Host of program 100500. Maxim Golopolosov - biography, photo, personal life, height, weight

100500 is a well-known weekly Internet program, which today is very popular among young people in Russia and Ukraine. The founder, author, and one and only host of this show is Maxim Golopolosov, a Russian popular blogger and the constant face of the Perets channel.

Where does Max 100500 live and his life before the project

Today's famous personality Maxim Golopolosov was born on November 1, 1989. When asked where Max 100500 lives and in which specific city he was born, all Internet resources give the same answer - in the large metropolis of Moscow. The future presenter studied at one of the Moscow schools, earning only excellent grades for nine years, after which he chose to study as a cook, and then as an English translator. Even before the project, Max had to work for one year as a cook and courier in a local company. Thanks to their passion for music, Max 100500 and his childhood friends decided to create a pop group called 2nd Season. As a teenager, Maxim had already firmly formed his negative opinion about smoking, alcohol and drugs. Favorite musical groups of the author of the famous TV project: The Offspring, Sum 41, 2ndSeason, Blink 182 and others.

Project “+100500”

The idea to create a project called “+100500” came to Max after watching a video clip of an American entertainment show “=3”, led by TV presenter Ray William Johnson. The first episodes of the now famous show were filmed with a neighbor's friend's camera, it was placed on books that were found at home, and two lamps without shades were used as light. After the release of the first series of “+100500” on the Internet, Maxim Golopolosov began to be recognized on the streets; his personally tailored and constructed videos gained unexpected momentum, gained popularity and success. Further, extraordinary videos for Russia and Ukraine began to delight the Internet viewer with the release of new episodes weekly. It was from this moment that Internet resources began to be replenished daily with viewer questions of the following type: “Who is Maxim Golopolosov?”, “Does Maxim Golopolosov have a girlfriend?”, “Where does Max 100500 live?” etc.

Television project “+100500”

The incredible success and popularity of the project created by Max pleased the producers of the Perets TV channel. Starting from October 23, 2011, TV viewers and fans of Golopolosov can contemplate and admire new videos “+100500” on the channel’s website at 23.00. The broadcast lasts no more than 20 minutes and is slightly different from the Internet version. Now, unlike the Internet project, where swearing was a strong point and made the viewer laugh, the television project comes out with censorship and “beeps” any profanity from Maxim’s lips, in addition to this video, which is used in the television show, is taken from previously released episodes. Many people who are familiar with the work of the author of “+100500” say that due to the transition of the project to television, its popularity has sharply decreased, and the viewer has ceased to perceive Max as an out-of-touch and truly cheerful person. Now the questions “Where does Max 100500 live?” and “Does he have a lady love?” can be found less and less often on Internet resources.

Awards, interviews and the first acting experience of Max Golopolosov

Max +100500 today has two truly deserving awards, one of them is the “Runet Award 2011”, and the second was received as part of the famous TV show “Big Difference”. In addition, Max’s popularity is evidenced by his participation in an interview on the TNT channel and participation in the program “Let Them Talk.” And, importantly, in 2014, the film “Fast Moscow-Russia” was released in Russia and Ukraine with the participation of Sergei Svetlakov and Maxim Golopolosov. Now let’s hope that the questions “Where does Max 100500 live - address?”, “Who does +100500 build relationships with?” will fill Internet resources more and more often, thereby returning the artist popularity and confidence in further work.

Maxim Golopolosov is a popular Russian video blogger. He was born on November 1 (Scorpio according to the horoscope) 1989 in Moscow (Russia). His height is about 182 centimeters, and his weight reaches 70 kilograms.

Maxim was born and raised in a fairly ordinary family. His father worked at a factory during the birth of his son, and his mother was a seamstress at a knitting factory. True, after Maxim’s birth, his mother decides to change her occupation and gets a job as a teacher in a children’s school. Maxim himself studied very diligently at school, but did not excel. In the ninth grade, he comes to the conclusion that studying at school is not his thing at all and it’s not worth spending another two years on it.

Thus, he enters a vocational school at the culinary department, but subsequently realizes that cooking is not his thing. Fortunately, the parents persuaded their son to stay and get a diploma. After graduating from a vocational school, he works in his specialty for some time, and later decides to enter the State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. True, after a while he left the university for a career as a blogger.

Creative career

After leaving the university, Maxim decides to devote himself to creativity and forms his own musical group called “2ND Season”, which played in the punk rock style that Maxim liked so much as a teenager. In addition, he also worked as a courier. True, after some period of time Maxim finds something completely close to his spirit.

One day, while looking at various posts on the Internet, Maxim comes across a video of an American blogger who was jokingly commenting on people’s videos. Thus, Maxim decides to create a Russian analogue and encourages his friends to do so. So, after borrowing a camera from his neighbors, using a stack of books as a tripod, and hanging a leopard print blanket behind him, Maxim releases his first video script, which he wrote himself.

The audience liked this video so much that in a short time they were able to earn a lot of views. To date, their channel is viewed by about nine million weekly. In addition, their show is broadcast on the Pepper channel. On top of that, Maxim creates the portal “CorambaTV”, which broadcasts a variety of entertainment programs.


In 2012, he began dating fashion model Anastasia Polyakova, but after two years of relationship they decided to break up. Then there was a short affair with colleague Maria May. To date, there is no information about the blogger’s personal life.


Maxim Golopolosov (better known as Max “+100500”) was born on November 1, 1989 in Moscow. At school he was an exemplary student and was able to finish nine grades with honors. However, after this, Maxim decided to enter a vocational school and become a cook. As a result, he successfully implemented this plan, but worked in this specialty for only a year. Then the future blogger decided to get a higher education and entered a local Moscow university.


Max has repeatedly said that he is a big music lover. He gives his main preference to pop-punk, thanks to which he once even decided to form his own group, called 2ndSeason. Golopolosov himself played the guitar and at the same time was the main vocalist. The group's music was created under the strong influence of popular Western groups such as Blink 182, Sum 41, The Offspring, etc. Thanks to the talent of young musicians, the band quickly gained popularity among fans of the genre. 2ndSeason easily filled small Moscow venues even before Max became famous as a blogger. Subsequently, the group recorded a soundtrack, which you can regularly hear in episodes of the show “+100500”.

Carier start

Despite having a good education and diploma, Max began with a modest position as a courier. He was forced to deliver products throughout the Russian capital from morning to evening for a fairly modest salary. Then he had no idea that real glory would soon fall on him, which would make him one of the most popular people on the Russian Internet.

Create a channel

One day Golopolosov learned about how popular various bloggers from YouTube and the most ordinary amateur reviewers were in America. Anyone could create their own channel and upload videos. Max immediately became eager to try himself in this field. And he was not at all embarrassed by the fact that in our country bloggers were not yet particularly popular with viewers. He decided to take as a reference the popular foreign show “=3”, in which the host reviewed the funniest Internet videos of the last week. The reviews were full of humor, irony and excellent sketches.

The aspiring blogger wrote the script for his first episode in just a few minutes. Immediately after this, he called his friends to film everything on a video camera. As a result, the issue was ready and posted online. Few expected that it would be such a stunning success with viewers. The number of views and likes grew every day, which ultimately forced Max to continue his activities. In just a few months, he became the most popular blogger on the Runet and took a leading position in the number of subscribers.

Features of the show “+100500”

A distinctive feature of this popular Internet show was its length. The length of the episodes does not even exceed five minutes. However, this is enough for Max to make the viewer laugh to tears. In his releases, he did not mince words and often crossed the line. But all this only increased the popularity of the channel. The episodes consisted of reviews of several funny Internet videos that appeared on the Internet over the past week. The reviews themselves were filmed against the backdrop of a leopard-print carpet, an integral attribute of the show.

Creation of the Karamba TV website

Gradually, Max realized that he needed to expand the boundaries of his creativity and reach a new level. It was during this period of time that he met producer Mikhail Orlov, who invited him to create his own Internet resource. As a result, one of the most popular entertainment sites was born, called Karamba TV. Subsequently, videos of most of the country's leading bloggers began to be published on this site.

Transition to television format

At the end of 2011, it became known that the show “+100500” was leaving the Internet and moving to television. For Max, this was a serious step forward, but many fans took this information negatively. This is primarily due to a major change in the show's format. In addition to the fact that profanity and vulgar humor were completely removed from the episodes, they began to be fifteen minutes longer and seemed too drawn out. The show still airs on the Peretz TV channel on weekends. But Max’s former popularity has long since faded away.

Participation in other shows

Among other things, the blogger once took part in a popular Russian show called “Let Them Talk.” But this performance by Max can hardly be called successful. Most of his lines were eventually cut from the air due to censorship. He also took part in the show “Big Difference”.

Other activities

In addition to “+100500”, Maxim has other popular projects. His show MoranDays, in which he talks about his trips to other countries, is quite successful. At the moment there are already more than a million subscribers on this channel.

Personal life

According to Max himself, he did not have a serious relationship with girls for quite a long time. But everything changed after he met Nastya Polyakova. They have been together for several years and are happy in their relationship. According to Anastasia herself, she is not a fan of his Internet and TV activities. She is more sympathetic to Max's musical career. Poyalkova is a fairly successful model and also a host in the “Karaoke Killer” program.

  • Max is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. He is categorically against drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • In 2011, false information about Max's tragic death appeared on the Internet. However, this news turned out to be the most common canard and was soon refuted.
  • Despite his wild popularity, in life Max remains a more than modest person, as can be seen from his rare interviews on television.
  • Despite the fact that the peak of popularity of the show “+100500” has long passed, the channel is still one of the leaders in terms of the number of subscribers and views. According to these indicators, he currently ranks third.
  • He has repeatedly received various awards related to his Internet activities. In particular, he is the winner of the “Startup of the Year” and “Hero of the Runet” awards.

Maxim Golopolosov was born in Moscow, into a family of ordinary workers. His father worked as a cable solder at a factory, and later at a service center for one of the Internet providers. At the time of her son’s birth, the mother was a seamstress at a knitting factory, but after maternity leave she did not return there, but got a job as a teacher in a preschool institution. In high school, Maxim studied well, but was never an excellent student. As a teenager, I became interested in modern music, especially punk rock.

After graduating from 9th grade, the young man decided not to continue his studies at school, so he entered a culinary school, where he began to study the art of cooking. Cooking was not given to Maxim; he soon realized that he had made a mistake by associating himself with the kitchen. Nevertheless, thanks to the insistence of his parents, he managed to get a diploma, although, according to him, he never learned to cook. After college, Golopolosov devoted about a year to work, and then entered the Moscow Pedagogical State University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Maxim demonstrated a good level of English thanks to the fact that for several years he had been watching various television series, sitcoms and reality shows on the Internet with the original audio track without translation. But he never graduated from university, abandoning it for a career as a video blogger on the YouTube Internet channel. During my student years, together with my friends, I organized the musical group “2ND Season”, which performed its own songs in the punk rock style. He also worked as a delivery boy for a courier service.


One day, while wandering the Internet, Maxim Golopolosov accidentally came across videos of the show “Equals Three” by American comedy blogger Ray William Johnson, in which he comments on various videos in a humorous manner. Maxim plans to create a domestic analogue of such a show and, after consulting with friends, immediately writes a script for the debut episode. To record, he borrows a video camera from his neighbors, uses a stack of books placed on a printer instead of a tripod, uses a table lamp without a shade instead of lighting equipment, and uses an ordinary leopard-print sofa blanket as a background.

Golopolosov calls his Internet show “+100500” (“plus one hundred and five hundred”), using a slang term widely used on social networks and forums that means complete agreement. The first episode consisted of three videos, which were commented on by the presenter in a humorous manner and using openly obscene language. Subsequently, the number of videos was increased. Maxim chose the music of his own group “2ND Season” as the soundtrack for the show.

Maxim began to post the results on the Internet portal YouTube under the nickname AdamThomasMoran. The popularity of the channel is enormous. To date, the debut episode has been viewed by 8 million viewers. In total, the channel gathers an audience of about 9 million weekly, the total number of views of the AdamThomasMoran video channel exceeds 650 million, taking into account the counter reset in April 2012.

In the viewing ranking, Max Golopolosov’s blog ranks 3rd among all Russian-language channels and 1st in terms of the number of views in the “Comedians” category. In total, starting from August 2010, 350 episodes of the show “+100500” were released.

The blogger also created his own video portal CarambaTV, which broadcasts not only the now famous program “+100500” in Russian and English, but also the video blogs “BadComedian”, “Moran Days”, “Not a word about politics”, “Seryozha, play!” and “Radio MANGO”, the auto show “Rybakin Rules”, the culinary show “Eat TV”, the animated series “Did You Know?”, the football show “Offside”, as well as many other entertainment programs and educational shows.

For the creation of this portal, Maxim Golopolosov was awarded the “Runet Prize 2011” in the “Startup of the Year” category.

A television

In September 2011, the television channel “Peretz” invited Maxim Golopolosov with the program “+100500” on its air. On television, the program runs for 20 minutes and is a compilation of the most popular Internet videos. But new programs edited specifically for television are also being created. At first, obscene language on air was drowned out by a standard “beeping” sound, and a “Black Mark” with the image of the CarambaTV website logo appeared on the presenter’s lips.

But since the fall of 2012, profanity has completely disappeared from the television version of the program. In 2013, for some time he hosted the “Karaoke Killer” program on the “U” TV channel. Since the fall of 2014, the Perets channel launched a new entertainment project, “Heroes of the Internet,” in which Maxim Golopolosov became one of the three presenters. The Internet star also starred in the comedy shows “Big Difference” and “Comedy Club” as a guest.

Personal life

In 2012, at one of his friends’ parties, Maxim Golopolosov met young fashion model Anastasia Polyakova. At the girl’s initiative, they started dating. It is interesting that Nastya did not watch the video blogger’s humorous programs.

The young people were together for a little over 2 years, after which they separated, remaining friends. Nevertheless, for Maxim this relationship became the longest in his life. He also had a fleeting romantic relationship with his colleague.