How to skip a mission in Assassin's Creed 4. According to instructions By The Book

For six years now, the Assassin's Creed series has been regularly pleasing players in the field of game conveyors. No matter how much they predict its imminent death (not least because of the scheme chosen by the publisher), Ubisoft year after year brings us back to that attractive and mysterious world assassins and templars, and every time a new game in the franchise manages to receive applause from fans, rave reviews from critics and cause tons of hatred from haters (if any).

With each game, the developers systematically improved the basic components of their series. Yes, original Assassin's Creed became a kind of test run for fresh mechanics that came from the pen of Ubisoft. The memorable Sands of Time trilogy came to its logical conclusion, and therefore it was necessary to surprise the players again by creating a “Wow!” effect, or to wander along the well-worn path in search of fresh ones ideas. The second option, as we remember, quickly proved its inconsistency with the release of an ambiguous Prince of Persia from 2008 and a strong but not particularly memorable prequel sequel Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. After that, the series about the Prince was put on the mezzanine until better times and all attention was concentrated on the newly created universe.

Having received a lot of feedback regarding the first part, the Ubisoft Montreal team sat down in their makeshift forge for a couple of years, revealing to the world in 2009 what is called a stunning sequel. Assassin's Creed 2 not only retained the interesting basic mechanics of the first game, but also acquired a whole bunch of new details, significant and not so significant elements. An abundance of various tasks, searching for hiding places, flying in Da Vinci's flying machine, solving ingenious puzzles, never-before-seen methods of murder opponents and, most importantly, the development of one of the most intriguing plots in video games provided the sequel with repeated “Game of the Year” titles from several prestigious publications.

The team can be replenished both in the nearest taverns, first opening them with fights with local robbers (you are a pirate, after all!), and by helping sailors in trouble with a saber and a pistol. You can even find recruits at sea, rescuing shipwrecked sailors or boarding other ships. True, if the enemy is strong, you risk losing more than you find.

In order not to run into this kind of trouble, the authors carefully equipped Edward with a spyglass, as befits a real captain. With its help, you can determine in advance which ship is heading straight ahead, find out its level and the amount of cargo being transported, determining in advance whether it is worth getting into trouble and whether it would be better to pump up the Jackdaw first.

The guidance system has also undergone significant changes. From now on, the player is free to control the height and range of shots, which is especially useful when shooting through large waves. Falconets can only be used at strictly designated moments (as well as independently firing at the enemy crew with them during boarding), and a salvo of nipples is now possible only from the bow of the ship. If the enemy decided to get on your tail, which sometimes happened in Assassin's Creed 3, then there are barrels of gunpowder for this case: a couple of these will help tame the ardor of the scoundrel.

Weather effects and ship physics play a significant role in naval battles. Fighting in a storm will be a real test for your captain's skills, and will also force the Jackdaw through the raging waves. Bad weather, however, can easily be turned to your advantage by, for example, driving a stronger ship into a storm and dealing with it there. In addition, sea and land gameplay has become completely seamless: the player is free to leave the ship’s helm at any time and go explore the area on his own. It is also worth mentioning that Edward does not have such a developed natural sense as Radunhageidu, and therefore cannot open the map with his movement. To clear the area of ​​the so-called veil of darkness, you need to synchronize at high points on the map.

As in any normal game about pirates, In Assassin's Creed 4, we will periodically come across treasure maps that indicate the location of the treasure. If you have a strong desire to go in search of wealth immediately, you can always ask the bartender of the nearest tavern for 200 reals where part of the Spanish heritage is buried. And be prepared for that that you will have to swim to the other end of the map to get the treasured chest, and even when you get there, don’t be surprised when you find another card there.

Ubisoft has crammed its vast world with a variety of large and small activities, desperately not wanting to repeat the mistake of the first game, which only the lazy would not blame for monotony.

One Thousand and One Islands

After release The Brotherhood franchise got rid of the main problem of sandbox games, when the player sooner or later gets tired of following the plot and decides to “turn aside” and do unimportant things. In the case of Assassin's Creed, everything is a little different: when the player gets tired of exploring a bunch of possibilities with which the authors generously provided the game, he goes to complete story missions.

The developers weren't kidding when they promised us a detailed and huge open world in Black Flag. It is truly huge and full of life. This life manifests itself in a mass of various tasks scattered across the map. Here you will find the already familiar hunting for chests and collectibles, tracking down wild animals (both land and sea), and boat trips, and even mini-games returning from the third part. And that's not even half the list.

Abundance of opportunities in Assassin's Creed 4 is captivating, and the player very quickly discovers that the very first mission somehow imperceptibly turned into an aimless, but damn exciting run around a picturesque island and tracking down an agile jaguar, and the second task smoothly grew into an exploration of sun-drenched Havana with its small streets and deliberately emphasized Spanish flavor.

As a result, Ubisoft begins to teach the player the basics of gameplay long ago after how he will try these very basics a million times. The author of these lines was somewhat surprised by the first scene of the boarding of the ship, in which the famous Benjamin Hornigold volunteered to teach Edward the basics of sea robberies. Before that, however, Edward, under my command, managed to sink and rob half of the Dry Tortugas ships, but oh well.

At the beginning, we also mentioned the very first one for a reason Assassin's Creed. Surprisingly, Black Flag resembles it in many ways, not least due to the architecture of the cities. We are again far from developed civilization, where small settlements practically border on wild nature and have only a couple of high-rise buildings, such as a cathedral or a church. Speaking of them: to synchronize, you no longer need to climb to the very, very top - the ledges familiar to us from the first part have returned.

And there will be something to climb for. Many collectibles, such as new shanti (sailor songs) and animus fragments (replaced feathers, collecting them all will make your team... in general, in general, there are clearly a lot of Pirates of the Caribbean fans at Ubisoft :)), are waiting in the wings for on hills, near cliffs, at the very tops of masts, or even completely suspended in the air, and in order to grab them, you first have to find a way to climb higher.

Hacking chests that contain not only money, but also other useful items has been completely simplified. In general, simplification is the main feature Assassin's Creed 4, and only in the good sense of the word. You no longer need to hold down Shift and wait for the hero to dig into the contents to his heart's content, just press the key once - and Edward will dash the lock with his foot/hand, after which the player's account will instantly be replenished for another hundred reals. And all information about the location: synchronization points, collected items and side missions - can now be called up with one button and is presented in the form of a pop-up menu. Damn convenient!

The control itself has also become more responsive. Particularly worth noting is the improved targeting system: Connor in the third part had considerable problems with killing two enemies at the same time, as a result of which this and similar tasks turned into a real hassle. Edward will clearly please you in this regard.

Speaking of opponents. IN Black Flag you will meet the most daring and resilient enemies you have ever seen in the series. The enemies have become not only more dexterous and, accordingly, more dangerous, but they have also learned to ring bells, calling for reinforcements, and to swim, which is why it is now impossible to drown them - they will swim out and bring down their righteous wrath on you.

Do you remember the terribly tedious, but extremely necessary process of searching bodies for bullets, bombs and other things? If previously you had to bend over each fallen soldier in search of the necessary ammunition, now Ubisoft carefully signs who has money in their pockets, and who has an extra shell lying around.

Also, you no longer need to visit special clubs and societies to issue secondary tasks and achievements. From now on, they are all collected in the “Abstergo Trials” menu item and are available immediately at the very beginning of the game. We are offered the standard set of quests for a young adventurer, such as making 5 double kills, spending 50,000 reais, hiring dancers, eliminating a bell-ringing guard, collecting five skins of a particular type of animal, etc. Moreover, you shouldn’t think that the tasks are of the same type: there are a lot of them, and for convenience they are all divided into groups: “Assassin”, “Pirate”, “Explorer”, “Hunter”, etc.

Speaking of hunting. IN Black Flag still contains various animals, the skin of which will help you in making improvements and will serve as additional income. Alas, you won’t find the clumsy and extremely valuable beaver here, but you can see new exotic species, such as howler monkeys and crocodile.

However, the hunt for the latter cannot be compared with the capture of large inhabitants of the deep sea. To harpoon a shark or a more resilient whale, you will have to show miracles of accuracy. It is not recommended to thoughtlessly throw harpoons around - their number is limited.

Underwater missions deserve special mention. Exploring the wreckage of sunken ships turned out to be an extremely exciting, but at the same time dangerous activity: Edward’s underwater expedition will be spoiled by sea eels and fellow sharks he harpooned. But the reward for such an adventure will be high - a blueprint for an elite upgrade for the Jackdaw, for example.

In short, the developers can only be praised for their desire to make the player’s journey as comfortable as possible, where the latter will only be distracted by the impeccably beautiful landscapes.

As for Edward himself, it is still possible to make various improvements for him, such as bags for additional ammunition and weapons, upgrade his health level, and so on. The main innovation of the combat system was the ability to shoot from four pistols at once, building your own combo or interrupting someone else’s. Of course, you will have to start with one gun, but by the third sequence it is quite possible to earn a set of at least three. Let us note that you can now shoot at anyone or anything - the developers have finally made aiming free in the game.

In between land walks, we are invited to plow the sea in search of new, previously unexplored places, of which there are a great many. And so that you don’t get bored on the way, our brave sailors can play some shanti (song), accompanying your journey. And if you think that listening is such a dubious pleasure, then we hasten to dissuade you - very soon you will find that you are happily singing along with the command, the lines that have managed to be etched into your memory. However, the singing of bros can always be turned off in the options.

Give me a like!

As if wanting to demonstrate distance Assassin's Creed 4 from its predecessor, Ubisoft has pretty much changed the game's interface. Cool white tones are a thing of the past, giving way to a warmer combination of gold and black against the general background of sea green, and at the same time, when entering the game, we are greeted by a comfortable tiled style main menu.

But not just the main menu is alive. From now on, all player progress, including data on the task, synchronization and the amount of available resources, where to craft new things, improvements to Edward and Jackdaw, Abstergo tests, inventory and database, can be found in the pause menu. Yes, at first it will be difficult to get used to the fact that the magic Tab key now serves exclusively as a game map, but you no longer need to run around a dozen trading posts and taverns to make yourself a new armor, everything is at hand: we find the ingredients, go to the menu, and create!

In general, the authors were very concerned about making the player feel as comfortable as possible in the shoes of a dashing pirate and not be distracted by various little things, which they tried to collect for him in one place. Even the card, if possible, can be replaced with the Assassin's Creed IV Companion application, available for Android and iOS. Being synchronized with your Uplay account, it allows you to use your smartphone as a game card and for fleet management.

In the absence of Sean, who with enviable consistency supplied the main character with information about local people, attractions, etc., several Abstergo scientists took on his role at once. The latter is also not lacking in irony, so don’t be surprised if a text about some fort turns into a funny text squabble between them.

One of the most useful functions that directly affects the player’s feedback with the developers was the evaluation of completed story tasks. IN Assassin's Creed 3, we admit, there were a couple of missions that could infuriate even a calm person in life, and which we would never want to see in future games.

Now, after completing a task, the game unobtrusively offers to rate the quest on a five-point scale, thus letting the authors understand which missions are in great demand among players and which the public can’t stand. Of course, due to the large number of trolls, such an opportunity cannot be called working flawlessly, but this is already something, and it is unlikely that there will be many scoundrels who are ready to spend their precious time setting ones and fives for each of the completed missions.

What a beauty. Lepota!

Three-dimensional bushes. It could have ended there, but it didn’t work out that way - about the graphics we can talk for a long time. And the point here is not even that Ubisoft kept its word, and the bushes are now truly three-dimensional, thanks to which the main character is now hiding in them really not visible, even to the player, but the fact is that the local foliage is sheer beauty.

The new technology of three-dimensional vegetation literally turned the developers' heads, because they rushed to cover literally every tree in the game with leaves. And you know, the result of such colossal work is amazing:

After Black Flag, climbing trees in Assassin's Creed 3 can be compared to running along an empty corridor After Black Flag, climbing trees in Assassin's Creed 3 can be compared to running along an empty corridor

But, as you know, graphics are usually assessed not only by the number of polygons in the models of the main characters, but also by the overall interior. With this Black Flag everything is in perfect order: seeing how your ship cheerfully cuts through the azure waves, rushing past colorful islands generously strewn with palm trees with the same technology of three-dimensional vegetation is worth a lot.

For designers Black Flag should have its own ode. Throughout the game, nothing evokes WTF emotions. Every detail encountered on Edward’s path, every mast of a sunken frigate sticking out of the sand, every body of water and every cobblestone is in its place, nothing causes a feeling of foreignness.

The local sunsets can cause special delight - the time when those very twilight rays appear, about which the authors ranted so much before the release of the game. Coupled with soft shadows and improved shading, the game presents us with, let's face it, a truly magnificent spectacle!

There are also some pleasant little things: unlike Connor the goose, Edward is capable of getting wet when he gets into water, and the sight of drops flowing from his clothes will certainly please the eye of a graphomaniac. Of course, not all computer owners will be able to fully enjoy such beauties, but there’s nothing you can do about it - beauty requires sacrifice, and the developers already tried their best with optimization.

It's worth mentioning that Black Flag, despite the crookedness of the port, works better on PC than on the “related” PS4 and Xbox One: while game performance on new consoles is artificially limited to 30 frames, computers are capable of delivering a stable 60, and this is taking into account better and more demanding anti-aliasing . On PS4 and Xbox One, the fourth part looks downright worse. However, to play comfortably at maximum graphics settings, you need to have a fairly powerful CPU and GPU.

Many are probably waiting for us to stop singing songs of praise to the game and start directly criticizing it. Well, the fourth “assassin” with all its countless advantages really has something to criticize. So, we never saw the sea of ​​the new generation that was promised to us. Yes, the developers managed to create an incredibly beautiful overall landscape, which, however, upon the slightest examination is unlikely to withstand any criticism.

Water in Assassin's Creed 4, even if one wants to, cannot be considered next-gen. And Edward, like the previous hero, loves to fall through various objects. There were also some bugs. Fortunately, there are not so many of them anymore, and over time, we are sure, there will be even fewer, but their variability is amazing: glitches range from graphical ones, as in the screenshot below, to system ones, when the “Saving in progress” icon stubbornly refused to disappear from the screen. Thinking it was a graphics bug, I left the game and logged in again. There was no limit to my anger: the game simply did not save the lion's share of progress, ultimately sending two hours of my time down the drain.

However, as already mentioned, there is still hope for patches from Ubisoft, and therefore all the shortcomings I don’t even want to take Assassin’s Creed 4 into account - the game looks so great.


Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that Ubisoft has probed very fertile ground. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag turned out to be such a beautiful and self-sufficient game, independent of other parts of the franchise, that it could easily develop into a full-fledged series, in no way connected with the saga of the Assassins and Templars (which, most likely, in the near future ).

Basically, Black Flag already looks quite independent. The game successfully got rid of most of the shortcomings and shortcomings of its predecessor, which managed to ruin the lives of players even after six patches (!).

Ubisoft managed to produce a solid, thoughtful, well-considered and very beautiful game, which became a real apogee of the developers’ creative thought. And given the many goodies in the form of achievements and awards, catchy and variable multiplayer and a bunch of downloadable content, bonus costumes and interesting historical information inherent in each game, we can safely say that Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is capable of dragging you far and long into its world - the world of pirate romance, rum, women and sun-drenched tropical islands!

Old-old Bay

Exercise: Edward explores his new hideout on Great Inagua... and discovers something strange. Secondary task: Absent. Follow James Kidd and solve one of the mysteries from the lost Mayan civilization. Climb the stele and use your eagle vision to position the selected objects correctly. Once you find the hidden treasure, all the steles will appear on the world map. Next follow Kidd towards the estate (if you bought a figurine of Blackbeard or Edward, included with the DLC, this is where you will find a couple of chests with a suit, sail and weapons). Approaching the table, we watch a video in which we receive a reprimand and open access to all assassin contracts on our map.

Nothing is true...

Exercise: Finding himself among those who would not welcome his presence, Edward stealthily makes his way through the Assassin village and finds Master James Kidd. Secondary task: Knock out three assassins. Loot 4 chests. There are few chests on the island, so before talking to Kidd, be sure to fulfill the condition for 100% synchronization. After getting off the ship, immediately change your weapon to hand-to-hand combat and do not change it throughout the entire mission - you cannot kill assassins. We run to the left to the closest point for synchronization to open the map and see all the treasures available in our radius. Our path will be blocked by assassins - all of them can be easily eliminated from hiding. Don't forget to use the whistle. One of the closest chests is on the southern coast. Before running to the green marker, be sure to empty this chest. Take it to the left. The Assassin who patrols the beach and walks near the wall of ship planks can be bypassed from the sea. Next, jump into the water and go around the rock on the other side. As soon as you spot the chest, don’t rush headlong, but watch the assassin walking back and forth. Find the right moment and steal the contents. Only after this can you safely run to the green marker in this area. Along the way we will come across several assassins - we can go around along the top. Now the task will be a little more difficult, because this next chest will be guarded by more eyes, but you can still pass unnoticed without much effort. As soon as you enter a clearing with a bunch of assassins, pay attention to the patrol routes and where the treasured chest is located - we need to go higher. Hide in the vegetation and as soon as everyone has dispersed, run to the stairs on the left, then climb the wall and hide in the bushes.

There will be four assassins wandering around here - all of them can be stunned from cover. This is where we find our chest.

We run further along the top. Before jumping onto the tree, pay attention to the sniper who can burn us, so wait until he turns away and jump over.

Ahead you will see three assassins, one of whom is wandering. Dive into the bushes and run out of them under the tree on the right. This way you can easily bypass this mini guard post. You will immediately see Kidd next to the temple, but do not go to him yet until you have cleared the chest, which is located near the Mayan stele. Once you're done, come back and talk to James.

The Sage's terrible secret

Exercise: Edward and James search the Mayan temple to find out who the Sage is. Secondary task: Absent. The mission is simple, the riddle at the end is easy. Run after James all the time, listening to his advice from time to time along the entire path. As soon as you get to the temple, you will need to place the figures in their places. Focus on the colors: red figure, on the red zone of the circle, blue - on blue, green - on green. The lever in the center allows you to rotate the central field, and the colorless pieces at the edges allow you to pick up pieces from the colored circle. As soon as you put everything in its place, the gate will open. We watch the video and complete the mission.

Numerical superiority

Exercise: Edward must save his team and several assassins who were captured by slave traders who arrived in Tulum. Secondary task: Put eight guards to sleep with darts. Use Berserker Poison on a guard twice Coming out of the cave, we learn that both the assassins and our team are in trouble. We get new weapons - blowpipe. It is a very effective weapon, hitting the enemy from a distance. Along with it, you have access to darts with sleeping pills or berserker poison. You can buy darts from shops or craft them from existing items. A sleeping dart puts the enemy to sleep for a few seconds. Using the mouse wheel or button "6" select it, aim while holding "PCM" and shoot "LKM". The “offhand shooting” mode also works - by pressing a button "F" to quickly hit the selected enemy. There are enough opponents, so it will not be difficult to fulfill the condition. I'll give you just a few tips:
1. To avoid losing hostages, complete the mission in stealth mode.
2. First of all, eliminate the gunners - only they can shoot the hostages.
3. Was someone put to sleep? Be sure to then come up and finish him off with your foot so that he doesn’t get up.
4. Use darts with berserker poison on strong opponents so that they can cripple their fellow tribesmen.
5. After the berserker's poison takes effect, the victim dies.
6. Do not release the last hostages until you have met all the conditions for 100% synchronization.
Afterwards, we watch the final video, discover all the murder contracts on the map and complete this interesting memory.
7. By freeing assassins, you replenish your supply of darts.


We hasten to present the most complete walkthrough of the first part of the mysterious and exciting game Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag. In the fourth part we will play for one of the ancestors of the main characters of the previous game - Edward Kenway. (If you spend just a little time researching the family tree of this family, you will learn that Mr. Edward was the father of Haytham Kenway and the grandfather of Connor Kenway). Our new hero is no longer so much an assassin as a pirate, and the game itself is not so much a land game as a sea game. In the third part, we already had the opportunity to take part in naval battles, but they are unlikely to compete in their colorfulness and scale with the new naval adventures in Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag. We will have to spend approximately 40% of our total playing time on the water.

And it all starts with the usual introductory part for this series of games, in which we have to refresh our memory and character control skills.

Episode 1. Memory 01. Edward Kane

After loading the game, we find ourselves near a large ship that we have to capture. Using the most powerful cannons installed on board, we deal with enemy ships, and then watch the video. Following the clues that will pop up during the game, we swim to the shore. We find a bridge on the shore, pass through it and find ourselves in a location full of treasures. We search the surrounding area to get as rich as possible.

Tip 1: If the hero needs to get to the upper floors of buildings, use nearby trees. You can also use the bow of the wreck to reach the upper areas.

Hint 2: Treasures should be looked for in the northern part of the location. After the treasure is found, we go west. On the way we meet a mysterious stranger who sends us in search of a new treasure in the northeast.

After the money has been collected, we go to the tower. Then we move north along the water and watch the video. Following the instructions, we set off in pursuit. After all the twists and turns, we find ourselves in the village, synchronize and get into the water again. We swim to the schooner. On the ship we will find a tutorial to improve our skills, as well as the first hand-to-hand combat in the game. To defeat the guards, it is best to sneak up on them from behind one by one and carry out a silent kill. In principle, a frontal attack can also be used, only in this case it is necessary to show maximum skill so that the soldiers do not have time to raise the alarm.

After completing the quest, we go south for another treasure. Here we find the seller and watch the video.

Tip 3. Don't shy away from searching corpses. Sometimes dead bodies hide very interesting artifacts, such as treasure maps. In order to complete the level, we take the ship and go to the extreme point of the cape.

Our days

Waking up in our time, we understand that everything we have seen up to this moment is just a dream. In the present, we will meet a stranger who will take us to a new location. Along the way, we learn to use a communicator, which will become our hero’s best friend for the rest of the game time: this is where new messages, information about quests will appear and the degree of progress will be displayed.

Following the stranger, we come to the elevator, from here we head to the receptionist, we find a note on the table. Next we go in a southwest direction and find the second note. The third and subsequent notes will be waiting for us in the east and south wings of the building, as well as in our own office. Hint 4. In the first episode, we do not yet have the hacking skill, and therefore many locked doors will remain closed for our hero.

Episode 2. Flashback 1. Havana Alive

We follow Stead until we see the gunsmith. We buy the sword we like and run to the church to undergo synchronization. On the way we lose Stead. A little later we learn that our friend is in trouble and, naturally, it will be up to us to help him out. We follow the trail of the attacker, take away the stolen money from him, return the wallet to Stead and go to the tavern to watch the next video.<.p>

After watching the video, we get involved in a fight, which begins with our appearance. The battle will take place in training mode and with the sole purpose of teaching us how to attack correctly. Get ready for the fact that after all the tavern drunks have been scattered, more experienced and formidable opponents will take over - Spanish soldiers. Following the prompts on the screen, we distract the enemies and leave the room in a smoke screen. To break away from our pursuers, we develop speed. Having escaped from the soldiers, we complete the mission.

Hint 5. Now Havana is at our complete disposal. You can wander around the city to explore the location. We won’t collect many quests along the way yet, but we will still be able to find several useful items on the streets.

Episode 2. Memory 2. My Sugar

We go to the city docks to find out what happened to Stead after the fight in the tavern (alas, we lost him again). We follow the Spaniards, trying to remain incognito. In order not to be detected, we follow them at a considerable distance and, if possible, hide behind various buildings, haystacks, in a crowd of passers-by, etc. If we come across closed areas on the way, we run around them and wait for the soldiers to appear on the other side. The guards will try to break away and start running. The main thing is not to lose sight of them. Finally, when they stop, we eavesdrop on their conversation. To make the operation as successful as possible, we hire street dancers to divert the soldiers’ attention to themselves.

Using a special vision mode (eagle vision), we follow the captain’s guards. We wait patiently until the captain leaves the exclusion zone and follow him to the stall. As soon as the captain enters the stall, we quickly run into the building, approach it and take away the key.

Let's go to the fort. Here we kill all the enemies we meet along the way.

Hint 6. To distract the guards' attention, set fire to the barrels. This will make completing the mission much easier. We climb onto the roof of the fort, wait for the patrol to approach it, jump onto the heads of the military and quickly send them to the next world.

Tip 7: When performing pirouettes, remember to keep an eye on the roof on the left. There is a sentry there who should not know about your presence. After clearing the fort, watch the video, climb the fortress wall, and dive into the sea. We look for Stead and move to a new location.

You can see an example of the passage of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag below.

general information

The entire game represents the memories of distant ancestors, relived using a special Animus device. The main character relives all these memories of past centuries in order to synchronize his memory with the memory of his ancestors.

Memories are divided into sequences (parts) and individual events (missions). Almost every mission has additional tasks. If you complete all the instructions, then a separate section of memory will be 100% synchronized. If this was not done the first time, then you can always return to the completed mission by entering the menu and selecting the appropriate line.

The protagonist of Assassin's Creed 4, Edward Kenway, is a young British man with a "thirst for danger and adventure" who turns from privateer to pirate, and soon finds himself drawn into the war between the Assassins and the Templars. The case takes place at the dawn of the 18th century (Golden Age of Piracy) on the islands of the Caribbean. In the game you can meet the famous pirates Blackbeard and Charles Vane.

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag
System requirements

On October 3, Ubisoft officially announced the system requirements for the PC version of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag.

Minimum configuration
Operating system: Windows Vista SP1 or SP Windows 7 or Windows 8 (32/64bit);
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon II X4 620 2.6 GHz;
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 or AMD Radeon HD 4870 (512 MB video memory with Shader Model 4.0);
RAM: 2 GB;

Recommended Configuration
Operating system: Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8 (32/64bit);
Processor: Intel Core i5 2400S 2.5 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 940 3.0 GHz;
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 or AMD Radeon HD 5850 (1024 MB video memory, shaders 5.0);
RAM: 4 GB.
Free hard disk space: 30 GB.

Video cards supported by the game at release: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260, GT400, GT500, GT600, GT700 or AMD Radeon HD4870 and HD5000, HD6000, HD7000 series.

Passing levels. Cape Bonavista. June 1715

Memory 1. Edward Kenway
Memory 01. Edward Kenway (Assassins Creed IV walkthrough)

Reach the ship's whell

We find ourselves on board a ship during a storm. Let's get used to controlling the main character; it's standard for action games. We approach the ship's helm.

Sink enemy ships

Now we control the ship. There are several English ships around us, we need to sink them. By looking at the left or right side and holding down the right mouse button, we see the trajectory of how the cannonballs will fly after the shot. We control the trajectory by moving the mouse, then press the left button to fire. Having broken several small ships, we enter into battle with a large ship.

Reach the shore

After the victory, we see that the ammunition on the ship caught fire, we jump into the water, our ship explodes and goes to the bottom. We swim among the debris towards the sandy shore.

Find the assassin

Besides us, another person in strange clothes survived. We run after the assassin along the path to the top, he quickly disappears from sight. At the top we climb along the side wall of a wooden building, on the upper cliff we climb another building. We climb onto the topmost building, on its right edge, and perform synchronization (key E). Now all objects are visible on the map of the surrounding area. We jump down from the tower into a pile of palm leaves.

Below we continue to catch up with the killer along the stream bed. He shoots at us, ordering us to stop. After this, our task changes.

Kill the assassin

We catch up with the assassin and kill him in close combat. We take his clothes for ourselves, and also find out his task. Now we will carry it out.

Find a way to Havana

There is a cliff ahead, we climb a tree on the edge of the cliff, and carry out another synchronization. We jump down into the lake.

We enter under the waterfall and in a secret cave we find a chest with zloty.

We go down to the coast into the red zone. Below we see the remains of the British who survived the naval battle. They captured a merchant in an attempt to get his ship.

Free the merchant

We jump down and move silently through the bushes. We get to the soldiers and engage in battle with them.

On the shore we examine the skeleton of a pirate and find a treasure map.

Reach the ship's whell

After the victory, we sail with the merchant to his ship.

Sail out of the bay

We control the ship, guide it to the goal, trying not to catch the rocks. At the end of the path, quickly press the “2” key to see a diving whale in close-up.

Abstergo. Nowadays
Assassins Creed 4. Abstergo

Leaving virtual reality. We passed the test and now we are being hired by Abstergo. We follow the girl and get acquainted with our workplace. Our global task: to synchronize the entire memory of the pirate Edward Kenway using a special device - the animus, which allows, using DNA alone, to restore the memory of all the ancestors of a certain person. At the workplace, we sit down at the monitor and return to other people’s memories.

Episode 02. Havana, Cuba. July 1715

Memory 1. Lively Havana
Memory 01. Lively Havana (Assassin's Creed IV walkthrough)

Follow Stede Bonnet

We follow the merchant through the town of Havana. We get to the gun shop and buy a British saber. You can also buy a smoke bomb.

While we were shopping, the merchant had already disappeared from sight. To find it, we climb to the top of the tall yellow tower. Here at the top on one of the sides you can take a crystal fragment. We synchronize at the top and jump down.

Catch and loot the pickpocket

Downstairs, a merchant was robbed by a pickpocket. We run after the thief and catch him.

Having killed the pickpocket, we take everything he stole. After which we hide from the soldiers.

Returning to the merchant, we follow him to the tavern.

Beat up the attackers

A fight breaks out in the tavern. We beat all attackers hand-to-hand. After the victory, security appears and attacks all the instigators of the fight.

To completely complete the task, you need to leave the area marked in red on the map without the soldiers noticing.

Memory 2. And my sugar?
Memory 02. …And My Sugar? (Assassin's Creed 4 in Russia)

Chase the guards (tail the guards)

We follow the two guards, who are highlighted in yellow. When the guards turn around, we approach ordinary people to blend in with the crowd.

The guards will enter the area where non-military people are prohibited from entering. It’s better not to climb onto the roof, there are guards there too. We go around such a block in the neighboring yard, waiting for the guards on the other side. We go around the second quarter in the same way.

Eavesdrop on the conversation

Once on the main road, the guards will walk slower and start talking. We need to stay within earshot, but not in their sight. We go out to the square and see the execution of a man. A captain of Spanish soldiers takes part in the execution. He should have our stolen property.

Steal the Captain's key

We wait for the captain to leave the zone forbidden to us and begin to walk around the square. At this time, we approach him from behind almost point blank and stealthily steal from him (press and hold the “E” key).

Sneak to the fort lockup

The best way to enter the fort is from the open sea. We go to the pier on the right, jump into the water, swim around the fort at a safe distance, and swim up to the wall with boards and poles. We climb up along the boards and collect a crystal fragment along the way. At the top of the fort wall, we crawl along the wall to the left. One of the soldiers looks ahead, but he won't see us. We follow the minimap when the second, more mobile guard leaves, at this time we climb over the fence and quickly run up to the illuminated wooden door into the building. Inside we take our bag with the artifact.

Meet Stede Bonnet

All that remains is to jump back into the water and swim to the pier. There we approach the merchant and give him his bag.

Memory 3. Mr. Walpole, I presume?
Memory 03. Mister Walpole, I Presume? (Assassins Creed 4)

Reach the terrace

We approach the closed gates at the governor's residence. Thanks to our suit, the guards allow us inside. We walk along the terrace and meet two Templars practicing shooting.

Shoot the targets

Having accepted the invitation, we practice shooting together with the Templars. We simply shoot the marked targets, following the instructions.

Perform various Assassinations

We follow the Templars. We are handed hidden blades for our wrists. Now we are undergoing training on how to use them. The first time we simply kill the dummy at point blank range. The second time, we first hide in a haystack from behind, and then secretly attack from there. The third time we lean against the corner of the building and strike from around the corner. In the fourth exercise, we run into the dummy with a running start and pierce it with blades. In the fifth, we climb onto the roof of the building and jump on top of any remaining mannequin.

Follow your hosts

Memory 4. The Man Called the Sage
Memory 04. A Man They Call The Sage (Assassin's Creed 4 game guide)

Follow the Templars

We talk with Rogers at the docks. The Templars have captured a man called the Sage, whose blood is the key to the observatory. Now the Templars are transporting him to their base under guard. We walk around the city, following the procession of the Templars.

Defend the Templars

Suddenly, assassins attack from all sides. We enter into battle with them. You need to stay close to old man Torres, they are trying to kill him first.

Catch the Sage

After the victory, there is a new problem - the prisoner Sage escapes from custody. We run after him across the rooftops. Although you can run down the street and catch him when he comes down, it will be easier.

Flashback 5: Figuring out what's going on
Memory 05. Claiming What’s Due (Walkthrough of Assassins Creed 4 on PC)

Find the warden (locate the warden)

We decide to free the Sage, imprisoned in the Templar estate, to receive a greater reward. At night we arrive at a plantation near the walls of the estate. We silently move forward, hiding in the bushes. First, it is better to walk along the right edge, going around the wooden hut. We approach the stairs to the estate.

Loot the key

We find the guard who has the key to the prison. While remaining in the bushes, we approach the guard closer and whistle (E key) to lure him into the bushes. When the enemy is highlighted in white, simply press the left mouse button to silently kill.

Free the Sage

We quietly approach the prison doors and open them. But inside we are ambushed.

The Templars discover our disguise and hand us over to a ship with captured pirates.

Memory 6. Treasure Fleet
Memory 06. The Treasure Fleet (Assassins Creed 4 on xbox)

Get to your things (reach your gear)

Once on the prison ship, together with the black man we remove the shackles from our feet and begin a riot. The black man approaches the left corner of the door, we stand on the right, whistle, and hit the guard who approaches.

Free 18 pirates (recruit pirates: 0/18)

Having climbed up, we see that we are sailing on one of five ships. There are captured pirates on every ship, you need to free them. They are displayed on the map with special black icons, we navigate by them. It is not necessary to kill enemies; you can pass unnoticed.

Kill the captain

After going around all the ships with prisoners, we move to the small central ship. On it we need to kill the captain of this entire fleet. It is better to sneak up on the captain from behind and kill him unnoticed, since in close combat he is much stronger than the main character.

Escape the fleet

The fastest ship in the flotilla has been captured, and now we need to use it to sail away from the other ships. At first, we sail forward without looking back, since much larger ships are pursuing us from behind, capable of destroying us in one salvo.

A rogue wave is approaching ahead. To get as little damage as possible from it, we turn our nose towards it and remove all the sails. We are waiting for the wave to pass by. Further along the path we see three tornadoes. We go around the first one on the right, but we must avoid getting into the yellow zone shown on the map. Then we need to go straight between the second and third tornado (it won’t work any other way, the wind blows us right to this place). At the end we go through another big wave and the mission is completed.

Episode 03. Nassau, Bahamas. September 1715

Memory 1. This is Captain Tyro
Memory 01. This Tyro Captain (Assassin's Creed 4)

Sail to Abaco Island

We sail to the green target. Along the way, you can collect floating boxes with resources, just swim up to them and press space. You can also find drowning sailors. We look at the map more often in search of corresponding icons.

Having sailed to the island, we remove all the sails. To move away from the helm, hold down the “S” key. We jump off the ship and swim to land.

Wild hunting (hunting wildlife: iguanas 0/2, ocelots 0/2)

On the island we need to get meat and skins of wild animals. A couple of skins of local lizards - iguanas, and a pair of skins of ocelots, similar to leopards, will be enough.

Before hunting, you can completely clear this small island so as not to return here again. There is only one high point, three crystals, a chest, a map and a note in a bottle. To collect crystals, you will first have to climb neighboring trees and jump from them to higher ones.

Iguanas are inactive and easy to kill even in hand-to-hand combat. But to catch ocelots you will have to attack, jumping from trees, or hiding in the bushes, like in an ambush. Ocelots are lured by whistling in the same way as people. (If you kill the ocelot unnoticed with a hidden blade, then you will complete one of Abstergo's tests).

Having collected the necessary animal skins, we enter the crafting menu and create improved clothing: a holster and armbands.

To quickly return to the ship, go to the boat symbol on the map. We sail further by ship to our destination, ending up in the English settlement of Nassau.

Memory 2. New vacancies
Memory 02. Now Hiring (Assassins Creed 4)

Recruit pirates: 0/15

We go to the tavern and talk with Adevale. We need to rescue the pirates from captivity. Four points appear in the city where there are pirates. We go north, we enter into a fight between pirates and British soldiers. While the enemies are not distracted by us, we can silently kill them by running in with the left mouse button held down.

In the center of the city, four guards stand on a hill, they can be bypassed, and two more are holding captive pirates at gunpoint. We climb onto the house, jump off it and in the fall kill two soldiers at once.

In the south of the city, on the second floor, only one soldier is holding two pirates. We climb up the wall behind the soldier and throw him down over the railing.

In the east of the city you will have to climb into the fort and rescue the pirates from there.

Reach the gallows

Having collected the required number of pirates, we see a new point on the map, where a public execution of a pirate takes place. We run there, kill the soldiers and free the pirate.

We return to the tavern with the full team.

Memory 3. Prizes and robberies
Memory 03. Prizes and Plunder (Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. Walkthrough)

Incapacitate a schooner

With a new team we go to sea to engage in pirate fishing. We examine the ships around with a spyglass (key “E”), so we can see exactly what resources are on the ship.

We look for the nearest small ship and begin to attack it with cannons. When the yellow bar of the ship’s health disappears, only the red one remains, we swim close to the ship and hold down the “S” key, after which the team will begin boarding.

We defeat five enemies on someone else's ship - the boarding is won. After the victory, we take all its resources from the ship.

Buy hull armor (buy Intermediate hull)

Having collected resources, we sail to the pirate port of Salt Cay, where you can improve your ship. We moor and buy a highlighted upgrade in the store.

Memory 4. Raise the black flag!
Memory 04. Raise the Black Flag (Assassins Creed 4)

Capture 70 units of metal (metal plundered: 0/70)

We go to sea again, but now we need metal. We are looking for ships only with this resource.

Talk to the local officer

We were put on the wanted list. To get rid of a bad reputation, we sail to the port of Salt Cay. There we come to an agreement with the local officer, and all charges of piracy are dropped from us.

Buy broadside cannons

In the Salt Cay store we buy another improvement.

Memory 5. Sugar cane and its profitability
Memory 05. Sugarcane And Its Yields (Assassins Creed 4)

On Andreas Island we follow the pirate, he shows us the current goal.

Tail the agent

We go along the left edge in the bushes. We wait for the agent to talk to the soldiers, then we follow him to the coast. We see how the agent boards the ship. Immediately after this, in 40 seconds we run to our ship. The fastest way is to jump from the palm tree and run along the wooden wall in the water leading straight to the ship.

Chase the agent's ship

On our ship we are pursuing the agent's ship. Fog has fallen on the sea, so you can remain unnoticed, you just need to avoid swimming into the enemy’s visibility zones (marked in yellow on the map). The agent lands on the island, we land there, but a little to the right.

Listen to the conversation (eavesdrop on the conversation)

In 40 seconds we reach the agent who has come onto land on foot. We follow him, hiding in the bushes and reed fields. We eavesdrop on the conversation to the end. Let's find out where the resources of the Cat Island plantation are stored.

Locate the key holder

Now you can act as you wish. We walk unnoticed through the fields, turn on eagle vision to find the guard carrying the key.

Loot the warehouse

We take the key from the security guard and quietly approach the entrance to the warehouse. Our sailors are removing all useful resources from the warehouse.

Memory 6. Self-defense
Memory 06. Proper Defenses (Assassins Creed 4)

Locate the ship (locate the “EI Acrca Del Maestro”)

On the island of Salt Lagoon we talk with the pirates. We are on the trail of one of the Templars. He is sailing on a large Manowar-class ship. There is no point in attacking him yet, but you can trace his path. We sail across the sea, looking through a spyglass for the largest ship.

Tail the ship

We float unnoticed after Menovar, but do not fall into the enemy’s visibility zone, marked in yellow on the map.

Avoid the mortar fire

Our pirate allies are attacking from the flanks. We catch up with the ship and also try to attack. But the giant ship begins to fire at us with mortars. When it is aimed, yellow circles appear on the water; we quickly swim away to the side so as not to receive serious damage.

Avoid mortar fire (sink the Spanish ships: 0/8)

Eight small schooners sail to help the menowar. We need to destroy all these small ships.

All the schooners were sunk, but the main ship escaped and moored at the island of Great Inagua. We cannot enter the port after him.

Memory 7. Lonely Psycho
Memory 07. A Single Madman (Assassins Creed 4)

Reach the jungle's exit

We sail to the southern coast of the island of Great Inagua. Alone we land on the shore and climb up the stone buildings. First, we grab the ledges. A little higher you will have to jump on wooden poles over the abyss and climb hanging ladders. One of the bridges breaks right under our feet, but we still manage to climb up.

We enter the jungle. There is a narrow path here, patrolled by many soldiers. We hide in the bushes, run along the branches from above, and just in time attack the unwary enemies from behind. At the checkpoint with a sniper, it is better to quietly pass through the bushes on the left. So we get to the settlement.

There are a lot of guards in the village; it can take a very long time to eliminate them one by one. But you can go unnoticed faster: we make our way to the center of the village, set fire to a barrel of gunpowder, and run further back. The barrel will explode, and all the soldiers of the village will come running to the explosion. At this time, we run forward along the edge of the village, while everyone is distracted and no one sees.

We get to the water. You can swim secretly underwater to avoid being caught by the guards. We climb onto the huge ship from the far side. On the deck we silently eliminate the guards one by one. Lastly, we kill the Templar Du Cass in a black hat, specializing in firearms.

Abstergo. Our days
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag walkthrough

We leave the animus and return to real life. We follow secretary Melanie into the elevator. We go up to the top floor and talk to boss Olivier.

We take the elevator down. An IT department employee, through headphones, invites us to obtain secret files from the computers of other Abstergo employees. We get to the marked computer.

To crack the code, we perform a small puzzle: we draw a line along the grooves on the surface of the ball; the line stops only when it reaches a dead end; choose a path for the line such that it goes along any green groove.

After hacking the computer, we get a video about the death of Desmond Miles, the previous hero of the game. You can also hack all neighboring computers in the room to get additional content.

We also notice that in the Abstergo office there are secret items in the form of white stickers with barcodes (Sticky Note). If possible, we find and collect them.

We go down to the ground floor and talk with a specialist from the IT department. We return to our workplace.

Episode 04. Great Inagua. March 1716

Memory 1. Old Bay
Memory 01. The Old Cove (Assassins Creed IV)

Follow James Kidd

We follow Kidd through the jungle and enter the cave. Inside we find an ancient Mayan stele. We climb to the top of the stone statue.

We solve the puzzle: we manipulate the drawn lines and shapes, move and rotate this drawing, trying to combine it with the location of real objects. In this case, move the circle to the round post, then rotate the design to place the two squares directly under the square stones.

Having solved the riddle, we find the place where the treasure is buried. We dig up a Mayan artifact. James gives us a map showing the location of all such Mayan sites.

We follow Kidd further and find the Templar key. Through a secret cave we go out to the captured Templar mansion. Inside we find a map of the approximate location of all the assassins in this region. We use the key on the grate, behind which hangs a skeleton in Templar armor. You need to find four more keys to get this costume.

Talk to James Kidd (meet with James Kidd)

Having examined the estate, we appropriate it for ourselves. Now you can return here and improve this place. We go outside and run to the coast to talk with Kidd. He wants to go to one of the assassins' lairs.

Memory 2. Nothing is true
Memory 02. Nothing is True… (Assassins Creed IV)

Enter the captain's cabin

We speak with Adevale. We go to our cabin and study the map inside it. (Here you need to connect to the game server). We skip this part of the training and leave the cabin. We sail to the southwestern corner of the global map, there we take the main mission.

Find James Kidd

We land on the tropical coast of Tulum. Assassins live here. They are more attentive than ordinary soldiers, so you should be careful. And this is the first really difficult mission: here you need to remain unnoticed without fail. You cannot kill enemies, only put them to sleep or stun. If we are noticed, the mission will fail.

We pass along the coast, stunning the assassins from the bushes.

In the jungle we come out into a clearing. There are four assassins below, but only one girl walks from side to side, the rest are motionless. We sit in the bushes, wait for the girl to go to the right, at this time we run to the left, climb onto the ledge. There are three assassins on the hill. Hiding in the bushes, we eliminate them by attacking from behind. Near the cliff we attack the fourth assassin from behind.

(You can first hold down the left button and then approach the enemy, this will be more convenient). (When attacking from behind, you cannot press the run button, otherwise the hero will not strangle the enemy, but will deliver loud blows, after which they will notice us).

From here we jump diagonally to the next hill with a stone arch. We wait until the mobile enemy moves away and the sniper on the next platform turns away, after which we quietly stun the girl near the bushes, and then immediately stun the mobile enemy near the cliff. If the sniper notices, you can have time to hide behind a tree ahead.

We wait for the sniper to turn away, at which time we quickly run forward, jump over the branches, jump onto the platform, sneak up from behind and eliminate the sniper. Now there are only three enemies left ahead on the hill, we go around them through the bushes on the right. At the top of the hill at the gate of the tomb we meet Dames Kidd.

Assassins suddenly attack from behind, but do not kill him. It turns out Kidd is part of the brotherhood of assassins. We exchange information with them, and then go inside the Mayan tomb.

Flashback 3: Sage's Buried Secret
Memory 03. The Sage's Buried Secret (Assassins Creed IV)

Follow James Kidd

Inside we jump over obstacles following Kidd. When the bridge collapses, turn left, climb onto the wall and crawl forward along the vines. Then we swim underwater in underground caves. We reach the temple and climb to its top.

Solve the statue puzzle

At the top we see a circle with three colored sections and statues on them. You need to arrange the statues into sectors of the corresponding colors. We approach the wheel in the center, turn the stones so that the blue statue is at the left column. We move away from the wheel, climb onto the left column, and stand on the colorless statue on the left. This will cause the blue statue to rise to the top. We twist the stones, bring the blue sector under the blue statue. We climb along the column onto the blue statue, it lowers. Then, in the same way, we raise the red statue, and put the red and green statues in place.

Having solved the puzzle, we see a statue of a man’s head, very similar to the head of the pirate Sage.

Memory 4. Overflow and excess
Memory 04. Overrun And Outnumbered (Assassins Creed IV)

Free the prisoners: 0/14

At the exit from the temple we see that we are surrounded by British soldiers. We get a new weapon from the assassin - dart tube(blowpipe).

Enemies hold hostages in small groups of one, two assassins. We consistently go around all the points on the map, killing enemies. By freeing the assassins, we replenish the ammunition supply of darts, so that you can use them very often.

After defeating the soldiers, we quickly move to Nassau. We speak with Kidd, he talks about the activities of the assassins, and he also shows us how to receive additional missions - murder contracts. Also on the island underground you can see a golden door, to open which you need to find all the Mayan artifacts.

For several years now, Assassin's Creed has been the flagship among games with a huge free world. Here comes the new Assassin Creed 4, Black Flag will delight gamers with exciting sea voyages, beautiful islands, tin cannons and pirate raids.

The previous, third part of the series, won the hearts of millions. Through the game you could study history by participating in the struggle for independence. Black Flag is a sequel, with a pirate theme playing a key role. The new game will delight you with an abundance of different missions, both on land and on water. Either we find ourselves on an island, then we hijack a huge warship, sinking our opponents along the way, or we get out of a Jamaican dungeon. In one of the missions we have to follow a small English ship on a foggy night, despite the fact that the action takes place on a small river infested with crocodiles.

In addition to the main plot, there are also enough secondary missions; Ubisoft did their best. Firstly, you can engage in piracy, capture ships, upgrade weapons, and so on. To strengthen your ship, you have to mine wood and iron, this is the only way to make a powerful frigate from the “Jackdaw”. Several types of ammunition, exploding barrels, shooting falconets, it can sometimes be difficult to keep track of everything. Add to this the variable wind, storm, tornado and rogue waves, in general you will definitely not be bored.

Also, the assignments of the assassins have not gone away - to kill, find treasures, attack fortresses, catch leaflets with songs, explore islands and ancient relics, fulfill complex contracts, etc. You will have to go hunting for wild animals to upgrade your equipment. Moreover, not only land, but also sea! Hunting a shark or a whale will bring you a lot of positive emotions, try it and you definitely won’t regret it.

The well-developed underwater world will not leave you indifferent, it’s a pity there is no scuba gear... Now in the single-player game there is a cooperative mode that will allow your friends to look at the location of the found treasures, convoys and whales. Multiplayer remains the same, with the exception of one thing - the appearance of a workshop in which you can create your own mode.

The main feature of the new Assassin is mobile applications for Android and Apple. By connecting to the Uplay server, you can manage your fleet from your smartphone or tablet, upgrading your ships and earning money. Assassin's Creed 4 has acquired new colors that will excite the blood with a rich plot and exciting battles. Feel like a pirate and explorer, hunter, or fisherman. P.s.: Do you want to avoid problems and communicate without a language barrier? Take an English language course in England, run by Real Estate Agency London Consulting Center Excellent teachers, combined courses, individual approach to each student.

Assassin Creed 4 black flag. Walkthrough of the game assassins creed 4.

Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag. Assassin Creed black flag. Game on PC.
Assassins Creed black flag walkthrough. Assassin Creed 4.
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Watch the game assassins creed 4. Review of assassins creed 4 c.