A famous astrologer predicted the end date of the war in Donbass.

From the very beginning of 2014, Ukraine has been experiencing a difficult economic situation. Political problems are caused by the ATO and the transition of Crimea to the Russian Federation. It's no surprise that many people wonder will the war in Ukraine end in 2018?. Answers to existing questions are provided by predictors with developed intuition.

Despite the complexity of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbass and the existing occupied territories, full-scale military action should not be expected. It is important to note that many citizens believe that the ATO represents a war, because an operation to liberate territories cannot last more than three weeks. In this regard, you should carefully study the current situation and understand what its consequences may be.

Features of the situation in Donbass

Ukrainians and Russians often try to study Latest news about when the war in Ukraine will end 2018. It is noted that quiet periods are sometimes replaced by bursts. This is how the situation has been developing over the past few years.

The prolonged war in Ukraine leads to negative manifestations in all spheres of the state’s economy:

  • the standard of living of society is becoming lower and lower;
  • there is economic instability;
  • Many families from Donbass lost their homes and jobs and were forced to leave their homes.

Residents of all regions, regions and cities of Ukraine note that these events could not remain without publicity. Now every citizen is worried about their future, understanding the potential difficulties that may arise during the long-term development of the operation in Donbass. As a result, there is a lot of speculation about what the impact on the economies of other localities in Ukraine might be. The forecasts of political scientists, psychics, and astrologers are subject to discussion.

What do leading experts say?

In 2015–2016, various assumptions regarding the military operation appeared. Predictions varied significantly over time. Now experts are trying to take into account the specifics of the situation in order to make more reliable forecasts and maintain public confidence.

Deputies are confident that the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia will continue to exist. At the same time, some experts are convinced that the situation will sooner or later lead to a humanitarian catastrophe. At the same time, representatives of military organizations are convinced that a peaceful situation can be established in mid-2019. Thus, about five years will pass after the start of the ATO.

Pavel Globa, without any doubt, reveals his point of view. One of the most famous and powerful astrologers of the 21st century believes that the current situation will continue until 2020. The specialist is confident that real chaos will occur in 2019, since this is the period when the conflict will peak.

Pavel Globa notes the following manifestations related to politics and the ATO in the next few years:

  • public propaganda;
  • political inconsistencies;
  • dissemination of false information through mass media;
  • disorientation;
  • national problems.

Thus, the first couple of years of the ATO will no longer be the worst. About how it develops war in Ukraine, latest news are regularly informed. One can guess that in the future, periods of exacerbation and calm will continue to follow each other.

What do psychics and astrologers say?

What do they say? psychics about when the war in Ukraine will end? It is not surprising that this issue worries those citizens who worry not only about their well-being, but also about the country.

  1. Alena Zelibora is confident that the military conflict will be ended after interested parties understand the meaninglessness of the situation and begin to act differently. Ukraine may experience a new revolution reminiscent of the Maidan. After dramatic changes in the political and military sphere, the eastern regions will decide to return to the country with the acquisition of their previous rights.
  2. Alena Kurilova believes that the chaos will pass after a woman becomes the head of government. It is the lady who will help ensure that the two enemy countries, Ukraine and Russia, move towards rapprochement. The gradual restoration of relations between the parties will make it possible to change politics for the better and strengthen the economy.
  3. Sergei Shevtsov believes that the military conflict will be ended in 2019. Currently, Uranus is in the constellation Aries, so a peaceful resolution of issues remains impossible. Psychic Khayal Alekperov agrees with such a prediction, and he clarifies that the state banner is on fire and a man stands nearby holding the earth in his hands.
  4. Shaman Dondukov is in no hurry to name the exact date. At the same time, he is confident that the war will end in Crimea, which is included in Russia. The specialist is convinced that a peaceful end to the conflict is impossible. Shaman Dondukov fears heavy bloodshed and a huge blow to the economies of both states. Only a female leader will take Ukraine to a new level, contributing to a successful resolution of the conflict.

Numerous predictions about when will the war in Ukraine end 2018 from psychics, still remain unreliable and unverified. It can be assumed that Ukraine and Russia will have to go through serious trials before politicians get along with each other again.

In 2017, news about the ATO still remains relevant. Most likely, nothing will change in the coming months. Updates appear regularly, and they inform that opponents often lead to an escalation of the existing conflict. What news has appeared lately?

  1. Militants repeatedly fired at Ukrainian posts using various weapons. The most dangerous is considered to be HAIL, which is also regularly used. They try not to report some cases of the use of weapons, since such situations would lead to an official violation of international convections and agreements reached.
  2. Occupied territories are often left without the benefits of civilization and means of communication. Residents of Donbass, who had to stay in their homeland, are forced to live without light, heat, and water. It is not surprising that the local population is looking forward to a resolution to the military conflict and sincerely believes that comfort will eventually be returned.
  3. Residents of many settlements in Donbass are forced to face serious restrictions on access to regular transport movement. Despite volunteer support, the problem still exists.
  4. Avdiivka appears in the news most often. The area used to be prosperous, but now regularly faces shelling. The population of Avdeevka is most likely accustomed to living in constant tension.
  5. The news often reports about the death or injury of Ukrainian soldiers. Even if the soldiers initially manage to survive, the operations are ineffective.

Such news materials appearing on radio, television and the Internet cause emotional stress. It is not surprising that the question of will there be a Russia-Ukraine war?, worries many residents of the two enemy countries. Fortunately, within a couple of years the military conflict did not develop into a serious war.

Numerous predictions of how the war in Ukraine 2018 will end, warn that full-scale hostilities throughout the entire territory of both countries should not be expected. At the same time, Russians and Ukrainians must learn a serious lesson from the current situation, so the tests are not over yet.

Vanga at the end of the last century foresaw a conflict between the Slavic peoples. The woman was sure that she could not do without weapons. Most likely, the conflict will be prolonged due to the “blindness” of both peoples. Each side will gain confidence that it is fighting its enemy.

Globa is convinced that there will never be a war between Ukraine and Russia. Despite numerous stressful periods, the astrologer is 100% confident in his prediction. In addition, Pavel Globa believes that there is a chance of creating a new republic with the inclusion of Ukraine and Russia. Military expert Igor Koziy agrees with Pavel Globa. It is believed that the economic problems that manifest themselves in the history of both states will not allow the development of war.

Experts also note that frequent and unreliable news about the military conflict in Donbass leads to serious problems in society. The main objective of such an information attack is to place the local population under special tension.

So, when will the 2018 war end? You can believe that positive news will certainly appear in the very near future. One to two years should resolve the current situation. Astrologers and psychics, as well as political scientists and military experts agree on this.

For reconciliation, Ukraine must undergo a coup and the approval of certain bills in order to reform the entire political system. This is confirmed by the renaming of streets and the demolition of communist parties. Psychics believe that this will have a negative impact on the energy level of the planet, but at the same time it will allow us to overcome the military conflict.

How reliable can it be? prediction when the war in Donbass will end 2018? It all depends on how quickly the fraternal peoples, Russians and Ukrainians, will be able to take a new approach to assessing the existing issue. There are still chances for a successful resolution of all political and military issues in the near future.

In 2012, in the small village of Alekseevo-Druzhkovka, Donetsk region, Holy Father Alexy died. He was not only a good person and a clergyman, but he also knew how to do something that others cannot - see the future. Before his death, Father Alexy said:

“In two years, a war will begin in Ukraine, our village will not be affected by the war, we will have to endure hunger and cold, and after that we will live very well.”

No one asked the priest when the war in Donbass would end, since the very idea of ​​a war in Ukraine seemed absurd and implausible.

But today for Ukraine, and for many other countries, this issue is one of the most pressing. In 2014, the fighting moved from Slavyansk and Kramatorsk to Donetsk and Lugansk, without affecting several small settlements, including Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. It is obvious that Father Alexy was really able to foresee the course of future events. But, unfortunately, the end date of the war remained unknown.

If you turn to the predictions of other clairvoyants, you will find that the predictions of some of them coincide, while others, on the contrary, are radically different. For example, some psychics predict the end of the war for 2019, and some of them - for the end of 2017. There are also clairvoyants who see a global apocalypse in the near future.

In order to lift the veil of the unknown at least a little, you can try to analyze the prophecies of several clairvoyants at once. Thus, based on the available matches, we will know the most accurate date for the end of the armed conflict. So, when the war in Donetsk will end - clairvoyant predictions.

Mikhail Levin is a famous astrologer who founded the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

  • Mikhail foresees that military operations in the Donbass will last for at least another 60 years. During this time, Ukraine will experience many coups d'etat and will stop growing sunflowers and other agricultural crops.
  • Ukrainian fields, according to Levin, will be completely empty.
  • European countries will be involved in the production of vegetable oil and dairy products, and Ukraine will have to buy these products three times more expensive than before.

Sergey Shevtsov

Forecaster Sergei Shevtsov believes that the war in Ukraine will end in 2019.

  • Sergei also noted that there will be no economic stability in the country due to constant coups d'etat and changes in political direction.
  • Ukrainian rulers will alternately focus their policies either on Western countries or on Russia.

Alena Zelibora

According to the predictions of psychic Alena Zelibora:

  • At the end of 2017, Ukraine will face a coup d'état caused by unaffordable prices for utilities and food.
  • Alena foresees an attempt to overthrow Petro Poroshenko, which will ultimately be unsuccessful.
  • In 2018, there will be a new government in the country, which will give the people a promise to improve relations with the neighboring country - Russia. The war will temporarily stop.
  • Despite the fact that the new government will be able to gain popularity among residents of the DPR and LPR, the young republics will still refuse to return to Ukraine. Nevertheless, Ukraine will be able to establish trade relations with these republics. However, they will not last long - soon a new coup will be carried out, during which power will again be in the hands of leaders seeking to set foot in the European Union. These events will lead to the resumption of hostilities in Donbass.
  • According to Alena Zelibora, the war in Ukraine will last several decades.


A famous fortuneteller who lived in Bulgaria made a lot of predictions regarding events taking place in different countries. Most of them turned out to be very accurate. For example, a blind seer predicted the disaster that occurred in the Ukrainian city of Chernobyl, and was also able to foresee the death of the Kursk submarine. The peculiarity of Vanga’s predictions is that the meaning of the words she said becomes clear only after the event she predicted has already occurred.

  • As for the conflict in Donbass, the seer mentioned back in the 90s that darkness, gunpowder, a cry, and, oddly enough, a rabbit awaited Ukraine. At the time, the meaning of this prediction seemed very unclear. Today, even a child can understand what kind of “rabbit”, “gunpowder” and “cry” we were talking about. Although, perhaps, the seer associated the “cry” with the cry proclaimed on the Maidan, and the word “gunpowder” can be understood in the literal sense: gunpowder is a weapon, shooting, war.
  • Vanga said that the culprit for starting the war in Ukraine would be a certain dwarf with a black face. People began to guess who this mysterious character was only in 2014.
  • The seer believed that Ukraine would lose several of its regions, including Crimea. From 2018, we should expect rapid developments, and the war will last until 2019.

Pavel Globa

The famous astrologer Globa predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union many years ago, mentioned Putin as the future Russian president, and was also able to see the crash of the Estonia ferry. It is worth noting that some of Globa’s predictions turned out to be not entirely correct, and some did not come true at all.

However, Paul himself emphasizes that errors in astrological forecasts are a normal and completely natural phenomenon.

  • As for the conflict in Donbass, the astrologer predicted the disintegration of Ukraine into several parts back in 2013. One of them will leave the subordination of Kyiv, but it will not be able to join Russia, while the other will become part of the Russian Federation.
  • The young Donbass republics face a very difficult future, which is reminiscent of the scenario that happened in Transnistria.
  • Globa also noted that 2014 will mark the beginning of the third world war.
  • The new Ukrainian leader, who will have the strong support of the people, will be able to resolve the conflict situation in Donbass. After he comes to power, the situation in the country will normalize, and Ukraine will be able to reach the same level as Poland and other rapidly developing countries.
  • Thanks to the very tough character of the new leader in Ukraine, it will be possible to eradicate corruption, which will have a positive impact on the further development of events.
  • However, such a leader will not appear in the country soon, so in the near future Ukraine will face instability and a difficult political and economic situation.

By the way, Glob’s economic prosperity portends not only for Ukraine, but also for Russia. However, this will happen no earlier than after 2023.

Predictions of Ulyana Kosheva

Ulyana Koshevaya lived in the Lugansk region, and with the advent of the war she left for the Poltava region. In 2015, the woman turned 104 years old. But, despite such an advanced age, Ulyana enjoys respect and popularity among her neighbors. The fact is that she has the gift of foresight and knows how to heal diseases. Despite her almost complete blindness, the grandmother can see what other ordinary people cannot see.

Prophetic visions come to Ulyana in her dreams. Most often, prophetic dreams occur at the beginning of each year - they show what it will be like.

A year before the start of the war, my grandmother began to dream of soldiers, shed blood and battles. Already living in the Poltava region, fields sown with rye and a peaceful, calm sky began to appear in her dreams.

When asked when the war in Donbass will end, Ulyana replies that very soon - at the end of 2017-beginning of 2018.

Alexander Zarev

Famous astrologer Alexander Zarev suggests that the war in Donbass may end in 2018.

Interestingly, Zarev’s predictions for 2018 for both Ukraine and Russia are very similar.

  • So, in both states next year the government may change.
  • It is these events that will lead to the fact that countries will begin to conduct peace negotiations among themselves, which will end in reconciliation.
  • The astrologer sees economic growth in both Russia and Ukraine, which will be preceded by many government reforms aimed at improving life.
  • Zarev predicts economic growth for most other countries as well.

Sergey Shevtsov

According to psychic and parapsychologist Sergei Shevtsov-Lang, the cause of the war in Donbass was Uranus, which is in Aries, and Uranus is ruled by Mars. Such an arrangement of planets always leads to destruction, conflicts, famine and misfortune.

  • Ukraine will remain under the fire until 2019, after which the situation will gradually normalize.
  • When the war ends, Ukraine will experience a significant increase in the standard of living of the population.
  • The new young republics will again become part of Ukraine, although the model of their new governance will now resemble the former Crimean autonomy.
  • As for Crimea, the peninsula will never become Ukrainian.

Seryozha Vertinsky

Currently, Seryozha Vertinsky is 10 years old. The boy lives in Crimea and suffers from autism. Serezha’s mother, and all the people around him, claim that he is an unusual child. Sometimes a boy predicts upcoming events, which subsequently come true. At first, the parents did not pay attention to the baby’s words, but gradually they began to understand that their son had the gift of clairvoyance.

A year before the events in Crimea and its annexation to the Russian Federation, the boy said: “We will soon become Russia.” Later, the kid began to talk about the bloody events that were about to happen in Kyiv, on the Maidan. And recently Seryozha spoke again - the boy foresees the imminent end of the war - in the summer of 2018.

The Odessa elder Jonah many times accurately predicted future events that were about to happen in Ukraine.

Jonah Gnatenko accurately indicated the date of the start of the conflict in the south-east of Ukraine, and before his death he spoke about the future that awaits the country - the end of the military confrontation will be at the end of 2018.

  • When asked whether a third world war awaits us, the elder replied that this war will not happen. And most countries, including Ukraine and Russia, will live in abundance and prosperity.
  • Regarding the future of the United States, the elder said that the great power would have to endure a terrible default, but America would quickly overcome the current situation and stabilize the economic situation.
  • As for America's relations with Russia and Ukraine, in the future these states will cooperate as equal partners. However, this will happen only after the rulers change in the Slavic states.
  • The elder also made a prediction about Novorossiya: when asked how the current conflict would end, Jonah replied that the young state would face difficult times. Despite the end of the war and the stabilization of the situation in the world, Novorossiya will not receive official status and will not be recognized by the world as a full-fledged state.

Vlad Ross

Astrologer Vlad Ross accurately predicted the resignation of Yatsenyuk, the departure of Yanukovych, the signing of a visa-free regime, as well as many other important events that have occurred in recent years in Ukraine.

  • Ross argues that after 2017, Ukraine will begin to gradually improve its economic situation.
  • By 2023, when the symbol of wealth, Pluto, enters Aquarius, Ukrainians will become as wealthy as the Czechs, Poles and residents of other developed countries in Eastern Europe. Ross predicts the same economic stability for residents of the neighboring state - Russia. The war in Donbass will end in 2019.
  • According to the astrologer, the cause of the armed conflict was the passage of Pluto across the ascendant of Ukraine. But the complete departure of the planet from the Ukrainian ascendant will occur precisely after 2019.
  • Russia and Ukraine will again become equal partners. And after 2021-2024, the Ukrainian government will begin negotiations on joining the European Union. In 2025, good money will begin to be invested in Ukraine, and Ukrainians who left the country will soon return to their homeland.
  • When Pluto enters Aquarius, a very favorable period will begin for Ukraine to improve the economy, improve the standard of living of the people, develop business and gain recognition in the international arena.

If the course of events does not go according to the scenario of Mikhail Levin and other predictors, who foreshadow a long and protracted conflict, then we can hope for a quick end to the war in Ukraine.

War in Donbass

The instability of the modern world, the threat of the collapse of world economies, local wars that threaten to develop into global ones, and all the destructive natural disasters are forcing an increasing number of people to turn to predicting the future made by famous astrologers and predictors.

For us, the most interesting are the predictions that relate to events in Ukraine, and more specifically the war in Donbass. Having begun with a peaceful protest of students at the end of 2013, the conflict quickly escalated into a violent confrontation between the authorities and the protesters. Burning tires and Molotov cocktails led to the use of firearms.

The subsequent displacement of Yanukovych and the rise to power of politicians, with the help of radical nationalists, led the country to the loss of some territories and a bloody war with the direct participation of Russia. Already at the beginning of 2014, people with fear and hope began to search the Internet for predictions about the fate of Ukraine, Russia, Crimea and Donbass.

Let's try to identify the main questions to which we are looking for answers:

    When will the war in Donbass end?

    When will the territory of Donbass return to Ukraine?

    When will Crimea return to Ukraine?

    When will the era of prosperity come to Ukraine?

Pavel Globa predicts a transition to a frozen state of the conflict in Donbass

For all these questions we find completely different predictions and prophecies that are not similar to each other. Let's compare the predictions of the future about Donbass by Russian and Ukrainian astrologers. The famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa made sensational predictions in 2009, in his interview with the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, for 2014, in which, although he did not show a 100% hit, he identified the main trends in the development of the situation in the world. Here is the removal of Yanukovych, the split of Ukraine into three parts and multiple world crises.

Of course, as is the tendency of many predictors living in the Russian Federation, this is a fantastic rise of Russia. Pavel Globa’s latest prediction talks more specifically about when the war in Donbass will end. This is a transition to a frozen state of conflict, until the arrival of a strong leader who will be able to resolve this conflict.

Donbass will remain, albeit not part of Russia, but with a government very close to Russia, somewhere related to Transnistria. Pavel Globa also expects the arrival of more pro-Russian governments in Ukraine, which will be able to maintain a balance between Russia and the West. Ukrainian astrologers, in turn, predict the future: Ukraine will win in this conflict.

Julia Wang predicts the end of the war in Donbass in 2017

This is how the winner of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” Julia Wang makes predictions about the end of the war in Donbass. The war will end by 2017, Donbass will remain part of Ukraine, but with a special status. A very interesting point is the prediction of a nuclear strike on the problem areas of Donbass from Russia.

Another famous Ukrainian astrologer from Kharkov, Elena Maksimova, when asked when the war in Donbass will end, makes a new prediction: in 2017 there will be a final failure in the economy, after which Ukraine will experience a smooth transition to a state of economic growth. During this period, Ukraine will be able to regain not only the eastern regions, but even Crimea. As for hostilities, the conflict in Donbass will be frozen until its completion by the summer of 2017.

As we see, modern psychics are often influenced by the general politics of their country. As they say: “Every sandpiper praises his swamp.” In this regard, we are interested in the predictions made by seers of past years.

When will the war end in Donbass according to Vanga

The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova), who lived in the last century, gained worldwide fame thanks to her clairvoyant gift. Having been blind since childhood, she saw this world much more clearly than many sighted people. Not only ordinary people, but also many powerful people turned to her for her help. Among Vanga’s many predictions, there are predictions about Ukraine. In these predictions, one must make allowance for the fact that Vanga was a poor, uneducated peasant woman.

Vanga assumed that the war would end after the current leaders of both Russia and Ukraine replaced themselves.

Although Vanga had a good understanding of diseases and the destinies of individual people, she had little understanding of the modern world order. Another aspect is that during the years of Vanga’s life, she did not know such a state as Ukraine. Searching bit by bit, different researchers of Vanga’s life interpret her predictions differently.

Vanga’s words about the fate of the Crimean peninsula were taken literally for many years and caused distrust among many. The erosion of the isthmus connecting the peninsula with mainland Ukraine was more attributed to the prediction of a natural disaster than to political storms. Now we are convinced that yes, the isthmus is washed out.

Railway communications have been stopped, there is no water supply to the peninsula, which helped irrigate agricultural land, and the supply of electricity and food has stopped. Why not an island? After completing the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait, providing Crimea with everything necessary, one can only hope for a miracle predicted by Ukrainian astrologers, for the return of Crimea to the jurisdiction of Ukraine.

Vanga did not forget to make predictions about the war in Donbass and its end. An increase in aggression and intolerance in society, according to Vanga, will cause a fratricidal conflict, where brother will go against brother, mothers will forget about their children. A fire will break out in the east, grinding the entire country into powder. It can be assumed that the Sagittarius man who started the war in Donbass (just or criminal - as you like) is none other than Igor Ivanovich Strelkov (Girkin).

Like many modern predictors, Vanga assumed that the war would end after a change in the current leaders of both Russia and Ukraine. Only tolerance and understanding that we are all fraternal peoples will contribute to the peace and well-being of our states, and will hasten the day when the war in Eastern Ukraine will end. The time of the end of the conflict, though not so rosy, but not apocalyptic either. Everything should get better by 2030.

Elder Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Jonah of Odessa) predicted that the war in Donbass will end in 2016

The elders' predictions confirm Vanga's words

One of the last elders to predict the war in Donbass and its end was the great elder Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Jonah of Odessa). Having lived a long and righteous life (born 1925 and died in December 2012), his last predictions were about the beginning of a great bloody conflict in Ukraine a year after his death, and about the three subsequent Easters.

The first Easter will be bloody, the second will be hungry, the third will come with victory. With the victory of Russia. We can say with certainty that the predictions about the first two Easters came true, but it is too early to talk about the third. The only thing that is clear with great certainty is that, according to the elder’s prediction, the conflict will end in 2016.

Another great authority in the Orthodox world are the Athonite elders, living on the sacred Mount Athos. Answering numerous questions from believers about the end of the war in Donbass, the elders constantly repeat that Ukraine is going through difficult, but extremely necessary times for the formation of a strong state.

According to the elders, Ukrainians will be helped along this path by the Orthodox faith, which should unite people within the country, give consolation and hope for restoration to all the disadvantaged. Only with the Orthodox faith will it be possible to build fraternal relationships and bring warring nations together.

Despite all the public statements about the deployment of various peacekeeping contingents to Donbass and the desire to resolve the matter with the “rebellious” region without the use of military force, the Kiev junta is clearly working on a completely different scenario. Words are words, but the concrete deeds of the Ukronazis clearly indicate that a new large-scale aggression against Donbass could begin any day.

Kyiv is doing nothing to extend the law on the special status of Donbass, thereby undermining the foundations of the Minsk agreements. This was stated at a briefing in Lugansk by Vladislav Deinego, the authorized representative of the LPR at the Minsk negotiations, acting. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic.

Let us recall that three years ago, in October 2014, Petro Poroshenko signed the law “On a special procedure for local self-government in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.” And although Ukraine did not apply this law in practice, it formed the basis of the Minsk agreements. Time passes, and now there are less than three weeks left until its expiration. What then?

“The time for the expiration of the law on special status is approaching; less than three weeks are left before the termination of this law. The head of the Ukrainian delegation (in the contact group - Ed.) Leonid Danilovich Kuchma promised at the previous meeting in Minsk that Ukraine would provide its position on this issue. This position never existed and still doesn’t exist,” Deinego said. According to him, “Ukrainian legislative practice does not provide for the renewal of the law, therefore the special status in the part in which it is regulated by this law disappears.”

And if the law ceases to apply, “the political foundations of the situation that has now developed on the demarcation line will also disappear.” And then it will no longer be possible to talk about stabilization on a military level, so the situation is complicated by the fact that undermining the political foundations of the Minsk agreements will certainly affect all aspects, including the military one,” the authorized representative of the LPR is sure.

Ukraine has brought the situation with the law on the special status of Donbass to a critical point, when something urgently needs to be done, but nothing is being done.

Deinego also spoke about the almost insoluble security situation. The whole problem is that Ukraine allegedly agrees with the need to complete the disengagement of forces in Stanitsa Luganskaya, but does nothing concrete, while shelling of LPR settlements continues with increasing intensity.

“At the last meeting, the issue of a compromise option for the disengagement of forces and assets was discussed. We made specific proposals in accordance with the model that was proposed to us at the “Normandy” level - this is disengagement in two stages. At the last meeting we presented our proposals with maps, coordinates, everything was very specific. And what is the answer? The Ukrainian side went so far as to simply block the meeting of the working group, apparently because in this matter they cannot show their European partners their obvious reluctance, and they cannot say otherwise.”, - said the authorized representative of the LPR.

Moreover, the Ukrainian side accused the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of lying. Deinego said that a video surveillance camera was installed on the LPR side along the demarcation line to record all violations by the republic. The OSCE SMM reports that this camera is working and does not record any violations. In turn, Kyiv accuses the OSCE SMM of distorting facts, claiming that the camera is not working. In addition, Ukraine does not agree with the opinion of the OSCE not only on issues of video surveillance. Thus, Deputy Head of the OSCE SMM Alexander Hug announced four areas for disengagement of forces, which he considers agreed upon. The Ukrainian side responded by stating that there was no agreement on their part and that they were generally categorically against this decision.

“Most likely, the problem is that the Ukrainian representatives in the security subgroup simply do not have the information”“,” Deinego explained and added that the republics insist that the area of ​​the village of Shirokino be added to these four areas.

Deinego also spoke about the opening of a checkpoint across the contact line in the area of ​​the town of Shchastya. Proposals for opening a new checkpoint have long been sent to the Ukrainian side. The republic is currently awaiting consideration of this proposal by the Ukrainian side, although “the opening of the checkpoint in the Shchastya area is supported by all humanitarian organizations that operate on the territory of the LPR.” This project initially received support from the military-civil administration of the Lugansk region, so there is hope for a quick resolution of this issue.

However, the LPR is in vain hoping for reciprocal steps from Ukraine: the press service of the Lugansk military-civil administration has already managed to refute his statement. According to the Deputy Governor of the Lugansk Region, Yuriy Klimenko, “the Ukrainian side is not going to open a checkpoint in this city because of its strategic importance - it contains a thermal power plant that provides electricity to almost the entire controlled territory of the Lugansk Region.”

So, Kyiv persistently sabotages the disengagement of forces, does not want to make it easier for local residents to cross the demarcation line, and openly ignores the extension of the law on the special status of Donbass. Most likely, the Kiev regime aims to declare the Minsk agreements invalid in three weeks, since the law “On the special procedure for local self-government in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions,” on which they are based, ceases to apply.

The Ukrainian leadership has long made no secret of its desire to withdraw from the existing Minsk agreements in order to begin inventing more convenient options for the “return of Donbass.” If the Ukrainian parliament and president do not resolve the problem of the law approving the special status of the rebel territories in the coming days, the settlement of the armed conflict will be thrown back to the state of 2014. This threatens with dire consequences; the military situation may also return to 2014.