What kind of Muslim holiday is Kurban Bayram: history, meaning and traditions of the holiday. How many days after Eid al-Adha? How Muslims celebrate Kurban Bayram: scenario

Parting with the month of Ramadan causes light sadness. The dear guest, who gave us 30 days of spiritual revival, is leaving... But Eid al-Adha is coming so that we can praise the Creator for His mercies during Ramadan.

Eid al-Fitr is a clear end to our fast. It is known that after difficulties comes relief. And Allah rewards the efforts of those who fast with the Feast of Breaking the Fast.

Muslims generously share this joy with each other. The ethics of celebrating Eid al-Fitr (in Arabic) stems from the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and determines what is desirable to do during this period.

  1. Festive night.

It is better to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr at night. It is especially valuable, like the night before Eid al-Adha. Therefore, our Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “Whoever revives both holiday nights will not have his heart die on the day when the hearts die” (Abu-Umamat).
We will enliven our hearts with prayers, reading the Koran, takbirs, dhikrs, salawat to the Prophet (peace be upon him), as well as prayers to Allah.

  1. External preparation for Bayram.

The house has already been washed to a shine and a whole feast has been prepared for loved ones and guests. Now it’s time for the usual hygiene - we enter Eid al-Fitr bathed, anointed with incense (for women - only at home), in clean smart clothes. Thus, Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) put on a “jubbah” (cloak), which he wore only on Eid and on Fridays.”

  1. Zakatul-fitr.

This is the sadaqah of breaking the fast. It is paid from each family member, regardless of whether that person fasted or not. It is believed that this alms cleanses one from mistakes made during the month of Ramadan. Is mandatory.

The payment period is from the dawn of the Eid until the Eid prayer. You can distribute fitr sadaqa before the onset of Bayram, at the beginning of the month of Ramadan or on Eid night.

The circle of recipients of zakatul-fitr is specifically defined. Find out before paying the fitr sadaq so that it gets to the right place and is valid.

  1. Eid prayer.

This is a festive collective prayer. It is held in mosques or other suitable places. For men, attending Eid prayer is very desirable, because... The Prophet (peace be upon him) did not let him pass. Under certain conditions, it is possible to carry it out individually.

As for women, their presence at prayer in the mosque is permissible, but, as expected, with modest behavior, correct appearance, without the use of perfume or other means of attracting attention to themselves.

Before the holiday prayer, a light breakfast is recommended, preferably in the form of several dates. Al-Bukhari narrates from Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with them): “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) did not go out on the morning of Eid al-Fitr until he had eaten a few dates (an odd number).”

Another sunnah of Eid prayer is to go to the mosque one way and return another.

  1. Visiting cemeteries.

After the holiday prayer, Muslims try to pay attention to the dead - they visit cemeteries. This reminds us of the finitude of our path, of the need to daily prepare the soul for departure to another world. Muslim reports from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with them) that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Visit graves, because they remind you of death (the Day of Judgment).”

  1. Meetings in your circle.

On the Holidays it is very good to see your relatives, and, if possible, please them with gifts or treats. If it is impossible, at least call or write.

The exchange of greetings and congratulations with neighbors, acquaintances, and friends is also welcome.

“Exchange gifts with each other. Gifts remove bad desires from hearts” - this is what the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught. (In the transmission of At-Tirmidhi).

  1. Visiting those who need participation.

While giving attention to loved ones and friends, let's not forget about those who are lonely, sick or suffering hardships. If you know such people, give them some of your time and warmth - congratulate them, give them a treat, or help them in some way. It may seem small to us, but for them it is of particular value.

“After performing fards, the deed with which Allah Almighty is most pleased is to please the Muslim brother” (Suyuti, Al-Jamiu-s-Saghir, I, 11).

The more sincere our fast in Ramadan was, the more we will want to decorate our Bayram with prayers, dhikrs, salawat and joy given to others. Let all this strengthen taqwa in our souls - inspiration from observing the Religion.

And maybe then, by the Grace of the Creator, the outcome of our life will be similar to the bright outcome of Ramadan - the blessed Bayram... Amen.

Guzel Ibragimova

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The holiday of Uraza Bayram is considered one of the most important Muslim holidays. You can often find other names - the holiday of breaking the fast and Eid al-Fitr. The first three days of the month of Shawwal is exactly the time when all devout Muslims celebrate this holiday. There is no specific date when Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr; this date is flexible. The holiday symbolizes the end of fasting during the month. This fast is the most serious for Muslims; food and water can be consumed only after the sun has disappeared below the horizon.

How do Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha?

There are many features associated with how to celebrate Eid al-Fitr; this holiday has its own traditions and customs. In a large number of Muslim countries, holidays are days off and people are prohibited from working. When you meet another Muslim on the street, you need to say congratulations to him “Eid Mubarak!” These words symbolize the joy and sadness in people's hearts. Muslims are happy that such a holiday has come and at the same time they are sad because the days of blessing are over. This greeting means an expression of hope for the arrival of Ramadan next year.

Devout people should put on festive clothes and visit the mosque to pray with fellow believers. Only on Eid al-Fitr a special prayer is read - Id-namaz.

Eid prayer is truly a unique prayer, if only because it begins at dawn and ends only at lunch. If a person was unable to visit the mosque, he can pray himself, and if everything is done correctly, such prayer will be considered a full replacement for prayer in the mosque. Namaz can be postponed until the sun rises above the standing bayonet (the Prophet Muhammad did this). Muslims usually engage in charity and give alms on these days (before prayer).

After the prayer, you are allowed to start the festive dinner. It is customary to visit each other and pay visits to parents. Muslims usually give gifts to each other. Children are usually given sweets. Usually believers ask for forgiveness and go to cemeteries to visit deceased loved ones, where they need to read suras and pray for them.

There are only two holidays in Islam that take place every year. Eid al-Fitr is one of them. The holiday ends with a great ibadat (worship of Allah). The importance of the holiday is that it marks not only the end of fasting in the month of Ramadan, but also the purification of a person, because he had to abstain from food, drink, intimacy and foul language for a long time. And if so, then after the holiday Muslims do even more good deeds; they become different people if they righteously observed fasting.

In some republics of Russia, where Islam is widespread (including in), Uraza Bayram is declared a day off. And the Moscow Cathedral Mosque is visited by a huge number of people.

July 5 in 2016 is the date when Muslims began to celebrate Eid al-Fitr. Almost 200 people took part in the celebrations in Moscow thousands of people. Security was ensured at the highest level - the streets closest to the mosque were blocked, and metal detectors were installed in public places. In the main mosque of Russia, the Supreme Mufti personally conducted prayers, the holiday passed peacefully and calmly.

Some draw a parallel between Uraza Bayram and Easter, because for Christians Easter is also a holiday of breaking the fast, symbolizing the end of fasting. There are indeed many similarities, but each of these holidays has traditions unique to them.

This is one of the most important holidays for every Muslim. On this day, it is customary to have fun and celebrate the celebration with good deeds. It is important to show concern for your neighbor and compassion towards those in need. According to history, it was on this day that God sent the first lines of the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad.

When does Eid al-Fitr start?

The celebration of breaking the fast occurs at the end of the great fast of Ramadan. The holiday of Eid al-Fitr begins on the first day of the month following Ramadan. This is a different date each year, as the first of Shawwal falls on the 10th month of the Muslim lunar calendar. The celebration lasts for three days and all shops, offices or other structures are closed.

Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr: how to prepare for it?

Four days in advance, housewives begin thorough preparations. The houses are made into general rooms, all the court premises are cleaned, the livestock and all sorts of working outbuildings are put in order. After thoroughly cleaning the house, the whole family must wash themselves and put on clean clothes.

In the evening, each housewife begins preparing oriental dishes. Then the children take these treats to their relatives and receive other goodies in return. This tradition is called “making the house smell like food.”

Before the start of Eid al-Adha, every family tries to buy food, gifts for relatives and decorate the house. It is customary to shop for new clothes and things for the home: curtains or blankets for sofas; new clothes are chosen for family members. In addition to preparing directly for the celebration, it is customary in every family to save money in advance for alms. These funds are needed for donations so that the poor can also prepare for the holiday.

Celebrating the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha

There are several rituals that every Muslim must observe. For example, early in the morning you need to get up and perform ablution. Then they put on clean festive clothes and use incense.

It is very important to show respect and be friendly to everyone on this day. Each time they meet, they say words of wishes: “May Allah bestow His mercy on you and on us!” In the morning it is important to eat some dates or sweets, so that later you can calmly wait for the holiday prayer to be read.

The Eid al-Fitr holiday has its own traditions that are honored in every family.

The important, solemn, joyful holiday of Eid al-Fitr is celebrated by Muslims all over the world in the summer, which makes people kinder, wiser and happier.
This is how they write about the Feast of Divine Grace in the media:
“From July 28 to 30, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr in Arabic) - the holiday of breaking the fast, which marks the end of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan.
Ramadan is extremely important for all followers of Islam. It was in this month that the first verses of the Koran were given to the Prophet Muhammad. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. For 30 days, a Muslim must abstain from food, drink and sexual intercourse during the daytime.
Eid al-Adha is the second most important holiday in the Islamic calendar after Eid al-Adha.
How do Muslims prepare for Eid al-Adha? Four days before the holiday, women carry out general cleaning of the house, court premises, barns, and clean livestock.
After finishing the cleaning, all family members must bathe, put on clean linen and clean themselves up.
In the evening, the housewives prepare traditional oriental dishes. Children deliver them to relatives, and there is a mutual exchange of treats.
On the eve of the holiday, Muslims buy gifts for each other, prepare treats, and decorate their homes.
Also, before Eid al-Fitr, believers need to forgive each other’s offenses, try to visit their relatives and friends, and ask for their forgiveness. In this way, Muslims cleanse their souls of grievances and prepare to celebrate the holiday in peace and harmony.
How is Eid al-Adha celebrated? You cannot work on Eid al-Fitr, so in most Islamic countries this day is a day off. The republics of the North Caucasus, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan will also have holidays in Russia.
On the holiday itself, it is customary to get up early and put on festive clothes. Muslims greet each other in a special way: “May Allah send His mercy to you and to us!”, “May Allah accept our and your prayers!”
An hour before sunrise in mosques after the sermon they read a holiday prayer - Gayet-namaz. Mostly only men attend prayers. At this time, women prepare treats at home.
After the men arrive from the mosque, the housewives set the table. In every house they wait for the arrival of guests, they also visit their neighbors and relatives and bring them sweets.
Before the start of the holiday, alms (fitr-sadaka) is obligatory - the distribution of property and money to those in need on the holiday. This year its minimum amount is 50 rubles.
In addition, on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, it is customary to visit parents, do good deeds, give gifts, visit cemeteries and remember deceased relatives.
What is customary to prepare for the holiday table? Shorba, sherbet, couscous and halva. 10 traditional dishes for Eid al-Adha
The main product from which most festive dishes are prepared for Eid al-Adha is lamb. It is used to make rich soups, roasts, snacks, and meat salads.
The festive table depends on folk traditions. If in Tatarstan they bake pancakes in the morning and put pies on the table, then in the Central Asian republics pilaf is an integral attribute.
In Saudi Arabia, people eat sweets, dates, and fruits in the morning. At noon you need to eat a hearty meal so that the table is not empty next year.
In Kyrgyzstan, the holiday is called Orozo Ait. The believer must visit seven houses, taste the prepared dishes and read prayers.
In Turkey, people also enjoy sweets during Seker Bayrami. The youngest relatives are obliged to visit the oldest.
The holiday falls at the beginning of the month following Ramadan, i.e. the 1st of Shawwal (10th month of the Muslim lunar calendar), and lasts 3 days.

“SubhIanallagyi val hIamdu lillagyi wa la ilagya illa lagyu vallagyu akbar.”
The beautiful and solemn holiday of Kuran Bayram, it’s nice when a mass of people, gathering together, believe in God’s providence. It’s only a pity that Muslims have not yet abandoned the custom of sacrifice to the Spirits, replacing it with a pseudo-sacrifice, because the Good God is against murder and he, pitying the children of men, apparently allowed the killing of the children of animals, in the hope that people will become wiser and mature as noble individuals and, ashamed of their addictions, they will beg the Almighty to replace bloodletting with conscience-sparing actions. After all, Jews and pagans were able to find the strength to refuse the bloodshed of the lesser brothers who inhabit our common planet with us, our common place of residence. We would secretly eat meat for ourselves, ashamed that we had to kill a living creature, but it’s hardly worth being proud of this act. And it’s a shame for Christians in general, they’ve been keeping their Messiah suspended for two thousand years. Naked, skinny, exhausted, given over to be torn apart by Evil Spirits, the Messiah of God as a sacrifice can please the eyes of only fools and savages. Christ rose from the cross. So let the world please the eyes of good-natured people without hanging copies of the righteous Messiah and slaughtered sheep, faithfully and fearfully looking into the eyes of the killers on a solemn, festive day dedicated to faith in the Good Lord Almighty Allah. We believe in goodness by doing good deeds and deeds.
“On the day of Eid al-Fitr, you should get out of bed early, it is advisable to perform a complete ablution of the body (if this was not done at night), brush your teeth. On this day you should put on clean (preferably new) clothes, put a silver ring on your finger, perfume yourself with incense and After eating some sweets (preferably dates), go to the mosque early to perform the festive prayer ('id-namaz).
On the day of Eid al-Adha, you should be joyful and cheerful, greet believers, congratulate them on the holiday and wish them to accept fasting from the Almighty, visit relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, other Muslims and receive guests yourself, having prepared accordingly for this in advance.
On this day they also distribute alms (sadaka) to the poor, visit the graves of loved ones (graves are also visited on the eve of Eid al-Adha) www.islamdag.ru."
“After the adoption of Islam, the Arabs began to make their sacrifices in Mecca. But then Islam spread far beyond the Arabian Peninsula and established itself in many countries of Asia and Africa. Then the Hajj (holy pilgrimage to Mecca) became difficult for many Muslims. The faithful were allowed to make sacrifices at the site their residence or where they are found on the 10th day of the month of Zu-d-Hijjah - “possessing pilgrimage.” Kurban Bayram is the holiday of sacrifice.
Each Muslim slaughters himself or asks another to slaughter a sheep, goat or ox. The meat is distributed to the poor, orphans, widows, and lonely old people, wanting to receive Allah's blessing on their deeds.
An ancient legend tells about the origin of this holiday. The ancestor of the Arabs, Ibrahim, was so devoted to God that he carried out all his commands. By the will of Allah, he drove his beloved son Ismail and his mother, the slave Hajar, into the desert. True, Allah did not allow them to die of thirst. They found a source of water in the desert - Zamzam, around which the city of Mecca soon grew.
But God sent another test to Ibrahim - he commanded him to sacrifice his son Ismail. However, when Ibrahim had already raised a knife over his beloved son, Allah allowed him to replace this sacrifice with a ram. And the father and son killed the lamb that had been sent down to them from heaven. Years have passed. Ibrahim and Ismail continued to serve Allah faithfully. They built the Kaaba temple in Mecca, where the Black Stone that fell from the sky is kept.
Certain rituals are followed during sacrifices during Eid al-Adha. Preparations for the holiday usually begin several days in advance. All utility rooms must be put in order, houses and courtyards must be cleaned and whitewashed. All Muslims change into clean clothes. The night before Kurban Bayram is called the Great Night by Muslims; it is one of the ten blessed nights for the faithful.
After the festive morning namaz (prayer), the ritual of sacrifice begins in mosques. The animal chosen for this purpose must be without any flaw, with intact teeth. If it has horns, they should not be damaged in any way. The animal must be a one-year-old male.
Before the ceremony itself, a prayer is performed over him. And during the ceremony itself, certain rules must be observed:
1. You cannot sharpen knives near sacrificial cattle, so they must be sharpened in advance.
2.The animal’s eyes are blindfolded with a scarf.
3.Henna is applied to the head and a lollipop is placed in the mouth.
4. It is necessary to dump the sacrificial animal on its left side next to the hole, tie two front and one hind legs.
5. If there are several sacrificial animals, then the rest should stand aside so as not to see the act of sacrifice.
6.According to custom, the meat of a sacrificial ram is not washed. Instead, it is very carefully checked, cleaned of adhering hairs and cut into small pieces. Then they boil it in water, adding only onions and salt to the broth, and in summer also greens. Eaten with bread or flatbreads.
7.For three days, the family consumes one third of the meat of the sacrificial ram, treating the neighbors who came to congratulate them on the holiday. The remaining two-thirds are then distributed to the poor and lonely - those whose income does not allow them to perform the sacrifice.

How is Islam different from other religions? The fasting of Ramadan is the holiest time of the year for Muslims. They abstain from all pleasures in order to test willpower over carnal desires, repent of sins, and overcome pride in the name of the forgiveness of the Almighty. How to fast in Islam? This will be discussed in the article.

General information

During the Islamic fast, fasting people should not take any food during the day. They are not allowed to drink alcohol or have intimate relationships. Currently, there are bans on smoking cigarettes and chewing gum (and, as you know, they did not exist at the time of the prophet). And drinking alcohol in Islam is prohibited not only during the holy month of Ramadan, but generally throughout the year. Moreover, their sale is also unacceptable. Unlike Christianity, fasting in Islam allows the consumption of any food: meat and fried. At the same time, it is limited in time. It is permissible to eat only in the dark. It must be taken into account that Islam does not allow eating the meat of certain animals. For example, pork is highly prohibited.

Not only sacred for Muslims is the time of fasting. Islam divides it into two types. The first post is mandatory. It must be observed in the holy month of Ramadan (the ninth in the Second is recommended. In Islam, the calendar is not the same as the Gregorian calendar. It is shorter by 11 days. And that is why every year the month of Ramadan comes ten days earlier. And such days of fasting are recommended Islam: every Monday and Thursday; 9th, 10th, 11th of the month of Muharram; the first six days of Shawwal. In addition to abstaining from food and carnal pleasures, those who are fasting are required to pray (perform namaz). Meals must be taken before (Fajr ) and after evening (Maghrib).It is generally accepted that during this month the Almighty (Allah) is more favorable to prayers and increases the significance of good deeds.

Unlike Christian fasting, fasting in Islam is not sad, but festive. For devout Muslims it is the greatest holiday. They prepare for it in advance: they buy food and gifts, since the Almighty forgives sins and answers the prayers of not only those who fast, but also those who help those in need and simply engage in charity. After all, even the most disadvantaged must eat after dark and participate in the holiday. Therefore, at the end of the sacred time, it is customary to collect money (zakat) for the poor. In addition to doing godly deeds, you need to try not to deceive anyone. Otherwise, it is generally accepted that the Almighty will not accept either fasting or prayer.

Fasting time

Islam, as the reader already knows, calls on all Muslims to fast during the holy month of Ramadan. What date it will occur on depends on the lunar calendar. For every year it falls on a new date. During uraza, it is customary to get up before the morning prayer to eat breakfast. This procedure of eating before sunrise is called suhoor. The Holy Prophet ordered the faithful not to neglect it, because it will give a lot of strength to accomplish. Therefore, waking up an hour earlier should not be any difficulty for believers. It is recommended to complete Suhur before the morning prayer - Fajr - so as not to be late for the time of fasting.

Throughout the entire day, until dusk, the fasting person must spend it in complete restriction, without food or water. He must interrupt it before evening prayer. Iftar should be opened with a sip of fresh water and a date. It is recommended to break the fast on time, without delaying it for later. After taking water and dates, you do not need to eat food immediately. First you need to do it and only then you are allowed to start dinner - iftar. It is forbidden to eat to satiety and overeat. You need to take just enough to satisfy your hunger. Otherwise, the post will lose its meaning. And, as you know, it is needed to cultivate bodily lust.

Actions that devastate the body

What breaks fasting in Islam? These actions are of two types: that which empties a person and that which fills him. The first include those during which certain fluids leave the body. As you know, this can be intentional vomiting (if it was not intentional, the fast is not considered broken) or bloodletting. Just as stated above, it is forbidden to enter into intimate relationships. And as you know, during this process, both men and women experience the release of sexual genetic material. Since the action is intentional, it is considered a violation.

In general, even without the release of genetic material, intimate contact breaks the fast. Even if it occurs between legal spouses. If the ejection occurred without intimate contact, but deliberately (masturbation), then this is also a violation, since in Islam such an action is considered a sin. However, if a man deliberately decided to do this, but no sexual fluid was released, then the fast is not considered broken. It is also not a violation for unintentional release in both men and women.

In Islam, this violation is the most serious. If a person has repented, then he can atone for his guilt in two ways: either free the slave (in the civilized world this is difficult and virtually inaccessible), or fast for the next two months. Even if, without a good reason, he violates or interrupts the restriction that he endures on the occasion of repentance for adultery, he must begin anew two months of abstinence.

Hugging and kissing during fasting is allowed. But these actions should not lead to sexual arousal, so that something that breaks the fast does not happen. If spouses know how to control themselves, they can calmly kiss each other. If you don’t have confidence in yourself or your significant other, then you need to refuse hugs. Sometimes it happens that the release of genetic material occurred in a dream. And as you know, a person does not control his actions at this time. Therefore, the fast is not broken. In this case, there is no need to reimburse it. And sodomy and bestiality in Islam are always grave sins, and not just in the month of Ramadan.

Bleeding during fasting

Donating blood is also a violation. It is believed that in this way a person becomes weaker. And feeling unwell during fasting is unacceptable. This means that a person should not become a donor. Even in cases of extreme necessity, this is a violation. However, the fasting person can make up for it on another day. If the blood flowed unintentionally, then the restriction is not violated. Donating blood for analysis also does not apply to this. Indeed, in this case, little fluid is released, so the person does not experience weakness. In addition, fasting during the menstrual cycle (also a kind of bloodletting) is not allowed. As you know, representatives of the fair sex experience weakness and pain during this period. And, as stated above, fasting is unacceptable at such times.

Nausea while fasting

If a fasting person has stomach problems, he does not have to hold back vomiting for fear that this may break his fast. When a Muslim deliberately caused her, then there will be no punishment for this action. If the fasting person involuntarily empties the stomach of its contents, this will not affect the observance of the fast. This means that it is not necessary to restrain the urge to vomit. But it is prohibited to deliberately call them.

Actions that fill the body

Filling actions include those during which the human body is filled. This is eating and drinking. And as you know, they are unacceptable during daylight hours. In addition to them, taking medications, blood infusions, injections are also considered violations. If medications are taken as a rinse and not swallowed, then this is acceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to take pills and other medications in the dark. Also, the fast is not considered broken if the blood is reinfused after it has been purified and saturated with the necessary nutrients. In addition, drops for the eyes and ears or enemas are also not prohibited during the holiday. It is even permissible to remove teeth, despite the possible bleeding from the wounds. If a fasting person uses it (including asthmatics), then the fast is also not broken. Because air is not food and drink, but gas entering the lungs.

Any Muslim who deliberately ate or drank committed a great sin. Therefore, he is obliged to repent and make up for the violation on another day. And it is a double sin to accept what Islam prohibits on any day, not just during Lent - alcohol and pork. If a person simply forgot about the restriction (and this is often observed in the first days of the fast), then the fast is not considered broken. It is not necessary to reimburse it. A person must thank the Almighty for sending him food (and there are many hungry people in the world). If a Muslim sees that someone else is reaching for food, he is obliged to stop him and remind him of fasting. Swallowing saliva or food debris stuck between the teeth is also not a violation.

What actions do not break the fast?

How to fast in Islam? What actions will not violate it? In addition to the cases indicated above, these include the following manipulations: applying antimony to the eyes (as is known, this is important for Muslim women); brushing your teeth with a special brush (miswak) or a regular brush without toothpaste. The use of the latter is not prohibited. The main thing is not to swallow the product, even partially. Other hygiene procedures are also allowed: rinsing the nose, mouth, taking a shower. Swimming is also allowed, but provided that the person does not dive headlong, as this can lead to water entering the body.

Also, a Muslim who involuntarily ingested tobacco smoke or dust does not break his fast. Inhalation of aromas (even intentionally) is also allowed. If women (and sometimes men) prepare food, then tasting them is acceptable. But it is forbidden to swallow it. Treating wounds with ointments, iodine, and brilliant green solution is acceptable. Women can have their hair cut and dyed. The same applies to men. In addition, representatives of the fair sex are allowed to use cosmetics. But many people refuse it during Ramadan.

Smoking while fasting

Smoking during the fast also breaks the fast. In general, this process is undesirable in Islam, since it harms the body and mind, and empties the wallet. And also due to uselessness. Therefore, intentionally swallowing tobacco smoke (as opposed to involuntary) breaks the fast. But many people who are on a diet do not enjoy cigarettes only during daylight hours. It is not right. Because smoking not only cigarettes, but also hookah is prohibited throughout the month of fasting in Islam. It often happens that after the end of Ramadan, many give up this bad habit.

Fasting during pregnancy and lactation

How to fast during pregnancy in Islam? The expectant mother, if she feels well, there is no threat to either her or the child, is obliged to comply with the restrictions. If there is a possibility of miscarriage, then fasting is not necessary. The same applies to nursing mothers. Therefore, before the onset of holy fasting, the above women should consult a doctor. And pass the necessary tests.

If it is not recommended for them to fast due to a difficult pregnancy or for other reasons, then they are obliged to make up the fast at another time. Preferably before the next Ramadan. In addition, such a young lady needs to distribute alms to those in need (both money and food). However, if a woman cannot make up for the fast because she is again carrying the baby under her heart or continues to feed, then it is quite enough for her to help the poor.

Fasting for a pregnant woman in Islam is not too strict. It does not have to be observed for all thirty days in a row. Violations every second day are acceptable. Sometimes you can take a break for a week. The main thing is to keep it for thirty days in total. Since the days of fasting in winter are much shorter than in summer (in the cold season it dawns late and gets dark early), young mothers are allowed to make up for fasting on these days, even if Ramadan was in the summer.

Fasting during critical days

Is it possible to fast during menstruation? Islam prohibits a devout Muslim woman not only from observing restrictions, but also from performing namaz. If a woman does not do this on her menstrual days, then there is no need to compensate. All this is due to the fact that these days ladies are not pure. And as you know, observance of the most important Islamic rituals is allowed only if complete hygiene is observed.

If a woman keeps a fast, and suddenly she begins to have discharge, then it is considered broken. the girl will have to compensate him. But if this happened after dusk, then there was no violation. The next day you need to refrain from restrictions until the end of the monthly cycle. In a word, fasting should be for the benefit of those fasting, and not to their detriment. And if you feel weak in the body, you can get more negative things from the energy than positive things.