Thyroid gland and excess weight. How does the thyroid gland affect excess weight?

Everyone knows that changes in hormonal levels necessarily affect a person’s weight, so it is important to know how the thyroid gland affects weight. Considering that the thyroid gland synthesizes and secretes hormones (triiodothyronine and thyroxine) into the blood, which are involved in almost all metabolic processes, the importance of this issue becomes clearer. With normal levels of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), also called thyroid levels, the body works like a clock, but if it is disrupted, problems can arise in various systems of the human body - cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system. Due to disruption of metabolic processes with increased or decreased levels of thyroid hormones, excess weight or lack thereof may appear.

Pathological conditions of the thyroid gland and the hormonal imbalance to which they lead occupy an honorable second place among diseases of the endocrine system and, unfortunately, are becoming increasingly common. In addition, they are often not so easy to diagnose in time, since the symptoms of early manifestations of thyroid pathologies can be considered as symptoms of other diseases that are in no way related to the endocrine system. And the disease, which is the root cause, develops at this time.

When the thyroid gland is dysfunctional, it is unable to synthesize the required amount of thyroid hormones and, naturally, the body begins to experience the consequences of their deficiency. This condition is called hypothyroidism and its manifestations affect almost all human organs and systems.

Firstly, the functioning of metabolic processes, including fat metabolism, is disrupted. Its mechanism is the breakdown of fats. Disruption of the energy metabolism process is expressed in the difficulty of processing calories entering the body with food, as well as their distribution and consumption. Which is reflected in the growth of fat deposits and, accordingly, in an increase in body weight. A similar picture is observed with regard to cholesterol, which can cause early atherosclerosis. Secondly, problems with metabolism can also be expressed by chills, constant weakness, numbness of the upper and lower extremities, involuntary painful muscle contractions, and so on.

Also, a deficiency of thyroid hormones can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • memory impairment, lack of concentration;
  • insomnia at night and constant drowsiness during the day;
  • violation of the condition of the skin and its color;
  • swelling;
  • disruption of the texture of hair and nails, as well as their fragility;
  • Irregular menstruation in women, which can ultimately lead to the inability to have children;
  • decreased libido in men.

With confirmed hypothyroidism, we can safely say that there is a connection between excess weight and thyroid dysfunction. In this case, “military action” against extra pounds should begin with bringing the hormonal picture in the body to normal. Most often this involves the use of hormone replacement therapy, which consists of taking drugs based on
artificial thyroxine, in most cases it is L-thyroxine. Unfortunately, in most cases such treatment is prescribed permanently throughout the rest of life, which, however, does not mean its inferiority. It should be remembered that the positive results of replacement therapy do not give the right to cancel it on your own; all decisions of this nature must be made by the attending physician.

Considering that in most cases the cause of thyroid dysfunction and hypothyroidism, in particular, is iodine deficiency, I will have to radically change my diet. One of the points of such a change will be to increase the share of iodine-rich foods in it. These include seafood, certain types of fish, walnuts and others. But products that tend to inhibit the hormone-synthesizing function of the thyroid gland should be completely excluded. For example, soy and peanuts.

But iodine is not the only microelement needed by the body, so the diet for a hypothyroid condition of the thyroid gland should take into account all other needs of the thyroid gland and the body as a whole. Such a diet is the key to positive results in the fight against excess weight due to thyroid pathologies and their treatment. To take everything into account, it is advisable to contact an experienced nutritionist.

Also, don't forget about exercise. Gymnastics or fitness should become mandatory procedures and, preferably, daily. If you choose training on simulators as physical exercise, it is better to do them under the supervision of a trainer.

From all of the above we can conclude: disorders of the thyroid gland and excess weight are interrelated concepts. And this says one thing: if there is any suspicion of thyroid dysfunction, you should immediately contact an experienced endocrinologist. He will be able to determine exactly what processes are occurring in the patient’s thyroid gland and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. In addition, you should remember: self-medication is not the answer. Any treatment, whether traditional or not, must be supervised by a specialist.

The thyroid gland is a regulator of all metabolic processes in the body. The hormones T3 and T4 it produces play a critical role in determining metabolic rate, that is, the conversion of consumed calories into energy at rest. If the level of these hormones is normal, the body works smoothly, but if their levels deviate from the average in one direction or another, disruptions occur in the functioning of the heart, digestive, circulatory and nervous systems of the body.

Also, one of the most important manifestations of hormonal imbalance is weight problems. Depending on which direction the thyroid hormone levels have deviated, there may be either a problem of excess weight, which cannot be lost with the help of the most stringent diets and physical activity, or a sharp lack of kilograms, which even the most high-calorie diet cannot compensate for. Thus, we can say with confidence that the quality of the thyroid gland affects a person’s weight.

Hypothyroidism and its manifestations

Diseases of the thyroid gland and the resulting hormonal imbalances are currently one of the most common medical problems. However, most often it is not diagnosed immediately. Its manifestations are often considered as symptoms of various, unrelated diseases, which seriously complicates treatment, because the true cause remains unattended.

If the thyroid gland does not cope with the production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) in the required volume, a deficiency of these hormones in the blood occurs. We are talking about the development of hypothyroidism, which leaves a negative imprint on the functioning of the entire human body.

Metabolism is disrupted and, above all, this concerns the breakdown of fats entering the body. Calories received from food are no longer processed and consumed. Instead, they accumulate in the body, manifesting themselves in the form of extra pounds and contributing to the gradual development of obesity. For the same reason, the body retains excess cholesterol, which can cause atherosclerosis. Metabolic disorders are also expressed in the form of weakness, numbness of the limbs, muscle cramps, chilliness, etc.

Other symptoms of T3 and T4 deficiency in the body are:

  • decreased concentration and memory;
  • sleep disturbances in the form of insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day;
  • change in oval shape and complexion;
  • the appearance of swelling under the eyes;
  • dry skin, brittle hair and nails;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • infertility, etc.

Thus, it is obvious that disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland and obesity are clearly interrelated phenomena. Therefore, if you experience symptoms that indicate the possibility of hypothyroidism, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and get tested for hormones.

How to deal with excess weight with hypothyroidism?

If the results of blood tests confirm a hormone deficiency and, accordingly, a cause-and-effect relationship between the functioning of the thyroid gland and excess weight, the fight against accumulated kilograms should begin with normalizing hormonal levels. We are talking about mandatory replacement therapy, designed to compensate for their deficiency in the human body with the help of synthetic analogues of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Most often, such therapy is prescribed for life with mandatory periodic monitoring of hormone levels in the blood. Even if short-term use of drugs has given a positive result and your health has improved, you should not stop the course without a doctor’s prescription.

Since in most cases the cause of thyroid dysfunction is iodine deficiency, you should review your diet and introduce foods rich in this microelement (seafood, fatty fish, seaweed, etc.). But legumes, such as peanuts and soybeans, are best avoided altogether, as they contain substances that suppress the production of T3 and T4.

But eliminating hormonal imbalance is not the only measure that needs to be taken to solve the problem of excess weight due to hypothyroidism. In this case, the approach must be comprehensive. It is important to adhere to a properly selected diet that takes into account all the characteristics of the human body and its needs for vitamins and microelements necessary for the full functioning of the thyroid gland. And it is better if it is developed by a qualified nutritionist.

An equally important point is mandatory physical activity in the form of independent gymnastics or exercises on machines under the supervision of a trainer.

Thus, understanding the obvious connection between adequate functioning of the thyroid gland and maintaining a normal weight, people suffering from extra pounds should not exhaust the body with strict diets and sports exercises that do not bring results, but, first of all, check their hormonal levels. And if suspicions of hypothyroidism are confirmed, do everything necessary to eliminate the root cause of your problems.

The issue of excess weight is not only sensitive, but also very important. It’s not for nothing that experts advise that if you have problems with weight, you should initially seek help not only from nutritionists, but also from doctors.

This is especially true for those who, despite all efforts to get rid of extra pounds, feel absolutely no results. Moreover, if diets and sports training not only do not provide the desired result, but also have an extremely negative impact on well-being (provoking constant fatigue, drowsiness and irritability), it is imperative to check the thyroid gland. After all, very often the thyroid gland and excess weight “go hand in hand.”

The thyroid gland - the “queen of hormones”, the “butterfly”, as it is also called - is responsible for the production of so-called thyroid hormones. These are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are the most important participants in normal metabolism. If the balance of these hormones is maintained at the proper level, the body works like a clock. Metabolism continues as usual, and the calories consumed are converted into energy. But if the thyroid gland cannot cope with its function, this balance is disrupted. There is a deficiency of hormones in the body, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism. And this, as you know, is a direct path to excess weight.

Interestingly, thyroid diseases and accompanying problems with excess weight are now recorded by statistics as one of the most common health problems. It’s also a shame that often such diseases are not diagnosed on time. Specialists blame gynecological problems, disorders of the nervous system, insufficient functionality of the cardiovascular system... And they begin to treat not the main disease associated with thyroid dysfunction, but the accompanying symptoms. Since the thyroid gland is responsible for many processes that occur in the body - from thermoregulation, stability of the nervous system to sleep and normal thinking - it is not surprising that, in addition to excess weight, a person feels a general malaise of the body.

As already mentioned, the thyroid gland takes part in maintaining normal body temperature. When thyroid function is impaired and insufficient thyroid hormones are produced, body temperature drops significantly. At the same time, a person constantly feels cold and feels cold even in conditions where those around him feel comfortable. Constant lethargy and fatigue are another symptom of a lack of hormones. Against this background, the body’s resistance to infectious diseases also decreases, due to which frequent illnesses become the “norm”. With a lack of thyroid hormones, heart problems are often felt, which are accompanied by irregular pain in this area, a slow pulse, and an increase or, conversely, a decrease in blood pressure.

Disorders of the thyroid gland are also accompanied by “drying out” of the body: hair becomes dry and brittle, and the skin is dry, which, moreover, can acquire a characteristic yellowish-peach tint. Tendency to constipation and bowel dysfunction, memory impairment, anxiety and rapid irritability, swelling, including the larynx and tongue, resulting in hoarseness and night snoring, in women - menstrual irregularities... All these are symptoms of a lack of the required amount of thyroid hormones glands in the body.

And, of course, excess weight. Moreover, with a deficiency of thyroid hormones, the appetite worsens, and the person seems to eat less, but the kilograms either still add, or the weight stays the same, and there is no way to lose it. This is a consequence of metabolic disorders, primarily lipid. Calories entering the body are not consumed, but are deposited in the form of extra pounds; cholesterol accumulates in the blood, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis and obesity.

You can avoid such problems by seeking specialized help in time. Only a doctor can choose the tactics for treating and correcting thyroid diseases (which provoke the formation of excess weight) - after all the necessary examinations and measuring hormone levels. Usually, to restore normal hormonal balance, they resort to prescribing hormone-containing drugs. And they must be taken without fail - even if noticeable improvements have occurred already in the first month of treatment.

If a person is diagnosed with hypothyroidism, in most cases, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed for life. With this disease, metabolic disorders are not at all a temporary phenomenon, but they can be treated. Hypothyroidism is a pathological disorder of the functionality of the thyroid gland, which is simply unable to provide the body with the necessary amount of hormones. And in this case it is impossible to do without artificial compensation.

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Diseases of the thyroid gland are numerous, and each of them has its own clinical picture and symptoms. Moreover, the same symptom can manifest itself in radically opposite ways. We are talking about fluctuations in body weight due to diseases of the thyroid gland.

The hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine produced by the thyroid gland can change the metabolic rate in the body, and, accordingly, affect body weight. These hormones are carried through the bloodstream through the arteries, actively affecting energy, oxygen consumption, heat production and all body systems in general. In this case, an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones leads to an increase in a person’s weight, and an excess amount leads to a decrease. This is due to the fact that with hypothyroidism the metabolic rate decreases, and with thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) it increases. Thus, weight loss due to thyroid disease becomes a problem both for patients with hypothyroidism who want to lose weight, and for patients with hyperthyroidism who want to gain weight.

If you notice that you have begun to rapidly lose weight or gain weight just as quickly, you should not make hasty conclusions. With diseases of the thyroid gland, there are usually other signs in addition to fluctuations in body weight.

  • With thyrotokinosis (hyperthyroidism), a person develops weakness, a constant feeling of heat, severe hand tremors, sweating, rapid heartbeat (up to 120 beats per minute, and in severe cases higher), severe irritability, nervousness, tearfulness, rapid severe weight loss, sleep disturbance , change of mood. Exaphthalmos (bulging eyes) appears, accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, bags under and above the eyes, and the inability to concentrate on an object. Sometimes the patient has a low-grade fever. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and in men, there is a decrease in libido.
  • With hypothyroidism, the patient experiences the following symptoms: drowsiness, lethargy, pale skin, hair loss, constant feeling of fatigue, lethargy, lack of energy.

In both cases, the lack of treatment entails serious consequences for the person, so treatment of thyroid disease should never be delayed. And during treatment, you need to constantly monitor your weight: if you have hypothyroidism, try not to gain weight, if you have thyrotoxicosis, try not to lose weight. Losing weight in hypothyroidism patients is a difficult task, as they require more effort to lose weight than healthy people. Nevertheless, you can and should lose weight. And the best way for people with hypothyroidism to control their weight is not to progress the disease itself, but also to adhere to a diet and exercise regimen. Patients with thyrotoxicosis, on the contrary, need increased nutrition, rest, and lack of physical activity and stress.

For some reason, nowadays people value beauty and femininity in slimness and fragility. In fact, not only women lose weight, but many men also dream of a beautiful body, exhausting themselves with diets and gyms. Yes, a slim figure is not only beautiful, but also good for health. By removing extra pounds of fat, we reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows what disappointment feels like. Endless diets and gyms can produce positive results. However, more and more often there are cases when there is absolutely no result and your excess weight is still there. Eventually, a person seeks help from specialists, and then your doctor finds out that you have problems related to the thyroid gland.

Or perhaps you are part of a minority that has the opposite problem. No matter how much you eat, you cannot gain your weight back to normal. No super high-calorie foods will help you. You eat desserts, snacks, and whatever else you want. However, you remain so thin that your body can no longer fight off colds, flu and other infections.

In both cases, the problem may be with your thyroid gland. Yes, it is the thyroid gland that affects the canopy.

Thyroid function

The thyroid gland plays an important role in body weight because it regulates the basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is the rate at which your body uses energy at rest. Previously, when measuring BMR, it was possible to determine the presence of thyroid diseases.

An increase in thyroid weight basically indicates that the thyroid gland is not working properly. It is this gland that produces a special hormone that is responsible for our metabolism. Normal levels of thyroid hormones allow the body to maintain normal functioning. Cells in the body work more slowly and require less energy. But when the amount of energy in the body remains at the same level, our body can store it for later use.

Research shows that even small changes in thyroid function can lead to weight gain. Sudden weight gain and difficulty losing extra pounds may be one of the first noticeable signs of hypothyroidism (sluggish thyroid function). Therefore, we can conclude that excess weight and the thyroid gland (namely, a malfunction in its functioning) are interconnected.

Hypothyroidism is associated with a deficiency of hormones produced by the thyroid gland (thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). This leads to the release of numerous metabolic processes and disorders including the heart, digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroiditis. One. One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is weight gain.Unfortunately, most people, despite the implementation of treatment, are unable to reduce their weight.

Thyroid hormones play an important role in the metabolism of warm-blooded organisms, including humans. A warm-blooded organism maintains a constant body temperature: converts energy from the food you eat into thermal energy (in addition to the energy needed for growth, regeneration, maintenance of vital functions, physical work). This process occurs in microscopic organelles - mitochondria.

Thyroid hormones play a key role. They regulate the amount of special proteins (enzymes) that convert energy into heat. People suffering from thyroid disease experience decreased regulation of thermogenesis (heat production) and thus overall metabolism.

Many of us are familiar with the symptoms of hypothyroidism. One of them is weight gain. The thyroid gland and obesity “go hand in hand.” This disease is not considered a classic form of excessive fat accumulation. Accumulated mucopolysaccharides, which cause the formation of bloating, also play a vital role here. This pathology not only increases weight, but can also contribute to the following:

  • the oval of the face changes;
  • hands go numb;
  • hoarseness of voice.

In this case, it is important to go to the hospital in time.

Excess weight with hypothyroidism: how to act?

Treatment of overweight people with hypothyroidism should be comprehensive:

  • Care by specialists in thyroid diseases (required);
  • Diet (as prescribed by a nutritionist);
  • Movement or gym under the supervision of a trainer.

For some people, regular care with appropriate endocrine therapy combined with diet and proper exercise is enough to achieve weight loss. Some patients often need the involvement of an endocrinologist, nutritionist and trainer to get the desired results.