Libra air or earth. What signs belong to the element of Fire? Fire Sign Compatibility

According to philosophical concepts, the elements of the zodiac signs are the basis of astrology; all phenomena and objects of the material world are a combination in different proportions of four Elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.

The four elements also explain much in traditional occult doctrine, this can be clearly seen when the elements are associated with the various "subtle bodies" or interpenetrating energy fields that are so often spoken of in this field.

"Surrounding the central reality are many vehicles or bodies - layers of consciousness that allow the individual to have interconnections with the many worlds or spheres of existence with which these vehicles are connected."

The elements are the energy-communicating forces of each of these bodies. Water is associated with the emotional or "astral" body, a type of consciousness dominated by intense aspirations, emotional reactions and overwhelming desires. The air element is associated with the mental or "causal" body and represents a type of consciousness attuned to the abstract thought patterns of the universal mind.

The earth symbolizes the physical body and attunement to the world of physical feelings and material forms. The fire element is associated with the etheric or vital body, which acts as a transducer of the energy of air and water to help support the functions of the physical body.

The “vital” body is closely related to the physical body and is the same as the “double etheric” energy field that is so often spoken of in parapsychological research.

Element of Fire in the horoscope

Key words: energy, activity, enthusiasm, idea.

Main qualities: warm and dry.
The element of Fire is the driving force behind all phenomena in the world, since in order for anything to happen, energy is needed. The most obvious representative of the element of Fire in our world is fire itself, flame or plasma. Although the flame, of course, also contains three other elements, we will not go into this now.

Zodiac signs related to the element of Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Expressed element of fire in the horoscope

He may like hot, spicy food, suffer from acute, inflammatory diseases, and have a high fever. At the emotional level, a fiery person is characterized by passion and ardor; he can warm his neighbor, but he can also burn him. His mind operates in ideas - that is, concentrated, compressed concepts - and if the idea is grasped, he does not need many words.

Where a fiery person is, something is sure to happen. His ideas, his energy do not allow either himself or those around him to remain passive.

Fire imbalance

With too little emphasis on fire signs the person will lack fiery energy and will likely have digestive problems. A lack of fire usually manifests itself as a lack of enthusiasm and a tendency to mistrust life itself. Often there is no joy in life, a person is deprived of faith and optimism.

He may lack confidence in his abilities, there is often a tendency to despondency and a lack of desire to meet the demands of life. Difficult situations and challenges often frighten these people, and any major challenge in life takes a very long time to overcome, as the residual psychological effects seem to persist long after the experience has reached its peak.

No fire almost always indicates a larger problem with the person's approach to life. Fiery energy can be stimulated by active physical exercise; it is highly recommended for people of this type. You should carefully monitor your diet, especially if a person also lacks the earth element, since then it is difficult for his digestion to cope with heavy food.

Everything, including exercise and eating habits, should be approached in moderation so that a person does not deplete his available energy. However, these people often have great patience, and a strong Mars or Sun accent can partly compensate for these shortcomings.

Too much fire accent is rarely perceived as a problem by a person until it is too late to do anything about it. This can manifest itself as "burning oneself out from the inside", leaving the person as an empty shell, especially in the case of alcohol or drug abuse. These people tend to be overactive, restless and overly concerned with making things happen.

Too much fire emphasis can also lead to problems in communicating with other people, as impulsiveness, self-centeredness and an unbridled desire to act immediately and at any cost can cause a very indifferent and rude approach to other people. (This may be balanced by a heavy emphasis on water or air in the chart.) H.E.O. Carter evaluates this fire imbalance in the following terms:

This force then becomes uncontrollable and causes those under its influence to be unbridled, restless, prone to intemperance and exaggeration, hot-tempered and restless, overly self-confident and self-indulgent. We get primitive traits, a marked tendency towards egoistic praise, conceit, vanity and a love of pomp and circumstance.

At their best, people with a strong fire attunement are highly entrepreneurial, often successfully starting and moving forward with new initiatives, projects and idealistic endeavors that require great dedication, courage and energy.

Earth element in the horoscope

Keywords: reality, practicality, thriftiness, materiality, solid, durable, stable, static, inert element, has a rigid structure; corresponds to a phlegmatic person

Main qualities: cold and dry.
The element of Earth is the flesh of the World, it is present wherever there is density, weight, materiality and, as an example, can be represented by the earth itself or stone. And in a broader sense - the solid state of matter. However, even a pure flame consists of hot gases that have a certain density and weight - which means that the flame also contains an admixture of the element of the Earth.

Zodiac signs related to the Earth element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Earth signs need physical comfort and material security (note the key word “need” - after all, all earth signs are feminine).

Earth imbalance

With too little emphasis on the earthly element there is no natural attunement to the physical world and the physical body. Such people may have their head in the clouds because they are not “grounded” by the immediate awareness of their dependence on material things such as food, money, shelter, etc. Such a person may often ignore the demands of survival in the material world and tend to struggle with “growing up” and adapting to harsh necessity until he is forced to do so by the demands of a reality that he chose to ignore.

This lack of contact with the material world and the physical dimension of reality can cause a person to feel completely out of place in this world, without reliable support or roots that can provide support in his attempts to express himself. Such a person often does not feel the ground under his feet, feels that he does not fit into any niche in the structure of society, and has problems finding a job that would bring him satisfaction.

This feeling of “not having a place in the world” often leads these people to seek experiences in other dimensions of life that seem more real to them, such as activity in the world of imagination or spiritual quests in order to once and for all transcend the limitations of the material world.

In other words, this lack of earth element emphasis may have some beneficial consequences, as the person does not recognize the limitations of what is possible in creative or spiritual pursuits. The imagination can become unlimited, and this can at times lead to fruitful results, if only a person has learned to recognize the basic requirements of earthly life.

Lack of emphasis on the earth element can also lead to neglect of the demands of the physical body. Physical needs seem secondary to these people, if they take them into account at all, so they often forget to eat regularly, exercise and rest.

They usually have rather poor skin tone, an indication that the life energy is not very active in nourishing the physical body, whereas people with a strong emphasis on the earth element often have oily skin of good tone and hue.

People with a lack of earth element emphasis can greatly benefit from consciously implementing a regular schedule into their lives, setting specific times for quiet meals, moderate exercise, and adequate rest. In other words, by consciously accepting the limitations of the physical world, they can master it and benefit from the sustaining power of the earth.

It may be helpful to mention here that while a person may lack the earth sign accent, strong Saturn aspects can in many ways negate the problematic side of this imbalance.

People with an excessive earth elemental emphasis tend to rely too much on things as they are or as they appear to be. There may be a narrowness of vision, a noticeable lack of imagination, an obsessive preoccupation with what “works” rather than with the ideals to which one should strive.

Former United States President Richard Nixon is a good example (with Virgo rising and Sun in Capricorn) of a person with an overemphasis on practical efficiency and material concerns at the expense of theoretical and ethical principles. Such people can easily lose perspective, the underlying meaning of their actions (unless this is balanced by sufficient emphasis on air).

Of course, people with a strong earth attunement will in most cases exemplify amazing strength and effectiveness and need to channel their energy into specific work that challenges them. However, the world of work and practical affairs often consumes their entire lives, which ultimately leads to them feeling a threat to their sense of self-worth in the event of any unexpected changes in professional activities.

These people are often characterized by a special cynicism and skepticism - qualities that inevitably arise in people who do not have an ideal or an inspiring idea that would give their lives meaning. A strong emphasis of Neptune, or to some extent Jupiter, can help a person channel his practicality in a way that allows him to eliminate the more negative qualities of this imbalance.

Air element in the horoscope

Keywords: circulation, communication, communication, information, interaction, conductivity, contacts; character type - sanguine.
Main qualities: heat and humidity.

We can say that the role of the element of Air in the world corresponds to the role of the nervous and circulatory systems in the body: Air connects, connects, transmits information, energy, matter from one point of the world to another, from where there is excess to where there is deficiency.

A bright representative of the Air element is the wind. It blows from where the atmospheric pressure is high to where it is low. It should also be noted that all substances in a gaseous state will to the greatest extent represent the element of Air.

Zodiac signs related to the element of Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Air signs strive for freedom of movement and self-expression (they are all masculine).

Air imbalance

People with too little air elemental accent in birth charts they rarely perceive this as a problem, since they are too involved in actions, feelings and material concerns to consider the meaning of their involvement. However, it is this lack of perception, this inability to reflect on life and on oneself that creates problems for such people.

They find it difficult to detach themselves from their actions, so they often find themselves saddled with involvements that were not sufficiently thought through in advance, or suffer from a lack of satisfaction in close relationships due to their inability to cooperate effectively with other people. The air element symbolizes the unifying property that allows a person to easily and quickly adapt to new ideas and different people.

People who lack this natural attunement have difficulty adapting to new ideas and people. This can lead to mistrust of people who appear too "intelligent." A good example of this type of person is Governor Wallace, whose birth chart emphasizes mainly fire and earth signs.

His political campaigns were characterized by constant criticism of "eggheaded intellectuals." In other words, people of this type often do not trust those who, in their opinion, think too much. Mercury's strong accent can compensate for this imbalance to some extent.

Air attunement indicates that a person can easily see things from a certain perspective, but people lacking this attunement find it difficult to gain the correct perspective on themselves and maintain an objective point of view. They tend not to analyze themselves (unless this is compensated by the strong Virgo accent) and are rarely distinguished by their ability to reason and clearly express their thoughts.

The nervous system of such people is sometimes weak, and the lack of ability to quickly adapt to new ideas can in some cases cause psychosomatic problems. People with a lack of air element accent may react intensely to ideas they cannot process (mentally and emotionally). Their physical reactions to inaccessible ideas or to new people shake them up to such an extent that they either become physically ill or burst into illogical reproaches in an attempt to eliminate the source of the threat.

People with too much air elemental accent have an overactive mind that needs to be directed and controlled. A person of this type, apparently, “lives in his head” and in the case of insufficient emphasis on the earth or fire elements, which could encourage him to realize his ideas, can become an amateur, satisfying his constant curiosity without much depth of understanding.

These people cannot do anything without first thinking about it, which in extreme cases can lead to paralysis of the will and serious psychological disorders. Their minds can become carried away by thought, sometimes leading them into a world of imagination and conceptual clarity, and sometimes into a sense of “reality” that has nothing to do with what is actually happening.

With appropriate mental discipline, this type of person can be an innovator in the world of thinking. (This is evidenced by the fact that among Nobel laureates there are more people with the Sun in air signs than in any other element.) He often has special abilities for coordinating the activities of large groups of people. A pronounced representative of the Air element is sociable, inquisitive, quick-witted, well understands the value of information and knows how to use information.

The most valuable thing in the world for him is knowledge. The more Air there is in the horoscope, the more intense the “information hunger” experienced by its owner. This hunger is satisfied with the help of books, newspapers, television shows, the Internet, and indeed any available sources of information. However, the Air person not only accumulates knowledge, but also loves to share it. He is light, open, prefers not to delve into emotional subtleties and maintain a somewhat detached attitude to what is happening.

Physically, a person of this type can be so out of touch with his body that he allows the mind to be carried away by flights of thought until he feels completely exhausted. The nervous system is very active and extremely sensitive, but such people deplete their nervous energy faster than others, since they use it more actively.

They need a quiet period of recuperation or meditation to allow the nervous system to recharge and keep the mind from dragging them into a state of mental exhaustion. Such people need to periodically change the “scenery” of regular work and household chores to allow the mind to get out of its habitual rut of worries, repetitive thoughts and endless plans.

Element of Water in the horoscope

Keywords: emotions, symbols, mystery, unification, synthesis, instability, instability, elusiveness; consciousness directed inwards;
corresponds to melancholic.
Basic qualities: cold and damp.

The element of Water is perhaps the most mysterious of the elements. After all, water is present everywhere in our world, but often in hidden form. Well, who, please tell me, would think that a person is 90 (or whatever?) percent water? Water is a unique liquid; it is capable of dissolving solids, absorbing gases and heat, and thus plays the role of a unifying, integrating factor in our world. In addition to water itself, representatives of the element of Water are all substances in a liquid state.

Zodiac signs related to the element of Water: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Water signs need emotional comfort and security (all of them are female).

Water imbalance

Too little emphasis on the water element may manifest as a wide range of psychological, emotional and physical problems. Most people with insufficient water attunement have great difficulty sharing the feelings of others with empathy and compassion, as well as getting in touch with their own feelings and emotional needs.

This does not mean that they always lack sensitivity, but they inevitably have problems addressing their own feelings. The world of emotions seems to them a foreign land with great dangers that are more likely to be painful than favorable. In extreme cases, such an imbalance can lead to cold, indifferent and heartless people.

These types of people lack empathy and rarely have good emotional connections with other people. They tend to dismiss other people's feelings as unimportant due to their inability to recognize in others what they cannot recognize in themselves. In their attempt to be emotionally independent, they often completely abandon their emotional nature, which can lead to a subconscious dependence on other people to express their feelings.

Insufficient emphasis on the water element also manifests itself as a natural distrust of intuitive understanding. In essence, the main emotional problem of these people is that they do not trust themselves at all, since they readily dismiss their feelings as an unimportant concern.

However, as Carl-Gustav Jung noted in his works, everything that is denied conscious access continues to influence a person in one way or another, but through subconscious processes. People with insufficient water accent very often resist all attempts of other people to pull them out of the emotional emptiness, while at the same time showing them with semi-conscious gestures their loneliness, fear or inner suffering.

People with such imbalances in their birth charts can achieve a degree of emotional stability by slowly allowing an endless reservoir of feelings to come to the surface, thus releasing the accumulated pain and suffering that they have denied for so long. They seem to have a fanatical fear of suffering, not realizing that their neglect of emotional needs will ensure that they experience more pain.

Weakly expressed element of Water manifests itself in insufficient imagination. Man operates with dry schemes and categories, and as a result, what he creates does not touch the mysterious depths of the human soul. He has a weak ability for synthesis - the same case when a person is unable to see the forest for the trees. He lacks intuition and is not particularly emotional.

At the physical level, lack of water always manifests itself as a rather serious physical disorder, usually due in large part to excess toxicity. The water element is a cleansing and healing energy, and people who lack it suffer from a slow poisoning caused by the simultaneous accumulation of emotional and physical waste.

Such toxic poisoning can manifest itself in an endless variety of symptoms, but the necessary therapy is usually the same for everyone: complete physical and emotional cleansing. Dr. Stone, whom we talked about earlier, stated in his lectures that 90-95% of physical problems are associated with the water element and, therefore, with the emotional side of human nature.

People in whom the water element does not act very effectively are especially prone to physical manifestations of the disease. The fact that water energy is a cleansing and healing force is evidenced by the predominance of water signs in the birth charts of most natural healers.

People with insufficient emphasis on the water element should take a careful approach to nutrition; they will benefit from periodic cleansing diets or moderate fasting. In other words, if these people consciously work to improve their cleansing function on an emotional and physical level, they can overcome many of these problems and avoid most of the serious disorders that such a toxic state ultimately leads to.

People with an excessive emphasis on the water element may feel that they are floating at the mercy of the waves on the open sea in a small boat without a rudder or sail, without oars or a compass. They are usually influenced by every blow of the wind, making them overly impressionable and at times at the mercy of emotional patterns over which they have no control.

People with this imbalance tend to be extremely sensitive to any experience, which can lead to very keen intuitions or overreactions to the slightest stimulus. If emotions are completely out of control and a person habitually functions in a state of fearful self-defense, then fears, negative reactions and timidity can easily deprive him of vitality.

The daily overwhelm of emotions eventually wears down any person, and the fact that these people often feel unable to cope with the stresses of communicating with the outside world often pushes them to withdraw into their inner lives or run away from life's challenges.

A person of the element of Water is distinguished by a rich, intense inner life, hidden from the view of others. He is usually thoughtful, romantic, emotional, imaginative, and intuitive. is interested in everything mysterious and enigmatic, in all life phenomena he sees, or at least intuitively feels, a hidden background.

His thinking is figurative, and the concepts with which he thinks cannot always be expressed in words. But he is able to imagine the most complex concepts in all details and colors. Even in adulthood, representatives of the element of Water remain partial to fairy tales, legends, and detective stories.

These people may be overwhelmed by emotions and conflicting feelings, a condition that usually occurs when they do not use their emotional sensitivity and empathy to actively care for others. At best, if this problem is overcome, they are able to develop emotional independence based on a rich inner life of complete dedication to an ideal.

People with an overemphasis on the water element are often gifted with a rich imagination and a natural attunement to spiritual and occult realities. Their (seemingly) absolute devotion to self-sacrifice is often sincere, but for some of them it is simply a mask hiding complete selfishness and a compulsive pattern of demanding that other people fill their inner emptiness.

It is impossible to understand this type of people unless one realizes that they are mainly driven by deep aspirations and doubts that they find difficult to identify. Until these aspirations are fully realized, these people cannot help but exhibit a rather compulsive pattern of behavior. And until these aspirations are recognized as the soul's desire for liberation and peace, a person cannot effectively use his greatest power.

People with an excessive water elemental accent more than in the case of imbalance of any other element, they are prone to extremes of behavior, so it is difficult to make generalizations that would be true for all people in this category. It is obvious to me that people with this combination in their birth charts have the potential to fully express the highest spiritual qualities: love, compassion, devotion and sympathetic help.

Professional astrologer - experience in astrological consulting since 2005. I teach natal, horary, prognostic astrology. Individual lessons on Skype. I conduct research and write articles. I manage accounts on social networks. Join us.

In conclusion, the video shows how the four primary elements, the four elements, are conveyed in music and dance:

Before we talk about belonging Zodiac signs to this or that elements, I would like to give an initial idea of ​​the elements themselves.

Many ancient philosophical teachings say that our world consists of two principles - male (active Yang) and female (passive Yin), and four primary elements (elements) - fire, air, water and earth. Moreover, the elements fire and air belong to the masculine principle, and water and earth – to the feminine.

If we present these ancient postulates in modern language, we get the following.
Firstly, any action in the world is either active or passive in nature. These are the very two “principles” that the ancients wrote about - active (male, Yang) and passive (female, Yin).
Secondly, any object has an internal environment and an external shell, through which it interacts with the outside world. An object can be internally active and externally passive. For example, when a person sits in deep thought, then outwardly he is inactive. But many processes take place inside it - the brain, heart, circulatory system, etc. work.
An example of the opposite situation (when an object is internally passive and externally active) could be a mirror. There is no movement within it, it is passive. But at the same time, the mirror reflects surrounding objects, that is, it is externally active.
There can be only four such options for the state of an object. These are the four elements of our world.

Element of Fire - internally and externally active (Yang + Yang). The element strives for its expansion and interacts with the outside world.
Air Element - internally active and externally passive (Yang + Yin). The element expands, but does not interact with the world.
Water Element - internally passive, externally active (Yin + Yang). The element does not have internal expansion, but there is interaction with the environment.
Earth element - internally and externally passive (Yin + Yin). The element lacks both expansion and interaction with the world.

Zodiac signs correlate with principles and elements as follows:

Male and female zodiac signs

Zodiac signs by element



a lion














Elemental Properties

Fire Release(plasma state of matter) - energy, strength, will, spirit.
Gives a person physical activity, enterprise, courage, frankness, independence, ambition, the ability to command and subordinate. But it brings hot temper, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, rudeness, harshness, and arrogance to the character.

Air Element(gaseous state of matter) - information, intelligence, mind.
Gives a person mental activity, mobility, observation, sincerity and openness, independence, sophistication. It also increases impressionability, nervousness, anxiety, amateurism, superficiality of judgment, inconstancy, and evasiveness.

Water Element(liquid state of matter) - feelings and emotions, psyche, soul.
Gives a person emotionality, romanticism, caring, sensitivity, diligence, hard work, responsibility, attention to detail. But it gives the character hysteria, subjectivism, pettiness, greed, jealousy, inconstancy of feelings, dependence of mood on the environment.

Earth Element(solid state of matter) - shape, structure, body.
Gives a person rationalism, constancy, reliability, conscientiousness, practicality, perseverance. But it adds slowness, dryness, coldness, indifference, callousness, and stinginess to the character.

Each element is most clearly manifested in the first sign of its series, such as the element of fire - in Aries. The second sign of the element - Leo, is no longer pure “fire” and has inconsistency. And the third sign - Sagittarius, partially passes into the next element, therefore it has some of its qualities.

Love compatibility can be assessed not only by the Zodiac Signs themselves, but also by their elements. This will be useful for those who are interested in more detailed information - after all, every nuance in feelings is important.

Many people prefer to find out their love compatibility before starting a relationship to save their precious time. Of course, situations cannot be ruled out when ideal couples break up, but this is already a human factor, because not everyone has been given the ability by the Universe to carefully preserve the gifts of Fate. There are also people who create strong and happy marriages, despite the lack of horoscope compatibility.

Air Sign Compatibility

Air is Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. These Zodiac Signs are characterized by some frivolity. This doesn't mean they will cheat all the time. It’s just that people born under the auspices of Air know what freedom is and value it above all else. Freedom does not prohibit marriage. This looseness is more of an emotional nature. When you hold back representatives of the air element, they begin to act contrary.

You don’t have to agree with them on everything and follow their lead—it’s enough to just understand them. Astrologers say that the best compatibility with air is Fire. However, lovers who represent the union of these elements must be extremely careful: the combination of fire and air can be explosive. This love will be passionate, but requires a lot of control if you want to get married and create a strong family. Great passion requires discretion.

Air and Earth- this is the ideal combination for starting a family. The emotional component in such relationships will be reduced, so separation is possible in the early stages. However, if lovers successfully overcome possible problems, they will create a truly happy union.

Air and Water They may also encounter many difficulties along the way, but such a marriage will make Air “sink”, adding caution and prudence to it.

Air with Air They will be good friends, but the family is unlikely to be strong. Frivolity in family life does not lead to good, so one of the lovers will have to change their principles and character for the sake of such love.

Water Sign Compatibility

From the very beginning of their adult lives, Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces are looking for a place for mental and physical peace. “Water” people want to find solid ground under their feet, but they cannot achieve this on their own. That is why they think about marriage and family from an early age. Their methods of testing a person's suitability for love and long-term relationships can be difficult and even cruel. They are incredibly demanding, not of themselves, but of others.

WITH Earth Water is easiest because water seeps into the soil and becomes one with it. Water Signs always respect and even admire Earth Signs, their perseverance, wisdom, patience, intelligence and beauty of soul. This is an ideal union for both some and others, but even here it is not without reservations. They consist in the fact that Water Signs, when they feel some firmament under their feet, begin to relax and change. This frightens those who belong to the Earth element. For Water, everything is cloudless and beautiful.

Water and Water- this is an explosive mixture. Can you imagine how two Scorpios would live together? These people are simply not made for each other, but not everything is so bad. Sometimes such families, on the contrary, become indestructible, successful and lucky, but this will require enormous work on both sides.

Water and Air They don’t go well together, but over time the connection strengthens. That is why the passion that flared up between two such people will last for decades.

And here Fire stewed with water. In the case of such love or marriage, it is better to give Leo, Sagittarius or Aries more freedom.

Fire Sign Compatibility

Oddly enough, Sagittarius, Leo and Aries go well with all other people under certain conditions. Fire is emotions and sensuality. In love, these qualities can be considered the main ones.

Air Signs are lucky talismans for Fire people. The main thing is to show them their importance to you. They need to feel that they are needed. If Fire Signs can do this, then they will be very lucky in life, not only in love, but also in their careers.

WITH By water It is better not to meet Fire if you do not know how to express your wishes and negotiate. It is better for Fire not to try to defeat the power of Water. Be restrained and build your strategy carefully.

Fire+Fire- this is something. Such unions almost never last long if there is no control in the relationship. It's like trying to control a car flying down Mount Everest.

Fire-Earth a union is exactly what can give two people happiness. If you learn something important from each other, you will never be apart. Do not ignore what the Earth Sign says, then even some of your antics will be forgiven.

Earth Sign Compatibility

Earth is fortitude. This is wisdom and incredible endurance. This is modesty, logic, kindness, as well as integrity, bordering on cruelty. These people do not like to be deceived or bossed around without their permission. They know how to admit mistakes, but hate groundless reproaches.

The Earth must control everything and be confident in the future. This desire is satisfied in union with By water. However, when it comes to marriage, Earth Signs stop - after all, their half was at first flexible, and then suddenly became different.

WITH By air Virgos, Capricorns and Taurus have exactly 50/50 chances. To Earth Signs, the frivolity of Air Signs often seems like stupidity and lack of principles. They don't tolerate this. A little control wouldn't hurt here.

Terrestrial+Earthly- this is true strength. The only thing that will suffer in this case is financial well-being. Such couples save and save and save, but cannot invest money correctly because they are constantly afraid of something. However, this is not such a strong minus.

The last ones we will talk about are Fiery legion. Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns can find them incredibly difficult to interact with. Here, unfortunately, everything will not depend on the Earth Signs. If Leos, Sagittarius and Aries can suppress their selfishness and discern the virtues of the Earth Signs, then this union will give both of them happiness.

May good luck in love accompany you, regardless of which element you were born under. Love is born from the ability to meet halfway. The stars and astrology will help you save your personal time if you are not ready to make concessions. If you are full of desire to find your true love, let her storm the barriers, fall down and fly up. Trials strengthen a family, so don't be afraid of them. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Elemental Power

The elements are one of the greatest manifestations of the forces of the World, the basis of the universe . They are everywhere and in everything - around and in the person himself. There are four of them - Air, Fire, Earth and Water. The fifth element unites and binds all the others, it is called Spirit or Ether. So, let's talk about each of the elements.

Air in nature – this is the wind, the sky, clouds, mountain peaks. The air also includes all kinds of birds that fly at great heights and build nests high above the ground. In man, air is represented by thinking, intellect, breathing and aura.

Our thoughts and ideas come out of thin air just like inspiration. Logic and theoretical science are functions of Air. People who are too busy thinking and fantasizing are often said to be flying in the clouds or torn off the ground.

The East is also associated with the air element. The Sun rises in the East, and therefore this side of the world is associated with the morning, with the beginning of a new thing, with spring. Of course, there are many views on the correspondence of the elements and cardinal directions, and each of them can be justified and accepted. It all depends on the magical tradition that is close to you. All our ideas and plans, our creativity and career begin with inspiration, which in turn feels like the sunrise: a bright beginning, full of promises and possibilities.

Air is an element directed outward . She, like all other elements, has both male and female manifestations, but due to its direction, it is conventionally called male.

Air symbols are the colors of the sky: yellow (considered the classic symbol of air in magic), white, blue, gray. Symbols of this element also include incense, feathers, bells, and fans. The graphic image is a triangle with its truncated vertex facing upward. Air creatures are sylphs. Zodiac air signs: Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

Fire in nature is fire itself . It is somewhat different from the other elements, since Air has the sky, Earth has forests, fields and mountains, Water has rivers, seas and oceans. Only fire does not have a natural “geographical location.” But that is why many peoples believed that the Gods themselves spoke to people through him. Fiery animals include large cats and salamanders.

In humans, Fire is represented by vital force, body temperature, electrical impulses, and will. Our desires, temperament, passion, impetuosity, ardor, are of a fiery nature. All ideas are taken out of thin air; to bring them to life requires fiery heat.

Fire can act as a transformative force: in it the old burns out and something completely new appears. Transformation through fire is sudden and total.

The South is associated with the fire element. This is midday, the hottest and lightest time of the day and summer, the hottest time of the year. Places where the element of Fire is more clearly manifested are deserts and volcanoes. Other "fire" natural objects are either fiery, like chili peppers, or brightly colored red and orange, like fire opals.

Like Air, Fire is conventionally called the male element. The colors of Fire are red (considered a classic symbol in magic), orange and yellow. Also symbols of this element include candles, charred pieces of wood, and a lamp. The graphic image is a triangle with its apex up. Fire creatures are salamanders. Fire zodiac signs: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius.

The earth in nature is first and foremost nature as such . The body of our mother Goddess consists of it. It is not for nothing that there is still an appeal to the Earth as a mother who feeds and protects. One way or another, it is present in everything, has the properties of fertility and hardness. Animals of the Earth include cattle, bear, wild boar, pig and goat.

In man, the Earth is represented by his body and appearance. The earth gives strength, stability, patience, pragmatism, realism and constancy.

The earth is connected with the West in the evening, in autumn. This is a kind of fading of the Force, its transition from an active to a passive state, this is the time to reap the fruits of labor. Here an unconditional connection arises with fertility, the material result of work.

Earth is conventionally called the feminine element; it, like Water, is directed inward. The symbols of the Earth are green (considered a classic symbol in magic), brown, black, brown. Also symbols of this element include stones, salt, and pieces of wood. The graphic image is a triangle with its truncated vertex facing down. The creatures of the Earth are gnomes. Earth zodiac signs: Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.

Water in nature is reservoirs . Since all bodies of water ebb and flow, there is a similarity between the Moon and Water. Thus, the elements of Water have many of the qualities of the Moon. In humans, water is represented as bodily fluids, emotions and the subconscious. People of water are not afraid of tears, they are prone to drama, they are generous with bright manifestations of emotions. Water can be deep, transparent and dark, and therefore is associated with mystery, bright feelings and dark melancholy. Water is reflected by marine inhabitants, plants and animals: dolphins, whales, corals, algae, etc.

Water is associated with the North, at night (at this time the Moon is best seen and its power is felt) and winter (winter is the time of year when there is most water in the form of snow and ice around us). If Air is an idea, Fire is a driving force, Earth is the time to collect fruits, then Water is the time when meanings and emotions are invested in the collected fruits. After all, it is in winter that we feel gratitude to ourselves and our loved ones for the prepared food supplies.

Water is conventionally called the feminine element. The symbols of Water are blue (considered a classic symbol in magic), sea green, and silver. Also symbols of this element include shells and bowls. The graphic image is a triangle with its vertex pointing down. Creatures of Water - undines. Water zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

The elements are quite closely connected with man and the world around him, and therefore with magic. To learn how to interact with the elements so that with their enormous power they help you in your rituals, you need to remember the following:

  • firstly, fruitful and long-term interaction with the Forces of the Elements is possible only if you treat them with respect;
  • secondly, if you want help or support from them, find the right words to call on them; be sure to thank him for the work done, and don’t forget to let him go after your magical performance is completed;
  • thirdly, treat them as individuals, and if you are worthy of their attention, they will help you.

And, of course, you need to practice, developing a connection with each of the Elements. But, in fact, it is easy, the main thing is desire.

Here is a small but very effective exercise that will help you establish contact with the element of Fire.

Light a candle, sit so that the flame of the candle is at eye level. Look closely at the fire, peer into it, keep your attention only on it. Mentally turn to the Fire with the words: “I greet you, Great Fire, I ask you to talk to me.” Just try to feel it.

It is a huge misconception to think that Higher powers or Spirits or any other creatures of the magical world are felt somehow differently than the rest of the world around us. Remember how you “tune in” to the person you interact with for the first time. The same mechanism is used here, you just need to allow yourself to do it.

So, after you greet the fire, ask it to show you the “yes” and “no” answers. Repeat your request several times to fully recognize and be convinced of what changes in the candle flame these answers will indicate. Most often, “yes” and “no” are the deviation of the candle flame to the right or left. But this is not a dogma; perhaps the fire will show you other meanings of these words. After this, you can ask questions and judge the answers by how the flame behaves.

The forces of the Elements are favorable to you, remember this.

Element fire. People born under fire signs have all the traits of their patron. Character – hot-tempered, hot. The mind is lively and quick-witted. Appearance – bright, artistic. You don’t like to think for a long time; you grasp everything on the fly. You are characterized by emotional impulses and impatience in everything. You tend to act without thinking or stopping.

Fire signs have an explosive temperament, they are very sexual, they have burning blood and a hot head, their feelings flare up like a fire in the forest.

Despite this, their temperamental, hot nature attracts people, they are always in the center of attention and dominate in any company.

Fortune favors fire signs, but if it turns away, then it is serious and for a long time.

Representatives of the fire and air signs of the zodiac will be your best friends and lovers. Fire will not extinguish fire, but air promotes combustion. Fire is difficult to combine with Water; water can evaporate and Fire can go out during interaction. Positive interactions are possible with the earth, however, the earth can extinguish the flame, and the fire can burn the earth.

Towards positive qualities nature of fire signs may include: optimism, cheerfulness, energy, courage, attractiveness, sociability, ability to quickly make decisions in difficult situations.

Negative qualities include: impatience, hot temper, superficiality, excessive self-confidence, stubbornness. You are often overly indifferent or passionate. You tend to flirt constantly, which can irritate your partners.

Each sign of the element of Fire burns in its own way. Aries constantly burn with the highest flame, this is the most fiery sign, its fire is unquenchable. Lions burn with an even and steady fire, their fire is even, equally strong, constant.

Lions not as impulsive as other signs of the element of Fire, they act consistently and firmly insist on their own.

Sagittarius They glow with the most intermittent fire, then flare up, then fade, and maybe lightning flashes. They get involved very quickly, become interested, but also quickly cool down and disappear from the horizon.

The best conditions for home living are spacious rooms filled with fresh air. A favorable condition would be the presence of an open fireplace with a real fire. It works best in cool rooms or outdoors - in parks, gardens, or on terraces or balconies; lack of air is detrimental to Fire.

The symbol and talisman of fire signs has become the salamander, which is not afraid of Fire, it can live in it. The spirit of the element of Fire attracts fortune and brings good luck in all endeavors.

ELEMENT AIR (zodiac sign: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Element air. Air signs of the Zodiac are very sociable, love to talk, and have a cheerful, cheerful character. They always act as some kind of interpreters of family relationships. They know how to write beautiful letters, but they prefer to communicate face-to-face or over the phone. They know how to control their emotions well.

Air signs are very smart, have harmonious logical thinking, and prefer coldness. Your signs are associated with the ability to think well and with a good imagination. Air and fire signs suit you in partnership. Good compatibility with both Water signs and Earth signs, if they are not afraid of the wind.

The advantages of air signs are good adaptability, objectivity in judgment, the desire and ability to help loved ones, the ability to work in a team, a great love of freedom, the ability to reason logically and impartially assess events.

The disadvantages are: excessive talkativeness, love of gossip, the ability for ambiguous actions, excessive coldness and prudence, a very willful character and sometimes dissolute behavior.

Libra sign is the most typical representative of the element of Air, literally its embodiment: detachment, deep calm and concentration characterize his behavior. They have the strongest gift of persuasion.

Aquarius represent still air. Representatives of this zodiac sign are constantly overwhelmed by various thoughts, they are constantly hatching some kind of plans, full of desire to free and make happy the whole world, which is unaware of it.

Twins- This is a symbol of changeable air, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes warm. Their condition changes instantly, they are able to charm with their intelligence, have great charm and, if necessary, know how to get away from troubles in the same ways.

The house of air signs should be located in a place open to all winds; fresh air is always necessary. If it is not possible to stay in such conditions, use air conditioning, it will help create the right atmosphere. If you work in the house, then position yourself near the window.

Your talisman and patron is Sylph, who lives in fields and gardens where there is a lot of air.

ELEMENT OF WATER (zodiac sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Signs of the element of Water characterized by such character traits as emotionality, variability, sensuality. They have highly developed intuition, they are able to act intuitively, based on the subconscious. They often perceive people at an associative level, they do not need to think deeply about events, their inner voice will allow them to make a quick and correct decision in any situation.

In some situations you experience a feeling of uncertainty and doubt, however, it is obvious and clear to those around you that you will find a way out of any situation, flowing around any obstacles like water in a mountain river.

You are very susceptible to the moods of the people around you. A stone thrown into the backwater of your soul will cause circles for several days.

The mood of water signs of the Zodiac is very changeable. They know how to take other people's troubles to heart. People around you recognize your supernatural intuition and tend to trust your premonitions and subconscious conclusions, which, as a rule, tend to come true.

The best partners and lovers for water signs will be representatives of the water element and representatives of earth signs. The element Earth, in its essence, can become a reliable container for the element Water. The worst relationship will be with fire signs, which are their antagonists; coexistence with air signs is possible, but it will be constantly accompanied by fog and clouds.

The advantages of water signs of the zodiac are: attractiveness, artistry, sensuality, idealism, intuition and the ability to penetrate the thoughts of loved ones.

Cons: irritability, quick mood swings, pessimism, impracticality and melodramatic character.

Cancer– the “hottest” sign of Water, the steam emanating from it. Changes in mood, artistry and pessimism, manifest themselves with the highest force.

Scorpios– they know how to restrain their desires, hide their thoughts, but with the help of intuition they manifest them at the most necessary moment. They have the ability to quickly move away, but at the same time they do not forgive other people’s mistakes.

Fish are a symbol of the element of water, they know how to bypass any problems and obstacles without entering into open confrontation. They have a colossal ability to gradually move forward, flooding the entire space, which certainly leads them to victory.

Home conditions: Water signs need water spaces. It is best to arrange your home near a lake, sea or ocean (near any body of water). Choose a quiet place to work. Advice - avoid noisy relatives and restless friends. A good view of the water space will promote mental productivity (you can use an aquarium in the interior).

The patroness of water signs is the mermaid (undine), she needs any body of water for her home, even an aquarium will do.

ELEMENT EARTH (zodiac sign: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

Element earth. Representatives of earth signs stand firmly on the ground. These are simple, everyday people, without ambitions, sky-high plans and projects. Their main credo is to be practical and correspond to reality. They do not tolerate flattery and lies - they themselves tell the truth “to your face” and demand the same from those around them.

You can only perceive material things: what you can touch, see and hear. Various fantasies and conjectures are not for you. You may be considered a down-to-earth person, but you will be the one people turn to for practical and utilitarian advice.

Representatives of earth signs perform actions while others chatter and think about them. You are able to perceive reality very seriously and deeply, without opening up and demonstrating how deeply and meaningfully you act, your pride does not allow any demonstration.

Almost any sign of the Zodiac can become your partners, friends and lovers. The most suitable signs will be the signs of the elements of Earth and Water. Related signs will bring fresh breath, and water signs will bring saturation with moisture, which always has a beneficial effect on the earth. Interaction with Fire is possible if you are not afraid of the playfulness and fun of the representatives of these signs. Air signs can bring hurricanes or storms, but the power of the Earth is ready to endure them, and sometimes not even notice them.

Your advantages are: reliability, practicality, ability to work, the ability to provide support at the right time and not wait for gifts from fate. You are ready to earn everything on your own.

Your disadvantages are: pessimism, boringness, callousness and frequent manifestations of cruelty to yourself and your loved ones.

Capricorns show the most “earthly” qualities in all their actions and intentions. They never get into the forefront of action, do not reveal their strength, act secretly and without any demonstration of their intentions.

Taurus- the embodiment of the earth's firmament and strength. Their plans and intentions are unshakable. But if they are pushed to the limit, a volcanic explosion may occur.

Virgo- the personification of the tranquility of the Earth, they are able to move mountains without disturbing the dust, their work is not accompanied by dust and always achieves the goal.

Home conditions - the harder the ground, the better. Your element is vegetable gardens, orchards, parks. In urban environments, greenhouses and flower boxes will do. A reliable, calm and stable job is best suited for you. The work area should be in perfect order and have many places for various things - every little thing has its place.

The talisman of the earth element is the gnome, who guards and protects all the riches of the Earth. Usually, gnomes live underground in gardens, parks, orchards and fields, but if you do not have such conditions, get a flower pot or box for your patron, and he will be pleased.