“Russian Planet” recalls the key milestones in the work of the great operatic baritone. Fatal tumor

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 55 after a long battle with brain cancer. About the tumor Opera singer I found out in the fall of 2015 and almost immediately began treatment..

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died of brain cancer/Photo: globallook

55-year-old Dmitry Hvorostovsky fought brain cancer for two years, but, unfortunately, the disease turned out to be stronger. The sad news about the artist’s death was reported by Dmitry Malikov on his Twitter page. “Dmitry Hvorostovsky has died,” he wrote. Numerous fans, friends and colleagues mourn and express condolences to Dmitry’s family in in social networks. Now it's hard to believe that talented artist is no longer among us, because many until the last hoped that Hvorostovsky would win, cope, and pull through. He learned about the terrible diagnosis two years ago. He didn’t keep silent, he told the fans everything as it is.

“Due to a progressing illness, I canceled one event, a second, a third, I didn’t want any rumors to spread, empty speculation began, and I declared everything as it is. This was a completely logical step on my part. Probably, the action is not very typical, but everyone chooses for themselves. It's easier for me to live this way. In any case, I would have to give comments later and explain something. Why not say it right away, thereby trying to close the topic? I’m not used to lying and misleading people,” the opera singer said in an interview with TASS as part of the “First Persons” project.

Having learned about the disease, Hvorostovsky underwent several examinations at leading clinics in Russia, America and England. Doctors prescribed the artist a long course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In the same interview, Dmitry said that the treatment was very difficult for him: his health was failing, his hair was falling out, he was weak. He has to, but he does not intend to give up.

There were periods when the illness subsided and Hvorostovsky happily went on stage. So, during the summer of this year, the audience greeted their favorite artist with deafening applause. After the singer could not find the strength to perform an encore, he burst into tears, and some spectators cried along with their idol. During the concert, Dmitry often put his hand to his heart, making it clear that this meeting was very dear to him.

“I thank you all for such an award, for your respect. My performances make me move on, move forward,” the artist admitted then. Little did he know then that this performance would be his last in his career.

All this time, Hvorostovsky’s family and friends were with him. His wife Florence supported her husband not only at home in London, but also on tour. She often published his photographs and touching posts on social networks wishing him strength and health. Opera diva Anna Netrebko, for example, performed at one of the concerts wearing a T-shirt with a portrait of Dmitry in his support. Even ex-wife, having forgotten past grievances, called the opera singer with wishes for a speedy recovery.

In the last few months. He canceled a concert in Moscow, scheduled for September 26, in order to continue treatment, but, unfortunately, the illness turned out to be stronger.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk on October 17, 1962 in a house where there was rarely silence. The collection of his father, a chemical engineer who could not imagine his existence without music, included the rarest records of Enrico Caruso and Maria Callas, Titto Gobbi and, of course, recordings of the Russian genius Fyodor Chaliapin, which in those years cost a fortune.

As soon as he was born, Dmitry Hvorostovsky found himself immersed in a charming atmosphere. One of the people closest to him played excellent music on the piano and sang - the one who shaped the personality of a musician in him. We are talking about the father, Alexander Stepanovich, who instilled in his son a love of beauty and, above all, music and singing.

Parents of D. Hvorostovsky. Early 60s...

And little Dima began to sing. He did this, shocking his parents, when he was barely 4 years old. The father was at first taken aback, and then carefully invited the baby to the family heirloom - the piano, showing him the simplest chords...

Dmitry looked at this black and white palette of keys, endless as life, for a long time, and then... carefully and accurately repeated the chord.

Doors in music school were open! And his teachers, captivated by the kid’s talent, saw in him more likely the future Mozart than the young Soviet Chaliapin.

As often happens with truly gifted people, success in music school was strikingly different from success in general education school. The great baritone recalled school years reluctantly.

But then it rang last call and the young man was faced with the question of choosing a profession!

He was destined to enter the Krasnoyarsk School of Arts - the regional Mecca, from whose walls many wonderful musicians and singers emerged, but - despite everything! – Dmitry... took the documents to the pedagogical school, where he mastered the specialty of a music teacher.

Those were the 70s, when the Beatles had already died out, and there was a craze for hard rock, which young Hvorostovsky also became imbued with, organizing performances as part of one of the “underground” rock groups.

However, the “difficult period of hard rock” did not last very long in his life. Realizing that his calling would be classical music, Hvorostovsky entered the vocal department, where the same thing happened fateful meeting with teacher Ekaterina Konstantinovna Ioffel, a legend of Soviet and Russian opera, who gave a “start in life” to more than a hundred opera singers. One of them was her most famous and talented student, Dima Hvorostovsky.

Like Dmitry Alexandrovich, Ekaterina Konstantinovna passed away in 2017, being almost 40 years older than her student.

In his native Krasnoyarsk, on the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theater, Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s professional start took place. To those who heard this heartfelt - causing awe, shock, trembling! - baritone, it was quite obvious that the owner of this magnificent voice would not stay in the outback.

Both Moscow and Leningrad will not be enough for him. After all, Dmitry Hvorostovsky (which, of course, he could not have guessed in those years) would become a figure of world significance. In the meantime, the artistic management of the Krasnoyarsk Opera will provide the young specialist with an opportunity that is rarely given to any beginner opera singers.

His baritone will sound in almost all significant productions 1985-1990. In Krasnoyarsk he will perform the main opera parts in “The Queen of Spades” and “Faust”, “Eugene Onegin” and “La Traviata”, “Pagliacci”, “Iolanta”.

Just two years after the start professional career he will become not just a winner, but a triumphant of the All-Union Vocal Competition named after M. Glinka.

Its leaders knew and could not help but foresee that reaching the level of the all-Union competition would mark the beginning of a completely different turn in the career of the gifted young singer. But even they could not imagine that just a year later, captivated by Hvorostovsky’s voice, spectators at the best venues in Europe would applaud.

With the part of Yeletsky, he will perform brilliantly on the stage of the opera house in Nice, and the luminaries of the international competition in Toulouse will be so impressed by the performance Soviet singer that without any hesitation they would give him the Grand Prix.

What is the phenomenon of Dmitry Hvorostovsky? He captivated not only with his unique voice, but also with his special manner of performance, where the deepest penetration was combined with genuine masculinity and beauty. A beautifully built young man with a piercing ashy shock of hair, dressed in a perfectly fitting tuxedo, was doomed to worldwide recognition and success.

There were no closed scenes for Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Having lived his life outside of time and space, being, thanks to a talent sent from above, beyond any political conflicts, he sang on the stage of Milan's La Scala. He was idolized by pragmatic Americans after a resoundingly successful performance at the Metropolitan Opera; he conquered Covent Garden, the legendary royal theater in London.

And, of course, he was always loved, always appreciated in his homeland, in Russia, where he was eagerly awaited in his native Krasnoyarsk and in other cities. Tickets for Hvorostovsky sold out in the first days of sales! In Moscow, not only the doors of the Kremlin Palace were open to him.

Remember! After all, it was Dmitry Hvorostovsky who was the first to give a concert on Red Square on the eve of his grandiose all-Russian tour. Can you give an example of a speech by at least one Russian artist, which would be broadcast in 25 (twenty-five!) countries at once?

I don't remember something. Was Hvorostovsky happy in family life? Only he himself could answer this question, but if you cross this line and invade the sphere where the intimate, personal begins, then his life could be compared to a dramatic ups and downs, where, as you know, there is happiness, but, at times, you have to take a sip of grief.

Back in 1989, he became the husband of the ballerina of the Krasnoyarsk Theater Svetlana Ivanova, whose child Dmitry accepted and loved as his own.

Don't do this... Believe me, good women men never leave,” Ekaterina Konstantinovna Ioffel, his teacher, tried to reach him.

But he already loved, and he loved as if he was singing, soulfully and heartily. But, unfortunately, not everyone could appreciate it. Svetlana couldn’t... they broke up, they broke up on bad terms, after 15 years of living together, having overcome - it would seem! – all points of return to separation.

Dmitry Alexandrovich was very upset by the betrayal, as well as the forced separation from the twins dear to his heart - Sashenka and Daniil.

He left, giving his now ex-wife what she demanded before breaking up, and found himself in the abyss of the deepest depression, in a kind of black tunnel from which there seemed to be no way out...

Thus ended this beautiful, slightly strange marriage. And now it seems that he sincerely loved, and Svetlana simply allowed herself to be loved by a man whom millions of people admired all over the world.

Dmitry will survive Svetlana by only a year and a half. She will pass away in 2016. Cause of death? Acute meningitis... sepsis. Is it a coincidence?

Years will pass, and Florence will appear - a woman who will help bring back to Hvorostovsky’s life the colors that were only at first glance irretrievably lost. And again, children's laughter will delight Dmitry, returning from a lifelong tour.

Maxim, who was born in 2003, will rejoice at the return of his father, as well as Ninochka, who appeared in star couple four years later.

Confusion and melancholy will overwhelm you legendary singer again at the beginning of 2015, when he felt painfully weak, he realized that the attacks of dizziness were not at all a consequence of fatigue caused by continuous exhausting tours.

The dazzling light of the spotlights, these rays of glory that shone upon him all his life, will suddenly go out overnight - right at one of his performances! - as a result of temporary loss of vision... He will not shut up, his voice will not waver, Hvorostovsky will cope with internal panic and... will continue to sing in the darkness.

Having given a crushing battle to his illness, fighting with all possible means, including yoga, with the pain that was caused by deadly chemotherapy, Dmitry Hvorostovsky lived for another two and a half years. Only in the most extreme situations did he refuse to perform. The “most extreme” were those periods when it was necessary to undergo another course of chemotherapy...

He will once again return to his native Krasnoyarsk, to where it all began, shortly before his death. He will return to, overcoming weakness and pain, go on stage and bow deeply to the spectators of those places where the amazing began - but whatever! - a fantastic aria that lasts a lifetime.

Many of those who left auditorium they will cry. People will see not only their favorite artist, the greatest opera singer of our time, but also the results of his desperate struggle, in which, unfortunately, the disease began to win.

This fall, Dmitry Hvorostovsky had the opportunity to read his own obituary. Our colleague from a respected federal publication hastened to report his death without checking the information...

Until the very end, we believed that a miracle would happen, that people’s love, which can also work miracles, would not allow him to leave the way Alexander Abdulov, Mikhail Zadornov and many other wonderful Russian artists died, carried away by the monstrous oncology pandemic.

But it didn't happen. And today the online publication “Russian Planet” deeply mourns along with those who now still refuse to believe that Dmitry Alexandrovich is no longer with us.

In contact with


The famous Russian opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky is alive. His relatives and colleagues spoke about this on Wednesday morning in response to rumors spreading on the Internet about his sudden death.

At approximately one o'clock in the morning, news of the singer's death appeared on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website. As the publication reported, Hvorostovsky was never able to cope with serious illness- brain tumor. The singer was diagnosed back in 2015.

Almost all media quoted the website kp.ru.

In addition, after some time, the message about the singer’s death was duplicated on her Twitter page by Federation Council member Elena Mizulina.

“Dmitry Hvorostovsky left... Even the realization that there was a person and not is scary. Great tragedy", she noted.

“Sincere condolences to the family and friends,” the senator wrote, adding to the publication a video recording of the song “Cranes.” – One of my favorite songs performed by him forever in my memory. Great singer our great Russia..."

Very quickly, information about the singer’s death was refuted.

His director, Mark Hildrew, was the first to announce that Hvorostovsky was alive. “This is completely untrue! He is alive and at home,” the director said.

She also reported that these rumors were unreliable Opera singer Khibla Gerzmava. “He's alive! Incorrect information! Lord God! What’s happening to journalists?” she noted on her Instagram page.

Finally, the artist’s wife Florence herself reported that everything was fine with Hvorostovsky.

“My husband is fine and sleeping happily next to me! Damn people who write such things!” - she emphasized on her Facebook.

After refuting information appeared, Mizulina deleted her previous tweets. “Like everyone else, I reacted to the publication of KP and many other media outlets. Let's hope that this information is truly unreliable. God willing,” she noted. - I agree with Hvorostovsky’s wife. The media are obliged to double-check the information they receive. Especially on such sensitive topics.”

On official page Hvorostovsky also appeared on Facebook small message that the artist is alive and at home.

“Contrary to several erroneous reports in the Russian media, Dmitry is alive and resting at home. He is looking forward to visiting his parents in London this weekend and celebrating his birthday with them,” the post said.

Hvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, where he received his education at the A. M. Gorky Pedagogical School and the Institute of Arts.

From 1985 to 1990, the singer was a soloist in Krasnoyarsk State Theater opera and ballet.

In 1989 he won the International competition opera singers in Cardiff, after which he began to receive invitations from the legendary opera houses of the world, including - Royal Theater Covent Garden in London, La Scala in Milan, Metropolitan Opera in New York, Mariinskii Opera House St. Petersburg, as well as the capital's theater " New Opera" In 1994, the artist moved permanently to London.

In 2015, it turned out that Hvorostovsky was seriously ill. In this regard, he was forced to cancel a number of performances.

Hvorostovsky himself noted in an interview that “before his illness, he seemed to feel that he had to get sick.” “I developed apathy, a very black perception of the world, there was no joy or enjoyment in my work. I was very tired and pessimistic. It’s as if I didn’t like living anymore. “I felt it psychologically,” Hvorostovsky said. - Naturally, when you start to fight, you perceive life differently and already want to survive. AND incredible love the public inspired me."

After the terrible diagnosis was made, the artist tried not to leave the stage for long and, whenever possible, gave concerts and participated in various events. But last December, he decided to focus solely on treatment for a while.

“Dear friends, fans and colleagues, it is with great sadness that I have to refuse to participate in opera productions for the foreseeable future. I have problems with balance due to my illness, so it is quite difficult for me to perform in plays. I will continue to give concerts and also record new albums. Singing is my life! And I really want to bring joy to my fans around the world,” noted a message on the artist’s official website. - With a forced pause in his opera career, as well as in the intervals between each concert performance, I hope to concentrate on my health and treatment. Thank you for the love, messages and wishes. Your support means a lot to me."

Official sources reported that Dmitry Hvorostovsky has died - the cause of death is already known to his many fans. Biography opera performer was very rich and intense interesting facts- he was known throughout the world.

Two years ago, Dmitry was given a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer. Singer for a long time He fought against cancer, but, unfortunately, the treatment did not produce results, and on November 22, 2017, the artist died in London at his country house.

In 2015, fans learned that Dmitry Hvorostovsky was given a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer. Doctors strongly recommended that the artist perform as little as possible and get more rest. Dmitry did not want to give up performing, but still the singer became worse, which is why he had to cancel several planned concerts.

From the very beginning of treatment, Hvorostovsky sincerely believed in his healing and continued to enjoy life, although brain cancer caused a serious deterioration in his health.

How an artist struggled with a dangerous diagnosis

Today the biography and cause of death are actively discussed famous singer because he died at night.

According to the artist’s friends and relatives, Dmitry has been visiting hospitals very often in the last few weeks, as his health condition has deteriorated significantly and his illness has progressed. Last year It was especially difficult for the singer; he took his illness seriously and was depressed.

The singer’s relatives claim that in the last few weeks before his death, Dmitry tried to avoid any meetings with them, and was more often alone.

Some time ago, photographs appeared on the Internet where Dmitry looks happy, hugging his family. But fans noticed that during the period of his illness he had aged a lot and began to look very tired. Still the singer before last moment I didn’t give up and fought my illness.

Even when the disease worsened, Dmitry did not lose hope of defeating the tumor. For this reason, the artist did not cancel, but postponed all his performances and concerts. Hvorostovsky gave everything free time procedures in the hospital, as well as rehabilitation therapy, but, unfortunately, the treatment did not give positive dynamics.

Death of a famous artist

As it became known, Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at 3:36 at night. On this moment The singer’s biography and cause of death are the most discussed topics, because he was loved by millions.

Some time ago, on October 11 of this year, an announcement about the artist’s death appeared on the Internet, but this information I didn't find any confirmation. Today, the singer’s relatives and friends confirmed the fact of Hvorostovsky’s death.

A post from the family of the deceased appeared on the official Facebook website, saying that Dmitry died at the age of 55 from brain cancer.

Two years of struggle with oncology did not yield any results; the tumor grew larger and led to the artist’s death. The recording says that the singer died near his home in London, and his entire family was with him before his death.

Biography of an opera performer

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky was born in 1962 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, it was there that he graduated from a regular school and then entered a pedagogical school.

After the singer graduated from the faculty of choral singing, he was able to enter the Institute of Arts, where he received new knowledge. The artist's parents early age taught Dmitry to opera music, so already at school Hvorostovsky knew who he would become in the future.


Dmitry's father was a chemist by training, but at the same time Alexander had excellent voice and loved music very much.

All his life, Dmitry’s father taught his son to music, often sang and even knew how to play the piano. In Hvorostovsky's house with early childhood classical music was playing, to which Dmitry’s parents taught him from the first days of his life.

Since childhood, Dmitry’s parents taught him classical music.

At the age of four, the artist first tried to sing an excerpt from an aria, and hit the notes almost perfectly. It was then that his father decided to teach Dmitry to play the piano.

A few years later, Hvorostovsky went to study at a music school, where he successfully played the piano. The teachers were sure that Dmitry would have a bright future, but at that time everyone saw him as a music performer. However, the artist preferred to sing in the choir, and he liked this activity more games on the instrument.

As Dmitry himself said, in regular school he studied very poorly; they wanted to expel him several times for poor academic performance. When the long-awaited certificate was received, the singer was able to continue his path to success without being distracted by schoolwork in the evenings.

Music career

When Dmitry was in his third year at the school, he was invited to take part in the troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Opera House. After just a few weeks of work, the singer was hired to perform solo parts in productions and lead roles. Dmitry often took part in competitions for young performers, and won prestigious awards in them.

At first, Hvorostovsky gave concerts in London, but later he began to be invited to Russian cities, most often the concerts took place in the Mariinsky opera house. This is the first opera singer who was able to perform on Red Square, but Dmitry himself preferred to perform directly in the Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

Personal life

Dmitry's first wife was ballerina Svetlana Ivanova, he met her in his hometown. In 1996, the artist gave birth to two twins, but the marriage broke up just three years after the birth of the babies, as Dmitry learned about his wife’s infidelities.

Later the singer developed new love, the girl’s name was Florence Illy, some time after the start of the relationship, the couple got married, and Florence gave birth to two children for Dmitry.

Soon the artist was diagnosed with a brain tumor; it was operable, but he refused surgical intervention. According to the media, the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky occurred on the night of November 22, 2017.