Year of the pig - what the pig symbolizes in different countries. Animal mascots - a pig, as a symbol of a deity. A pig in Russian has a symbolic meaning.


and. yard animal Sus scrofa, prop. his female; ryushka, ryukha, ryushka, chushka, khavronya, vyat. daughter, fire sika (ofns. from Chukhonsk); male: wild boar, poroz(s), keelun, toothfish, vyat. boar, ryaz parsuk, thief nerez, church knoroz: laid: hog, nokhrok, khokhryak, zap. knur, tul. boar, tamb. grok, perm. Cossack, Tver treasure chest; wild: boar, boar, astrakh. samur; baby pig: pig, chicken. gilt; piglet, piglet; Chukhrenok Psk. yus? Psk. skogol zap. resin dozen, zyushka, zishka, zizhka tver.; a sucker, and a 12-day-old: a ruchenets. Porpoise, porpoise, dolphin, Delphinus phocaena, viviparous animal with blowholes.

Pig, old military: build with a wedge, boar, boar's head, for breaking ranks, for attack. And a pig crashed through the regiment, chronicle. Pig, pig, bol. young pig. Overseas pig, motley animal, smaller than a rabbit, Cavia cobaja, pig.

Pig, ingot, bar of lead, sometimes cast iron.

Churbashek, chock or chushka, for playing pigs, towns, chushki, ryukhi or chukha.

A type of pulp, wooden brackets into which glued boards are wedged.

Pig, plant., Solanum melangena, demyanka, fruit, from the genus Nightshade.

Disease, tumor of the ear gland, behind the ear. Pigs oink, so do piglets oink. Dejectedly, the pig digs deep roots about a secretive person.

A pig of bread, a babka, a rump, a souslon, 10 sheaves. There is a golden bristle pig, but in fairy tales. Don't forget the pig's log; remembers where she ate! Just stick the pig's snout in and it will all come through. You can't beat a woman's lies even on a pig. You can’t beat a woman’s characteristic (norminess) even on a pig. God saw that he did not give the pig a horn. If only a pig had a horn and a horse's hoof! Where can a pig look at the sky? Where should he be, there's a pig in the sky! The pig got to look at the sky. Today in honor, and tomorrow - to herd pigs. Angry and powerless - the pig's brother. God will not give (or: will not give), the pig will not eat. Knows the taste (sense) like a pig knows oranges. A pig built a nest on an oak tree, and a sheep came and laid an egg. You can’t exchange a pig’s skin for marten fur. Know your stall, pig. He did the job: he put a collar on the pig. A pig has no time for piglets if they drag themselves to the fire (if they degrade themselves). Great boyar, pig in the swamp! The pig is not my brother, and five rubles is not money. What will be born from a pig is not a beaver, but the same piglet. Do not throw pearls before swine, lest they be trampled underfoot. No time for laundry if the pig spilled the lye! Dress the pig in earrings and she in manure. In people there is Ilya, but at home there is a pig. A drunken woman gives a shout out to pigs. Pig know your pig. The devil boasted of taking possession of the whole world, but God did not give him free rein over the pig. If there were a pig, there would be piglets (there would also be bristles). Even though he is a pig (and a beast), he is still a man. The pig is full, but eats everything; The man is rich, but he saves everything. God forbid the peasant should have lordship and pig horns! For some it's a pig, for us it's family. The wolf is not a shepherd, and the pig is not a gardener. The wolf asked to become a shepherd, and the pig to become a gardener. The pig on its snout brought him (i.e. happiness). The pig will find dirt. The pig will not find dirt! The pig carries straw towards the storm. The stupid pig dug through the whole yard, dug half a snout, but didn’t get to the hole. The pig was snouting, blunt-nosed, white-nosed, dug up the whole yard, dug up half the snout. The pig had a golden bristle, but it lay in the dirt and was taken away (belief). If you call pigs while looking out the window, they won’t go into the garden (vyat.). On Vasilyev's evening, a pig's head is on the table. Pig and mice eat hay - bad luck. If you put pigs in a barn to eat, the pig will eat the piglets. Don't kick the pig: the mob will come out. (The pigs grunted - to bad weather. The pig towards - fortunately. The pig itches - to warmth; and squeals (roars) - to bad weather. The pig walks through the forest, plucks the grass of the quinoa; she doesn’t pick it up, puts it under a birch tree, horse. The lighthouse is here , honor has come to pork wool (they change lighthouses and buy bristles in villages, etc.) The barrel groans, the barchatas drink (pig). The barrel came and began, and the barchata was filtered (pig). Nothing hurts, but everything moans (pig). Shivering pig, sharp bristles? fire. While walking he walks, the hang hangs; the visa fell and ate while walking (pig, acorn). A pig comes from the swamp, all spoiled (nonsense). Pig - back cut out (overnight). The gray pig nests on the oak tree: the babies are on the branches, and she is in the root (peas). A pig with golden bristles, a flaxen tail, jumps around the world, colors the whole world (needle and thread). The pig also sang a song to the wolf! The wolf came to slaughter the pig, saying that George ordered it; Once upon a time I was a singer, she said, let me remember the old fashioned way, say goodbye to the white light: I sang, the wild boars came running and the wolf’s fangs. Chickenpox pigs, arch. windy darkness with torn clouds (Shane.). Pig, pig, belongs to her. Pork, pork, related to them. Pig jump. Pig snout. Pig ear, mumps, scrofulous tumor, pig. Pork quinoa, vegetable Chenopodium foetidum et donus-henricus. Pig tail, plant. Peucedanum officn. Pork grass, grilled meat and noritsa. The pig's face is accepted everywhere (does not wait for invitations). And fat, and motley (in appearance), and the snout of a pig. A pig's egg, and even then not my own. Screaming in a pig's voice, at the wrong time, inopportunely, for the time being, or after a time, early or late, esp. last thing; because pigs, let loose without a shepherd, run from the field late, often already at night, grunting and roaring, and raise their grunting until daylight. It's noon, same, late. Chicken tits, pig horns, arch. nonsense, nothing, without benefit or success. Porky posture, stoop. Pork sorrel, horse sorrel. Pig fluff, comic. bristle. Pig garden, butts, weedy wasteland. Pig bristle, plant. Sivun or Belus. Gilt, mumps, related to mumps. Swine, characteristic of pigs; dirty, unkempt to the extreme. Disgustingness, uncleanliness, untidiness;

rude, ill-treatment, act. Pig woman pig, pig, crackers, decoctions, cabbage roll, cyanosis, hollow or russula, mushroom Agaricus violaceus or involutus.


Mumps disease. Pork stew.

Pig, plant. Polygonum arenarium, sandy knotweed. Pork, pork meat in general, fresh meat, butchered pork. Pork, -nin, prepared from pork. Pig, abusive man, pig, dirty. Pig thief. or pigman m. swineherd, pig shepherd.

Svinukh, Psk. hard pigsty, barn

Pig, pig mushroom. Crooked-legged - into a swineherd. Pig arch. guinea pig, dolphin. Pigsty m. pigsty w. pork zakuta, barn, pig barn. zakuta, pigsty.

Pig(h)nik, plant. Equisetum arvense, horsetail, corn pestle, pestle, eaten in spring; its root is ground nuts collected by hamsters. Piss off Psk. eat food during Lent Pig farm, pig pasture or wasteland.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


pigs, plural pigs, pigs, pigs and pigs, pigs, w.

    An artiodactyl mammal, a domestic species that is bred for the use of its meat, lard, bristles, and skin.

    trans. A dirty, unkempt person, a slob (colloquial contempt).

    trans. About a person who undeservedly caused trouble to someone, rude, ungrateful (colloquial expletive). I was a terrible pig and imagined that I was L. Tolstoy’s angel.

    Military formation like a wedge for breaking through frontally located troops (old). Prince Alexander Nevsky, in a battle on the ice of Lake Peipsi, defeated the hordes of German dog-knights advancing like pigs and finally drove them back from the Russian borders. Put a pig on someone (colloquial) - transl. to make a big nuisance for someone, to make a disgusting act (disgusting in 1 value). Pig-pig (colloquial) - about someone who acts, behaves like a pig (pig in 3 meanings), who has the appearance of a pig, is dirty like a pig (pig in 2 meanings). And one of the guests came home with a pig-pig. Krylov. A pig-pig lives at home, doesn’t accept anyone, rips off his men. Pushkin.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, plural pigs, pigs, pigs, as.

    A cloven-hoofed, non-ruminant animal with a large body and short legs. Pig family. Wild pigs. Domestic pigs.

    A domestic animal of such a family, bred for meat, fat, bristles. Herd pigs. S. under an oak tree (about someone ungrateful and stupid). Place a pig at the table, she and her legs on the table (ate. about that who behaves dissolutely, cheekily).

    The female of such an animal. Pregnant

    trans. About someone who acts basely, vilely, and also (rudely) about a dirty person, a slob (colloquial). Well, s. you! * Put a pig on someone (colloquial) - cause trouble. To the pigs (to all the pigs)! (simple) - a rude expression! indignation, abuse. To the dog pigs! (simple) - to all pigs. God will not give it away - the pig will not eat it - he has eaten... expressing hope for luck, success in a risky and difficult matter. A pig will find dirt (everywhere, always) (colloquial disapproval) - about someone who will always find suitable company.

    decrease pig, -i, f. (to G, 2 and 3 values). * Guinea pig is a small South American rodent.

    adj. pork, -aya, -oe (to 1 and 2 meanings) and pig, -ya, -ye (to 1, 2 and 4 meanings; simple). Pork meat (pork). Pigskin. Lard. Pork chop (from pork). Pig grunt.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. An artiodactyl mammal, the domestic species of which is bred for meat, lard, bristles, and skins.

      The female of such an animal (as opposed to a boar or hog).

  1. m. and f. decomposition

    1. A dirty, unkempt person; slob.

      trans. An ignorant, uncultured person with base habits.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


domestic, artiodactyl animal of the genus true pigs (Sus) of the pig family. Domestic wild boars originated from different subspecies of wild boar—European and Asian—according to which the indigenous local wild boar breeds are divided into two groups: breeds of European origin and breeds of Asian origin. Modern cultural (farm) breeds of S. originate from these two groups. S. were domesticated in the Neolithic era (New Stone Age, 5th–3rd millennium BC). In the process of domestication and long-term breeding work, the appearance, fertility and productivity of S. changed greatly. However, S. cultivated breeds have retained the biological characteristics inherent to the genus Sus: poor eyesight, acute hearing, a keen sense of smell, and the ability to swim well. Fertility and the ability for rapid growth and fat deposition have especially increased in cultivated breeds. S. is the most prolific and early ripening agricultural crop. animal. Most modern S. breeds, with proper feeding and maintenance, produce 10≈12 piglets or more per farrowing. From 9-10 months of age, queens are allowed to mate and at the age of 13-15 months they give birth to their first farrow. The average weight of piglets at birth is 1.2≈1.3 (up to 1.6) kg. For 1 kg of weight gain, S. spend 4≈5 kg of feed converted to grain, i.e. 1.5 times less than a cow, 2 times less than a sheep. The productive qualities, external forms and size of S. of different breeds fluctuate sharply. Depending on the direction of productivity, the types of fattened pigs are distinguished: meat, bacon, and fatty pigs. The breeding of S. for meat is gaining priority throughout the world. S. is bred in all countries. There are over 100 breeds of S. in the world; in the USSR 24 are bred, in the USA ≈ 17, in Great Britain ≈ 13, in Germany ≈ 7, in Hungary ≈ 6, in Austria, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium ≈ 2≈3 each, in Denmark ≈ 1. World population S. in 1972 was 680 million; in the USSR 72.2 million (1975). See Pig farming.

Lit..: Redkin A.P., Pig breeding, M., 1958; Volkopyalov B.P., Pig breeding, 4th ed., Leningrad, 1968; Savich I.A., Pig breeding, 3rd ed., M., 1971; Pig farming, M., 1974.


Pig (disambiguation)


  • Pigs- family of mammals.
    • domestic pig- pet.
  • Pig- attacking combat formation of a knightly army in the form of a blunt wedge.
  • Pigs They call unkempt, dirty people.
  • PIGS is an abbreviation that demonstrates an extremely negative attitude towards the financial policies of these countries in the eurozone.
  • Pig- slang name for a winter road - a cover for a video camera on TV.
  • Pig
  • Pig
  • Pig is a river in the Lviv region of Ukraine.

Pig (Chinese zodiac)

Pig- is the twelfth and last sign of the earthly branches that appear in the Chinese zodiac associated with the Chinese calendar. It is characterized by both yin and yang, is associated with the element of wood, which has powerful yin properties associated with calm and reflection, also personifies kindness, peacefulness, sincerity, honesty, naivety, patience, has a unique intuition but, on the other hand, laziness , hot temper and lack of initiative.

Time of day under the control of the Pig: 21.00-23.00.

Corresponding Zodiac sign: Fish.

Pig (river)

Pig- a river in the Zholkovsky and Sokalsky districts of the Lviv region, Ukraine. Right tributary of the Rata River (Vistula basin).

The length of the river is 45 km, the basin area is 512 km. The river slope is 1.5 g/km. The floodplain is swampy in places and overgrown with bushes. The riverbed is moderately winding. The width of the river is 2-6 m (the largest is 18 m), the depth is up to 2-2.5 m.

It originates on the slopes of Rostochya on the outskirts of the village of Novaya Skvaryava, flowing along the Nadbuzhanskaya basin. First it flows east, then turns north and northwest - in the direction of the city of Zhovkva. After Zhovkva it turns to the northeast and flows in this direction to its mouth. It flows into the Rata River southwest of the city of Velikiye Mosty. The largest tributary is the Derevnyanka River.

Not far from the city of Zhovkva on the river in ancient times there were large ponds - Soposhinsky, Sredny and Zvolinsky, which were drained in the 19th century. According to legend, the Pig River got its name after the favorite of the Russian Emperor Peter I fell there. Seeing this, the emperor exclaimed: “Pig!”

Examples of the use of the word pig in literature.

The conversation was about the fact that mountain Abkhazians, unlike valley ones, are more conservative and still do not want to breed pigs, whereas this is a very profitable business, because the mountains are full of beech and chestnut groves.

At the same time, they did not forget about hunting, especially since Pencroft now possessed several dozen arrows with very sharp tips. These arrowheads were delivered by Top, who brought a porcupine - an animal not very suitable for food, but very tenacious because of its quills. These quills are tightly attached to the ends of the arrows and, so that they flew more evenly, they tied several feathers to them. The cockatoo Herbert and the journalist quickly turned into accurate archers, so a lot of different game appeared in the Pipes: pigeons, agouti, wood grouse, wild pigs etc.

He pointed out that Harbert and Gideon Spilett had learned excellent archery and had killed excellent agoutis, kangaroos, wild pigs, pigeons, bustards, wild ducks, waders - in a word, all kinds of fur-bearing and feathered representatives, and that, therefore, you can wait with guns.

Remembering the instructions of Cyrus Smith, both hunters did not go more than two miles from Granite Palace, but even at the beginning of the forest there were enough agoutis, kangaroos, wild pigs, peccaries Since the end of the cold weather, the traps began to produce little game, but the rabbitry still supplied the usual amount of livestock, and there was enough to feed the entire population of Lincoln Island.

Therefore, many kangaroos, wild pigs and the Agoutis, who were very easy to put down, escaped that day of death at the hand of the youth.

Thanks to their beautiful guns, the wild pigs, agouti, kangaroos, wild boars and smaller game: ducks, black grouse, wood grouse, jacamaras and waders, were always served in abundance at the table.

By the time Ivan returned, still chuckling at how pig grunted over the stew and drooled, grandma was already at yoga.

Naturally, we start from the human genetic code, but if we want, we can synthesize any form of life - pigs, slugs, horses, proteids from Alpha Centauri.

And what should I say, Andron Evstratych: apparently our golden one was crying pig because of your gumaga.

Three mighty Swineherds of the Isles of Britain: Pryderi, son of Pwyll, Lord of Annon, herding pigs Pendaran Dyved, his adoptive father.

And these pigs were seven animals which Pwyll the Ruler of Annon brought and gave to Pendaran Dyfed, his foster father.

Another character who appears in the stories of the Arthurian cycle and occupies a very important place in Celtic myths is March ap Meirchion, whose pigs Arthur himself once tried to steal, just as Gwydion had tried to steal pigs Take it easy.

The balabolka Lera became disgusting, unpleasant, and that’s all, after almost immediately upon returning from exile the villager at the birthday party pigs brainless, under the gurgling of multi-colored drinks, it suddenly became clear that it was not just anyone, but it was she, Malyuta, who could not hold her baby behind her small teeth and told, My God, to whom?

Which pig they planted these chatterboxes on me: go ahead and tell Tita-Nana that Balda was being nice to me!

At this time, a huge pig with a good dozen piglets.

According to the eastern calendar, 2019 will be the year of the Boar or, in other words, the Pig.

All of Northern Europe and the Celts consider the wild boar a symbol of selfless courage, the boar is a generally accepted symbol of warriors. Among the Celts, in addition, the boar symbolizes spiritual power and serves as a sacrifice (its meat was eaten during rituals and placed in the graves of the dead). The Druids, who called themselves “boars,” identified themselves with occult forest knowledge. The “boar” helmets of Swedish warriors had protective symbolism.

Among the Scandinavians and Teutons, the boar symbolizes fertility and harvest. He is associated with the gods of power, battles and fertility - such as the Teutonic Wotan, the Scandinavian Odin, Frey and Freya, who rode boars. Helmets and masks of wild boars placed warriors under the protection of these gods. The golden bristles of Freya's boar (named Gulliburstin) are the rays of the Sun.

In Siberia, the wild boar represents courage, perseverance, conquest, and all military virtues.

In India, the boar is revered because Vishnu, under the name Varaha, incarnated himself as a boar, jumped into a stream of water and raised the earth, captured by demons, with his tusks. Thus, he saved the earth from the waters of chaos. The boar also personifies Vajravrahi - the goddess of blossom and the Queen of Heaven, the source of life and fertility.

The boar is considered sacred in other places as well. In Iran, the wild boar is a symbol of the Sun.

In China, the wild boar symbolizes the riches of the forests; The white boar is considered lunar.

For the Japanese, the white boar symbolizes the Moon, and therefore cannot be hunted. In addition, the boar represents courage and other military virtues. Identified with the Japanese god of war Hachiman (deified ruler).

The English king Richard III chose a white boar for his breastplate (it is claimed that 13 thousand such badges were ordered for the coronation in 1483, and for this his enemies called him “boar” or “hog”). After Richard's defeat on the battlefield of Bosworth on August 22, 1485, innkeepers changed their signs from a white boar to a blue one - from the coat of arms of his enemy, the Earl of Oxford. The boar's head is a popular sign on pub signs, symbolizing vitality.

Metal Boar, 1911, 1971

The Metal Pig is the most ambitious of all types of this sign, energetic, purposeful and engaged in a wide variety of activities. He is an open person with certain views, although sometimes he is too trusting and takes everything at face value. He has a great sense of humor and a passion for all kinds of parties. He has a friendly, affable character and usually has many friends and admirers.

Water Pig, 1923, 1983

This Pig has a heart of gold. He is very generous and tries to maintain smooth relations with everyone, but sometimes, due to his gullibility, he becomes a victim of malicious intent. He, more than others, must try to be firmer, look after his interests and finally learn to distinguish black from white. Despite the fact that he, as a rule, leads a quiet lifestyle, his range of interests is quite wide. He loves society very much, is often the soul of the company, and as an employee he has invaluable qualities: hard work and a sense of duty, so he almost always succeeds in any chosen profession.

Wooden Boar, 1935, 1995

This Pig has a friendly character and a persuasive manner of speaking and gains friends and supporters with enviable simplicity. He loves to keep abreast of current events and sometimes puts an unbearable burden on his shoulders. He is devoted to his partner and friends and finds pleasure in providing his neighbor with all possible help. The Wood Pig is usually an optimist, leads an active lifestyle, and is not deprived of a sense of humor.

Fire Pig, 1947, 2007

He is energetic and enterprising, and takes on any business very thoroughly. He is quite straightforward in his statements and often takes conscious risks in order to achieve his goals. However, under the influence of the moment, he is easily distracted, loses interest, and it does no harm for him to be more careful in matters that he takes on without looking. He is usually lucky financially and is known for his generosity, as well as his thoughtfulness and attention to his family.

Earth Pig, 1899, 1959, 2019

This is a truly kind soul, an excellent organizer, manages his funds wisely and is well versed in business. He leads an active social life, although he can sometimes drink too much.

Complete encyclopedia of symbols / comp. V. M. Roshal, A. Portugalov “All the horoscopes of the world”

In Germany, a common symbol of success, prosperity and good luck is the pig. For example, the Germans have a very popular custom of giving each other marzipan candies in the shape of pigs, thus wishing good luck; there is also an ancient custom of collecting money in ceramic figurines in the form of pink pigs. Citizens also buy T-shirts in large numbers with images of these clean animals, produce refrigerator magnets in the shape of pigs, and give each other postcards with their image. And the expression " have a pig or get a pig"The meaning is completely opposite to the Russian meaning and represents good luck, luck. There is an expression that is funny in the Russian opinion" lucky as a pig"and it carries only a favorable semantic load. There are at least three versions about the origin of this symbol and expression.

First version. In the medieval city of Augsburg, back in the 15th century, competitions for the best shooters were held. Now no one remembers what prize the winner received, but the loser received a pig. However, at the time, this lazy animal was worth a lot of money, so it was actually difficult to determine who the real losers were.

Second version. This version directly links this symbol and the card game. In the 16th century in Germany, the highest playing card, the ace, was called "Sau", which translated means "pig". In Germany in the south there is still a real German deck of cards, in which the ace is still called a pig.

Third version. It connects a painting known in narrow circles, which is located in the small Hanoverian town of Münden in the hall of the town hall. In this picture you can find a funny scene of how a pig was saved from death during a flood. The picture means saving your property in case of some natural disaster, that is, it personifies luck.

Whatever version is genuine, the image of a pig has been considered by the Germans for almost 500 years to be a symbol of luck and good fortune. In addition to this funny symbol, other interesting superstitions are common in Germany, for example: a chimney sweep, a horseshoe, a fly agaric, a coin worth one pfennig, a sprig of mistletoe, a hare's foot, a cockchafer, a four-leaf clover. Other peoples, accordingly, have other symbols of good luck, for example, the Tibetans have a flag, a wheel, a lotus flower, a fish, a vase, an endless knot, an umbrella; among the Egyptians - the scarab beetle; Nepalese have pereroni pepper; the Japanese have a figurine of a Buddhist monk and a porcelain cat; among the Indians - the footprint of the goddess Lakshmi; The Arabs have Fatima's dog.

Pig piggy bank video

Pig as a symbol of good luck.

In Germany it is generally accepted symbol of good luck and prosperity - pig. Piggy banks for money are made in the shape of pink pigs, and for good luck they give each other marzipan candies in the shape of a pig. The Germans give each other postcards with pigs, produce magnets with them, draw them on T-shirts... And the expression “get a pig, have a pig” is exactly the opposite of the Russian meaning and means luck, luck. There is even an expression “lucky as a pig” and it also has only a positive context. There are at least three theories about the origin of this expression and symbol.

Three versions of the origin of the pig symbol in Germany

The first theory is related to shooting competitions in medieval Augsburg, in the 15th century. The pig was given not to the winner, but to the loser as a consolation prize. However, a pig was then a very expensive gift and in fact the loser ended up winning.

The second theory connects the expressions with gambling at cards. In the 16th century, the highest playing card, the ace, was called “Sau,” meaning pig. In the south of Germany, where the original German deck has been preserved, the ace is still called that way today.

The third theory is associated with a painting in the town hall of the Hanoverian town of Münden. It depicts a scene of a pig being rescued during a flood. The picture is interpreted as saving part of the property in a disaster, that is, as luck.

Be that as it may, exactly pig figurine For at least 5 centuries it has been considered a symbol that Germans take with them “for good luck.” It competes with other German symbols of good luck: the one pfennig coin (but not the cent), the cockchafer, the fly agaric mushroom, the hare's foot, the mistletoe sprig and the chimney sweep. Other peoples, of course, have other symbols of good luck: the Arabs - Fatima the dog, the Indians - the footprint of the goddess Lakshmi, the Japanese - a porcelain cat and a figurine of a Buddhist monk, the Nepalese - pereroni pepper, the Egyptians - a scarab beetle, and the Tibetans - a fish, an umbrella, a flower lotus, endless knot, wheel, vase, flag...


The Pig is one of the signs of the Chinese horoscope, completing the 12-year cycle of the calendar. The Year of the Pig is considered very important from the point of view of adherents of Eastern philosophy. This is the time to take stock of the past years, analyze your mistakes and achievements, and make plans for the future. In short, we strive for new achievements, relying on accumulated experience.

As you know, the signs of the eastern horoscope replace each other at strictly defined times, which do not always coincide with the official beginning of the year. What date does the Year of the Pig begin in 2019? The answer has long been known: the currently ruling Dog will give way to a new ruler on February 5th. And it is from this date that in many countries of the East a multi-week celebration of the coming of the year of the earthen (yellow) Pig will begin.

Characteristics of the symbol of the year of the Pig

The Pig is very responsible, patient, kind and curious. From an early age, people born under this sign are drawn to knowledge and love to read. Raised on books about noble heroes, selfless deeds, and romantic relationships, Pigs often find themselves unprepared for the realities of life. When faced with evil and injustice, they can become angry at the whole world and become distrustful. But over time, thanks to their innate intuition, they begin to understand people well and generously bestow kindness and care only on the most worthy of them.

In general, the character of a person whose horoscope sign is Pig is formed under the influence of his environment. He can be an introverted curmudgeon or the life of the party, modest or eccentric, passionate or emotionally reserved. All Pigs suffer poverty very painfully and strive for luxury, and their incredible hard work and perseverance help them achieve great heights in life. This can only be prevented by laziness, passivity and fatalism, to the attacks of which those whose sign is the Earth Pig are sometimes susceptible.

People born in the year of the Pig make excellent leaders and businessmen, responsible and loving spouses and parents. Harmony and prosperity reign in their home, everything is in its place and everyone tries to observe family traditions.

What does the coming Year of the Pig portend?

Those who dream of meeting their soulmate will definitely be lucky. Desperate bachelors will have a wonderful chance to finally get married, and single women can get married quite successfully. The Year of the Pig is an ideal time to get married.

In material terms, everything is not at all so optimistic. The Pig, who loves to show off, is often wasteful, so you should be extremely careful when making any financial transactions, exercise reasonable economy and resist the temptation to “play big.” You should not lend large sums even to close friends. This year it is better to take all measures to save and replenish your “piggy bank”.

Frequent business trips, negotiations and various seminars will contribute to strengthening your financial position. People who are persistent, hardworking and responsible can get promotion up the career ladder, which is what the Year of the Pig promises them.

Let's celebrate in a big way!

What’s good about the Year of the Pig is the absence of any restrictions in organizing and holding New Year’s holidays! On the main night of the year, you can allow yourself anything, as long as the holiday is filled with the most vivid emotions.

The pig loves big noisy companies, fun, laughter, entertainment for every taste, colorful surroundings and, of course, an abundance of gifts. How to celebrate the coming Year of the Pig, everyone can decide for themselves, but it should not be a banal feast.

Try throwing a themed party based on the plot of your favorite movie, fairy tale, or book. Fun competitions, sweepstakes, and games are welcome. What do you think of the idea of ​​a masquerade ball with fireworks? Or a spontaneous theatrical impromptu? People with imagination will always figure out how best to celebrate the Year of the Pig, so that it charges everyone with positivity for the next 12 months and is memorable for a long time!

Decorating the house for the holiday

The cheerful and eccentric Pig loves to show off all its wealth, rather than hide it in chests. To please her and win her over, you need to think in advance about how and how to decorate your home for the holiday.

First of all, the day before you need to do a thorough cleaning: the Pig, contrary to prevailing stereotypes, respects cleanliness. Everything should be laid out on shelves, washed and polished to a shine. We are preparing to celebrate the Year of the Pig in impeccable order.

Festive interior decor also needs to be selected taking into account the preferences of the hostess of the year. She gravitates toward everything bright and shiny, so all shades of gold should predominate in the surroundings, with which red, brown, white, orange, and green go well. Golden tinsel, sparkling gold toys and accessories, red candles with gold braid, fir cones sprinkled with gold pollen are the most suitable home decorations in the year of the Pig. It is advisable to use the same color in gift wrapping.

Be sure to decorate your house with electric garlands: the more lights, the better. And bouquets of natural and artificial plants will also come in very handy. Don't forget also about Piggy's favorite treat - acorns, which can be replaced with nuts. Place them wherever possible.

New Year's menu

When preparing a festive feast, any culinary ideas are welcome. The main table decorations in the Year of the Pig will be a variety of meat dishes, fruits and the same nuts. The hostess of the year will not be offended if you offer your guests roast pig, lard or boiled pork. The abundance of vegetables and herbs, salads, mushrooms, homemade preparations, and baked goods will be appreciated!

It must be remembered that the same shades as in the interior decor should prevail on the table in the Year of the Pig. Yellow bananas and orange tangerines with oranges will be very useful. A bowl of candies in golden candy wrappers would also come in handy. Drinks should also be of the same shade: champagne, white wine, cognac or whiskey.

In a word, there are no restrictions in the choice of holiday dishes, and any housewife is free to decide for herself what to cook for the table in the Year of the Pig.

What to wear on New Year's Eve?

The Earth Pig loves soft, pleasant to the touch fabrics, preferably expensive and natural ones. Ideally, the outfit should be completely new. Among the shades, preference should be given to soft, muted tones: pastel pink, brown, olive, peach. You can also come to the party in red, green and beige. There are many options for how to dress, but in the Year of the Pig it is more important not to forget about jewelry and accessories. It doesn’t matter whether it’s gold or simpler items, for example, made of wood, the main thing is that the jewelry looks stylish and presentable.

To please the Pig, you need to look your best, smile more often and generously give everyone compliments, good wishes and friendly hugs!