Scorpio man is ideally compatible with other signs. Scorpio in love

Scorpio's compatibility with other zodiac signs in love and marriage depends on his unpredictable nature. This is a representative of the flowing, changeable element of water. It is ruled by the planets: Mars and Pluto.

Thanks to their influence, Scorpio has a warlike, secretive and mysterious character. He belongs to the most unpredictable sign of the zodiac. This water sign is distinguished from other people by its pronounced individual character.

In love and marriage, Scorpio is a persistent, devoted partner. He will support his half in all difficult situations. Scorpio is a demanding partner; he has been looking for a mate for a long time. But his choice is rarely unsuccessful. After all, Scorpio sees right through people.

Which zodiac signs are Scorpio best compatible with?

  1. Scorpio is well compatible with representatives of its water element: Pisces and Cancer. The relationship of such a couple is unusually sensitive. A mystical connection arises between them, a kinship of souls. After all, when two drops of water merge together, they form one big drop.
  2. Scorpio develops a strong marriage and love union with representatives of the earth elements: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The earth and the water that feeds it are made for each other. They agree on family values. The earth creates a stable foundation, and water ensures harmony in the family.
  3. Thanks to his passionate, strong character, a good family and love relationships are obtained Scorpio with fire signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.

Scorpio man and his compatibility with representatives of the zodiac constellations

  • Aries. In a woman of this fire sign, Scorpio finds an understanding friend and a passionate lover. Despite the warlike nature of the two pets of the planet Mars, the union between them turns out to be quite strong. They have the same family values: honesty, reliability, loyalty.
  • Taurus. Despite their seemingly different characters, they get along well with each other. They have the same family values: both take marriage seriously, are romantic, and love home comfort. The Ox woman rarely loses her temper; she calmly reacts to the emotional outbursts of her chosen one. In sex they have good compatibility, both partners are sensual.
  • Gemini. The Gemini woman and the Scorpio man have trouble communicating with each other. The purposeful representative of water and the ephemeral Gemini most often make each other unhappy. Their life together will constantly be overshadowed by her frivolous nature. She prefers get-togethers with her friends and promiscuous relationships. The Scorpio man is an owner, he will not tolerate such an attitude towards himself. Constant quarrels and eternal showdowns will destroy the union.
  • Cancer. Two water signs always get along well with each other. They will feel each other even at a distance. If a Cancer woman is married, the Water man will still achieve his goal.
  • Lioness. Leo woman, Scorpio man is a union of two leaders. They have good compatibility in sex; passionate partners will always find a common language in bed. The desire for leadership of both most often spoils their relationship. But if a fiery woman finds a common language with a water man, then their union will withstand any test.
  • Virgo. From the outside they look like two opposites. A boring woman and a stormy man can form a strong union. They have the same qualities: two strong characters, they will never get confused in a difficult situation. A meticulous, responsible woman will be able to balance the emotions of her chosen one.
  • Libra. The union of a Libra woman and a Scorpio man resembles a battle between water and air; you will never see so much splashing. The beautiful, sensual pet of Venus is extremely desirable for a passionate man. They will skillfully manipulate each other and no one knows who will win. Both zodiac signs are good in bed. But Scorpio is a goal-oriented person, while Libra loves to balance and often does not know what they want. Despite the different life views of the air-water guys, an alliance between them is possible.
  • Scorpio. They will become either bitter enemies or blood friends. After all, Scorpio cannot stand halftones. Love will break out between them at first sight. But it is difficult for two explosive personalities to find a common language. If they learn to give in to each other, the union between them will last for many years.
  • Sagittarius. The Archer woman and the Scorpio man have many common character traits, but it is difficult for the two opposite elements to find understanding. They need a lot of time so that they can appreciate each other's merits. Both zodiac signs are freedom-loving, independent and temperamental. It is difficult for these two people to predict the behavior of each of them. But it’s not without reason that they say: two opposites converge.
  • Capricorn. In the union between a Capricorn woman and a Scorpio man, two strong, stubborn characters are united. Their relationship cannot be called simple. They both love to lead and are not used to giving in. But the earth and water signs are committed to a long-term relationship. If they find a compromise between themselves, then together they will move mountains.
  • Aquarius. These two signs are not suitable for a common union. They are interested in communicating together, they have good compatibility in sex. But the airy woman is a supporter of open relationships. The Scorpio man is jealous, he will create stormy scenes. An airy woman is superficial in her views, while a Scorpio man loves to notice every little thing. A serious relationship between a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman is a rare occurrence.
  • Pisces. The union between two water signs can be called ideal. A sensitive, selfless woman will understand her friend well. They are both romantic natures. The only drawback that can overshadow their marriage is Pisces' cool attitude towards sex.

Scorpio woman and her compatibility with representatives of the zodiac constellations

  • Aries. Their love will be like bright lightning. In the person of the Scorpio woman, the Aries man receives a sensitive, devoted girlfriend. A water woman will acquire a strong, energetic partner. A woman will help make a career for her scattered chosen one. If desired, they will learn mutual understanding.
  • Taurus. Sensual partners will quickly be pierced by cupid's arrow. Gradually, two strong personalities will learn mutual respect. A woman will like in her chosen one: independence, perseverance, ability to earn money. Taurus will appreciate the charm and mystery of the water woman, and most importantly, the devotion of the chosen one.
  • Gemini. Their union will resemble an explosive mixture. The Gemini man is frivolous and fickle, while the Scorpio woman is very jealous. They have good sexual compatibility. But a purposeful woman will quickly get tired of a man who has a superficial attitude towards life.
  • Cancer. The two of them have all the qualities for a happy marriage: fidelity, devotion, mutual understanding. Although two sensual partners sometimes tire of each other, people of water signs understand that this is temporary and will soon pass.
  • Leo. They can have a good union. The Scorpio woman needs a strong man. The King of Beasts meets all her standards. The Scorpio woman will turn Leo into an affectionate kitten with her ability to manipulate. Two strong personalities just need to learn to give in to each other.
  • Virgo. The union between a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man can be strong and harmonious. Two purposeful individuals love to build a career and make money. These two strong natures will never save in the face of life's adversities. A sensual woman will be irritated by the boringness of a Virgo man, but every marriage has its drawbacks.
  • Libra. A seductive Libra man will undoubtedly be attracted to a charming water woman. In sex, their compatibility is perfect. In addition, they will be connected by a love of travel and spectacular events. The union between them could turn out to be good.
  • Scorpio. For two intuitive people, love occurs at first sight. But identical, explosive partners can ruin a common relationship. If they learn to find a common language with each other, they will maintain marriage ties for many years.
  • Sagittarius. This is a union of two opposites. The Sagittarius man values ​​freedom. The Scorpio woman is a jealous owner. But they are both focused on building a career and love making money. Two passionate partners will find a common language in bed. The prospects for this relationship are good.
  • Capricorn. If a Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man are able to create a union, then it will be strong and long-lasting. At first it will be difficult for them to adapt to each other. Two independent individuals are not used to giving in to another person. But the cunning Scorpio woman will learn to control her chosen one on the sly. These two reliable and stable partners will be able to live together for many years.
  • Aquarius. At first, love will arise between them. They will be interested in communicating together. Compatibility in bed between air and water zodiac signs is excellent. But they have different views on family life. Scorpio will be annoyed by the frivolity of Aquarius, who easily finds new friends and lovers. A serious alliance between them is unlikely.
  • Fish. Strong bonds will be formed between them, where the woman undoubtedly leads. But this will even benefit the Pisces man. An energetic woman will inspire him to make a career. She won't let him have his head in the clouds. Water guys will live hand in hand for many years.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22) is one of the most mysterious and most attractive signs of the zodiac, a sign of love and death, calm and fury, sensuality and cold reason. Scorpio's nature is contradictory and multifaceted; it is a sign of extremes, a mixture of all the best and worst that can be in a person. Scorpio is the sign of kings.

It has long been noted that if a Scorpio child is born in a family, then a year before that someone in the family dies, no matter a close relative or a distant one. And vice versa, if one of the Scorpios dies in the family, then within a year a baby will be born in this family. According to astrologers, this is due to the fact that the patron symbol of Scorpio is the Phoenix bird, which is always reborn after death. Apparently, the birth of a Scorpio requires a large amount of energy, which appears after his death. Therefore, Scorpio is the personification of life on Earth, a symbol of rebirth.

Even the most immaculate beauty cannot resist a Scorpio man. If a woman was ever lucky enough to know his love, you can be sure that she will remember him until the end of her days. Scorpio and love are inseparable concepts.

The list of Scorpio men who have gained worldwide fame is quite long. Among them are businessmen Roman Abramovich and Bill Gates, artists Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet, composer Niccolo Paganini, actors Nikolai Karachentsov and Alain Delon, Russian writer F.I. Dostoevsky and many others.


The element of Scorpio - standing water, gives a man heightened sensuality, increased emotionality and brilliant intuition. Insight makes the Scorpio man sensitive to other people's problems; he knows how to sympathize and help, but at the same time not get lost in sentimentality or lose his grip on life. Water gives Scorpio good “streamlining” and adaptability, allowing him to find a way out of any hopeless situation. Signs of the element of Water are good at hiding their intentions and thoughts and moderating their lusts. Increased sensitivity can make a Scorpio man dependent on alcohol and other addictions.

Scorpio's main competitor is the element of Fire, that is, people born under the constellations Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. When faced in personal life or at work, two opposite elements will definitely conflict and experience hostility towards each other. However, there is an inexplicable, strong attraction between fire and water, especially sexually, so marriages between them are not uncommon.

The best compatibility of “water” people is the element of the Earth, that is, those who were born under the constellations of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The earth supports the water and gives it strength and shape. These two elements are made for each other, especially if their life goals coincide. But do not forget that when water and earth are mixed, sometimes mud turns out, and in such conflicts it is very important to choose the right words and clearly express your thoughts. The water of Scorpio is always seething, and if suddenly there is a calm, it means that there is a strong storm ahead.

The ideal place for Scorpio to live is the shore of the sea, lake, or standing reservoir. If this is not possible, you can build a pool in the yard or put an aquarium in the house.


The ruling planets are Pluto and Mars. A strong Pluto makes a person extremely strong and resilient, both physically and mentally. Weak Pluto turns a person into a rebel, a destroyer, a sower of chaos and disorder. In most horoscopes of natural disasters, catastrophes and world wars, the strong influence of Pluto is felt. The planet symbolizes enormous, concentrated power.

In astrology, Pluto is the personification of death and subsequent rebirth. Its sphere of influence also includes human instincts and human sexuality. Pluto endows the Scorpio man with a thirst for power, a predisposition to betrayal and committing crimes. Pluto is unique in that it has a direct connection with the best and worst instincts of human nature.

Sometimes the Scorpio man himself is afraid of his own strength, which Pluto gives him. This is a really strong planet, and the people it rules are given a lot in life, but they also have special demands.

Mars, also ruling Scorpio, is the planet of energy and action. It gives a man such qualities as aggressiveness and belligerence, strength and courage. The planet also rewards a man with enormous, almost mystical sexual energy and eroticism.

Weak Mars can endow a man with aggressiveness, rudeness, a tendency to violence and excessive cruelty, and in a pronounced form. A highly developed Scorpio man is able to suppress these qualities in himself, which is why many of them are noble people, successful professionals and wonderful family men.

All Scorpios, under the influence of the ruling planets Mars and Pluto, are united by a passionate nature and stormy temperament, indomitable energy and extraordinary insight, and sometimes a gloomy character and unsociability.

Talisman stone

A Scorpio man born in the first ten days (from October 24 to November 3) has the most pronounced personality traits inherent in this sign. He is energetic, assertive and self-confident, so his talismans should be hard and transparent gemstones. For example, amethyst, diamond, tiger's eye, hematite or rock crystal.

Men born in the second decade (from November 3 to 13) are daredevils with kindness, nobility and courage. Coral, amethyst, turquoise and sardonyx are good for them as talisman stones. These minerals help to bring out and enhance the best character traits of a Scorpio man.

Those born in the third decade (from November 14 to 22) are distinguished by passion, intemperance, artistry, amorousness and a very difficult to understand character. A useful stone for such a man would be garnet, beryl, alexandrite, topaz or emerald.


Most Scorpio men are great skeptics, however, they have the mystical ability to endow their amulets with incredible power and energy that helps them in life.

The most important talisman is, of course, a figurine or image of the scorpion itself - a symbol of darkness, destruction and self-destruction. However, it is this poisonous animal that helps representatives of the sign neutralize enemies, giving them great energy, endurance and strength. Having such a talisman, the Scorpio man feels the desire to live and fight, to conquer new heights. The talisman helps its owner develop superintuition and insight, which over time can turn into the gift of foresight.

Another equally powerful talisman for a Scorpio man is the scarab beetle, which brings him material well-being. The amulet attracts money from completely unexpected sources, it can even be crazy, “easy” money, or an unexpected inheritance or gift.

Such an unusual talisman as a frog will give its owner additional strength and luck, especially if it is made of green material (for example, glass or malachite). This animal knows how to bring clarity to a situation and extinguish flared passions.


Most Scorpio men are physically very strong, even if they do not have an impressive build. A man can even be frail, since his strength lies in his character, not in his physique. The facial features are heavy and sharply defined, the nose is usually large, reminiscent of a beak. The complexion is pale, the eyebrows are wide, almost fused at the bridge of the nose. There is abundant reddish hair on the legs and feet, emphasizing masculinity. Hair color is usually dark, but ash blondes can be found among Scorpios.

A Scorpio man can be recognized by his calm, imperturbable appearance and, of course, by his eyes, which have a special magnetism. His gaze penetrates directly into the soul, so the interlocutor may feel uncomfortable and try to look away.

In the speech of a Scorpio man, regardless of the timbre, intonation and strength of his voice, you can always hear unusual self-confidence, so you want to believe him. And although they are not very talkative, most have an amazing sense of humor and the ability to laugh at themselves.

Character traits

A distinctive feature of all Scorpio men is unparalleled courage and contempt for death itself. He can endure any pain, trials, adversity and danger, always ready to defend himself and attack, to fight for success in life with much more zeal than all other signs combined.

These men have a true understanding of life, without embellishment, with all its difficulties and problems. For them, their whole life is a struggle; they simply do not know how to walk through life playfully and easily. However, most Scorpio men are highly successful people with great abilities and many talents.

There are three types of Scorpio men, significantly different in character. Each of the three types is rarely found in its pure form; all of the listed qualities are manifested to one degree or another in every Scorpio man.

  • The first type is people who are dangerous, sometimes poisonous, ruthless and vindictive. In their hatred they are capable not only of enormous destruction, but also of self-destruction. The paradox of this nature is that an envious and unkind attitude towards the world around him sooner or later turns against him. It will be very difficult to get along with this man, however, he has the magnetism and sexuality inherent in all Scorpios.
  • The second type is strong, independent, wise and fair. He directs his power towards creation, not destruction. Outwardly, he may be soft and calm, but inside, passion rages, like all Scorpios. He is ruthless, first of all, towards himself; in life he makes many attempts to change everything, redo it, start all over again. He often goes against fate and people, but is always fair and noble. This is an active, energetic person who is not afraid to go against public opinion. Thanks to their curiosity, these people have extraordinary commercial abilities, as well as initiative. Mystery and carefully hidden passion attract people to him, especially women, like a magnet.
  • The third type is the weakest of Scorpios. This man may suffer from the fact that he cannot find an application for his irrepressible energy, therefore he is always dissatisfied with himself and those around him. He withdraws into himself and does not try to change anything in his life. Such people could be considered dangerous if they were not so weak. However, it is quite capable of “stinging” even a friendly hand. His strong point is cunning and behind-the-scenes intrigue. He strives in everything, even in minor details, to stand out from the rest, to show that he is a being of a higher order, unlike everyone else. The tactics of waiting make him a dangerous, treacherous enemy.

The attitude of a Scorpio man to the world around him largely depends on what he has managed to achieve in life: losers are usually selfish and vindictive, and those at the top strive to benefit as many people around them as possible. Often only in adulthood does a man begin to understand how to properly use the energy given to him by nature, and until then he makes many mistakes in life that only strengthen his will and ambition.

Most Scorpio men perceive the world as a hostile environment, where you cannot trust anyone and everyone is for themselves. In order to prevent being stabbed in the back, he must constantly be ready to attack and defend, while he does not accept self-pity and considers it a weakness. It is difficult to reveal the essence of such a person, but you can force him to be sincere, and then Scorpio’s aggressiveness and suspicion will fade into the background, giving way to nobility and generosity.


Nature has not stinted on vitality for the Scorpio man, so he will resist diseases until old age. This will be facilitated by moderate exercise, from which he enjoys. But nature also does not skimp on tests, so accidents often happen to a man, car accidents and various household injuries are possible.

All Scorpios are susceptible to infectious diseases, which is a consequence of their poor adaptability. During the outbreak of any epidemic, they should take care and limit their stay in crowded places. A Scorpio man, as a rule, recovers much faster than other people, unless, of course, he engages in self-oppression. All illnesses progress violently, recovery comes quickly.

Typical ailments of Scorpios are urolithiasis, hepatitis, problems with teeth and respiratory tract. The Scorpio man overcomes any ailments with steadfastness, often preferring to deal with them on his own. As always, his natural curiosity helps him - he actively collects information about his illness, analyzes it and draws conclusions.

The fundamental factor in maintaining the health of a Scorpio man is moderation in everything, from nutrition to carnal pleasures. He must wage a tireless struggle against his bad habits, a tendency to smoke and alcoholism, control the accumulation of negative emotions, learn to “let off steam” gradually, without causing harm to himself and others. If he feels the accumulation of negative energy, an increase in aggression, then the best way to get rid of it would be physical activity. If pessimism sets in, then you just need to relax, chat with nice people, and reduce physical activity.


Any Scorpio man, no matter what type he is, has a penchant for professions with increased risk. These are brave, physically and morally stable individuals, born to fight and win. Any risk will be carefully calculated, all actions are aimed at results. Many Scorpio men are attracted to service in the army or law enforcement agencies.

Scorpios have a considerable gift for influencing people, and they also have brilliant oratory skills, which is why there are many sales consultants, politicians and teachers among them. Successful implementation in medicine is facilitated by a natural instinct and love of knowledge, the desire to always get to the bottom of the truth. Typical cold indifference to the suffering of others allows them to become an excellent surgeon and pathologist.

Pedagogical activity, especially working with children, will allow a man to touch human nature, become softer and more tolerant, study the process of personality development and have a certain influence on it. A Scorpio teacher will always be highly respected by students - natural magnetism and the ability to manipulate people will help in this mind.

Research work will also appeal to any Scorpio, especially in the fields of chemistry, physics and medicine. There are many inventors among them, but few implementers of their ideas. The thirst for knowledge inherent in each representative of the sign leads to broadening one’s horizons and gaining experience.

A “sniff” for money will help a Scorpio man become a successful businessman; such people usually have a good sense of what consumers need, quickly grasp fashion trends, and are not afraid to be innovators and pioneers.

A Scorpio man’s career will come slowly and will require perseverance and foresight from him. But his ability to work is extraordinary, and as difficulties arise, it only increases. The only thing that can bring him down is intrigue, disrespect and an unfriendly atmosphere in the team.

It happens that a Scorpio man suffers a fiasco when he harms himself with his cunning and desire to undermine the position of others. Such individuals are extremely self-centered and ruthless in the struggle for a place in the sun, but can be cunning enough to skillfully hide their true intentions.

The Scorpio man will approach any task energetically and even aggressively, however, after a certain buildup. If he is truly passionate about his work, then he can even sacrifice family happiness for his sake. All Scorpios love active, dynamic work that brings noticeable results. They are not interested in beaten paths, stagnant consistency in work, routine monotonous activity without mental stress.

The most successful years of professional activity are from 33 to 41 and from 50 to 57 years. The ages of 20 to 30 are usually spent struggling and desperately trying to get through.

Financial well-being

Originality of thinking, leadership tendencies and many other qualities allow Scorpios to become, if not millionaires, then very financially successful people. They love the process of earning money, and no matter how much money they have, all spending will be extremely reasonable and rational. In general, financial activity is the area where representatives of the sign are most successful.

The love of money for most Scorpio men is rational, not contemplative - he adheres to the rule that money should “work”. Such a person will not hide money in a stocking just to admire it, but will try to invest it in a profitable business. He knows how to count money, and his financial sense is almost fantastic.

Representatives of the sign need at least comfort, and at most luxury. At the same time, many of them can be greedy and can significantly reduce family expenses, but at the same time leave loopholes to satisfy personal needs.


There are no barriers or prejudices in sex for a Scorpio man, so his partner must say goodbye to all restrictions, otherwise there will be no harmony in the relationship. It is advisable that she be ready at any moment to satisfy Scorpio’s desire, and to do this “not for show,” but to give herself with all passion and without reserve. Some Scorpio men enjoy mixing sex and pain, so the partner needs to be prepared to embody his rather harsh erotic inclinations.

Being a representative of the element of Water, Scorpio gets special pleasure from sex in water: for example, in a pool or in the shower. He will make love with particular enthusiasm to a woman who does not use contraception - this excites him.

If a woman wants to voice her desires to a Scorpio man, then she needs to do this in a very delicate manner so as not to hurt his hypertrophied male pride. Driven by instincts, he loves it when a woman worships and submits to him, and does not dictate her terms. At the same time, he is always an excellent lover, capable of giving a woman unearthly pleasure.

Love and marriage

A Scorpio man rarely manages to save his first marriage; he usually marries more than once. And this is not surprising, because getting along with a person with such a complex and contradictory character is not easy. A passionate lover, an incredible owner, a difficult partner in love, who will require complete dedication and want to remake his partner for himself, who cannot stand falsehood and a frivolous attitude to life - this is all about him. But a patient and at the same time passionate woman will certainly be able to build her family happiness with him.

Love and Scorpio are a very difficult combination, almost never without mental suffering. Scorpios love and hate equally passionately; for them there are no halftones. A relationship with a Scorpio man can be very warm and trusting, or it can turn into an endless, caustic struggle. Such a person can remain faithful to his feelings for many years, but love makes him vulnerable and vulnerable, which he is very afraid of and tries to avoid.

The devotion of a Scorpio man lies in the fact that he will try to completely absorb his partner, that is, take over not only the body, but also thoughts, dreams, aspirations and deeds. In return, he will give all of himself, but the woman’s problem will be how not to lose her individuality in such “close” love. The paradox of relationships with Scorpio is that, on the one hand, he wants to completely own the object of his love, and on the other hand, in order to maintain his interest, one must always be at a distance from him, making him suffer.

The Scorpio man will look at his wife as his property, which has become his full possession. However, he is family-oriented, very devoted and ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of his loved ones. Despite his independence, he really needs guardianship and care, a reliable rear.

Scorpio's sharp individualism makes him very touchy; when touched, he can say a bunch of nasty things, which he himself will later regret. He will never allow his wife to dictate terms to him, but he is quite capable of listening to her opinion and taking into account her wishes. The wife should know that her husband is predisposed to pessimism, and she must not give him the opportunity to plunge into this dangerous state.

A woman will never expect compromise, concessions, or condescension from her Scorpio husband in response to her tears and insults. It is possible that constant quarrels, promises and attempts by a partner to comply with his desires will only excite a man’s blood and give him pleasure. He has periods when he wants to be alone with himself, and at such moments it is better not to touch him.

A Scorpio man perceives a passionate affair on the side as an independent area of ​​human relationships that has nothing to do with the family, which he protects as a real fortress. He will never allow his casual relationships on the side to threaten family relationships. But what is allowed to him will never be allowed to a woman - the spouse should not give even the slightest reason for jealousy, and her betrayal will mean the complete collapse of the family.

There is no point in lying to this man, he feels it and will always find an opportunity to reveal the deception, and he hates falsehood in relationships. If something goes wrong in a relationship, then threatening him is pointless and even dangerous - he will always find a way to cause unbearable pain to a person. Scorpios don’t know how to break up easily and beautifully - it’s not in their nature.

As a father, the Scorpio man is very demanding and even harsh, but over time, the children will understand that for them he is a real shield and protection from any everyday adversity. He will never abandon his children from previous marriages, the children will never become “ex” for him.


Aries-Scorpio are two extremely strong signs who don't do anything by halves. They are attracted to each other and at the same time repel, so quarrels and conflicts in this union are inevitable. The surprising thing is that over time, two loving people begin to listen to each other, in addition, they are both family-oriented and stable in relationships, so a happy marriage between them is quite possible.

Taurus-Scorpio- bed can bring these two dissimilar people closer together; as lovers, this couple may well succeed. The same views on life and compatibility of temperaments will help them get along under one roof - a calm Taurus woman will be able not to react to the attacks of her Scorpio husband, and at the same time maintain her dignity and individuality.

Gemini-Scorpio- in this union, love at first sight and excellent sexual compatibility are possible, but a lasting marriage is almost impossible. It will be difficult for the owner and maximalist Scorpio to come to terms with the frivolity and optionality of the Gemini woman. In this union, the man will feel deprived, and the woman will lack freedom.

Cancer-Scorpio- these two people are from parallel worlds, with completely different temperaments and attitudes to life. The Scorpio man strives for high goals and conquering the world, while the Cancer woman prefers a quiet family life. A strong union between them is possible if they learn to discuss and solve even the slightest problems in the family, and not accumulate grievances.

Leo-Scorpio- this is a bright union of two leaders who can have a great sex life. They are assertive and purposeful, their ambitions are in many ways similar. But a marriage between two leaders is rarely successful, and each partner is not ready to give the other enough personal space. If spouses learn to give in and accept each other as they are, their union can become brilliant.

Virgo-Scorpio is an ideal marriage based on the union of two opposites. Quiet Virgo and temperamental Scorpio are the best fit for each other; together they can move mountains. Their union can be successful not only in marriage, but also in business, especially if it is a family affair.

Libra-Scorpio- a rather complex union, since it will be difficult for a sensual and vulnerable Libra woman to fight off the attacks of the caustic Scorpio. She needs equality, and he likes to dominate. However, if a woman is wise enough, she will be able to adapt and cope with the difficult character of her man.

Scorpio-Scorpio- in sex, these people have no equal, but in partnership they are two time bombs. The life together of two Scorpios risks turning into an ongoing war between two unusually strong, bright and unusual people. But do not forget that there are unexpected exceptions to any rule.

Sagittarius–Scorpio- the union, although widespread, is not very strong. A Sagittarius woman can give a lot of reasons to a jealous Scorpio, and he, in turn, will try in every possible way to limit her freedom. If they learn to respect their partner’s independence and desire for personal space, then their life together can be longer and calmer.

Capricorn-Scorpio- excellent compatibility, based on the iron endurance of the Capricorn woman and the emotionality of the Scorpio man. If they are both committed to a serious relationship, then they will sweep away all obstacles on the path to their happiness. A frivolous attitude towards life and problems is not about them.

Aquarius-Scorpio- sexual attraction is possible, but a strong union is in question. They have different attitudes towards life and family values, and the Aquarius woman values ​​her independence too much, which is unacceptable for Scorpio. Her reluctance to stand at the stove and do housework is far from Scorpio’s idea of ​​an ideal housewife.

Pisces-Scorpio- this is a mystical, very successful union of two completely different people. They will always remain an unsolved mystery for each other, however, together they will be comfortable. The energy of Scorpio will smoothly flow into the softness and pliability of the Pisces woman, giving her strength and confidence.

Scorpio men are the most desirable and full of mysteries representatives of the strong half of humanity. They are contradictory in their actions and emotions, they prefer to go to extremes and at the same time always look like winners. What are the characteristics of a Scorpio man, and what kind of women does he like - we will consider further.

Characteristics of the sign

Scorpio is a symbol of rebirth. That is why it has long been noted that if someone under this sign dies in the family, then a year later one can expect that one of the relatives will have a child in the coming year. Astrologers explain this by saying that after the death of Scorpio, a large amount of energy is released, which is sure to be reborn again, like the Phoenix bird.

The ruling planets for Scorpio are Pluto and Mars. Such patronage speaks of the strength of the soul and body of Scorpios. This sign tends to sow chaos and discord, cruelty and aggression around itself. In adulthood, many manage to suppress these negative aspects of nature and become decent family men and business professionals.

The Scorpio man is a passionate lover, whose charms no woman can resist. He knows how to love in such a way that his passion will never forget about such a bright romance.

The zodiac sign Scorpio belongs to the water element. He is emotional, sensual, insightful and has excellent intuition. The characteristics of his element and ruling planets will tell more accurately about the Scorpio man.


  1. Adapts perfectly to living conditions and situations.
  2. He can easily hide his true intentions and thoughts from others.
  3. Knows how to listen, sympathize and help those in need.
  4. Brave and not afraid of death, ready for any feat to achieve success.
  5. Easily becomes a leader and leads people.
  6. He has extraordinary thinking, due to which he is always interesting to others.
  7. Independent, rarely susceptible to outside influence.
  8. Possesses good health.

Overly sensitive Scorpios often become dependent on alcohol and other bad habits.

The natural magnetism of this sign helps him not only in matters of the heart, but also in the professional sphere. Scorpio men often achieve success in business, although they approach it gradually, weighing all the pros and cons.

A strong and repulsive amulet for this zodiac sign can be the image of a Scorpio. Only the bearer of the amulet himself, due to his energy, can endow this symbol with incredible power. To attract material well-being for Scorpios, an amulet in the form of a scarab beetle is suitable.

Compatibility with fire zodiac signs

An alliance with representatives of the fire element (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) is not the best choice for a Scorpio man. In these relationships, he is forced to always remain on guard, not letting go of any conflict situation. Such communication very quickly exhausts partners, despite Scorpios’ love for thrills within relationships.

The union of Scorpio with Leo will be especially short-lived. None of the signs is ready to submit or admit their guilt, which means constant conflicts with insults and humiliation will be simply inevitable. Such relations will very soon come to naught by mutual agreement of the parties.

With representatives of the earthly elements

The union of Scorpio with earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) is quite favorable. Partners will complement each other perfectly. But the representative of the earth sign will bear all the responsibility for the safety of relationships; he will always have to be vigilant and find a compromise in controversial situations. In response to these manifestations of feelings, the Scorpio man will respond to the woman with stability and sincerity of his actions.

With air signs

Representatives of the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will not find anything in common with the Scorpio man. His emotional experiences and impulses will be far from their understanding. Air signs, famous for their cold intellect, will simply ignore the insults caused to Scorpio, as a result of which such relationships will end very soon.

The only representative of the air element that is interesting to Scorpio is Gemini. This sign is able to interest a Scorpio man, subjugating him to himself. The Gemini woman suits him both in bed and in life. But such relationships often end in separation. The fact is that Scorpio men are possessive in love, while Geminis are not against light flirting on the side. Jealousy and mistrust of partners are the main reasons for the breakdown of relationships in this couple.

Compatibility with other signs of this element is practically impossible, since they simply do not attract Scorpio men.

Scorpio and the water element

Scorpio men feel comfortable within their element. Relationships with Cancer and Pisces are based on the emotional component. They are both far from housekeeping and put romance at the forefront of everything. Representatives of the water element understand each other perfectly, have common interests and listen to the opinion of their partner. The union of these signs is one of the most durable, honest and indestructible.

Scorpio is never bored with Cancer, but mistrust and jealousy will often be present in relationships. With Pisces he will always be calm and comfortable. Problems can only arise in relationships with representatives of your sign. In such a couple there will always be a place for jealousy, resentment, passion and emotions. The compatibility horoscope states that the end of such a relationship will depend only on the sincerity of feelings between the partners.

Scorpio man: in love, marriage, friendship

The Scorpio man is rarely limited to legalized relationships. This is explained by his difficult character and demandingness towards his partner. Only a truly patient, but at the same time passionate wife will suit him, who can wisely bypass all the “acute” moments. Then such a marriage will definitely become happy and long-lasting for both partners.

In love, Scorpios are just as contradictory as in the rest of their lives. They are capable of loving and hating equally passionately. Scorpios give themselves completely to their partner, expecting the same in return. But because of the fear of losing a loved one, they are often jealous for no obvious reason. In relationships, the Scorpio man is an owner, not ready to share his woman with anyone. He is focused on creating a large and strong family, for the sake of which he will be ready to make any self-sacrifice. At the same time, a Scorpio man perceives a passionate affair on the side as something only permitted to him and not involved in the real feelings that may exist between spouses.

Scorpio's friends are often people from childhood, school, kindergarten, or yard. They value this friendship and will never commit betrayal. Scorpios are ready to put up with all the shortcomings of their friends (because they simply don’t notice them) and will come to the rescue in any life situation, even when the closest people have turned their backs on his friend. You can always count on a man of this zodiac sign to support you both psychologically and physically.

Scorpios do not forgive betrayal. By inflicting mental wounds on them, the offender risks incurring the wrath of this man, who will take revenge and remember the insult until the last day.

When looking for a life partner, it is very important for a person not to make a mistake, because the right choice guarantees a strong and happy union. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the zodiac constellations have excellent compatibility. For example, Scorpio is not always an ideal partner for other signs in matters of love. This is determined by the character of a person born under this sign of the element of Water.

General description of the zodiac sign

Element: Water.


  • scorpion,
  • sign of death.

Metals: steel and iron.


  • scarlet,
  • Dark red,
  • crimson,
  • burgundy,
  • yellow.

Planet: Pluto.

Lucky day: Tuesday.

Brief personality profile

A person born during the reign of Scorpio has incredible magnetism and a strong character. He is resilient and restrained both in words and emotions. This person knows how to keep secrets and values ​​fidelity. All his life he has been improving himself and trying to change the world for the better.

A representative of the water element is indispensable in those moments when everyone else gives up. He is characterized by fortitude and physical endurance. Such a person tries to complete the work he has started, and he is also hardworking and purposeful. The love of power and money is also not alien to him.

If necessary, then it’s easy for him to be patient. He calmly waits for the moment when he can act as he pleases. At the first attempt, it is very difficult to understand a person born under the sign of Scorpio. Superficial communication will also not be enough to comprehend its full depth.

Compatibility of Scorpios in love and marriage

Devotion and fidelity to a partner are characteristic features of Scorpios. Their compatibility with other signs in love and marriage is quite good. These representatives of the water element especially value emotional harmony in relationships. They usually marry well and their life partners have talent or intelligence, which most often helps them to succeed in life.

Pairs for men

A representative of a water sign is always aimed at striving for excellence in all areas of activity . Excellent intuition, as well as a large supply of vital energy allow him to recognize and realize the desires of his partner. In addition, a woman always feels protected and desired next to someone born under the constellation Scorpio.

The zodiac sign for this man determines compatibility as follows:

  1. Scorpio and Aries differ from the rest in their internal energy. These two signs bring any task to completion. Their characters have a lot in common, but there are also many differences, because of which the couple often have conflicts. Nevertheless, over time, partners begin to listen to each other’s opinions. In relationships, they really value stability., which gives their marriage a chance to become truly strong.
  2. Compatibility between Scorpio and Taurus is characterized as sexual. These two can be wonderful lovers. And common interests and views on what is happening around them help them build relationships. A balanced Taurus will calmly react to the eccentric behavior of a temperamental Scorpio.
  3. Love at first sight is possible between Scorpio and Gemini. Like the previous couple, they are good sexual partners, but they are unlikely to achieve a lasting union. Scorpio tends to be possessive, and therefore there is practically no chance that he will come to terms with the optionality of Gemini.
  4. Good compatibility of a Scorpio man with other zodiac signs is possible only if their temperaments are similar, and a Cancer woman in this regard is completely unsuitable for a representative of the stronger sex, born under the constellation of a poisonous arthropod. The man in this couple will constantly strive for something higher, while the woman will gravitate more towards a calm and measured life. A strong relationship between them is possible only if the partners always begin to solve even the smallest problems together.
  5. Leo, like Scorpio, is a leader by nature. For a Scorpio man, compatibility with a Leo lady is built, first of all, on excellent sexual relationships. In addition, both signs are purposeful, persistent and ambitious. But still, the relationship between Leo and Scorpio extremely rarely leads to marriage, since the partners almost constantly infringe on each other. If, despite everything, they manage to learn to make concessions, then their union can be happy and strong.
  6. The best marriage compatibility is for a Scorpio man with a Virgo woman. Being opposites, these zodiac signs are attracted to each other. It will not be difficult for a calm and quiet lady to get along with a bright and temperamental representative of the stronger sex. They will become not only devoted spouses, but also good business partners.
  7. A person born under the constellation Scorpio has a rather complicated relationship with Libra. The Libra woman is vulnerable and sensual; she will not be able to fend off her partner’s taunts for long. In relationships, she wants equality, but her chosen one is used to dominating. If a representative of the fair sex is able to adapt to the character of her man, then their union is possible.
  8. A Scorpio man and a lady born in the same period find mutual understanding in matters of sex and career, but, in general, their relationship represents a constant struggle for leadership. These personalities are too unusual , bright and strong for a calm family life.
  9. Quite often, the Sagittarius lady becomes the life partner of a man born under a water sign. But such a union, unfortunately, is often doomed to collapse. A jealous man continually suspects his wife of cheating, and in addition, he will try to limit her freedom. A long-term relationship between them is possible only if they both accept their partner’s independence and give each other at least a little personal space.
  10. A Scorpio man is well compatible with a Capricorn lady. The strength of their union depends on the woman’s endurance. If both partners are truly interested in a serious relationship, then there will simply be no obstacles for them.
  11. A representative of a water sign has sexual compatibility with an Aquarius woman, but a strong family union rarely arises. These people have different views on life. The lady strives for independence and does not particularly want to do household chores. A man is looking for a wife who would be an ideal housewife.
  12. Both in love and in friendship, a man of the water element has good compatibility with a woman born under the sign of Pisces. Despite their opposite characters, they get along well. This couple is comfortable together. The irrepressible energy of a man gives confidence to his soft and compliant chosen one.

Union options for women

The Scorpio lady is attractive and energetic, and is also very picky in her choice of men. It is often difficult for the opposite sex to resist her. Prudence, intertwined with cunning, allows this lady not to exist, but to live fully, enjoying what is happening.

The horoscope says that various zodiac signs will pair with a Scorpio girl as follows:

  1. The love of a lady born under the constellation Scorpio with an Aries man is like lightning. In the person of his chosen one, a man will receive a sensitive and devoted girlfriend. A woman in this relationship will find a strong and energetic partner, whom she can help in building a career. If they both have the desire, they will be able to learn mutual understanding.
  2. The Scorpio woman and the Taurus man are sensual people, and therefore mutual love between them arises quickly. Gradually, these two strong personalities learn mutual respect. A woman likes the independence of her chosen one, his perseverance and ability to earn money. A man appreciates the charm and mystery of his companion, and most of all, her devotion to him and his family.
  3. The union of Scorpio with Gemini is a real explosive mixture. The Gemini man is quite frivolous and fickle, and the representative of the dangerous arthropod sign is very jealous. Even good compatibility in the sexual sphere will not help a couple maintain their relationship. A purposeful lady will quickly get tired of the superficiality with which this man approaches life.
  4. With a Cancer man, a Scorpio woman will be much better off. These people have all the qualities to create a happy family: loyalty and devotion, as well as complete mutual understanding. Sometimes two sensual partners tire of each other, but still both understand that the problems in the relationship are temporary, and soon everything will be fine again.
  5. A Scorpio lady and a Leo man can have a good union. This lady needs a strong partner, and the King of Beasts meets all her requirements. A woman born under the sign of the water element will turn the formidable Leo into an affectionate kitten with her ability to manipulate. To create a harmonious union, these two strong personalities only need to learn to give in to each other.
  6. The union between a representative of a dangerous sign and a Virgo man can become strong and harmonious. They are purposeful individuals, and therefore love to build a career and earn money. In addition, having strong natures by nature, these partners will never shy away from any difficulties in life. Although a sensual woman will most likely be irritated by some of her man’s boringness, everyone has their shortcomings.
  7. Since the Libra man himself is a seducer, he will undoubtedly be attracted by the charm of the Scorpio woman. In sexual relationships they are simply ideally compatible. But, in addition, they are connected by a love of travel and various spectacular events. These two could make a good union.
  8. Love between a Scorpio woman and a Scorpio man occurs at first sight. But partners are equally explosive, and therefore capable of ruining their relationship. If, despite everything, they learn to find a common language, they will be able to maintain marriage ties for decades.
  9. The marriage of a Scorpio woman and a Sagittarius man is a union of two opposites. This man values ​​freedom, and the Scorpio lady is a prime example of a jealous owner. But they are both focused on building a career and love to earn money; moreover, two passionate partners will be able to find a common language in bed. The prospects for this relationship are quite good.
  10. If a Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man manage to create an alliance, then it will most likely be strong and long-lasting. Although at first it will be difficult for these partners to get along with each other. They are independent individuals who are not used to giving in to anyone. But cunning will help a woman learn to carefully manage her chosen one. Then these reliable and stable partners will be able to live together for many years.
  11. At first, love will arise between the Aquarius man and the Scorpio lady. This couple will be interested in communicating. Their sexual compatibility is excellent. But Aquarius and Scorpio have different views on family life. She will be annoyed by the frivolity of her partner, who every now and then finds new acquaintances and lovers. A serious union between these two signs is unlikely.
  12. A Pisces man will be able to make a good match for a Scorpio woman. These bonds will be very strong, but the leader in them will undoubtedly be a woman. However, this is only to the benefit of her chosen one, since she will inspire him to build a career and will not allow him to soar in the clouds. Two water signs will live together for many years.

Life with a Scorpio will never be boring, as every day will bring something new and interesting. If you are looking for a person for an ordinary calm and measured life, Scorpio is not the one you need, look for another representative of the horoscope. It is this zodiac sign that will determine the further outcome of the relationship, as well as the compatibility of the Scorpio man with other zodiac signs. However, before we talk about relationships with the opposite sex, let's learn a little more about the Scorpio sign itself.

General description of the zodiac sign

Usually, it is customary to talk about Scorpio, as a zodiac sign, as a negative character, which is due to the image from horoscopes and the presence of the sign in the ascendant. It's all because of his bad character. He does not accept a situation where someone takes over him and does not give him the opportunity to take control of the situation. But, despite the problematic character, Scorpio knows how to love. If true love lives in his heart, he is ready for change, changing himself and even the world around him. Such a man is a maximalist in life; if he let someone into his heart, then it is forever. Therefore, even after breaking up, former lovers will most likely remain good friends or acquaintances.

Women are attracted to Scorpio because in their eyes he looks like an alpha male and a real man, thanks to the influence of Mars, Moon and Venus. Such individuals are usually born in the year of the tiger, goat, pig, rat, snake, dragon, horse or rooster. If a Scorpio is born in the year of an animal such as an ox, monkey, rabbit or boar, his sexual energy will not be as strong. However, when choosing such a companion, you need to be aware that living with him is not easy, there are a lot of pitfalls that you will have to face.

You must completely dissolve in a man for your compatibility to be high.

Now is the time to find out what the relationship between Scorpio and other zodiac signs can be like, with whom compatibility will be high, and whose relationship will reach a dead end at the very beginning.

Union of Aries and Scorpio

  • Compatibility between partners in love relationships – 100 percent
  • Officially married – 90 percent

As can be understood from the above figures, the compatibility of an Aries woman and a Scorpio man is almost perfect and equal to 100%. There is a place for passion and emotions in their relationships, but they often take precedence over reason, overshadowing it. Passions boil in this union in all areas of life:

  • At work
  • In love
  • In sex

Although most often such a riot of emotions becomes disastrous for a couple, in this case everything is not so, everything is going well for them. Due to the fact that both partners have strong personalities, they will be able to build a relationship competently. Moreover, they have a certain romanticism that adds sensuality to the couple.

Taurus and Scorpio man couple

  • Compatibility of Taurus woman and Scorpio man in love – 100 percent
  • In an official marriage – 100 percent

Nothing better could have happened to Scorpio. A meeting with a Sagittarius girl was given to him by fate itself, and could radically change his attitude towards life as such. They are ideally compatible in all aspects, both in love and in sex. The Taurus woman knows how to smooth out her partner’s rough edges, preventing a minor misunderstanding from developing into a major conflict. She is not touched by her husband’s cynicism and sarcasm, and he, in turn, is ready to reconsider his style of command, since he sees that he no longer impresses anyone. Perhaps Taurus is the only zodiac sign that can not only get along with a Scorpio man, but also change him, making him more tame and pliable, like a small, affectionate kitten.

Gemini and Scorpio - what to expect from a couple

  • Compatibility in love relationships – 90%
  • Officially married – 40%

Most often, they fall in love with each other at the first meeting. The magnetism of the Scorpio man does its job, women flock to him like bees to sweet honey. There are problems in relationships that arise during the marriage stage. First of all, it is important for Scorpios to be the center of attention. He does not give his woman the opportunity to express herself; he will always control what she dresses and puts on. No normal woman will tolerate this, and the representative of the zodiac sign Gemini will do the same.

Although, if there is a significant age difference between the partners, the situation may be different. Experience will make Scorpio wiser, thereby strengthening his marriage.

What will a relationship with a cancer woman be like?

This is not the most successful combination among those that Scorpio can form. Despite the fact that such a marriage will not last long, the emotions that both partners will experience will be filled by both for a long time. They will be attracted to each other like two magnets. You will want to get to know each other more and more, delving into the depths of knowledge. Such euphoria can last a year or even more. But, unfortunately for everyone, the relationship will become obsolete, and both participants will simply become bored.

Compatibility of Scorpio with Leo

  • Compatibility in love relationships: 80%
  • Marriage compatibility: 60%

These two make a great couple if they are destined to meet and be together. However, relationships deteriorate exactly when it comes to marriage. Scorpio, like any man, is in no hurry to bind himself with a stamp in his passport, and will delay this moment until the last moment. The second problem is that neither the lioness nor the scorpio are accustomed to giving primacy to someone else other than themselves. For this reason, conflicts often occur in couples on this basis.

At the beginning, any quarrel can be smoothed over with sex, because in bed these two signs are more than just compatible. However, very soon this method ceases to be effective, and conflicts grow like a snowball. Although in general, it cannot be said that such a couple does not exist.

What does fate promise for Virgo and Scorpio in a relationship?

  • Compatibility of Scorpio man and Virgo woman in love: 80%
  • Marriage compatibility: 60%

If you try to find a relationship that resembles a safe haven, then the compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Scorpio man is the most accurate characteristic. In their couple, everything happens smoothly and clearly, as if there is a clear plan of action that they strictly adhere to. Of course, sooner or later some of them will get tired of living according to the hackneyed scenario. Then either Virgo or Scorpio will try to break the established system and will face a number of difficulties that neither of them has the desire to solve. The compatibility of a Scorpio man with a Virgo woman is not so high that she would struggle for a relationship. Although, every rule has a loophole for exception.

Libra and Scorpio man

This union cannot be called simple; too many problems fall on each of the participants. If you look at their relationship from the outside, everything works out great in bed; they never have problems with sex. But in everyday life they are faced with issues, the solution of which raises a lot of questions.

In addition, Libra is a sign with a big soul; it is important for such women to feel, and Scorpio is not always ready to give tenderness and trepidation. The compatibility of a Scorpio man and a Libra woman has a right to exist only for the reason that the girl is ready to give a lot and invest a lot in this relationship.

What awaits in the relationship between two Scorpios?

At first glance, it may seem that identical signs should have an excellent relationship, since they know their partner as they know themselves. But in life it turns out that the couple simply does not work out. In relation to Scorpios, the compatibility of such a couple is practically zero. The fact is that they are too original and independent to pay attention to anyone else besides themselves.

Sagittarius and Scorpio couple

Such unions are often found in everyday life, but, unfortunately, they do not last long due to the fact that according to the horoscope, the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with a Scorpio man is negligible. Even the fact that they have a lot in common does not make it possible to be together. In order for partners to appreciate each other, a certain time must pass. If they can endure and not break up until this time, which happens not so often, the couple can work out and even endure until marriage.

They do not live peacefully in marriage. The Sagittarius' jealousy is to blame; they cannot live a day without looking for reasons to be jealous of their husband towards someone of the opposite sex. It is worth saying that Scorpio usually does not give reason to doubt himself, since he is a faithful husband.

Capricorn and Scorpio couple

This is definitely the most ideal combination among all possible combinations; the compatibility of a Capricorn woman with a Scorpio man is ideal. Everything is going well in this couple. Relationships contain passion, understanding and romance. Most often, they fall in love with each other at the very beginning of the relationship, that is, it is love at first sight. They have a common goal - to build a long and strong relationship, in their marriage there will be children and most likely more than one, so they dote on children.

Aquarius with Scorpio - what will happen

Despite the stormy beginning of the relationship, most likely there will be no future in it; the compatibility of an Aquarius woman with a Scorpio man is no more than 50%. The reason for this is the Aquarius girl, her worldview and views on the world differ from the way a man sees it. Scorpio is a more down-to-earth sign, unlike Aquarius, who is accustomed to soaring in the clouds day and night.

It is the woman who most likely will not accept Scorpio's proposal for a more serious relationship. For example, when he wants to live together or have a common dog, the Aquarius woman will back up and simply run away from such a prospect.

Pisces couple with Scorpio

This relationship can be confidently called magical; the compatibility of a Pisces woman with a Scorpio man is high. It is not clear how such different people can be together. They can work in completely different fields, live in different parts of the city or even countries, but they always find a way to find each other and never be apart again. No matter how strange their couple may look, know that happiness lives there and these two are very comfortable together, nothing can stand in the way of their happiness.