N Crimea winter evening history. Artistic description of the painting by N.P.

A person will never stop looking for a remedy that will be able to cure various ailments and increase the protective properties of the body without harming it. Many medicines appear every day, but most of them, along with their benefits, cause damage to organs and tissues. And this is not only because large quantity side effects. Medicines that are of synthetic origin are especially aggressive.

But you can still fight diseases without fear of harming yourself. And an effective and proven drug will help with this, even if not yet recognized by traditional medicine - ASD 2. This remedy has long established itself as effective and helping to get rid of a large number of ailments. The main principle of action of Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant is the activation of the immune system, which is responsible for the fight against all pathologies. Let's look at options for taking and using ASD-2F for various diseases.

Description of the standard regimen for taking ASD-2 fraction

ASD – powerful tool, which, when used correctly, can relieve a variety of pathologies. There are two fractions of the drug - the second and third. Antiseptic stimulant Dorogov 2F is intended for both internal and external use. The third fraction is a composition that can be used exclusively externally. How to use ASD-2F in the fight against various ailments, as well as for prevention? Let's look at the standard scheme.

There are two options for using the medicine.
1) The first fraction is to be taken in a dosage of 15-30 drops daily. The composition is diluted in cold boiled water and consumed twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, half an hour before meals. The medicine is taken until complete relief from the pathology according to the following scheme: 5 days of use, 3 breaks.

2) The second option involves using the medication with a gradual daily increase in dosage.

  • Day 1 – 5 drops in the morning, 10 in the evening.
  • Day 2 - 15 drops in the morning, 20 in the evening.
  • Day 3 – 25 drops in the morning, 25 in the evening.
  • Day 4 – 25 drops in the morning, 30 in the evening.
  • Day 5 – 30 drops in the morning, 35 in the evening.
  • Day 6 – 35 drops 2 times a day.
  • Day 7 – break.

After reaching a dosage of 1 ml, the composition is taken in this dose daily until complete recovery.

Dorogov himself and his followers developed many other schemes for the treatment of specific pathologies. ASD-2F promotes the treatment of the following ailments:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • colitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thrush;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • mastopathy;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • herpes;
  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • baldness;
  • otitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • tonsillitis;
  • enuresis.

The composition is effective in the fight against radiculitis and pathologies cardiovascular systems s and skin, neuroses, gout, rheumatism, eczema of various etiologies, fungal infections, psoriasis, obesity, diabetes, gangrene and other systemic intractable diseases.

Schemes for using an antiseptic stimulant for the treatment of various ailments: table

A drug Disease Scheme Dosage Well
ASD-2F Obesity 1 time per day 1 five-day dose of 1 ml per 100 ml of water,

2 five-day packages of 30 drops,

3 five-day periods of 20 drops.

5 days of admission,

3 days break

Total - 24 days, then continue 20 drops until normal weight is achieved.

ASD-2F Stomatitis Rinse

3 times a day

10% aqueous solution Every day until full
ASD-2F Toothache, gumboil Rinse

3 times a day

10% aqueous solution. For tampons, do not place in the hollow of the tooth. Until the pain disappears and the inflammatory process is relieved
ASD-2F Eczema (all forms except weeping) Compresses 2 times a day. Dilute the drug with alcohol 1 to 1,

Add a spoonful of the mixture to 2 tablespoons of castor oil.

Until symptoms disappear
ASD-2F Hives 2 times a day Take 1 ml per 100 ml of water orally. 5 days of admission,

3 days break

Usually 3 courses

ASD-2F Radiculitis 2 times a day Take 1-2 ml orally (depending on the patient’s weight) per 100 ml of water. 5 days of admission,

3 days break

ASD-2F Neuroses 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals 1 teaspoon of 5% alcohol solution per 100 ml of water. Every day, usually 5 days.

After 3 days you can try again.

ASD-2F Gout, rheumatism In the morning and in the evening 20 drops per 100 ml of water

until complete recovery

ASD-2F Children's enuresis 1 time per day before meals. 5 to ASD, diluted in 150 ml of water, 5 days on, 3 days off.
ASD-2F Enuresis in adults In the morning and in the evening 10-15 drops per 100 ml of water 5 days of admission, 3 days break. 3-4 courses
ASD-2F Hyperthyroidism 1 time per day 15-35 drops


5 days of use, 3 days break. 35 drops until complete recovery
ASD-2F Hypertonic disease In the morning and in the evening 5 drops per 100 ml of water
ASD-2F Follicular tonsillitis Rinse

every 2 hours

Compresses at night.


1% aqueous solution

Rub the skin of the neck with ASD-2 and wrap it with a scarf.

5 drops per 100 ml. water

3 days
ASD-2F Rhinitis, sinusitis Nasal drops 3 times a day 1 drop is combined with 15-30 ml of water, completely inserted into 2 nostrils. 3-7 days
ASD-2F Ear diseases of inflammatory nature Inside 1 time a day.

Rinsing once a day.

From 20 drops per 100 ml of water.

!% solution for washing.

Until complete recovery.
ASD-2F Eye ailments Inside 1 time a day.

Rinse 2 times a day.

Inside, 5 drops per 100 ml of water.

For rinsing, 1% solution.

Oral intake: 5 days on, 3 days off.

Rinse daily.

Until complete recovery.

ASD-2F Baldness Daily rubbing 5% solution Until symptoms stop.
ASD-2F Impotence Daily 1 time per day 5 drops per 100 ml of water 5 days on, 3 days off, long term.
ASD-2F Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis Daily 2 times a day 20 drops per 100 ml 5 days of admission, 3 days break, usually 3-4 courses.
ASD-2F Trichomonosis, herpes, candidiasis, chlamydia Take orally daily, 2 times a day.

Rinsing, douching, microenemas 2 times a day.

20 drops per 100 ml

1% solution

5 days on, 3 days off.
ASD-2F Uterine fibroids, mastopathy Inside 2 times a day.

Douching or microenemas 2 times a day.

Suppositories with ASD2 instead of douching

Compresses on the chest at night.

15 drops per 100 ml of water.

1% solution

5 days on, 3 days off.

External procedures daily for 10 days.

ASD-2F Gynecological ailments of inflammatory nature Every day 2 times a day. 5 drops per 100 ml 5 days of admission, 2-3 breaks.
ASD-2F Diseases thyroid gland 2 times a day 1 week 1 ml; 2 week 10 drops;

3 weeks and beyond

15 drops each.

5 days of admission, 2-3 breaks.

2-3 courses depending on the severity of the disease.

ASD-2F Oncology, cancer Standard regimen 2 times a day. 15-30 drops per 100 ml of water 5 days of admission, 2-3 breaks.
ASD-2F Psoriasis Orally 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. 15-30 drops 100 ml of water 5 days of admission, 2-3 breaks.

If you want to achieve maximum effect and get rid of a certain disease in the shortest possible time, you should follow several recommendations during therapy.

  1. If you are taking not only an antiseptic stimulant, but also medications to treat a specific disease, it is recommended to use ASD no earlier than three hours after using the medication.
  2. Do not drink antiseptic under any circumstances. pure form. This can cause damage to the stomach lining. Always dilute the mixture in the recommended amount of liquid.
  3. Use only cooled, boiled water to dilute the drug. The use of strong tea and milk is allowed. The use of juices, mineral water and other liquids for this purpose is not recommended.
  4. During the therapeutic course, you should enrich your diet with sour fruits and juices from them. This will help prevent blood clotting.
  5. While taking ASD, drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  6. Do not open the bottle. This is fraught with the loss of all of the drug medicinal properties and activity. It is necessary to withdraw the required amount of medicine using a syringe.
  7. Do not interrupt the course of therapy.

Following all these recommendations, correct technique antiseptic stimulant, as well as the passage full course will help in eliminating unpleasant symptoms, getting rid of pathology and increasing protective properties body. Before you start using the composition, do not forget to consult your doctor.

During this period, on behalf of the government leadership the best minds Countries are busy with a new drug aimed at treating immune deficiencies. In addition, minimal funds were allocated for its creation. Under such conditions, even the luminaries of science of that time could not create anything.

Although ASD-2 is considered a universal cure for diseases, which has no contraindications. The selection of dosage and monitoring of correct intake is carried out by the attending physician.

What properties does this miracle drug have?

Dorokhov's antiseptic stimulant turned out to be a drug that helps fight damage to human tissue and strengthen the immune system. After some research, the raw material base for creating this miracle drug has expanded. As a result, instead of frog skin, meat and bone mass taken from cattle is used. During chemical processes, it was endowed with the same useful properties and characteristics.

What is the biological activity of ASD-2?

The name of the drug, assigned to it by its creator, suggests that it is a powerful antiseptic, which is endowed with a great adaptogenic effect. This medicine is capable of easily overcoming all natural barriers established by the human body in a short period of time. Thanks to this, ASD-2 penetrates inside human cells in a short period of time, where it has a therapeutic effect. The complete compatibility of the drug with the human body at the biological level has been proven, and no side effects have been detected. After numerous studies, no contraindications were found for ASD fraction 2. Therefore, the use of ASD-2 during pregnancy is possible, but only in the most extreme cases and with the permission of a doctor. There is still one drawback - the not very pleasant smell of spoiled meat, which is very pronounced. This is due to the fact that this drug contains putrescine and cadaverine (protein breakdown products). Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely eliminate the aroma. This drug does not accumulate in the patient’s body and exerts its biologically active effect immediately. Therefore, even after prolonged use of ASD-2, the biological activity remains at the same level as before the start of direct medication administration. ASD-2 has the following chemical composition: aliphatic compounds of polycyclides, sulfates and carbohydrates, water and aminopeptides in combination with the active group of sulfhydryls. It is suitable for internal and external use and is a yellow or brown composition with a special odor.

ASD-2 is a medicine that has no contraindications, therefore it can be taken by pregnant women. Before starting a treatment course, be sure to consult with your doctor.

How can ASD fraction 2 be used to treat people?

Dilute 15 to 30 drops of the remedy with 1/3 cup of boiled water or tea, cool temperature. You need to drink the fraction diluted in this way 2 times a day, immediately before your planned meal. The course of taking the drug lasts 5 days. After which you need to stop taking the drug for 3 days. The further regimen for taking ASD-2 is similar. The medicine is used until the person recovers completely.

What are the features of taking ASD for the treatment of certain diseases?

During the treatment of different diseases, instructions for using ASD for humans differ from each other. Here are some of them:

  1. If you have inflammation eyeballs, then the rules for taking ASD-2 are as follows: add 4-5 drops of medicine to ½ cup of pre-chilled boiling water and take it for 5 days. Next, according to the scheme, there is a break of 3 days;

Since ASD-2 belongs to the group of potent stimulants for nervous system and can lead to great overexcitation, then it should not be used to treat children suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system), as well as high blood pressure or pathologies of a neurological nature.

Is ASD-2 effective in treating cancer?

Dorokhov considered the use of the ASD-2 fraction in oncology to be completely justified and effective, especially when the cancer is in its initial stage and has not yet acquired an irreversible form. In the presence of skin cancer, as well as various subcutaneous tumors, the scientist advised patients to make medicinal compresses. When treating cancer, the dosage of the drug is calculated based on the size and location of the tumor, as well as taking into account all the physiological and age-related characteristics of the patient’s body. And also the degree of its development should be taken into account, Dorokhov argued.

How to correctly remove the drug from the protective bottle?

  1. When opening the bottle, it is necessary to remove the metal cap itself directly, and the entire lid from the rubber base;

Remove the drug only in a clearly specified sequence. Do not remove the protective rubber stopper or pull the needle out of it at the end of the procedure.

What is the pharmacological effect of ASD-2?

This antiseptic helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as increase the release of hormones from the endocrine glands. In addition, ASD-2 completely normalizes metabolism and significantly improves the functioning of the nervous system. This medicine also helps wounds heal very quickly and has good antiseptic properties. This universal medicine can cure numerous gynecological and oncological diseases.

With the help of ASD - 2, it is possible to disinfect wounds and carry out their further antimicrobial treatment.

Fraction ASD 2 - use for humans, instructions, benefits and harm to people

ASD fraction 2 is a product of the decomposition of organic raw materials that occurs at high temperatures. It is of animal origin and is extracted using the dry sublimation method.

The creator of the unique drug called it an antiseptic stimulant. In addition to pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial activity, the drug has a powerful adaptogenic effect. Due to its easy passage through the biological barriers of the body, the drug quickly penetrates the tissues and exerts its healing effect.

In this material we will tell you about the drug ASD fraction 2, what effect its use has on a person, for what diseases it can be used, as well as what benefits and possible harm to people.

Drug ASD fraction 2

ASD fraction 2 (stands for Dorogov Antiseptic-Stimulant) is a drug that today is officially used only in veterinary medicine to treat animals.

The mid-50s of the last century became a time of breakthrough for the scientific world of medicine in the USSR. During this period, on behalf of the government leadership, the country's best minds began working on a new drug aimed at treating a lack of immunity.

This medicine has existed for more than 50 years, but is still officially used only in veterinary medicine.

ASD fraction 2 is a volatile liquid, it can be from all shades of yellow to rich red with a specific odor and an alkaline reaction. The presence of fine dark sediment is allowed.

The main purpose of the drug is to protect the human and animal body from the effects of radiation. But after identifying other healing abilities, it was proven that it has excellent immunostimulating, restorative and protective effects.

Speaking about ASD fraction 2, the use of this drug for humans, we should first of all note its main unique property: ASD does not resist any types of microbes, but increases the body’s defenses, which themselves cope with any microbe.

The drug is not officially recognized, but is quite widely used among the masses. There are several reasons for this:

  • Low cost (less than 300 rubles);
  • Comparative availability - it can be bought at almost any veterinary pharmacy;
  • Wide range of applications (see section “For what diseases);
  • Estimated effectiveness for the treatment of severe diseases;
  • Versatility;
  • Reputation as a miracle cure for severe conditions, including oncology.

Composition and release form

Fraction ASD 2 is a sterile solution with a specific odor that mixes well with water.

At first it was made from frog tissue, but now meat and bone meal and waste from meat processing plants are used to produce the drug. After dry sublimation of these organic residues, a yellowish-brown liquid is obtained, quickly soluble in water.

  • Carboxylic acids.
  • Water.
  • Amide derivatives.
  • Cyclic hydrocarbons.
  • Sulfrigide compounds of the active direction.
  • Aliphatic hydrocarbons.

ASD fraction 2 is not perfect - it has a very specific smell. It is impossible to rid the drug of this “aroma”; all attempts ended in failure - the deodorized antiseptic stimulant loses its active properties. When it comes to life and health, such trifles as the unpleasant smell of medicine can be neglected.

pharmachologic effect

  1. The first option resembled in many ways plain water, therefore had no value for medicine.
  2. The second option (ASD 2) is a yellowish-red liquid with a specific odor. It can be used both externally (compresses, rinses) and internally; it dissolves well in water.
  3. The third version of the antiseptic (ASD 3) is used only externally, mainly on animals, but experiments have also been conducted on humans. Oral administration is strictly contraindicated.

All fractions of ASD easily evaporate in the air. When taken, the required amount of liquid is sucked out with a syringe by piercing the rubber cap.

ASD fraction 2: benefits and harm to humans

ASD fraction 2 should be considered as a natural biogenic stimulator of the vital functions of our body. This drug is recommended to be used for the treatment of many ailments. internal organs and skin. It can be used both internally and externally.

Benefits of ASD-2 for the body:

  • Rapid penetration into tissues and full compatibility with the human body;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system;
  • Activation of immune defense and strengthening of the nervous system;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of intracellular ion exchange;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • accelerating the healing of the dermis.

Possible harm

The main harm of ASD fraction 2 is that many patients try to use it for self-treatment of serious ailments, including malignant tumors. The consequences of such therapy can be unpredictable.

Those who decide to undergo treatment should know: only fraction-2 is used internally (drinking)! Another drug - ASD-3 - is used exclusively externally: compresses and lubricants.


Fraction ASD 2 is indicated in alternative medicine to be taken for the following serious diseases:

Fraction ASD 2 use for humans: instructions

Official instructions for humans have not been approved. Many of the positive effects of the product have not been officially confirmed.

Surprisingly, despite the ability of ASD 2 to cure many diseases, official medicine does not recognize the drug as a medicinal product for humans.

Instructions for use:

  1. Dilute 15 to 30 drops of the remedy with 1/3 cup of boiled water or tea, cool temperature.
  2. You need to drink the fraction diluted in this way 2 times a day, immediately before your planned meal.
  3. The course of treatment lasts 5 days. After which you need to stop taking the drug for 3 days. The further regimen for taking ASD-2 is similar. The medicine is used until the person recovers completely.

Also, for each disease, a special set of combinations of permissible dosage and the number of days of use in relation to days off is used:

  • For toothache, you need to use sterile cotton wool. It is dipped in Dorogov’s antiseptic and applied to the source of pain;
  • For conjunctivitis and blepharitis, dilute 3-5 drops of the fraction in half a glass of boiled water. Consumed orally for 5 days or used to wash inflamed eyes. If necessary, repeat the scheme after 3 days.
  • Dilute five drops of the drug in 100 ml of warm water. Consume within five days, on an empty stomach. As a supplement, it is recommended to apply compresses to sore spots.
  • lubricate with diluted fraction 3 ASD 2-3 times daily, first wash the skin areas with soap.
  • A 1% solution of the drug is used externally.
  • Douching is carried out by dissolving 60 drops of medicine in 100 ml of water.
  • The drug is taken according to the usual method, plus it is used topically (douching with a 1% aqueous solution).
  • For incontinence, take the traditional 5 to 3 scheme and add 20 drops;
  • For radiculitis and back pain, use up to 5 ml in two doses. Finish after recovery;
  • Dissolve 1 ml of medicine in 0.5 tbsp of water and drink twice a day.
  • Inhale 15 milliliters of the product per 1 liter of boiling water. After 5 days of taking it, take a break for 2 days.
  • standard scheme, initially dilute 5 drops. and increasing the dose each course by 5 drops, bringing it to 20 drops. Duration of use - 3 months.
  • Start taking 30 drops for 5 days, take a break for 5 days.
  • The next period begins with 20 drops for 5 days.
  • The minimum dose is 10 drops, then the dose is increased again until the weight is normalized.

The medicine is taken a minute before meals, starting with a small dosage. After a 5-day course, you should take a break for 2 days. You can start therapy only after consulting a doctor.

Universal schedule for taking the drug (for all diseases)

Important! No large-scale studies have been conducted on the use of ASD-2 in humans, with the exception of records from the hospital where Dorogov himself experimented. The conclusion follows from this: each person will use ASD at his own peril and risk.

Monitor your health and stop using if it worsens.

  • Then use 35 drops morning and evening.

The use of fraction ASD 2 for cancer in oncology

There are many cases of curing cancer with the ASD fraction. Treatment of cancer (oncology) with this drug is extremely effective. Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant has been widely used in therapy:

  • cancer processes in various organs;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis;
  • fibromas or adenomas of the mammary glands, prostate;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • nodular goiter;
  • polyposis of the stomach and intestines;
  • cystic formations of the kidneys and liver.

Despite all the positive reviews on the Internet about ASD fraction 2, be sure to consult your doctor before use.

How to correctly draw ASD-2 from a bottle?

In order to correctly remove the drug, strictly follow the following rules:

  1. When opening the bottle, you do not need to remove the rubber cap. Only the metal cap is removed.
  2. Insert the needle of a disposable syringe into the stopper.
  3. Shake the drug and turn the bottle over.
  4. Take the required number of milligrams of medication.
  5. Carefully remove the syringe from the cap, leaving the needle in it.
  6. Slowly introduce the substance into the prepared water.
  7. Stir the solution. After this, you can take the medicine. Prepare it immediately before taking it.

That's it, the product is ready for use. One more thing: you need to dilute the liquid immediately before use.


ASD F-2 has contraindications:

  • allergy to components;
  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney diseases;
  • weakened body;
  • ASD is a central nervous system stimulant that can cause overexcitation. The drug should not be given to children or people with diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems in the acute stage.
  • cardiovascular diseases in children;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • It is unacceptable to use the product together with nitrosorbide.

The drug is contraindicated if blood clotting indicators exceed the norm and if there is a tendency to increased thrombus formation. These indicators will always be increased with venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis.

Side effects on the human body

No special adverse reactions were detected after taking the fraction. The only contraindication to taking the drug can only be individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In addition, if your health condition worsens sharply after starting therapy, you should stop taking it. Perhaps ASD is simply not suitable for this person.

Special instructions for ASD-2

To ensure that ASD fraction 2 brings benefits and not harm, follow the following recommendations:

  1. During treatment you should refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages.
  2. ASD thickens the blood. During the period of use of the drug, it is necessary to include in the diet such foods as lemon, garlic, orange, pomegranate, beets, and olive oil.
  3. When used internally, ASD-2 is carefully mixed with boiled cool water or strong tea (quick mixing will lead to active foaming of the solution).
  4. It is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible (up to 3 liters) per day during treatment with the drug. This will help to quickly and efficiently cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
  5. For external use, permanent paper is applied over the bandage. This measure is necessary to avoid evaporation.

As the professor himself noted, when using the 2nd fraction of ASD, harm to a person can be caused by non-compliance with the rules of administration and an overdose of the drug, which can cause functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, vascular spasms and hypertensive crisis.

Best before date

The bottle of Fractions ASD 2 should be stored in a dry, dark place, away from children at temperatures up to 30 °C. Shelf life – 4 years.

Phase II ASD is still not approved for use modern medicine and it is not possible to find it in pharmacies. Now the daughter of the creator, A. V. Dorogov, is actively fighting for this drug to be recognized by doctors and finally included in the list of approved

Remember that any medicine must be used as prescribed by a doctor, and ASD fraction 2 is no exception. In order for the drug to be beneficial and not harmful to the human body, be sure to follow the instructions for use and if you experience any unpleasant sensations, stop using it. Be healthy and leave your reviews and comments!

Discussion: 34 comments

My mother had asthma for many years. Nothing helped, there were often exacerbations. Someone I knew advised me to use ASD 2, and eventually, after a short period of time, the drug worked. Although at first, I myself did not believe in its benefit. Perhaps this is a coincidence or the body has somehow rebuilt itself, but after use there was a result. In any case, to boost your immunity, you can try drinking it for a while, which I plan to do.

Well, it’s a fact that it will boost immunity! Many people think that this is a cure for all diseases, but it is primarily a drug for stimulating the immune system. Further, it all depends on your body, how it will fight the disease. Also, do not forget about lifestyle: proper nutrition, physical activity and refusal bad habits. Without this, it will be difficult for the body to cope with diseases

Free legal advice:

Who took it for diabetes? Is there a result? Please share your information, thanks in advance.

I have type 2 diabetes, plus problems with the stomach and liver - in general, a full range of diseases with the gastrointestinal tract, although I am still relatively young. I drank Asd 2 according to the instructions for 14 days, starting with small doses and after taking it I measured my blood sugar and it dropped. Which I'm very happy about.

Although I read reviews on the Internet from people whom it did not help. Here you can see everything individually and, most importantly, you won’t stumble upon a fake.

Dear friends. Please respond to anyone who can, who knows, who has information or has experienced it themselves. ASD for preventive purposes in terms of how long it can be taken according to the system of 5 days, drink two, skip. Thanks for the answer. And this drug is a very positive thing.

I drink it twice a year for 2.5 months, I start with 5 drops for 5 days, then Sat. whole break, then 10 drops for 5 days, 2 days break, then up to 25 drops and back up to 5 drops.

On the positive side: morning stool without problems, tumors in the thyroid gland - nodules - have resolved, hemoptysis has disappeared (there was fluid in the lung, but the doctors didn’t really help), I don’t get colds or flu at all. I cured a neighbor’s sick rotten tooth during the holidays, but she didn’t remove it for a year, since it didn’t hurt or bother her.

I have a prosthetic mechanical metal mitral valve. And plus I take warfarin for asthma, I wanted to start treatment with ASD 2, maybe someone took it with MMKS and how much does ASD 2 thicken the blood

All the articles talk about blood thickening, I have constant atrial fibrillation, I also take warfarin and ASD, when checking the INR, it turned out that the blood flow values ​​​​are like those of a healthy person, which is not good for me, so I started taking 3 warfarin tablets instead of two, I’ve been drinking like this for 2 years now and I still can’t get around to it new analysis INR, maybe you need to increase the dose of warfarin. The main thing here is not to overdo it with liquefaction, otherwise there will be internal bleeding, the first sign of blood in the stool.

And I don't have a gallbladder. It was removed a couple of months ago. And now I’m thinking, can I have this drug?

Others, although they have sores, still have all their organs.

You can start with a couple of drops (as for children) on a glass (40-50 ml) of cold, sugar-free black tea, after you drink it you can take a couple more sips of just tea to beat off the aftertaste. Drink like this for 5 days, listen to your body, monitor your well-being. Then it depends on the situation.

I bought it and am about to start, but I’m confused by the fact that I have hypertension; in one article, asd is indicated for use, but in this one it is contraindicated. Now I doubt it. Tell me, is it possible for hypertension? I want to cure her!

It seems to me that everything is individual and you need to listen to your body.

Try to start taking the drug in small doses and measure your blood pressure several times a day. If you see that it increases precisely from ASD, and not from other factors: food, stress, etc. then it would be wiser, of course, to reduce the dose or stop it (at least for a while), and then try again.

If after 3-4 doses, you see that the pressure is jumping and there are no other factors that could be the cause, then the reception is contraindicated for you.

Conclusion: try it, but be sure to control your blood pressure + always have medications on hand that can lower it.

Thank you. I tried it for the first time today. But here's the question. Everywhere it is said that contact with air spoils the medicine. I did as written, left the needle in the bottle, but the air entered there with a whistle. Did I ruin the medicine?

Good afternoon, I took two courses during 2017, on recommendation, there was no fear

because I couldn’t live without omeprazole, after the first week of taking it my stomach didn’t bother me, after taking Asd I always drank coffee, it covers the smell of the medicine well, now everything is fine, good luck to everyone!

I was advised to cover my nostrils with cotton swabs - and you won’t hear the smell, only the taste. But I have a question: you can measure milliliters with a syringe and immediately pour it from the syringe into a glass of water, but how to measure drops if you took the medicine with a syringe and they do not recommend opening the bottle? Moreover, the concept is flexible; they can be different.

One milliliter is 25 drops - do the calculation.

Take a pipette and measure 5 drops of water, then draw in this amount with an insulin syringe and you will have the required volume

Forms a binary poison, just like with alcohol.

Grapefruit and all products containing strong odors are also incompatible with ASD.

I took the drug 1 ml 2 times a day - the gastrointestinal tract calmed down and this makes me happy. But she took it as the main medicine for a cold, without taking anything else, hoping that her immunity, raised from her knees, would cure everything on its own. But... it didn’t work out. I took it for 5 days and noticed that usually such diseases occur without a rise in temperature, but now it has risen. After a break of 2 days, I started taking it again and the temperature rose again. Now I have decided to stop taking the drug for now, treat the cold, and then repeat it in small doses as a preventive measure.

It's wonderful that the temperature. The body's defenses have increased. Don't knock it down! Do not use medications. With them we constantly destroy our defenders, increasing the already huge income of the farms. industry

I didn't lower the temperature. But the bad thing is that I relied only on this drug and did not take other medications. As a result, due to the improvement in my condition, I decided that the disease was receding, but it sneakily hid and a common cold ended in bronchitis. In addition, herpes also came out. Now the bronchitis has subsided and after complete recovery I will repeat taking ASD-2 again. Because the gastrointestinal tract has improved. Maybe I can treat something else?

The article is complete nonsense. They advertise veterinary drugs that are not in demand there. So what should the manufacturing industry do? So they came up with usefulness for humans. I defined the nonsense of the article here: “The drug is contraindicated if blood clotting indicators exceed the norm and if there is a tendency to increased thrombus formation. These indicators will always be increased with venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis.” I myself have chronic venous insufficiency, blood clotting is below average and no thrombus formation, zero presence of blood clots. From this I concluded that the article was written by complete mediocrity in medicine. Such articles and sites are dangerous to your health.

Well, there are people for whom ASD fraction 2 helps (at least that’s what they say). If you think that it is ineffective, then do not use the drug. It’s simple, no one is forcing anything on anyone. Everyone has their own head on their shoulders, with which they can think and analyze all incoming information. And if he can’t or, in most cases, doesn’t want to, then it’s already sad.

We now live in a world where we have a choice: take expensive drugs (which are not always effective and beneficial for the body) or cheap analogues, or completely abandon chemistry and switch to folk remedies, healthy eating and lifestyle.

Therefore, everyone makes their own choice and responsibility for health is also in everyone’s hands.

And regarding your insertion about such sites - here you are partially right. But, again, no one is stopping you from opening the official instructions or contacting a specialist (or better yet, several at once) and asking for advice: whether you can take this or that drug.

p.s. Not a single adequate person will make an accurate diagnosis for himself after reading an article on the Internet, or, much worse, begin treatment. Any disease requires mandatory diagnosis, because Behind similar symptoms, very different diseases can be hidden.

You are wrong, the drug ASD-2 also treats humans. And in some cases, human drugs are also given to animals. Did not know? This drug was recommended to me by a veterinarian friend. She herself received and treated my mother after radiation. A 90-year-old woman’s cancer has receded after a series of radiation treatments and taking this drug, which you are criticizing here. But when some cunning disease hits you and the doctors shrug, you yourself will remember this drug and God bless you with recovery!

All honey. drugs are tested first on rats, then on dogs, cats (less often), and then on humans. So conclude...

Hello. I learned about this medicine not long ago. I’m about to start taking ASD2, but I also read in the article about ASD3, please tell me this question. I have a rash (acne) I’m 24, it started when I was 17 years old and nothing helps, transfusions only help for a while. Do you think ASD3 can be applied to acne, will it help? And is it possible to use it with ASD-2 at the same time? What effect or ASD2 can get rid of the rash from the inside? Tell me please

I have a similar situation with acne. It started at the age of 18 and until now (25+ years) they have not completely gone away. What can I recommend:

1. Be sure to go to a dermatologist and gastroenterologist

2. Get tested for hormones: testosterone, thyroid gland

4. Normalize nutrition. More healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, fish, cereals, honey, etc. Eat more alkaline foods and less acidic foods. Those. normalize the PH level in the body. Read more about ph on the Internet

5. Physical activity: to avoid stagnation in the lymph and overall health problems. Movement is life:)

p.s. I have not started treatment yet, because... there was no time + other circumstances. But, I noticed that as I eat less sweet foods and generally follow a diet, my acne completely disappears. As soon as I indulge in sweets and fried foods, all hell breaks loose, acne appears again on my face, head and body.

So start with these points and I am sure they will help you get rid of acne

Try burdock leaf juice externally, and burdock extract - toxidont-may - internally. Amazing stuff

I take ASD2, but about alcohol. Is it possible to have a glass of homemade wine on those days when there is a break?

Who would write how to measure the drops? Yes, and they are different...

There is another way, put 0.2 ml into an insulin syringe - that will be 5 drops, etc.

Finished taking Asd. The pressure grew every day. I went back to the old pills.

I used ASD-2 to normalize high blood pressure and for problems with the gastrointestinal tract... it helped some people and how it helped me... I stopped taking pills every day and the gastrointestinal tract stopped bothering me

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ASD is a product of thermal decomposition of a base material of animal origin.

The drug is obtained by dry sublimation at high temperatures.

The initial raw materials are meat and bone meal, bone and meat remains.

During the sublimation of the element of basic origin, the components are decomposed down to low molecular weight parts.

ASD fraction - 2: use for humans, benefits and harms

ASD fraction 2: use for humans

  1. Only part of ASD-2 is taken orally
  2. In absolutely all variants, water is taken boiled.
  3. ASD has a sudden, unpleasant aroma. If it is not possible to use it with water (for example, for children), it is possible to use milk. 3. It is recommended to use ASD within twenty to forty minutes. right up to a meal (or 2–3 minutes after a meal).
  4. There are 30 - 40 drops of ASD in 1 milliliter.
  5. For compress dressings, parchment paper should be placed on top of the gauze to prevent the substance from evaporating. Next, a thick row of cotton wool is applied - 10 - 12 cm - and bandaged.
  6. The medication is released in empty bottles.
  7. Store the drug in a dried black area at temperatures from +4 to +30°C.
  8. There are no defined contraindications.
  9. Despite the fact that no secondary phenomena were detected in ASD, theoretical level Personal intolerance to the substance is likely. If a complication occurs when using ASD, it is recommended (in order to identify the circumstances of the shift for the worse) to temporarily interrupt the use of the substance.
  10. During the period of treatment with ASD, the use of alcoholic beverages is certainly not recommended!
  11. Until these times, the drug had not gained recognition in classical science. For this reason most of Doctors are distrustful of its healing qualities.
  12. Among those who have been using ASD for a long time, there is an opinion that the medication can “thicken” the blood.
  13. There is no need for special diets when taking ASD.
  14. Since episodes of counterfeiting of the substance have become more frequent, it is recommended to buy ASD created by a federal state unitary enterprise.

ASD-2 - benefit or harm for humans? Shocking research results

Initially, the drug was specialized to cure various skin diseases. However, the use of the drug internally is considered more interesting and has not been fully studied. Initial medical research was done on animals.

The first results became unpredictable. Not a single person could believe in the effectiveness of the “frog medicine”. It is certain that indoor use effectively fights various pathologies and exhibits a healing effect on all devices and systems without exception.

The drug restores hormonal balance, restores the elasticity of veins and eliminates varicose veins, strengthens the nervous system, has a rejuvenating effect and has no secondary results. The medical instrument has become especially necessary in gynecology.

Can't cope with prostatitis?

Popular drugs often relieve only the symptoms of prostatitis for a while. The disease does not go away, but continues to progress and reduce libido and cause accelerated ejaculation!

The product will help not only improve urination, reduce swelling of the prostate, but also restore potency and strengthen the immune system.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates inflammation and pain
  • Eliminates burning sensation when urinating
  • Relieves swelling of the prostate gland
  • Potency returns
  • You will again feel masculine strength and a surge of energy!

How is ASD fraction - 2 used for certain diseases and pathologies?

Creation of the drug ASD

In the mid-50s of the last century, the leadership of the USSR entrusted key scientists with creating a medicine that would have a strong beneficial effect on people and animals.

The primary problem was considered to be the formation of a medical device with effective features with extremely low economic investments. The goal seemed unattainable. The scientific and experimental service for the creation of the substance was headed by applicant for medical lessons A. Dorogov.

The gifted scientist needed only four years to complete the task. The base fraction of frog tissues was used as the material.

The simple part was processed through condensation. The precise components and scientific and technical manufacturing scheme were considered a national secret for a long period.

To this day, analytical chemists still do not understand what the original composition of the acquired fraction was. The essence prescribed for the first time had an immunomodulatory and stimulating effect.

The medicinal drug was effective in healing shallow epithelial scratches and had a disinfectant effect.

The drug was called a catalyst. The amazing qualities of the substance to heal spoiled matter and strengthen the immune system prompted scientists to increase the raw material base and after a while, instead of frogs, they began to use the meat and bone mass of large cattle.

The extracted mass through constant scientific and technical processing had the same energy. There is anecdotal evidence of the situation in the treatment of psoriasis with drug support.

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Biological activity of ASD-2

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Due to the ease of passage through the biological obstacles of the body, the drug can instantly penetrate into matter and have a healing effect.

Experts have proven its absolute compatibility with the facial body, and no significant contraindications or secondary results have been identified. The only drawback of the substance is the clearly identified aroma of bad meat caused by protein breakdown products.

There is no way to completely eliminate the aroma. A characteristic feature of the remedy is the lack of accumulated effect. This effect is determined by the accumulation of the functioning elements of the drug in the body and a decrease in bioactivity as it is taken.

In the case of the antiseptic ASD-2, a similar result is not observed, and even after taking it, the bioactivity remains the same as during the first period of use.

The chemical composition of ASD-2 contains polycyclic aliphatic combinations, carbohydrates, aminopeptides in an ensemble with an intense sulfhydryl category, eclectic combinations of calcium and water.

pharmachologic effect

ADS-2 owns the manifested incentive result.

When taken orally, the concentration of intersynaptic fluid in the lacunae of nerve fibers increases.

Dynamism is significantly activated, barter of elements is normalized. External use causes acceleration of metabolic actions in tissues and exhibits antimicrobial effects.

What is the secret of success and failure of ASD-2?

Who was Dorogov really?

There is an argument that when forming the miraculous substance, the scientist operated on the records of alchemists from the Middle Ages.

Since the remedy also has another name - an extract from a hundred diseases. According to the immunologist and homeopath, there are no solid reasons to believe that the substance is ineffective or related to medieval alchemists.

Her father worked in a chemical laboratory and it is necessary to think that when forming ASD-2, the scientist adhered to the simple laws of chemistry: just as ordinary coal is intended to be an effective sorbent and does not allow harmful elements to pass through, so also base masses shield the effects of pathogenic bacteria, and natural bioelements simply combine with the matter of the human body.

It is not for nothing that the scientist from time to time uttered the motive: “trampling death upon death.” One thing remains unclear: for one reason or another, the medicinal drug still does not have recognition and a patent?

Despite the fact that the remedy undoubtedly helped to cure numerous sick people, undoubtedly helped to get rid of critical ailments, today its official purpose is to cure skin diseases in veterinary medicine.

Some time after the discovery of the miraculous remedy, its author died, and the stamp “secretly” was removed only in 1962. Probably, the party elite, amazed by the impact of the antiseptic catalyst ASD-2, did not want an all-Union long life and health.

After this, the drug went into neglect for a number of decades, and only towards the end of the 90s they started talking about it again, and not so long ago, examinations that clinically proved the biodynamism of the substance in relation to certain human diseases marked the beginning of in-depth studies.

It is possible to say with complete confidence that up to the definition of a clear chemical composition and absolute identification of all potential is still far away.

Interesting data about ASD-2

One of the first goals of the formation of the substance is to boost the agricultural economy and support the raising of large cattle.

Biodynamics in relation to the structure of dermatological diseases of the face and animals were discovered accidentally during medical studies as secondary results.

Until now, not a single in-depth examination of the chemical composition had been carried out, and its dynamism in relation to oncological diseases was not clearly established. However, there was a separate incident of suppression of liver cancer when the substance was encapsulated in vitro.

There are no academic publications preserved for this examination, nor about cases of healing from cancer in practice. ASD-2 is considered a strong catalyst for the nervous system and can cause overexcitation.

The uro-electric stimulator includes protein breakdown products, which in their purest form are considered a powerful poison, but in a biological ensemble these combinations exhibit a disinfecting effect.

Can the drug help with cancer?

The issue of taking the substance by people who are ill is a separate issue. The creator of the drug believed that for such diseases the drug could provide a favorable outcome, including if it was taken according to the usual treatment regimen.

For skin cancer and tumors that are obvious to the eye, he advised applying compresses.

What affects the oncological disease, it is necessary to calculate the dose, in his judgment, taking into account the age of the patient, placement and character traits tumors, the level of its formation.

The drug ASD-2 has helped numerous people in the fight against. It can help eliminate painful feelings and can slow down the growth of tumors.

IN the most difficult cases The scientist determined 5 milliliters of the medicine per 100 milliliters of water twice a day.

However, he noted that treatment with this substance should be carried out under the supervision of professionals. In relation to this, it is impossible to determine doses without the help of others.

But it is also possible to find negative effects from using the substance.

For this reason, it is impossible to assert its 100% effectiveness and say that it can actually help you recover.

Price - 190 rubles

Fraction ASD -2. Who cured what with its help?

Anastasia, Vologda

Doctors found it in the pancreas. Doctors advised me to take ASD-2. However, it did not help and only made the situation worse. I don't recommend it!

Maria, Karaganda

My husband had pneumonia. They wanted to cure her with this drug, but nothing came of it. Apparently the remedy is useless for this disease. I do not advise.

Anna, Tyumen

My sister had bronchial asthma. At first the drug helped, but after a month her situation worsened. Do not use this drug under any circumstances!

What is ASD 2? How to take the drug ASD 2? For what diseases is it taken? What dosage regimens are there? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

The drug ASD (also called Dorogov's elixir) is an antiseptic biogenic stimulant. This is a liquid prepared using a special method industrially from animal tissues by high-temperature sublimation of meat and bone meal. The drug is available in 2 fractions: F-2 (ASD-2) and F-3 (ASD-3). F-2 is a liquid that is highly soluble in water and has an alkali. F-3 is a thick black liquid with a peculiar odor, slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohols and fats.

ASD reduces the destructive effects of stress, activates energy metabolism and oxidative processes, normalizes the activity of cell membranes and tissue nutrition, and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The fraction is successfully used in the treatment of skin, purulent-septic, gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal lesions and pneumonia.

Application area

The drug is intended to support and treat any living organisms. The fraction strengthens the nervous system. For benign tumors, the drug improves the optimal function of the endocrine system, eliminating defects in the functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Thus, the causes and prerequisites for the occurrence of fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis and other female suffering disappear.

The fraction is successfully used in the treatment of skin, purulent-septic, gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal lesions and pneumonia. The drug is intended to support and treat any living organisms. The fraction strengthens the nervous system. For benign tumors, the drug improves the optimal function of the endocrine system, eliminating defects in the functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Thus, the causes and prerequisites for the occurrence of fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis and other female suffering disappear.

Reception scheme

Scheme intensive complex treatment according to the method of Professor N.N. Aleutian(HLS No. 23, 2002):

  • Do not open the ASD-2 bottle, store it in the refrigerator in a dark place.
  • For daily use, suck out 2-5 ml with a disposable syringe (it is sealed on the piston side and on the needle side due to the cap) and drip from the spout.
  • Dilute with water in 50 ml (the drug is concentrated).
  • Wash down with infusion of oregano herb - 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes and drink ¼ glass 3 times a day.

Reception options

The first method of administration (gentle)

  • 5 drops 4 times a day before meals (at 8 a.m., 12 p.m., 4 p.m., 20 p.m.).
  • Course – 25 days.
  • Then a 10-day break.
  • On break days take metronidazole(Trichopolum) 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • Course 10 days.

Second reception option

(if well tolerated and as prescribed by a consultant):

  • 5 drops 4 times a day;
  • 6 drops 4 times a day;
  • 7 drops 4 times a day.

And so go on increasing one drop at a time up to 15 drops.
After that take 15 drops 4 times a day for a month with a mandatory blood test and appropriate consultation.

Locally, vaginal irrigation, or microenemas into the rectum at night, 12 drops per 10 ml warm water in the vagina, 12 drops per 50 ml into the rectum. Course 25 days.

Third reception option

Take from 1 drop to 40 and back from 40 to 1 drop. Doses according to the scheme: starting with 2 drops per 20-40 ml of boiled water, up to 20 drops per dose, and back down to 2 drops.

Reception examples

Reception example: in the morning on an empty stomach we ate 1 tbsp. a spoonful of unsalted butter and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, after which they drank 50-70 ml of milk into which ASD was dripped.
Then they ate 1 tbsp again. a spoonful of unsalted butter and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey.
We took ASD according to the following scheme: starting with 1 drop, adding 1 drop daily, reaching 20 drops. They drank 20 drops for a week, and then reduced the dose, reducing it by 1 drop every day. So they took the fraction for 2 months.

Reception example: I started drinking on Monday, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals. If after a meal, then 6 hours later.

  • 1st week 5 drops, rest on Sunday;
  • 2nd week 10 drops, rest on Sunday.

And so on, adding 5 drops every week until the entire bottle is gone. The fraction is taken through a closed stopper with a syringe and needle. Thus, drip approximately 50 ml from a syringe without a needle into boiled water.

Treatment examples

Follicular tonsillitis. They rubbed the neck with the fraction and wrapped it up. The next day, the patient was given 5 drops of ASD in milk. On the 3rd day there was improvement.

Ovarian cystoma: rubbed ASD-2 into the lower abdomen and drank 5 drops, in addition, douched with warm water with 10 drops of the drug. After 1.5 months, the doctor did not find the cyst.

Goiter cured: I drank a fraction of 40 drops, after 2 months the goiter disappeared.

Stomach ulcer . Treatment was as follows: drank, starting from 1 drop to 30-40 (if you can stand 40 drops, drink, but 30 is a must). Then back to 1 drop. Drink like this: 50-60 ml of water, drip the fraction into it and wash down with 0.5 glasses of milk. I took 2 courses. Since then he has not known what stomach pain is.

Wet eczema. They lubricated the sore spots with the fraction using a stick, wrapped gauze around it, and then bandaged it. The smell is terrible. Everything healed quickly.


  • Start drinking with 5 drops 4 times a day: at 8, 12, 16, 20 o'clock. And so on for 5 days.
  • Then a 3-day break.
  • Then 10 drops also 4 times a day at the same hours for 5 days.
  • 3 days break.

This schedule is up to 30-40 drops, depending on perception.
More subtleties: Take the fraction from the bottle with a needle and syringe, piercing the stopper, then, removing the needle, count the required number of drops into a glass from the syringe, washing them down constantly with the same amount of water - 100 ml and drinking immediately. The smell and taste are not pleasant. Store the vial and syringe in the refrigerator.

For sick kidneys taking the medicine is contraindicated. Having reached your maximum dose, stop there and drink according to the same schedule, but take a break for 5-7 days.

For hypertension:

Pancreas cancer. The first dose is 2 drops in 1/3 glass of water once a day between lunch and dinner, the smell is terrible. Then, adding a drop per day, bring the intake to 20 drops. Stay on this dose for 10 days, then “go down” to one drop. You can eat the drug with strawberries or compote. After the 1st course, a break of 1 month. Also take the mixture: aloe, fresh butter, honey in the ratio 1:1:1. Pass the aloe through a meat grinder, and take 1 tbsp of this entire mixture. spoon 3 times a day before meals. Then the second course of ASD-2 according to the same scheme. Healthy.

Bowel treatment. Scheme:

  • from the 1st to the 5th day – 5 drops,
  • 3 days rest;
  • from the 9th to the 13th day - 10 drops,
  • 3 days rest;
  • the next 5 days - 15 drops,
  • 3 days rest;
  • the next 5 days - 20 drops,
  • 3 days rest;
  • 3 days rest;
  • the next 5 days - 30 drops,
  • 21 days rest;
  • the next 5 days - 25 drops,
  • 21 days rest; and further:
  • 5 days – 20 drops each,
  • 21 days rest;
  • 5 days – 15 drops each,
  • 21 days rest;
  • 5 days – 10 drops,
  • 21 days rest;
  • 5 days, 5 drops.

The course is over. Repeat on next year. Place drops in milk and wash down with milk. You can drink it with a raw egg. According to this scheme, you can drink ASD-2 to prevent various diseases.

Cervical blastoma stage 4. The doctors sent me home to die. I decided to be treated with the ASD-2 fraction. I drank 2 bottles of 200 g each. My condition has improved and I am alive.

  1. For heart, kidney and nervous diseases, a course of treatment is carried out, as for tuberculosis. Start drinking with 5 drops for 5 days, 3 days off; 5 days 10 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 15 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 20 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 25 drops, 5 days break.
    Accept until received positive results. In case of exacerbation of the process, stop taking it until the pain subsides, and then resume taking it.
  2. For stomach and duodenal ulcers, take ASD-2 20 drops 2 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.
  3. For colitis, take a teaspoon (1 cubic cm) in half a glass of water. Drink once a day according to the following scheme: drink for 3 days, break for 3 days.
  4. The best remedy for ulcers is black sediment ASD-2. It can be taken orally and on the site of the ulcer as a compress for 5 days. Recovery comes quickly.
  5. For vascular spasms in the extremities, use: a stocking made of 4 layers of gauze, moistened with a 20% solution of ASD-2. After 5-6 months, blood circulation is restored.
  6. Precancerous forms can be treated internally and locally in the form of compresses. After 2 weeks, the tumor disappears.
  7. ASD-2 stops further development of cancer and quickly relieves pain. Take 5 cc. cm in half a glass of water 2 times a day.
  8. Tuberculosis of all organs is cured without a trace with the ASD-2 fraction. Take orally: for adults, start with 5 drops in half a glass of water once a day, 30-40 minutes before meals. Drink 5 days in a row, 3 days off, etc. as mentioned above.
  9. For gynecological diseases, take 0.2 to 0.5 cc orally. see the same recipe.
  10. Skin diseases (eczema, pruritus, nettle fever) can be cured by ASD-2 and ASD-3. Dosage depending on the state of the nervous system, 1-5 cc. cm you can use ASD-3 ointment and compresses with a 20% solution of ASD-2.
  11. Nervous diseases of an inflammatory nature are treated with the ASD-2 fraction, as well as other diseases (asthma, asthenitis) are cured with ASD-2 from 20 drops to 1 cubic meter. cm, depending on the state of the nervous system, 1 time per day on an empty stomach.
  12. Inflammatory eye diseases are treated with ASD-2, oral administration according to the above recipe and rinsing.
  13. Ear diseases of an inflammatory nature are treated with ASD-2, orally from 20 drops to 5 cc. see Use compresses and rinses locally.
  14. Gout, rheumatism, inflammation of the lymph nodes are treated as for eczema: ASD-2 compresses on sore joints and internally according to the general principle.

Note: in 1 cubic cm contains 24-40 drops of the drug. The drug is dissolved in cold boiled water and taken once a day on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before meals. For compresses, apply parchment paper over the gauze to prevent evaporation of the drug, then apply a thick layer of cotton wool (12 cm) and bandage it.
During the treatment period, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.

Frozen river on foreground also has its own shades. The ice covering the pond practically merges with the snow, as it has the same pale turquoise color. The only evidence that this is a river is the bushes and birds perched on them.

This different connection the colors of snow perfectly reveal that same Russian frosty winter to which every person is accustomed. This is the kind of snow that is expected every year; it is the snow that gives the world a simultaneous feeling of cold, freshness, cleanliness and a festive mood.

Krymov’s sky has a special color scheme - it is both light green and sandy in color, which amazingly are in harmony with each other. The vault of heaven seems to embrace the surrounding landscape and people's lives, demonstrating the stunning beauty of nature. This landscape exudes peace and tranquility, which creates a harmonious combination of warm and cold colors. As a rule, such an unusual sunset is a time of a frosty and at the same time warm day.

In Krymov, the snow is fluffy and airy at the same time. It carries a discreet beauty and demonstrates the diversity of the Russian winter, in which there are snowstorms, there are frosty days and thaw. In the picture " Winter evening"depicts the winter that many love - frosty, airy, kind and incredibly charming thanks to the combination of colors.

“Winter Evening” is a fairly harmonious landscape in which incompatible shades are miraculously intertwined. Krymov masterfully conveyed natural beauties, managed to organically combine them with way of life Russian village. This fragment is from the usual human life, become a “portrait” of both the whole of Russia and the artist’s native land.

Description of the painting “Winter Evening” by N. Krymov

Every stroke of N. Krymov’s brush is the charm of the beauty of nature, skill family traditions painting and deep soulfulness. To say that the artist loved his land is to say nothing. He admired every moment spent there.

Krymov’s graphic images and theatrical decorations are something special for the art world. Recognized early, the master was that rare lucky person whose canvas adorned the Tretyakov Gallery during his studies. All the artist’s early and subsequent works breathe symbolism, which was greatly facilitated by the work of the designer of the Golden Fleece magazine. His landscapes are not a traditional depiction of nature, but a tapestry, so similar to the one woven by medieval ladies. Its colorful haze resembles a mirage, clothed in the form of Russian traditional objectivity and three-dimensionality of the image.

The painting “Winter Evening” is one of such works. The traditional landscape of central Russia is realism and symbolism at the same time. This is the very nature that is inextricably linked with people's lives. Krymov is one of the few who knew how to draw “portraits” of Russia in a modest form that was familiar to every viewer.

The foreground of the picture is occupied by a river covered with ice, along which there are small bushes with birds clinging to them. The sun, hidden behind the horizon, is the background, which affects the entire color scheme of the canvas. Small wooden houses reflect the light of the setting sun and glow with their own light. Winter is in full swing - this is indicated by the numerous paths that lead to the village.

The central part of the picture is occupied by the image of people who want to get home quickly. Warm clothing indicates a frosty season, which evokes sound associations in the viewer: it seems that the creaking of snow under shoes can already be heard. One of the women stops, either thinking about something, or to admire the beauty of the winter landscape. A sleigh is heading to the village, carrying hay for the horses. Their riders walk alongside, heading towards a barn in one of the courtyards.

In the painting “Winter Evening” there is no generally accepted concept of “landscape”, which implies natural views. Living people are included in the context, which gives the canvas dynamics and imbues it with life. The trace of man is in everything here: in the trodden path, in the houses, in the horses and figures, and even in the church in the background of the picture. Children who slide down the hill on a sled are the main “engine”, which, although written in several dots, says that winter life is not dull, but colorful and dynamic.

The left side of the picture is another moment of movement. The village, located diagonally, towards which carts with hay are moving, indicates that life is in full swing in it. The short winter day approaching evening seems to make people move faster. Coffee color wooden houses, from which warmth emanates, are a symbol of home comfort on Krymov’s canvas. A church on a slope with a dome glowing with golden light instills hope in people, gives harmony and completeness to the canvas.

Winter time in Krymov is measured and quiet. Nature, immersed in sleep and a carpet of white-blue snow, it would seem, should fill everything around with silence, but this does not happen. There is a human factor that creates a vibrant and at the same time harmonious life around itself.

Viewers can remember all the lines of Russian classics about winter, and each of them will reflect Krymov’s perception of a winter evening: it is unhurried, peaceful, measured and inevitable, and at the same time has a special sound. His music immerses every person in the quiet hour of the evening, when the creaking of runners, the laughter of children and the muffled sounds of church bells are clearly audible.

The color scheme of the painting is somewhat unusual for depicting a winter evening. After all, Krymov gravitated towards symbolism, and these people were always looking for unusual ways images of the world. The greenish sunset makes the picture unusual, but at the same time emphasizes the softness of the descending twilight. Snow painted by the artist is unique game a whole range of shades - from the tone of heavenly azure to light purple. These colors are located in ascending order from the lower left corner; they change the color of the snow, leaving it pristine white on the roofs. This transition is not accidental - it creates melodic and crunching sound effects.