Vasilisa Volodina: “We left the maternity hospital through the back door. — Do such statements offend you? Are you offended by such statements?

This is not the first day that viewers of the popular show “Let's Get Married!” notice some changes in the appearance of one of the presenters of the program: the belly of 40-year-old Vasilisa Volodina has noticeably rounded. And recently the rumors were finally confirmed - the astrologer is indeed pregnant.

Vasilisa Volodina is in interesting position- this became known at the anniversary edition of the “Let's Get Married!” program. The show, where lonely hearts find their soul mates, is 6 years old. According to this special occasion the astrologer gave fans a surprise by showing off her rounded belly.

Volodina has said more than once that it was the stars that brought her and her husband Sergei together. However, how could it be otherwise in the life of an astrologer? The TV presenter drew up a horoscope for her future chosen one, although at that time they did not even know each other. The meeting took place only some time later, when Vasilisa was ready to give Sergei the predictions.

Volodina’s future child will be her second: Vasilisa and Sergei are raising a 12-year-old daughter, Victoria.

By the way, the TV presenter gives astrological advice not only in the “Let's Get Married!” program; Vasilisa is also engaged in private practice. By the way, the blonde got her last name from her husband, but she chose her first name herself. Fans can only guess what Volodina’s real name is - the astrologer does not disclose this information.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 is short guide By happy life for each Zodiac Sign. Find out how the stars and planets will affect you to avoid problems and not miss out on good luck.

Astrological recommendations will help you plan your affairs correctly for the third week of March. Active space objects will include the Sun and Jupiter. These astro influences will bring good luck, since negative attitudes will be replaced by a positive outlook on things and the world. Vasilisa Volodina recommends deciding on important actions, identifying the main goals, and building ironclad principles. It's loud this week sounding themes internal conflict, anxiety, loneliness may subside. This time psychological preparation to the fact that the life of each Zodiac Sign can change in better side.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Aries

Aries, this week the need for independent and decisive behavior will intensify. It will be easy for you to subordinate all external influences in order to personally shape the circumstances around you. Before you change your life, try to change something smaller.

Vasilisa Volodina believes that now you should strengthen your self-esteem through small victories. The sun will guide you and help you express your individuality so that you can find your place in life. Prepare yourself psychologically for the fact that you will have to break away from your usual rhythm and engage in personal growth and working on yourself.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Taurus

This week can be considered a period of emotional adjustment. Retrograde Jupiter will be against arrogant actions and self-affirmation at the expense of others, so the astrologer advises taking the place of an outside observer. Be alone with yourself, sort out your thoughts, take stock.

To be honest, good luck will come to you through other people. These seven days should be devoted to friends, like-minded people, group activities, and participation in the lives of other people. Selfless actions will give you powerful support from the Universe: for example, it will help you find the meaning of life or comprehend the whole essence of what is happening to you.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Gemini

Business success awaits Gemini this week. Mercury, with its influence, will open the door to material sphere. Possible successful change of activity, promotion career ladder, successful completion of a time-consuming task, public recognition or praise from superiors.

The material world will become something understandable to you. You will understand why people act the way they do and what it takes to achieve success quickly. Everything that surrounds you, including people, will be under your control, you will begin to live ahead of the curve. The end of March is the time when you will have new strategic goals and ways to achieve them.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Cancer

In the period from March 12 to 18, Cancers will experience success in the fields of sports, creativity, family and spiritual quests. And all because a moderately active Jupiter will exacerbate all your feelings, including negative ones. Vasilisa Volodina advises you not to forget about emotional nourishment, otherwise you will easily overshadow all the positive changes that the stars will give you.

Good rest, awakening of feelings, physical exercise- all this will give you positive emotions. Don't be afraid to look for yourself in something new or pleasant for you. You need to tune in period spiritual development, which consists of removing all negative programs.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Leo

The influence of Mercury will increase the desire for knowledge. Don't try to resist and limit yourself in your desires. If you begin to be attracted to something new, unusual, unusual for you, then it’s time to put aside everything familiar and meet your feelings halfway. Every person's worldview needs to be refined, updated and revised. Now this will affect you too.

To succeed in life, you just need to satisfy your need to expand your horizons. If you have such a desire, you may be faced with a sharp lack of opportunities to change something. And that's okay. Breaking out of routine is sometimes the hardest thing to do. But, on the other hand, no one forces you to change everything completely, turning your life 180 degrees. Start small.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Virgo

Venus will be weakened in Aries, which means it will lose any ability to negatively influence your energy. This will help you replenish your reserves of vitality and find new sources positive emotions, and maybe motivation. True, some sacrifices will have to be made.

This week you will be prone to risks, and not always deliberate ones. It’s stupid to blame ourselves for mistakes when we are driven by the desire to modernize our everyday life or personal life; we all can be reckless. You will have to step over your principles, forget for a while about strategic calculation, planning, rationality, and the desire to help others. The stars will give you the necessary drive to resist routine and meet your suppressed desires.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Libra

Libra should spend the coming week in dynamics, in motion, in a race. The astrological environment is conducive to advancement, curiosity, and stimulates best qualities, helps you hone your skills. This is a period of internal awakening and comprehension of one’s capabilities.

In relationships you should show veiled dominance, at work - hidden manipulation, for internal harmony - honesty towards yourself. You should not openly seize the initiative, demonstrate your capabilities, or try to regain leadership. It is important to respect your natural destiny: you are a peace-loving Sign, capable of making this world a better place, using the resources of those around you. However, any advantages can easily turn into disadvantages. Don't try to be something you're not.

Horoscope of Vasilisa Volodina for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Scorpio

Scorpios this week need to seize the chance and not rush to conclusions. According to the horoscope, this period can be considered the most suitable moment for experiments. True, it is best to take risks on what is not too expensive for you. No one can promise you 100% success, not even the stars.

Communication with people who do not share your views on life and the world around you can leave an ambiguous impression. Someone else's opinion will make you angry, because this week the opportunity to see the world from different angles will not be available. Don’t start teaching people how to live, work, communicate, love, and so on. First of all, it's a waste of time. Secondly, those around you will figure it out somehow themselves, without you and your harsh criticism.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Sagittarius

This week, Sagittarians need to learn the art of dynamic balance. This is when your expectations not only do not correspond to reality, but go against it, but you don’t really care. The influence of Jupiter will turn many circumstances in your favor, but this does not mean that you will win everywhere and always. Loss of inner harmony and self-confidence will tip the scales, turning your efforts against you.

The week is perfect for dynamics and changes, however, there will be a tendency towards intrigue, flattery and speculation. Vasilisa Volodina recommends playing honestly, even if you see opportunities to overtake your competitors without being noticed. Life is an unpredictable thing, but quite consistent. Don’t rush things: everything that should become yours will come on its own, there is no need to take away what belongs to another.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Capricorn

Capricorns should give up their categorical attitude and the habit of approaching everything with their own set of “gold standards”. Your inner censor will need the ideal development of events, but a lot depends on the game of chance, as well as on your ability to adapt to the situation.

Venus, which is active for you, will be in a critical position. This will disrupt your inner harmony, you will lose the ability to control yourself. In order to somehow smooth out the rough edges, you will be forced to look for stability in life, to achieve it, while astrological trends will begin to require lightning-fast actions, quick decisions, flexibility, and risks from you. If you are afraid of failure, try to avoid direct responsibility.

Vasilisa Volodina's horoscope for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Aquarius

The stars will help Aquarius choose the best way from those represented by the Universe on this moment. When in doubt, you can rely on chance, luck or intuition. The flow of external influences emanating from the planets will be in perfect harmony with your natural needs.

Vasilisa Volodina also recommends spending time in the company of like-minded people. Informal communication can help you discover something new, note something important, or find a solution you haven't seen before. However, the astrologer does not advise you to be overly gullible and show weaknesses.

Horoscope of Vasilisa Volodina for the week from March 12 to March 18, 2018 Pisces

Representatives of the Sign of Pisces this week will have to abstract themselves from personal initiatives. It's risky for you. You can repeat an old mistake or make a new one, acting on inspiration. As the horoscope shows, you can pursue diverse desires.

It is possible that competition will intensify. Moreover, you will aggravate it yourself with your own thought-out conclusions. Anything that upsets you in one way or another will be viewed with hostility: the opinions of others, rude words, harsh remarks, a rash act, someone else’s criticism. This is a week of uncertainty: internal conflict will be difficult to resolve. Perceive the world more simply, without nerves and negativity.

Vasilisa Volodina is an astrologer, astropsychologist, palmist, TV presenter of the First Channel program “Let’s Get Married.”

Astropsychologist Vasilisa Volodina, or Oksana Vladimirovna Naumova - this is the real name of this popular woman- was born in the capital in April 1974.

IN adolescence Oksana started to get interested mysterious world esotericism, fortune telling on cards and palmistry. Later came an interest in astrology. Dad Vladimir Naumov was a military man. One day, the daughter took her father’s binoculars and looked at the sky for the first time. It happened on the balcony family apartment in Odintsovo.

Since then, the starry sky began to interest Vasilisa Volodina more than anything else. At first, the girl looked out for UFOs in the sky (in the 80s they started talking about aliens). The curious schoolgirl never saw the humanoids on the “plate,” but she studied the location and names of the stars.

Then a number of books on astrology fell into the hands of Vasilisa Volodina, which revealed a lot of interesting things to the girl.

After graduating from school, Volodina went to receive higher education. Vasilisa entered a prestigious university in the capital, choosing the Faculty of Economics. But Vasilisa did not like the prospect of becoming a cybernetic economist. The girl entered the Moscow Academy of Astrology, where she studied with the popular Russian specialist in this industry.

Astrology and television

Vasilisa Volodina began making her first forecasts at the age of 20. At first, the girl’s clients were friends and classmates. But after receiving a diploma from the Academy of Astrology, the circle of those interested expanded: Volodina began helping businessmen.

Vasilisa compiled personal cards for them with astrological forecasts, which were in great demand, because the percentage of their accuracy turned out to be high. Vasilisa Volodina becomes a recognizable figure and popular person among the capital's elite.

It is believed that Vasilisa Volodina’s biography as an astrologer began in 1992. Since this year, the girl has been officially working as an astropsychologist. For consultation and for forecasts, contact Vasilisa, as one of the best specialists in this area, a line of people with big names is lining up. Among Volodina’s visitors are millionaire businessmen, stars Russian show business and cinema, politics.

In 2006, Vasilisa Volodina was invited to television. The astrologer becomes a TV presenter of the popular program “ Starlight Night with Vasilisa Volodina”, which airs on the “Capital” channel.

After 2 years, the popular astrologer and palm reader was invited to Channel One as a co-host of the show program “Let’s Get Married.” Vasilisa Volodina acts as an expert, predicting the compatibility of couples based on zodiac signs and star charts. The program, which, in addition to Volodina, is hosted by and, becomes more exciting.

Every day a participant is invited to the show, who must choose a mate from three applicants. Brides and grooms traditionally attend the ceremony, accompanied by relatives or friends. Main TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva is acting, Roza Syabitova is the matchmaker, and Vasilisa Volodina needs to correctly draw up a map of the compatibility of the heroes and look at the potential union from the point of view of the stars. Since 2008, the program has been published in weekdays in prime time, as its ratings, as well as the popularity of TV presenters, are at high level.

After appearing on this TV show, Vasilisa Volodina woke up famous throughout the country, since the program’s audience was multimillion-dollar.

In 2012, Vasilisa Volodina became a participant and creator of the film series “Zodiac Signs,” which was broadcast on the TNT channel. The astrologer has 40 publications to his name, among which Volodina’s most popular book was “The Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart. Encyclopedia of Relationships”, released in 2012. At the “Electronic Letter” second-hand book competition, this publication became a laureate in the “Discovery of the Year” category.

Later, Vasilisa Volodina published two series of 12 books - “Love Forecast 2014” and “Love Forecast 2015”. In 2016, the release of the collections “ Moon calendar. Diary" and "Change your destiny. Coloring book for adults."

Personal life

The astrologer compiled a star astro chart for her future husband Sergei Volodin back in the 90s. A friend approached the girl, then Oksana Naumova, and asked him to make a personal astrological forecast for his friend. Even then, the woman was struck by how similar the compiled map was to her personal one. It was perfect compatibility.

But Naumova and Volodin did not meet immediately, but after some time. It was chance meeting at a friendly party. Since then, the young people have been together. For creative pseudonym Oksana-Vasilisa took her husband's surname.

In 2001, Sergei and Vasilisa had a daughter, Victoria. Only then did the couple go to the nearest registry office and quietly sign their names. Since that time, the couple have lived and worked in a strong union. Sergei Volodin, who worked as a logistician, began to draw up his wife’s work schedule, becoming the director of the joint venture.

At the beginning of 2015, the couple had a son, Vyacheslav, whose appearance the astrologer also foresaw and calculated, calculating the time of birth from the stars.

Vasilisa Volodina’s personal life turned out happily, according to the astrologer, largely thanks to the stars and profession.

Vasilisa Volodina now

Vasilisa Volodina regularly conducts individual consultations, compiles horoscopes for each zodiac sign, as well as astrological forecasts by date of birth. To work with clients, the astrologer has a personal website where the features of the services are described in detail.

Now the number of individual and corporate consultations by Volodina reaches seven thousand. Vasilisa is sure that the use of astrological charts helps in making important decisions. The reliability of Volodina’s forecasts is high, so Vasilisa’s clients become regular over time.

For each month, the astrologer gives recommendations in accordance with the movements of the planets. So, in December 2017, Volodina did not advise starting new businesses, since the position of Mercury was not conducive to this. In 2018, Vasilisa Volodina predicted special luck for four zodiac signs - Aries, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

The name of Vasilisa Volodina is often abused by scammers. On behalf of the astrologer, red threads, telephone subscriptions, and coins that bring good luck have already been sold. The astrologer complains that, as a rule, older, gullible people fall for such deception and often give their last savings to the scammers.


  • 2006 – “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina”
  • 2008 – “Let's get married”
  • 2012 – “Zodiac Signs”

— Vasilisa, a few months after the birth of your son, you showed him on the pages of the magazine. Were there really no superstitions about this? Many mothers are afraid of the evil eye...

— In a sense, it was a forced measure. It will sound crazy, but my husband and I were leaving the maternity hospital, almost escaping from being chased by the paparazzi. There were two cars on duty near the maternity hospital, and thanks to the security service, we knew that they were guarding us - they wanted to take a photo. We left through the emergency exit, enlisting the support of the police - we had to take these measures so that, God forbid, they would not attack us and knock us down.

I never thought that anyone would care about my humble person. It turned out there is. You can’t imagine how many objectively unkind people decided to speak out against us after the birth of our son. For example, I received letters in which people were indignant: “Why don’t you publish a photo of the child?”, “Why don’t you tell me what your son was named?”, “What right do you have to hide - you are public figure?. It's surprising, but people consider invading someone else's privacy to be their right. On the one hand, a public person is public in order to enjoy increased interest, but I am first and foremost an astrologer, I have no need to show off my personal life.

However, after consulting with the family, we decided to publish photographs of the baby. As for any protective rituals against the evil eye, of course, we have them too. We have taken certain measures, but I am not ready to talk about them.

— In a previous interview with our magazine, you said that you were waiting for the astrologically correct time to get pregnant. But many people are sure that a child is given to us from above...

- One does not cancel the other. For example, there are people who have an ability for languages, but this does not relieve them of the need to learn new words, memorize expressions, and constantly practice. The same parallel can be drawn with pregnancy. In my opinion, it definitely needs to be planned. Thanks to astrology, a couple can calculate which of the next periods of time is most favorable for this event, when the process of carrying a woman’s baby will be as comfortable as possible. Of course, potential parents decide before this whether they can support the child with financial point view, are you ready for a third or

fourth baby, they want a girl or a boy, and so on. An astrologer can determine how likely a woman is to become pregnant in the near future. This is especially important when the couple has had unsuccessful attempts.

They are planning an IVF procedure, which for some is the only opportunity to have a child. After all, before this, the woman receives some blow to her health - drug therapy can be quite harsh. Not to mention the rather high cost of this service. Sometimes, when studying the horoscopes of clients dreaming of a child, you understand that people need to wait until the onset of a favorable period - for some six months, for others a couple of years. I never hide such information, but not everyone is ready to hear it, not everyone wants to wait. Let me give you an example. Recently, a client contacted me who was not recommended to become pregnant in certain years - quite a difficult situation she had. But she became pregnant and gave birth to a child. It seems that the result has been achieved. However, the boy turned out to be unwell.

Often parents come to me who want to hear in what area their child can become a star. But 95% of children, by definition, will never become stars. Very few people with unique abilities are born at all times!

Another important thing is how to help the child become happy. And here, as an astrologer, I can suggest in which area a person can most fully realize himself. And it is absolutely not necessary that this will be related to creative, public or academic activities. Perhaps a person will find his calling in living in a village with his beloved wife and growing carrots for his own pleasure.

— What character traits do you already see in your son?

— Our Slava is a rather serious and stern kid. At the same time, I see that he will grow up sociable and sociable. We actively hum, express emotions, and enjoy exploring this world. One minute he was thinking about something, and a minute later he was already “talking” to the patterns on the chairs. (Laughs.) If you compare with your daughter, then, despite the fact that their horoscopes have a lot in common, they are very different. Vika is a clear representative fire element, and Glory - the earth. It so happens in our family that the children repeat my husband and me. That is, I am a fiery comrade, and our dad is earthly. In my opinion, it turns out very harmoniously.

I notice how over the years of marriage my husband and I influence each other. Next to Sergei, I, who is characterized by harshness and sometimes excessive directness, became calmer, softer, wiser... Marriage changed my quality of life for the better - there was a feeling of stability, a reliable shoulder nearby, the correctness of what was happening. In my opinion, being married is the right thing to do. (Smiles.)

— Our Slava is a rather serious and stern kid. At the same time, I see that he will grow up sociable and sociable. We actively hum, express emotions, and enjoy exploring the world

— How did you choose your son’s name? Were there any battles in the family about this?

- No, not with us. My husband and I wanted the name to start with the letter “B” or “C”, that is, to be combined with the middle name and surname - Sergeevich Volodin. I must say that it is quite difficult to find names that would sound harmonious in this combination. At first they wanted to name their son Vladimir: my husband and I are both Vladimirovichs - but our dads asked not to do this. Although it is possible to name a child after a grandfather, you should not name a child after a mother or father: it is believed that in this case the children are not very happy.

Vyacheslav - name Old Russian origin, means “more glorious”, or “more glorious”. This name in a certain way corrects her son's horoscope. It adds good luck and health to him.

The name has independent power, which, although not capable of changing a person’s life entirely, can definitely correct it future fate. I advise all parents, when choosing a name for a child, to first of all listen to their own intuition - as a rule, it does not fail. If one of the family members categorically does not like the name, it should not be given under any circumstances. You should also not name your children after the tragic dead relatives, those who lived poorly, poorly or were seriously ill - even if they were wonderful people. You do not want your child to receive blows of fate in his life. And of course, the name should simply be harmonious and combined with the patronymic and surname. Still, with the name Akaki, which has deep roots in our culture, a child is unlikely to become successful in the future - simply because he will not feel psychologically comfortable.

— You quickly returned to work. Didn’t you really want to babysit your son at home longer?

— My maternity leave was rather conditional. I disappeared from the screens in November, but actually worked until the end. Submitted to the publisher on December 24 new book— it will be published in the fall of 2015. And Vyacheslav was born on January 3. So there wasn't much rest. Of course, I would have spent more time with the child at home, but they really asked me to return to the program, and I could not refuse. I now work part-time, that is, I star in two out of four programs. And, I won’t lie, the thought of a vacation really warms me, since no new episodes will be filmed in the summer. I think we will spend the summer at the dacha: I definitely won’t dare to fly to the sea with a small child, I’m a conservative here.

During the filming, thanks to the management, I was given a separate dressing room where I can always feed my son. And while I’m in the frame, my husband is babysitting the baby. Our nanny and my mother help us at home. Our nanny is in in a good way words is surprised at how we manage to combine work situations with caring for the baby. But it seems so natural to me when parents spend every free minute

given to the child. Our dad is by nature an emotionally reserved man, but with the advent of Vyacheslav, I see, he became more sensitive and open. The daughter demonstrates commendable responsibility and seriousness. And I must say, I am still in a state of euphoria. It was so when Vikushka was born, and so it is now, with Slava. Nevertheless, I can burst into tears at just the slightest bit. But this is more out of joy than from any worries. I am grateful to my loved ones for understanding my special emotional state. But now for our whole family the main thing is our son, our whole life is subordinated to him. As soon as Slava wakes up and says “aha,” we all freeze in emotion at his crib. (Smiles.)

— Our dad is by nature an emotionally reserved man, but with the advent of Vyacheslav, I see, he became more sensitive and open. The daughter demonstrates commendable responsibility and seriousness

— Interesting, according to the “Let's get married!” program were you bored? Have you even looked at the houses?

“I saw something briefly, but never to the end.” I'll explain why. I am not interested in the role of a passive viewer; I immediately want to look at the horoscope of the program’s hero, draw conclusions, and give specific recommendations. I am not an intuitive person in this sense, I need facts - I can only get them from a horoscope. And so, of course, it was nice to see Rosa in her place - the girls were taking the rap for me on the front line.

— What can you say about astrologers Lydia Arefieva and Tamara Globa, who replaced you? Did they manage to bring something new?

“In my opinion, we managed to demonstrate our beautiful appearance in the frame, but, alas, not the professionalism of the astrologer - it is noticeable that she is new to our field. And I am not embarrassed to talk about it openly. As for, of course, she is the wisest person with vast professional experience. Perhaps calmer than modern times require television format, but very intelligent.

— It looks like you didn’t have to do anything to get back in shape after giving birth?

“I’ll honestly say that I didn’t do anything on purpose, there was no such need. I didn’t change my diet during pregnancy, until five months I was tormented by toxicosis - I didn’t want to eat at all. And if after my first pregnancy I gained 3 kg, then after giving birth to my son, on the contrary, I lost weight. I certainly don’t have time for fitness clubs, believe me. There are houses treadmill and an exercise bike - collecting dust without use. There are a lot of worries related to the baby, work. Plus, you need to try to find time to just run into a beauty salon for a manicure. But again, everything is very individual. Pregnancy and the birth of a child, the subsequent process of feeding - all together changes a woman hormonally. There are objective situations when a woman cannot lose weight while breastfeeding. And don't blame yourself for it. I want to encourage all young mothers and say that even if you gained an extra 20 kg during pregnancy, it’s okay, then make an effort and lose it all. Having children is such a blessing that your figure is nothing compared to it!

“I must say, I’m still in a state of euphoria.” It was so when Vikushka was born, and so it is now with Slava. Nevertheless, I can burst into tears at just the slightest bit. But it’s more out of joy... I’m grateful to my loved ones for being understanding of my special emotional state

— It seems that you are one of those people who know how to prioritize and say no. Did you have to learn the latter?

- Certainly. An astrologer is a person who can help others. Therefore, a huge number of people ask you for help completely free of charge, without realizing that for me this is not a hobby, but a job and a way to earn money. Every day on social networks I receive a lot of messages that start something like this: “Oh, sorry, right now there is no money to pay for your services,

but could you please answer small question? And then: “Will I have another child? When will my husband start earning good money? Will we be able to buy an apartment this year?” And so on. At first I was terribly nervous, I tormented myself: don’t people understand that in a day I can look at a maximum of two or three such messages, but not fifty? After all, this serious job, careful analysis! Then I began to notice that in the endless process of helping others, you refuse own life, there is no time left to communicate with my husband, with my family, or for self-development. I realized that endless donation was draining me of blood, weakening me, and tearing me away from my loved ones. I became convinced that it was pointless to hope for universal understanding, and I learned to say no.

For example, now some friends are quite seriously offended because I simply do not have the opportunity to meet with them. Of course, I don’t want to infringe on the people I like, but for me there is no one more important than my baby.

- Summer - traditional time weddings Are there any periods during this period when you should not go to the registry office?

- Yes, several days in 2015: from July 25 to July 31 - the time when key planet Venus is weakened to the maximum. Don’t even think about planning a wedding or experimenting with your appearance: it will not end in anything but deep disappointment! And there are also periods when Venus tends to harm rather than help: from July 19 to 24, from August 1 to November 8 and from December 6 to 31. So be careful!

Photo: Konstantin Sorokin/From the personal archive of Vasilisa Volodina

The name Vasilisa for the astrologer and TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina is a pseudonym that, in her opinion, suits her horoscope. Various sources The real name of the famous astropsychologist is Svetlana, Oksana, Elena or Elizaveta. It is believed that the closest option to the truth is the name Oksana. My maiden name- The future TV presenter replaced Naumov when she married Sergei Volodin. But first things first.

The childhood of Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina was born in the capital of the USSR on April 16, 1974. The girl was raised under strict discipline from an early age, as her father was a military man. Since childhood, Vasilisa’s parents taught her to have order, hard work and diligence.

In addition to general education, the child attended music school, as well as many clubs and sections. Vasilisa was a very diligent student and from the age of seven she helped her mother run the household. The high moral standard set for the girl by her parents set a strict working pace for all of Vasilisa Volodina’s subsequent activities.

Interest in the future work of her whole life is now famous astrologer began to manifest itself in school. Then in the 80s, for the first time on Soviet television they started talking about UFOs and various paranormal phenomena. Listening enthusiastically to these programs, Vasilisa greedily listened to all the information. And then, on long evenings near Moscow, a thoughtful and dreamy schoolgirl spent endless hours on the balcony of her parents’ apartment in Odintsovo, watching the starry sky through her father’s military binoculars.

According to the recollections of the astrologer herself, she did not see a single UFO, but she began to perfectly navigate the location of the stars. Being a very enthusiastic and purposeful person, Vasilisa read the first few books on astrology in her life. From them she learned the most important truth for herself: the stars can predict the future.

Vasilisa Volodina in “Let's Get Married” - fragment of the program

And a little later, at the age of 14, after reading several books on palmistry, Vasilisa made important discovery in the palm of her own hand: fame and glory await her in the future!

The beginning of Vasilisa Volodina's career

After graduating from school with a gold medal, Volodina (then Naumova) easily entered the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Academy of Management, Faculty of Economics. She continued to study diligently at the university, but the diploma she received in the specialty “economist-cybernetics” did not give moral satisfaction. Her soul yearned for something else. Vasilisa received creative inspiration while studying in parallel with her university at the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

Vasilisa Volodina about wedding dates for summer 2015

Vasilisa Volodina began conducting her first astrological consultations at the age of 20. And after completing her studies at the Academy of Astrology, she became interested in building astrological forecasts for business.

In the 90s, this could not have been more relevant. In addition, the future TV presenter conducted personal astrological consultations for friends and acquaintances.

Professional activities of Vasilisa Volodina

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Vasilisa Volodina’s career has definitely taken off. Children's predictions gradually became reality. The business forecasts and personal horoscopes she compiled had a high percentage of accuracy, which did not escape the eyes of the Moscow elite. Volodin became a recognizable and well-known figure in Moscow social circles.

In 2006, the astrologer was invited to work as the host of the “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina” program aired on the “Capital” TV channel. And in 2008, she began working as an expert astrologer in the Channel One program “Let’s Get Married.”

Vasilisa Volodina about horoscopes: how important it is to use the exact time of birth

It was this show that made Volodina famous throughout the country. Many TV viewers consider Vasilisa Volodina the most charming of the three presenters of this program, including such well-known media figures Russian culture like Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina

Once, in the distant 90s, an acquaintance approached the young astrologer Naumova with a request to draw up a personal horoscope for his friend, a certain Sergei Volodin. As fate would have it, Vasilisa studied the star chart of her future husband even before meeting him personally.

Noting to herself the rare and amazing compatibility with her horoscope, the girl had already managed to forget about this strange incident. But fate brought them together in person at a meeting of friends. From this friendly party, when a spontaneous, but strong feeling, and they are still together.

In 2001, after three years life together In a civil marriage, the Volodin couple had a daughter, Victoria. At the same time, Sergei and Vasilisa finally officially got married, without arranging lavish wedding celebrations. Sergei, who initially worked in the field of logistics, after some time became the director of his wife, drawing up her business schedule.

Vasilisa was in no hurry with her second child. Having thoroughly studied her horoscope, she calculated that her future son should be born into this world only when she herself turns 40 years old. On January 3, 2015, Volodina became a mother for the second time. The baby was named Vyacheslav.

Vasilisa Volodina now

IN maternity leave The TV presenter did not stay long to care for the child. In April 2015, she returned to work on the show. Volodina named numerous letters of requests from TV viewers as one of the main reasons for returning to filming so quickly.

Vasilisa Volodina about the book “Astrology of Seduction”

And in 2015 on bookshelves stores, a series of books by an astrologer called “Love Astro Forecast for 2015” appeared. Vasilisa tried to give the most accurate forecast to each zodiac sign and present the information in a convenient form.

The presenter also gives advice and video forecasts through her personal website on the Internet, which is very popular among her fans.