Read Ushinsky's fairy tale morning rays. Integrated lesson on the story K


interest students in history;

make the lesson interesting, exciting, memorable.

The game in the lesson should

have the most important feature -

a clearly stated goal of communication

and corresponding to it

pedagogical result.


it `s naturally


Games for learning new material;

  • games for consolidation;
  • games to test knowledge;
  • educational games;
  • relaxation games.

The game is a means of activating the educational process, promoting mental development.

The game is a tool for personality formation, aimed at developing its positive qualities.

The game is a form of self-expression aimed at relieving tension, as well as developing certain skills and abilities.


After reading the text, students pass/write


The best offers with precise content.

Game "Tree of Wisdom"

By the end of the lesson, students come up with three questions or tasks of different difficulty levels on separate pieces of paper.

The sheets of paper are handed over to the teacher.

In the next lesson, the leaves are used to test knowledge.

Game "Restoration"

There is a text/sentence on the topic being studied, written down in separate sentences (separate lines).

Then the text is cut into strips so that each contains one sentence (word). The strips are mixed and placed in an envelope.

The student must reconstruct the text (sentence).

Game "Archive"

Text with worn letters/words, abbreviations, symbols, without dots, with spaces for common words.

Students need to reconstruct the text and enlarge it.

Game "Interview"/"Press Conference"

One is a student hero, the other is a journalist(s).

  • The “hero” collects in advance as much information as possible about the person he will have to play.
  • The “journalist(s)” should prepare interesting questions in advance.

Game "Association"

Say out loud or write down words that are associated with a given term. Wins with the most words.

Snowball game

Students take turns pronouncing the terms given topic.

Each subsequent participant in the game must complement what the previous student said.

ABC game

A letter is specified. Students at their desks must remember, within a certain time, words that begin with this letter and are closely related to the topic being studied.

The team with the longest list wins.

Game "Hero"

  • Based on the given text, some students make riddles about historical figures, while others guess.
  • It is allowed to ask each other questions, but the answers can only be “yes”, “no” or “maybe”.

Game "Carry On"

Desk neighbors, in turn, must tell the material of the topic being studied one sentence at a time. One starts, the other continues. The one whose sentence was the last wins, while the other one will no longer be able to remember anything else.

Game "Anagrams"

Students solve terms with rearranged letters. They need to restore the order of the letters and write the resulting word.

lady - slave


senate - wall

Come up with Anagrams by topic:


Game "Bull"

3-6 students are selected who are poorly prepared on a given topic.

Teams of 2-3 students explain the material first, and they take turns moving from group to group. After listening to all the commands, the student must retell what he heard and choose the best tutors.

Game "Seine"

Your deskmates must write an essay on a given topic. Through certain time They exchange sheets of paper and continue their neighbor’s essay.

Game "Hare"

The teacher asks the whole class short questions. Students respond in writing to questions asked. At the end of the game, students exchange notebooks and check the answers with the correct ones. Whoever gets the most correct answers wins.

Didactic games for history lessons

Worked as: history and social studies teacher

MBOU "Khovu-Aksynskaya Secondary School" Kuular Choduraa Aleksandrovna

A game- active type of activity,

aimed at recreating and

assimilation of social experience, in

which adds up and

self-government is being improved

student's personal-evaluative


A game-this is a natural form

learning, so the teacher organizing

game, comes from natural

children's needs. During the game

there is a balance between

child and adult. IN

children create their own game

reality, create their own world.

  • Entertaining
  • Communicative
  • Self-realization
  • Play therapy
  • Diagnostic
  • Correction
  • Interethnic communications
  • Socialization

The pedagogical game should

have the most important feature -

clearly stated purpose communication

and corresponding to it

pedagogical result .

Didactic game does the following target orientations :

1) Didactic. Expands horizons, activates cognitive activity, forms required skills and skills, promotes learning educational material, allows you to quickly check the result.

2) Developmental. Promotes the development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, find analogues, and make the optimal decision. The development of motivational orientation is activated educational activities, creativity, fantasy, imagination.

3) Educational. Moral aesthetic positions, worldviews. A sense of collectivism is fostered. Communication and tolerance skills are developed.

Classification by essence game based :

  • Games with rules (for example, the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”;
  • Role-playing games (for example, a court game);
  • Complex gaming systems

(for example KVN)

Classification by structural elements lesson

Games for learning new material;

  • games for consolidation;
  • games to test knowledge;
  • educational games;
  • relaxation games-pauses.

The use of didactic games helps solve the following problems :

  • Development of cognitive interest in history;
  • Deep assimilation of the material even by low-performing students;
  • Activation cognitive activity;
  • Creating conditions for personal self-expression;
  • Promotion creative potential students;
  • Variety of educational activities;
  • Development of communication skills, a sense of teamwork, goodwill.

Games for learning new material

Game "Three sentences". This is a simple game with

some rules. It is based on logical

operation to remove the main thing. Conditional component

making the game entertaining is achieved through

rules - state this “important” in three simple

proposals. One of the game options is to work with

printed text. This could be a point from a paragraph

textbook or document. After reading the text, students pass

Suggestions. The one with the shorter story wins, and

The content is conveyed accurately.

Game "Tree of Wisdom"

Students learn to ask questions about what they are learning

historical material. In class, when learning something new

material, the children are given a task: during the explanation or

work with text, write down on three pieces of paper, three different in

the level of complexity of the question and the assignment to it. After

After studying the material, the papers are handed in. Most

interesting ones are evaluated and presented in the form of “apples”

or “leaves” and are attached to the “Tree of Wisdom”

(red tasks - at "5", yellow - at "4", green - at

"3"); in the next lessons when testing knowledge

called students “pluck” a fruit or leaf, read

question and answer it.

Game "Blank Board"

To organize it before explaining new material in

Write down questions at different ends of the board that can

be expressed both in ordinary form and by diagram, date,

map, picture. They must be built on

material new topic. The teacher reports that along the way

explanations of the material, students will participate in the game:

"Look at the board, it's filled with different

questions. The answers to them are contained in my story. I

from time to time I will ask if you are ready to answer

to any question. If you give an answer to it, then

this question is erased. The challenge in this game is to

so that by the end of the lesson the board remains clean.”

Didactic games for consolidation, repetition and generalization of historical material

Game "Restoration". For the game, a text (easy to read) on the topic being studied is selected. Each sentence (word) is written on a new line. It carries an independent semantic load. Then the text is cut into strips so that each contains one sentence (word). The strips are mixed and placed in an envelope. This is a blank for the game, which is used as individual task. The student must reconstruct the text (sentence). You can write a certain letter in the corner of each strip so that when correct execution the word would form (“well done”, “correct”, etc.)

Game "Anagrams"

Can be designed around any topic, e.g.

theme "Culture" Ancient Greece" The game will require

knowledge of ancient Greek playwrights. These are the names

playwrights in which the order of the letters is disrupted. Necessary

restore the order of the letters and write the resulting name.



The game allows you to reinforce in a fun way

memorizing words.


  • Bakhanov K. A. Theatrical games in the classroom. “Teaching history at school”, No. 4, 1990.

2. Borzova L.P. Games in a history lesson. Toolkit for teachers / M.: Vlados - Press, 2003.

3. V.V.Gukova, A.A.Kravchenko, L.I.Mikhailova and other technologies modern lesson. "Teacher" 2009,

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Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Nizhnevartovsk State Humanitarian University" Faculty of Humanities


"Games for History Lessons"

Completed: AbdullinA. ABOUT.


Theoretical aspect

Game in history lesson - active form training session, during which a certain situation of the past or present is simulated, in which people - participants in the historical drama - “come to life” and “act”. The main goal of such an activity is to create a game state - a specific emotional attitude subject to historical reality. In this way, students fill the “deserted” story with characters that they themselves portray, albeit in different ways. various types games.

The game forces the child to reincarnate into a person from the past or the present, makes him “jump above himself,” because he portrays an adult, and an image that is far from his everyday practice. Through understanding the thoughts, feelings and actions of “their” heroes, schoolchildren model historical reality. At the same time, the acquired knowledge becomes personally significant and emotionally charged for each student-player; the child must, as it were, “feel” his character from the inside thanks to his deep knowledge of the entire era.

It is clear that such a difficult task requires the student to mobilize all knowledge and skills, encourages him to master more and more new knowledge and deepen it, broadens his horizons and, most importantly, forces him to master a whole range of important “adult” skills, primarily communication and theatrical. All this activity of “reincarnating” into another person develops the student’s empathic abilities.

Methodists have long identified two important sign historical game - the presence of direct speech (dialogues) of the participants and an imaginary situation in the past or present (but with a discussion of the past). Carrying out such a division, scientists raised the issue of classifying games according to history. Researchers-educators highlight different kinds educational games.

Games are classified by various signs: by goals, by the number of participants, by the nature of the reflection of reality. N.K. Akhmetov and Zh.S. Khaidarov identified imitation, symbolic and exploratory games. The former are associated with game simulation of a particular sphere of work (imitation of reality), the latter are based on clear rules and game symbols, and still others are associated with new knowledge and ways of acting. (N.K. Akhmetov, Zh.S. Khaidarov. Game as a learning process. Alma-Ata, 1985)

V.G. Semenov highlighted:

1) interactive games with an indirect impact on the student (puzzles, crosswords);

2) interactive games with a direct impact on the student (role-playing games);

3) non-interactive (individual game tasks). The same researcher classifies games according to the degree of improvisation:

1) games with roles and plot (improvisation);

2) games with a clear canonical plot (canonical);

3) plotless games (crosswords) (Semenov V.G. Dynamic classification model of the game. Kyiv, 1984).

G.K. Selevko divides games into plot, role-playing, business, imitation and dramatization (G.K. Selevko, A.V. Basov. New pedagogical thinking: pedagogical search and experimentation, Yaroslavl, 1991; G.K. Selevko. Modern educational technologies. M ., 1998).

It is possible that in the given pedagogical classifications, of course, there is a point: they show, first of all, the difference between games with clear external rules (or a strictly written plot), from which one cannot deviate, and games without external rules, based on improvisation and the internal logic of the simulated process. These games differ significantly not only in their goals and content, but also in the degree of impact on the intellectual and emotional spheres of students.

In the theory and practice of teaching history, a classification was known dividing games into retrospective and business, if we're talking about about games with internal rules(I.V. Kucheruk. Educational games in history lessons / "Teaching history at school, 1989, No. 4).

The business game simulates the situation more late era compared with historical situation, the student receives in it the role of only our contemporary or descendant studying historical events (archaeologist, writer, journalist). At the same time, two subtypes of such a game are clearly visible.

One of them is a discussion game, during which an imaginary situation of modernity is recreated with a dispute, discussion (debates, symposiums of scientists, round tables journalists, television bridges and film studios, etc.). In its educational basis, such a game is very close to discussion activities, because it is entirely based on educational dialogue. As a rule, such games, even with a specific program of activities, are carried out with a large share of improvisation by the children.

Other form business games- this is a game - research, which is also built on an imaginary situation of the present, studying the past, but unlike the previous form is based on the individual actions of the “hero”, who writes an essay, a letter, a school textbook, a fragment of a book, a newspaper article, a scientific report about or other historical event.

A retrospective game (the term “reconstructive” is also found, from the words “retro” - memory of the past, “reconstruction” - recreation), during which a situation is simulated that puts students in the position of eyewitnesses and participants in events in the past, each student receives the role of a representative of a certain public group or even historical figure. The main feature of a game of this type is the “presence effect” and the principle of historical fiction - “it could have been.” As psychologist A.N. rightly noted. Luk, in such a game a teenager “manages to jump above himself, for a while to become smarter, braver, nobler, fairer” (A.N. Luk. Emotions and feelings. M, 1972).

For such a game, a schoolchild usually comes up with a name, biographical facts, profession, social status his “hero”, and even in some cases prepares a costume, thinks through appearance. At the same time, the student must have an idea of ​​the character, feelings, thoughts and views of the character. Retrospective games help the student “enter” historical time, to feel the “color of the era”, to “see” specific people with their worldview and actions in a specific historical situation of a certain time.

Not all flashback games are the same, so they are divided into subtypes. I.V. Kucheruk divides all retrospective games into:

1) formal-reconstructive - illustration games historical event, documentarily recreating the situation corresponding to a certain era (otherwise such games are called theatrical performances);

2) formal-constructive games, when the plot and the mouths of the “eyewitnesses” of events include their own assessment of them, and even taking into account modern experience of cognition (in other words, theatrical games);

3) informal - constructive games that give greater scope to the imagination and activity of participants who can deviate from a clear plot (regulations), canonization of characters (role-playing games of a debatable nature) (I.V. Kucheruk. Educational games as a means of activating students’ cognitive activity in lessons in the history of the USSR, Moscow, 1991).

It seems to us that this classification does not incorporate all the diversity of modern experience in conducting retrospective games. All these games can be divided into role-playing and non-role-playing games.

game lesson history business

Non-role-playing games are very similar to games with external rules, but they recreate the historical past, and the game takes place in a distant era. Such games include competitive retrospective games, when a situation of the past is artificially simulated, in which people of a certain era “demonstrate” their skills, achievements, and ingenuity in a certain historical context. Through such a game situation, the teacher, on the one hand, tests the knowledge of students on a competitive basis, on the other, gives the opportunity to “apply” this knowledge in conditions of imitation of the distant past, thereby deepening and expanding knowledge about it. The competitive spirit of such a game “ignites” the children, and the desire to learn history practically becomes limitless in order to resolve the game situation.

Another type of retrospective game is a route game or imaginary journey (a similar term is correspondence excursion). Route game is special shape lesson, when children are transported to the past and “travel” through it in a certain spatial environment (walk through ancient city, swimming on the river, flying on a chronoplane, etc.). At the same time, students clearly determine the geographical contours of the historical reality being studied. They outline their own route, come up with stops, fragments of conversation (interviews) with people of the past who “come across” them on the journey.

IN in every sense this word in route and competitive games there are no obvious roles, although there may be some in some cases. Then the game has a dual character and is role-playing and competitive at the same time. Actually, role-playing games of a retrospective nature are based on playing out roles - participants in historical events in an imaginary situation of the past. They are also divided into subspecies.

One of the subspecies role playing game- theatrical performance. It has a clearly defined and written script, according to which the action is played out, like on a theater stage. It recreates various images and pictures of the past. All attributes theatrical production, including scenery, costumes of actors, must take place. The point of such a game for schoolchildren is not only to “revive the paintings” of past eras, but also to subsequently discuss these scenes with the whole class. “Associations” are important here when children recognize the time and place of action, historical phenomena and representatives of social classes by the actions of the characters in the performance.

Another subtype of role-playing games is theatrical play, where in a simulated situation the texts of the characters are not written in advance, but are composed by the children themselves. Its main difference from the previous subtype is the wider improvisation of the game participants (they are also eyewitnesses of past events). However, in this game the theatrical action is still close to the era in question and being studied. Modernization of the past is not allowed here. Therefore it is necessary general program or a game script that all participants adhere to. This type The game differs from a theatrical performance and has a large number of participants involved in the game. Any student can become an actor here.

The third subtype of role-playing game is a problem-discussion game. It is based on an imaginary situation in the past, but the entire action is not built according to a script, but around a discussion of an important issue or problem. The game involves an argument between the participants, the teacher reduces his role to a minimum, poses the problem and intermediate questions, and distributes the roles of the participants. Students in this game are called upon to solve a problem from the positions of their characters, and the result of the solution is unknown in advance this issue. As a result of the game, several decisions may be made or not at all, but what is important here is the “movement” of each student in developing the problem.

The last subspecies brings us closer to an intermediate type of game, which methodologists call a business game with elements of retrospection. A game of this kind can combine various participants: contemporaries, eyewitnesses of events who “meet” to discuss important issues and “inquire” about the past with descendants. Eyewitnesses of a historical event can “take” part in this game modern forms communication between people - courts, congresses, rallies, travel clubs and television bridges, etc. Current situation with participants in events can be modeled with partial reconstruction and individual plots of the past (similar to an investigative experiment in judicial practice). Such modernization of historical reality can be justified in a number of cases, because it performs an evaluating and recreating role at the same time, as they say, “in one bottle.” The teacher is forced to complete various learning tasks in such lessons, without having enough hours to reconstruct and evaluate the past.

The above classification of historical games is based on at least three criteria - the nature of the roles of the participants (eyewitnesses or our contemporaries), the conditions of the imaginary situation in the classroom (then or now), the rigidity of the script (program) and the degree of improvisation of children in the game. However, until now we have not touched on the so-called games with external (hard) rules or games based on an activity algorithm. They are called training. These include: 1) Board games(dominoes, lotto, field of miracles, etc.; 2) games based on an algorithm (rebuses, crosswords, charades, puzzles) and 3) plot games with an imaginary situation based on training (“unsent dispatch”, deciphering hieroglyphs, find Professor Golovotyapov’s mistake and etc.). Since these games are quite developed in methodological literature, then we paid most attention in the book to games with internal rules.

Practice shows that playing in class is a serious matter. A methodically correctly organized game requires a lot of time for preparation, maximum activity of students in activities not only at the level of reproduction and transformation, but also at the level of creative search, and promotes cooperation between teacher and students in the learning process.

Let us turn to the question of the participants in the game and their stationary role in various types of play activities, then consider the course of the simulated game situation and its unwinding. A history teacher can act in the game in the following game guises:

1) an instructor who reduces his role to a minimum - explaining the rules of the game and the consequences game actions;

2) the referee, who supports the progress of the game, monitors compliance game rules, evaluates the children’s activities;

3) a coach - who gives tasks, makes tips, provides assistance during the game, encourages children and supports the game situation;

4) the chairman-leader, who gives impetus to the game and regulates the entire course of the game, holds in his hands all the game actions of the participants, sums up the results and compares the simulated situation with the real situation (M.V. Klarin. Innovative models training in foreign pedagogical searches. M, 1994).

Students in the game play the following roles: actors, spectators, experts. Actors take part in scenes and recite the texts of their roles. Spectators study further reading, complete tasks and take part in discussions. Experts analyze the game and each participant separately, comparing the simulated situation with the real one.

During the game, actors recreate the image of the character created in their minds, carry out conscious and purposeful game actions in accordance with the purpose of the game, its storyline and the content of the role. The actors interact with the audience, answer questions and defend their positions. Their main task is to reliably and emotionally convey the content of the image they depict. Often they empathize with their hero.

Spectators comprehend game task And storyline games express their attitude to what is happening with the help of facial expressions, gestures, remarks, questions, and laughter. In the process of acting out the situation, viewers formulate their position in relation to the characters of the game, correlate the images they see with their own system of values, “get used to” the game context and mentally create their own game plan, putting themselves in the shoes of the actors.

Experts evaluate the images created in the game - the content of the role, its persuasiveness, reliability, artistic abilities and creativity of the performers. The task of the experts is a very difficult one - to analyze the process of the game itself, its effectiveness, so along the way they take notes and create analysis cards. At the end of the game, they present the results, note the most and least successful moments, performances, remarks, and give ratings to the participants. When analyzing a game, experts pay attention to the game behavior of the characters, the adequacy of the audience's reaction, the analysis of the activities of the presenter, the fascination and entertainment of the entire course of the game.

Now let's turn to the main stages of the historical game. The first stage is preparatory, it occurs before the lesson itself. During this period, the general concept and strategy of the game is prepared, a script and plan are written, participants are instructed, and material support for the lesson is collected. The teacher explains the game task to the children, distributes roles among them, taking into account gaming interests and abilities, provides the necessary additional literature, draws up advanced tasks and introduces them to the children. If necessary, the teacher also conducts individual consultations on preparing for the game, discusses fragments of the script with the participants and corrects it, and manages the external design of the lesson.

The second stage already occurs in the lesson itself. It is called introductory, because it is at this stage that the teacher once again explains to the whole class the tasks and possibilities of the game, the role of individual participants and gives general direction game by formulating a cognitive task for the entire lesson. It is at this stage that the teacher introduces the participants. At these moments, schoolchildren are introduced into the actual game state, and a certain mood is created.

The gaming stage is characterized by the emotional involvement of all students in the class in the gaming action. During this period, the children seem to “live” the situation in its game embodiment, act according to certain game rules. It is at this stage that the game plot unfolds. The teacher coordinates game actions, provides indirect guidance to the actions of the participants, that is, regulates the course of the lesson. If necessary, corrects the actors’ performances, involves larger number schoolchildren into the game, briefly summarizes their activities along the way, encourages active players with words, draws attention to the work of experts, without imposing his opinion on them. To the greatest attention The teacher at this stage should be subject not to the activities of actors and experts, but to the spectators, that is, the entire class.

At the last evaluation stage, the entire class is withdrawn from the game state, the lesson is analyzed, the participants are assessed and self-assessed, and the course and effectiveness of the students’ game actions are discussed. At the same time, the game situation and the degree of its compliance historical reality understands especially. The teacher provides final word, distributes cards for analyzing the game, listens to the expert group. In addition, you can conduct a blitz interview and a small questionnaire to find out the results of the game.

Suggested game

Quiz " You knowwhetherYouhistory?"

The game is played in grades 10-11. In 10th grade as a final lesson at the end of the year, in 11th grade at the beginning of the year as a repeat lesson. All students in the class can participate. The game is played in several stages. After 4 stages - the final, in which 2 students qualify. The remaining winner plays the super game.


1. Who was the first to accept Christianity in Rus'? ( Princess Olga) 2. Who was nicknamed the Damned for his cruelty? ( Svyatopolk) 3. Who wrote “Teaching to Children? ( Vladimir Monomakh) 4. Who was killed in Polyudye? ( Igor) 5. Who is the author of “The Tale of Bygone Years?” ( Nestor) 6. Who led the Russian troops on the Kulikovo field? ( Dmitriy Donskoy) 7. Who in Rus' was nicknamed Kalita? ( Ivan) 8. Who are the “guests”? ( Merchants) 9. Who is the prince? ( Chapter states) 10. Who performed the baptism of Rus'? ( Vladimir Svyatoslavich) 11. Who is considered the founder of Moscow? ( Yuri Dolgoruky)


1. What happened in 1223? ( Battle on Kalke) 2. What is a veche? ( Folk meeting) 3. What was decided at the Lyubech Congress of Princes? ( Divide land on principalities) 4. What is patrimony? ( Hereditary land possession) 5. What is a "pig"? (N German construction troops) 6. What happened in 1240? ( Nevskaya battle) 7. What is tribute? ( Tax products, money) 8. What is a shortcut? (G frame on reign) 9. What happened in 1480? ( standing on Ugra, ending Mongolian yoke) 10. What is a chronicle? (D document events from summer before summer) 11. What happened in 945? (U murder prince Igor on polyudye)


1. Where did Princess Olga visit in 957? ( IN Constantinople) 2. Where was the center Kievan Rus in the 10th century? ( IN Kyiv) 3. Where Batu founded Golden Horde? (IN Average Asia, Volga region) 4. Where is Kyiv located? ( On river Dnieper) 5. Where was Svyatoslav killed? ( On river Danube) 6. Where did Ivan Kalita rule? ( IN Moscow) 7. Where did the battle take place in 1380? ( On river Don) 8. Where were the signal lights lit? ( On fortresses, towers) 9. Where did Constantine Monomakh rule? ( IN Byzantium) 10. Where was Prince Igor killed? ( On polyudye) 11. Where did the battle take place in 1377? ( On river Drunk)


1. What was the name of the Byzantine princess, the wife of St. Vladimir? ( Anna) 2. What was the name of the capital of the Khazar Kaganate? ( Itil) 3. What was the name of the state with its capital in the city of Bilyar (Bulgar)? ( Volzhskaya Bulgaria) 4. What were the servants called in Rus': wife, children? ( Servants) 5. How did the Mongol-Tatars collect tribute? ( Conducted census population) 6. What was the name of Shchek and Horiva’s sister? ( Lybid) 7. What was the name of the founder of the city of Kyiv? ( Cue) 8. What is it called trade route, passing from north to south through Kievan Rus? ( From Varangian V Greeks) 9. According to legend, how does the Battle of Kulikovo begin? ( WITH duel Peresvet With Chelubey) 10. What is the name of the capital of the Golden Horde? ( Saray-Batu) 11. What is the name of the capital of Byzantium? ( Constantinople)


1. What did they write on in Novgorod? ( On birch bark) 2. what is beekeeping? ( Collection honey wild bees) 3. Who are the warriors? ( Warriors on Rus') 4. Who are the Baskaks? ( Mongol-Tatar pickers tribute) 5. When did Dmitry Donskoy rule? ( B1359- 1389 gg.) 6. Where did the battle take place in 1378? ( On river Vozhe)


1. What played the role of money in Rus'? ( Fur, skins fur-bearing animals) 2. What is darkness? ( 10 thousand) 3. What happened in 988? ( Baptism Rus') 4. Who was the father of Andrei Bogolyubsky? ( Yuri Dolgoruky) 5. The first ruler of which state was Ulu-Muhammad? ( Kazansky khanates) 6. What is an estate? ( Earth behind service)


1. Aleksyuk A.N. General teaching methods at school. - K.: Radyanskaya school, 1983. - 244 p.

2. Davydov V.V. Developmental learning theory. - M.: INTOR, 1996. - 544 p.

3. Zagvyazinsky V.I. Learning Theory: Modern interpretation: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed., rev. - M.: Academy, 2006. - 192 p.

4. Kraevsky V.V., Khutorskoy A.V. Fundamentals of training: Didactics and methodology. Textbook aid for students higher textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2007. - 352 p.

5. Lyaudis V.Ya. Methods of teaching psychology: Textbook. 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing house URAO, 2000. - 128 p.

6. Mikhailichenko O.V. Methods of teaching social disciplines in higher school: tutorial. - Sumy: SumDPU, 2009. - 122 p.

7. Pedagogy: Textbook. manual for pedagogical students. Institute / Ed. Yu.K. Babansky. - 2nd ed., add. and processed - M.: Education, 1988. - P. 385-409.

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    Structure, classification of didactic games and their features in teaching schoolchildren. Analysis of the state of the problem under study in pedagogical science. Didactic game as a means of improving the quality of knowledge. Implementation of the game in lessons in elementary school.

    thesis, added 05/14/2015

    Learning goals conducting trainings and games in history and local history lessons, as well as their importance in the creative research activities of schoolchildren. A list of training games and answers to them, revealing the life and work of Admiral F.F. Ushakova.

    training manual, added 04/29/2010

    Study and analysis theoretical aspects business games in scientific-methodological and psychological-pedagogical literature. Determining the features of using business games in life safety lessons. Evaluation of the effectiveness of using the business game method by a life safety teacher.

    thesis, added 08/12/2017

    The influence of the game on the development of communication skills in primary schoolchildren during an English lesson. Pedagogical foundations of gaming activities. Methodology for organizing gaming activities in the classroom foreign language and diagnostics of its effectiveness.