideology of society, but also new forms of art.

The penetration of Buddhism into Japan, with which it was so important for medieval art man’s awareness of the unity of spirit and flesh, heaven and earth, was reflected in the development Japanese art, in particular architecture. Buddhism was brought to Japan by...

Presenter: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Emina Kahn and it is my great honor on behalf of Highland Council to welcome the meeting facilitators who are sitting here in the Imperial Room at Eden Court Theatre, and among the hundreds of spectators in the One Touch Theatre, the second auditorium of this gigantic complex.

The reason we are gathered here today is the rare fortune of meeting and listening to one of the greatest spiritual...

Before starting a conversation about the features of the Buddhist community, it should be noted that in Buddhism there are many schools and movements, which often differ from each other so much that they resemble different religions rather than movements within a single confession.

Therefore, those schools and directions that are generally considered as such by the tradition itself can be called Buddhist.

Also important is the fact different attitude in specific schools to the role of monasticism. Buddhist community...

So I think this evening we will do three things that the Buddha always advises us to do. Firstly, you will receive some information through listening, secondly, you will ask questions and check if I know what I am talking about, and thirdly, we will do a short meditation together that will bring blessings to the line.

When we work with Buddhist teachings, it is useful to know that everything the Buddha said has the ultimate goal of Enlightenment, and it empowers us to live better, die better and...

Hardly any other concept within the Buddhist doctrine has caused and is causing such a diversity of opinions as the concept expressed by the popular (however, as Rhys-Davids noted, 1 more popular among Europeans than among Buddhists themselves) word nirvana.

The reason for this diversity is simple. The concept of nirvana both in its root meaning and in its formulation in early monuments Buddhism is so shaky and uncertain that it reveals the most wide open space for interpretation and reinterpretation. WITH...

Who am I? Why am I here?

How real is the way I perceive this world and myself?

What actually determines my worldview and influences my thoughts, emotions and actions?


I would like to immediately warn dear readers that this topic itself is incredibly complex.

In an attempt to fit it into the content of one article, I tried to present the most important thoughts conceptually, while simplifying the text as much as possible for a clearer understanding and holistic understanding of the problem. Not...

A practicing Buddhist will never make responsible decisions, will not begin important matters, and will not go to...