Alcoholism and drug addiction - treatment, prevention. Official medicine: Drug addiction and alcoholism

Alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse are one of the current socio-medical problems. As a result of the widespread spread of this phenomenon among the population, enormous harm is caused to the health of people and the state as a whole. For the number of patients with alcoholism and drug addiction is in the millions. This situation determines the difficult crime situation in society, since this category of people often commit crimes.

Mental disorders due to alcohol use

Alcohol consumption affects physical and mental health. Mental disorders are observed both in a state of acute alcohol intoxication and with prolonged abuse, when a chronic disease develops - alcoholism. Mental disorders in such cases can be short-term or persistent. In this regard, forensic psychiatry distinguishes four clinical forms: simple alcoholic intoxication, pathological intoxication, alcoholism, alcoholic psychosis.

Simple alcohol intoxication. Normal intoxication occurs in different ways. This depends on the proportion of alcohol, individual characteristics, physical condition of the body and gender. It is characterized by degrees: light, medium and severe. In a mild degree of intoxication, the movements of a drunk person become animated, the face turns red, a feeling of warmth in the body, a cheerful mood, carelessness, swagger, talkativeness, abundant gesticulation, and boastfulness appear. In the average degree of intoxication, causeless gaiety remains, but a depressed mood, melancholy gradually increases, “drunken” tears and self-flagellation appear.

Irritability often sets in with a tendency to conflict and aggression. Criticism of one's behavior decreases, a sense of proportion and tact is lost, increased sensitivity increases, thinking becomes inconsistent, repetition of the same phrases and words is noted, speech is difficult, and the gait is unsteady. When taking a significant dose of alcohol, severe intoxication occurs. Such persons have difficulty understanding what is said to them, answer questions inappropriately, their speech is unclear, their gait and coordination of movements are completely disturbed, and drooling and vomiting appear. Then comes deep sleep. Memories of events that took place during a given period are often absent or partially preserved.

In criminal and civil proceedings, simple intoxication is not considered a morbid condition. Persons who have committed crimes while intoxicated, according to the law (Article 23 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), are subject to criminal liability for their actions. In civil proceedings, concluded contracts and executed agreements of all kinds are recognized as valid, despite the intoxication of any of the parties during the period of drawing up and signing the documents.

Persons who commit an offense in a state of pathological intoxication are considered insane.

Alcoholism is, in the medical sense, a chronic disease that occurs as a result of frequent, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and a painful addiction to them. There are three stages in the development of alcoholism: initial, middle and final.

The initial (neurasthenic) stage is characterized by a pathological craving for alcohol, and then there is a loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed. The initial symptom of alcoholism is the loss of the protective gag reflex - the disappearance of vomiting during an overdose of alcoholic beverages. Some patients change their character. When intoxicated, they become angry, touchy, and suspicious. Asthenic syndrome is growing. Its main manifestations are weakness, fatigue, and headache. Constant irritability, causeless temper, and conflicts with others appear. The average duration of the first stage of alcoholism is 1 - 5 years.

Middle (withdrawal) stage - the pathological attraction to alcohol becomes irresistible. The patient no longer tries to fight the desire to drink, but passively obeys it. The main thing for this stage of the disease is withdrawal (hangover) syndrome. It occurs in the patient several hours or days after the cessation of prolonged alcohol intoxication and is expressed in the desire to get drunk. Acute alcoholic psychoses often occur. The appearance of alcoholics changes. Noteworthy are unhealthy puffiness of the face, sore eyes, bags under the eyes (edema), hoarse voice and constant cough (chronic bronchitis), trembling hands and sloppy appearance. The daily dose of alcohol consumption reaches 1.5-2 liters of vodka. Personality changes become more severe. Attention and memory are increasingly deteriorating. Thinking becomes more and more monotonous, with superficial associations that boil down to alcohol. Personal degradation is increasing. The duration of this stage of alcoholism is on average 3-5 years.

The final stage of alcoholism is characterized by a worsening of the symptoms of the previous stages of the disease and the appearance of new symptoms. The craving for alcohol becomes more moderate. Intoxication occurs from smaller doses of alcohol compared to previous stages of the disease. During this period, the patient drinks an average of up to 200 ml of vodka at one time, after which he experiences severe and prolonged intoxication. At this stage of alcoholism, manifestations of personality degradation are most pronounced. There is an impoverishment of all mental activity. Patients lose moral and ethical standards of behavior. All their motivations are focused only on “drinking”. The final stage of the disease is characterized by chronic alcoholic psychoses.

During a forensic psychiatric assessment of persons suffering from alcoholism, in relation to the offenses they have committed, they are declared sane and are not released from serving their sentence. Compulsory treatment may be applied to them (Article 97 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). A patient with alcoholism is recognized as insane only when he has persistent dementia, which excludes the possibility of realizing the actual nature and social danger of his actions and directing them.

Alcoholic psychoses.

Alcoholism is the cause of these independent mental illnesses. They are divided into delirium tremens (delirium tremens), alcoholic hallucinosis and alcoholic paranoid.

Opium addiction. Opiates (morphine, codeine, heroin, etc.) are most often used orally or intravenously. The narcotic effect of all drugs of the opium group is similar. From the side of the mental state - a complacent mood, speech is accelerated, criticism of one’s behavior is reduced. A period of 2 - 3 weeks to 1.5 - 2 months of systematic use of drugs of this group is enough to become a drug addict. In their emotional hardening and moral and ethical decline, opium addicts resemble patients with schizophrenia. They look much older than their years. There are wrinkles on the face and pale skin. Teeth decay and fall out. There is early baldness and noticeable emaciation.

Addiction to the use of cannabis preparations (hashishism). Hashish (Indian hemp, cannabis), also known as marijuana, plan, anasha. Usually consumed mixed with tobacco by smoking. In a state of moderate “stupefaction”, behavior is often ridiculous, with uncontrollable laughter, talkativeness, memory and attention are weakened. In some cases, tendencies towards aggressive actions appear. With chronic use of cannabis drugs, personality degradation occurs.

Cocaine addiction (including “crag”). Cocaine is easily absorbed through the nasal mucosa. It is used by drug addicts mainly by snorting crystals of this substance. The effect of cocaine manifests itself in elevated mood, overestimation of one's physical and mental abilities. Delusional ideas and hallucinations often occur, which makes the drug addict dangerous and capable of committing serious crimes. Cocaine addiction is characterized by the development of severe mental dependence, a rapid increase in physical exhaustion, acute psychosis and high social danger.

Addiction caused by central nervous system stimulants. CNS stimulants include pervitin, phenamine, ephedrine (its derivatives) and other drugs. When stimulants are abused, drug addiction occurs. Taking such drugs gives drug addicts an extraordinary feeling of cheerfulness, clarity of thinking, and inner comfort. Physical and mental performance increases. Addiction to these drugs develops quite quickly. Long-term use of stimulants leads to a decrease in intelligence, increased pathological thoroughness and viscosity of thinking, and a narrowing of the range of interests.

The list of narcotic substances also includes ephedron, which is homemade from ephedrine. It has a stimulating effect. Ephedrone intoxication is characterized by agitation, verbosity, a desire for unproductive activities with a tendency to conflicts and delinquency.

Hallucinogens. These include asthmatol, phencycline, ecstasy tablets, psilocybin-containing mushrooms, LSD and other drugs. These substances can cause hallucinations even in small doses. Behavior during induced hallucinations varies: from passive contemplation to active defensive or aggressive actions with a complete loss of criticism.

Persons who have committed crimes while intoxicated with narcotic drugs are, as a rule, recognized as sane (Article 23 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). And only acts committed by them as a result of a mental disorder, with personality degradation and severe dementia, force expert psychiatrists in accordance with Art. 21 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to recognize them as insane.

Substance abuse

Substance abuse is a chronic drug addiction disease that arises as a result of the consumption of psychoactive drugs (medicinal, chemical, herbal) not included in the official list of narcotic drugs, with the development of mental and, in some cases, physical dependence. Substance abuse occurs due to a number of reasons. One of them is irrational therapy conducted by doctors or psychics, traditional healers. Frequent use of medications is important for insomnia and various stressful situations. Substance abusers, like drug addicts, experience symptoms of mental and physical dependence. In this respect, these diseases are not fundamentally different.

There are a large number of drugs and substances that cause substance abuse. These include:

a) sedative-hypnotics (barbituric acid derivatives, tranquilizers - elenium, seduxen, phenazepam, etc.);

b) antihistamines (diphenhydramine, pipolfen);

c) psychostimulants (ephedrine, theophedrine);

d) means for inhalation anesthesia (ether, nitrous oxide);

e) non-medicinal preparations (toluene, benzene, acetone, gasoline, household chemicals, glue, etc.).

Intoxication with sleeping pills and sedatives is characterized by fogged consciousness. Outwardly, patients resemble people in a state of intoxication. A deep clouding of consciousness may occur.

After taking antihistamines, a state of acute intoxication develops, reminiscent of alcohol intoxication. As the state of intoxication deepens, stunning occurs and illusory-hallucinatory deceptions of perception appear.

Recently, in order to change their condition among adolescents, substances such as toluene, benzene, gasoline, various household chemicals and adhesives based on them have become widely used. At the same time, teenagers inhale vapors of volatile organic solvents. With deep intoxication, confusion and visual hallucinations develop. In this state, patients can perform actions that are dangerous to themselves and others. A strong chemical odor emanates from the clothes, hair and skin of drug addicts for several hours.

Persons suffering from substance abuse are recognized as sane when committing offenses and capable of exercising their civil rights. The exception is cases when the incriminated act was committed in a state of psychosis. Such persons are considered insane.

Thus, knowledge of the characteristics of mental disorders in alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse is necessary for lawyers to make the right decisions in cases of criminal investigation.

Control questions:

1. Alcoholism: stages of the disease, main clinical manifestations, forensic psychiatric assessment.

2. Simple and pathological intoxication, forensic psychiatric assessment.

3. Definition of the concepts “psychoactive substance”, “drug”, “toxic substance”, “physical and mental dependence”.

4. Drug addiction: types, main clinical manifestations of the disease, forensic psychiatric assessment.

5. Substance abuse: main clinical manifestations of the disease, forensic psychiatric assessment.

Alcohol and drug addiction are perhaps the most serious and dangerous scourges of our time. This is not a problem of one person and those around him, but a problem of the entire society, the nation, since every person is part of society.

Hostages of alcohol

These negative habits shorten a person’s life, thereby increasing mortality, and lead to the birth of inferior offspring with congenital anomalies.

The figure that reflects the worldwide amount of alcohol consumed is growing by leaps and bounds. Both young and old suffer from this. An incredible number of people become hostage to alcohol.

The problem of drug addiction has reached no less catastrophic proportions. Illegal trade, drug abuse, increased mortality from overdose - such headlines can be found in press reports in any country, from an underdeveloped country to a giant country of economic and political scale.

Like a serious illness that destroys the body from the inside, drug addiction and alcoholism, in addition to health, destroy a person’s life, become the cause of troubles and failures, where they begin to haunt the path of life. The insidiousness also lies in the fact that these diseases subjugate not only the person himself, but bring suffering and torment to his family and close circle. Often the life of most of these people comes down to the struggle with alcohol and drugs, but, unfortunately, this struggle does not always bring positive results.

It has been repeatedly noted that in a family with an alcoholic father, the most negative consequences affect the children. Not every woman has enough love, strength, and patience to fight her husband’s illness. Often the wife gives up and, succumbing to the influence of alcohol, begins to drink herself. It is easy to imagine that children, deprived of parental attention and care, are left to their own devices.

This free space, lack of control, freedom of action in most cases leads to the fact that children of alcoholics begin to commit outrages and become delinquents. Drinking parents whose children are minors may be deprived of parental rights. This is a very unpleasant process, but, unfortunately, there are much worse options when a child, looking at the parent’s example, also begins to abuse alcohol. He often becomes an alcoholic, ruins his body, and has a much greater chance of dying young.

There are families who do not have the strength and patience to fight these terrible illnesses. As a result, those closest to the person who suffers from alcoholism are abandoned in order to avoid a life of constant fear and stress. Family members of those who have not escaped this disease simply give up in the fight against this evil.

Drug addiction and alcoholism

A parallel can be drawn between drug addiction and alcoholism. Both the first and second are elementary dependence on chemicals. Drug addiction is dependence on a substance contained in a drug. Although these substances themselves can be medicines. The main component of alcohol is ethyl alcohol, which causes the habit. Unfortunately, this addiction is the work of man himself.

Science has proven that once alcohol enters the body, it travels through the bloodstream to every human organ, harming it and destroying it. One should not rule out the presence of carcinogenic and toxic substances in low-quality alcohol. Alcohol helps them easily enter the human body.

It has an irreversible and detrimental effect on brain cells, weakening the sex centers located in the spinal cord. In women who abuse, the functioning of the mammary glands is disrupted, and subsequently, it may stop altogether.

In order to provide assistance to an alcohol or drug addict, it is necessary to have an understanding of the causes and consequences that they entail.

There is such a thing as “addictive behavior”. It is characteristic of those people who are predisposed to habits of one kind or another. Heredity leaves an important imprint on this. Those people who have drug addicts or alcoholics in their family can easily be classified as a rather dangerous category. This in no way predetermines the fate of a person; you just need to be aware of such a predisposition and control your actions.

Biochemical characteristics of a person under the influence of alcohol

Each organism is individual, and each has its own biochemical characteristics.

The human body has an enzyme that breaks down ethyl alcohol - alcohol dehydrogenase. But in different quantities. For example, women are more deprived of it than the male part of the population. From which we can conclude that alcohol addiction will quickly overcome the fair sex. One of the reasons for addiction in women is psychological – their excessive emotionality and sensitivity. But as a counterbalance, we can call the instinct of self-preservation, which by nature is more inherent in ladies. This may be one of the reasons for the presence of more men than women in drug treatment clinics.

Society, habitat, family traditions, upbringing, in which the formation of personality takes place, has two opposing properties - to protect a person and to push him towards any form of addiction. Elementary frivolous curiosity or a dysfunctional environment can be fertile ground for the first acquaintance with drugs or alcohol. Then the substance itself performs its dirty “work”, interfering with the biochemical processes of the body. People with a predisposition to alcoholism and drug addiction already have a need for this substance, even despite knowing about the harm it brings.

Drugs have their roots in ancient times. The Greek translation of this word is numbness, madness, passion. Abnormal, crazy fun after consuming substances of plant origin accompanied more than one religious holiday of different tribes of the jungle, bacchanalia in Greece and Rome...

Drug addiction is a continuous process of using toxic substances, which are very similar in one of their features - they create in people the illusion of temporary support and pleasure.

The most acute process of imaginary pleasure, for which drug addicts are ready to commit any misdeeds, lasts no more than a few minutes. Next, there comes a stage of a kind of amorphousness, complete indifference to the surrounding reality. The person is in a half-asleep, delirious, relaxed state.

The reason for the prevailing opinion that drug addiction is a greater evil than alcohol is unclear. Drinking alcohol in large quantities is not as shameful as becoming a drug addict. Some countries are striking in their loyalty in this regard. People who use drugs face punishment in accordance with the Criminal Code, and alcohol can be purchased by anyone in terms of cost and availability, which leads to complete national degradation and the drunkenness of a huge number of the population.

Although in fact it makes no sense to compare whose appearance is more pitiful and depressing - alcoholics with shaking hands or skinny drug addicts with sunken, burning eyes. Both need to be dealt with radically.

Fighting alcoholism

The first outbreak of widespread drug use was an attempt to eradicate mass alcoholism.

In the most banal way, one evil was replaced by another - alcohol began to be replaced with drugs.

Thomas de Quincey, a poet who lived in England in the 19th century, suffered from alcoholism. In his works, he colorfully described the sensations he experienced after using the drug. He came up with a crazy idea of ​​how to cure one addiction by another. Thanks to a large number of fans, this idea grew at a tremendous speed. Communities and clubs for opiate smokers appeared, which were visited by many people, flattering themselves with the thought that they were fighting alcoholism. For decades, one generation after another in England fought evil in the most absurd way, using no less harmful means.

The cause of drug addiction can be a number of reasons:

  • curiosity;
  • stressful situation;
  • serious illness;
  • elementary imitation.

A negative example is set by celebrities, some of whom do not easily use drugs, but also advertise such an unpleasant lifestyle in their own way.

Not only is this not hidden, but becomes public knowledge, some describe the sensations they experience in vivid colors, thereby fueling interest and awakening the desire to try.

There are a kind of youth drugs that allow you to tirelessly party in clubs. A large percentage of young people, when swallowing these pills, do not even bother to think that this is a harmless drug that produces energy, and in fact is the same narcotic substance.

Unfortunately, there are circumstances when, for health reasons, a person is forced to take painkillers, sleeping pills, or psychotropic drugs, one of which is a drug. Such situations are quite risky, since the systematic use of drugs containing drugs can lead to addiction. As a result, the sick person needs a dose of medicine not for the purpose of treatment, but to combat withdrawal symptoms and the unpleasant sensations that accompany it.

Quite often you can hear the opinion that alcohol is a lesser problem than drug addiction. What to face is chosen by the person himself and his choice does not depend on the “ease” or “severity” of the problem. It’s convenient for him, he unfortunately likes it, in the end, it suits him and suits his personality.

Negative functions of drug addiction

Alcoholism and drug addiction cause irreparable harm to the human body and destroy his personality. The only difference is that the drugs accomplish their terrible purpose faster.

The life expectancy of people who use drugs is very short. Only a few survive to old age. Often, drug addicts die not by natural causes, but by accident or from an overdose. Drug overdose is a process that only takes a few seconds. In the human brain, the respiratory center is blocked and the person dies due to respiratory arrest. Since this process is practically instantaneous, there is simply not enough time to save the life of a dying person and doctors remain powerless.

Alcohol also cannot be written off, but unlike drugs, it acts more slowly. Many people who drink alcoholic beverages believe that this is not a problem and that vodka and wine, unlike drugs, do not cause withdrawal symptoms.

Narcologists who deal with the problem of alcoholism believe that addiction has already appeared in those people who drink alcoholic beverages more often than once a week. Of course, stronger drinks do their job faster due to the higher percentage of alcohol they contain. But the same beer is ahead of other, stronger alcohol in its negative qualities. It has a negative effect on the endocrine and cardiovascular systems of the human body.

You can often observe how people allow themselves to drink a couple of bottles of beer after a working day. For no reason, simply believing that beer relaxes and relieves stress after work. If we naturally have the ability to relax, is it worth resorting to such artificial, deceptive relaxation through chemicals? The production of endorphins, the so-called pleasure hormones, is inherent in the human body by nature, so you should safely avoid artificial and far from harmless substitutes.

Unfortunately, alcohol and drug addictions are becoming younger every day. Drug addiction is very widespread among teenagers and young people. For many children, their introduction to the potion occurs on school grounds.

First of all, parents themselves do not have the right to set a bad example for their children - to drink alcohol or use drugs.

But unfortunately, even in prosperous families, no one is immune from the fact that a child will take the path of alcoholism or drug addiction.

Often parents do not notice what is happening to their child. Mild suspicions can develop into conviction when the situation is already on the brink. There is a category of parents who, like snails, hide in their shell, dismissing even the slightest thought that the child has taken the wrong path.

But only the mother and father have every chance of not letting the brewing problem take its course. Who else but they will notice the slightest nuances:

  • in your child’s behavior and mood swings;
  • a new company or individuals with whom he began to communicate more often;
  • they will hear unusual, suspicious music;
  • will detect notes of deceit;
  • resourcefulness.

The behavior of teenagers “high” differs from normal and habitual behavior. An attentive parent will notice the difference.

Signs of addiction

A person under the influence of a narcotic substance has dilated pupils. This is one of the obvious signs. But experienced drug addicts solve this problem with the help of special drops. In addition to the pupils, at first there appears increased hysterical laughter that is not entirely adequate to the situation, or vice versa:

  • excessive calm;
  • complete indifference to what is happening.

Another alarm bell may be an unusual smell emanating from a teenager, or strange objects that parents had not previously noticed:

  • tubes;
  • plastic bottles with holes cut out;
  • spoons burnt over fire.

Along with the habit of using drugs, children develop the habit of lying and dodging. And do it with special pleasure and excitement. This painful need to lie and get out can easily be considered one of the signs of impending trouble.

There is an opinion that in order to prevent, you need to warn. But this is quite controversial. Each person is individual, and a teenager’s personality is even more vulnerable and, perhaps, not fully formed, so it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties of his character and capabilities in order to correctly convey the message about the dangers of alcohol and drugs.

Teenagers' intense curiosity

Excessive curiosity inherent in a child can play a cruel joke and only push him to want to experience it for himself. And vice versa, a suspicious, fearful child will forever abandon the thought of becoming acquainted with alcoholic beverages or drugs.

This is not the easiest task for parents, but who else but them will pick up the key to their child and not let him stumble.

If, nevertheless, alarming suspicions lead to disappointing conclusions, then there is a simple way to make sure - conduct a urine test.

In the pharmacy, along with other tests, there are devices that check for the presence of several types of narcotic substances. You can carry out this procedure at home and the result will not be long in coming.

There is a flip side to the coin in observing the younger generation - excessive suspicion. If several family members begin to simultaneously look for unusual things in the appearance and behavior of the youngest in the family, this may aggravate the situation. To avoid straining the relationship or undermining your child's trust in you, carefully but firmly make sure that the suspicions are not unfounded.

Harmful effects of alcohol and drugs

In addition to the fact that alcoholism and drug addiction cause enormous harm to the person who uses them, the life of society as a whole depends on them.

A large percentage of illegal actions occur under the influence of alcohol and drugs:

  • hooliganism;
  • personal violence.

A peculiar stage of aggressive arousal begins when people, while intoxicated, commit unpredictable and often wrong actions.

Drugs are quite expensive and in search of funds for a new dose, drug addicts commit many crimes.

The number of accidents is much higher for those people who use alcohol and drugs:

  • their concentration decreases;
  • working ability decreases;
  • labor discipline begins to falter.

A huge number of traffic accidents most often occur when there is a drunk driver or pedestrian on the road.

Research shows that drug addiction and alcoholism in most cases are characteristic of people who lack social prospects and are unsettled in their family, work, and everyday life. These problems also come from the country as a whole:

  • economic crisis;
  • social injustice;
  • unemployment;
  • lack of opportunity for cultural development.

The country's traditions regarding alcohol are of great importance. Naturally, where consumption is not elevated to the level of permissibility, the percentage of alcoholics and drug addicts is much lower.

How to get rid of addiction?

Getting rid of addiction is not an easy and quite lengthy process. One can only imagine how difficult it will be to fight, to change one’s habits, to completely abandon what occupied almost the first place in a person’s life.

There are several ways to help fight addiction. But one of the most important components is the desire of the person himself to give up the addiction.

One of the most effective methods is coding, long-term treatment in a system with psychological and drug therapy.

There is a category of addicts who attend anonymous groups of drug addicts or alcoholics, where psychotherapists work with them. As a result, many of them achieve a state of stable remission and, upon termination of their treatment, try to provide assistance to those who have become dependent.

Unfortunately, there are often patients who take great effort to get to a doctor or clinic. They are in denial about the disease. To be left alone, they may repeatedly promise that they will cope with their addiction themselves. But desire alone is not enough and the process must be led by a doctor. You shouldn’t look for drug addiction specialists by looking for an advertisement in a newspaper. It is recommended to contact a specialized clinic to find a competent doctor.

It’s not easy for the patient’s relatives in this situation either. It’s quite natural that you want to understand, feel sorry, and make concessions. But this is kind of a disservice. It is necessary to separate the person from the disease. It would be a mistake to mention the disease every day and poke your nose at you. But you shouldn’t allow treatment to be put off for a long time. It is necessary to make every effort to ensure that the dependent person gives the go-ahead to visit a specialist. After all, a competent narcologist will be able to assess the scale of the problem, establish the correct diagnosis, give recommendations not only to the patient, but also help his loved ones find the right approach to getting rid of the addiction.

Addiction treatment

Treatment is accompanied by considerable psychological difficulties, because coping with the problem physically is not enough. The world has invented enough techniques that are used in the fight against addiction:

  • hypnosis;
  • coding;
  • sewing up the ampoule;
  • drug treatment;
  • psychotherapy.

And the possibilities do not end yet, but are developing every day.

Medications help cope with physical cravings and reduce sensations that cause discomfort. These are only the first steps in the fight against the disease.

An alcoholic or drug addict who is worried that the process of withdrawal will be very difficult, that his whole life will be ruined by treatment, it is worth thinking about whether a life full of healthy human joys is worth fighting for.

Medicine and scientific discoveries do not stand still. There are medications that help cope with addiction without causing acute withdrawal symptoms or reducing them to a tolerable level. In addition to coding, there are a large number of treatment regimens for which it is not always necessary to go to a hospital or closed clinic. Often a person can continue to lead a normal lifestyle, study, work, travel, but at the same time fight the most important fight against their addiction.

Psychological restructuring of worldview

The most difficult thing is the psychological restructuring of the worldview. An experienced drug addict or alcoholic is accustomed to living differently, without thinking about others, without thinking about family and friends, without caring about anything except how to get a new portion of the means that help achieve euphoria. The man has acquired new acquaintances, where people think like him. And as we think, so we live.

If possible, it is necessary to change the dependent person’s social circle, protect him from contacts with past harmful acquaintances, and tear him away from the harmful environment where he previously lived.

In this situation, it is organizations that combat drug or alcohol addiction that can help. There, people come into contact with others who are stuck in addiction, work together to find a way out of a difficult situation, and provide support to each other. Under the influence of the above factors, old negative habits gradually fade away, a person’s view of the surrounding reality changes, he sees other life examples, a change in stereotypes, and accordingly he can change himself.

To summarize, we can safely call alcohol and drugs a virus that hovers in society. Everyone should remember that this very society is not abstract, not somewhere outside the window, on the TV screen, on another street... It is nearby and surrounds us every day. You, neighbors, salespeople in a store, passers-by on the next street, people on the other side of the city, this is the whole society, one big organism. And everyone knows what can happen if a dangerous, destructive virus gets inside the body.

Dramatic life change

If you want to live a happy life, achieve success, solve emerging problems and change your life for the better, you need to be able to be aware of what is happening, not hide from problems and look for possible ways to solve them. Drugs and alcohol often make people indifferent, unable to realize anything. It is unlikely that drug addicts think about the fact that their body is falling apart by leaps and bounds and they are moving by leaps and bounds towards the edge of the abyss. Alcoholic homeless people do not realize how unpleasant and repulsive they look and how unpleasant the smell emanating from them is.

With each dose of a drug, with each new sip of alcohol, people’s ability to realize the negative changes taking place in their lives decreases. As a result, the last awareness will be the thought of how to get more. And before that, a person will pass by the realization that he lies a lot, commits illegal actions, causes suffering and pain to the people around him.

This problem needs to be solved at the level of each person. There are countries that practice prohibitions, but as you know, forbidden fruit is always sweet, and can lead not to a decline, but to an even greater wave of addiction. Before it is too late, it is necessary to educate the younger generation, give a true picture of these diseases, and show the true “face” of alcoholism and drug addiction. After all, if humanity does not stop, does not start thinking about the future not only of itself, but also of future children, then it will doom itself to slow but sure extinction.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are a serious problem in modern society.

How can these dangerous diseases be defeated?

Nowadays, alcoholism and drug addiction are a threat to society.

Often people do not understand how others turn into addicted drug addicts and alcoholics. They mistakenly assume that the reason lies in the lack of willpower and moral principles in drug addicts and alcoholics. This prevents them from stopping the use of drugs and alcohol.

But drug addiction and alcoholism are complex diseases. Therefore, good intentions or strong will are not enough to stop drinking and using drugs. Because drugs and alcohol cause changes in the brain. Quitting drugs and alcohol is difficult even for those people who decide to do it. But drug addiction and alcoholism can be successfully treated.

Alcoholism and drug addiction have negative consequences for individuals and society. The total costs of drug and alcohol treatment, loss of productivity, and costs associated with crime among drug addicts and alcoholics exceed hundreds of billions of dollars a year. But as dire as these numbers are, they do not fully describe the depth of their devastating health and safety impacts. Alcoholism and drug addiction undermine health and take lives.

What happens as a result of excessive alcohol consumption and drug addiction?

These are the problems:

  1. Families are breaking up.
  2. A man loses his job.
  3. Failures in studies begin.

Drug addiction: what is its essence?

Scientists have proven that chronic disease of the human brain develops as a result of drug use. It is expressed in an impulsive, uncontrollable desire to use drugs. Gradually, pathological changes occur in the addict’s brain. They do not allow him to control himself, they interfere with his attempts to stop taking drugs.

What happens to the brain when a person takes drugs?

What are the consequences of taking drugs? Drugs contain substances that impair brain function. They destroy brain tissue responsible for sending, receiving and processing information. Drugs (heroin, marijuana) are similar to neurotransmitters. These are substances produced by the human brain. Therefore, drugs can “trick” the brain into inducing a state of imaginary pleasure.

The drugs cocaine or methamphetamine can disrupt nerve cells to release abnormal, enormous amounts of natural neurotransmitters (primarily dopamine). This prevents the body from processing neurotransmitters properly. As a result, there is an excess of dopamine in the brain structures, which causes a feeling of pleasure in the body. Neurotransmitters control movements, emotions, motivation and feelings of satisfaction and pleasure.

There is artificial overstimulation of the zone that causes a feeling of pleasure, which usually responds to natural factors associated with life situations (eating, spending time with loved ones, family). When psychoactive substances enter the body, a feeling of unreal, artificial pleasure arises. As a result, the mechanism of abnormal behavior of a person addicted to drugs comes into motion. Because now the brain of an addicted person seeks to receive pleasure as a result of taking drugs, and not as a result of the natural production of neurotransmitters by the body itself.

When a person continues to use drugs, the brain reduces the production of natural dopamine. This decrease forces the addict to consume drugs more and more in order to enhance the function of dopamine and bring it artificially back to normal. But now an increasing amount of the drug is required to get the desired feeling of euphoria.

Long-term damage causes changes in other brain functions. The neurotransmitter glutamate affects learning ability. When the normal concentration of glutamate in the brain changes due to drug addiction, a person is deprived of the ability to carry out intellectual activities. Now he is unable to perform mental activity, make the right decisions, or exercise self-control. He doesn't feel normal without taking drugs.

In a person who has become addicted to drugs, heroin, marijuana and other drugs cause an uncontrollable desire to use drugs for pleasure. Now these drugs are more necessary for him than everything he has in his life (family, friends, career, health, happiness).

What is the mechanism of drug addiction?

How does a person become a drug addict?

People begin experimenting with drugs for various reasons:

  1. Some people want to try it out of curiosity.
  2. Others just want to have a nice evening with company.
  3. Still others see their friends doing it.
  4. Still others strive to improve athletic performance in this way.
  5. Others use this method to alleviate some psychological problem.
  6. A number of people already had this in their family.
  7. Some people do this because of traumatic childhood experiences.

Accidental use of a narcotic substance does not automatically lead to the development of drug addiction. But there is no specific boundary that separates casual use from systematic use of a drug. This fine line depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Regardless of the frequency, frequency and amount of drugs consumed, this causes an increase in negative problems in the life of an addicted person. These problems relate to work, school, study, relationships with parents, acquaintances and friends.

What is the process of developing drug addiction?

A person experimenting with drugs is sure that he can stop at any moment. But medical practice shows that usually a person continues to take them. The reason is that now only a narcotic drug allows him to feel full and happy, causing euphoria. Rare addicted people are able to recognize the moment when they have crossed a dangerous line, beyond which trouble awaits them.

Uncontrollable drug addiction always creeps up unnoticed. It increases sharply. Nowadays people take drugs more and more often, in large doses. Gradually, an addicted person is no longer able to cope without the drug. He is haunted by panic and pain if he has not taken drugs. In this situation, it is already very difficult for the drug addict to stop. If he does not find an alternative to drugs, their use will continue. This is how drug addiction occurs.

When drug addiction subjugates a person, he may miss or often be late for work or school. His performance at work may gradually deteriorate, and he may begin to neglect social or family obligations. But he can't stop on his own. What began as a voluntary choice turned into physical and psychological addiction to the drug.

Why do some people become addicted to drugs while others do not?

No one can predict that a particular person will become addicted to drugs. The threat of this disease depends on a number of conditions:

  1. Individual biological characteristics.
  2. Social environment.
  3. The age of this person.
  4. Duration of drug use.

The more such risks a particular person has, the more significantly the likelihood of developing addiction increases.

What conditions contribute to the growth of drug addiction?

  1. Genetic characteristics can increase a person's vulnerability to the effects of drugs. These risks may increase gender differences and various mental disorders.
  2. A person’s environment: family, friends, colleagues, classmates, and so on. It is important what moral principles were laid down during upbringing, what kind of life this person’s immediate environment leads.
  3. Early initiation of drug use. The earlier drug use begins, the greater the likelihood of a person becoming a drug addict. This is especially dangerous for people in their teens. Because drugs have a negative impact on the brain functions that regulate decision-making, a teenager's self-control deteriorates. For this reason, people in puberty are extremely susceptible to risky behavior and drug addiction.

It is possible to treat drug addiction. There are remedies available to help counteract the powerful destructive effects of drug addiction.

How can you overcome drug addiction?

This disease can be successfully managed. If a person uses drugs because they fill a void in their life, they are at risk of having their life ruined by accidental drug use or addiction. To maintain a healthy life balance, it is imperative to have other positive experiences in order to feel comfortable. It is very important for a person to have interests, hobbies and a favorite thing in his life. You need to communicate with interesting people. Then you won't need drugs to artificially get a feeling of pleasure.

A fund to combat drug addiction was created in the country. It exists in Moscow. This foundation employs specialists who are looking for opportunities and ways to help drug addicts. There was no such fund before. It was created to solve the problem of drug addiction. If people cannot quit their addiction on their own, they can get help from the fund. This fund is helped by people who are not indifferent to this misfortune.

The Orthodox Church does not remain aloof from this problem. Therefore, she created the Saint John the Righteous Charitable Foundation to help drug addicts. Many people were able to get on the right path thanks to this foundation. Today, a similar organization exists in many large cities of the country. The activities of such a fund are an example of a caring attitude towards a national problem. Representatives of the foundation organize events promoting a healthy lifestyle.

To combat drug addiction, a fund was created in Ivanovo. There is also an organization in Samara in which specialists help people addicted to drugs get rid of this disease. The City Without Drugs Foundation has been created in Yekaterinburg. It has been around for fifteen years. In Moscow, to combat drug addiction, the No Drug Foundation was created, which carries out serious work on the prevention of drug addiction. The Drug Free City Foundation is supported by residents of the country who have an active lifestyle. Former drug addicts are grateful to this foundation for its help. A similar fund operates in Irkutsk. The foundation carries out work aimed at preventing drug addiction. To help the foundation, caring people hold charity events.

Drug addiction prevention

Drug addiction is a preventable disease. Research results have shown that involving family, school, and the media are effective in combating drug abuse. Education and outreach are key to this prevention work to help youth and the general public understand the risks of drug abuse. Teachers, parents, and medical professionals must explain that drug addiction can be prevented.

What is the essence of alcoholism?

The problem of alcoholism is very acute.

Alcohol (or ethyl alcohol) is an antiseptic and solvent that is widely used in medical practice. But this alcohol has a toxic effect on the human body if the substance is used internally in large doses.

Almost all people have tried alcoholic drinks at least once in their lives. But why does not all people develop alcohol addiction? The main factors that contribute to the development of alcohol dependence are personality traits that prevent this person from adapting to social life:

  1. No life goals.
  2. Excessive shyness.
  3. Constant mental and emotional stress and overstrain.
  4. Inability to cope with problems that arise in life.
  5. No hobbies or interests.
  6. Monotony in life.
  7. Psychological trauma.

Alcohol addiction is a disease. Drunkenness kills people. What could be worse?

It is characterized by the abuse of alcoholic beverages, despite the negative consequences.

Risk factors for developing problems with alcohol include:

  1. Low self-esteem.
  2. Anxiety.
  3. Genetic features.
  4. Flaws in education.

It is believed that alcoholism goes through three phases in its development.

The first phase is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Lack of gag reflex to alcohol.
  2. The feeling of disgust for alcohol after drinking disappears.
  3. An alcoholic is looking for a reason to drink again.
  4. The ability to control the amount of alcohol taken is lost.
  5. An alcoholic is unable to stop drinking alcohol.
  6. He gets pleasure only after drinking alcohol.

The second stage is characterized by the following:

  1. The doses of alcohol increase.
  2. A person accepts it in forms that are condemned by society (for example, in the workplace).
  3. A person feels able to work only after drinking alcohol.
  4. The dose required for a person to get drunk increases several times.
  5. Hangovers become common.
  6. For the first time, dysfunction of internal organs appears: blood pressure rises, there is a strong heartbeat, as the cardiovascular system suffers. Sweating is tormented because the endocrine system is disrupted. Disorders of the digestive tract become commonplace.
  7. A dependent person does not remember many events.
  8. It develops, the signs of which are hallucinations, obsessions, and attacks of aggression.

The third stage of this disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Exhaustion of the body.
  2. A hangover even from small doses of alcohol.
  3. Intellectual and moral degradation.
  4. Insomnia if you do not take alcohol.
  5. Internal organs (heart, liver, kidneys, brain) are seriously affected. This can lead to the death of the addicted person.

Sometimes people wonder what is worse - alcoholism or drug addiction. But what could be worse than destroying your own life? Both of these diseases are great evils. What's worse than that? Only death.

Some people who drink alcohol for a long time can stop drinking on their own. But most do this only temporarily.

Long-term alcohol and drug abuse and the development of alcoholism and drug addiction can be destructive and even life-threatening.

They negatively affect the functioning of almost all organ systems. But the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction can be successfully solved.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

Alcoholism and drug addiction are the scourge of our society. Alcohol and drugs cause severe addiction in a person both on the physical and psychological levels. Yes, yes, strange as it may sound, alcohol is a type of drug, and its danger is that many do not consider it as such, and therefore are convinced that it is an absolutely safe and acceptable drink. The reason for this is the legalized status of alcoholic beverages as commonly used products.

Drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking largely depend on gender, age and race. Globally, men are more likely to abuse alcohol, tobacco and drugs than women. While white people are prone to both alcoholism and smoking, American Indians and Alaska Natives are more likely to become dependent on nicotine. Among the nationalities that are less dependent on alcohol, tobacco and drugs are people from Asia, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands.

Alcohol and tobacco dependence can lead to serious health risks, both on their own and in combination. In addition to the fact that alcoholism often leads to death from injuries during accidents and accidents, the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol manifests itself:

  • chronic liver diseases;
  • cancer;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • acute alcohol poisoning;
  • the birth of sick children if the mother abused during pregnancy.

Smoking is associated with lung disease, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Drug addiction, alcoholism, and tobacco smoking simultaneously increase the risk of cancer and reduce life expectancy.

Alcohol and stress

Many people are completely unfamiliar with the state of dependence on alcohol and drugs. Therefore, they cannot understand the logic and thinking of people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. But as this “plague of the 21st century” spreads more and more, people are increasingly wondering what the main reasons for the spread of alcoholism and drug addiction, toxic substance abuse are, and how to save people from dangerous habits.

One of the reasons for the spread of alcoholism and drug addiction is the development of anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression and other mental illnesses. But the stigma of being a “psycho” is too heavy for them, so they hesitate and are afraid to go to a psychiatrist. In this situation, a much easier solution is to resort to addictive substances that alter the state of consciousness. As a result, people begin to use alcohol and drugs to alleviate their suffering. Alcohol and drugs help them temporarily regain a sense of their “normality”, the memory of which is stored in their memory.

People often think that drugs and alcohol can relieve stress. Modern life, with its oversaturation of information, is a source of severe stress and overstrain of the nervous system, which were unknown to people in the past. Even the usual maintenance of a family, ordinary duties at work, for some this is already an excessive burden. Therefore, alcoholic drinks, medications, and drugs are often used for relaxation and are a method to calm the storm that “rages” in the head. It is true that, temporarily, these substances do a “wonderful” job. But the side effects and consequences can be no less serious.

For variety and adaptation

Another reason for the development of addiction is imitation, when they try to imitate more authoritative family members, acquaintances, friends who are dependent on drugs and look very cool. This is most often the cause of addiction in young people and teenagers. At this age, it is very easy to succumb to the illusion that everything is in your hands and that the decision to use or not to use is completely in their power. Moreover, when they have an authoritative example in front of them, from whom they do not want to lag behind. The usual thought in this case is: “My friends have been doing this for several years, and it’s normal, which means I won’t get hurt.”

The entertainment industry, parties, discos - this is an environment where people are instilled with the idea that sometimes using this or that drug to relax is quite “normal”. If at the same time a person has addicts and alcoholics in the family, the risk of developing addiction increases significantly.

Another reason for becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol is the routine and dullness of everyday life with its eternal problems. Here the idea arises that drugs and alcohol can help.

Boredom is also a very serious risk factor for addiction in young people. At this age, people do not yet have the responsibilities that adults have - work, children, family, housing, etc. They can easily get bored and become eager to try something new and original. Something that would stimulate their nervous system and relieve them of the constant stress associated with boredom and dullness. In this case, narcotic substances appear as a “savior” from the mediocrity of the “earthly world.” But the holiday, unfortunately, does not last long.

Don't be a black sheep

Sometimes people think that alcohol and drugs will help them adapt, become “like everyone else,” and better “fit” the situation. After all, often, when communicating with friends, you don’t want to look like a “black sheep.” A person wants others to see in him the “soul of the company”, their “good friend”, a person who can be relied on in everything and always.

And if you are different from others, do not drink with everyone or do not use drugs, this creates mistrust, and, as a result, exclusion from the group. But self-affirmation and belonging to a group are the most important psychological needs of any person, and especially at a young age. In this case, the psychological pressure exerted by peers has an incredibly strong impact, especially on the fragile psyche.

This can make a person decide to commit actions that he will later greatly regret, and perhaps not only he. And in combination with alcohol and drugs, this can be a reason for committing a crime. Currently in Russia, legal measures, including medical measures, civil, administrative and criminal, are also important means of combating alcoholism and drug addiction. For a person who has committed an offense while intoxicated, the court often applies special measures.

Trauma and the development of addictions

Sometimes people accidentally get physically injured and become hooked on medications that alleviate their condition. The category of people who expose themselves to this risk includes manual workers, older generations, and all those who suffer from injuries.

There are people who suffer from pain from birth due to some congenital physical defects. But there are still more of those who suffered as a result of accidents and incidents.

As a result, doctors provide prescriptions for drugs that can cause physical and psychological dependence. Especially if the drug gives a person a sense of well-being, this leads to the person justifying continued use. If a person does not see a doctor, he may resort to drugs or alcohol to relieve pain.

Alcohol and drugs: to forget

People may turn to alcohol or drugs to rid themselves of memories of past events. One of these memories is an unhappy childhood, the memories of which are so terrible and unbearable that a person resorts to psychoactive chemical substances.

The fact is that the child’s psyche is especially vulnerable and sensitive. Any traumatic events are perceived extremely acutely, especially those associated with physical trauma. Then negative memories can haunt and haunt a person for a very long time and into adulthood. Such people can be helped by psychologists who help change their attitude towards past events. If such people do not seek professional help, they stumble and take the wrong step, choosing alcohol or drugs, which only worsens their condition.

Pursuit of pleasure

Very often, the reason for the development of addiction is that people strive to repeat those incredibly pleasant sensations that they have already experienced. If you ask any drug addict about this, he will say that these are the best feelings he has ever experienced in his life.

For him, the pleasure of drug euphoria simply cannot be compared with the joys of everyday life. The reason for this is that drugs overload the pleasure receptors in the brain. It is enough to experience this “incredible” pleasure once in order to “get hooked” on it, become psychologically attached and strive with all your might to repeat the sensations. This is the vicious circle from which it is very difficult to get out on your own. The heights of drug euphoria become stronger, the sicker and lower the addict or alcoholic goes during abstinence and “withdrawal”.

Alcohol and smoking

Drinking and smoking cigarettes are the main and most common causes of deadly diseases that can be prevented by treating addiction in time. These substances are often used together. This means that people who are addicted to smoking are four times more likely to become dependent on alcohol than non-smokers. And alcoholics are three times more likely to become addicted to cigarette smoking than non-drinkers.

The link between drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes has very serious health consequences. Many alcoholics smoke. The harm of smoking alcohol and drugs is that it increases the risk of cancer, lung diseases, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Statistics show that alcoholics are more likely to die from diseases associated with cigarette abuse than from diseases caused by alcohol abuse. That is why for successful treatment the question of getting rid of nicotine addiction must be raised. Many anti-alcoholism programs also include nicotine addiction recovery.

Features of treatment

To prevent alcoholism, drug addiction, and substance abuse, it is important to understand what these phenomena have in common and how they affect the brain of a person suffering from addiction. This is not easy, even despite a sufficient number of different scientific theories. These difficulties are a result of the fact that when you are addicted to multiple substances, it is very important to distinguish which health effects are caused by each substance individually and which are the result of interactions between several substances.

Nowadays, there is a wide choice of treatment methods, treatment programs and medical centers whose specialty is the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. When choosing a hospital, you often need to know the answer to the question of whether there is a difference between rehabilitation for alcoholism and rehabilitation for drug addiction. The answer to this question is yes, there is, and this difference relates to treatment programs and the detoxification process.

Although the detoxification process for drug addicts and alcoholics has many similarities, there are some subtle nuances. For example, alcoholic delirium is a sign of alcoholic psychosis, which is characteristic only of alcoholics during an exacerbation of withdrawal syndrome, and therefore it is absent in drug addicts. True, it does not occur in all cases; its complications are especially dangerous. Delirium tremens can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • convulsions;
  • hallucinations;
  • the man is shaking all over;
  • confusion;
  • high blood pressure;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • in severe cases - death.

A drug addict's hangover is different from an alcohol hangover. With an alcohol hangover, the body recovers from the toxic effects of acetaldehyde and alcohol. The liver, which removes these poisons, receives the main blow. This leads to a lack of many substances and dehydration. At the same time, substances in the brain that affect mood are not particularly affected. Drugs affect the brain more, and the reaction to their absence in the body largely depends on the type of tranquilizer.

For example, amphetamine withdrawal is a period when the drug stops working. That is, this is a state when a person cannot fall asleep, since a certain amount of this substance still circulates in the body, although not enough to cause narcotic euphoria. At the same time, there is a lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain.

Thus, the mechanism of alcohol detoxification differs from the detoxification of drug addicts, since it is based on different treatment principles. For example, during withdrawal, drug addicts receive a drug substitute, but an alcoholic can be brought out of this state with the help of medications, without resorting to alcohol.

The common thing in the rehabilitation process is that it continues for addicts throughout their lives: if the addict gives in, he may relapse. Competent assistance to drug addicts and alcoholics is necessary for the correct choice of effective treatment and support, then these people can be on the right path to a healthy and happy life.

Drugs and children

Of great concern is the fact that fewer and fewer young people are thinking about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are things that can no longer surprise a modern teenager.

Many parents are concerned about how to protect their children from drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking. Prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction, and substance abuse is very important here. First of all, you need to choose the right words that will allow the teenager to stop using alcohol or drugs. For example, you can tell your child that only weak people use alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, and express confidence that he does not want to be like that. It is advisable to carry out explanatory work when the child is in primary school and even goes to kindergarten.

After all, a person often tries his first cigarette and first glass of vodka while still at school. And this phenomenon is progressing all over the world. Teenagers start drinking and smoking cigarettes between the ages of 14 and 18. This often leads to the young person trying drugs. And gradually alcohol, tobacco, and drugs become an integral part of his life.

Teenagers who are registered in drug treatment centers in most cases are smokers. Just like adults, drug-addicted young people, even after completing treatment, continue to smoke tobacco, even if they have been cured of alcoholism and substance abuse.

Treatment of a drug-dependent child places increased demands on specialists - narcologists, psychiatrists and psychologists. A child is very susceptible to the influence of peers, and group norms and peers’ expectations have a stronger influence on this category of people than on adults. This is the main reason why children do not think about the dangers of alcohol and drug intoxication. They also do not think about violating legal legislation, about illegal acts that can be committed while intoxicated, and what being under the influence of drugs leads to.

Nicotine addiction in children and adolescents also differs from addiction in adults. For it to occur, a child only needs a smaller dose of nicotine or alcohol than an adult. Therefore, the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction is so important, which must be actively pursued, starting from an early age. Parents should pay a lot of attention to protecting their children from alcohol, drug addiction, substance abuse and smoking.

You cannot spare effort and money on this, since the social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction can appear very quickly and have the most destructive consequences. It is necessary to clearly explain to children so that they understand the dangers of drug addiction and alcoholism. After all, if a child hears about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs from the lips of his father, whom he respects, loves and takes as an example, this can play a decisive role in his life.

Alcoholism and drug addiction have become dangerous problems of our time. This problem concerns not only the person himself and his family, but also the entire society, since the family is its integral part.

A dangerous disease and its impact on the social life of society

Like a cancerous tumor, drug addiction and alcoholism destroy the personality and become the cause of many failures of a person who has become an alcoholic or drug addict. His family members become hostage to these problems. And most often, the whole life of these people consists of constantly overcoming them. It is not always possible to solve problems of this kind.

The social life of society is influenced by a terrible disease called “alcoholism and drug addiction.” In a family where the husband is an alcoholic, children suffer the most. The wife, tired of fighting her husband’s alcohol addiction, often starts drinking herself. Children, left without the attention of their parents, are completely abandoned. Some begin to become street children and commit crimes. Those who have not reached the age of majority can be taken away from their parents, who are deprived of their rights to the child. This is how a family breaks up. But this is not the worst outcome.

There are families in which, looking at their parents, children start drinking. They become drunkards early and die. Some families refuse alcoholics, not wanting to subject other family members to constant stress. It happens less often that a family fights and overcomes a dangerous illness. Unfortunately, this is very rare.

Drug addiction is not as common as alcoholism. But a person’s dependence on it is much stronger. While people of all ages are susceptible to alcoholism, drug addiction kills mainly the younger generation. The country's gene pool is suffering.

What kind of offspring will be born? After all, it is known that alcoholics and drug addicts give birth to physically weak children. Parents' addictions also affect their mental state. Often, children born to parents who are alcoholics and drug addicts are alcohol and drug addicts. That is, already at the genetic level, the offspring are infected with this disease. And this is passed on from generation to generation.

What is happening in our society? It is gradually dying out. Recently, the number of drug addicts and alcoholics has not decreased, but is constantly growing. Isn't it worth thinking about this seriously?!

Where does it all begin? How does a person become infected with this disease?

Our society is infected with a terrible disease called alcoholism and drug addiction. Alcoholism and drug addiction have different roots, but the end is always the same. People suffering from this disease, decomposing and dying themselves, cause irreparable harm to society. It will be very difficult for society to get rid of this disease.

Alcohol is everywhere. Both in joy and in sorrow. It accompanies holidays, celebrations and meetings of friends. Business receptions and discussions of transactions take place with the accompaniment of alcohol.

It is impossible to prove to people that you can have fun without this potion. And an alcoholic never considers himself such. Although only he himself can cope with the disease. And the family and society should support him and start.

The government needs to limit alcohol consumption. It must better control the flow of drugs into the country. Otherwise, the decaying society will face inevitable death.

What are the consequences of alcohol and drug use?

With constant use of drugs and alcohol, the human body completely decomposes. All his organs and brain activity suffer. Immunity is impaired. The cardiovascular, nervous systems and digestive organs are destroyed.

With constant consumption of alcohol, the human body becomes saturated with toxins. He cannot get rid of them on his own. A “patient” is required in a medical facility and.

A person pays for his addictions with his health and even his life. He may not be the only one to suffer. While intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, he can kill a child or hit a person with a car. It can start a fire, and people will die or lose their homes. Thus, an alcoholic, through his behavior, influences the life of society and disrupts the normal course of events.

Under, in search of money for the next dose, a drug addict may stop at nothing. He becomes dangerous to society. Violating social rules becomes the norm for him.

In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person's mind becomes cloudy. He cannot control his actions and emotions. Often he doesn’t even remember what happened to him. By causing pain to other people, such a person harms the entire society.

Losing the ability to think normally, a person degenerates morally. He is not interested in the lives of his loved ones. He is worried about one thought: how to find another glass of alcohol or where to get money for a dose.

Gradually killing himself, he destroys everything around him. It kills the good attitude of those around you and makes them disgusted. With this attitude of people towards alcoholics and drug addicts, a split arises in society, which leads to its decline.

Not only the body of an alcoholic and drug addict dies, but also the soul. Left alone, he cannot cope with the disease and suffers. Death becomes the solution to all his problems.

The tragedy of one person affects the life of the entire society.

Is life really worth spending it like this?

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