Project on the theme of bazhs in kindergarten. Creative literary project "Who are you, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov?"

Local history project native land"Ural". Currently, children know little about the history of their region, so they enjoy listening to the works of the Ural storyteller P. P. Bazhov: “Mistress of the Copper Mountain,” “ Malachite Box", "Stone Flower", "Jumping Firefly", "Silver Hoof", etc.



Project "Tales of Bazhov"

Relevance of the project. Among the vastness of our big land there is a region where you live, where your native home and wherever you go, you will always remember your native Urals. The nature of the Urals is wonderful, forested mountains, blue lakes, fast rivers. But this is not the only thing that makes the Ural land beautiful. She is fabulously rich and famous throughout the world for her stones (malachite, gems, jasper, marble); useful fossils (coal, ore, gold). And what kind of people live in the Urals - real masters of their craft! I wrote about it all famous writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Introducing children to the works of P. P. Bazhov, we talk about the beauty of the region in which they live, introduce it to its past, to the rituals and customs of the people, their way of life.

Problem : Currently, children know little about the history of their region, and therefore they enjoy listening to the works of the Ural storyteller P. P. Bazhov, “Ognevushka-Rocking”, “Sinyushkin Well”, “Silver Hoof”, “Golden Hair”, “About the Great Snake” ", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", "Stone Flower", etc.

Project Information Card

Organization : Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 5”, Miass.

Address : Chelyabinsk region, Miass, st. Zhukovskogo, 5

Type, type of project: medium-term, creative, information and research. Project participants: children of the preparatory school group, parents, teachers.

Target : Introduce children to the works of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov.

Tasks :

Introduce children to the life and work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov, who turned 138 years old in 2017;

Expand children's information about the history of the Urals;

To form in children an emotional-figurative perception of works through artistic description images;

Cultivate the ability to enjoy artistic words, the appropriateness of using it in one’s own speech (folk sayings, sayings);

Teach children to negotiate, help, provide support, show interest in performing collective and individual work;

Forming ideas about the diversity of P. P. Bazhov’s tales, cultivating a positive attitude towards them;

Introduce the customs and traditions of the Ural District;

Involve parents in family reading literary works;

Create conditions for search activities.

Location: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 5”, Miass

Age of children: 6 – 7 years

Expected results:

Subject to the implementation of this project, the following can be assumed: results: For children:

Creating conditions in the group to familiarize children with the works of P. P. Bazhov:

Reading works and looking at illustrations for the tales of P. P. Bazhov;

Drawing competition “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”;

Creation of the collective work “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”;

Compiling a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs;

Expanding the horizons of children;

Uniting the children's team;

Creation of a three-dimensional doll based on the tale “The Stone Flower”;

Development of communication skills;

Development of creative thinking and imagination;

Development of skills of independence, self-organization, freedom and responsibility;

Developing interest in collective, teamwork with all participants in the educational process.

For teachers:

Self-realization, increased creative potential;

Increasing competence to use educational process modern pedagogical technologies.

For parents :

Increasing parents' interest in the values ​​of student-centered education;

Conscious inclusion of parents in the educational process together with their children at home;

Optimization of parent-child relationships;

Creating an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation with all participants in the educational process;

Increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Project Implementation Plan

Stage 1 – preparatory (one week).

Solution to a crossword puzzle based on the works of P. P. Bazhov. Identification of children's knowledge about P. P. Bazhov and his works.

Stage 2 – main, organizational and practical (two weeks).

Implementation of the main activities in the area of ​​the project. Presentation (group)

Stage 3 – final (final).

Includes the collection and processing of practical materials, correlation of the delivered and predicted results with the outcome of the work; summarizing the project materials and presenting these results.

Performance evaluation based on the results of work is carried out according to three directions : children, parents, teacher.

Assessment of children's interest and their success in the common cause is monitored through observation and analysis of children's activities, activities, and conversations with children.

Assessment of parents' interest and participation in the project occurs through participation in joint events and analysis of participation in joint search activities.

The assessment of the increased activity of teachers is monitored by the quality of work with children within the framework of the project.

Equipment and materials: Books by the writer P. Bazhov; pictures and illustrations to the works of P. Bazhov; printed board games; video, audio recordings; tape recorder, computer; materials for productive visual arts.


1. Tolstikova O.V., Smirnova Z.I. We live on Ural : educational program taking into account the specifics of national, sociocultural and other conditions in which it is carried out educational activities with kids preschool age. – Ekaterinburg : SAOU DPO SO "IRO". – 2013 –103s.

2. Bazhov P. P. Silver hoof : Skaz - Sverdlovsk: Middle Ural book publishing house, 1985. - 16 p.

3. Bazhov P. P. Ognevushka- Jumping : Skaz - Sverdlovsk: Middle Ural book publishing house, 1976. - 24 p.

4. Bazhov P. P. Blue snake : Tales - Moscow, ed. “Sovremennik”, 1991. – 92 p.

5. Bazhov P. P. Tales / Preparation of the text, afterword. and comments. Slobozhanina L.M. – Sverdlovsk : Sredne-Uralskoe book publishing house, 1988. – 496 p.

6. Stories and fairy tales Soviet writers. - Sverdlovsk : Sredne-Uralskoe book publishing house, 1990. – 544 p.

7. Bazhov P. P. Malachite box. Ill. T. Lyakhovich. – M.: Publishing house. in EKSMO, 2004. – 592 p.


Event Goals Responsible Dates

Stage I – preparatory

Crossword on the works of P. P. Bazhov

To identify children’s knowledge about the work of P.P. Bazhova. Teachers 1st week

Library selection

Develop children's interest in works

P. P. Bazhova. Teachers, parents 1st week

3 Registration of parental corner : posting articles, consultations, recommendations on the topic of the project. Educate parents. Teachers 1st week

4 Selection of visual and didactic aids, demonstration material based on the Tales of P. P. Bazhov Create conditions for demonstrating the works of P. Bazhov. Teachers, parents 1st week

Stage II – basic, organizational and practical

5 Examination of books and illustrations based on the works of P. Bazhov To develop children’s interest in books and the writer’s work. Teachers 2nd week

6 Decorating a book corner. Create conditions for the implementation of the project. Develop an interest in books. Teachers 2nd week

7 Compiling a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs. Form search activities when working with literature. Help broaden children's horizons and develop cognitive interest. Teachers 2nd week

8 Acquaintance with the writer’s work. Learn to understand the idea of ​​the work. Develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, notice means artistic expression speech. Introduce you to the customs and traditions of your native land. Teachers 2nd week

9 Examination of images with clothing from the times of Bazhov’s fairy tales, illustrations and books by P. P. Bazhov, illustrations about life ordinary people of those times To give children basic knowledge about the life of people of Bazhov’s time, about the culture and life of the peoples of the Urals. Teachers 2nd week

10 Virtual tour

to Ural geological museum for children of senior preschool age

Arouse and maintain children's interest in the history of their native land. To develop in children a desire to understand the natural resources of the Urals through educational and research activities. Teachers 2nd week

11 Reading works

P. P. Bazhova

“Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, “Jumping Firefly”, “Silver Hoof”, “Blue Snake”, “Malachite Box”, “Sinyushkin Well” Develop interest in fiction, understand the idea of ​​the work, notice the means of artistic expression. Teachers 3rd week

13 Listening to the audio fairy tale “Stone Flower”, Help broaden children’s horizons, intelligence, ingenuity, and develop cognitive interest. Teachers 3rd week

14 Productive activity based on the works of “Tales of P. Bazhov”:

Performance teamwork"Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

Making a drawing on the topic “Mistress of the Copper Mountain - what is she like?”

Modeling and painting a three-dimensional doll based on the tale “The Stone Flower”

Making illustrations for the tales of P. P. Bazhov

Learn to display your impressions in drawings, appliqué, sculpting and painting dolls. Teachers 2-3rd week

15 Presentation of the project “Tales of Bazhov”

Create a folder of illustrations for the tales of P. P. Bazhov. Teach children to present the result of their activities Educators, parents, children Week 4

Stage 3 – final (final)

16 Processing and design of project materials Teachers, parents, children 4th week

17 Quiz based on the tales of P. P. Bazhov “The Malachite Box”

Teachers, children, parents Week 4

Analysis : As a result of working on the project “Tales of Bazhov”:

The group has created conditions for children to become familiar with the writer’s works;

There have been positive changes in the relationship between parents and teachers of the group;

The activity of parents and the desire to participate in activities held in kindergarten have increased;

There is an increase creative activity children;

There is an increase in children's interest in books and a desire to look at illustrations;

Through the tales of the Great Bazhov, children saw a convincing image of the Ural master, whose products are the pride of Russia;

The children fell in love unusual heroes skazov, “secret power”, guardians of the land wealth of the Urals;

Children learned true universal human values : hard work, generosity, love, curiosity, creativity.

Yekaterinburg city

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 1


"Magic world

P.P. Bazhov"

Musina L.D.

Brief summary of the work

Implementation base: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 16

Project type: cognitive, creative, medium-term.

Implementation deadlines:

Project participants:

pupils 6-7 years old, parents (legal representatives), teacher.

Project goals:

Creating conditions for the development of cognitive and research activities, creativity children of the group, through acquaintance with the work of the Ural writer P. P. Bazhov.

Project objectives:

  1. Develop cognitive and research activities, broaden the horizons of children.
  2. To introduce to the culture and life of the peoples of the Urals.
  3. Introduce children to the tales of P.P. Bazhova.
  4. Develop literary speech; attach to verbal art, including developing artistic perception and aesthetic taste.
  5. Develop children's creativity through drawing, modeling, appliqué on fairy tale themes; attach to fine arts through examination of Ural handicrafts, illustrations, and albums.
  6. Involve parents in family reading of literary works.


Fostering patriotic feelings is the task of every teacher. And this education needs to start small - instilling love for hometown and the edge.

The Urals love their region and nature, but are rather new to the wealth of the Ural fabulous literary heritage. But many writers talk about the beauty of our region, introduce it to its past, life and customs of our ancestors. One of the writers was Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, with his tales he revealed to the world the Ural life, legends and language of the people. In his tales, the life and work of Ural craftsmen: lapidaries, stone cutters, prospectors are intertwined with fictional, fantastic heroes: the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the Blue Snake.

Introducing children to the works of P.P. Bazhov, we create the basis for the formation of patriotic feelings.

Creating conditions for children to become familiar with the works of P.P. Bazhova;

Forming a sense of pride in one’s native land;

Development of creative abilities of pupils;

To create among pupils and their parents a sustainable interest in looking at illustrations and books.

Project Implementation Plan

Stages of project implementation





Creating conditions in the group to familiarize children with the works of P. P. Bazhov

Introducing children to the topic of the project.

Finding out the level of children's knowledge about the works of P.P. Bazhova.

Visit to the house - museum of P.P. Bazhov.

Introducing parents to the topic of the project.

Questioning parents “Do you read to your children?”

Involving parents in the design of the exhibition in the group.


Organization of an exhibition of books by P.P. Bazhova.

Development of GCD, didactic material for consolidating the material covered.

GCD, conversations, outdoor games, watching cartoons, illustrations on the topic, reading fiction, creative work to secure the material

Consultation, conversations.

Collection of information and assistance in creating a laptop and exhibition.


Conducting project analysis.

Organization of the exhibition creative activity children during the project.

Presentation of the experience of working on the project for the teaching and parent community.

Quiz based on the tales of P.P. Bazhov

Presentation of the project at the general parent meeting.


Long-term work plan.

a week

1 Week


Conversation “The Beauty of the Native Land”

Examination of books and illustrations based on the works of P. Bazhova

Reading the tales “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, “The Stone Flower”

memorizing poems about P. Bazhov's tales

Making the painting “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain in the image of a snake” using plasticineography technique


Help in decorating a book corner.

Collecting information to create a lapbook: poems about his native land, biography of P.P. Bazhova

2 week


Conversation"Fact or fiction?"

Reading fairy tales “Ognevushka - Jumping”, “Malachite Box”

Making a “Malachite Box” using plasticineography technique

Collecting information to create a lapbook: a dictionary of unfamiliar words from Bazhov’s tales

3 week


Conversation: “How people lived in the Urals”

Reading fairy tales “The Blue Snake”, “Silver Hoof”

memorizing poems about the tales of P. Bazhov Making the “Silver Hoof” using the beading technique


Collecting information to create a lapbook: characters from fairy tales, riddles.

4 week

20.02- 24.02

conversation “What do we know about P. Bazhov”

Reading fairy tales "Sinyushkin's Well"

look at illustrations in books ( various artists to the same story)

Create a folder of illustrations for P.P.’s tales. Bazhova

Making paper beads using the rolling technique.

Creating a lapbook

Material and technical support.

Expected results.

expanding the horizons of children in the field of knowledge of the works of Ural writers, developing the creative abilities of children, introducing parents and children to joint activities, establishing trust and partnership relationships with them.

Used Books:

  1. Z. I. Smirnova, O. V. Tolstikova “Introducing preschool children to the culture and life of the peoples of the Urals.”
  2. “Malachite box” Sverdlovsk book publishing house.
  3. Tales: “Silver Hoof”,

"Blue Snake"

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

"Malachite Box",

"Sinyushkin Well"

"Stone Flower".

  1. Internet resources:

Questionnaire for parents on the topic:

“Do you read to your child at home and what?”

1. Do you read books to your child?

If yes, how often:

- daily;

- few times a week;

- rarely, when there is time.

2.You read books to children:

- at the request of the child;

- on your own initiative.

  1. Do you discuss what you read with your child?
  1. Does your child have a home library?

How many books (approximately) does it include?

What genres (poems, fairy tales, etc.)?


  1. What books does your child prefer:

- fairy tales;

- poetry;

- literature about nature;

— encyclopedias, books of educational content;

- no specific preferences.

  1. Does your child talk about books they read in kindergarten?


  1. Do you go to the library with your child?


  1. Do you read long-term reading works with your child?

If yes, which ones? latest works you read?


  1. Do you read literature yourself?

If yes, which one do you prefer:

- periodicals (magazines, newspapers);

- cognitive;

- artistic

Conversation with children

"The beauty of the native land"

Tasks: Introduce children to the nature of their native land. Give children knowledge about the forests of our region. Show the role of nature in human life; raise caring careful attitude to nature as a source of beauty and kindness. Introduce children to the Red Book, protected plants and animals. Form a belief about the pricelessness of nature and bring to the conclusion about the need to protect it.

Progress of the conversation:

The teacher reads a poem by the poet Tatyanicheva Lyudmila “Malachite”

Once upon a time, above the ridge of the Urals,

Full of salty freshness

I easily played with the winds

Sea free wave.

She loved the open space

Rush upward with a running start.

The sea has receded and disappeared,

And the mountains rose into the sky.

But capricious nature

That sea keeps in memory:

In heavy rocks

Malachite plays like a wave.

It is filled to the brim with sea,

And it seems: to blow slightly -

Stone waves will wake up

And the sea will be shown the way again .

Guys, what is this poem talking about?

Do you know what nature is?

Today we will talk to you about the nature of our native land. Our region is rich in fields, meadows, lakes, rivers, and forests. Let's remember. What trees grow here (children's answers)

For many people, the symbol of Russia is the white birch. The beautiful birch can be found in the forest, in the field, and decorates city parks. There are no such birches and birch groves anywhere in the world. It's nice to walk in a birch grove at any time of the year. Birch is the favorite tree of the people; not one tree has so many poems written about it.

White birch

I love Russian birch

Below my window

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,

Covered with snow

In a green sundress

Exactly silver

With handkerchiefs in pockets

And the birch tree stands

With beautiful clasps

In sleepy silence

With green earrings.

And the snowflakes are burning

I love her, elegant,

In golden fire.

Dear, beloved

Then clear, ebullient,

Then sad, crying.

What is a forest? Of course, a forest is not just a lot of trees. These are bushes, grass, berries, mushrooms, insects, birds, animals. If you look at our earth from above from an airplane, it turns out that the earth has green color. Why?

Forests are different. Many songs and poems have been written about the beautiful birch tree, and the forest where birch trees grow is called... (birch forest). Find among the paintings the one on which the birch tree is drawn. What do we call the forest where spruce trees grow? (Find a picture of a spruce forest.) Pines? (Pine forest.) Oak trees? (Dubrava.) How are you think: what's happened mixed forest? (Forest where they grow nearby different breeds trees - pine, birch, aspen, etc. d.).

The forest releases oxygen needed for breathing. It protects the soil from erosion. More than 20 thousand products and products can be made from wood. Many useful medicinal plants grow in the forest. The forest is the home of animals and birds. The forest is a place of rest for humans. That's why the forest is called a green friend.

How do you understand the phrase “nature conservation”?

This is the masterful use of its wealth, careful attitude towards nature.

Trees are planted annually to restore forests. Plays an important role in nature conservation modern technology. Spacecraft are taking photographs of the earth's surface, which help prevent forest fires, natural disasters, For example: floods.

Guys, there are a lot of different plants and animals in our region. What animals live in our Urals? Birds? Insects? (Children's answers) .

Among them there are some of which there are very few left. That's what they call rare. Why do you think they have become rare? (Children's answers) .

Rare animals and plants in our country, and in other countries too, are protected by law. But unkind people often break this law. Man is often very cruel to plants and animals. Very often people do not spare them and destroy them for their own purposes. Some creatures suffer because of beautiful fur, others - because delicious meat, still others - because people are afraid of them. Gradually, there are fewer and fewer plants and animals left.

People are thinking: how to stop this disgrace, to prevent the disappearance of a single living creature.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

And so scientists decided to publish the Red Book. But why red and not some other color? Because red is the color of danger! Attention! It’s like a red traffic light warning “Caution! Something bad might happen. This is what the Red Book of Russia looks like.

It informs which species of animals and plants are in danger. Encourages study of these species. Warns of the extinction of these species. Advice on how to save these rare species plants and animals. For ease of use, the pages of the book are colored.

The red sheets contain information about endangered species that can no longer be saved without the introduction of special protection measures.

But the remarkable thing is that a person knows how to correct his mistakes. In addition to the Red Book, people came up with nature reserves. What is a reserve? A reserve is a place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. But a person does not interfere with them; he occasionally comes to this place as a guest. Protected in the reserve All: herbs, mushrooms, birds, fish and all living things. Do you think that nature should be protected only in nature reserves? (Children's answers). That’s right, you need to protect nature anywhere. Let's remember the rules of nature conservation.

  1. In nature, remember what you see.
  2. Walk along the paths.
  3. Do not break tree branches.
  4. Do not trample flowers and herbs.
  5. Don't shout or play loud music.
  6. Don't climb into bird's nests.
  7. Don't catch insects.
  8. Do not destroy the mycelium.
  9. Do not leave fires unextinguished.
  10. Don't destroy anthills.

How can you and I help rare plants and animals? (Children's answers). Let us ourselves never offend them and let others offend them. Let's tell everyone we know about defenseless plants and flowers. And then nature in our region will be kind and beautiful house for all people, for all animals, for all plants.

Conversation with children

“How people used to live in the Urals”

Tasks: introduce children to the life of the primitive people of the Urals: their home, hunting, food, clothing; expand children's knowledge about appearance and everyday life primitive man; develop the ability to use facial expressions and gestures in accordance with the situation; expand lexicon introducing new words; develop cognitive interest, speech, memory, imagination, fine motor skills

Today you guys and I will go to extraordinary journey, at the very beginning of our history - in ancient world. This time was a very, very long time ago, various birds, animals, insects and plants already lived on our planet, and then man appeared. Where do you think he came from?

(children's answers)

A primitive man lived in the world.

For the first time in his life he even saw snow.

He built huts and killed game,

And he shouted loudly to the monkeys,

So that they give him the ripest fruit

And some other tropical product.

These people were called primitive because they were the first. Their way of life, their order of life was the first. Until this time, people did not live in the Urals.

Slide 1 “Primitive nature”

See what nature looked like when we lived primitive people?

Are there any plants here that are familiar to you? (children's answers)

What animals do you see? (mammoth, Saber-toothed tiger, cave bear). Children compare animals (children's answers)

Slide 2 “Primitive man.”

Look what ancient people looked like, who did they look like?

What can you say about how they walked, what kind of arms they had (long, hanging down to their knees), what did they need them for?

The ancient man was completely naked. Could these people talk? (children's answers)

Ancient people did not know how to speak, but made only sounds that expressed anger, fear, and joy. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, they pointed each other to the source of danger.

Now we will communicate with you using gestures and facial expressions. For example, how to say in sign language to be quiet (press your finger to your lips), how to greet each other - say hello (extend your hand to each other, wave), how to express your approving attitude towards something (raise thumb up)?

And only later ancient man learned to speak. You and I speak very well, let's try to speak tongue twisters. (Children pronounce tongue twisters)

Do you think the primitives lived alone or in tribes? (children's answers)

Primitive people lived in tribes. Because It was difficult for primitive people to survive among wild animals. Among them there was always someone smarter, stronger, wiser. And this man was chosen as leader.

Where do you think primitive people settled? (Near rivers, lakes, streams). Why? (There is water, fish in rivers, streams)

What else did they need to survive? (housing)

Slide 3 “Dwellings of primitive people.”

Look at what the dwellings were like (in the form of rectangular dugouts with a fireplace on the floor). Later, people built them using tree branches, tusks and mammoth bones, and covered them with animal skins for warmth.

Now, let's build the dwelling of primitive man ourselves. (Children build from sticks, skins, fur, wool)

The primitive people living in our Urals made their homes in caves, which is why primitive man is also called a caveman.

Why did people hide in caves and not stay on the ground? (sheltered from rain, wind, wild animals)

Dynamic pause “Primitive Man”

I wish I could live until our era (children raise their hands up, stand on their toes)

Not life, but just chic! (spread arms wide to the sides)

They don’t force you to eat porridge (tilt your head to the left and to the right)

They barbecue every day. (mill)

Eat mammoth kebab! (two hands stroking the stomach)

Abu-tubu-tubu-ta! (walking in place)

Life is like that - just great! (hands forward, thumbs up)

It's a pity, but not here. (clasp your knees with your hands)

Slide 4 “Hunting of primitive man”

Look at the screen and tell me how the primitives hunted? (they went hunting for mammoths, the tigers drove the mammoth into a hole, threw it

spears, stones)

Slide 5 “Tools of labor, hunting”

You're right, but a little later people learned to make weapons from different materials: from stone - knives, darts, spearheads, scrapers, hand axes; made of wood - ax handles, bones. The stone point was tied to a tree using liana plants.

- (Children look at the slide, choosing a tool of primitive man: a knife made of stone, a bow and arrows, a spear made of wood, a slingshot, sharpened bones of animals and fish...)

What material are they made of?

Now, you and I have cardboard tips and strings with sticks. We will make the hunting tools of primitive man. (children make their own)

What could be used as food from rivers and lakes? (Fish).

Game "Who can catch the fish faster"

How could you cook the fish? (children's answers)

Primitive people simply dried it in the sun and fried it over a fire. They very quickly realized that food prepared in this way was very healthy and tasty.

Therefore, when people first saw fire, they were very afraid of it, but then, having tamed it, they realized what benefits fire brings because... They could stay warm around him in the cold and protect themselves from wild animals. There was always a person in the tribe who watched the fire, not letting it go out. And later people learned to make fire themselves. Maybe some of you know how primitive people did this? (children's answers)

Experimentation. Making fire by rubbing sticks (children try to make fire by inserting a stick into a hole with moss, quickly rotating it)

You see how difficult it is to get fire, so ancient people cherished and idolized it. They understood that fire is life.

The life of primitive people was very difficult. The spontaneous vagaries of nature destroyed crops and harvests. And when people learned to use grains for food and, by rubbing them, noticed that the fallen grains germinate, then agriculture appeared. And when men began to bring different animals from hunting (piglets, kids, puppies...), cattle breeding appeared. And the dog was the first animal domesticated by man.

Slide 6 “Human Herd”

What did women do when men were hunting? (picked berries, nursed children, cooked food, sewed clothes).

What did they make clothes from? (from animal skins)

Yes, they sewed it together with fish bones and sharpened animal bones. Later they learned to decorate clothes with pebbles and shells. They began to make necklaces, beads, and bracelets from ivory and animal teeth.

When primitive people rested after a hard day, what else do you think they could have done? They were drawing.

Slide 7 “Rock paintings”

What do you think they used to draw with? What did you draw? (children look at the slide)

They painted with their fingers, charcoal, pebbles, and crushed stone paints on the ceilings and walls of the caves. They painted animals, hunting scenes, and people. These drawings are very durable, which is why they have survived to this day. And now in the Ignatievskaya cave, on Southern Urals, these images can be seen.

Now we will take coals and try to draw something from the life of primitive people (children draw, organizing an exhibition)

Summing up, analysis.

Our journey to the beginning of our history - ancient the world has ended

Where have we been today? What new and interesting things have we learned?

Who are primitive people? What were they doing? What do you want more

What did you like about our trip?

Conversation with children

“What do we know about P.P. Bazhov"

Tasks: introduce children to the biography and work of the writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov; develop emotional responsiveness to literary work; to cultivate children's interest in the book and its characters.

Educator: Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born on January 27, 1879, in the city of Sysertsky plant, Yekaterinburg district, Perm province in a working-class family.

His father Pyotr Vasilyevich worked at a metallurgical plant. Was a good master. Pyotr Vasilyevich had golden hands. His character was strong-willed and strong, for which he was popularly nicknamed “Drill.”
His mother Augusta Stepanovna was orphaned early, she had to earn a living by handicrafts, she knitted amazingly beautiful lace.
Little Pavel With early age I saw the hard work of adults. In the evenings, taking a break from hard work, the adults told stories, which the children eagerly listened to. The plots of these tales were kept in themselves folk legends about the hard work of people in old mines, legends about the countless treasures of the Ural Mountains, which are guarded by a “secret force” - Malachite.
Pavel was only child in the family, so his parents were able to educate him. Pasha was sent to study at religious school in the city of Yekaterinburg.

The boy studied very well, he was a gifted child, for which he was transferred to the theological seminary of the city of Perm.

But the death of his father turned the fate of Pavel Bazhov upside down. He had to go to work to continue his studies and help his mother, who began to have health problems and began to go blind.
When the young man was 20 years old, he got a job as a teacher of Russian language and literature in the remote village of Shaidurikha near factories.
The history of his native land has always attracted Pavel Bazhov. Every year, during school holidays, he traveled around the Urals, talking with people of working professions: miners and foundries, stone cutters and prospectors. He carefully wrote down all these stories. In my notebook he recorded words and human speech that conveyed character traits everyday life and way of life mining workers. The writer admired the beauty of the Ural stones.
School teacher Pavel Petrovich Bazhov worked for 18 years. Then he was invited to the theological school in the city of Yekaterinburg, the same one from which he once graduated.
The writer built a small house in Yekaterinburg, in which he settled with his mother and wife. Pavel Bazhov became the head of a large family with seven children.
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov spent a long time and carefully collecting material for his first book. In 1939, the book “The Malachite Box” was published. Its main character, the mistress of the Copper Mountain, allows into the depths of Mother Earth and gives her wealth only to honest, brave and working people who do not covet wealth, but admire the beauty of the stone.

Mistress of Copper Mountain.

IN Copper Mountain The mistress is harsh
Didn't let it slip extra words.
She was born as a small lizard,
Malachite kept a secret in her box!

Pavel Petrovich wrote fairy tales for children: “The Jumping Firefly”, “The Silver Hoof”, “Tayutka’s Mirror”, “The Blue Snake” and many others.
For Pavel Petrovich Bazhov’s 60th birthday, friends gave him big book, which included 14 tales.
For the book “The Malachite Box” Bazhov received an order and state prize.
The tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov are smart and beautiful. Composers composed music, artists drew illustrations based on fairy tales. Based on the plots of favorite fairy tales, performances have been staged, films and cartoons have been made.
Writer P.P. Bazhov great master words, he invested a lot of work, knowledge, and inspiration to give the world the secrets of the Ural Mountains.
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is remembered and honored in our country; streets, a square and a library are named after him. "Central city ​​Library named after P.P. Bazhov." Sverdlovsk region, Lesnoy, Lenin St., 69.
In the city of Moscow there is the Rostokino district, in which Bazhova Street and Malakhitovaya Street are located. There is a beautiful residential complex called Stone Flower. The most important attraction of the Rostokino district is Bazhov Square. Sculptures of fairy tale heroes can undoubtedly be considered a decoration of the park.
On December 3, 1950, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov passed away. He was 71 years old. The writer was buried in a cemetery in the city of Yekaterinburg.
In Sysert and Yekaterinburg, the houses where the writer lived have been preserved. Now these are museums.
Every summer, since 1993, the Bazhov festival is held in the Chebarkul region, which brings together fans of talent, those who value culture and folk traditions Ural.
The secret power of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov's tales is stored in the described historical events the lives of simple stone workers. Bazhov's tales are distinguished by poetic images of the main characters, echoing Russian folklore, melodiousness and cheerful emotional coloring folk speech. Pavel Bazhov gave the reader a unique mysterious world.

Abstract of GCD on plasticineography

"Mistress copper mountain»


consolidate children's knowledge about the characters of Bazhov's fairy tales, develop fine motor skills, continue to teach children non-traditional techniques work with plasticine, cultivate perseverance, patience, and attentiveness.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:

Small girl
And she herself is all stately,
And her braid is black,
Yes, so good.
Dress of malachite color,
There are red ribbons in the braid,
Eyes. Like emeralds, -
Magical, clear.

Educator: That's right, guys, this is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. And in what form did she appear in public? (Children's answers)

That's right, in the form of a lizard.

Guys, today we will have an unusual sculpture. We will draw a lizard with plasticine. First, we will take a transparent file and draw the outline of our lizard. Now we can take the plasticine and start filling in this outline. Let's take a small piece of plasticine and make an eye for the lizard, now there will be specks on the back of our heroine. How was the Mistress of the Copper Mountain in the form of a lizard different from other lizards? ( Children's answers). What color is a lizard? We take green plasticine, we will use it to fill the body of our lizard, spreading the plasticine in a thin layer. First, we pinch off a small piece of plasticine, make a ball out of it, and place it on the base. (head, tail) and smear it. We do it carefully, without going beyond the contour. Then we smear the lizard’s paws with plasticine. So our lizard is ready! Look what you have beautiful work it worked! You must be very tired? Let's relax and play. Conducting physical exercises.

Summary of GCD on beading

"Silver Hoof"

Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about the characters in Bazhov's fairy tales, introduce children to new technology beading, develop fine motor skills, creative imagination, perseverance, the ability to finish what you start.

Children, guess the riddle:

A ringing hoof,

horns in five branches,

He is friends with Muryonka,

call him quickly.

That's right, this is a character from Bazhov's tale The Silver Hoof. And who will tell about it? How was Silver Hoof different from other goats?

Today we will do beadwork, and for this we will need:

  • 10 small beads (1 - silver)
  • 16 medium mother-of-pearl beads;
  • 4 large mother-of-pearl beads;
  • beads Brown for horns;
  • wire.

Carefully study the diagrams that are on your tables. Let's start weaving from the body of the kid, namely with a small tail. We put 1 small bead on the wire and secure it. Next, we put 6 more small beads on the wire and form the left rear leg. We secure it by leaving one last bead and passing the wire through the next 4. For the body itself we put on 3 large beads and for the left front leg - 5 small beads, fasten the leg like the previous one. For the neck and head - we put on 3 small ones, 1 large one, 1 small one, and secure it by passing the wire back through 4 beads. We form the right front leg: 4 small, 1 silver, secure. We pass the wire back through the body and form the right rear leg.

We have made our little goat, all that remains is to make his horns. But first, you and I will take a little rest.

Conducting physical exercises.

The horns for our fawn are woven from five strips, separate from the body itself. Then connect them to the body using the ends of the wire, passing them through the beads and twisting them with another wire. The diagram contains a drawing of only one horn, but as you understand, you need to weave two.

Look what beautiful little goats you have made.

Quiz based on Bazhov's tales

Educator: All month we have been getting acquainted with the work of P.P. Bazhov, and today we will find out how well you are now familiar with Bazhov’s tales.


  1. What did Danilo the master dream of making from stone? (flower)
  2. The nickname of an old man who took in an orphan. (Kokovanya)
  3. What was the orphan's name? (Darenka)
  4. What was the name of Darenka's cat? (Murenka)
  5. On what occasions was Ognevushka shown to people? (when I wanted to show where the gold was)
  6. How many times did Ognevushka show herself to Fedyuna? (three times)
  7. Who did the Mistress of the Copper Mountain turn into? (to the lizard)
  8. How was Stepan punished for conveying the Mistress’s words to the clerk? (flogged and chained at the coalface)
  9. Where did the malachite box come from in Stepan's family? (it was given by the Mistress of the Copper Mountain)
  10. Why couldn’t Stepan’s wife Nastasya wear jewelry from a malachite box? (because the rings stung her, the beads made her feel cold, and the earrings pulled down her earlobes)
  11. Who got the malachite box? (Stepan's daughter Tanyushka)
  12. Where the goat jumped, people began to find pebbles. Which? (peridots)

Competition “Guess the story from the thing”

Children take a thing out of the box and name the tale in which it appears.

  1. Cat. ("Silver Hoof")
  2. Blue handkerchief. (“Ognevushka - jumping”)
  3. Spatula. (“Ognevushka - jumping”)
  4. Lizard. ("Mistress of the Copper Mountain")
  5. Ring with malachite. ( "Malachite Box")
  6. Button. ( "Malachite Box")
  7. Hammer. ("Stone Flower"

Competition “Which fairy tale are the words from”
- “It was the owl who interfered. Our happiness plumped up and laughed" ( Ognevushka - Jumping)
- “The whole booth is on fire - shimmering with multi-colored lights” ( Silver hoof)
- “Show up, show yourself! Spin the wheel" ( Blue snake)
- “And the clothes are such that you won’t find anything else like them in the world. Made of silk, hear me, a malachite dress" ( Copper Mountain Mistress).

Contest "Who knows?"
- What kind of hoof did the goat use to knock out the stones? ( silver hoof on the right front leg)
- What is Ognevushka wearing? (a blue sundress and a handkerchief in his hand, also blue).
- Why did the woman give Tanya a button? ( Like you forget something at work or hard case it will do, look at this button. This is where your answer will be).
- How can you distinguish a Blue Snake from a person? (As it goes, even at the smallest

Olga Antropova

Relevance project: Among the vastness of our great land there is a region where you live, where your home is, and wherever you go, you will always remember your native Urals. The nature of the Urals is wonderful, forested mountains, blue lakes, fast rivers. But the Ural land is not only beautiful. She - fabulously rich. Famous throughout the world for its stones: malachite, gems, jasper, marble; useful fossils: coal, ore, gold. And what kind of people live in the Urals! True masters of their craft. The famous writer Pavel Petrovich wrote about all this Bazhov. Introducing children to the works of P.P. Bazhova, We talk about the beauty of the region, in which they live, we introduce it to its past, to the rituals and customs of the people, their way of life.

Problem: Currently, children know little about the history of their region, and therefore they enjoy listening to the works of the Ural storyteller Bazhov P. P. "Ognevushka-Jumping", "Sinyushkin Well", "Silver Hoof", "Golden Hair", "About the Great Snake".

Information card project

Organization "Kindergarten No. 20", With. Trinity.

Address: Sverdlovsk region, Bogdanovichsky district, village. Trinity, st. Lenina, house 143.

Type, type project: medium-term, creative, information and research. Participants project: children of the preparatory group for school, parents, teachers, music director.

Target: Introduce children to the works of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhova.


To introduce children to the life and work of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhova, who will turn 136 years old in 2016;

Expand children's information about the history of the Urals;

To form in children an emotional and figurative perception of works through an artistic description of images;

To cultivate the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the appropriateness of its use in one’s own speech (folk statements, sayings);

Teach children to negotiate, help, provide support in work, and show interest in the task being completed;

Forming ideas about diversity skazov P. P. Bazhova, cultivate a positive attitude towards him fairy tales;

Introduce the customs and traditions of the Ural District;

Involve parents in family reading of literary works;

Create conditions for search activities.

Location: Municipal government preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 20", With. Trinity

Children's age: 6 – 7 years

Expected results:

Subject to the implementation of this project we can assume the following results: For children:

Creating conditions in the group to familiarize children with the works of P.P. Bazhova:

Reading works and looking at illustrations I'll tell you P. P. Bazhova;

Drawing competition « Tales of Bazhov» ;

Creating an Album « Tales of Bazhov» ;

Compiling a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs;

Expanding the horizons of children;

Uniting the children's team;

Registration of a group by fairy tale"Silver Hoof";

Children develop communication skills;

Creative thinking and imagination develops;

The skills of independence, self-organization, freedom and responsibility are developed;

Developing interest in collective, teamwork with all participants in the educational process.

For teachers:

Self-realization, increased creative potential;

Increasing competence in the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process.

For parents:

Parents' interest in the values ​​of student-centered education is increasing;

Parents are consciously involved in the process, thus ensuring the possibility of continuously continuing work with the child at home;

Optimization of parent-child relationships;

Creating an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation with all participants in the educational process;

Increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Implementation plan project

Stage 1 – preparatory (one week).

Based on the children's interest, (age capabilities) Parents are surveyed and goals and objectives are discussed project with parents and children, creating the conditions necessary for the implementation project.

Stage 2 – basic, organizational and practical (two weeks).

Implementation of the main activities in the area project. Presentation (group).

Stage 3 – final (final).

Includes the collection and processing of practical materials, correlation of the delivered and predicted results with the received ones; synthesis of materials project and presentation of these results.

Performance evaluation based on the results of work is carried out according to three directions: children, parents, teacher.

Assessment of children's interest and their success in the common cause is monitored through observation and analysis of children's activities, activities, and conversations with children.

Assessing interest and participation in project Parents’ participation occurs through participation in joint events, analysis of parents’ participation in preparing conditions for children’s activities, and participation in competitions.

Assessment of the increased activity of teachers is monitored by the quality of work with children within the framework of project.

Equipment and materials: Books by writer P. Bazhova; pictures and illustrations for the works of P. Bazhova; printed board games; video, audio recordings; tape recorder, TV; computer; materials for productive visual activities; collection of stones and minerals.


1. Tolstikova O.V., Smirnova Z.I. We live on Ural: educational program taking into account the specifics of national, sociocultural and other conditions in which educational activities with preschool children are carried out. – Ekaterinburg: SAOU DPO SO "IRO". – 2013 –103s.

2. Bazhov P. P. Serebryanoye hoof: Skaz – Sverdlovsk: Sredne-Uralskoe book publishing house, 1985. – 16 p.

3. Bazhov P. P. Ognevushka- Jumping: Skaz – Sverdlovsk: Sredne-Uralskoe book publishing house, 1976. – 24 p.

4. Bazhov P. P. Blue snake: Skazy – Moscow, ed. "Contemporary", 1991. – 92 p.

5. Bazhov P. P. Tales/Text preparation, after. and comments. Slobozhanina L.M. – Sverdlovsk: Sredne-Uralskoe book publishing house, 1988. – 496 p.

6. Stories and fairy tales of Soviet writers. - Sverdlovsk: Sredne-Uralskoe book publishing house, 1990. – 544 p.

7. Bazhov P. P. Malachite box. Ill. T. Lyakhovich. – M.: Publishing house. in EKSMO, 2004. – 592 p.


Event Goals Responsible Dates

Stage I – preparatory

Questioning parents

Find out whether parents read books to their children. What do children prefer to listen to? Teachers 1st week

Library selection

Develop children's interest in works

P.P. Bazhova

3 Promotion "Give me a book kindergarten» (works about Ural writers)

Replenish the group’s library with books about nature. Continue to create a desire among parents and children to take part in group activities. Teachers, parents 1st week

4 Registration of parental corner: posting articles, consultations, recommendations on the topic project Educate parents. Teachers 1st week

5 Selection of visual teaching aids, demonstration material on I'll tell you P. P. Bazhova Create conditions for demonstrating P.’s works. Bazhova. Teachers, parents 1st week

Stage II – basic, organizational and practical

6 Examination of books, illustrations based on the works of P. Bazhova To develop children's interest in books and the writer's work. Teachers 2nd week

7 Design of a book corner Create conditions for implementation project. Develop an interest in books. Teachers 2nd week

8 Compiling a card index of riddles, proverbs and sayings, folk signs; solving a crossword puzzle Bazhov's tale"Silver Hoof" Form search activities when working with literature. Help broaden children's horizons and develop cognitive interest. Teachers 2nd week

9 Acquaintance with the writer’s work. Virtual excursion to Paul's house-museum Bazhova. Arouse and maintain children's interest in fiction. Learn to understand the idea of ​​the work. Develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, notice the means of artistic expression of speech. Introduce you to the customs and traditions of your native land. Teachers 2nd week

10 Looking at images of clothing from the times tales of Bazhov, illustrations and books by P.P. Bazhova, illustrations about the life of ordinary people of those times To give children basic knowledge about the life of people of those times Bazhova, about the culture and life of the peoples of the Urals. Teachers 2nd week

11 Virtual tour

to the Ural Geological Museum for children of senior preschool age

Arouse and maintain children's interest in the history of their native land. To develop in children a desire to understand the natural resources of the Urals through educational and research activities. Teachers 2nd week

11 Reading works

P.P. Bazhova

"Mistress of Copper Mountain", "Ognevushka-Jumping", "Silver Hoof", "Blue Snake", "Malachite Box", "Sinyushkin Well" Develop an interest in fiction, understand the idea of ​​the work, notice the means of artistic expression. Teachers 3rd week

13 Watching a video "Silver Hoof" To help expand children's horizons, intelligence, ingenuity, and develop cognitive interest. Teachers 3rd week

14 Productive activity on works « Skazov P. Bazhova» :

modeling "Fawn",

drawing illustrations for I'll tell you"Silver Hoof"; drawing "Servant-girlfriends of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain". Learn to display your impressions in drawings. Teachers 3rd week

16 Presentation project« Tales of Bazhov»

Create a folder of illustrations for I'll tell you P. P. Bazhova. Teach children to present the result of their activities Educators, parents, children Week 4

Stage 3 – final (final)

17 Processing and design of materials project Educators, parents, children 4th week

18 Entertainment based on skazov P. Bazhova“Malachite Christmas tree visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain”

Teachers, music director, parents, children 4th week

Analysis: As a result of work on project« Tales of Bazhov» :

The group has created conditions for children to become familiar with the writer’s works;

There have been positive changes in the relationship between parents and teachers of the group;

The activity of parents and the desire to participate in activities held in kindergarten have increased;

There is an increase in the creative activity of children;

There is an increase in children's interest in books and a desire to look at illustrations;

Through tales of the great Bazhov children saw a convincing image of a Ural master, whose products are the pride of Russia;

Children fell in love with unusual characters tales, "secret power", guardians of the land wealth of the Urals;

Children learned true universal human values: hard work, generosity, love, curiosity, creativity.

Completed by: Filipova E.V., teacher, 1st quarter. category Ekaterinburg 2018 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - compensatory kindergarten No. 49


“Where else can one find love for the homeland and loyalty to the common will, if not among the people themselves?”

Maximilian Robespierre

The formation of a person, the development of his personality, occurs only if there are others like him around him - a society that includes not only the child’s immediate environment and the specialists interacting with them, but, most importantly, his peers. That is why we, as adults, must make sure that all aspects of life are accessible to every growing person. And this is even more necessary for children with special health needs.

For special children, contacts with the outside world are limited, so the process of their social rehabilitation is difficult. Moreover, this process significantly depends on the norms that are accepted in the child’s social environment, on the requirements this environment places on him. It is these norms and requirements that ensure the formation of his personality.

Children with special needs have access to a feeling of love for their hometown, native nature, to his homeland. This is the beginning of patriotism, which is born in knowledge, and is formed in the process of purposeful education.

The tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov are a treasure of Russian literature.

Pavel Petrovich, with his tales, revealed to the world the Ural life, legends and language of the people. In his tales, the life and work of Ural craftsmen: lapidaries, stone cutters, prospectors are intertwined with fictional, fantastic heroes: the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the Blue Snake. Readers are presented with the inexhaustible riches of the Ural land: the unique, peculiar beauty of the region with its wooded "emerald-malachite" mountains, deep and transparent, "like rock crystal" , lakes, "ruby berries" rowan and hardworking people beautiful as "gem stones" . We decided to help children understand and love Ural fairy tales, to introduce older preschool children with special needs to the culture of their small Motherland.

Type, type of project: long-term, creative pedagogical, artistic and visual, speech.

Project duration: Two weeks.

Project date: from January 29, 2018 until 02/09/2018

Goal: To promote interest in the tales of P.P. Bazhova.


Correctional and educational:

Introduce children to the works of P.P. Bazhova;

Teach children to perceive the text by ear, relying on illustrations, to convey their empathy for the characters in speech;

Form primary ideas about yourself, other people, objects in the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects, etc.), O small homeland and the Fatherland, ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as common house people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world;

To introduce book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop all types of children's activities (game, educational and research (studying objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them), as well as the perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work (indoors and outdoors), design from different materials, including constructors, modules, paper, natural and other materials, visual (drawing, modeling, applique), musical (perception and understanding of meaning musical works, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, children's games musical instruments) and motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of child activity) in the process of introducing preschoolers to the works of P.P. Bazhova;

Develop social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, develop readiness for joint activities with peers, form respectful relationships and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization;

Develop perception of music, fiction, folklore;

To develop moral and aesthetic feelings in children in communication with nature.

Correctional and educational:

Encourage children to explain and discuss the actions of literary characters;

Stimulate empathy for characters in works of art;

To develop in children the skills of cooperation with peers and adults in the process of joint activities;

To develop the ability to participate in collective artistic and visual performances (labor) skills;

Cultivate love for one’s native land;

Cultivate a sustained interest in various types artistic activity.

Project participants:

Children 6-7 years old;

Teachers: teacher, speech pathologist, speech therapist, teacher physical culture, music director, junior teacher;

Parents of pupils.

Working with parents:

Involve parents in co-creation In the project's boundaries “Ural storyteller - Pavel Petrovich Bazhov” ;

Increasing parental competence in the process of introducing children to children's literature;

Consultation "Books "Tales" P.P. Bazhov for home reading."

Printed information (memo) "Pavel Petrovich Bazhov for children" . (see Appendix 1).

Venue: MBDOU – compensatory kindergarten No. 49.

Expected result from the project implementation:

Forming children's interest in the tales of P.P. Bazhova;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, Discovering the creative abilities of preschoolers;

Parents' awareness of the significance of the works of P.P. Bazhov in the education of preschool children;

Expanding interaction between preschool institutions and families.

Educational and methodological kit:

Programs for special preschool institutions. Education and training of mentally retarded children of preschool age. /Authors: Gavrilushkina O.P., Sokolova N.D. Min. Enlightenment of the USSR. M.: Education, 1991;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow “On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education" ;

WORKING PROGRAMM (module) on the development of children of the 7th year of life (preparatory group) basic general educational program– adapted educational program for preschool education of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution– compensatory kindergarten No. 49 in the compensatory group for children with mild mental retardation;

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. SanPiN 2.4. 1. 2660 – 10.

Attributes for dramatization: Sundress, blouse, frock coat, kokoshnik, cap, etc. P.

Illustrations for works:

Nazarenko Galina. Illustrations for the tales of P.P. Bazhov: Portrait of P.P. Bazhova, "Last Autumn" , "Natal Gavrilovich" (by the way "Tayutka's mirror" ) , "Sadyk and Vakhonya" (by the way "Sun Stone" ) , "Danilka the Underfed" (by the way "Stone Flower" ) , “Dedo, tell me about the goat...” (by the way "Silver Hoof" ) , "Jump" (by the way “Ognevushka – Jumping” ) , "Tanyushka" (by the way "Malachite Box" ) ,

Tales of P.P. Bazhov in drawings by V. Nazaruk

Audio recordings:

A fragile twig The tale is read by P. Vishnyakov and K. Rumyanov.,

Silver hoof Yu. Medvedev,

Eagle feather B.Nikiforov


Visual: Portrait of P.P. Bazhova; photographs: houses, monuments; signal cards with the position of the articulatory apparatus; pictures of Ural nature (Vereshchagin P.P. "Pictures by Chusova" ; Dobrov A.V. “Photos of the Oleniy Ruchi Park” "; Shcheglov D.S. Series of paintings "Nature of the Urals" ) ; rug with signal images; cards-symbols with images of objects; cards with an image of an object, color; small items; houseplants; signal cards indicating actions to care for the plant; paintings depicting fairy tale heroes; texts for theatrical performances; symbol cards with different animals; cards depicting danger;


P. Bazhov. "Tales" Sverdlovsk, Middle Ural book publishing house, 1978 192 pp.

Bazhov P.P. "Malachite Box" /P. Bazhov; illustrator Lyakhovich - M.: Eksmo, 2012 - 592 p.

"Silver Hoof" P.P. Bazhov. Series: School library. a Publisher: Omega 2016

"Mistress of the Copper Mountain" P.P. Bazhov. Series: Classics for children. Publishing house: Strekoza-press 2007

"Stone Flower" P.P. Bazhov. Series: Favorite fairy tales. Publishing house: Rosman 2015


A. Friendlander score "Mountain Tale"

I. Keller - music for ballet "Stone Flower"

K. Molchanov - opera composition "Stone Flower"

Ballet "Stone Flower" S. Prokofiev

Prokofiev, together with his wife and choreographer L. Lavrovsky, wrote a libretto based on five tales ("Malachite Box" , « Mining master» , "Stone Flower" , "Clerk's soles" And "Jumping Firefly" ) .

Ballet "The Tale of the Stone Flower" ,

Evgeny Shchekalev - Rusichi Ensemble - Suite based on the tales of PPB "Jumping Firefly"


"Silver Hoof" 1977

"Malachite Box" 1972

"Golden Hair" 2007

"Jumping Firefly" 1979

Equipment: TSO: tape recorder, TV; Means for visual arts: white and colored paper, white and colored cardboard, colored pencils and markers, brushes for coloring, brushes for glue, scissors, napkins for soaking, work napkins, sippy cups, glue, cups for glue; Decorative material: rhinestones, sparkles, beads, etc.; Sports modules – obstacles; Labyrinth; Tactile designer; Ice balls, multi-colored balls for throwing.

Long-term planning of project work:

Olga Asyaeva
Project "Tales of Bazhov"

Compiled by Olga Leonidovna Asyaeva

teacher of the first qualification category

Relevance project:

Among the vastness of our great land there is a region where you live, where your home is, and wherever you go, you will always remember your native Urals. The nature of the Urals is wonderful, forested mountains, blue lakes, fast rivers. But the Ural land is not only beautiful. She - fabulously rich. Famous throughout the world for its stones: malachite, gems, jasper, marble; useful fossils: coal, ore, gold. And what kind of people live in the Urals! True masters of their craft. The famous writer Pavel Petrovich wrote about all this Bazhov. Introducing children to the works of P.P. Bazhova, We talk about the beauty of the region, in which they live, we introduce it to its past, to the rituals and customs of the people, their way of life.


Currently, children know little about the history of their region, and therefore they enjoy listening to the works of the Ural storyteller Bazhov P. P. "Ognevushka-Jumping", "Sinyushkin Well", "Silver Hoof", "Golden Hair", "About the Great Snake".

Type, type project: medium-term, creative, information and research.

Target: Introduce children to the works of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhova.


Introduce children to the life and work of the Ural writer Bazhova P. P. in 2014 he is 130 years old;

Expand children's information about the history of the Urals;

To form in children an emotional and figurative perception of works through an artistic description of images;

To cultivate the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the appropriateness of its use in one’s own speech (folk statements, sayings);

Teach children to negotiate, help, provide support in work, and show interest in the task being completed;

Forming ideas about diversity fairy tales by Bazhov P. G., cultivate a positive attitude towards him fairy tales;

Introduce the customs and traditions of the Ural District;

Involve parents in family reading of literary works;

Create conditions for search activities.

Subject to the implementation of this project we can assume the following results:

For children:

Creating conditions in the group to familiarize children with the works of P.P. Bazhova

reading works and looking at illustrations I'll tell you P. P. Bazhova;

drawing competition « Tales of Bazhov» ;

album creation « Tales of Bazhov» ;

expanding children's horizons;

uniting the children's team;

group registration fairy tale"Silver Hoof";

children develop communication skills;

creative thinking and imagination develops;

skills of independence, self-organization, freedom and responsibility are developed;

developing interest in collective, teamwork with all participants in the educational process.

For teachers:

self-realization, increased creative potential;

increasing competence in use;

in the educational process of modern pedagogical technologies.

For parents:

parents' interest in the values ​​of student-centered education increases;

parents are consciously involved in the process, thus ensuring the possibility of continuously continuing work with the child at home;

optimization of parent-child relationships;

creating an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation with all participants in the educational process;

increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Implementation stages project

Stage I – preparatory (one week). Based on the children's interest, (age capabilities) Parents are surveyed and goals and objectives are discussed project with parents and children, creating the conditions necessary for the implementation project.

II – stage – main (two weeks). Implementation of the main activities in the area project. Presentation (group).

III – stage of reflection (final). Includes the collection and processing of practical materials, correlation of the delivered and predicted results with the received ones; synthesis of materials project and presentation of these results.

Performance evaluation based on the results of work is carried out according to three directions:


Assessment of children's interest and their success in the common cause is monitored through observation and analysis of children's activities, activities, and conversations with children.

Assessing interest and participation in project Parents’ participation occurs through participation in joint events, analysis of parents’ participation in preparing conditions for children’s activities, and participation in competitions.

Assessment of the increased activity of teachers is monitored by the quality of work with children within the framework of project.

Equipment and materials:

Books by writer P. Bazhova;

Pictures and illustrations for the works of P. Bazhova;

Board and printed games;

Video and audio recordings;

Tape recorder, TV;


Materials for productive visual activities.


No. Event Goals Responsible Dates

Stage I – preparatory

1 Questioning parents To find out whether parents read books to their children. What do children prefer to listen to? Teachers Week 1

2 Selection of a library To develop children's interest in the works of P. Bazhova Teachers, parents 1st week

3 Promotion “Give a book to a kindergarten” (works about Ural writers) Replenish the group’s library with books about nature. Continue to create in parents and children a desire to take part in group activities. Educators, parents 1st week

4 Registration of parental corner: posting articles, consultations, recommendations on the topic project Educate parents Educators Week 1

5 Selection of visual teaching aids, demonstration material on I'll tell you P. P. Bazhova Create conditions for demonstrating P.’s works. Bazhova Teachers, parents 1st week

II – stage – main (two weeks)

6 Examination of books, illustrations based on the works of P. Bazhova Develop children's interest in books and the writer's work Educators Week 2

7 Design of a book corner Create conditions for implementation project. Develop interest in books Educators Week 2

8 Making cards (riddles, proverbs, sayings, folk signs, observations) Form search activities when working with literature. Help broaden children's horizons and develop cognitive interest. Educators Week 2

9 Getting to know the writer’s work

Arouse and maintain children's interest in fiction. Learn to understand the idea of ​​the work. Develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, notice the means of artistic expression of speech. Introduce you to the customs and traditions of your native land. Teachers 2nd week

10 Looking at images of clothing from the times tales of Bazhov, illustrations and books by P.P. Bazhova, illustrations about the life of ordinary people of those times To give children basic knowledge about the life of people of those times Bazhova, about the culture and life of the peoples of the Urals. Teachers 2nd week

11 Selection of pictures Teach children to systematize illustrative and visual material of familiar works Teachers 2nd week

12 Reading works by P. Bazhova

"Mistress of Copper Mountain", "Ognevushka-Jumping" Develop an interest in fiction, understand the idea of ​​a work, notice means of artistic expression. Educators 3rd week

13 Watching a video "Silver Hoof" Help expand children's horizons, intelligence, ingenuity, develop cognitive interest Educators 3rd week

14 Productive activity on works « Skazov P. Bazhova»

Modeling "Fawn",

Drawing illustrations for I'll tell you"Blue Snake", "Sinyushkin Well", "Silver Hoof". Learn to display your impressions in drawings Educators Week 3

15 Conducting a quiz on « To Bazhov's tales» To develop children's creative activity in creativity, in the process of coming up with options fairy tales and stories. Continue to develop communication skills Educators Week 4

16 Presentation project« Tales of Bazhov»

Create a folder of illustrations for I'll tell you P. P. Bazhova. Teach children to present the result of their activities Educators, parents, children Week 4

III – stage of reflection (final)

17 Processing and design of materials project Educators, parents, children 4th week


As a result of work on project« Tales of Bazhov»

the group has created conditions for children to become familiar with the writer’s works;

there have been positive changes in the relationship between parents and teachers of the group;

The activity of parents and the desire to participate in activities held in kindergarten have increased;

there is an increase in the creative activity of children;

There is an increase in children's interest in books and a desire to look at illustrations;

through tales of the great Bazhov children saw a convincing image of a Ural master, whose products are the pride of Russia;

children fell in love with unusual characters tales, "secret power", guardians of the land wealth of the Urals;

children learned true universal human values: hard work, generosity, love, curiosity, creativity.